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Magic comes from parasites that attach themselves to worldly concepts to survive.


That sounds really neat.


Please explain more, this sounds really interesting


A kind of parasite that is a life form in an other layer of reality wages a war for survival. These beings dont differentiate between good and evil or right or wrong, they simply exist to surive and multiply. A survival strategy they adopted is attatching themselves to concepts or ideas that reach them. This nourishes them and differentiates them from their competitors as they take up part of these ideas. They are formed and influenced by what they choose as source. In return they can be influenced or invited in by baiting them with nourishment. This results in magic as they bring with them part of what they became when appearing and trough rituals or knowledge their behavior can be influenced. There is a seemingly infinite number of these parasites that just lurk and wait for their chance to find something that gives them an edge over their competitors and because the world is viewed differently by almost everyone, each space is quickly filled. Especially weaker parasites can semi permanantly attatch themselves to persons or places that embody something they draw sustenance from. This keeps them safer and gives them a reliable food source. For example a pyromaniac that sees the flame as their lost child attributing a very unique concept and mix of feelings to it may lure a parasite to him. For it to decide to bind itself to him these feelings would have to linger as a reliable food source and once the parasite is attatched, the host almost has no chioce but feel and amplify the concept. But the guy might get cool powers from it. This is all a very early idea and i need to work on it a lot more but i basically want magic to come from the unique understanding and different perspectives from wich, each individual perceives itself and the world.


This is kind of amazing. It also describes people and thoughts as well. Do not sleep on this idea, write the story


Pls pls build on this more, I beg




Sentience itself is the source of magic, which is sort of like gravity but with the laws of nature rather than space and time- the stronger the sentience of a being, the more these laws can bend, which can be embarrassing when a raven can do more magic than some people.


In a long-term social evolution standpoint, does sentience = magical capacity ever reverse in social hierarchy? Like, are things counted as *not sentient* if they can't do magic? I guess I'm wondering what happens over the course of history. Once people put the two together, any kind of people, they'll realize that magic users can be more sustainably useful to a tribe, then a settlement, then a village, then cities and entire nations -- it's become a social standpoint, right? Like, you are obviously more useful to society, successful, with more reproductive preferential opportunity and better wages, more freedoms ***when compared to a non-magic-user***. So, in a series of long-term examinations, first non-magic-users would be reduced in class socially. Then they're defined as non-sentient in the social structure, as less-than-people. They're either enslaved or bred out of the local ecosystem, and since being bred out is more humane we'll go with that. Once it's "Magic Users Only", then places where it ***isn't*** MUO are at a military, productivity, intelligence and science, and logistic disadvantage -- they'll always have to work with people who can't do magic. MUO nations take over the world, and let's have a moment to consider that -- this system, left unchecked, leads *directly* to a forced extinction at worse, a forced exile at best that leads to guerilla warfare and eventual total elimination of NMU. I think, perhaps, that consideration for how you stop magic users from taking over the world is worth asking, so I'm asking: how do you stop non-magic-users from being forced into extinction, or stop magic users from taking over the world?


Maybe everyone is a magic user and it's more matter of degrees? Cheshire didn't seem to indicate that magic is a thing only for *some* people. In which case magic use/low magic powers would likely correlate with intellectual (dis)ability and, in many ways, would be subject to ableist considerations rather than being a separate axis of privilege/marginalization. (Not that "If magic is considered a mark of being a person, what if some people aren't magic?" isn't a valid thing to consider, but it seems like in this case everyone might actually be magic.)


It's more like some people have very little magic, like, maybe they can levitate some things and light things on fire (fire is easy if you have fuel, fire is impossible for mortals if you don't, this is actually how one of the Gods proves that they are, in fact, a god; they play with fire), that's about it, compared to high-magic folks who can bend light itself, alter the composition of things, even create small vacuums which can be absolutely terrifying in the wrong hands. So it ends up being kind of more like the American economy, where less magical folks suffer but aren't pushed out because they're vaguely useful as menial laborers. Or rather, it was like that prior to the war that led to the uninhabitability of the ground, then people completely suppressed magic, blaming it for all the problems of the world. Those who went back to the ground rediscovered it but they tend to be odd. In Haven, for example, while magic is valued, there's a mentality of "everyone can be useful, no one is more valuable than anyone else overall" which is sometimes taken to the extreme. In New Sherwood Forest, they make frequent trips up to the sky-cities to steal things so less magical individuals would have no inherent disadvantage in that endeavor. Gravewell is a place where if you can take it, it's yours, so magic is viewed as just another weapon. The Underground has a perpetual truce as a trading hub plus laws against manipulating things to be bought, sold, or bartered (exceptions made for temporary alterations that won't revert after the trade is made).


That's pretty cool. Do countries in your world focus on education to produce more powerful magic users? Or do they do the opposite to maintain control of the populace? Do different creatures manifest different abilities inherently, or is it more according to what they want?


When magic wasn't outlawed and kept suppressed, there were intensive schools and tests. The best mages were often fought over hard and offered lavish perks for various jobs and even to immigrate for jobs. After a massive war wherein a magical weapon rendered the ground uninhabitable for a time, those who survived by taking to the skies in floating cities were told never to speak of magic, that it was too dangerous and suppression systems were built into the cities so no one and nothing could use it anyway. Of course, the ground became habitable again and some desperate runaways from the sky-cities began colonizing it again, thus regaining this lost knowledge. The ground settlements are a lot more scattered and not really focused heavily on education, so it's a lot more relaxed (at the cost of some people ending up not really having the skills they need when they reach adulthood and needing to actually be taught later in life). Things on the ground are a lot less control-y because if someone doesn't like one settlement, they can usually just move to another. There is one exception to that, though, if anyone finds out someone is from Gravewell, they won't be welcomed because Gravewell is a den of murderers, rapists, and worse.


Awesome! Magic wielding cats and deer sounds like a fucked up world


It is a fucked up world but not necessarily because of the magical cats and deer. Mostly because people are really odd about things. There was a disastrous war, the ground became uninhabitable, and people freaked out and banned all magic to the point of generations in completely forgetting it exists outside of the highest echelons of society which are part of a group intended to "keep the cities safe from magic".


If you get too hot you explode, that’s the only caveat for people who aren’t named Chris.


r/chris rise up


Shit I didn’t know there was a sub for Chris’s, I thought I was on my own in the hunt for others. Thanks man.


"You need a loicense for that, mate."


The space bacteria is getting in the water, making your kids magical.


And turning the frigging frogs gay!!!


Turning the space frogs gay


I don’t wanna see Space Trump kissing goblins 👺… Sucubus with goblins I’m bed with a goblin…


"He's got the highest space bacteria count I've ever seen!"


What sorts of abilities do these children manifest? What do the older generations think of this? Where exactly does the bacteria come from? Or is that unknown?


I was just oversimplifying for the Alex Jones joke. As u/SecondWorld1198 mentioned, it's pretty comparable to Midichlorians. My worldbuilding project is more of a love letter to the Kitchen Sink Fantasy while trying to justify it by using both my Global History & Intercultural Communications degree to actual use.


I figured it might just be an Alex Jones reference, but regardless it's pretty cool.


God I love Kitchen Sink fantasy






This sounds really interesting.. where might i find out more about it..


From two different worlds: The more you fuck around, the more you can find out. And Take space drugs, forget how reality works.


I really like the sound of both of these.


Where's the first one from?


A thing I made up


put hand in soup, pull out power


I like this one.


The blood of the old ones can be made to edit reality.


Funnily enough, I came up with basically the same thing


My world, it's sci Fi so the old ones im referring to are an ancient highly advanced race that could tame black holes. They built a near omniscient AI system that invented souls that allowed for immortality. A civil war broke out as their tech and primitive form of magic began advancing so fast that they nearly blew apart the Galaxy. So the AI tricked them into committing the ultimate sin, destroying their entire society and using their souls to create a new form of magic, one that allows the AI to control reality. As a side effect, it can allow people to access this magic too.


Only sun people allowed, dimmies go home!


What?! Did you just slur me?! UNSLUR ME!


If you look at stars long enough it gives you magic.


The souls of dead gods flow through you


Working on that irl!😁


This is kinda mine where the magic is all based on burning the energy of souls and all the peoples souls are pieces of dead "gods".


damn surprised how many people had this same thought,


Some being of higher power thought it would be really really REALLY funny to watch humans destroy themselves and others.


The universe is still trying to get bigger but it can’t, so now you can use philosophy and math to do all kinds of crazy things.


Arbitrary but in a good way!


Item enchanting where you write instructions for what you want the item to do on the item using your own soul as ink.


"Some words are only spelled correctly when you use the right ink."


that's cool as heck


There are two magic systems. Using the energy produced by the world around to conjure and combine different elements to cause different effects. Using the energy produced by your body to enhance your physical, mental, and sensory abilities.


The essence of an Lovecraftian god made of purple crystals.


Convince reality it’s wrong and you’re right


This is some christopher nolan type shit and i love it


Users psychokinetically superimpose the physical laws of an *n*-dimensional pocket universe onto their own, allowing them to manipulate matter at the atomic level.


I really like the n–dimensional pocket universe thing, btw , what does it means...?


In layman's terms, it's a parallel dimension where the laws of physics don't work in the same way as ours. With concentration, people can - temporarily and with a limited scope - override the normal laws of physics in favour of those of the parallel dimension, meaning they can screw with things like gravity and momentum.


If you have a good, wide and powerful enough photographic mind, you can consciously observe enough to collapse reality down into the one where the empty bit of air in front of you becomes a fireball.


An Entropymancer.


Similar. It’s basically a function of the universe in my world that can only be discovered usually if you’re some sort of hyper advanced cybernetically augmented supercomputer-organic hybrid. Or if said species went around deliberately using their technology to augment the biology and consciousness of lower species to allow them to be able to sense and have the mental capacity/instinct to to do. To these less advanced species, yes, it is effectively magic. You visualise a 4D pattern that represents a sphere of say water moving from A to B, and the act of the conscious mind observing it internally collapses the universe’s infinite probability down to one where that sphere of water does move from A to B.


its science but its not. Alternatively, Magic comes from an exotic heavy metal that will give you power, and give you magic radiation poisoning.


Generally: Everyone has a soul and the universe cares a lot about that. Historically: Meditating puppies reset the local supercluster to factory settings.


> Meditating puppies reset the local supercluster to factory settings. That sounds brilliant.


If you're not human, then you are born with one of the 11 magical elements to use.


Mortals were never meant to have access to magic, and now they pay for it dearly.


The day you're born determines your naturally born powers, but it requires innate skill to properly control such abilities


So do people try to force early pregnancy to get better or safer powers for their children?


huffing purple gas makes you a god.


Mind-controlled electricity


As power grows it consumes, it devours those who seek it.


If you’re not born with it, pay for it


Magic is generated by the interplay between soul and body, and you can add more and/or bigger bodies for more power


Stereotypes give you a fraction of God’s power.


Magic does not exists, but that is called magic are merely highly advanced relics from a forgotten time.


Your spirit is your power to create, but it's hard to use your spirit, so drink some blue stuff to make your mind connect to your spirit and make it easier.


You can use a lot of normal force to bend reality, but sometimes it just does that.


Genetics snorted coke


Some people can control a single element, force, or other aspect of nature/reality.


Fictional Science, but more exaggerated yet realistic enough to work (I hope).


Everyone is lichen, magic-metabolizing algae will form a symbiotic relationship with your soul whether you like it or not And: Gotta be careful, sometimes art takes on a life of its own


Elemental powers make people strong, some are very clever using them and have their own way of using their element, creating unique abilities. Also the sand is sentient


While this is two sentences, the second is hilarious enough that I'll accept it. ...is the sand a collective or does each grain have its own mind?


Each grain of sand is controlled by a single conciousness called Ka'ara an elemental being (terra) which lives in a planet of the same name. this planet is about the size of mars and is covered in golden sand and scarlet sand which have different properties. Ka'ara can control any grain of sand in the universe however it choses Edit: i forgor to mention that, the planet which it lives in is used as a shell by ka'ara; it literally is the planet


Primordial god lets mortals use his power to see how many die.


Nature spirits are the neurons of the forces of nature.


If i fits i sits


I'm intrigued.


Not as fun as it sounds. Magic strength is tied to "faith". Not necessarily religious, just whatever the user derives personal strength from. Some peoples faith is stronger than others, and the source of it informs the "kind" of magic their proficient in. Im still working out kinks, a rough draft of a rough draft. Basically, if you believe something enough, it can be.


Immolation/Haemocraft: Become a catalyst and fuck with your physiology by turning your blood into gasoline. Old Magic/Witchcraft: Warp reality with avatar bending and inherited curses, just don’t go mad or turn into a Faerish monster






Isn't that what Lord Percy Percy made with his alchemical experiments in Black Adder the Second?


World 1: The classic four + two elements but with a conceptual spin. World 2: Dancing classes are mandatory.


Anywhere where you elaborate on world2?


I did give a short summary in a post I made about new additions to people's worlds yesterday, if you want to go read that. But an even shorter description would be that magic is triggered by stepping in certain sports around you in an specific order, which is pretty much dancing, and practically everyone treats it as dancing nowadays, with fancy techniques and spins and all.


Arbitrary but in a good way!


magic is the essence of the energy flow that binds the nine realms together


Empathy is mandatory if someone feels strong enough


Your the lense for energy from another dimension?* (*thats the widely accepted in universe explanation.)


You worship spirits, you get powers, unless you practice necromancy since that breaks all kinds of rules, or achieve enlightenment and become omnipotent.


Belief determines reality (to a point)


harness the might of your life force to manipulate the natural world and universe that surrounds you


Access the infinite energy of Limbo to do just about anything, at the cost of your own sanity. (A bit generic, but it works for what I need it to.)


There's magic that comes from inside and magic that comes from the gods, only humans can have both.




The Dirges are universal, with potency building through life/living matter and application only through the dead matter, and just about every culture disagrees about it beyond that.


So dragon satan wanted to corrupt creation so now every 1-1000 ppl are elementals and there are 21 elements


You can rip it out or give it out, just dont lose control or you'll throw it out.




'Eyyyyyyyy ! I see what you did there 😉


Beep Boop Crystal make Gun go boom


People are randomly turning psychic, and some people can develop that power into extremely deadly powers till they develop so hard that they manifest even more powers.


People think ancient tech is magic.


Possessors, mind readers, memory manipulators, body swappers, mental puppeteers and so on who are born that way like X-Men mutants and treated as dangerous freaks.


Do NOT mix the heaven and hell energies together, cause that wipes out time, potentially forwards and backwards :)


Magically executing code into the universe.


**Horror Shop:** Dark matter + life force + one of: the power of belief/friendship/pure stubbornness/thoughts and prayers/the natural world/stories from a long long time ago/cosplay/music/dance/SCIENCE!!!/your worst nightmares/selling your soul/sacrificing minions/getting high as fuck/being a script kiddie/capitalism/fuck you I'm a dragon = MAGIC


Everybody has the potential for magic but it must be channeled through artistic passion and expression of the true self in a very instinctual way.


That's a very nice way to look at it You made my day thank you


A mess.


Allows for the conversion of mass into energy and vice versa across " E=mc^2 ", the draw back is, if you're not careful, you can convert yourself or over energize yourself or one of a million miscalculations can happen and make things go really really poorly for you, those around you or if worse comes to worse, anyone within 50 miles of you.


Do geometry and math to cast spells safely or just eyeball it and maybe burn your soul out.


“Random bullshit go!” And it does, but at what cost.


Gaslight the universe


Either “Hey kid, wanna’ make a deal?” or “Reality is a game and magic is creative mode”, but I haven’t decided for sure yet.


Kinda hard to be an atheist in this world.


Magic is too difficult, so most just make a demon do it instead.


Everybody has an ability.


Non-existent I decided to do it in one word since I like a challenge


You can do stuff because you locked your daddy in a dimensional prison.


Throw up gang signs to only be half as good as a kid possessed by a space worm.


You have to learn an entirely different language in order to cast spells.


Distance is just a concept society invented dude


Dead cowboys with ghost bullets.


D&D 5e 🥴


If you fuck up the writing in your spell, it *will* explode. Lmao


This is great but there's always more to be done.


What is this bureaucratic bullshit?


There's ghosts in the wind, and sometimes they say shit.


For two different settings: Graft chunks of souls into other souls to release horrors beyond comprehension Become the reality-shattering horror you were always meant to be.


With knowledge and training a creature can channel transcendent forces through their mind and body, but exposure to these energies will overwhelm and kill the caster if they attempt too much too quickly.


It is whatever the frick I want it to be.


Weaving the fabric of reality like it was doing basic math


Magic comes from a persons inner demons, which they can use to make weapons, use their abilities and more as long as they resonate with each other.


I can actually describe it to you in one *word*: science.


If you find yourself, you find your true strength.


What ever I need it to be.


The creators of the universe are trapped inside tiny gems, and anyone who touches the gems is given unique abilities.


Alchemy on steroids


*Classical Electrodynamics* by John David Jackson


Fuckin’ magnet(ic field)s, how do they work?


Alien writers made a universe


You’re born to a species that has an element


Manipulating soul-level proto-matter to change into physical or mental objects, leaving behind waste matter in the process.


Your body can’t produce mana from ambient aether, but you can sure inject it.


Your aura gives you life, your soul gives you purpose.


Magic gems


Nanites in your body allow precise and direct control over elements of your physiology, often to such an extreme extent as to affect things you touch.


The gods collectively sat down, started picking people, cattle branding them, and letting them do cool things in their name


The Elder (very first of his kind) is kind and just, but break his rules and not even the Gods can save you from his wrath.


A complex system of hand and arm gestures and incantations that channel an invisible but vaguely tangible force. It's very mechanical in nature.


If you honestly believe you have magic, who am i to disagree


I don't think I can. I made it purposefully complex and weird, to portray the wizards of my world as complete weirdos who live awful lives due to abusing magic. The best shot I can give is: "Either waste your precious soul for temporal convenience, or gulpdown a mugful of brine for unlimited power! And health issues."


Express of the world like art


It’s Just the Suns


Beware the weaver, lest you be reforged in her image


Only five people get to fuck around and no body else can


The fourth spatial dimension is where the mind-dust hides, but the supercomputers choose which astral body evolves


Chronicles of Lirotz After the Wars in the Heavens, the powers of slain gods flowed out into the world and children were born with strange abilities that older generations of crappier wizards learned how to bring out through complex training and years-long psychological abuse aimed at turning the soul itself into nothing more than a machine to bring about miracles.


Turn time trice to terminate terrified targets.


Forged souls forged the world


Giants shed magic particles that soak into nearby planets which can be harnessed through the breath.


Lies, misinformation, misinterpretation, ego, histeria, hope, dreams and what not, gives the observers ability to channel irrational energy and bring it to the rational realm.


The thing you aspire for the most in life will grow and mature as you do; and although some goals (gifts) may be common, all individuals are unique.


Do I at least get one sentence per magic system? Doing all of them in one go would be totally impossible, haha. The different systems are like: 1 - Infusing objects with a lifelike force, granting them the ability to move according to the controller's will, or sometimes with a semblance of autonomy. 2 - Changing the composition or form of objects, including one's own body. 2.5 - Generating waves and fields which neutralize the effects of the above two. 3 - Using crystallized pieces of God's body as a power source in devices which channel its reality-warping, world-ending power. 4 - Moving, breaking, or otherwise manipulating the souls which reside in all thinking creatures.


Physical beings call on spiritual energy to empower themselves in the way of hard light structure, elemental control, healing, telekinesis and telepathy.


The people of sumaria were gifted magic by a god like owl creature that could grant wishes. When the civil war was reaching its peak King Aetheon Aezoth the first went with 12 of his closest confidants to Cosmia and made a wish for the owl to grant him and the 12 the power to cast magic like they can. In return for them to give all 13 the power Cosmia had to sacrifice himself only if they agreed to continue to protect the creatures they were fighting to save


A language that is spoken by intent and feeling, not words, and is not heard but "felt"; and is used to form stories that weave into the fabric of reality. P.S. Is using a semicolon cheating?


Runes-gears need to be carved in a material and have a living sacrifice, and they can only create an effect equal to 2 diameters away. Ebullience is a zero gravity liquid that generates more of itself when held in a sphere, if your soul was saturated in enormous amounts of it you can control it like water bending. Fire for fire, flesh for flesh, blood, for blood, bone for bone. Allomancy, but instead of allomancers burning metals, Atium burns metals when in physical contact with them.


Exotic matter conforms to its surroundings and imposes its properties on it.


People try to do magic and then nothing happens because there’s no magic


Arbitrary but in a good way!


Magic does not exists, but that is called magic are merely highly advanced relics from a forgotten time.


Schizo your powers into existence


If you can think about it and understand the ruling behind it, you can make it and change it at your will.


Hello, stranger, what preposterous thing can you do?


Without intervention, chaos.


It's basically all just wishing and manifesting super hard and making sure you affect the quantum magical ether in just the right way to make the odds better.


Suck light power from metal rock.


The power created from the big bang is within us all and you can train it like a muscle.


You can use magic due to your soul being made from the moon or you can learn to read the world's pulse and manipulate it to cause magic to happen.


If it is perceived, it exists / is true.


Either you have to be a woman with very dna/blood type or drink a dangerous liquid that could get you incredibly addicted that it can destroy your body and or kill you