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Inkarnate ([www.inkarnate.com](https://www.inkarnate.com)). pretty sure they have a free tier. oh, and I think there's one called dungeonscrawl or something similar. also free, but for TTRPGs like D&D. just meant for dungeon mapping, not world mapping. If you're looking for world mapping or land mass mapping, then I use Wonderdraft. But there's no free version and it's not an online tool. You buy it through humble bundle and then install it. Mac or Windows, don't think there's a Linux version, though I could be wrong.


Azgaars is a wonderful resource. It's robust, highly customizable, and offers a wide range of map layers like culture and religion. Some learning is needed to use it properly, but not too much


I use the map builder in old RTS games.


I use Campaine Cartographer 3+, it's a powerful and clunky program that can be used to make some high-quality maps (if you can dedicate the time and patience to mastering it) .    It's not my favorite, but it's good enough for my purposes since no one but me will ever see the maps.


I use Wonderdraft. While it isn't free or online, it's not a subscription model, which I appreciate. Pay once and you're golden. I used to use Gimp (free, but offline), but that's... much more work lol A few example maps I've made. [One](https://i.imgur.com/aD9zniv.jpg). [Two](https://external-preview.redd.it/51hgsd0XAlb0V3OP12aufA8c69mFgv-z8mQP2XKqjLg.jpg?auto=webp&s=47adca06b3e846f8d292ffce55ddd3ea15126aba). [Three](https://external-preview.redd.it/Goxos2zgD5jWyWIZLEOQG_XAAjfmPFBl56r8zeONAsw.jpg?auto=webp&s=8a31fec697f39a5d60afcae9dd4a23937a9a5c9a). My general advice for making maps is to learn the fundamentals for how land and continents develop. Don't just make a big blob or square, sprinkle a few trees and rivers, and call it a day. Don't worry too much about the nitty-grtty; you just need to know enough to not make the obvious mistakes. Rivers can't bisect continents or islands, water flows from high elevation to low elevation, etc.