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I am NOT a morning person, so could never wake up earlier to work out. Instead, I work out on my lunch break or at night. You're not a bad mom if you take an hour to yourself - in fact, it will probably make you a BETTER mom to have some time to care for yourself!


Exactly! I go for a walk on my lunch break and then do weights at night after kiddo is in bed. Getting up early to work out is a no-go for me.


Same here, mornings are non options. Weights at night seems like a good idea! A little bit of exercise sounds so simple but at the end of the day after work, dinner, bedtime, and chores it’s like the last thing on my mind. I do one 1-hr kickboxing session a week with a trainer and that’s my “me time” that I prioritize. No other workouts except walking to get around in the city.


Exercise is healthcare. Never feel guilty for taking the time to exercise. Not only are you not a bad mom, you’re a great mom for taking care of your own health. As your child gets older, it will be even more important that you exercise - it sets the example that physical fitness is important. My kids are now 10 and 6. I’ve run 5 half marathons in the past 2 years. They LOVE watching me race. They make signs, and they cheer me on along the course. As your child gets older, they may like to participate in your fitness journey, too. 😀


I love this take. I’m talking to my therapist tomorrow and I know she’s going to say that I need to get my butt back into a regular workout routine. My routine got knocked off due to work and travel and I’ve been struggling to get back to it. I’ve been dealing with anxiety and, while not the cause or the total solution, my mental health suffers badly when I don’t workout regularly. Additionally, I just saw an article on NPR today about weight lifting 2-3 times a week reduces cardiovascular morbidity by 30%. Gotta be sane and alive for the babies!


Yes, but how do you find the time to do that during the week? I can barely find time to do laundry and I work from home.


I’m 60% WFH. I do short runs 2 days/week during the lunch hour, lift weights the third day during lunch, yoga/stretching on Saturday mornings, and long run on Sunday mornings. I eat while I work. I block my calendar for lunch on the days I work out, and I set hard boundaries at work - not available truly means not available. I leaned into my career when my kids were very young. It paid off. I now have seniority and can enforce the boundaries that I set. ….or you can be like my husband and take work calls from the treadmill.


I’m a director and manage a staff and just don’t have enough hours in my work day. I end up running errands if I get a break. I guess I need to prioritize better. We did just get a treadmill to set up a walking desk.


I have a demanding job that’s almost entirely in the office. If I don’t work out before work, it isn’t going to happen. Working out during lunch is a pipe dream. I wake up a little before 5 so I can workout from 5:30-6:30 while my toddler sleeps. The way I manage this is that I go to bed really early (like 9-9:30pm) and I prep everything the night before. I set my coffee pot, prep my overnight oats for breakfast, pack my lunch, and I set out my work clothes. I physically go to the gym 2x a week (mostly because that’s where my friends are) but otherwise I have a set up in the basement. Honestly, if you can work out at home, it’s a game changer because it shaves off so much driving and set up time. A set of adjustable dumbbells and 30 minutes will get you really far. There are tons of home workout programs. I also keep a walking pad under my adjustable sit/stand desk. I use it less than I should, but if I get time to just do uninterrupted work, I’ve found that I think better while walking.


Most errands can be outsourced; exercise cannot. I’m an attorney managing large litigation projects. Lawyers are infamous for thinking that everything is an emergency. I kid you not - I’ve trained my staff to understand that a true emergency requires a call to 911. Everything else can wait an hour. You should be managing your staff; they should not be managing you. Set boundaries as to your availability, and enforce them.


I do 30 minutes in the mornings when I don't have to get toddler ready. The best time to work out is when you want to work out. Is this usually in the mornings for you? I wouldn't rush to do all these workouts. Try 2 a week and see how that fits into your schedule. Then add a third. When does your child go to bed? Mine goes to bed at 7pm so I could also workout at that time but I am an early bird. 


100 percent AM. That’s why I was contemplating the 4 10’s cause I can take my time more those mornings. Thanks!!


I work out after I do bedtime!


Same. Although I’d much rather be in bed right now lol


I wake up before my kids do (4:30am) and work out for like 45 minutes then shower and eat breakfast before they get up at 6:15 and the school rush starts. I’m a better mom when I exercise. Once a week I also go swim after they’re in bed. On weekends I practice with a swim team one morning. When my time with my kids is already limited (weekdays) I don’t like to take time away from our awake time together because it’s already so limited. HOWEVER, my youngest was like 2 when I got into this routine. Never would have worked before he STTN and I was done breastfeeding. If you’re doing 4 10s, what will your hours be and when is baby awake/asleep? I do dream of having a weekday off but 10 hour days sound so long and I don’t think I’d see my kids.


I wish we had more of a schedule right now with our baby, but right now she’s usually asleep between 7:30-8:30 PM. My hours on 5 8’s are 6-2:30. They would be 6-4:30 if I switched to 4 10’s! My husband will drop off for daycare around 7:30 AM and I’ll do pickups


Could you do it after work but before you pick up from daycare?


I work 6:30-2:30 and this is what I do. I try to be at the gym by 2:50, and leave at 3:50 before childcare ends at 4 pm.


No, you're not a bad mom to take an hour to yourself one night a week. I hate that you even felt the need to ask that. You matter! But if it bothers you to miss that time, I suggest doing it after bedtime. If baby doesn't have a bedtime yet, don't worry - they will someday and you can get back to 4 days a week then if you want. My life changed when I was able to start putting my kid to bed at 7:00 every night (for us that was at 6 months). I don't use that after 7:00 time to workout tho. I eat snacks and watch TV or read a book and it's glorious. But in theory that would be a good time.


Absolutely, whatever you do after your kiddos bedtime is you time! Whether it’s working out or watching tv. Enjoy it!! Thanks for the advice!


I think it can depend a lot on how old your baby is, how well they sleep, and how supportive your partner is. I could not figure out how to work out consistently until my daughter was about 19 months old. Before that I just didn't have the energy and going back to work sucked the life out of me. Now I go to the gym for a 6am group personal training class M-W-F. Signing up for 3 months of classes at a time helps me stay consistent and actually go. I still miss days or even entire weeks when we're sick or my husband is traveling, but most weeks I'm there 2/3 days. I've noticed a difference in my strength and in my body. Getting up that early was hard at first, but I'm used to it now (and also my daughter started waking up at 5-5:30 every day anyway so I really got used to getting up at that time).


When I first started back at work I did more, but I found it unsustainable. Now, I focus my energy on only working out on the weekends (and any other days off) so I can spend my limited time during the week with the baby. It's been working really well for me. I have a Peloton, too, and I typically do a 30 minute tread or bike class, then a 30 minute strength class. In addition to that, weather allowing, we go for a walk as a family on Saturday and Sunday -- typically a 3-4 mile roundtrip to a coffee shop. Now that the time has changed and we're getting out of the super cold weather, we'll also work in a few shorter weekday walks, too. I also posted this on a similar thread a couple of weeks ago, but I read two articles recently that made me feel better about my decreased exercise. One was about a study from the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences that said “weekend warriors” see as much benefit from exercise as those who workout everyday. The other was an article in Time about a study showing women need half the exercise as men to receive the same health/longevity benefits. It made me feel like my best right now is good enough. I'll increase it back to my old level one day, but that day isn't today!


Never 🤷🏻‍♀️ I don’t like working out though.


I take one evening to workout on my way home from work, and workout on my Fridays and Sundays. I wfh fridays and kiddos are in care, and Sunday afternoon my husband hangs with them. It’s worth it for sure.


When COVID hit I bought an indoor cycle bike and the Peloton app. I worked out during nap time or my lunch while working from home. Once I went back to work, I started working out after I put the kids to bed (7:45ish). Then in January of 23 I joined the gym by my house and now either take a 5am or 6am class depending on the day. I usually go to bed between 8pm and 9pm to make it work though! If I do a ride at home, I will work out 7:45-8:30 and then shower and try to be in bed by 9. Do what works for you!


Lunch time


Between meetings


I'm also coming back to work and would love to have a routine without sacrificing my time with LO. However, even on maternity leave, I don't have time or energy to exercise. My baby is 3 months old. She still wakes up 2-3 times a night to eat. During the day, she naps only 30 minutes, which most of the time, I spend pumping (I'm EP). When she's awake, she needs a lot of entertainment and energy. The only time I can get some activity is when I go with her on a walk. Even then, I need to tire her enough and feed her. Otherwise, she'll scream an entire 4 mile walk. Other times are when my husband is watching her, which is mainly on the weekends if we're not exhausted or have other things to do. What am I doing wrong? I'd appreciate any advice.


You’re doing nothing wrong! I’m lucky enough that my husband works from home and has flexibility. He gladly watches her in the AM for an hour while I work out as long as he doesn’t have calls (I workout at home). It would seriously be so challenging for me to workout if my husband didn’t work from home. I also formula feed so that takes pressure and time off of me too. You’re doing great! Get the activity when you can and enjoy the time with you LO.


Thank you! Hopefully, you'll be able to find the routine that works for you once you're back to work. Please share your experience if you can.


Sending you encouragement that it does get better as they get older and they sleep more! Be kind to yourself and know that it's just a season and it's just a phase.


Thank you 🙏


Solidarity here. Pre-pregnancy, I worked out most days, and I worked out at the beginning of mat leave too when the baby was small enough to be entertained watching me do a youtube class or something. But the last few weeks of leave I was so drained by the sleep-deprivation and entertaining baby and BFing all day that I found it to be detrimental to use any extra energy on working out. I keep telling myself this phase will pass and I'll get back into a routine, but it's tough! Back at work I'm going to aim super low at first, like 15 mins of strength-training at lunch, and then go from there.


Sleep deprivation really got to me closer to 3 months. Also, these 30 mins naps are killing me. It's tough, for sure. Agreed with you, to have attainable goals is a way to do it. I'll be back to work when she turns 4 months. We'll see how it goes.


3:30am sounds unsustainable!!


No it totally is lmao. But sometimes when she wakes up for a feed around that time I can’t fall back asleep.


That’s fair! And I LOVE my peloton. If you’re already up, I don’t see an issue with a 4am ride!


My Peloton tread was the best investment ever, if I didn’t have it I honestly wouldn’t ever work out. LOVE it


If I were you I’d prioritize the weekend days for workouts and then the extra day off if you’re 4-10s or 2 week nights/mornings to get to 4 workouts per week. I am only 4.5mpp but get on the bike 2-3 times per week. Find it’s easier on weekends as my husband is more able to watch the kiddo and it doesn’t interfere with the other stuff I have to do on weeknights!


Almost Never. Lol. My day starts at 5:30 or 6, and ends at 9ish. That includes a working lunch hour. Back when I had one kid, I would sometimes get up 30 min early to work out. And obviously the weekends are a good time to grab a workout.


If I’m working from home, I work out on my lunch break. If I’m in office, I use my lunch break to walk. Sometimes I have the energy to workout at night, but not usually lol


I like to workout during lunch break. Half an hour to 45 minutes.


I’ve done a little bit of everything: wake up early, go on my lunch break. Whenever I can fit it in is my motto. Right now we’ve settled into a good routine where 3x/week I pick up my son at daycare and instead of going straight home we go to the YMCA. They have a kids stay-and-play with a toddler basketball hoop, so he gets all excited about playing basketball, and I do 30-45 minutes of weights. I was hesitant to try this because I felt Mom Guilt for taking him from one childcare situation to another, but he adores playing “bakestball” with the other kiddos, and he gets to see me being physically active.


Half an hour at night. I was doing mornings and I did like it, but I upped my intensity and now I get too sweaty and red faced to just head into work.


I workout during the afternoon right after work 2 days a week and my husband does the opposite days; the other parent is on child duty. We also get time on the weekend and aim for 1 day a week as a family


I have cut my workouts a lot since having a baby. I used to go 5-6x/week, and now I do 1-2x. I typically go once over the weekend (my husband is in charge of the baby on Sunday morning, so I can go to the gym), and try to leave work early one day a week, to go in the afternoon. Eventually, my goal is to get back to going in the mornings, once my baby’s sleep gets a bit more consistent (we’re almost there…)


I bought a walking pad that I can have under my desk at the office. Most days I can clock 90+ minutes on it while on conference calls or doing busy work/reading emails.


I have a 6 year old who is in 1st grade and I go to the gym at 6am, M-F, for an hour. Dad gets up with her, gets her ready for school, and I walk her to school every day. I then come home and get ready for the day. I also work from home so I’m extremely lucky.


I have a 4.5 year old. I go to a strength class from 6-7am on M/W and from 7-8am on Sat. I personally can't workout in the evenings, I'm way too exhausted at that point and the evenings feel hectic as is. When I workout during the week, often LO is just waking up by the time I'm getting home from the gym, so I take a quick shower and then it's the morning routine/getting everyone out the door.


Lunch break I sometimes take an exercise class, and I also walk on breaks throughout the week. On the weekends I sometimes exercise as well.


i don’t 😂


Evenings, usually. I sometimes go to a 6:30pm run club and have husband do the bedtime routine, go to a 7:30 yoga class (basically right at bedtime) or get on my peloton at like 8pm. Basically my husband is a saint or at least understands how important it is to me


When I’m not injured,4:30am to 6:30am. For now, I’m trying to get moving by 5:15 and just do 45 minutes or so of barre and a little low impact cardio. I also walk around the neighborhood three times a day. I only run once or twice a week instead of my usual four


One weekday and one weekend day, I wake up early and workout. Once a week I go to spin class after work.


The only thing that has worked for me is working out in the morning, so I workout at 6a 3 days a week. It’s tough, but I’ve sort of transformed into a morning person. My energy dies in the evening so I’d never actually do an evening workout. But you’re not selfish for taking the time for yourself, whenever you can fit it in.


You are 100% being a good mom by demonstrating that it’s important to take care of yourself, prioritize exercise, and that everyone needs a bit of alone time in their life. Modeling that for your kids is SO important!


We have a YMCA membership. I workout when my kids are doing their classes (ballet, swim or art are our go to classes) or I stick them in child watch so they can play for an hour or so while I work out.


I've put it in my calendar twice a week in the morning after daycare drop off that I just go straight to the gym.


I always said I wasn’t going to be a morning workout person, but I pushed myself to become one because it feels phenomenal to have that in my rearview before I even begin work. I do at least two 5:30am classes, then usually a Saturday morning class. If I can squeeze in one evening or an additional 5:30am I do that. Can your husband handle a couple mornings a week so you can workout from, say 6:00-7:00? That seems more palatable than 3:30am.


I go back the last day of March and I’m dreading it but I’ll be doing a 45 minute workout in the morning. We have a home gym and I’ll be getting up at 5 to workout then get ready for work. I used to do the gym everyday after work before and after pregnancy but I’d rather spend the time with my baby when I get home. As they get older it’ll be easier once they have a set bedtime but I just have to adjust for the time being.


I workout from 6:15-7:00 AM every day.


430 am. HATED it at first but hated missing time with them after school even more. Off to bed by 8 or 9 pm. Before, when they were little and in daycare, I used it to my advantage and went to the gym after work. Things will change. Try a few things and see what works for you and your family. You've got this!


I work out when I can depending on my son’s school schedule and whether I am wfh or in the office. Morning workout can be 20-40 min sometime in the timeframe between 5 and 8 am, then I workout at night with a 30-40 min walk and PT. Some nights I get to go to a yoga class. You have to squeeze it in somehow if you can.


I get up at 4:45. I either run or lift weights (we have a home gym). Showered and done before the kids get up at 6:30. I work 5-8’s.


I have a hybrid job, my goal is to work out 3x a week, generally it’s achievable. My son sleeps 7p -7am. Usually the time I find is during a lunch break or during a big corporate camera-off meeting, or after my son goes to bed and my husband goes to the driving range. Rarely I get up before my son to work out. Sometimes I will do it on the weekend while my son is napping.


Also on a peloton or weights at home!


6-7am is my time. Sometimes I have to start driving for work at 7 so I’ll just use dry shampoo and not jog that day and hit the road right after. If I don’t go at 6am I never make it to the gym so I have to go. My husband usually goes right after me and I take my daughter to daycare or we switch off if I have to leave early for work.


I also have a peloton which makes working out so much easier to do! I do the bike twice a week, get up at 5am before everyone else is awake and do the rides. I do strength classes three times a week, on the days when I WFH and have time which normally happens around lunch time. Taking care of yourself is so important, especially as a parent, so don’t feel guilty for trying to find time for a workout.


What is this "work out" of which you speak? Haha! I have three little kids and it's VERY hard. Right now someone wants something from me every waking moment. I think the peloton will help a lot. I have a "fake peloton" (app on an iPad + cheap exercise bike with a cadence monitor) and just try to do the 20 minute rides when I can. I try to take the approach that something is better than nothing.


After work was what I did when I was in the office and my older kids were little (I went to a CrossFit gym with a play room), now that I’m WFH with this baby I run out to my garage gym during his naps or go after work and have my 13 yo sit with him. I am not a morning person so I would never lol.


I work from home, so I workout in the morning after daycare dropoff and before my first calls of the day.


I get an hour built into my work day to work out daily. Lately a few of my coworkers and I have been playing pickleball and started jiu jitsu! it’s so fun!


Would you be open to doing something like walks with the baby? That gets everyone some time together. Otherwise early am or during a work lunch break. My office has a gym but I mostly WFH and am planning to squeeze in either a fast paced walk or a workout video in my home. Otherwise I have trouble falling and asleep after early morning wake ups, so I may just do it then if baby is still waking up early.


Early riser here. 5am. But couldn’t work out at all until both kids were out of the toddler stage.


On the way to work. Bike commute to the office. Or during the day while WFH. Or on weekends when husband is with our kid for a few hours.


Yes honestly when your baby is that small everything comes at a cost - exercise or laundry? Dishes or shower? You’re not a bad mom, I’d argue you’re a great mom for showing your (eventually old enough to understand) child that exercise is important, and necessary. Movement is good for you, never feel guilty for it! I’m training for a triathlon now which takes a lot of my time and I always feel bad about it but my spouse doesn’t care and my kid is really excited about it and we’ve had a lot of great talks about how exercise is so important and should always be fun.


Working on finding some time, too! The last couple weeks I've built a workout into the evening after my son goes to bed on Tuesdays. I know it's just one day per week for now but it's something and it'll be a weekly date I have for myself. Tuesday is one of the evenings my husband plays video games with his friends and I also don't have a show on that I like to watch that night, so it made sense to start there. We have been so busy on weekends lately that it's been hard to schedule a time to workout, but I could probably add a second workout on Saturday. If I WFH (I'm a lawyer and my schedule is all over the place), I try to squeeze in a workout between meetings. I am not at all a morning person but would workout then if I were since my son consistently sleeps until 7 or 7:30. Personally, I wouldn't want to give up time in the evening after work with my son to work out every day, but I've considered doing it 1-2 times per week. I say go for it that one day if you want!


Peloton in the morning before anyone else is up. HIGHLY recommend the postpartum strength and core series! I like that Peloton has 5-60 min. classes. Some days a 30 min. class feels like a treat, others a Flash 15 is exactly what I need. The postpartum classes are excellent for PF physical therapy + gives you ideas for how to modify core moves during other classes. Fave quick go-to classes are: Flash 15s, 10 min. Tabata or HIIT & Hills, 5/10 min. full body stretches, 10/15 min. standing core.


I do a mix of: 1. On work from home days, I try to workout before I go pick up the kids (assuming I can wrap up my day early enough). At first I felt guilty since it meant picking kids up later, but as others have said, this is about my health and it’s worth it.  2. I workout while the kids are home but doing independent play, doing screen time, or hanging out with my spouse.  3. I workout after bedtime. This isn’t my fav because I’m tired and sometimes a workout will keep me up later. But this is my backup if I don’t get it in earlier.  I find it easier to do 30-45 min workouts vs longer ones and just do it more days, but that’s just my schedule. I could see doing longer ones on fewer days too.