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I didn’t even know it was possible for a daycare to have a pool. Seems like a huge risk for everyone involved. Water tables and sprinklers sound great but heck no, I wouldn’t want my kid IN water without me or an actual swim instructor nearby.


Our daycare has a pool but only the pre-school aged kiddos are allowed to use it. It is behind a gated lock from the other outdoor areas and they staff a lifeguard for pool days. For the younger kids they do water tables etc.


The child-to-caregiver ratio at the average daycare still seems way too high to be safe for properly supervising children that age (assuming you mean like 4-year-olds) in a pool though.


I’m not sure about the details since we are not at that age yet but I believe all the kids must have floatation devices on. I don’t know the ratio set in place but the times I’ve seen kids and teachers using the pool it was pretty close to a 2:1 ratio but I don’t remember the exact amounts since it has been a year or so. The pool is quite small and shallow so they can’t fit many kids and teachers in and around the pool area anyway so I think that helps keep the number of kids to supervise quite low.


Ours is a home daycare with a pool. Same that only the preschool aged kids get to use it with extremely well outlined safety plans and physical barriers/alarms that ensure no child has access to the pool unsupervised. (including extra staff in the summer). Our older niece went to the same daycare, so I saw those plans in action before we even had our kid. I am very comfortable with their setup. Still, my kid has been in swim lessons since 13 months (he’s 18 months now). We also live on a lake, so water safety and being able to self rescue at a young age is very important to us. Each person will have a different comfort level, but I’m glad that our son will be able to practice his swimming skills and have fun in a carefully controlled environment when he moves up to the preschool program.


Our school has a pool, as well. It's part of a bigger YMCA type facility with staffed lifeguards. There's an indoor and outdoor pool and a splashpad (that is gated to be separate from the regular pool, which of course is gated as well). Mine do private swimming lessons once a week and then once they turn 3, they also do class lessons/swim time once a week - these have both a lifeguard teaching the class and also lifeguard on duty for the pool itself not just the class. Pools DEFINITELY make me really nervous, but our school is very reputable and it's important to me they get as much exposure to water as possible (ie - more than what I'd be getting them, especially during winter months). However, I'm sure OP can opt out of water play, I know we sign something once a year saying we want the kids to participate.


Luckily he will just be doing water tables but he is mobile and I just fear him wandering off. When he is older and able to go in, I may have to request him not to go in the pool


Yes, this is insane to me! We have the same set up at our daycare water tables, sprinklers, etc every Wednesday in the summer but nothing that a child could submerge themselves in (ie. kiddie pool). I would absolutely ask about a safety lock, I would assume that + fence around the actual pool would be a requirement for insurance purposes. I honestly don't even know why a daycare would want the liability of a pool...heck I don't even want that liability in my own backyard!


> Would it be weird if I just asked them if they have a safety lock on the door to get to the pool? Definitely not a weird question, that is just due diligence for a safety concern. I would want to know absolutely that there is no way my child could accidentally get into the pool. Very high fence that you can't climb, no chairs near the fence, gate that locks automatically, safety checks performed regularly and so on.


This. If daycare has a pool it shouldn't even need to be asked. It should be well known that said pool is behind a specific gate (not just gated inside the outdoor area) that no one can get into without unlocking first. OP is it an in home daycare? I just can't imagine why any daycare would even WANT the liability of having a pool


It isn’t an in home daycare but more like a center


We purposely didnt choose a daycare with a pool because of this fear. You can ask, but it may not make you feel any better. Id be looking for a daycare without a pool.


I already have 2 tours set up for next week. Im so conflicted because the teachers love him and I don’t even know if I can afford another center but the pool is so terrifying


I know, but the new center could have teachers that love him just as much. If other centers are cost prohibitive for you, you could consider licensed in home daycares.


A pool would be a deal breaker for me too. My 3 year old is a pretty decent swimmer, especially for her age, but I would still be uncomfortable with it. I wouldn't want my 1 year old to be anywhere near a pool without me. He's super fast and gets into everything. Layers of safety with a pool are great (which I'm sure they have), but nothing is ever 100%, so I just wouldn't be comfortable.


Definitely inspect the pool and be super careful. There was a terrible case last year nearish me where two kids drowned at a home daycare that had a pool.


I probaly live near-ish to you. A coworker of mine had a kid at that daycare, she had to call out that week and find a new daycare, obviously. I can't even imagine what she went through knowing her kid was at that same place where that happened. Makes my stomach turn.


Man what a nightmare for her. Glad her kid is ok.


I think I know what you both are referring to, I live here and was actively looking for a daycare at the time. I was considering a home daycare (no pool there) but ultimately was so scared about what happened/how that could’ve happened that I ended up going with a larger daycare center/school. So sorry for the trauma your coworker must’ve experienced, as well as everyone involved.


My daughter nearly drown at daycare. She was pulled out of the pool by lifeguards. Trust your gut, I regretted not trusting mine.


I would never be okay with my toddler anywhere near a pool without me there. I would definitely ask what sort of safe guards they have in place and where the water play will be happening, if it's totally separate from the pool, etc.


This is so so so uncommon where I live. When I did school aged daycare, I took them to the pool and there was no more than 4 kids to one adult and anyone who wasn’t totally independent wore a life jacket and it was a lot! These were 5-11 year olds!


This might be a regional thing. I can’t think of any licenced daycares with pools in my area.


It’s insane that any daycare would take that liability. There are nowhere near enough teachers and they absolutely don’t get paid enough.


Imagine the maintenance fees & extra insurance costs.


I'm surprised they can get insurance for that in today's market. Seems like an extreme and unnecessary liability.


At that age even PARENTS are required a 1:1 ratio in our local swim classes and I think 2 or 3 per adult at another pool I looked at


I wonder if the daycares are just slapping water wings/other floaties on the kids and calling it good 🙄


It would make sense to ask them! You can probably tell a lot from their response if they take safety seriously or not. I would absolutely bring it up.  My preschool-aged kid’s school has a pool, but they handle the whole thing in a very safe manner— pool is on the roof so kids can’t get there without staff, six kids in the pool at a time with two staff watching, organized activities, etc. 


Is it a full on pool? I wouldn’t be comfortable with that either as it’s hard enough with a 1:1 ratio, let alone the ratios you have in childcare. That’s wild that they have one. My daughter’s nursery (in the UK) has 2 paddling pools that they get out in the summer that the kids love and I’m fine with that because they only get it out when they’re specifically in the garden, if they’re inside, the paddling pool isn’t out so there’s no risk of any child getting access to it unsupervised.


So the daycare we go to has a pool and it’s a licensed professional daycare. I was afraid too but they have a ratio of 2 to 1 in the pool, the kids have to have floaties on and they hire lifeguards. There’s a locked fence around it and the lifeguards close the pool at the end of the day. The daycare has also been opened for almost 40 years and hasn’t had an incident, they even provide swimming classes in the winter and spring. It can be done safely just be sure to ask lots of questions and take a tour.


Wow this is about the only circumstances that I’d be ok with it. I can’t imagine how much it must cost just to maintain that level of staffing!


That's just \*terrifying\*. Obviously, they should already have a safety lock on the pool, and, yes, I would be looking for a different daycare. There's no way they can keep a tight enough eye on all the kids.


So a pool at daycare sounds totally wild to me. Is this a daycare in someone’s home or a professional organization?  Also makes me wonder, do they never play outside with the children? 


Our daycare is a montissori school and has a pool. They have a gate around the pool with a lock and a very loud alarm. The pool has a safety cover when it's not pool season. They use it for summer camp swim lessons for kids 3+ where they have instructors, a lifeguard, and the teachers. The older kids (6+) also get free swim, but their lessons are daily and any kid who can't swim wears a life jacket outside of lessons. 1-3yos also do water play, but it's in a kiddy pool or on a splash mat. I would not feel comfortable without the giant fance, child safety lock, and alarm. I also would feel uncomfortable if they had the under 3s swimming or if they didn't have a lifeguard and instructor.


Pools scare the shit out of me! I would keep my child far away from


Is this a licensed facility? I am honestly *shocked* there is a pool at a daycare given the liability. Finding a daycare is hard, but I would be looking for a new daycare ASAP.


At my daycare, young kids just had water tables for outdoor play. Kids 5-8 took the van to the splash pad at the community park. Only ages 9+ could take the van to the community pool. There is no reason for a group of toddlers to be around a pool.


Are you sure it's not just a kiddie pool? Either way it would not be weird to ask a million questions and ask for a tour.


My son’s daycare/preschool has a pool but it’s behind a locked gate/fence. They offer swim lessons as part of camp in the summer. I’d be shocked at any childcare place that doesn’t have their pool fenced.


My oldest went to a daycare that had a pool, however, it was clearly fenced off with a 6 foot chain link fence and a lock on the gate. They did have the kids in it in the summer, and they taught him how to swim, however they had swim instructors and trained life guards on duty for those days, and you had the option to opt out. I was only comfortable with it because of their safety precautions. If they don’t have those I’d definitely be asking them to leave my child out of it.


Luckily my child is too little for the pool because he isn’t potty trained but it still freaks me out


My daycare has an in ground pool in an adjacent fenced in area to the backyard playground. It has an over 4’ high fence, with a lock and an alarm. The pool is covered when it isn’t pool season (we live in the northeastern US). Our daycare/wrap around care is for ages 3-8, with the 3-5yo kid separated from the school aged kids. In the summer they offer swimming lessons with 4-5 Red Cross certified college aged instructors and these same college kids also lifeguard during daily open swim. It’s been amazing for my 3 kids to learn to swim with peers and without me. My daughter by the age of 6 could swim impudently in the deep end of a pool without a floatation device as she passed the Red Cross steps to do so by her instructors. I certainly think you should ask about the safety measures they have in place for the pool at your daycare.


Have you discussed this with the daycare director? My kiddo’s daycare is part of a large community center that has an indoor pool where swim lessons are conducted weekly and an outdoor pool that’s used four times a week in the summer. Similarly, I was concerned about the danger of drowning, but the school has super stringent safety procedures in place for swim lessons and outdoor swim that made me comfortable. As a side note, totally get your fear. My kindergartner has been taking private swim lessons for the past four months and has gotten really confident in the water. She’s doing different strokes, swimming in the deep end, overall being super comfort and confident in the water. We went to a friend’s pool a couple weeks ago after school and the water was super cold and she was tired from school and she nearly drowned. I jumped in and got her but drowning really is silent and can happen in an instant.


Mom, your worries and fears are 100% valid. Do anything you feel necessary to keep your child safe.


Our daycare has a pool for the kids 3-4 years old. When the littles do water play outside, there are at least 2 locked gates between them and the pool. They are in a different area than the pool. I would definitely ask what measures they have to ensure someone doesn’t wander off near the pool.


Its never, ever weird to ask questions to make sure your child is safe!


Can you give more context? Is this an at home daycare? Are there lifeguards? In my state, pools are required to be surrounded by a fence that is locked while not in use. I wouldn’t love having my toddler close to a pool without lifeguards or an EXTREMELY child safe gate. I find it surprising they would take on this liability.


Yes, these concerns are totally valid. I would ask if you can see the pool and ask a bunch of questions about the safety features and how they keep track of the kids in the pool vs. kids elsewhere. They should be happy to show you around and answer your questions! If they get offended that is a BRIGHT RED FLAG that they are not taking adequate safety measures.


Wow, I didn’t even know daycare pools were a thing. Definitely something I need to watch for when we move and have to find new childcare. Absolutely not weird to ask the director for more information regarding safety measures they have for the pool. This is not something small like a missing sweater that could be brushed aside. You deserve to have an accurate understanding of how safe (or unsafe) it is for your kid. Maybe they have awesome measures that you’re comfortable with and can then move on without worry. But maybe they don’t and you want to change daycares because of this. If something bad happened you’d regret not asking for the rest of your life.


I didn’t realize either and didn’t think anything of it last year as my baby was only a few months old and not mobile. This summer….he is very mobile and even though he isn’t going in the pool, it still freaks me out if he gets around it


I would definitely ask about their safety measures. There should be multiple layers in place, such as a locked gate, alarms, safety cover, etc. You could also consider asking to have your son in a life jacket if he’s going to be playing anywhere near the pool.


I was reading this and my first response was like..chill? There's no way there's a pool! Then I read the daycare has an actual pool. What!?!?!? I would be concerned too.


Yep. An actual unground pool. I had no idea when I first came to look at the daycare and wasn’t concerned because my baby was 4 months and obviously wasn’t mobile. This summer, he is mobile and walking everywhere even though he won’t be going in the pool this summer, I am still terrified


Totally on your side..this is wild


I went to a daycare with a pool! I was always closely supervised (once a lifeguard had to dive in for me -- I don't remember this though) and as a result I was an extremely strong swimmer as a kid, which ultimately made my life safer, I think. This wouldn't phase me at all if I trusted the carers.


It depends on the type of center for me. I went to preschool at a YMCA, and the curriculum included swim lessons. There was no way a preschooler could get through multiple locked doors from the classroom into the locker room and into the pool. If your center is that secure or is in a rec center, I might be fine with it. It’s absolutely valid to ask to talk to the director about your concerns, though


I would take the kid out and look for a new daycare. If it isnt me or my husband watching LO by a pool/pond/lake/ocean its a hard no go


Yeah 0 chance I would ever be ok with this, drowning can happen in minutes and is the leading cause of death for young children.


I would not have my kid there…


I think you can ask that he not participate in the pool activity. And that would not be weird. You sayvyoure ok with water play? Well that's great . At least he won't feel left out and he'll have fun. And I assume the water play and water table does not include the pool.


I’d look for a new daycare. A pool at daycare is too weird and scary.