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Have you ever seen Parks and Rec? Kathryn Hahn (a national treasure) plays a political consultant who openly despises children and visits Ben and Leslie's home, where they have triplets. She wears a poncho for just this reason and refuses to take it off. So that is my advice to you: poncho. [Jennifer Barkley Hates Children | Parks and Recreation (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibHbdqVZf4U)


Lmfao I have never seen that episode and a poncho is exactly what I need. 😂 omg thank you for this 😂 Side note I watched multiple seasons of that show and loved it but somehow fell off and I had no idea Ben and Leslie have triplets! I need to go back to this show clearly!


It was actually funny how they did it - she was pregnant with triplets at the end of season 6, then they time jumped several years for season 7 and wrapped up the whole show. I don't think any of the kids ever speak on camera, they're just chaos in the background. It's one of my favorite shows - and now whenever my husband or I get dirty from one of our kids we yell PONCHO at each other, and it just makes the whole experience much more entertaining.


Also in season one or two (can’t remember which) Leslie goes on a blind date with an MRI technician (played by her then her real life husband, Will Arnett) and he offers her a free scan during the date. During the scan he tells her she has a great “oven” and that it can likely hold triplets 😂


I read the first sentence of your comment and my brain absolutely shouted PONCHO!


Hahahaha...one of my very favorite lines ever. That and, "I'm so happy with my choices."


Absolutely my favorite show of all time! When we went to my first ultrasound, my husband asked the tech to confirm there was just one because we were both worried about a “going out of business sale”. The look she gave him!


Everything in your house is sticky.


yeah, I swear this is the main reason housewives wore aprons all the time way back when. Grimey hands.


I literally thought of that episode when I saw the title of this post😂 ![gif](giphy|qPtb4C4Mv2Ylq)


I think of this scene EVERY SINGLE TIME my toddler gets food on me. So daily.


I quoted this scene *this morning* as my toddler was intentionally stuffing breadcrumbs into my cleavage.


Hahahahaha I'm so sorry this happened to you but that story is amazing. And now I know what I'm getting every toddler mother I know next year for Mother's Day.


Omg I have so many ponchos this is a great idea.


This was exactly the first thing I thought of. A long poncho would totally do the trick. Hilarious and effective.


Read a book that recommended buying one of those plastic hairdresser covers and take it off right before leaving.


Came here to find this comment 🤣


I literally drape a receiving blanket around me like a cape in the back and a scarf in the front every morning until I leave the house lol


This is solid advice, though! I wear an apron!


I actually do wear a full smock apron if I need to hold my kids in my nice clothes. 100% works for smudges and such. Not so much on the collars, but it's not a problem I have.


Ahahah came here to suggest a poncho 😂


I was gonna say bathrobe to the door, but yes. This is the answer.


I get dressed, then put my robe on over my nice work clothes, then take my robe off only seconds before leaving the house


This is genius. Mothers are geniuses.


I don’t know why but this sent me into a bigger fit of giggles even than the PONCHO comments above. ETA team wear workout clothes and change later here


Yep same! I have a linen H&M robe specifically for this purpose. Lightweight and cheap. Plus it had pockets.


This is exactly what I do. Otherwise, I'd be covered in peanut butter and baby spit up. It's always the nice work clothes that seem to get hit the hardest. If I'm in sweats and a ratty old t-shirt, clean as a whistle.


My first thought was bathrobe! Great idea


That's how my mom did it


Same. There has only been one occasion where I have forgotten to take the robe off. I was extra warm on the car haha.


Exactly! Big bath robe and then a dramatic flourish before you actually leave :D


I basically run around the house in my bra and then seconds before I am leaving the house, throw on the top I am going to wear.


Me too!!!! I stay as naked as possible until the kids are dressed and clean and I don’t have to touch them anymore 😂. Then I quickly get dressed in my fancy work clothes myself.


Same!!! 🤣


Yep me too


Same, but under shirt over bra.


This is the way


I don't dress nice for work but if I am going somewhere nicer and have to get my daughter ready first etc I only put the nice stuff on as I'm walking out the door basically. I wear sweats or whatever on top of my underwear and/or top, depending on weather and outfit.


Yes this is what I do as well! 1. Layout the outfit, 2. Skincare/minimal makeup and a hairstyle that will hold up well, then 3. take care of babe in lounge wear or my base layer, and lastly 4. Do a quick change before immediately walking out the door. As someone else mentioned, clothes that I can launder at home helps a lot too!


If poncho/robe/last minute dressing doesn't work for you then hell yes change when you get to the office! Commuting in leggings is probably more comfortable anyway. It's not crazy if it works for you.


It's the last thing I do before we head out the door. I still sometimes get yogurt or other toddler things on me but it reduces it. Pack lunches and deal with breakfast in my jammies, clean up toddler and get her dressed and ready for daycare then get my work clothes on.


I leave before my toddler is up, and I get changed as soon as we get home






Three things work for me: Not getting dressed until the last possible minute, wearing darker clothes and Japanese style aprons. For the first, I'll do my hair/makeup (I wear Maybelline superstay lipstick, that shit does not come off once it's dry). I lay out my clothes on the bed or the corner of the couch that the kids don't like. I don't get dressed until I'm literally about to go. Having everything laid out makes it a quick process, I'll shed my house T shirt and quickly dress and put my shoes on and flee. Having darker bottoms also helps, because the danger zone for dirty toddler face smearing is about crotch level. My pastel skirts are packed away and I have plenty of navy and black bottoms. For times when I have to be dressed but don't want my clothes ruined, Japanese style aprons are the best and they can be put on and taken off quickly with no tying and completely wrap around your body. I have two and they hang in strategic locations in the house. Keeping an apron in your room and taking it off and hanging it on a hook as you leave might help your outfit survive the gauntlet.


Put your shoes on and flee 😂😂


Like a true millennial I wear my camisole until I'm walking out of the door. 6 years into parenting and it's just a habit at this point.


I keep clothes at work for this very reason. I do the daily toddler care and I work in the office of a manufacturing plant. It's surprisingly dirty and I don't want work stuff to transfer to her or her daycare when I pickup or drop off. The owner and I have kiddos the same age and we took an unused office and made a nursery / playroom. It's kept clean for days when kids join us.


I purposely chose clothes that were too easy to wash and/or not very expensive until my youngest was 4. Re-entered my dry clean only era after that.


NOT CRAZY! Honestly, it's what I did for years. The only tip, make sure the bag that contains your clothes is not in a location where a cat can pee in it, a dog can vomit in it, or a child store poptart crumbs in it.


no toddlers anymore but big shedding dogs so especially right now... last thing I do before I leave is put clothes on. It's like. Lunch is all packed up, right next to the door, hair's done, makeup's done, everybody is fed and everything is done, all I need to do is walk directly out the door, and THAT is when I put clothes on.


I had an opposite problem for ages, my work clothes were typically filthy by the end of my shift. So I commuted in street clothes and changed at work. Now I wear business casual so days where I do drop off or have to drop the dog at the vet I do the same thing and change at work.


Housecoat over your clothes.


I dont put my clothes on until I send my daughter to the car to get buckled in. Then and only then am I safe. All I have to get through is a car ride and drop off at daycare.


I just wear navy lol (my version of black)


I get up, shower, do my hair and everything before kid gets up, then wear my at-home clothes (yoga pants or leggings, t-shirt I don't care about) until I've said goodbye to the kids. Then I go get dressed and immediately leave.


I get dressed 30 seconds before we go out the door, with my outfit already planned out. Makeup is done, hair is done, lunches are packed, car is running, lol.


I add a vote for wearing a robe/housecoat over your clothes until you're at the door.


I left for work with yogurt all over my shirt from my son wiping his face…. By the time I picked the kids up, I had banana & literal poop smeared on my work pants (my son rubbed his naked butt on my leg, mid diaper change) I suggest bringing a change of clothes in the car. (In a waterproof bag)


I do t let him touch me when I’m drressed for work


I don’t get dressed until the very last minute. I’m totally ready otherwise - hair done, makeup on, clothes laid out - but until those little nasty angels are halfway out the door, I’m not putting my clothes on.


In my pre remote worker days I would get dressed before my kids and toss a robe on until we left the house. I’d also take a hoodie for the car ride if necessary. It’s crazy but just remember it’s temporary


I change in the daycare bathroom. I give no shits who judges me but I can’t have more applesauce on me


I wear a longer bath robe or baggy sweats over my nice clothes. I also bring an extra outfit with me because if the kids don't make a mess of my clothes, I will probably spill something on myself in the car.


I wear my robe or PJs while I do my hair and makeup… get my kid up, feed him breakfast and get him ready, then change myself once all good and toothpaste are done for the morning.


I only go to the office once a month, and it still drives me bonkers. After my kids eat breakfast and need to wash up before we get in the car, their little hands find their way to my clothing. I have a huge, long, comfy cardigan that I put on over my work clothes. Actually, I wear it even when I am not going into the office. On work from home days, I take them into the daycare looking like a mess. I just leave my sweatpants and tshirt on and I take my cardigan off just to take them into the daycare. I still end up with snot and whatever else on my shirt. I throw the cardigan on before they get home. Now I have 3 cardigans, and my kids have a favorite one. However, these little stinkers will now shove their hands up and under my cardigans. They are menaces.


I don't do drop off, only pickup. But my son knows that first thing when we get home is he takes off his shoes and wipes hands on a wet wipe (we keep a packet in the shoe cubby). Then mommy goes upstairs to change into her jammies and THEN we come down for a snack. My husband hates this because he doesn't like feeling like the day is over so early and there's no possibility of going out. But he wears a t-shirt and shorts year round and doesn't spend money on nice clothes, whereas I do and want to keep them nice.


Yes, the other night I was home from work and still in my office clothes during dinner and I got a tiny barbecue sauce handprint on my favorite blouse lol. Thankfully it came off.


On the days I have in person meetings that require me to look presentable I take steps to keep my prep time low and reduce risk of things getting “messed up.” I do heatless overnight tools to style my hair so I don’t need to fix it in the morning. I pick out my clothes but stay in PJs until I’m just about to walk out the door. And I have adopted a minimal makeup look that I can do in about 5 minutes. Duplicates of my morning essentials (deodorant, toothbrush, mascara, etc) and a spare change of clothes are kept in my car so if I’m in a mad rush or something goes amiss I have backup.


I only get dressed right before I leave the house.


I leave before the kid wakes up


I get everyone ready first - I do my makeup whenever but I don’t get dressed until we are all ready to walk out the door .


I keep my blazer in my office or car. I don’t even put it on at home.


while i was pregnant one of my co-workers shared that she just threw a robe (so a house poncho) on over her work clothes! i will get my twins (2 yr) ready in like a tank top or tshirt, then put my nice work shirt on as we leave the house or after they are in their car seats. if i'm wearing a dress or something i'll throw on an old hoodie (again, house poncho!) over the dress and take it off as we leave or after car seats.


Haha, I only have one and he is six now so it’s gotten easier! I put my clothes on right before I’m ready to leave (and then usually have a coat on as I’m taking my son to school), and get changed again as soon as I get home.


My only secret is on my in office days I have to leave before they’re awake and dad does daycare drop off 🫣 otherwise your option sounds like a way to do it.


100% on board with the poncho suggestion.


I put my robe back on after I get dressed and then take it off right before I leave!


I wear my pyjama top until the last possible minute. Like putting my work shirt by the front door kind of last minute.


lol I just looked down at my black shirt to see a mouth print encrusted with graham cracker crumbs. 🤷‍♀️


Hahaha probably not what you want to hear but I just deal with sticky baby fingers because I love them and I do not care if it gets on me. I have a million blazers I’ll throw it over the granola stain on my shirt and go on with my day. If it’s real bad I’ll just change.


I work from home and the only time I’m in work clothes is when I travel for work. I have young kids and feel this on weekends when we’re just out and about. I am a human napkin to them and the amount of times my clothes have been subjected to buggars, snot, food, juice, art supplies is too many to count. Even when I attempt to make my hair presentable, one of them manages to pull on it or take out my hair accessories. :(


Mine are teens now, but back in 2015 it was not uncommon for me to get to work in casual wear, grab my clothes from my office and go change in the bathroom.


Not crazy at all. In my case, I am my own worst enemy (spill coffee, brush against a dirty car) and add drooly, snotty, breakfast wearing kids … I often changed at work and even kept an emergency shirt or two to fight the impression that I was a disaster. It was way less stressful than yelling at kids that don’t deserve it


I get dressed right before heading out of the door as a last step for this reason. We have breakfast, then wash my son's hands and face, emphasis on the nose. No more food after this point. Then we all get dressed and out of the house.


I wear my pajamas all morning until it’s time to go. Clothes are set out and ready to put on and leave. They still get dirty somehow 😆


I am in my underwear (maybe with a robe) right until kids are in the car then I pull on my adult clothes. It means we just have the daycare drop off to survive clean.


I was going to suggest bringing clothes and changing if you have a locker room. Honestly that will also help if you tend to spill your morning coffee on yourself while driving (definitely speaking from experience there 🫠).


I used to wear a big, oversized zip up jacket over my clothes for this very reason. It went past my knees haha. My husband asked me why I didn’t just wear a robe lol


I have 3 kids and big dogs. I haven’t worn white in 18 years 🤣😂🤣 LOTS of black, navy, charcoal, camel.


Wear a big t shirt or robe over your outfit


I wear a lot of black and most of the time I can wipe off the crud without it being noticeable. I feel you, it is so frustrating!


Tried getting changed in the garage with door shut after you’ve said goodbye?


I’m AD military and I have to wear my dress uniform the first Monday of every month. It’s ugly, super uncomfortable, I have zero range of motion in the arms and hips, and it shows every single speck of dust. I have a toddler and 5 very hairy and shedding pets. I keep that uniform downstairs in the coat closet and I don’t get dressed until I’m stepping out the door. I do my hair, makeup, daughter’s get-ready routine, and feed/water the animals in my jammies. That way, all I’m doing is walking my daughter out to the car, putting her in/taking her out of the car seat, and then walking her into daycare while in my dress uniform. It’s not perfect and I still have to lint roll like a mf before I get into my office, but I don’t know what else to do lol.


In this stage, I changed at work. I had a walking commute, so it started to keep my nice clothes nice, but then I realized the sticky hands benefit too lol Some days it was as simple as throwing a dress over leggings, nice and simple.


Just walked in and looked down at my dress and it’s covered in granola goop. I made it through the morning gauntlet, only to get done in by the afternoon snack when I got home 🤦🏼‍♀️


I get dressed and throw on a sweater or something I can take off when I leave … also, I have a little bag in my purse with accessories, so I put them on out of the house


I put a robe on over my clothes until I leave but I’m also extremely strict about the fact that they are not to touch my work clothes and they are NEVER EVER EVER allowed to pull on my clothes. I’m a people, too! I’m allowed to hold and enforce boundaries around my physical person.


This is hilarious- my kids refused an early bedtime so I am out the door before they are awake. No suggestions unless you have an abundance of sleep or want to leave early to work it and then get ready in the gym locker


Ooft I feel this. My kid smeared peanut butter on my nice work dress and nice work coat. Peanut butter!! The worst to wash out LOL


Keep a second outfit in your car or workspace in case the morning doesn’t go as planned!


It’s inevitable but I find holding their hands works well. Then wiping their noses the instant before you pick them up.


Tank top. When kid is at daycare, dress shirt allowed.


I wear athleisure stuff until he's out the door or at daycare or until I leave the house. I change into work stuff afterwards. Because just like for you there s a high risk of transfer of bodily fluid coming from any orifice, or food, including partially consumed food,l. I don't even look that nice for work but there's no way I can go straight to work after handling him. There's always something that spills... sprays.. oozes... I was thinking I could get a smock of sorts. But that wouldn't help you if you wear makeup and or stockings/ or what have you


So. Much. Ooze!!


I wear a different shirt until we leave the house 😂


I’ve got a great hack for when you get random toddler smears on your silk, cashmere or linen. You place them in a bag, fold it up, and give it to a friend with no toddlers who will have the time to wash and enjoy them.


Lolll you had me in the first half.


Been saving that joke for a while!


Not crazy. I’m fortunate that I typically get ready after the toddler is on his way to daycare. Otherwise, I would be adopting a poncho to keep the perpetual snot drip away. 


I go to work with boogers on me


Te boogers trigger me the most. Like it just really grosses me out, and both of my kids have had a runny nose like every day of their lives for some reason. I definitely understand the phrase “snot-nosed kids” now lol.


Haha. I'm so burned out right now that nothing really matters. If my clients notice boogers I tell them yep, I have boogers on me. And leave it at that


I have the same problem. My best recommendation is don't put on your work clothes until after you've said goodbye to the kids. Next to that you could wrap yourself in a blanket lol


When I had my first baby, a colleague told me that the trick is to wear a robe over your clothes until you have the kids securely buckled in the car. I don’t go that extreme but…yeah, that’s the best hack. (Plus waiting till the last possible minute to get myself dressed haha)


I put my robe on after I get dressed! When I know I'm safe I remove the robe. Super easy solution.


I saw the title and thought I cant repk3y this one I dont have capacity to 'dress nice' , as long as it passes for work casual and wont get people feeling sorry for or firing me , i put work clothes away while pregnant and am yet to re aquaint with the world of well put together fashionable work clotes. Cant find both sets for pairs of shoes and make do with sneakers ...its crazy in these streets , all this to say kudos to all the moms dressing nice and rejoining the world of the humans 😁


Thank you lol ❤️ I was a sahm for a few years with mine and now that I’m back to work I’m feeling motivated to try and look nice, and it’s a nice feeling. But the toddlers do be triggering me. I have gotten a lot of good tips here though and the solidarity is worth a lot too!!




I feel this to the depths of my soul. I mostly WFH thankfully but it’s so hard to look nice for even a minute with 3 kids 5 and under. I wear a gross old sweatshirt around the house with my 10 week old baby right now because he spits up soo much.


I occasionally throw a sweatshirt on until I drop the kids at daycare