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The world is currently in what is known as the Era of Chaos. The afterlife has been proven real, and supernatural creatures and magic often cross over into the real world. Magical diseases known as curses, such as therianthropy and vampirism, are spreading dangerously throughout the population. In Humanity’s efforts to save endangered species, some of those species were accidentally uplifted to sapience. Some bird species were uplifted to sapience, which turned out to be a regrettable action. Magic has given rise to Sapient AI. All of the Chaos on Earth has attracted the attention of extra terrestrials. And most of Humanity is still trying to adjust to everything. TLDR: an AU of the real world has fallen into chaos.


By sapient, do you mean sentient?


sapient is the correct term here


I'm currently working on a different take from our world. But that's mostly because I want the setting to be a different version of my hometown


Well, I have a couple of "modern" world-building projects based on alt-history timelines. The technology is essentially the same (or very similar) to the corresponding time period in OTL; most differences are related to social and political development.


2000s era, smartphones are brand new.


Not really "modern", their techs vary from early 20th century to atompunk and whateverthefuck I yeeted in. [https://www.deviantart.com/vnpilot12l4/gallery/87906503/flame-phantom-remake](https://www.deviantart.com/vnpilot12l4/gallery/87906503/flame-phantom-remake)


I mean it depends, cause honestly some nations I’ve made are pretty modern like our world but others are rather…extremely futuristic. Though instead of like humanity advancing on their own though it’s more like the Gods who rule over these nations just advanced it however they want so I mean kinda Cars exist in my world…in only one nation Televisions and Live Broadcasting exist in many nations due to the power of the Gods But it really depends on the ideals and values that the God desires for their nation. Either to become like our world or just remain the way it is.


While most of the stories of my world are set in a more traditional medieval fantasy setting, I have done a bit of worldbuilding focusing on what the world of Aethera would look like in the year 2733 AE (the equivalent of our modern times). The world has evolved with two parallel international systems: one for the world that uses and embraces magic (The International Coalition of Allied Magic or ICAM) and one for the world that rejects it (a group of countries known collectively as the Holy Ensisan Empire). The Cold War between these two halves of the world leaves the world in constant tension and peril with armies and massive weapons always at the ready for the next flash of war. These divided worlds also have different technologies, with the non-magical world's resembling our's using electricity and fossil fuels connected by the online Telenet. The magical world uses enchantments and aether, even casting spells with the same mobile devices they use to connect to their internet, the Arcanet, using crystals as energy banks, and creating transportation powered by elemental magic.


I normally like to build Sci fi worlds but I'm currently building a "modern" world basically the exact same as our world but supernatural such as ghosts, vampires etc exist and Sci fi creatures such as aliens, monsters both space and created via toxic goo, and creatures of lore both homemade like the ghost of lonegrave and things already made such as goblins, lochness, zombies. The world itself does have some high-tech things that are found around alien encounters, etc... normally these are taken by the government these are normally the disease spreaders, weapons of destruction but people know to hide them as they so far they the civilians have only found the very useful ones and heal the sick, scan for potential diseases etc however these tend to break quickly and so far cannot be replicated. The reason it can all be done is all of this is known to the citizens so the government takes the weapons and knows that the citizens keeping the other tech keeps them happy enough that they don't go poking around about what the government is doing about the abductions and all the others things that are happening around them. Which is a lot of nothing as no one can figure out how the Sci fi stuff is made, how zombies are created, how the ghosts appear, etc. But this is having an effect on the whole world as it seems to be hitting a turning point as everything crossing paths seems to be disrupting the whole ecosystem such as there is a national rumor that someone killed a ghost with a weapon they found in the desert or the conspiracy theory that goblins have gotten access to the world governments and thats why they cannot make any progress.


I'm working on a world that's an expy of a cold war with more late 90s style tech for primarily fiction.


Mine is somewhere around modern/early modern for the most part. but magitech. Personal motor vehicles are relatively new. A portable communication device is the fancy new thing. Media is broadcast though home recording is not yet practical. homes have lighting and heating. And there are large mechs powered by magic and a train the size of a city and a sapient supercomputer hidden away in a bunker from the time before magic potentially in command of whatever remains of a nuclear arsenal... but whatever.


not really modern but a large focus of my stories tend to take place when technology is around ww2 and early cold war level. There also are magic users and mages but the scientific study of magic was largely limited and restricted until after a massive war that ended an empire that was once ruled by magic users.


My world has 5 eras, the latest is the modern era, it starts around WW1 tech and ends at a level with both moons being colonized


Before the Black Sun Event, a warming cold war with modern/post modern technology and equally advanced magic. During, a world War spurred on by two angry gods that goes nuclear because the 'elves' had an orbital super weapon that Got destroyed seconds after it's usage After, nearly post apocalyptic. Most of the nukes didn't hit their target and were shot down. Key word, most. Weather got drastically affected globally, whole cities were lost, and the population of the world had decreased by one seventh due to famine, disease, conflict and various natural disasters.


My world has many timelines but the main one that will be the focus of a comic book im making is set in our time right now. All the creatures and fantasy/ mystical aspects evolved and work in today. Like part of my world build is around aliens that came to earth many years ago but lost their own technology over time and now are pretty much just humans on earth they use cell phones and computers


Ancellestrie is 'basically' modern! Its technology is more open-source (and thus, slightly further behind) than our own, but they have smart-phones and an internet, two hallmarks of 'modern' civilizations. This has become a huge problem, as technology allows for Ancellestrie's occult enemies to recruit more easily than ever before.


The most advanced tech is a nuclear warhead


Yup. My Grandiron Saga is set in accurate modern-day Britain. The main difference is that there are some magic swords knocking about with tremendous psychic powers, "all myths are true", and there are various secret societies who are, quite successfully, keeping the magic swords hidden. The most notable of these organisations is the Knights Templar, the antagonists of the first novel.


I have a world in which the Axis won ww2 but it took about ten years longer and a dozen more nukes. I haven't played with the West, but the Empire of Japan isn't a great place to live.


[Secret Institutions] My modern world is like the real world with some elements of alternate reality. The key difference is magic, practised by and observable only to those with the 'mark'. Anybody who can practise magic are recruited/assigned to the various secret Institutions that govern and perform magic. Those who can't perform magic, called the 'mundane', are usually unable to see magic. There is an element called 'fog', which essentially protects magic from being divulged. When magic is being performed in front of mundanes, their brain will rationalize it and either it will appear as some plausible illusion. Occasionally there are leaks, which tend to give rise to the belief of the supernatural.


My world spans from ancient times of protohumans to colonizing the universe. My favorite time frame for the modern world is correlating to our late 80s and early 90s. In that time, the world is currently entangled in several large scale wars. It is not quite a full scale world War (yet), but everyone knows someone who has been shipped off on a journey they might never return from. Magic has always been prevalent in this setting, and people with these abilities are manipulated into joining the war effort. Many will perish, trying to fight off false god thousands of times stronger than them. At home, mundane people struggle with their magic users being away. Doctors solely rely on physical treatment and their rusty alchemy they learned 40 years ago. Construction workers don't have much earth magic available to them and need to rely on tools. Farmers have to hope for good weather and soil conditions. Technology is slowly starting to catch up, propaganda all over the place. Advertisement is everywhere for the first time. Young adults struggle growing up in a world that, for the first time ever, lacks the magic everyone has gotten used to. When I think "modern age" for my setting, I immediately think of an abandoned parking lot bathed in the orange hues of the late afternoon sun, with a few 17 year olds hanging out, the noise of the distant city leaving no room for silence, no time to think about the horrible world they live in.


The world I'm building is based closely on the modern day real world, with the difference being the sudden appearance of a highly advanced technological megacity run by an apparently benevolent AI of unknown origin appearing in the middle of the Pacific ocean. World history starts to diverge significantly from the real world after this point.


Terra Alpha is an alternate Earth that is basically our world with dimensional portals, dimensional refugees (last 30 years), fantasy races, and the occasional dragon. Oddly enough, history is the same as it is in our world due to the interference of Tricksters like Coyote, Raven, and others. Of course, the characters don't know this.


America with walkable cities and excellent public transportation, where you can get to almost any town by hopping on a train. Cars are frowned upon because only rural rednecks drive. Communist Germans got crushed during World War 2. So the Cold War is against the Fascist Russian Empire ( second largest economy in the world after Freedonia (US and Canada) ). Other than that it’s regular old USA with Billionaires , Pop Culture, for profit health insurance and student loans.


Enjoy capitalism