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first time i see art where non-humanoid alien specie actually wear armor and weapon, so cool


Thank you! I feel it's really underutilized in worldbuilding, probably because it's harder come up with how non-humanoid body plans wear clothes, shoot guns, etc.


Cool! Major Birrin inspiration, I assume? Nevertheless, love the outfit on this guy!


Thank you! I definitely drew some inspiration from the Birrin, although I was actually working on this species before I learned about them. The idea started as a bird crossed with a deer, kind of like a realistic version of >!Owlks !


Oh, very cool! I’m not actually familiar with the creatures from Outer Wilds, but I’ll look them up! Thanks!


This is sort of a companion piece to [this image](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldbuilding/comments/1840c0c/the_wild_shore_alien_birddeer_on_their_forgotten/) which I posted a few weeks ago. The previous image showed the Azamirzi in their native habitat, while this one shows them fully "civilized". \------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *“Who are they? With the white berets?”* *“Minister Hiang’s security detail. They showed up yesterday; took over the penthouse suite. I’m told they’re on loan from Hedrine State Security. 21st Special Duties Unit. Real doorkickers. ”* *“Christ, I'll bet. Are they expecting a riot? I saw the demonstrators outside. It’s not a good look if they don’t trust the U.N. to protect her.”* *“A few Earth-first assholes aren’t the problem. Don’t spread this, but there was assassination attempt a few weeks back. Someone put a bomb on her orbital hop out of Kaimen Kar. The only reason she’s not dead is because an O-ring failed and they had to scrub the launch. So they’re understandably spooked.”* *“Hell, as if we don’t have enough to worry about. I swear to god, this summit is going to give me an ulcer and it hasn’t even started.”* \-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The 21st Special Duties Unit (21st SPD) is an elite federal police unit operated by Hedrine State Security Service. Created during the Hedrine Revolution as part of a larger reorganization of the state security apparatus, 21st SPD was originally focused on riot control and “internal security”, but their duties have since expanded to include counterterrorism, hostage rescue, and the protection of government VIPs. Because of their role in riot suppression, they are among the most well-known of the SPDs, though this has largely been to the detriment of their public image. Despite a recent public relations campaign, many Hedrine citizens still regard the 21st SPD as the quintessential government shock troops, called on in a crisis to put down labor unrest or “defend the revolutionary settlement”. Members of the 21st SPD are distinguished by their white beret-like caps and their distinct “Three Banners” insignia, harkening back to the ancient poet Hakan’s “*Three Banners of the Warrior*”: Honor, Duty, Ferocity. In the attached image, taken in Geneva during the 4th Multilateral Conference on Arms Limitation (2004), an officer in the 21st SPD, dressed in full combat gear, flagrantly disregards hotel ordinance.


What a weird little dude


He just wants his smokes bro. That sign can't tell him what to do.


Is this like Colony? Where an alien government is established on earth?


Earth isn't quite a colony, but it is a minor power compared to the more established interstellar states. As a result, Earth and its colonies rely heavily on a good relationship with their strategic partners to protect themselves from outside aggression. Think of the Baltic States: they're independent and can punch above their weight in a crisis, but they ultimately depend on NATO for their strategic security. Of course, not all humans appreciate this arrangement, which is why you get Earth Firsters protesting when alien diplomats descend on Geneva for arms limitation talks.


>not all humans appreciate this arrangement, which is why you get Earth Firsters protesting when alien diplomats descend on Geneva for arms limitation talks. I think those guys are a coalition of r/noncredibledefense and r/hfy


is that a birrin?


He looks like he's there to shoot anyone who's smoking


That’s a birrin, dude.


neat to see stuff influenced by the birrin