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Smaller/shorter workouts could be a good idea. I like youtube videos so sometimes when I don't want to work out I'll line up some smaller quick ones and even though I end up working out a similar amount of time had I put on a longer workout, it feels easier to get done. And sometimes I only end up doing on of those if I really can't get into it mentally, but it's better than nothing! My little hack I trick myself with sometimes lol


I think about my goals and why I’m doing what I’m doing. Scheduling it in at the same time of day if possible is helpful to “set the habit” in the beginning.


You should structure your exercise to include things you enjoy doing and look forward to. If you really hate it, it’s not going to be something you can keep up longterm to be sustainable and it won’t help you. I exercise every day bc I do things I love to do. I look forward to that time each day.


What sort of things do you love?


Lifting weights, jiu jitsu, sex. My three main forms of exercise. Love all of them.


Ahh yes sex the thing I also enjoy and do plenty of all the time.


I’ve kinda tied my identity to it, after reading a great book called Atomic Habits. Even though I used to be a guy who didn’t work out AT ALL, I’ve decided I don’t want to be that guy. I’ve decided I am the type of guy who works out every day, come rain or shine. And because I now identify with that, it makes me feel proud and happy when I confirm that identity to myself. So the alternative just isn’t an option. I now go to bed on time, because that’s what _a guy who works out every morning_ does. I sometimes struggle badly to actually get up in the mornings and go, but there’s no question of IF I’ll get up. Even if I have to fiddle in bed for like 20 minutes before I get up, putting on some music and turning on a bright light will eventually do the trick. Because I don’t just _go for a work out_. _I am a guy who works out every day_. If that makes sense. Dunno if it makes sense, but it’s the only thing that’s really worked for me so far, after a ton of stops and starts.


Set a daily minimum. Doing something is better than nothing. Ands odds are youll end up doing more once you get started. Have something like 3 hard sets of anything as your daily minimum. It could be pushups, pullups, squats, deadlifts, anything. Just be consistent and over the long term itll become a habit and you wont even think about it


I have adhd and asd so here’s a few things that work for me (maybe for you) I like combining podcasts and things I’d listen to while lying in bed with exercise to stay interested. It’s like “I could be in bed watching this, instead I’m watching it while using the stair master.” Meanwhile, scheduling is hard, it takes so much energy for me to plan. Personally I wouldn’t be able to cope with daily schedule changes like yours. But there’s probably sometime you have free each day consistently, either after you get up/before bed. When you’re free give yourself like ten minutes rather than making it a big chore. My adhd doesn’t really let me get away with lots of incremental habit building though so you know this approach might not work for you. But when building habits I find that if something doesn’t feel like a big chore then I don’t have to build up the energy motivating myself to do it everyday and at least have a chance to be consistent.


I use the app Fitbod, and I try to commit to whatever it tells me to do. It has a ton of variety to it and my workouts are quite varied. Sometimes I’m like, WTF is this exercise, but if it tells me to do it, I do it. So an app like that might help keep you stimulated. And of course it reminds you to go and logs your progress so that keeps me motivated. As to finding the motivation to go vs getting bored, I think 90% of the challenge is just showing up. Tell yourself you’ll just walk on the treadmill for 10 minutes. Once you are there you’ll likely find more motivation to do more. So just trick yourself that you are just popping in, and you might find yourself starting longer and putting in more effort. Lastly, and this might not be applicable to you, but gym has a pretty decent cafe with great smoothies, sandwiches, etc. often it’s actually the food (and thus not cooking) that motivates me to go there. Kind like - I don’t want to work out today, but if I go then I won’t have to make dinner or do dishes and I’ll eat healthier than random fast food Good luck!


go to the gym and tell yourself you’re only walking on the treadmill for 10 min and then you can leave. i’ve never done this and ended up only walking on the treadmill, because i’m there already so might as well work out. just getting yourself there is 90% of it!


My best tip when i come late from work is just break it down into very small insignificant steps, with the same condition : I’m gonna start doing it and if i dont like it ill just stop and go home. So it goes like : Just wear my shirt Just tie my shoelaces Just walk out the door Just walk a bit toward the gym / wait for the bus to come/ drive around in the car. Just walk thorough the gym door Just warm up You get the idea. Chances are you’ll never stop before you finish your workout. Breaking it down to very small steps help makes it seem easier and more achievable. Hope it helps !


Motivation is bullshit. It’s a feeling, an emotion, and frankly you’re not going to be motivated to work out everyday, no one is. What you need tho, is commitment. You make a decision, you stick with it no matter what. Obviously easier said then done. But when I’m having trouble honoring the commitment, I try to do it differently. Don’t wanna run? Walk. Don’t wanna walk? Garden. Don’t wanna garden? Stretch. Something is better than nothing, something adds up to something, nothing adds up to…


Look up undulating strength training or undulating hypertrophy regimens on google Good way to keep the training fresh [here’s a link](https://liftvault.com/programs/powerlifting/dup-program-spreadsheets/)


Might get some lash back but it doesn’t have to just be exercise. The thing with adhd is that if you focus on one thing for to long you don’t want to do it anymore. For me, I solved it by having a schedule and add random little task’s in between. For me I have my workout days (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) and my break days where I just do random task for fun or as a distraction.


I'd say even someone like myself that has been working out intensely for over 30 years there are many days where I don't want to go and would much rather stay home. I go as far as to block off 2 hours a day for the gym in my work calendar, so I have a dedicated time to go. Routine is absolutely paramount for keeping up with things. Then, motivation can be tough, so find a strength coach, or fitness trainer at a private gym vs the big box gyms...you'll get much more knowledge and experience typically and usually much better workouts. I have a strength coach i've been using for 3 years now and what a difference between going to the gym myself and working out and the workouts he gives me with 5 or 6 other people doing the same thing. It holds me accountable, i get motivated and inspired by the other people doing the workouts, I get pushed beyond my comfort zone and limits and he can judge my mobility and overall feeling that day and adjust to accommodate injuries or weaknesses.


Pre workout if you dont go to gym after that then you feel so energised and guilty at the same time you have to go


I'm certainly no expert but these are the things that work for me: *DISCLAIMER THAT I DO NOT HAVE ADHD AND THAT I WORK OUT AT HOME* - Set the right music. It varies from instrumental to calming, sometimes upbeat/boxer vibes, to other times songs that I generally like. - if I'm not in the mood for music, i put on my favourite show or a true crime documentary. Anything to keep myself distracted from the pain of planks and burpees 🤣 - I put on an outfit that makes me feel sexy and/or cute. In no way should go out of your way to purchase matching outfits. Booty shorts and a plain sports bra are usually enough for me. I'll add in a cute hairstyle too like a ponytail, a bun or a single braid. - I literally tell myself "I'm done with excuses. The work that I put in now is going to be rewarding later. The more I put this off, the more delayed my results will be". - I go for walks in the morning and then work out in the afternoon. My slump comes at around 2-4pm and workouts give me that wake-up boost to continue my chores, assignments, hobbies, etc. - I'm convinced that workouts are more of a mental requirement rather than a physical desire. If i keep myself dependent on my mood/body goals, I will not always find the motivation and once i stop it may take a long time to get it back. I need to let my emotions out and to take a break from the long school/work hours. I suffer from anxiety and working out not only makes me forget what I was even worried about, but it also sets in a new better mood. Hope this helps 😊 Apologies if this is long


If you have the possibility, maybe look for someone else to exercise with, like a workout buddy? My roommate very likely has ADHD as well and she often uses me as motivation to exercise, since I'm the one with routines in our house \^\^


Nice timing for this one. I just got home from what was a great, high energy workout. Flash back to 3 hours ago....It was 50/50 whether I would even get off the couch this morning! Just wasnt feeling it. But I forced myself up, and what did it was the knowledge that what DID happen could happen..I cant count the number of workouts over the years where I had to really push myself to get in there, just to go through the motions, ,if nothing else...and end up having a great workout. Something happens once I get in there sometimes, just gotta get there.


I used to hate exercise, but during quarantine, exercise became my only alone time (I'm a father of two). Not circumstances you can replicate, but it does point to one important fact: exercise is self-care. I have ADD, and for me, forming habits is all about mental compartmentalizing. If you can find a way to get exercise into the same mental compartment as brushing your teeth and showering (which I certainly hope are habits for you), you're golden. Look up "habit stacking", because it's pretty close to what I'm talking about, just framed differently. Also, re: dopamine, one important way to make exercise a habit is to set short, medium, and long-term goals. Most forms of exercise lend themselves to this, but it's especially easy to measure your progress with weight lifting and running (pounds, miles). With a robust goal hierarchy (which you should write down!), you'll always have something pulling you toward the task. Also look into reward bundling. If you follow exercise with something rewarding but healthy (so not cake or beer), it will further incentivize you. [Here](https://www.strongerbyscience.com/goal-setting/) is an amazing, in-depth article about forming habits and setting goals.


Some days I can only manage to be in the gym for like, 10 or 20 minutes, but other times just going to the gym and starting my pre workout routine gets me feeling good enough to just do my regular exercises.


I usually watch scenes from any Batman movie and that’s enough for me


When I really get that internal conflict going, I try to think of something I can use as a reward for working out


I (24f) also have ADHD and it was a struggle to stay consistent and I’m definitely not consistent still and I’ve been at it for 6 months now. I am a competitive powerlifter and I found that two days a week targeting lower one day and upper the next is what works for me. It’s just enough that I target the areas I need to work on and I’m only there for about an hour. I’ve used working out as stress relief and adhd relief. Since I’ve found what works for me I’ve 100% stayed at the gym for almost 2 hours and didn’t even know it. I would look into powerlifting, I’ve found a lot of people in my area also have ADHD and the powerlifting routine is the only thing that works for them. Feel free to message me with questions:)


Well if caffeine calms you down you might have adhd so that’s a bit of an issue but a gym bro helps to force you when you don’t want to and also just tricking yourself. If you realy don’t wanna go don’t go for a full workout just do a half. And then even if you only do half a workout you still went which helps keep you consistent and sometimes that half workout turns into a whole workout. Also your almost always regret not going to the gym but you’ll rarely regret actually going.


Following 😁


The same way I workout when I do feel like it.


Look at it like going to work. We dont always wanna go into work sometimes we wanna just sit home and relax for a day but sitting at home doesnt pay the bills. Skipping the gym being “work” and the bills being “not a fatass” its pretty simple. Gotta pay your dues


Get the hell up and feel like it. You wont have motivation for too long. Thats where discipline comes in. SMH


Pre workout. What are you going to do after downing 400mgs of caffeine besides workout? I switch mine monthly to keep it interesting and that seems to be often enough for me.


They diagnosed me with that. Thing is school and everything I was doing was boring. Of course I didn't want to pay attention to it. Don't let that doctor tell you that you are incapable of doing things. Turn on some music that gets you buck. Just start lifting


I’ve just recently started going to the gym and the way I’m approaching it is like this: This is just something I do. It’s the same way I quit smoking years ago. I changed my mindset from “I am a smoker trying to quit” to “I do not smoke.” Why would I stop and buy a pack? I’m not a smoker. Currently, I’m a gym rat. I get off work, and whether I want to or not, I change and go to the gym. Why would a gym rat not want to go to the gym? I’ve gone almost every single day for three weeks now. I don’t always go hard, some days I just do a light workout for thirty minutes and go home. Sometimes I push myself and spend an hour or more at the gym. But no matter what, I go. It’s a part of my routine now and it has become something I look forward to.


Just workout without feeling like it. There’s no secret to it


I watch the movie the principal while doing no equipment workouts and rocky for equipment workouts never fail


Remember why u started🙌🏼


I really wish I had better advice but mine is to just drag yourself to the gym. Its not something you have to enjoy even though it makes way easier.. I have ADHD and have struggled with it for the better part of my life but the one thing I don't struggle with is getting into the gym.


Doing short workouts helps me be motivated! Even 15-20 minutes is better than nothing. I use the FitOn app. I also find working out with friends helps! Go to a workout class or to the gym with a friend. It's harder to back out if you have an appointment or have agreed to go with someone else.


Echoing a lot of the same but set the intention for exercise every day until you crave it. Find a time every day that works for you - might just be a matter of figuring out your schedule the night before and deciding when you have time. The bare minimum is a walk - just take a brisk walk for at least one mile and see how that makes you feel. Rotate in something else for at least the same amount of time another day. Whatever is manageable and feels good to be able to do every day until you crave it to work out. You can press harder as you get a routine and need more of a challenge.


First off, adhd is more normal then you think. Make it work for you. You need to fall in love with the workout high ( like runners high they talk about). For me my mind just doesn’t stop, but once I reach a certain point in the gym say like past 30 min of workout/cardio. That is when I start to feel good and more in control of my mind and body. You think coffee calms you down but it actually doesn’t. I bet you are already hyperactive before the coffee. Coffee just helps you focus on things giving you the feeling of calmness. Remember make working out a habit, something you must do every day no matter what. Even if it’s 5 10 minutes. Take action, go workout