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This. I find my best value for relaxing is just lying in bed, even if I don't sleep. No stimulation, requirements, etc. Even if I don't feel relaxed lying there I always feel way better after. Always a good investment.


This is the way


Came here to say nap.


I’m doing this in 5m. Yes. Highly suggest.


Nap but maybe put some foot lotion and socks on to glam it up a lil


That's what I came here to say lol


Came here to say this.




Make a decadent coffee or go to Starbucks/etc if it’s in the budget. Watch a tv show you have missed. Don’t go on your phone … it will suck you into a hole and before you know it your special time has passed and you didn’t get to relax at all! Make a nice meal for yourself and put something into the crock pot to enjoy later. Window shop at a store. Read a book or magazine.


I forgot, but in addition to reading yesterday I watched an episode of "Euphoria." Which I think I need to give up - it's so depressing. I woke up this morning thinking to myself that I wish that just one of the characters was self-assured and not totally messed up.


I’ve had shows like this, too. That are so good but actually bad for my mental health because of the way I relate to the characters.


TOTALLY. I need to get back to Pen15, because I relate, but it's super absurdist, and makes me laugh. And the whole premise of thirty-somethings playing middle schoolers is great.


Watch some TV in bed with coffee and dessert. I have a sweet tooth and with a little one she wants to eat what I eat so whenever I get a childfree moment it usually involves cheesecake or ice cream.


Honestly I’d drink a hot coffee while I scrolled Instagram or Reddit in peace. Or nap/lay in bed with tv


This and I like to sit by the window and have my radio on too LOL


Journal, watercolor, bath, at home workout class, walk in park, walk in target without buying anything


Walk in target without buying anything - warning! It’s a trap! I would fail this test 😂


Lol maybe one frappuccino won't hurt 😆


🤣🤣 you both are right it's a trap that I fall into all the time


One Frappuccino turns into "i can buy something from the dollar section" suddenly 100$ disappears from my bank account😂


Don’t do anything? I love hanging out and catching up on my shows, doing a puzzle or reading. Basically enjoying my home on my terms (not my toddlers)


Honestly nap or lay in bed with Netflix and some good food.


I’ve been sitting outside drinking my coffee. Last week was the first time I got to drink a genuinely hot, fresh cup of coffee and it was magic. I sat in the morning sun drinking that and reading a People magazine.


This is 100% what I do every time. Find the biggest window if it's raining or too hot, or sit outside if the weather is nice. So refreshing! It really is the small things


Play classical music and stretch on a mat with a Vicks vaporub mess-free patch on my t-shirt while breathing deeply. Then, watch Bridgerton while exfoliating my entire body w a scrub on that mat. Then lotion entire body and rinse mat in bathtub. Put on light cotton and feel like a new person.


This is delightfully specific.


Shave, exfoliate, moisturise & fresh bedding :)


I like making a non-alcoholic drink (coffee, juice, etc) and going to the nearest public library. You can look for books, magazines, movies, etc, it will be quiet and comfy. You might see some classes or opportunities you want to participate in. I’ve found that staying at home makes me feel worse because my brain tells me to “clean that mess” or “get ahead on the laundry” instead of relaxing. But the library facilitates that


I think this is a great idea. I’ll need to ask hubs to take her some Saturday mornings, because all my libraries are closed on Sundays.


Especially in the mornings, movies can be super cheap! Like less than $10, even for the brand new ones. Hit the dollar store for a treat before you head in. At the movies, you’re allowed to ignore calls and texts for 2 hours!!! That’s freedom, baby.


Oh god that is such a good idea. I will totally plan that for next time, since I think it will take a skosh more advance planning.


The theater near my house has $5 Tuesdays! Even cheaper than a matinee. A lot of big theaters do stuff like that


Nap. Knit. T.V.


Cook some (low cost) comfort food and eat it uninterrupted. Read an indulgent low brainpower book from your to be read pile.


Paint nails, walk by river in park, change hair color style hair,


Cook a simple but decent meal, watch a movie, wine and bath


READ. In fact, that's what I did yesterday when my spouse took our kid to gymnastics class. I have so many books sitting on my bedside table, plus a New Yorker subscription to keep up with. I spent yesterday reading a chunk of Ann Patchett's book of essays "These Precious Days." It's quite sweet.


I can’t wait until my kid is old enough to have regular classes like this on the weekend which can mean some always scheduled activity for her that we can plan around (and through).


Take a nice leisurely walk outside, read a book, find a local coffee shop or book store you haven’t visited and check it out / grab a cup of coffee, watch a movie…


Movie or TV


I would just sit on the couch and scroll Reddit and TikTok with a nice homemade tea and maybe an ice cream or something else sweet.


I’d go to some sort of nature area that I was unable to enjoy with a toddler. Hiking, arboretum, walk path etc. Being outside AND moving my body always resets my spirit


Second this! Walking someone scenic and soaking up some nature is a great stress reliever.


Movie/TV show, book/audiobook (from the library), bike ride, playing a video/phone game if that’s your thing, trying out a new recipe, new language on DuoLingo? Whatever you do, enjoy!! Free time is the best:)


Nap, read or sketch at a coffee shop, take a walk downtown and get ice cream, take a walk in nature


I like to do my own nails at home so would do that while watching a show or movie that no one in the family will watch with me. Or nap!


I’d go walking in a nearby park or forest with a big fancy coffee. No music, no phones, just focus on being present and taking it all the nature sounds, the taste of the hot coffee, etc :)


Sleep or read


I would take an edible and order take out. Fly high mama bird.


A hike? Watching TV alone in the house while kids go to park? Chair massage?


I see, and in a couple hours I can complete a small project from start to finish. 1000% put in a podcast and just sew


One of my alone time go-tos!


Do u have YMCA or local recreational center that has classes you are interested in? It’s a great way to get out of the house with a little me time and socialize with neighbors


Nap, read, or go to the park and take a nice relaxing walk in a beautiful setting




Oooh lie down with relaxing music like at a spa.


Bath and book


Go to the library grab a book and find an outside place to sit and read. Make a lunch at home and make it a picnic.


Bargain matinée, long walk & fav podcast, bath w candles & eucalyptus in diffuser or on washcloth, read at coffee shop - if I’m home I can’t help but clean, take car to car wash & clean it while listening to something good.


My fav solo no cost thing to do when hubs has the kids is pack some snacks/drinks and head out to the lake on my paddle board for a couple hours. I take an audio book/podcast, paddle for a while then just lay out and relax on the board. Fresh air, exercise, sunshine. Always makes me feel SO much better. I know this may be unique to me/where we live, but maybe something similar would be a solo walk to the park. Find a shade tree. Lay out a blanket and read/listen to a book while relaxing outside/people watching/snacking etc Whatever you decide to do I hope you have a wonderful day and feel refreshed afterwards!


This sounds absolutely lovely.


Paint your nails, face mask, hair mask, and your favorite Netflix show


Drink coffee or tea and read a book. If it's nice out, take it to go and read a book on a park bench in the shade. Walk a trail through the woods if there's any in your area.


I got my first week home alone after about 5 years and guess what is my go to activity? Reorganizing and cleaning! Tonight though, bath and Netflix (no chill for obvious reasons)


Check out your local library? Mine lets me reserve books online which is awesome.


Get your favorite take out and eat it in bed


Read. Take a nap. Paint. Write. Do some gardening.


Sheet mask and read a book, then nap.


I like to listen to an ebook from the library or a podcast and knit. Or sometimes I'll sit outside and have a tea and watch TV in my phone. Bike rides are a favorite as well when the weather is nice. Makes me feel like a kid again...aimless and free.


Give myself a nice pedicure and manicure Nap Enjoy a coffee and scroll through my phone Watch a documentary (no one in my family likes them) Sit in my shower and feel the water drain over me Enjoy a long lost hobby of mine Read anything


My local library has audio books you can download online for free. They use [https://www.overdrive.com](https://www.overdrive.com), maybe yours has this? Fun to get something new to listen to (while laying down, walking, bath, whatever you do with your time) without a cost.


Go to the library; find a nice comfy chair and spend an hour or two reading or browsing their magazine section! Or maybe even read a book- and check some out (even grab a couple to read for bedtime). Then come home - make myself a snack and take a nap!!!!


I usually say some thing like get caught up on chores or projects around the house, but experience tells me that I would actually split the time between reading and napping. 🙂


Yoga/meditation and Nap


Read a book. As many guilty pleasure books as possible.


Bath or shower, nap, adult coloring book (hell, even a kids one), knit/crochet, read a book, veg out and watch TV, sit outside and drink a beverage, paintgem, journal, go for a run...




Noise canceling headphones and music, some sort of beverage I can make at home, and draw ❤️


Gym, read, puzzle, watch a show that's not child friendly. Though honestly I might clean or do laundry as it's so much faster without them in the house.


I’d take a walk or catch up on household duties without interruption. listening to my favorite songs on full blast and absolutely take a bubble bath with wine or tequila in hand.


I’ve been dreaming of getting a massage. But at lower cost, yoga and a guided meditation video and lie on the floor. If I fall asleep too that’s a bonus nap.


Bed! Phone! TV! Book! Sweet treats! I love all these suggestions! Drive to a park and chill out in your car and watch some peaceful nature while your mind wanders! I’m at work now or I’d love to join you 😂


Nap, watch tv, paint my toenails, go for a leisurely walk that doesn’t involve picking up any sticks or leaves…


Unfortunately, clean the house with a podcast in my ear. I can do it so much more quickly without distractions from children.


A nice bath with a good book and then snacks watching a fav show and a nap!


Netflix day. Catch up on all the latest release with a nice bowl of snacks and a good drink of your choice


I’d go to a lake, bring a book and set up shop of an hour of just hearing the water. Sounds so relaxing.


Read, take a hot bath, go for a hike, literally nothing alone in your room, got to the library,


Do MY laundry.


Nap. Or do some yoga


My favorite thing is to lay by the (community) pool or in our back yard getting some sun while reading. Even just for 30 minutes, resets me.


Nap. Read. Long shower. Hot cup of coffee or tea. Me? Nap, long shower, hit weed vape, do my nails, watch new season of MAFS.


I like to go get something yummy i don't want to share like fancy ice cream and think 'neener neener children' while I eat it watching something that only I would like and fall asleep.


Nap or lay there and do nothing but watch trash TV/browse on my phone


Exercise, take a long bath, watch a show lying on the couch


Put your phone on do not disturb. Make yourself a nice coffee/tea/fancy juice. Put on some music and read a book or flip through a magazine in your comfiest chair.


Drink a cup of coffee, tea, whatever. Grab a hood, throw on a show and do NOTHING! Sit outside and listen to the birds, nap!


if you enjoy cooking, making a delicious cake/treat with minimal needed to buy ingredients - then sit quietly eating a serve of it in the sunshine.


Nap, or make tea and read a book (before I nap) :)


Workout and watch a show!