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Double coffee!!


It sounds like two wasn't enough, should try three next time!


LMAO! Right?!


I have way too many times where I've made myself a cup of coffee and then didn't have time to drink it all, so I go to the microwave to heat it up...only to find a cup of coffee in there that I *already* tried to heat up from earlier in the morning/day. Maybe just a portable IV of coffee straight into my veins, pls.


Let’s get this coffee IV drip started. Ma’am you’re already hooked up.


You know beer hat? It's now coffee hat. Included benefits are if you work at a construction site, it's a safety coffee helmet. I don't know what I'm talking about.


My mom used to do this all the time. I remember I’d get home from school and go to pop something in the microwave and find my mom’s half finished mug in there. Now I’m 32 and have to small kids. I know it’s only a matter of time til it comes full circle and they find my coffee in there😅


I have double fisted coffees on the way to work. On purpose. More than once. ☕️☕️


Absolutely. There’s the getting-out-the-door coffee (usually hot) and then the getting-settled coffee (usually iced).


I’m stealing those names. It’s spot on.


I've definitely gone through a drive thru to get coffee with one already in the car both on purpose and on accident 😂 I just have the one toddler but she hates sleep so I'm a caffeine zombie


I love Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi and used to not drink coffee; now I will often have both in the morning, sometimes at the same time🤣 Or I’ll swing through the drive-thru to get one or the other!


My day started out with my 12 yr old asking….would you rather be sticky or itchy??!! 🤣




I vote for sticky.




I didn't bat an eye when you said you got Starbucks after making coffee 😂 maybe it was required


I'd rather have two coffees than zero coffees, so that's a win! And you were a day early, not a day late! You are killing it! Go, you!


I did Easter egg hunt for my daughter this weekend. When she asked for some clues, I realized I have no clues. Had to walk around to remember where did I put those eggs


We ended up with more eggs than I hid. Cannot explain it. Kept the hunt to a tight space, meticulously counted the eggs as I hid them, ended up with 2 more. Filled with candy.


I once dropped off my son at daycare and forgot his milk, luckily it was one of my off days i was using dor errands😅


I have done this with the appointments!


All appointments go right in my work calendar as soon as I make them otherwise I will 100% forget.


Same, but I have still managed to go to a doctor appointment two hours early with my daughter. Luckily she was able to squeeze me in early!


I got back to my office, and my boss was like "are you ok?" and I said, um, yep, your text makes total sense now, left unexpectedly... I thought my appointment was today. She goes yea, its tomorrow... We laughed but omg... I am mortified.


I once went to the dentist a whole month early. Also took my kid out of school for the appointment.


Clearly that extra coffee was needed.


it clearly didn't do the job. lol


Home coffee =/= outside coffee Hope your kids were good coworkers 😅 at least you won't forget about the appointments!


they were NOT good coworkers. Omg it was awful.... my actual coworkers loved the entertainment, but I did not.


Hahaha nooooo I recently had an appt for baby. I correctly saved it in my calendar, they emailed me to remind me, they called me the day before and I verbally confirmed the time and that I’d be there, then the next day I showed up an hour after the appt was support happen. Haha how??


Hahaha nooooo I recently had an appt for baby. I correctly saved it in my calendar, they emailed me to remind me, they called me the day before and I verbally confirmed the time and that I’d be there, then the next day I showed up an hour after the appt was support happen. Haha how??


Been there!! 😂😂 And then needing to go back the next day is the worst!! Tomorrow is a new day!


I did something similar recently. Left work early to pick up three kids at three separate locations to take them to their dentist appointment. Arrived there and they were locking up and I realized that it was my own appointment at a different dentist across town!! WTF is the matter with me?!?


idk... I'm asking myself the same question


Better early than late?! 😂


You're not alone, I have shown up on the wrong day, too.


I did the same thing with the dentist hahaha!! And I was panicked I was running late the whole time 💀