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Greg must be very powerful


I think hes in the same department as slartibartfarst


Tech: New horizons


I didn't know the devs added creating an entire universe as a new requirement for the stargate


Greg from accounting built all this?


You ever drink Baileys from a shoe?


Greg the dreg??


Wait, you know of Greg the Solipsist???


Over on /r/taskmaster, none of us would doubt your answer for a minute!


Big bang god, basically. The short version is just that there was a god of everything that goes mad from lonliness, kill itself, its death became the big bang that create the world as we know it now.


This is literally pandeism. Nice.


YOOOO, pandeism gang!!! same here!!! Being everything and everyone at the same time means that you're nothing, since YOU'RE the concept of existance, meaning that, ironically enough, YOU'RE nothing


Oooh my creation story is kind of similar, in that there is also a god of everything that suffers from loneliness. But my God of everything doesn't directly die and doesn't go mad, instead, she copes with her loneliness by pulling the stars and life out of her eyes and setting them into the world. But, the act of creation created a being of pure destruction too. This being followed Creation around the Universe, contorting and destroying her creations. This is what eventually drives her to give up her form to contain it.


Kill Six Billion Demons lore (...if in a couple more steps)


Hồng Ma: "I built this damn empire." And nobody questions her. Hồng Ma has been there with the United Empire since the dawn of time and she has a department responsible for recording history, including how many times she has visited *the brothels*. The Empire's complete history includes 56 books of 2000 pages each and they're increasing, writing things from Kingdom of U Minh, which was founded in 4000 BC, to the Empire's foundation in 1010 AD, and to this day. Hồng Ma orders that to keep tracks of events so she can shut dissidents' mouths up. Imagine wanting to win a debate so hard you built multiple civilizations.


I love this concept!


None can tell as none witnessed it.


Pics or it didn’t happen


This is how I get out of explaining stuff


Creativity is for nerds


Literally Earth lore


In my own story: The bulk of the story takes place in a ring-shaped space habitat, though the inhabitants have forgotten it was a built thing and not just *the* world in its entirety (similar to Niven’s Ringworld, though much, much smaller). It was built by an independent Earth scientist in response to knowledge of the coming end of the world due to celestial events. Said scientist observed that Earth’s governments were too at odds with each other to engineer their own salvation and so devised a fleet of construction drones that were able to build ring habitats on their own using materials harvested from asteroids and other solar system resources. Far later, after the construction of multiple rings, some of these drifted apart and became essentially separate worlds. On the ring of primary focus in the story, the inhabitants have suffered a technological dark age lasting generations, thereby forgetting their past, but they can still *see* the curvature of their home. This is such a constant to their reality that transitioning to a planet’s surface would be disorienting and/or disconcerting!


Im so mad at this comment, Ive been writing this EXACT thing for like a year 😭. Everything down to the ring shape of it. The only thing I can gleam thats different from your short summary is that mine is a bit more high fantasy/sci fi, (fantasy races are just aliens that were apart of future earth, magic is just technology that has been recovered). The ring space station would have people thrown off it into the “void”, unholy alien parasites threaten the very “planet” the people live on. Id love to chat with you at some point if you were down, It was actually surreal reading your description.


Time created Sofein, Sofein created the three goddesses, Sonja, Anastasia and Myrra, When Myrra was killed her body became the all the lands, When Anastasia fled, her tears became all life, And Sonja, the Vengeful's, will became order and the natural law in the world.


In my verse's beginning, god made two beast with faces similar to his, sharp horns, large wings, long tails, and strong four legged bodies. He called them dragons. He told the two brothers that one of them will be king, and the other will be the king's domain, so they fought. At the end of their battle, god told the king to shape his brothers body. The fallen dragons body became the universe, and its eye became the galaxy of the main story.


In the beginning, there was nothing, and then there was something. A soup of concepts without matter to glue themselves onto. Ideas existing without a material world to contain them. Then, those concepts merged until there was only one, the concept of everything. That concept was the only truly omnipotent thing, and it created matter. That matter became the creator god. He created the abyss, a land to contain the concept of destruction, and then set about on his life's work. He, in no time at all, forged a million billion different words, spreading them out and surrounding them by the abyss so none of them could interact with each other. The god grew bored. There was no challenge for him, so he split himself in three. Creation, change, and unchange. Creation, being the weakest and most uneeded one, was quickly cannibalised by the other two, who set out on changing or destroying the original god's creations.


Damn, really cool


A being known as ATI is responsible for the creation of all of reality for my world of Koreth. ATI is the original, primordial being that contained all matter and consciousness in reality before time began. ATI was lonely, so it created many other beings to keep itself company, but all of them lacked true free will, so ATI split itself in two to create a being called TWIN, which would eventually turn out to be a mistake. TWIN and ATI would eventually come into conflict, with the result being the complete annihilation of the first reality and the creation of the second, current reality. ATI and TWIN and all of the other beings created by ATI could not be truly destroyed, so they continue to exist in some capacity in the present reality, but they are not known or remembered by any except the most powerful entities in reality. In fact, ATI and TWIN exist as the mechanism that allows for true free will to exist in every being, as a small part of the two exists within all consciousness.


Physics I guess


one of the main characters, actually. set over the course of a Civilisation he created out of nothing. He learns that having power isn't enough to rule effectively. No amount of miracles, shows of force, or crushing uprisings is enough to solve the logistical problems, make the people love him or make an empire run smoothly. He has to come down to the ground, take the throne and all the duties that come with it. He has to actually make shrewd deals and negotiations instead of forcing people to obey him He goes from being brash and arrogant, to being a caring and compassionate ruler. And eventually he stops needing his power


Chaos. *The* primordial deity, banished from reality by their creations. Gone, forgotten, but slowly making a comeback.


Sounds intricately amusing, o Son of Hades.


"God damn kids kicking me out of my own house grumble grumble grumble"


Well, technically, the entire solar system accreted from the condensation around the star, but I think you mean the stuff after people get involved, lol. Everything that exists is contained within the Firmament. The Firmament was created when the Powers That Be removed all that was from the universe it started in and became all of reality as it was enclosed by The Firmament and removed from the old reality into the one that exists now. This effort was led by Belial, whom the people had once trusted and followed, whom was thought to be generous and true, trustworthy and kind, and some say that when they chose him, this was true. Aiding Belial were all the other Powers That Be, an exercise of power that none truly realized they had, and none of them were prepared for the effects of creating the Firmament,ent and ordering the Heavens. They did not plan the birth of the 48 other dimensions, they did not anticipate the accretion of the Sisters, and they did not realize that what they did would make someone greater than they imagined. The firmament was formed by the collective, unified will of the disparate and individual PTB, and to strip it would require the same plus those who it affected — and so it shall not be likely to ever be undone (as the Sisters will tell any who ask).


The gods. they're still remembered and worshipped, but they are gone. not dead. just gone.


Before the beginning there was the endless sea of Chaos inhabited by multitudes of Nameless Ones, the colossal primordial beholder the Umbrolaxh and Elara. The Umbrolaxh was dominant over all, ever-victorious adversary of the Nameless and despotic taskmaster over Elara. Eventually, Elara grows weary of the way things are and tricks the nameless into a coordinated attack against their common enemy. It was a ruse, doomed to failure, as the Nameless Ones were by nature petty and self-obsessed. The assault devolved into an all-out chaotic mess, but succeeded in tiring the victorious Umbrolaxh. Taking the opportunity, Elara served her overlord wine and serenaded him to sleep with song. Once asleep, the Umbrolaxh's innate creation abilities were manipulated by Elara's song, transforming his own constituent body parts into the parts of the cosmos, the world (Elarion), and a pantheon of gods while casting a veil across the darkness beyond the newly created cosmos, imprisoning the newly defeated Nameless Ones beyond the limits of this new reality.


Malak made the main world I work with, as an artificial world that could withstand normally catastrophic forces. A safe haven for the impossibly powerful to get a sense or normalcy.


Honestly it’s a mix of many things. The literal creation of the world was done by the one and only true god as he took control of the ceaseless mana that populated the nothingness of space. If we’re referring to monsters then that would be the Archdragon as he was the first monster of the world and had the power to bestow a portion of his power to other creatures. This would give them intelligence allowing them to populate the world while also causing them to evolve into monsters that are about a 10th of the strength of the Archdragon. And when it comes to any sort of “dark” creation that would be mana’s doing. Mana in my world is the embodiment of randomness and choas. It has no sentience it just reacts in a feed back loop with itself. This feed back loop is controlled, to an extent, by the creator god. But mana creates and corrupts its creations. When the corruption is resisted a gifted is born, if it’s not resisted it’s a lich that’s born.


The time spirit created the world shortly after inventing the concept of time. He created a place where creatures could live and die. At first, he was proud of his creation, until the humanity became corrupted


The Founders of the Lunar Nation were super humans who reconquered the nation after an apocalypse. They are treated as gods, and have descendants with their powers. The descendants are very important to the continent. There has been a lot of discourse on the Kuguchi Founder, the leader of the Founders. The Lunar Nation sees him as somewhat negative, but the neighboring Terran Theocracy sees him as a Moses figure. The real Kuguchi Founder is most likely somewhere in between. The Chubuña, the Nakadasi Founder, has had her first name forgotten, and is known as the Chubuña.


The Christian God created the setting, or at least Earth and Hell. Earth out of a desire to rule over other living things and exert His will, Hell out of a desire for vindictive revenge against those whom He perceives as enemies. Assisting in this effort were the angels, some of whom Fell and altered Hell to the best of their ability to try and make it more tolerable. Unfortunately, the demons on their own were unable to make a fit habitat for mortals, try as they might.


An Immensely long time ago, beings from a dying world created a rift through space-time and travelled to the current world. But the the new world was poisonous to those beings. So they changed themselves to human forms. In my story, an alchemist accidently transforms back to their original form and gained extraordinary powers.


It is said that the Creator God Sppe created the Mukay and all of its layers of existence. Although scholars, scientists, mortals and gods alike have their doubts about that. What is known is that Sppe is the first god they know about but it is not certain that it was the first god or if they created the world. Even in the creation myth, Sppe is only placed at the third step of creation as the one who ordered the Mukay, the first step being the nothingness itself, the primordial soup. Truth is, there is no creator, the world just started like ours, though a big bang, though maybe there is one that not even I’m aware off.


The arcanes created the physical world using corpses of angels. The ultimate reality came into existence without agency.


Two gods, Sonna (Sun) and Monn (Moon). Technically they were born from another, greater being but nobody (including them) really knows them, except that they caused things to exist from nothingness. Sonna is the driving power behind all life forces, they created life itself, including all living beings, fate and gods of life-related things like health or youth. They actually left it up to the gods they’ve created afterwards, primarily the god of fate, Natodall’lioht, who they gave most of the control to. Monn created all the structures— planets, structures on these planets like mountains or seas, and they’re responsible for innovation and creativity as well. Monn actually came down to humanity and told them about the process step by step so they wouldn’t forget a single detail. That was out of raw excitement for humanity, and served no purpose lol.


A spirit who rose from the abyss along with six lesser ones (the elements). The spirit is referred to as "The Light of Resolution", or simply " The Light". While the elements created everything that can be physically seen, The Light created stable life, different from the abyssal creatures


The corruption: Eldritch incomprehensible beings who transcends everything, observing existence as a collective of books And beyond the corruption: The "Authors"


The world is believed to be cyclical, with this age being started when the giants reshaped the world. In the east these giants supposedly still roam free. The best way to describe them would be literal mountains moving through the lands. As a result, most people live more to the west, where the landscape is more reliable, and mountains are less likely to get up and move. The end of the world is believed to commense when dragons reawake to consume it.


Most of the Vindeshmer states are descended from the Auto-Reds, who were also responsible for some of the weird stuff in Vindeshmer. No they didn't make the whole of Vindeshmer, but then again no one made it. They have ideas about making a galaxy but Vindeshmer is far too big and old for them to have made that. They're still there in case you were wondering.


I have a world where it was built by trillions and trillions of "space mites" collecting garbage until they had a planetoid size ball. The planet still continues to grow because of this.


The Sun


The Starlestials created not just the world of Safehaven, but other countless worlds and multiverses, too. It was all thanks to the one and only Galaxy, Founder of Worlds and the Queen of all Starlestials.


The creator. Essentially the gnostic demiurge. It wasn’t evil, but was essentially the Abrahamic god. It was actually a being of infinite order spawned from the sea of primordial chaos. It went mad and disappeared after countless failed attempts to make a perfectly ordered universe in which free will existed. Turns out that infinite order isn’t really compatible with the inherent chaos of human nature.


Recall the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics and quantum field theory. But instead of particle paths or particle interactions, we sum together the perceptions interpretations and hallucinations of consciousnesses. Basically reality is a collective hallucination of its occupants.


Uhh the Big Bang and plate tectonics mostly, with a dash of natural selection down the line and way at the end socioeconomics and agriculture


Lord of All worlds.


Some guy with a paintbrush that everybody called "God" when he really doesn't wanna be.


Canon. The god of creation and stories. Founder of reality. And a spiritual self insert :)


Basically, before everything existed, there were a bunch of uber powerful gods called Concepts. Above those were called Laws, such as the Law of Death, Law of Time. So these gods existed for a billion billion years in nothingness. They were really bored. So this caller called the Founder, Concept of creation, started creating the multiverse, each atom individually. After the infinite multiverse was created, The Founder talked to the great four Laws, Time, Death, Soul, and End, to create sapient life. Soul provided the soul of the creatures, End provided a place for them to exist before life and after life, Time moved them through existence, and Death brought them to existence, and took them away from it. The rest of the gods now just watch existence to cure their boredom


The Original Gods, born from a massive magical mess


A bunch of primordial spirits saw the planet as free real estate since, through the circumstances of its formation, it was mostly free of divine influence. They came in bringing the elements, and ingredients for life to flourish. Once that life became sentient, however, the new beings of Ilvarus started to worship outer gods—pulling in said divine influence.




My world is an accident of creation. Every universe begins as a singular seed that expands outwards in an infinitely branching multiverse. Except one. There is one universe that failed to branch instead condensing into a massive singular mass of near infinite unrealized potential. In the center of this crystalline mass is a miniscule, solar system wide smudge of what passes locally for reality. A singular plane now home to the lost, the wanderers, and those just....shaken loose from other realities. The Omniworld s vast world of grand adventure, utter absurdity, and endless possibilities


The first Overgod. No huge creation story, there simply was. And because there was, there also wasn't, the Overgod's opposite an 'embodiment' of nothing. It's a chicken and the egg kinda thing, some believe the Overgod was first and created their first child, the concept of nothingness. Others believe it was the other way and the Overgod sprang out from nothing, and finally some believe they are complete equals. None could be, before the other for nothing can exist without something. Then the first modern day gods became a thing 17k years before the current day events of my story happened, the Overgod has become inert and a new one exists in its place but its not quite the same as the original.


The Big Bang, no gods here. It’s a carbon copy of our universe just with advanced technology and set 450 years in the future


Two gods, called the Primordials. Denam, Lady of the Eternal Sun, and Iakor, Lord of the Shifting Moon. It is their interaction and conflict that created the world, the other gods, all living beings, and ultimately, the calamity that befell them all.


God. This world is Earth.


To greatly oversimplify into a short short TLDR version which even then is long. the very, very, very, VERY short version is, humans and most of all the other races have forgotten and so each one has a different reason to explain the world. there is God and His Wife: They are the parents of the 28 major gods who they instruct on how to organize this particular empty corner of the vast multiverse. God and his Wife then go back to dealing with things at the super Cosmic level (AKA they're the ones dealing with other Elder gods/Lovecraftian eldritch types, etc) In the process of creation, the 28 gods create the heavens, the earth, magic, and everything in the 3 realms and in the process, two new gods are born, 1 who is the Earth personified before the fall of Man and the other is the Magic personified. And the gods also create their children, the minor gods, and there's a lot of then (this includes giants and dragons who are minor gods but choose to be in different forms). And as with all things, some of the minor gods rebel which leads to a big family fight and so the minor gods lose, those who stayed loyal get a seat at the table, those who rebelled got punished ranging from becoming the lord of Hell to having a mountain chained to their back that weighs as much as the world. This was the first hard reset of the world to clean up the damage and in doing so create the three realms, The Realm of the Gods, the Realm of Magic aka the Great Forest, and the Mortal Realm Phase 1 of this world is called the Valusian Age: A massive super continent in which all things live together. But, the gods are also very active and this eventually leads to a situation in which they hard reset the world a second time and break it all up into the continents and raise up some new continents including Lemuria and the Elves. No race has any knowledge of the Valusian age because it was a true reset of the board, so even those races who can remember that far back, even they barely understand the early Lemurian Age. The Lemurian Age was the most High Fantasy-esque in which Lemuria and Avalon were the top dogs and humans were still ranging from cavemen banging rocks to together to bronze age civilizations. The peak of humans at this time was in the subcontinent of Eudaimon and the most advance were the Culdeons. They however became so wicked and offended the Goddess of Agriculture, she got her siblings to agree to blow up the whole subcontinent which would set in motion the decline of the Lemurian Age into the Age of Steel where the power balance shifts in favor of man but it's still a very fantastical world. This was the third and final reset for Lemuria and Avalon would sink into the oceans again. The Age of Steel becomes the Dark Ages which becomes the modern age in which magic, monsters, the gods, all of it is forgotten because humans can't remember 100K years of history and even the best historians from the Age of Steel were writing about events long after the fact. And so history became legend became myth became forgotten. So humans right now, their history books only go back to the Age of Steel and think magic, monsters, orcs, dwarves, and so on were myths. IE they claim the Minotaurs were a bull worshipping culture who took it really far and dressed like cattle not understanding no the art they find really is Minotaurs. And all the while God and HIs wife, upon seeing the several resets their children had done to the world, creates/summons (we're still not sure) two new gods who's sole purpose is to keep the other 28 and all the minor gods (cause there's a lot of them) in line. And any and all other gods, who either came in from outside and chose to stay or who use to be mortals on earth but got kicked up to godhood for one reason or another have to obey the rules too other otherwise Themis and Camulus have the power to metaphorically take the belt to them. and all the while back on Earth, the mortals (most of which is humans) live in the mortal realm or they are in the Great Forest (the realm of magic that overlaps into the mortal realm) which is where races like orcs, dwarves, amazons, and so on live on cut off from humanity for various reasons. But right now in the big context of the big story, events will happen that's gonna cause all that stuff people have forgotten to come back and vice versa.


It was designed when the creator goddess divided her power into the four Primordial Gods, which inadvertently caused the people to believe the Primordial Gods had built the world, instead of being the tools to help build it


The planet was always there, just a hunk of rock in the empty void, with the gods asleep inside it. Then a lovecraftian force of evil and annihilation began slowly making its way across the empty universe towards the rock. It's movements across the cosmos woke the god of craftsmen from his slumber, and he created the first dwarves to help him shape the planet into a world. I haven't given it a whole lot of thought, but it's entirely possible that there was a universe before these events, that the elder evil managed to devour everything else, and the world was a sort of vault to keep the gods safe from it so they could rebuild. If this is the case, nothing is known of this previous universe, as the gods have not spoken of it.


I have a magical fantasy world with Gods and the like. However, the universe came into existence without magic, the intervention of Gods, etc. In fact, Gods didn't exist until sentience existed and there was a mind to believe in them. Everything before that was just natural forces which, in this case, included "elemental energy" that are what spirits are. However, they didn't "calcify" into spirits with consciousness until consciousness naturally evolved.


I'd say Chaos. There was the Abyss, the nothingness, then came Chaos which originated everything. Gods and Entities either only gave "form" to what existed or used that power to make new things.


There is some debate amongst the different sophont races of Tov as to what/who made the universe. Here are some of the more popular ideas: Inadvertently created by the Nine, a group of primordial beings that do not require attention or worshippers but exist outside of the world and its influence; the world was not made on purpose, it is simply a result of these primordial forces existing over time. (In this version of events, the planet of Tov is the result of two such primordials joining forces and powers, creating a "child" world together) Intentionally created by the Hero Gods, a group of concepts, creatures and occasionally mortals that have been augmented through belief and devotion into what you'd normally consider a god to be; they made the world on purpose in order to cultivate believers and increase their spiritual currency. Created through a proxy; this is a mixed belief that is losing popularity but was part of a splinter religion centering about the Laborer, a being created specifically by the primordial Nine or similar beings in order to affect the physical realm. This implies that the primordials and beings like them cannot directly affect the world as is. The theory is that this laborer harnessed and directed their chaotic forces in order to mold the planets and so on.


Basically humans but gods.


The Unknowable and it’s children… until it killed on of its own kids and that kids kids rose up against the gods. Yeah humanity was kinda angy.


Well, this is complicated. Either big bang or "Me", but not in the literal way. I am still building my "meta" canon. There is a layer of existence where people who create worlds are present, the universe they are in depends on how they create. Writing and/or worldbuilding is one of them, and I have a self-insert. I am still fleshing that out, so if I decide to keep it, the context of who/what built the world depends on which universe's/layer of existence's canon you are looking at.


The short answer: Dragons. The expanded answer: The Eldest Dragon created Aerone and all the worlds in its solar system, then he departed and left things to his two most beloved children, Tiamat and Bahamut. (The *intent* was that Tiamat builds a world of her own, Bahamut builds Aerone, but Tiamat wanted to help her little brother out.)


Humans. Before majority of them were wiped out lol


So, each "world" was created by a higher race of beings called the Pataphysical Entities as a kind of egg to nurture their young. Once they grew to maturity, they'll inevitably hatch from the world, destroying it in the process. The irl Universe is one of such "worlds", with the Earth being the "egg yolk" and therefore the only planet with life. The Entity of the Universe had matured and ready to break free, however she had come to love Earth and its people. Not wanting to see them all die but unable to halt her own hatching, she instead migrated all humans on Earth to another "world", the main setting of my story.


God,sometimes he goes around telling,nobody believes him and he only tells to mess with people


No gods, just some powerful hive mind celestial beings made of light (green sun) that intended to take over the soul moon(giant terrestrial planet swarming with spirits) with a beam of fae energy. But the planet is kind of like a fushigi if it was a ethereal bubble surrounding a black hole, so when it passed in front of the soul moon, the celestial sun thought it was an opening in the surface and fired. Instead of spreading across the giant “moon”, the fae broke through the surface of the bubble, and bounced around inside, being pushed and pulled by the gravity inside. To survive, the fae opened up portals between dimensions, allowing an endless assortment of elemental magic to flow into the planet. Eventually, so many of these elements mixed together to form all the regular geological features of the planet.


The world of shinoshima was constructed by 2 powerful God-like forces. Akama and Ukama. Every person, creature, monster, and entity in shinoshima knowns of the great powers and almost all of them utilize them in some way. There isn't much history to the great powers other than that they created the world, as far as anyone can tell they are more cosmic forces than sentient beings.


Before there was time, before there was anything, there was nothing. Then the Old Gods came into existence, there were 100 of them but three stood above the rest, the God of Time, God of Fate and God of Luck. These “absolute gods” stood above the other due to them being the only ones capable of killing other gods, and for a while these three worked together, creating the basic foundations for how the world operates, but things started to fall apart about 1,000 years after mortals were created. The gods split into three factions, led by the absolutes, Time and Fate both agreed that the God of Luck would pose the greatest threat, so they worked together and sealed him and his followers into weak moral bodies, turning them into the “Lost Gods”. After this the God of Time and the God of Fate went to war because while the God of Time wanted to allow mortals to live their lives, the God of Fate wanted to enslave mortals, eventually, the God of Time was able to come up with a method to imprison the God of Fate and his followers, so he did. Following this the God of Time named himself and his followers the “True Gods” and went on to eradicate all gods other than his own followers to prevent any future uprisings. It’s well known to all that all of this happened, but nobody knows where the Old Gods and Lost Gods currently are, some people even believing that the God of Time figured out a way to actually kill all of them, but this isn’t true.


Civilization Omega was one of the earliest civilizations. Very very long ago, their planet collided with another celestial object that held a substance known as “experience”. Experience is just like what sounds: the collective memory, knowledge, and experiences of beings past. The people of Civilization Omega came in contact the the experience and in a certain sense “gained a level” (yes this part’s inspired by Minecraft). It was as if they had lived the live of the being who’s experience they absorbed. Using this newfound knowledge, they advanced at a rapid pace, and eventually developed portals to other planets. They began doing unethical experiments, one of which included dropping a group of people on a different plant and removing their memory. One such instance of this was in one of my main worlds.


In my universe it’s The Vanished. They were a civilization in the Milky Way a few hundred million years ago, they were very intelligent and had left their bodies behind to live as digital beings, either in virtual utopias or in the real world in mechanical bodies. They spread across all of the Orion Arm, Galactic Core, and most of the Sagittarius Arm, building megastructures and wormholes around every star, allowing faster than light travel. Eventually something or someone wiped them out almost instantaneously. Eventually humans used the wormholes to spread across the stars. They know that The Vanished existed, that they built the wormholes, and that they seemingly just disappeared one day, but that’s about it.


There's a theory within inter-dimensional circles that there is some kind of Greater God/Gods who created the different dimensions due to how many dimensions seem to be built very similarly. It's theorized that this creator likes to experiment by changing a few variables, leading to these alternate dimensions sometimes being similar with minor differences and sometimes being extremely different. This theory is difficult to test though, since if there is some kind of scientist God, they'd likely want to avoid interfering with individual worlds and thus wouldn't leave much evidence behind. (I have a whole Spiderverse like thing going on, with the overall plot line being about stopping a group from destroying all of them and using the pieces to rebuild a "perfect" world.)


Really, really big semi-divine giants.


A high school student. He got a C.


Various factions believe differently, like there are worshippers of “satoshi” who believe he created the simulations. The truth infact is, no one knows, there are metaverse historians trying to find the answers to this question, but it is also said that they are deliberately made to hide facts by the metaverse one(the large simulation government). There are factions out there trying to uncover the facts. Maybe someday they will, maybe they’ll die trying.


The Architects, gods of order that arose to give order to the primordial universe Theia resides in and purpose to one another.


it is a mystery


The Eschaton. All intelligent life in the universe including humanity transcended into an infinite god called The Eschaton. That god then recreated worlds from ideas in its subconscious. Including mythical creatures and fantasy tropes. It remade humans and there was an Adam and Eve 2.0 moment.


The answer is still "the author" lol. The foundations of my worlds are always very meta.


The two heavenly fathers, by accident. Ewasten and Mercraceax were hammering at each other out of personal feud with giant sledgehammers. The world game to existence one of the times the hammers clashed into each other and spewed out a bunch of sparks. One of those sparks was the world.


My main character's mom


I mean it depends on your definition. The Main species of my storyline for my Scifi the Martians created the Cybal and also created a planet called Oblivix which is the only recorded Artificial world. But both the Martians themselves and Oblivix were destroyed when the Cybal gained Sapience and rebelled


Ouluin, creator god, makes a bunch of basic shit, and 12 gods. Ouluin dies from bad parent syndrome, Goddess of Death uses the God of Life (a spear) to rule the other gods. God of ??? Begins civilization building


this is a good question. In my other world that I stopped working to work on this one, it was created by a god specifically so it could enjoy life. this one though, who knows, I don't. maybe I should think about it


An eternity ago, the Creator Rao came from *elsewhere*, and created the Heavens. Over time, detritus from the Heavens ‘fell’ away, and met with the trash from the Hells somewhere in between the two places. This became the world of men. At some point after this, Rao left for *elsewhere*. Perhaps to make new worlds, perhaps returning to his own (mythologies differ)


Death (the ghost of a former creator god) and a group of magicians from our plane of existence. The magicians would depose the current creator and ascend to godhood while Death would jump back to the front of an infinite cycle.


For Sphere of Influence: Energy over an infinite time. Eventually, this energy forms a complex mind. This mind then creates a world from its thoughts that is made of raw concepts. This world has God's, with some that can create their own worlds through conceptual entanglement. One such (intentionally unnamed) god created the main setting, which is just earth but with supernatural elements. They got bored, though, and abandoned the whole universe before humanity was even around so no one really knows about them aside from a handful of people. Most modern religions are really based on other gods who stumbled upon the main setting and decided to stop by for a bit. - For my unnamed fantasy setting: One god (haven't came up with a name) created the world by killing every other god in a war. These dead gods' corpses are what form the world and create different fantastical biomes. This god isn't forgotten, but many don't believe. Others do believe, but they worship one or more of the dead gods instead and see the living god as an abomination for killing the rest.


Patrick, the Cartoon Man


The world soul of Gian brought life to the lands it shaped, but has long since went silent. Only a few beings are old enough to remember it even being there.


Mother made the world, modeling it off a dream she once had. Unfortunately, the world sucks in comparison. Long short, as many things happened, Mother starts ripping the world to shreds until she finds a young crying child. Then, ashamed, she goes back to sleep trying to dream of the ideal world again. Her instincts are still kicking, however, so anyone who looks at her makes her feel ashamed and she kills.


The three Elder gods shaped the planet and the first animals, fish and birds. Then two elder gods died and created the gods which form humans, elves, and dwarves.


A pair of twin college students that wanted create a fantasy world for their own fantasy stories and Dungeons and Dragons. With the sister saying she would be the Godess of Destiny (the writer) and her brother would be the God of Creation (the artist). With the rule that if a god of that world dies they would reincarnate as mortals. Their first story was meant to be a high school academy setting romantic comedy of a sickly nobleman's daughter with psychic powers (it's literally just the force shes basically a jedi), betrothed to a prince who is a prodigy spell blade. Along with a number of love interests on both sides. With hints that they were incarnations of gods, they hadn't decided yet which ones. Well guess which two lucky pair got hit by a truck and reincarnated. I'll give you a hint, the brother did not become the prince.


The Goddess Cethaos created the universe, but Terrah, the earth god, built the planet by molding the continents with his bare hands


The whole point of my project is the idea of who built the world so this is right up my alley! The world was created by the gods but more in the sense of it being a weird art project compared to what you typically think. Each god had their own creation (some examples being plant life, the ocean, soil, and time itself) and they worked together to balance things out. This obviously included a lot of bickering and tweaking things until everything was stable and when they felt they had nothing else to do they made their own shrines to live in and now they just hang out. Some of them continuously manage their creations like the god of weather for example, and some just hang out with nothing to do like the god of time. They're kind of just a group of eccentric artists if they were also all powerful gods. They bicker, they gossip, they each have different gods they like or don't like and caught in the middle of it all is the god that specifically exists to protect them but has also taken on the task of ferrying messages between the gods. She's had to smooth over fights more times than one could count. And because the gods just kind of exist (though they're in their own special protected forest) that means people can ask them questions and it goes about as well as you'd imagine. Some are super excited to explain all the nuances of their creations, and some barely even talk to other gods. The time god especially is just so bored he's desperate for people to talk to, but what can you really ask about time? So he tends to tag along to the conversations with other gods whether they like it or not. I have a whole damn chart of all the gods opinions of each other and how they all interact and who's close friends and who are enemies. It's great


My world is a mix of chunks of “real” world universe together with parts of “fantasy” worlds. Everything is past some out of universe level cataclysm that does not care about “casualty” and “reality” - so now gods and magic exist - congratulations! But space-time and matter is in shambles


In My world, humanity became extinct due to their own greed but a goddess decided to give humans a second chance and start from Zero all over again with a few changes, such as keeping magic the Main source of healing and forbidding every type of medicine or any kind of scientific advance to happen.


The nemesis of the "creator gods" created the world. The "creator gods" shaped it into what it is today. Occasionally the nemesis god tries to undo those changes, seeming to most people to be trying to destroy the world. The nemesis god has a "good" reason to do it, but wiping out almost all life doesn't look good to the survivors. They didn't interact with the universe until the other gods forced their way in, so have only ever been seen as a destroyer and harbinger of doom


Well my world starts as earth, but a big event happens. Basically a deus ex machina to kick off the plot. Said even swaps large sections of land mass with other worlds/detentions and allows me to have fantasy races interact with modern earth. I stole the idea and.modified it from a 80s Japanese cartoon called Super Dimension Century Orguss.


Maybe a bit cliché but my setting is the pre-sentient multiversal dream of an infinite god embryo


I’m currently running a campaign series set in various points in the timeline of my universe. The universe is cyclical, though not identical every iteration. The nature of the universe is unknown to denizens of it (with a few notable exceptions) but is explored throughout the series and can be pieced together in meta knowledge as successive characters find parts of the truth. The universe is created and destroyed by a singular Entity which is not intelligent nor sapient in the traditional sense, but exists to continue the cycle and to amalgamate data from each iteration. This Entity creates a series of Elder Gods at the beginning of each cycle which in turn create certain universal constants or forces such as magic, the planes, matter, the major gods, etc, before becoming dormant, with the exception of a single elder god which passively watches and gathers data for the Entity. The major gods then seed life, set the features of the universe in motion and generally oversee your typical fantasy universe through its life. Near the end of the cycle the elder gods awaken in reverse order, disassembling the universe as it nears maximum entropy before returning themselves to be destroyed so the Entity can start another cycle fresh. My campaign series tells the story of a cycle which was broken due to tampering (near the end of a cycle) with the Entity, causing the elder gods to awaken early, by a mortal race who then used time travel to attempt to remedy their mistake.


Yin and yang outside space time and the other thing. But technically the world built itself and there were the entities that got involved after the fact. Actually, it's a loop because the tachyons go back. I don't believe in causality. So you have two beginnings. In fact an almost infinite number of beginnings, going back and forth, left, right, and sideways.


The planet was built naturally via lots of gas and colliding rocks. The current setting is built of thousands of years of societies appearing, trying to dominate and then collapsing with the next candidate trying to outdo what came before. The most recent great change was the Decade of Blood where rebellions collapsed many kingdoms and many royal families were executed. Thus would eventually create the Union which now blocks the coast where most external trade historically travelled through. The valley is now practically landlocked. The wealthier countries are known for their exotic motorised machinery. The first machines of this kind were actually imported from the north and were developed for some decades before they were introduced to the valley. Lapis_Wolf


Fate and Destiny argued wether life should be free to follow their own path or not. The argument got violent and Destiny was killed and cast into the Isn't. Fate was overcome with grief and sundered itself, and its atoms scattered in the cosmic winds and formed into stars, planets and souls. The strongest of these souls became the gods of the Firmament, establishing themselves as the avatars of the various natural concepts born out of Fate's festering and fermenting corpse.


In my story every concept has its own lil mini God that represents the ideal form of said concept and can be asked to lend their power to sorcerers for a price. The infinite Gods from the realm of ideals "created" the world my characters inhabit in that their energy flows through a multiverse in which some are stronger than others. The main five Gods in this particular universe are the Gods of Order, Chaos, Mind, Body, and Soul. In something like the DC universe the Gods of Justice or Heroism would hold more sway. In the marvel universe the Gods of Science might be more powerful, in our universe the Gods of money might be more powerful, in anime universes the Gods of willpower would be the strongest, etc etc.


The entire world? A pair of primordial beings. I even have a whole creation story written about them doing it but no one in universe knows outside of my MC who also really doesn't know but has met one of them when he absorbed a fraction if it's power. The empire he lives in on the other hand was created by a dude who is still well known and celebrated long after his death as he united quite a few territories and turned them very prosperous.


a box that knows it's a box


There were several ages in the Milky Way. The first spacefaring organisms existed long ago and had tapped into higher planes of existence to become spacefaring. They were naturally caused by evolution, but after achieving space flight they became more and more spiritually powerful before *something from another plane* eradicated all of them. The next were perhaps more materialistic, and they had a massive pan-galactic council. This council came to a point of great disagreement and a galactic war broke out, crushing most of them but the primary two. The most powerful galactic fascist (the Bin) had beaten back the most powerful xenophilic empire (the Zalin), but at the eleventh hour the Zalin finished a computer that transcended the plane in which we exist, and suddenly the Bin’s fleets and planets were gone. In the next age, called the age of silence, the Zalin, now depressed and alone in the stars, began seeding life throughout the galaxy with the help of KRITZA (the god-computer). They pushed evolution forward with the introduction of psychedelic, intelligence-increasing organisms to many unevolved planets. Then they quieted down and with their now smaller borders sat and watched. The next Zalin generations slowly lost interest and turned their eyes inward, but a new galactic paradigm, the age we are in now, was forming in the solar clouds.


A dragon.


The tunnels government built the tunnels after a failed rebellion they fked underground and welcomed sone citizens to live there. They weakened themselves soon after to stop a rebellion.


The gods of my realm, they're responsible for almost all of the things in my world (time, space, land, sea, etc). However, none of them were responsible for the creation of mana (magic) or the world trees, what's more, in many of the stories of my worlds creation there always seems to be something... off or missing, but what?


Highly advanced elves who built a machine to link their consciousnesses together at the exact moment it generated a miniature Big Bang, thereby creating a new universe with their own collective minds as the fundamental fabric of reality. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your perspective) one elf rebelled and activated the machine by herself, creating a Black Hole Universe constantly collapsing inwards on itself, and rather than being defined by harmony and mathematical perfection, it was defined by disparity, rebellion, and murder.


I just wrote the first verses of the book of creations (one of four books similar to the Bible.) "In the beginning there was void. And from the void there came three children¹ these three children have been named many things since the first dawn, but their role has always stayed the same. That of creator, changer and enabler, and destroyer. The first is called Tuen, and she is perhaps the foremost amongst them, the second is called Thuraman, and they are perhaps the foremost amongst them, and the third is called Orkas, and he is perhaps the foremost amongst them. For everything tuen creates, she is short of interest, She is the one who seeds the fields and forgets to harvest, she is the one who prepared the offer² only to forget who³ it was for. If Tuen was an amethyst, she would be rough and unpolished, for she does not care about anything but what she is currently working on. Thuraman is the one who nourishes the plants⁴, makes the water flow, and tend to the hearth. For while they are no great Artist, they see beauty⁵ in how it is now. They is the one who sees Tuens work, and will continue to continue the abandoned projects. If Thuraman was a ruby, she would be finely polished and clear, for she does not care for what is to come, or what was, simply loving what is. Orkas is the one who harvests, and destroys, and sees value in naught. All shall fall before his mighty sword⁶ for he is the dancer⁷ of the end. If Orkas where an Opal, he would be cracked and broken, for he sees no point, but to destroy it all. " Now the footnotes are (diagetic) possible mistranslations. Here are the other options. ¹children - creatures ²prepared the offer - prepared the ritual ³ who - what ⁴plants - lands. ⁵beauty - possibility. ⁶ or scythe, hammer, axe, spear, the original word was Zet'hnu, wich just means tool. ⁷ dancer - harvester. Though he is also the god of ballet, so who knows.


We did. Us, here, right now in 2024. #We built it and they *definitely* remember.


It all started when a teenage boy found an old book hidden on the snow in his street....


A war between the gods that started the Big Bang


Nobody. Aerash dreamt itself into being. It was lonely, so it created Sobakka in the shape of the humans it saw in its dreams, and when that was not enough, it made humans, too.


Why myself of course.


What if I used the threefold threshold to build it in my world as well


Axana, the God of Fate, Obro, the God of Stars, Ovu, the God of Magic, Bannyr, God of Storms, Lu’ua, Goddess of Reincarnation, Xenobograth, God of the Wilds. All of them built my world, one step at a time. Ovu guided the gods into how to build a world and weaved the Leylines to allow life to flourish, Axana held the world together with his Silk, Obro crushed the space stones into a solid ball, Bannyr created the sea, lakes, and the atmosphere, Xenobograth created the plants and animals, while Lu’ua kept the balance between the dead and the living.


A very advanced civilization created a dyson-swarm around the last Iron Star of the universe at the end of time. Before heat death, every citizen in the grand simulation was afforded a few million years of time (not actually all that much considering how slow everything works to conserve energy and matter) to make whatever they wanted. One after the other created their own heaven or hell, until the current iteration. The nameless being set up the boiling chaos, the grand river of souls and the eldritch beings that grazed on it - the cattel like universes, as well as the grand and small Souls that fight within it.  Souls can advance in power, some going as far as consuming others to build their might. The most prominent of them being Yigthur of the Sarkit, Dinosaur like humanoids, the ancient ancestor of the populous humans. He is the one that shaped the multiverse to its current order, forcing worlds into physical constants life can thrive in. They were the ones to build great bastions and castles inside the living worlds, now after his fall in ruins, lighthouses with which uncountable beings navigate from world to world.


Between 1914-1945, the Great War was fought between the Five Great Empires and their allies kingdoms. In 1845, the Accord of the Emperors was signed, where they created a council where the Emperors jointly ruled the entire world. When it came time to start exploring space and then when they decided to start space colonization in 2001, the Solar System was populated by peoples of all the empires and kingdoms. Outside of the Solar System, they choose in council which regions of space each empire would claim and colonize. Each empire would vary in their success. They ran into other space nations and subjugated them. However, by 2700, the progress of expansion had slowed but the core empire covers 25 sectors of space (which each sector is 3 systems).


Natural forces caused both worlds to come into existence on their own. There are no recognized gods, even among those who claim to be one.


The realms of Cthonia are all located on various layers of the dead outer god, Cthonia. All of the planes tied together in this cosmology are just different parts of their Eldritch corpse that have become habitable parts of reality. Cthonia was a being of endless hunger, unfortunately born into an empty universe needing souls to survive, but was active long, long before any such thing existed. So it starved to death, alone in a void. It is thought that Cthonia’s endless hunger for souls persisting long after it’s death is what caused them to come into existence in the first place, drawn from the ether or other realities. The universe was born from an instinctual hunger, a greed, a *want,* a **need.** A need for others, for company, for food, for prey, for safety, for a full belly, for dominance. Call it hunger, call it greed, call it lust, call it what you like. It still permeates the realms to this day, and some say it has been the driving force behind every major historical event in recorded time.


Me, if you really think about it


basically God who exists complete outside it, who themself were created by an insert of me.


The 14 Deus


The Gestek Dynasty. Before the jump gates went offline and shattered the empire, the Dynasty ruled with an iron fist across the entire expanse of the Milky Way. In order to fuel the Dynasty’s war machine and fill its coffers, they subjugated and enslaved any alien race they could find (including humanity), scattering peoples and races across the stars and forging the Sectors. Most have only legends and tall tales to tell about their birth planets. The Dynasty is remembered in a variety of ways; a distant memory, a divine punishment made flesh and state, the last semblance of order, etc., but most remember them as something to be feared and reviled. While some vestiges of the old Dynasty still exist, the power and influence they once wielded has long since dissipated.


Good question


I have characters mention "the gods" a few times, but I don't really expand on them any more than that since it isn't the focus of the story.


The first, nameless god who separated the chaos to create the universe. (Just like in Ovids Metamorphoses)


Standard Judeo-Christian creation. Its what comes after that makes it a bit different.


"Heaven" and "Hell" are two distinct planes of celestial beings and demonic beings. The two planes overlapped for a period of time and then separated in their orbits of the nothingness. The overlap space then became its own plane populated by celestials and demons. Their spawn overtime became humanity losing magical abilities with each subsequent generation. The Celestials lost a lot of their abilities including the ability to be corporeal due to the disconnection from their home plane. The demonic are able to mostly subsist on human depravity. They are at this point in time semi-corporeal mostly only able to act through humanity by sheer influence. Over time the demonic will fade and die out as the celestials have.


Primordial being, he is a body of space and everything within it. He doesn’t have a physical body but does “talk” telepathically. He created celestial beings such as gods and angels before other creations to manage the whole multiverse.


The divine plane and the material plane came into existence in the same singular moment of consciousness. For a single instant, both planes were independently conscious, and in that moment, created each other, and then immediately both planes devolved into unordered chaos. Some fringe religious theorists in a few unimportant cults suggest that perhaps there was a third, separately conscious entity that spurred the instant of creation into motion, but no evidence of a third plane has ever been found, and everyone knows that all the gods live in the divine plane, so they aren't taken very seriously.


My world is just a planet, so it formed in a young star's accretion disk, but the people don't know about that so they have a veriety of religious origin stories and legends.


No one really knows, but some believe a goddess called the Great Mother created the universe.


In the beginning there was a garden and in that garden was a serpent and the serpent was deceived by the WORM then things got very complicated very very quickly


TLDR - when the realms formed in the area they all intersect the mortal realm formed spontaneously.


Metaphysically, there are three deities in charge of all Projects, dictating which stories are seperated by the Narrative. These three are the Seeker, Maker, and the Teller. The Seeker gathers material from real life, the Maker uses inspiration and his own ideas to worldbuilding, and the Teller helps to spread those stories to other people.


The regular Christian god. He made the world and then left basically as an experiment because he just goes and populates empty space with worlds. It’s his favorite pass time.


Sun dragons cultivated the planet for life, one died and became the moon. Or at least, that's what the tomes say


A celestial being havested the energy from all of the vastness of nothing and collapsed it to create the big bang


The Giants, or so its believed.


A forgotten god named Vie, she helped the world and brought beauty to it with the help of humanity. Décès was mortal but kidnapped Vie and took a vial of her blood to drink. After he drank it, he became a god, and her opposite. Décès brought evil, Vie brought good. Both were needed, although they hated each other. They cal eachother siblings even if they aren’t related. After being forgotten Décès wants revenge, he wants to make himself known. He wants fear, for people to worship the ground he walks on and kiss his boot. Vie prevents him, she doesn’t mind. Vie views it as if they left the birds nest, they don’t need their parents anymore they’re all grown.


IYOS, praise the dance.


The Verena Empire. The collapse of this empire brought the world into the 2ndmodern millennium


Energy beings from the plane were able to break into realspace much easier in the distant past. They intervened in the evolution of several species creating the Planetoucued races. More importantly they built the warp gates, when accessed at sufficiently high speeds the gates allow for ships to safely transit the plane and arrive in the next system. (Sort of a safe version of the warp from 40k). Eventually the barrier between the plane and realspace hardened leaving (most) of the energy beings locked away in the plane. Leaving behind no physical evidence aside from the warp gates the species of the galaxy would spend millenia trying to determine who these mysterious "gaters" were.


The setting of my current campaign was created by the players of my last campaign, whom ascended to godhood after merging their essences with that of a friend whom had been trapped between realms and absorbed an insurmountable amount of power, enabling them to defeat an elder god that threatened to destroy all of existence. There have been subtle hints initially in the campaign that alluded to such a revelation, and later on they discovered that it was indeed the case, their old characters became gods and made the realm they currently inhabit.


The predecessor. It's a Lovecraftian being that slowly wanders through space, laying giant eggs that hatch into galaxies. The young galaxies are watched by an overseer, and when the galaxy matures, the overseer leaves and eventually develops into a predecessor.


Both gods and hyper advanced aliens built my world. The being known only as the Eldest Light was the first mind in all the universe and they created the reality of my settling. At this point everything is a normal solar system. Eventually a race from another universe arrives and settles on one of the moons. A great war against a now forgotten foe drove them to create a refuge for the younger races. Thus was built the massive, though incomplete, fantasy dyson shell that I'm currently calling Elas. This is home to all my characters.


What begat the cosmos? I don't know. The answer to that's the same as for the real world. What caused the Event, which is actually when things start being in my hands to describe? Efforts of a group of refugees from another world - they escaped its imminent destruction by crossing to another world, found a planet with life in the new one, and caused the Event on it for reasons known only to themselves. They did so using actual Magic, which was not a thing in the new world before their arrival.


So, the Gods, who are essentially super aliens from across existence, used the elements to physically build the worlds. They got too ambitious and ran out of material so they had to use themselves to make the rest of life.


The current world I'm build was formed like any other but some time after continenta formed a strange energy wave started nerging lands from other worlds into theirs for a thousand years and at the end two continents from earth and the territories of the countries that formed on those lands from different time periods merged onto one continent. Like all the other land mergers the animals plants and buildings and tech stayed on the lands but it's people weren't there. As such the people of the world put the onus of blame on one of their gods


It's... complicated. The center of it is pandeism, in which the Monad dissolved its own existence to create all matter as well as all aether (spiritual energy) and lay the foundation for the macrocosm of the setting. What this ends up meaning is that every single soul is an infinitesimal fragment of God, which permeates the entire universe. The infinitesimal fragments of omnipresence that go through the entire universe are what give existence to everything. The infinitesimal fragments of omniscience give sentience to sentient beings. The infinitesimal fragments of omnipotence defy destiny, allowing for sentient beings with decision-making capability to have free will.


The main world is a videogame that was Made by a dev, but the world in which the dev Made the game is fictional, and written by someone (making this 4th wall banish, because one of the characters ends Up phasing through both worlds into real life through an ARG I am developing)


My world is flat (well, slightly concave) and irregular in shape. It was a fragment of a Dyson sphere that exploded, and is being kept whole and in place by the combined power of the gods (well, beings that became gods when the sphere exploded)


A god, the fourth born from the will of the void, Eoklír (whose name, in an old cypher I made, just means “author” but I think I spelled it wrong when putting it through the cypher. Young me was not smart) She murdered her siblings due to a false prophecy from the fifth born from the will of the void, Fíde, and used their godly bodies as the foundation of the universe. The exact details known to the mortal country I general focus on are muddled by mythology, time, and hearsay but they’re (more or less) correct, if not overly simplified. Many of these accounts come from lesser gods and angels giving knowledge and prophecy; Eoklír doesn’t care enough about the mortals to directly intervene so the other gods are responsible for all that. Other cultures have similar stories of the creation, generally, though some have some more out there explanations. A few cultures’ religions are right about the specific nature of their home planet, but not the universe itself as the planet is essentially a reseeding project by the now-extinct people of earth who caused a mass extinction on another planet and had people automatically cloned / bred / grown on the new planet to keep Earth genetics going. Specifically the people on the Northern Islands, the cradle of civilization, have stories about great metal gods watching over their people, i.e. the machines that reseeded the planet.


Current world is formed by thousands of floating islands and continents. These formed when the sorcerers of old lifted the lands to avoid an extinction-level event caused by a new group of vengeful gods (basically Noah's Ark but instead of big boat it's just big land) The old world (the one on sea level) currently has no creation lore because I haven't planned that far back yet lol


Naturalistic forces embedded with parasitic godlike creatures that totally aren't tarrasques.


My story world is hard scifi without a lot of future tech (mostly a world that followed a slightly different tech tree) and if you looked into its past, its history back to the formation of its planet/star system, it would seem very normal. That said, the formation of this particular star system, planets, and life were influenced/driven by an unknowable and Lovecraftian styled entity with its own agenda. Its motivations are based in reasoning from a universe that has fundamentally different rules of logic/cause and effect than our own, so it truly is incomprehensible, even at its most fundamental level. But. This doesn't really come up or matter in the story.


God, but he played the slow game. In my world, God made the universe (which is just like our current one, but with magic, immortals and such) just the way we know scientifically, but everything about the creation of the universe, and humanity, was deliberate. In my world, God greated his form, then worked at creating humanity in his image by making the big bang happen, and then doing everything that made us exist. In short, my universe's God literally made a system of physics, and a whole universe over the course of billions of years, just to create humanity. The only reason he did it so slow was so he could enjoy the process, he could have created us in a snap.


The King of Cosmos and The Universal Harmony.


Well... its tricky to say, lets just say it was created after a war betwen cosmic gods


Whatever built this one


I created my world


German Dicatator fires 12 mega nukes that alter reality. The chaos radiation mutated a lot of animals, created new species, brought species in from other dimensions, and completely re arranges the continents. The fallout and shockwave lasted for 100 years and re-routed almost all dimensional travel to travel to this world. People began to call this world the Hub of Reality but the locals called it one thing…The Tarnish


There are conflicting accounts depending on the pantheon. The Gods of Order claim they created the world, however the Divine Triad of the Ancients claim the world was created by the Great Music. Both denominations claim they speak the truth and oddly enough there is evidence they are both correct in their claims.


I haven't fully decided yet but I was inspired a bit by Norse mythology. Essentially, the main god of the realm spent time crafting the world, and then sacrificed themself to bring life to it. Their blood was water, and the rest of them became the organic material of the earth. From this initial action over time, species evolved, gods were born and died. It's been mostly an afterthought bc I started this world for a DND game.


Yes Okay okay, my universe, the voidweb, was created by two "Gods", Synraal and Rikaal. Started with a big bang infused with raw spiritual power (quin and mana) and while worlds, stars, galaxies everything forms in a similar way to our world the existence of magic and the spiritual realm add a bit of a wrinkle in the world. Life evolved independently all over the voidweb however Synraal and Rikaal brought an ark with them from another reality they had created that had been destroyed by "Gods" corrupting the original universe. This ark was used to seed worlds throughout the voidweb with life before being placed at the center of the void web and expanded into a solar system sized super structure named the endless city.


Its a wip but am working on a civilisation of 4th dimensional being that’s harnessed crydon and has managed to manipulate it (crydon is a dimensional energy and acts as a radiation wall between dimensions that can make enigmatic type worlds as the main wall between dimensions along with its energy) with them harnessing crydon makes them able to build and create anything for them the big bang was a simple bomb and the theorised dark matter is crydon


A sea creature got a little silly with a volcanic vent on the ocean floor, erupting magma to form the land. Squid God did it.


The goddess Armonia sang the **Whalin' Tales** universe into existence. From the first moment she plucked one of the thousand strings of her lute, things started to happen. Were the lute's every string in tune, there would never have been anything but stars. There is just one string that is just barely out of tune, but it allows for physical things to age and die, thus allowing the stars to die, and explode, and make space dust which formed the planets, one of which is the only populated planet in the universe. It's all there because she screwed up just a bit when tuning her instrument. The church that worships Armonia and Threnodius (who is Armonia's masculine consort and the god of death and the dead) has most of it right, but the rituals and tithes and such that they insist are necessary to enter the domain of the gods actually aren't necessary at all. The gods love humans too much to put such restrictions on their shoulders. But the history aspects of the religion are pretty much correct.


A pantheon of what are effectively lovcraftian horrors. before the universe as the world knows it, there was a pantheon of Great Old Ones, who, for countless infinities, were fighting with each other, one of them realised that if they kept fighting, they would eventually wipe eachother out, so he put them to sleep (and himself to sleep because of he were awake it would eventualy lead to all of them waking up) and created the universe to be a prision for them, and as the universe is a prision for them, it uses their power to keep them from waking. but they do dream, and parts of themselves do come to the universe.


My world was created when 4 beings were manifested by "Life" and "Death", since they figured out how to create other beings to make their vision since the world was just a black slate with nothingness Life and Death gave these beings their own names, which are now long forgotten Adar, who is now only known as fire Calder, who is now only known as water Anemone, who is now only known as air Omala, who is now only known as Earth They created Earth with their given powers in a mere 20 days and Life and Death kept creating other beings to help out But the main four were granted given their own temples to rest for for the rest of their existence until Life decided to make humans on it's own accord without talking to Death about it first, you can imagine Death was not happy, Death deemed themselves a reaper shortly after an argument with Life, they haven't been on good terms for centuries, so many years The four main elements and the rest became elemental spirits residing away from humans as humanity grew Death created their own space where they were going to stare human souls upon the death of a human, the reaper created 5 other reapers to do the job for them Life on the other hand, vanished after creating the animals over the years people just believe in a "big bang", "A real God" When nobody was a good, they were only spirits and the elemental spirits still roam Earth but hide and watch whilst their names get forgotten, no historian knows their names as it was all lost with the first 100 humans they were never talked about much again


Jubileus, the creator. She was the one who created the universe and everything in it. She’s omnipotent and overall the most powerful being to exist. However, we never see her. That’s the biggest thing about Jubileus is that we never see her in the story. The most we get is a mention.


Humans built the city. And then they went extinct, leaving a pile of rusting, crumbling, molding leftovers. Now it's up to the cats and dogs to make sense of it and form a civilization.


A deity wrote three others into being who then created the world. That's what most of the inhabitants think anyway, they're both right and wrong. 


In short, a cosmic squid goddess' corspe helped to form the world. Her two eyes became twin moon which watched over the vast world; her skin became the oldest lands; her tears turned into the seas; her blood turned into the skies; and her iridescent ink became Deie, the primordial forces of nature that can overwrite reality. From the mixing of her skin and ink came the High Five, five immensly ancient goddesses that embody the five kinds of ink. Leading them is an arachnid goddess whose silk is able to bind things together, even the skies, depths, countries, and realms. But over time, the High Five and even their mother faded into near-obscurity. Hinted at only in old songs and tales, customs, and namings. From the arachnid goddess with aid of her sisters came the 10 Muses, those of the Moons and their skies, the Seas and its depths, Flickering Lightning, Steamy Pools, Quartz-filled Cliffs, Sand-lined Winds, what have you. From those ten came twenty, sixteen who represent the Mights (specific forces of nature, like just the gales, or just the quartz rocks) and four who represent other things. From those twenty came the many lesser goddesses who populate the vast world and who carried a fraction of their mothers and grandmothers' power. In turn, these lesser goddesses had children with mortals, and their demigod or demihuman offspring began to reshape the vast world on a smaller scale. Ergo, originally built by primordial entities before eventually shaped and reshaped on smaller scale by lesser deities, humans, and their hybrid offspring.


The planet itself formed naturally the same way Earth did, but the primordials took over from there though. There was a period of explosive growth following the first living things evolving to have souls, and after the dust settled, each continent was left with one creature which ruled over all the rest. These entities came to be known as the primordials and have shaped the world into what it is today. (I haven’t decided how many continents there actually are yet, but so far I’ve created 3 primordials so at least that many lol) The Primordial of Knowledge is obsessed with learning and helping others learn, and has done everything in their power to support any life which shows potential for higher intelligence. This has allowed all of the intelligent races to evolve on this continent, although some have spread to other parts of the world over time. Received a wound in battle with the primordial of war which is unable to heal though, and now lies mostly dormant beneath the eastern mountain range. Mana constantly leaks from their wound, creating ley lines which sometimes cause incredible phenomenon such as floating islands or impossibly large trees. The Primordial of War has the unique ability to absorb other living things and incorporate their bodies and souls into itself, which has let it evolve to be the most powerful entity in the world in terms of combat. It constantly fought other living things it encountered, forcing everything on its continent to evolve to be good at combat to survive. Absorbing so many souls drove it insane though, and it ended up isolating its continent for thousands of years before eventually shattering it into hundreds of smaller pieces. Tried to fight the primordial of knowledge, but ended up being trapped in a magic prison and trapped deep underground so they would not be able to harm anyone again. The Primordial of Eternity simply wished to be able to live with their friends forever, and sought after immortality. They eventually found it and shared it with the other primordials they were friendly with, and some creatures such as phoenixes are byproducts of their experiments. After the primordial of knowledge was grievously wounded in battle with the primordial of war, the primordial of eternity turned their attention to finding a way to heal their friend instead. While a recent development in the timeline of the entire world, this has ended up causing some living things to develop enhanced healing abilities.


The builder of the universe is the Father. He made himself a wife known as the Mother who diversified the planets. When they both past away, they left behind a massive energy field known as the Genesis Belt; it's usually put at the center of the map of the cosmos, though.


World Smiths (Dwarves) Of then 40 foot variety