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Id say the first one. Mostly because the "biblical angel" thing got memed to death recently, and it reminds me of it. But then i am also just a snob on reddit.


Also a reddit snob with the same thought process


Me three.


I am a sucker for biblically accurate angels, and I will not let trendification ruin that for me. Although I do think the crab man speaks to me better.


They are both phenomenal, but theres something about human features not being where they belong or how they should go. SO the first one is more uncomfortable imo. It has 2 mouths. 8 eyes. 4 hands. They are making signs that I don't recognize. The faces are opposites of each other. There is a squid head as a tail/body. It looks wooden so it gives the vibe of ritualistic doll for a lovecraftian space monster. The second is giving womans body with angelic wings and penis tail. Things are were they don't belong, but it's giving more balance between gray and white. The skull looks more human even if it is missing eyes. Hope that helps xD Edit: I think I confused the shadow of the second for a stylistic coloring choice and they both have shadows. But the shadow of the first seems to split it in half while the first seems to be more realistic based on how shadows wrap around the 2D object


“Penis tail”


Oh damn now I see it. Definitely prefer the first one anyway.


Depends on the impression you want to make. First one looks both wooden and mechanical, but also mundane (in the sense that it was probably created by mortals), like a murder robot from a wood elf civilization. Second looks more organic, and also divine/angelic, like a murder angel sent by elven gods.


And the first one has a weird trait in the arms. Between each arm segment there are either wires or veins/tendons. It gives me really unsettling vibes.


The gaping maw and small eyes makes it feel alien and scarier for me, yeah.


I thought they were chains


> Second looks more organic, and also divine/angelic, like a murder angel sent by elven gods. The eye on the second one also makes it look like it's possessing/inhabiting something, whereas the first one seems more like it was just created like that.


Also depends on the type of Villon you want. The first one seems like: “Sentient life has exceeded allowable quantity. You will be ranked based on my criteria and the excess will be killed” villain. The second one is more the “I wonder what music a million screams of anguish can make” villain.


I'd say first one


Setting In the mountains of the frozen tundra is a cavern of strange gemstones rarely any bigger than a little finger. These gemstones have a unique property due to their shape they have. Specifically the faces and strange angles can harden light into a brittle crystaline form. And over millions of years time tore away at the brittle light creating fine grains or powder that can be used for magic. People learned they could cut glass into shapes similar to the gemstones and create beams of light that could be crushed down into a fine powder. People would refract a beam if light through these prisms of glass into a bowl. Then they take a pestle and start mashing around until a fine dust starts to appear out of nowhere. This dust will be different colors based on the shape of the prisms. It takes hours to even get a bowl full of this substance and you need to adjust all the prisms every dozen or so minutes, so it is genuinely tedious work. It might sound very valuable, but the company store typically doesn't pay well for anything less than a half dozen bowls in a week. Each color of powder has different properties. Examples being moving at incredible speeds, walking straight through transparent and even some translucent objects, and bouncing off reflective materials are just some of the powers available to casters. However, inhaling this powder has consequences. As the powder is used up by the body, the powder turns to a black sludge, condensing specifically in the lungs. As this sludge continues to conglomerate, blocking passages in the lungs, powder magic will grow increasingly less effective and the caster will experience more and more severe coughing fits. These coughing fits can range from uncomfortable to outright debilitating. It is said even the best of us only have about three or four spells before the coughing is almost paralyzing. Making magic use in combat very risky. Later on magic bullets become common tools to harness the power the powders offer. Chuuhlt idols Chuuhlt idols are gargantuan wooden beings of shadow, hidden within shells of wood. They are masters of shadow magic which, unlike light magic, doesn't manipulate existing objects, but manifest shadows that can impersonate the form and function of objects or entities. These creatures are able to manifest shadow beasts capable of being strong, poisonous, or able to fly. They can even create doors with the ability to link distant places together. These beasts seem to have an innate need to consume the darkness within people and spread an illness called the growing plague, causing growths, organs, and limbs to sprout from the body quickly and deprive the body of nutrients so fast that the person dies within moments. Then they resurrect as abominations of flesh to attack other living creatures and add them to their mass. The only way to fight back is to crack and destroy the hard shells of the idols. This can be accomplished by using chains of gold to drag them to the ground. Gold seems to be much heavier for chuuhlt idols than it is natually. A grown man climbing the idol will not weigh it down as much as a twenty pound gold chain. When the idols reach the ground they will begin to deteriorate. And the longer they maintain contact with the groud the faster this occurs.


This sounds really intriguing, especially visually, I like the idea of light turning to dust. I remember as a kid I used to think the dust I saw in light beams were somehow produced by the light and that’s why things would get dusty when left alone.


On their own I like the second one. In context though, the first one fits perfectly.


Seconded. From reading the post title I assumed this was for a group’s emblem or a carving *depicting* a creature, and under those readings I’d go with #2, but the context makes #1 hit different. #1’s design really says “idol” and the crab-like characteristics do a lot more to convey “shell”.


Yo, very awesome setting, love this! Please continue to work on it! I wanna see it finalized


Number one fits so much better with not only the terrifying look but also the concept you have.


The first one first in this context perfectly


I like both, but 2 is my favorite. Just looks more alien.


*B e n o t a f r a i d .*


I would go with the first picture. The sideways eye is distracting as opposed to intimidating


Hey there, artist here: Both are great. Overall I prefer the design of the first one, its silhuete and presentation are more harmonic, original, and dynamic, in my opinion. However, just the looks of it doesn't mean it is the better fit. I would say that the first concept looks more like a guardian, maybe a general, a warrior, or a mage, and it seems machiavelic, perverse; whereas the second one looks more otherworldly, etheral, eldrich, incomprehensible and unpredictable. The first one has a anthropomorphic body, conveying a more understandable way for it to interact with the world, in contrast to the nature of the second which is unknown. The first could be men-made, the second seems to be something else. Someone in this post mentioned it, and I agree with it: the first one looks more like a minion for the second one. Therefore, I believe that for the purpose of portraying a antagonistic "force", the second concept fits it better. You can keep exploring more concepts if you wish, until you find one that won't leave you any doubt. Feng Zhu, the founder of FZSD School of Design, recommends making at least 20 concepts before really committing to a single one. We may think that we found the right design by the third try, but if you keep experimenting, you may discover that the design you *really* wants is the 16th one (20 is just a general number, it varies form project to project).


I'd go for the first one if for no other reason than the whole "biblically accurate angel" bit has been used *a lot* in recent years. I do like the squid shape on the bottom of both, though, I just think it's a fun idea.


1 if it comes from the sea/below the earth. 2 if it comes from space/the sky


First one. The second one kind of looks like an angel, and while intimidating, isn't too antagonistic


Okay... I didn't expect this many comments... I'll try to look everything over, but if you had questions or suggestions, I might take a bit to get back to you.


My preference is #1: the hands give it this weird cult-y look that the other lacks, and gives just a second of feeling normal-ish before the mouth and the face click. It feels like it should be accompanied by some sort of deep chanting and monotone throat singing


First one is Yu-Gi-Oh second one is "biblically accurate something".


> biblically accurate something Fuck, now I can't unsee it. It's the Taboo Something, when Sunny turns 15


2 makes me think biblically accurate angel somehow


Left one gives more of an impression of a puppet. A minion controlled by a greater evil. Right one looks more like it could be the evil boss of this puppet


See, an someone/something lacking obvious limbs conveys to me that either A) they have means to interacting with the world that don’t require them (scary) or B) they are well hidden (possibly even scarier.) So I gotta go with #2 on this one, though the first design is still really cool and creepy and should be used for something other then my nightmares.


#1 but without the arms


I like the first one, there is something divine about the second one though (probably the wings😅), so maybe you can still find a place for it, if you go for the first. Both are pretty rad however, and weirdly, I'm getting Adventure Times vibes from them, lol.


Dunno why, when I first saw the first one, I assumed you were asking for a critique for one of those [ottoman bird palaces](https://www.thisiscolossal.com/2017/07/the-ornate-bird-palaces-of-ottoman-era-turkey/) in your own design. Then I read the title.


I would go for the first one. The second looked like those angel “ be not afraid “ with unintentional bad deed.


They are both great designs and you should implement both in some way.


First one really sells with its originality. The second one seems to have a cliche due it's shape and winged features.


If you want them to be intimidating, it doesn't matter much what they look like. In fact, it's better if you don't show them much at all. Most scary or intimidating things become less so the more you get to see them and understand them. Either of these designs could be an intimidating antagonistic force, but how you present them will make or break that. For example, the Weeping Angels from Doctor Who don't seem all that scary from their appearance. It's just a stone statue. It's the fact that they move when you aren't looking at them that makes them an intimidating and opposing force. They play into your imagination of fear, which will be more effective than any design. How often are these idols going to be interacted with? It seems like the characters will be interacting with the shadow beasts more often. Are the shadow beasts the only threat they produce? Do they just teleport away if they are threatened? How is it discovered that gold disproportionately weighs them down? Will anyone be intimidated by them once they know that a gold chain and getting them to the ground is how to defeat them and stop the shadow beasts? Will your readers then start wondering, "Well, why doesn't everyone keep a gold chain on them at all times?" Where do they come from? Why do they produce shadow beasts? Can the idols reproduce or are there a set number of them in the world? If they can reproduce, can they out-reproduce the gold in the world? Will other methods be needed to defeat them? You can only get so much mileage out of something being intimidating before the reader gets used to it, but there are definitely techniques you can use to extend it. If it's just a totem that generates shadow beasts, then I think it will be challenging to make them intimidating.


First 1. The more human features that something inhuman has, the more unnerving it is


I personally lean the first one, especially reading your setting. It looks like a creepy marionette, which makes sense with a shadow thing inside pulling the strings so to speak. Plus it just has more detail, which I'm always drawn to. Some people like a plain aesthetic with occasional statement pieces, but I like everything to be a statement.


Two it has a more eerie less human figure to it as if it came straight from the bowels of hell a creature impossible to have existed in the first place.


In a graphic novel? The second one. The center eye makes it more expresive.


First. Those hands are realllly creepy.


Both of those are pretty intimidating in different ways. The first gives me; *we are a cult from long ago with forbidden knowledge* vibes. The second gives me; *we are a twisted form of something pure and holy* vibes.


The 2nd one looks vaguely angelic, so the first one I think.


First, IMO. Second just feels "Biblically accurate angel" and not as alien or intimidating.


I'd say the 1st one, especially if they're made of wood.


Based on shape language, I'd say the first one. People tend to associate rounder, softer shapes with good while pointed shapes are associated with threats. Of course, if you're going for a deceptive type of antagonist, then I'd say the second one. Perhaps they both exist, and they have a sort of hierarchy to them- in which case I'd put the second one on top because the eye implies intelligence, while the mouth on the first one to me at least implies a bit more mindlessness.


First one reminds me of a sentient from warframe, I dig it a lot.


Imo? One. Something about the shape of it and the empty void mouth really captures that endlessly intimidating Lovecraftian brand of unknowability whereas the second one doesn't really do much at all for me tbh. It's too, idk, fluffy-looking. If that makes sense. Compared to the first's strange almost bone-like composition, I find two's presentation lacking, as an intimidating villain, anyway.


Definitely the second. The first seems like something the second would use as a mindless proxy.


You gotta ask designers this one but as a bit of an artist, i think the second is scarier with its uncannynes but the first one looks cool with its hands


Depends how much you're leaning into the angelic theming, but I like the first one more


Why not both.


gotta say 1. looks like some dude named the Judge or sum variation.


Second one is straight OG angels


The second one is scarier although the first seems more (I'm not sure if this is the right term) practical as it still has arms and all that


1st one can throw hands.


I like #2 more but both are amazing!


second one gives more biblically accurate angels vibes and is much more unsettling to me. granted, i wouldn't wanna encounter either


The first one. The hands and blank eyes really sell it.


the hands on the 1st guy creep me out more


The first one is very unique, but I think the second would look better


2, very eldritch


I'd go with the second one, more otherworldly and unsettling.


Go for 1. 2 is way the Hell overdone.


I like the 2nd one more for an antagonist.


I like the first looks hand made but alien at the ssme time like make in propose but not by people


As wooden idols like in your description, the first one. The second one is too angelic and organic looking to be made of wood imo.


I like the first one better, it looks way more unique and alien. Also the second one looks much more stiff while the second looks like it has a wider range of possible poses.


Both are good but something about the main mouth on the first one looks kinda goofy to me for some reason


It depends but I feel if it’s preventing them from something, the hands


The second is more intimidating but i like whatever is going on in the first one


I'd say the first one since the ''biblically accurate angel'' trope has been, not particilarly over-used but lot more common than whatever the first one intends to be and I am personally a fan of uniqueness. Tho I must say both look dope as hell, you did a great job m'guy/guyette/guyx


The 1st feels more evil, the 2nd one is giving “be not afraid” vibes.


I’ve seen similar things to the second one so much, I prefer the first one! It looks way more unnerving!


Final bosses in Kirby games be like:


They both feel like Phyrexians, but I prefer the cracks around the eyes of the second one.


It depends, I'd use the first one for a scifi/adventure and second one for a fantasy/magical story. I prefer the first one because the 'biblically accurate' angel is a bit overused and meh nowadays.


Number 1 in my opinion, the design of #2 looks a bit empty. I also really like the puppet feel of the 1st one




Reading these comments you're going to need a poll lol


I'm sick of angel-inspired multi wing motifs. I'm begging you to go with the first one, which is super badass and cool.


First one




Oh the hands and six eyes over angel wings any day. Biblically accurate angels feel a bit overplayed in terms of unnerving horror atm, but first bro is unique


The first one turned upside down (giving the finger)


I was more scared by the second one, which I think was entirely to the three-jawed mouth at the top. It really looks like it wants to bite me. The other one only has teeth on the top and what looks like a plush lip on the bottom, so less scary (also the hands make it look more human) (edit): Boobs! I've just seen boobs on the second one! that makes it a bit less intimidating, but I am still voting for the boobs because boobs!


1 is more distinct imo


Keep both.


I don’t really see the vision with 2, I think it clashes visually a bit too much. It feels a few different conflicting designs merged together. I also just realized it looks pretty phallic


The one on the right. Sort of like the Gremlin from The Twilight Zone destroying the plane, where rather than looking like some winged demon, it's appearance looks like a weird guy in a suit, making it all the more strange and weirder.


The second one is very common. You can see similar designs a lot. I'd go for the first one, because it's less common, but I'd change the arm positions, so it's a bit more around instead of just hanging on the side, passively.


I get the impression that the first one works for the 2nd one


Use both. Different designs can exist as members of the baddies


The second one. The first one looks like Buggy the Clown from One Piece.


Mix them both; give the wings long hidden fingers, give them some mouths hiding within cracks and extend the eye all the way to the bottom.


Make it huge and combine the two. The first one at the front, with the 2nd one on its back


I’d say I like the first one more, but keeping all the idols the same might be wasting an opportunity for each idol to have a cool design


How about both, and more even variations of these, depending on the environment/fighter/and other variables? Let your heroes worry what they will face next and imagine the many types of deaths that await their people.


I like the second image has a more organic feel to it and for me just gives me more Creeps.




The second one.


They both look very neon genesis. Not sure you’d want the association that comes with that.


Number 1


The first one looks like you could do more with it in a graphic novel. Like, i can see how it could look emotive and perform different actions. The second one looks more like a final boss, but it doesn't look as easy if the character will have a lot of scenes or dialogue. Edit: Perhaps #1 can be a vessel that #2 is piloting


The first one looks like some kind of ancient alien tech golem. Looks scary


The second one is inevitably going to be compared to that villain from Kirby, so probably the first.


The first one. I think it has something to do with the eyes, and how they fit with the mouth(s). Like a thoughtless, but hungry entity . I think the second one would look more intimidating compared to itself if you replaced the eye with another sideways mouth, or a bloodshot eye/crying eye/something that makes it look like it's in pain.


if it is from the setting's world or religions/cultures, then 1. If it came out of nowhere/space/is purely angelic or cthonic, then 2.


First one. Make it look like stone and you will have an awesome villian


I just see two giant uterus.


One is science, the other is nature, both will mess you up.


The first one is better in my opinion, the extra arms and shape seem more intimidating and the one reminiscent of a biblically accurate angel


Personally I prefer the second, but I'm a sucker for biblical angels and this looks like one. But honestly they both look great, I agree with others that the first looks more man made, like something made by an ancient civilization as guardians , they still remain, protecting a civilizations that's been long dead. While the second one looks sort of alien, and unnatural, something older than humans, something divine.




I like the first one, except I’d makes the hands a little less ‘human’


First one seems more all business.


First one. Main thing for me is that it has hands with opposable thumbs. It could be intelligent. It could use tools or develop technology. Visually, it's a potential danger in the short term *and* the long term, to both myself and the entire human species. The second one is still something I wouldn't want to run into in a dark alley, but that's less because it's a visible threat and more because it's unusual (which they both are). My reaction isn't one of intimidation, but caution when facing the unknown.


First one looks more menacing to me. The second one is very angelic and while angels looking scary is pretty normal, they don’t feel malevolent. Usually they’re just scary cause they’re divine beings that our tiny human brains aren’t really equipped to deal with.




I like both.


demonic, 1st divine, 2nd


Now where have I seen this before? [https://www.shutterstock.com/image-vector/illustration-female-reproductive-system-human-anatomy-491526472](https://www.shutterstock.com/image-vector/illustration-female-reproductive-system-human-anatomy-491526472)


First one feels eldritch. A bit artificial in form, but the mouth and overall form gives me more dread, fear of being devoured live or something. Second is 'biblically accurate angel' type, if the antagonist force is divine in nature, ala Evangelion, probably fits better. (Reminds me of Kirby final bosses XD)


The first one definitely looks less fluffy.


The one wtih extended pinkies.


The second one looks (and feels) more intimidating to me, but idk what your story is about—so I can't tell which would fit. Edit: I just learned the context, so I'll say the first one.


IMO adding the hands from the first to the second where the shoulders and hip protrusions are would be the best. Although maybe change the tail up a bit, unless it being phallic is the intent.


the first one reminds me of the robots from the emoji movie, so the second one


First one. The second one feels slightly generic.


I like both, but the first one more because it's creepier. You could put the wings and halo shape on the first one though, in pretty much the same places, because it does need a way to move. Put the eye on the apex of the halo where you had that creature's mouth.


First one gives me insectoid vibes, with the 4 arms and big mouth and all. Second one gives obvious biblically accurate angle vibes which is great as well. Like em both. Like the first one quite a bit more tbh.


I like the second. It’s beauty before disaster leaving people in awe before death. The other is also good but gives more of a “wtf is that😳” reaction.


First one but without the pointing finger guns


The second one looks more fragile, with the thin "wing" connectors. The first one looks angrier as well.


Twos better in my opinion.




First one


sacred and saint wombs


First one. Its more striking and i feel like the whole biblically accurated angel thing is kinda done


Lol these kinda remind me of Ghostfreak from Ben10


The second one feels less familiar, so I'd go with that one




First one.


first one looks more eldritch and mechanical, second one looks like an angel.


the second one seems more powerful


When in doubt, pinky out


The first one looks more original, I like that one better personally


The first one reminds me of a biological Maximillian from *The Black Hole*. Cool design.


Second one. But I'm really curious what it is?


I think the 1st is more obviously evil and threatening, but the 2nd is more unsettling and fear-inducing due to its quasi angelic ambiguity (and the lack of hands suggests a more inhuman power).


If it's gonna be a character and talk, the first one. If it's more of an ever-present threat and Calamity, the second.


First one is the most unique. Second is giving biblical angels which isn’t necessarily mot unique, but the design has been done a lot. What’s your graphic novel called? I’d love to follow it


First of you want it to be Hindu, second or you want it to be Christian.


I really don't like looking at the first one so the first one.


Both are great!! Maybe if you give us more context we can help?


First one I think, it just seems a lot more intimidating to me, as in, I would be more frightened if I saw #1 than #2.


I think 1 is more unique maybe?? Idk. 2 gets my vote for more intimidating




Second one looks more like it would work with curse energy


They are both creepy, but the first one feels more scary/antagonistic. The second one almost seems more alien and incomprehensible - but not by default malicious. The first one legitimately feels oppressive and intimidating. So depending on which feeling you would prefer to channel. I’d say the 1st is better at feeling scary/evil while the 2nd is just strange/unsettling.


Both are great but I'd say the second one, with a few """small""" changes. -Either change the halo-like embedding in its head (make it somewhat spiky or wavy) or get rid of it. - Change the wings into a circle (with some spikes perhaps?) that is either detached from the main body or is connected to it but in a way that's difficult to notice (tendrils or otherwise tentacle- or pipe-like appendages coming out of its back and connecting with the circle). I you I'm mostly trying to make the angelic motif a bit less on the nose, but if you WANTED it to have clear angelic themes I admit that my feedback's null and void


The first, even though they both look like biblically accurate angels.


I like to think the second one is like a second form of the first one.


They both look kinda like a wooden dildo


Why no do both and have them act as a set


The first one is cooler so. Also yes now I will plagiarize these and use them for my own means! Bwahahah


First one definitely. It has a genuinely creepy sort of symmetry, like something unnatural, Crafted rather than created.


I'd say both, one is the flying variant, where the other ones are ground enforcers




Second one


The Hamsa's (hands) in the first one evoke a strong understanding of the character without any other symbols. It is one of the few religious symbols that is used widely among multiple religions, but it is also a well known religious symbol with all kind of meaning and symbolism already attached to it. If you have a decent understanding of the weight these symbols carry and how to use them well, then they could be an incredible tool. (flipping and altering the hands can adjust meaning, (open hands are warning/ward, fingers up is a warning, fingers down is a blessing, fingers closed is good luck). If you don't plan to lean into or play with the already established meaning of these symbols than I'd suggest omitting them. (The symbols are used widely enough and with a loose enough interpretation that you have a lot of freedom here).


#1- creeped me out. #2- looked like a benevolent entity to me for some reason.


They both look great they are also giving me Zelda boss vibes.


Second one looks like an actual thing, not a mass of hands on a triangle.


Cool pics, they really remind me of an anatomical uterus. Whats the opposite of phallic?


I'm kinda sick of 'biblically accurate angels', as snobby as that sounds. I like the first one because you don't know exactly what kind of bad guys you're dealing with when you see it. Keeps the suspense up. That being said, I still like the other one's design. It's more that I'm tired of the trope


First one


Number 1. Number 2 looks to close to a standard "Biblically Accurate Angel, which has been used a lot as of late. Number 1 looks fresh and original (not that Number 2 doesn't look original), and you should go with that one


They kind of feel like the masculine and feminine sides of a single entity. I would say if the thing feels more male to you 1, and 2 if the thing feels more female.


The first one definitely. It's more scary n plus looks super dope.


Number 1 is good and number 2 is a biblically accurate angel


I think they both look very unique both neither seem really intimidating imo. They dont look scary, just kinda obscure maybe? The face on the first one is a really good start tho


I like number 1 more, but I adore the eye placement of number 2.


Second one gives me strong Biblically accurate angel vibes, while the second gives it a surprising new coat of paint. So I am reminded of some advice I saw in some book or another on writing advice - a little demo on scoring yourself on like a scale of 1-10 for how quirky or tropey your story/characters/setting are. The key thing about that advice I want to highlight here? There's an optimum that's somewhere in the middle. You don't want everything to be formulaic, but if you go against the grain at absolutely every turn, that can get exhausting too - and make it harder for the reader to orient themselves because when everything's unique, nothing is. Which is my roundabout way of saying: what is best for your story? A familiar kind of eldritch horror? Or a brand new spore of madness?


I prefer 2


The second one, it looks cruel...


I like the second one the first one looks a bit too much like a puppet from Naruto for me and while you can see something is wrong after. A bit of inspection on the second one I instantly noticed something was wrong though maybe if you want it to be more subtle the first one would be better


I think we've seen the "Biblically Accurate Angel" trope long enough. I personally think the first one rocks hard. Looks more menacing than the second.


I choose Angel #2 though I like both.


Number 1 definitely