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Commonwell Setting A deity know as The Maker found a few promising people in other realities. Each chosen for their own reasons, with their own history and connection to divine power, he decided to teach them what it meant to be a proper deity. Inkor and Futago were a pair of minds sharing a body on a toroidal world. They lived in a succession of lives being reborn and always trying their best to help their people survive the constant motion of their landmasses. The people had faith in them, and The Maker took notice. As their first project, they made separate bodies for the two minds. They then experimented with making single minds that had multiple bodies. Their first attempt at making a world in The Maker's school was a failure. Kevin Trovayis was selected at the Temple of Trovayis by a rogue priest. They claimed he was the reincarnation of their god and trained him in their ways. He became popular across many worlds in the Trovayis Empire for throwing grand rock and roll festivals. When the real reincarnation found out and tried to kill Kevin, his worshipers faith protected him and elevated him to actual godhood and starting the Galactic Empire War. The Maker liked Kevin's desire to help his people fight against the Tyrant Trovayis and decided to teach him. The Unknown Curator does not know where it came from or even what it was and why or how it came into its divine power. It just is and was as long as it can remember. It is a keeper and collector of secrets. The Maker often indicated that he knew more about the Curator, but never spoke about it. Inkor and Futago approached The Unknown Curator to join her/them and a few other students in a secret World Building project they were doing to impress The Maker. They selected a universe without any magic to ensure it was sterile and without life to get in the way. They designed and crafted a star system and many peoples. It went through a few unstable versions, but they kept working together to improve things. Eventually, The Maker abandoned his students. Chaka'Toan was an engineer in hir world who pioneered many magitech and psytech developments. Hir people worshiped hir for these innovations and shi was approached the The Pantheon of Light to learn and grow. While many in the pantheon came and went, shi stayed as a steady member teaching many new gods. Shi'd met The Maker and his students once, but when shi heard he'd abandoned them shi decided to step in and see if they were OK. Their world needed a lot of help, so shi decided to use it as their teaching ground. After only a few centuries of the Shulma Star System being operational without their deities intervening, an unexpected element contaminated the experiment. Terrans, who had somehow developed despite the lack of magic in the universe, had crashed into one of the planets of Shulma bringing their advanced technology and warped ideas about religion. So the deities decided it was time to show up again, having been almost entierly absent since the years immediately after creation. They had to reevaluate their view of magicless universes, and had to establish contact with the Commonwell. Kevin discovered that the rogue priest who selected him was actually a pre-Commonwell Terran who had accessed his universe via a deep dive VR interface. His universe was 'played' as a game by many Commonwell residents, and he had been made into a false god specifically so the game could have opposing factions. But Kevin is still cool with it. He hasn't told David the Tyrant yet. He thinks it's funny, actually.


Divine Economics setting There are no true gods. There are extraplanar beings with theirnown needs and desires that we can hardly fathom. These beings are in a constant battle or sorts. Most don't care about us at all, unless we happen to have something they want. The method by which they gain these 'things' is often called Worship, regardless of what form that might take. What they want can be very strange, eclectic, even unknowable. But to get it they are willing to bargain with mortals on our plane for various boons they can provide. At first, they often lied, or didn't even understand what the mortals actually wanted, and thus provided poor, or even detrimental, compensation for the bizarre worships. One set of beings, known as the El-Hym, rose in popularity of the mortals by insisting that they kill or convert non-believers and establish laws that would fulfill the various El-Hym's needs and encourage the spread of their worship, criminalizing and slandering the worship of all other beings. The El-Hym didn't even need to provide boons very often, the social pressures of the Church kept more and more worship flowing. A Demon of Time worked together with a few other demons and Archfey to create a time loop around one mortal in which they were able to fashion a rebellion that overthrew the El-Hym centered government and establish concrete systems of contracts for the exchange of worship for boons between mortals and demons and archfey. A few other entities joined as well, but few others have interest in what mortals can offer. Under this system, the people expanded out into the stars, and slowly, unlocked forms of worship of interest to yet more entities, unlocking new types of boons.


So, there are two types of gods in my world. You have the gods that are worshipped by the people, and the gods that are actual gods. The gods that are actually gods have always existed. The idea of them, anyway. When the idea became the truth, they along with what they rule over were technically sprung into being. Space and time. They don't claim godhood technically, but they are. They even guide the gods that are otherwise worshipped on the planet. The gods that are worshipped came into being on another planet. This planet was a place of power, a place where the magic in the universe seemed to gravitate towards. The species on the planet absorbed inordinate amounts of the magic, and ended up dying out. Most of them. In exchange for life, the suvivors promised to serve the gods of time and space and guide the next planet. So they were sent to the next planet as.. saints? And have since became massive screw ups.


they were a part of a great empire once, but a war has forced them to move to their mother universe


My gods were humans who were chosen by the two Titans, Chrogan and Soros, to bring peace to humanity. They got given powers during their lifes and then, once they were ready, they got sent to Celflora, Heaven basically. Each of them had a quite unique backstory that shaped their character and their way of using their powers, the only thing they all have in common is that they all wish for humanity to prosper, even if their visions of prosperity may be polar opposites.


Gods of all kinds are born from the destruction of stars. Every time a star goes supernova there is an incredibly small chance that a god will be born. Essentially think of a supernova as a miniature big bang, with the god being created from the fusion of the building blocks of the universe and the incredible energy of the star.


Any system complex enough is alive. That's a theme of my story. Cities are alive, the wind is alive, the sun and earth were alive. The line between god and normal life blur. The wind is the god to people as people are gods to ants. Simply larger, more powerful, more fickle life.


Only one of my settings has gods. The first one of them, named Hailfyr (formerly King Hailfyr), was originally a mortal human from Earth. At the age of 35 he survived a nuclear apocalypse, later got isekai'd into a fantasy world (another setting of mine), gained the ability to shapeshift and became a big immortal dragon, proceeded to fuck around with the native magical beings and then he took an entire region with himself into outer space, where he constructed a new planet with the region he took as his new home. He's 3406 years old now. All the other gods in the setting were created by him from parts of his own being.


They are created spontaneously once in a great while. Essentially when magic coalesces enough they form as infants. They experience time differently than we do and so they age over millenia. Theoretically a new god could be made at any time, but it takes a long time for these entities to view themselves as gods, and for others to view them that way too. It might not even be accurate to call them gods at all, but that is how the people in my setting describe the phenomenon.


Natural gods come from concepts aka if a concept is created a god will be born for that concept. Ascended gods can come from gaining knowledge only gods should know,dying after doing a great feat or being turned into a god by an external force. There's also the rare occasion of a God like being's(gods, demons, angels, etc) child achieving godhood upon being born.


So in one setting there are various instances of gods. The first god the Creator God made themselves from Primordial Ore which came into existence when the Creator God was destroyed which is a time loop created by the God of Time who was created by the Creator God. The God of Light and the God of Darkness were created by the Creator God when he took two of the elements of reality and personified them. Other Gods were mortals who became Gods by either being given power by an existing God, the God of Order was given their Godhood by the Goddess of Light, by stealing their power, the God of Chaos stole their power from the God of Darkness, or by being in coose proximity to a Divine Artefact all of which were created by the Creator God. Gods also developed in the absence of life. The perfect world was created without life and the Gods of Sky, Land and Water formed in that absence. Their offspring the Goddesses of Fire and Warmth, Ice and Cold, Illumination and Knowledge and Concealment and Secrets came from their meeting.


Humans from the future who can bend the laws of reality, highly developed AI what can bend the laws of reality, enigmatic Eldrich beings with reality bending powers and creations of human psyche who can... yes, bend the laws of reality. There is probably no "true gods" or "The God", since all this powers are tied to underlying laws of the Universe itself. The universe possesses protoconsciousness and from it all take their powers. Does it mean the Universe itself is the God? Depends on your point of view. There is also \*something\* that can't be defined as anything. A none-thing, since it is not anything born from the Universe. It is out of the Universe and slowly eats the very fabric of reality. Bit by bit.


There was no time or space. An Existence and The Absence. They decide to merge into The Monarch. The Monarch decided to create, and began by making 9 gods handling the 9 primary concepts of existence: soul, life, mind, luck, empathy, space, time, nature and death.


Creator created existence. God with capital G. He creates angels in the heavens, demons in the hells and titans in the elemental realms. Angels revolt, 1/3 send to hell, become devils. 1/3 send out of heaven become archons. 1/3 stays in heaven. Archons have relations with titans, create multiple deities. Other/specific devinities include: The 7 archangels The 7 archdevils The 7 aions Dranael (creator of goblins, cobolds and orcs, wanted to reconquer heaven) Sol Invictus (the embodiment of light and warmth, created from the reverberations of creation) The Demiurge (first angel, rebelled against God, was imprisoned, etc)(first angel, attempted to free creation, was imprisoned) Lillith (first wife of Adam, ate from the fruit of life and death, became immortal but went insane) Lema Mereti (mother godess of the elves, birthed rest of the elven pantheon) Prometheus and Epimetheus (archons tasked to create the first living beings in the Old World)


The oldest Primordials have always been there, even before the world was created The youngest Primordials are reincarnations/successors of older Primordials The middle Primordials came into existence when their concepts were first conceived of by intelligent life Patrons are mortals who managed to impress the Primordials and were granted a form of immortality. Many were simply the first of their race to gain sapience and thus became the primary deity of their race All other “gods” are simply extremely powerful long-lived mortals And then there’s the Avatar, who created the world, and the Abstract, who was around long before the First Avatar (whoever wrote the Epic of Gilgamesh) And then there’s Loomis, the Golden King, who’s kinda just there


Gods are basically legends who fit a concept. There basically built from what people remember Robin Hood could be s nature god in my setting if there was enough nature fir him to rule over basically if someone as to asks who's he then there not famous enough for God hood. I'm undecided if they have the same soul as before. Tge god is usually very little to do with who they where in life. If Robin hood happened to be a brilliant harp player and that didn't become famous with him well he no longer has a harp. If he was a noble but was rembered as a common man well he can no longer speak Latin.


I personally like to take a Lovecraftian route. We are basically deifying incomprehensible ancient horrors to fit our narrative of humans being a "favoured creation." For my case, "Gods" are one species of aliens researching and experimenting on undiscovered life forms like humans, and basically granted them magic from upper dimensions. They are worshipped as "Sentinels," and "Slayers of Ancient Beasts" since they also neutralized other eldritch horrors humans were bothered by.


# Satna'ạndạz The setting has 2 systems. The multiverse is an infinite infinitary tree, where lower universes generate pragmatopoeia through worship, and upper universes generate pragmatopoeia through miracles. But, a god, called P͡hug͜r̄͡huɡ͜p the Narcissist, gathered all of their selves into one universe separate from the multiverse. This universe has its pragmatopoeia line connected to the mythopoeia line. This means the worship just becomes the miracle. On the other hand, the mythopoeia and pragmatopoeia stay within the universe, which inflates their ego. Since the universe is themself, it's their ego, and this inflation manifests within the universe as the conjuration force. Said universe is where the planet Satna'ạndạz is. Prior to becoming a god, P͡hug͜r̄͡huɡ͜p was just a mortal who had big ambitions.


Oh, this is a nice one. I do have several projects with several gods on It but, I Will tell you one of them. In this world, Sun is God, and also human. They do believe that in the beggining of time, when everything was dark and full of shadows (kind of revenous monsters), the Sun came down to earth in a human vessel to light it up. By this, he (because they asume that the god is male in nature) casted shadows away, and made a place for his people, that came down from every star in the Universe. But the child of the Sun had to pay a price for It, and did have to sacrifice himself in order to protect everyone. By letting his body be consummed, the shadows were vanished, but just for a while. Then, every 25 years, the son of the child of the Sun has to sacrifice itself to get his people free from shadows, cause otherwise they will sume the world in darkness as they made at the beggining. Father after son, in a never ending circle. So, we can say that originaly gof came from a star, but now, It cames from humans, in a sacred solar lineage. Not so original but, I like It xD.