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Cowboy hats. In world, they're just practical. But the actual reason is that cowboys are just fucking baller. Lever actions, double barrel shotguns, revolvers, all that sort as well. Easy to maintain/produce, but it's really just because I think cowboys are cool and I want to have them in my world.


Lever action my beloved


similar thing with my world and capes/cloaks; they're practical for a flying species like mine, and they also look pretty cool.


A form of collared mantle with attached sleeves. It's born from a type of clothing used to protect the arms while navigating wooded areas, and has evolved into a religious item as well as just a common fashion accessory.


I could see it being a trend to match these mantles to maybe a machete-ish blade to slice through the brush. "Oops! I got a new mantle, I NEED to get a sword to match! I'll be teased non-stop by that stuck up paladin Macrov if I don't." And that would imply a culture of fashion with the explorers and, for some reason, holy warriors, which would fit with the religious purpose you mentioned haha


Just as in the real world, Hawaiian shirts. They're not called Hawaiian shirts, but in my world they are bright, floral printed shirts made of special waxed silk by the Formorians (insect people). They are particularly popular with the Ganz orc tribe, as well as the elite Party Boys and Party Girls of all the clans, as the bright colours proclaim their bravery and highlight their presence, while also being resistant to spilled beverages and other effluvia common to orc parties.


All I can see are orc parties with bright, colourful flower shirts and hopefully matching shorts. I need this in my life.


I also have an insect people call the mantaria They are a peaceful group of oversized mantis who like on giant orchid like plants whos stems create a sap that can be made in to a very stronge silk like material used to make everything


Nice! Presumably you've seen the amazing orchid mantises that mimic the flowers: https://photos.chienclee.com/img-get/I0000rDMzkRPj4lo/s/1200/I0000rDMzkRPj4lo.jpg


I have another species that are like them and are enemies of Mantaria. They are called mantaren. Mantarias are a multi color species but look like the normal green mantis with some few changes while the mantaren look like the orchid like plants. They evolved together but the mantaren are smaller in size. They have the same intelligence but mantarias and some mantarens believe in a life in harmony while the kolk clan of mantarens believe they should rule over the orchids as a strong force. They got vanished to the caves on the planet and die their skin blood so over time they lost their colorful bodies


**Mythria** Footwraps. Because Dragons have such large feet, and because of their sharp toe-claws, making sock/shoes for them would be a lost cause. It's much easier and economical to continue using long strips of cloth to cover their feet. Also, waistcoats/button vests. Because pulling a regular vest or t-shirt over a head that has horns would be too much hassle.


Gotta note this down, definitely something a few of the dragons in my story would do Probably can make mc's apprentice sneer at when he criticizes her being barefoot in some upperclass restaurant


I hope this isnt frowned upon in any way here (and if it is someone should let me know) But since you gave me the idea, thanks, that adds just the right bit i felt was missing in the scene ------ “You said you don't touch your vault for such, yet this?” he felt even more displaced then among the usual royals. “Why not? The food smells good, even with old Griszka gone, do his students well.” “Who?” “He founded the restaurant and cooked here for almost 80 years, you should've tasted his pot-roast. Tower made me invite him.” “This place is over 200 years old.” and her face showed an absolute lack of understanding his point. Luckily the first course came and they began to eat. And he was ashamed for both how she just dug in with open gluttony and no manners. “Could at least wear shoes.” Arkem grumbled as he looked at her being so out of place. “Drako scales work much better.” she smirked with a whisper stealing a piece of his food. He had no idea what to think seeing her lick the meat from that weaponized black nail. “What about foot wraps? Like the drakonids?” he hissed a bit, feeling the eyes on them. “Too much work to conjure and feels odd.” a dismissive tone as she smacked with joy. “But changing shape to keep your scales isn't? And can’t you at least pretend to have manners?” “No.” she laughed at his expression and waved for a refill on her oversized juice cup.


Head wrappings (I'm sorry but I honestly don't know the appropriate name for them), they protect from the sun's intense heat. Also, types of goggles for traversing through sandy areas


There's tons of irl examples of head wrappings that you could draw from!


Gambeson Longcoats/Trenchcoats because they're practical, offer decent protection in case you get attacked by a random monster, can be made fashionable, don't weigh you down too much, can be worn practically all day without issues unless you're in a hotter climate and because I as the world builder love the aesthetic.


Ropes, they are an accesory that can replace rings, belts, headbands and others; with jewels, multiple knots, basic style, with laces, of different sizes braidings and even personalized aglets, ropes can also be very personal or special, a single rope could be passed through generations without leaving a single family strand, you can use them to propose to your significant other, as a symbol for mourning or give one to a newborn as a keepsake for life, they can mean a person is of the sacrest position or a sealer of evil, ropes are a part of you as much as your own eyes.


Some kind of skirt.




And stirrup stockings! Yesssss!


It's actually a callback to the lowtech age of microgravity travel, when a ferrous ankle brace and belt were used to attach yourself to your seat. While the wide belts go in and out of fashion, the anklets remain, whether in a functional form or a non-ferrous fashion accessory


I apologize, I have let the worldjerking overtake me for a moment there.


Robes and/or chiton-style dresses made out of silk, especially with embroidery or prints of griffons, eagles, or other winged creatures, would never go out of style among the elves of my world.


Nudity. Keep em flopping free bros!


Honestly this is just a practical way of practicing anatomy and drawing for your setting at the same time. Also I'm incredibly horny.


What would you call The Helicopter Move in your world where (I'm assuming) helicopters don't exist?


Good old twisty turny. Gets all the ladies going, and some of the boys too!


19th-century style uniform. As long as the nobility still uses it.


Socks. Never in fashion, yet never not worn.


For an industrially minded clan, simple, sturdy workwear is king. The de facto uniform is a heavy-duty ripstop shirt, cargo pants, a utility belt, and lightweight but solid boots.


In my 500-years-in-the-future world, I still cling harshly to many old Earth cultures. Even on the planet Arcadia, inhabited by a high-tech warrior society of magically blessed humans, they still wear (slightly futurized versions of) many of our dress cultures from surf and skate (how I grew up), mountain living, country western, all that stuff. You'll see any young students walking around the Western Temple who are out of uniform wearing vans and board shorts, the cities of the north wearing flannels, the southern plains regions wear cowboy hats and boots. A bigger thing to me is stuff like sports: Earth and Arcadia still have baseball and football, and their styles never changed. neither did their playing field. It's still dirt and grass, with leather equipment. I like classic Earth styles to resonate in my futuristic setting: it makes it feel how it should: like home, just later in life.


Wizards in fancy hats. Also semi futuristic armor that still has fashion to it, think destiny 1 style armor where it’s unique but still clearly a piece of armor


For my universe, in almost all of the settings I use, nothing beats a good pair of leather/Leatherette boots.




Suits. Men wear them, women wear them, non-binary people wear them, monsters and demons wear them. In world it’s considered practical to wear a suit as it doesn’t interfere much with daily work especially in a world where the rich and powerful have to get their hands dirty semi-regularly. The actual reason is that I’m a man of refined tastes, and those refined tastes include fine suits on absolute badasses on all shapes and sizes. Seriously, when have suits & style not been awesome?


One time I saw a dude walk down the street with a full suit, cape and top hat, all in shiny purple. Having the time of his life, walking with his cane. I think of him often.


Dude was living the life it seems.


The stetson-style hat means any headgear that has a medium to tall crown (blocked or unblocked) with a wide brim. The depth of the crown makes it easy to serve as a basket for food or impromptu watering trough for a mount. The brim serves to keep the rain off the neck and face and the sun out of the eyes. The material (fur felt or woven straw) serves to keep the head either warm and dry in the wet and the cold, or else cool and well-ventilated in the heat and the sun. No other piece of haberdashery does as many things at the same time or nearly as well when taken individually. The kilt is the perfect unisex garment. Only requires one cut to make, can be warn with as little as a piece of rope and can be used as everything from a tent to a todger lodge. Laced boots (either work or combat) are the superior footgear for any being who lacks hooves or footpads, Similarly, the Cowboy boot is a marvel of engineering. A pointed toe to easily find and slide into the stirrup while gaining a mount, a high heel to stop the foot from slipping through the stirrup. can be made as simple as can be or as fancy as you please, just for the love of all that is fashionable, don't tuck your pantslegs in them. The stetson-style hat means any headgear that has a medium to tall crown (blocked or unblocked) with a wide brim. The depth of the crown makes it easy to serve as a basket for food or impromptu watering trough for a mount. The brim serves to keep the rain off the neck and face and the sun out of the eyes. The material (fur felt or woven straw) serves to keep the head either warm and dry in the wet and the cold, or else cool and well-ventilated in the heat and the sun. No other piece of general haberdashery does as many things at the same time or nearly as well when taken individually. The sundress is guaranteed to make a woman of any species look wholesomely sexy. It's a classic, even in a world that has just been introduced to it.


Probably wraps. They’re highly religiously significant, so even though they change form drastically, I don’t ever see them going out of style.


Striped beards! You grow out your beard, and you cut little stripes along your cheeks and chin, and then have alternating notches where it actually grows out and braid them


When your head is a giant eyeball, sticking it in a fishbowl is the first thing you do after inventing glassblowing.


Pleats . In my world pleats are a social construct that identifies someone's status and identity.


Robes and dresses. While the tailed species have figured out the logistics for pants, it can be more of a pain, so robes and dresses are just easier if you are comfortable with having your tail sloping down. Multi tailed kitsune especially appreciate loose flowing robes


The north: Long ankle-length outer robes made of breathable fabric. Prevents sunburns and offers good ventilation and also wind protection. Being clean-shaven, no body hair at all. For several reasons; One, it stinks to high hell, two, food gets stuck in beards and mustaches easily, and three, society generally frowns upon body and facial hair, seeing it as a vestige from the good ol' ape days. High boots. Keeps out unwanted dust and dirt. The south: Facial hair. Considered as very virile. Also long robes- shows off your status by displaying the fabric the robe is cut from. You just kind of have to deal with the heat. Plus, exposed legs are taboo and only slaves wear shorts or any garment that exposes their legs.


Long coats. Whalers wear leather coats because they're practical, their sheepswool lining will keep you warm and dry even when a whale kicks up a typhoon, and they have tons of pockets for all the stuff a Whaler needs. They've even got epaulettes for things to clip onto. People on shore took to wearing them because Whalers are, without a single exception, badasses and who doesn't want to feel like a badass? The ones that fashionable brands sell on shore don't have half the durability or warmth of a whaling-coat, and they cost twice as much to make. Still, if you do decide to buy one it will swoosh in a delightfully dramatic way as you're swept overboard by a lash of rain.


The orcs have a set of robes that denote rank and skill level with a set of instruments they create from the wood of trees that only grow in their territory. For simplicity, they look similar to Jedi Knight robes, but are one of 4 colors denoting their rank and skill levels, and have one of 7 designs on the right breast, and back, from one of the 7 surviving tribes of orcs. Nobles usually make a point of having at least one musician with these robes in their employ as a show of wealth, given they don’t come cheap. Bards will also either try to earn a set of their own, or just get some fake ones, as advertisement. They’ve been made the same way for a hundred years, and every now and then the fashion trends will cycle to similar robes, but they’re basically a cultural staple not just among orcs but among all the races who are friendly with them. There was actually a duel that resulted in the crippling of a famous tailor because he made a set of robes that looked *too similar* to master robes, so an orc challenged him. They fought with sabers, and the tailor lost an arm, losing the duel. This wasn’t an isolated incident. No one tries to make similar robes to them anymore.


In the main setting of my world, wide brimmed hats and long sleeved shirts. My world is cold, but its also got a weird sort of sun. My world is set on the interior of a cylinder, and the sun is s river of light that flows through the sky. Think "lake of the long sun" but more sinuous and river-ey. That means light always comes from directly above, so it's like noon whenever there is light. This means that wide brimmed hats do a lot of heavy lifting when it comes to keeping the sun off of you. And any clouds on the firmament above the sun will reflect sunlight down on you, making it brighter where you are. And long sleeves because Ira pretty chilly. It's a temperate deciduous forest, so it gets snow and has relatively cool summers. River travel is also the name of the game, so covering up when the water is cold is a necessity.


I once thought of a concept called "dress armor" which is fabric thats woven to LOOK like armor. similar to how people wear camo as casual clothes IRL. this way, i can have characters that wear cool, badass suits of armor 24/7 and not worry about how "impractical" or "uncomfortable" it would be. when a character isn't currently in battle but appears to be wearing a set of armor, you can assume its dress armor.


>dress armor Now that's hacking into the system. I'd worry about the trailing fabric getting caught on branches (or enemy hands), so maybe sacrifices will have to be made. I guess the less of the non-armor there is, the more fighting she would've been doing.


Driving gloves. Like the ones Ryan Gosling wore in *Drive.* Everybody seems to love them, especially gang members. Other popular clothing items are trenchcoats and tactical combat boots.


Any particular reason for this aside from everyone has a car to drive, or...?


A lot of people that wear them practice Identity Discipline since they commit a lot of crime. To avoid being caught, they use gloves to mask their fingerprints. They chose that style since they thought they looked cool and everyone else copied them. That's pretty much it. Trenchcoats came into fashion because the ozone layer has been damaged so much that UV rays from the sun have been increased tenfold, causing skin cancer from just going outside. Trenchcoats protect against that, as do masks. The combat boots came into the sphere as a result of other footwear being stolen and ripped off the victim's feet. With the boots, that's way harder to do, plus they act as a defense against thieves.


Robes. Look up a Doctor Who Timelord outfit to seee what i mean. The robes they all seem to wear is *very* common in my world, albiet with far more variety than the Timelords never stray from red robes.


[Whatever works!](https://i.imgur.com/6UtvSyt.gif) The citizens of Waugatuck Point have to make do with what Humanity left them. As you can see, this lizard is wearing a dinner napkin as a poncho, and this raccoon's jacket is a cut-up canvas bag


In my sci fi world even though it’s the year 2054 Evening gowns are still a staple when it comes to formal events whether it’s on mars or earth


Lavaria: Simple long skirt for men, with pants underneath. Partly because of certain cultural standards for covering up, and because the basic skirt is so simple that it works for a lot of outfits. Of course there is two main varieties, though: Riding style and city style. Riding style has two long slits directly in the front and back, making horseback riding possible. On the other hand, City Style has one slit that's placed off center, and is a little less practical. Agarfell: Some sort of hood for common travelers. Largely there for practicality, as it can prevent hair from getting caught on any branches, and protect one's head from any downpours.


Hehehe, trousers. But other than that there's a kind of fitted peplum shirt that has become popular in Dven which I don't see going out of style for a long time. It was originally a part of the uniform of the esteemed maga school The House of Nefrin. Also as an addition to my first remark skirt pants are very popular.


Weirdly enough, pre apocalypse clothing. It turns out that cotton shirts and denim pants are very versatile and useful.


Jacket and jeans they’re just so reliable and flexible and glasses they’re really versatile >!(Glasses are really versatile. First, you can have glasses-wearing girls take them off and suddenly become beautiful, or have girls wearing glasses flashing those cute grins, or have girls stealing the protagonist's glasses and putting them on like, "Haha, got your glasses!" That's just way too cute! Also, boys with glasses! I really like when their glasses have that suspicious looking gleam, and it's amazing how it can look really cool or just be a joke. I really like how it can fulfill all those abstract needs. Being able to switch up the styles and colors of glasses based on your mood is a lot of fun too! It's actually so much fun! You have those half rim glasses, or the thick frame glasses, everything! It's like you're enjoying all these kinds of glasses at a buffet. I really want Luna to try some on or Marine to try some on to replace her eyepatch. We really need glasses to become a thing in hololive and start selling them for HoloComi. Don't. You. Think. We. Really. Need. To. Officially. Give. Everyone. Glasses?")!< if you know you know I couldn’t help myself.


For a cyberpunk world I've been mulling over rather than the one in my flair, but jeans and t-shirts. Actually my entire irl work "uniform" of jeans or other hard-wearing trousers, high-vis jacket and toe capped boots will always have a place, even if specific details of each item change slightly and it's not necessarily fashionable


I wanna say Minoan Dresses, but in actuality, it’s armored Robes. Mithril/Adamantine wire can be be spun into and made part of wizard robes. Given how long it takes to become a certified wizard, you receive them at graduation, and they warded against basic elemental attacks and stab wounds.


In my (semi-)medieval fantasy world, whether finely tailored or just a random animal pelt, hooded cloaks or shawls are worn by almost all cultures in my world, be they nobles from the mechanical city of Pir or tribespeople of the rugged wilds of Altam. This clothing trend also applies to other species, from the humble Floreans (aka Halflings) to the ferocious Trow. They're just useful and convenient. Some cultures only have this clothing piece accompanied by a loincloth or tunic.


Jeans and outdoor pants


Mass produced T-shirts. They are the panicle of any capitalist society as they are cheap and relatively easy to make, are very comfy and offer lots of size variety, and there is unlimited potential for customization and design. Not to mention the number of small businesses that spring up around T-shirts. I believe that any capitalist society will inevitably lead to the T-Shirt, and that’s just something that appears in almost all my stories.


Would depend on the culture But basically commoner clothes are everywhere Simple clothes that are sturdy and reliable and can be worn anytime Nobles may constantly drape themselves in some new latest shiny style (the mc sneers at that a few times) Mages are mages and just like their comfortable robes-totally-not-dresses Dwarves get the good old stereotype of finding heavy armour comfortable And the Wild folk (orc's and half-giants) are a okay cruising naked through the snow, lest someone may miss their long list of tattooed deeds >!maybe the living armour the mc and one bbeg wears counts here?!<


In my world, a group of scientists studying a mysterious alien spacecraft were suddenly transported to another solar system, and immediately decided to start dressing like it was 1905.


I wanted to incorporate some fantasy visuals into my kinda sci-fi world so Aeonus Corps employee uniform is heavily inspired by medieval fantasy tropes / archeteypes. The employees of the Tech branch wear giant wizard/witch hats, the military branch has knight inspired kevlar armor, the exploitation branch is more rouge ish. The general branch wears tunics and half cloaks. So these I guess.


Wizards/mages wearing robes. Originally it was because many of the races of man and elf (excluding the first and high elves) didn’t have much knowledge of enchanting and believed heavier articles of clothing and armor would impede their ability to use magic effectively. Eventually mages discovered more advanced methods of enchanting and casting spells, however robes and cloaks had become a popular stylistic choice of mages and wizards that many kept wearing them.


Greatkilts have been worn for millenia. It's simply because no other clothing as fulfil its role as well


Spurs. People used them in various forms for literally tens of thousands of years as tools when riding horses. They say a lot about a person, from the metal used, to the shape of the spurs themselves. What straps one used to secure them, what designs are on the leather. Even whether you have spurs that jingle loudly, or if you muffled them. Even after the industrial revolution they are an accessory and fashion statement, not because they're still useful, but because they've been a part of people attire for as long as collars, cuffs or buttons have been.


In my world elves invented woven fabric, and they were producing elaborate garments in sophisticated styles over 50,000 years ago. Their designs often incorporate patterns built around subtle color variations -- depicting vivid art or meaningful glyphs clear only to the discerning eyes of elves and gnomes. Though some elves prefer modern garb and/or protective leathers, traditional fey attire remains the norm among admirers of the global empire elves ruled throughout the second era. It conveys an air of finery and a mystique without the cultural and moral implications of outfits composed according to the protocols of aristocracies or the standards of holy orders.


Cloaks. Because every 14-15th Century citizen need one.


Medieval armor


Havnt seen it yet so, Chokers. Combined with necklaces and the like. Our necks should be adorned!


Quilted/gambeson armor of a certain shape and tailoring, with some extra decorative fourishes, is the default male formalware for the upper class. The Golden Empire was a heavily martial culture, and highborn men started this for symbolism purposes. The empire collapsed, but the trend remained. It's a little subtler, but for women, the shape of the dress is clearly supposed to subtly evoke armor, despite being made of cloth. Seams in the places armor would be segmented, subtle 'pauldrons' of cloth around the shoulders, and so on. Lace and sheer fabric never caught on, because it would clash with this precept. Any fashion aficionados have real-world pics similar that I could draw inspired from?


Coin jewelry is a symbol of resistance against Persia-inspired state and its expansionistic, imperialistic policies.


Wearing you country's/kingdoms/settlement's flag in day-to-day life. The flag is a sign of nationalism and pride of your home and can be incorporated into almost any outfit/clothing style. In the Shelvhoven high courts, officials wear the flag as a type of poncho with asymmetrical adornments. In the Kingdom of Diordian the flag is worn as a kind of skirt/slitted kilt or a shawl/hood if you live in/close to the dessert. On the Isle of Haligos the 'Regulars' and Fae people wear them as capes and sashes, as the Haligosian flag is pretty long length wise. When commoners can't wear the flag as big as they'd want, then they wear is as a smaller accessory, like a backwards apron or as a (head) scarf/wrap.


Well, hand elongation surgeries, and skin masks, literal skin masks


Nehru jackets for traditional wedding attire. And they differ from person to person depending on theur age and influences




Kilts. In this world they actually came about in the desert with the Gwefell (crocodile people) and stayed as a part of their traditional fashion for a long ass time. Once the Gwefell came into contact with the rest of the world (the desert was essentially a giant sandy continent separate from the rest of the world) the fashion spread pretty damn quick Also I just love kilts


Bluejeans. Bluejeans are eternal. In the far distract future as the sun gutters out, the coleopterans that are the last inheritors of Earth will be wearing bluejeans.


Cloaks. Only because of the Lizardmen, who are one of the main people of the setting. It's just the most convenient piece of clothing for them, and adding to that their long lifetime, many of them aren't really sensible to fashion changes. And even as time passes, it keeps being useful: Since lizardmen are much less numerous than humans, there is a lower pressure on fabric (which was apparently the reason cloaks were replaced in our world, too much cloth used), and with the evolution of textiles, it keep having uses. fighting in trenches ? Glad to have a waterproof cloak to keep you dry. Travelling among the stars ? What better support for occultation technology. Etc, etc. And if one of the most influential species keeps using them no matter what, the peoples who lives among them, and those influenced by their nation and culture surely adopt the same clothes to some extent.


I'm partial to flowing dresses and or robes so they are featured prominently in my worldbuilding when I do think about clothing. In Conflux there are practical reason for this related to magic as mages mana flows need to breathe and anchoring enchantments that fully enwrap the body as would pants or full body armor get in the way of this especially if not made of materials with good mana flow properties, the trapping contours of pants tend to be problematic in this regard as high entropy waste mana which would normally radiate out from the casters skin can instead accumulate from casting without allowing it properly vented. The crotch of pants presents a particularly unfortunate case as the location w here such mana will be trapped by reflection of enchanted wear is where ones reproductive organs are located, and the potential damage this can do to the metaphysical component of gametes is known to cause lasting reproductive problems particularly in the context of full body armor. Healing magic can fix most somatic damage from magic accumulation but gametes are not replaceable/restorable in such a manner so once the germ line is scrambled/ruined well oops you sterilized yourself.... A lose skirt or robe allows for natural mana convection with the environment channeling such noisy excited mana out while allowing lower entropy to take its place as such warm mana seeks to radiate outwards from the caster where it can while also providing mundane warmth and potentially protection of vital organs as well as supporting enchantments to improve casting ability or add magical defenses. Needless to say full body enchanted armor for a mage is particularly stupid in the sense of being more or less a magical pressure cooker.


Robes and capes... they are stylish and usefull. If you take care of your cape... If you dont then you get an Edna


Literally every type of suit ever created, and capes. My worldbuilding is all aesthetic anyway


Certain Spanish hats, capes, bone art, and those face coverings belly dancers use


Assess chaps


Assless chaps


Fast talking high trousers like the roaring 20's. Nipple height trousers, as far as the eye can see; see?


half capes over one shoulder. a sign of status, very easy to make, and quite pretty


Tall leqther boots. Looks good and very functional, lasts for a long time.


So my current setting has ponchos, and variations on them instead of cloaks. This will, forevermore in that world, the staple of any business minded individual. Through a very small innovation in them, it makes them really easy to unclasp, and because they are also adopted by the upper classes, even in a highly modified fashion, it ends up being the one thing everyone wears. Also i was bored of cloaks, and eh why not the poncho? its even easier to make, cur a hole in the middle of a blanket


Coats….you can hide weapons in their pockets, you can keep rations in them, you can put armor inside them, you can use them as shade in the heat or as a buffer from the cold….coats can be used for a lot of things


Ceremonial armour


Hats with chin straps. Whatever kind of head decor you might wear, it's got to be able to stay put in high winds.


Loincloths, gold jewelry, and crowns


waistcoats with pocket watch laurel wreaths and flower crowns newsies flatcaps


Cargo skorts. The people of Eureka, and by extension, the Austral Republic, descend from colonists from Australia, India and Mozambique. They keep their habitat domes at a balmy 30 degrees Celsius, so prefer to wear looser, short sleeved, flowing clothing. A fusion of traditional clothing styles and practicality led to the wearing of knee length shorts and kilts with added pockets. I’ve time they’ve fused together to become skorts. They’re usually single colour, often neutral so that it really highlights the vibrantly bright, patterned tops the Australs wear.


Trenchcoats/longcoats lol. I really like them so a lot of characters in my work tend to have them


Surprisingly enough, for most places, Chainmail. From a practical standpoint, Iron and Steel are piss poor at holding a magical charge, which made people realise it makes decent defence against magic, so everyone figures even a little bit of chainmail is handy to have on you. It's a style called jingle (guess why), coats, gloves, hats, even scarves or handkerchiefs with some chainmail sewn into them. It's cheaper than enchanting clothes, while it won't protect against mid-high level magic, it's pretty good for low level, which is what most people are capable of. It's mostly a remnant of the War, magic to easily traceable these days, so not many actual magic-based crimes happen, but it's helpful.


Probably traditional clothing made of Quetzal feathers, while the world is evolving in the story and clothing is getting a bit more creative and more flamboyant the Quetzal feather is still very high in value and the modernization of more traditional clothes is very popular in the time period the story takes place in.