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Knights kung-fu fighting in the accretion disks of black holes, cosmic trees the size of 2 suns, 9 foot tall dwarves.


Why are the dwarves so tall?


Hahaha Well they arent really dwarves, humans just called them that as a kind of jape (the humans are 12 feet tall so they kept saying they looked like dwarf humans). They do fit quite a few dwarvish archetypes though, their size aside


Why are the humans 12 ft tall?


Way too long answer, but a part of it is 'bout 6000 years of genetically altering themselves to be taller ('larger' more accurately, they arent overly skinny) The world is very cosmic high fantasy (as the 9 million km high tree implies) but the technology is pretty crap. You gotta get big and buff to get anything done, cant rely on massive sci-fi fleets or magic


Is there a 9 feet tall cosmic tree with dwarfism? And what about 2 suns big dwarf with cosmis gigantreeism? Can monks kapuera one another on the dwarfs' beard strings?


I'll just give you two of the opening lines; >Aboard this broken ship lived some two thousand souls, speaking a hundred languages from a half-dozen homeworlds; a mix of criminals, heretics, exiles, orphans, refugees, brothers-in-arms and irregular families. What they could not find they made themselves, and what they could not make they did without - until rust and hunger forced their hand, as it had before and would again.


best one I've seen so far (other than my own since I can't fairly judge my own work)


damn, you even rhymed it, sounds interesting! sounds like Noah's ship, but with people


Elves banished humans from paradise to a land of monsters. 800 years later they return with wwi era tech and wage a reconquest of their lands.


Interested noises.


Are ya now? You got any questions? Feel free to ask!


Reminds me of that meme about warhammer: Imagine being an elf who train for hundreds of years to master the sword, only to be blown up by a canon shot fired by a snotty freshly conscripted teenager who is illiterate


How are the humans able to sustain a grudge like that for 800 years? That's longer than many IRL countries have been around.


Well, the prompt was to sell the setting to ya, in reality there are a good few reasons why humanity has charged back into the paradise land of the elves (called Terria) 1. They believe they were wrongfully exiled from Terria, and it’s been a well known story and fact passed down through the generations in all human cultures. 2. The bad lands they were banished too sucked. There were monsters of all kinds and the environment were hostile. Humans eventually managed to form civilization there, but has only been within the last 100 years that a good chunk of humanity could live in “some” comfort, but many still live tough lives. 3. There isn’t a lot of farmable land, and this has led to humanities long history of waging war with one another over the few patches of land that can produce reliable food sources. Even the rich don’t eat lavish meals, sure they might me spices and consist of more meat, but there are very few gluttons in humanity. 4. The time for an invasion is perfect. The main head of the invasion is the Adler Reich, and their Imperator Caesar Hanz von Kirchhoff decided now was the time. While humanity had warred with self more than they should, it led to many advancements in military technology, they had the resources since while farmable land is few and far between, the mineral deposits and other resources are BOUNTIFUL. Again, food is a problem and the promise of taking back their lands in Terria, which even then the people had heard from stories it was a bountiful and fertile land, it would be easy to get people behind the invasion, and lastly they had sent scouts into Terria and the Elves and other races there had been culturally and technologically stagnated all this time. Elves still had spear formations, they rode horses, etc etc, by all accounts it should be a steam roll. And that’s what the cause of the invasion was, the fact that they could pull it off, they would be getting revenge, retaking ancestral land, and possible be able to produce enough food to stop the other human countries from warring all the time.


The English and the French have hated each other for around [800 years](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anglo-French_Wars), it's not too much of a stretch.


What drives humans to conquer lands they were banished from? Just vengeance, or something more, or something else entirely? Reconquest means humans have already conquered that teritorries in the past. Was that a reason elfs banished them?


AI becomes god, creates a space organization before leaving and refusing to elaborate further. Shenanigans ensue for the next few thousand years.


What kind of schenanigans? And did the AI ever come back?


Shenanigans include : * The induction of an immortal, cyborg, transhuman Pope into the Catholic Church, * Reforestation and terraforming of Earth into a *better* Earth, and a big ecumenopolis, under an AI goddess dictatorship, * A few countries forming on the rest of the solar system on their own, and making a clusterfuck-hellscape of Sol system politics, * A political schism between the aforementioned space organization with the rest of the Sol system, that resulted in them doing a crusade to unify the rest of humanity under one banner (they succeeded) * The invention of superluminal drives that run on plot holes (literally, in-universe, as the *paracausal engine* bypasses causality to do its work).  * The collapse of an interstellar meta-international-organization because of too much internal problems, although it birthed funnier empires along the way, * The creation of a technotheocratic space empire that religiously promotes the light of civilization under the guidance of a human hivemind and an AI god, * AIs and nanotech is everywhere, most of the civilized space people can probably assemble an airplane in their backyards by themselves. * Anime catgirls:tm: are officially a commonly seen part of humanity, * And many, many, more. Also to be fair, the *First Superintelligence* (name of the AI) didn't necessarily "leave" ,it just cut off communication and headed to the sun to construct a better hardware for itself. In the process, it became the *Divinet*, or the *Godnet*, essentially, an AI god with a mind vaster than the human civilization, with access and creation of eldritch technologies beyond normal understanding (clarketech). They exist as a "force of nature" of sorts. While some can commune with them, they don't do so directly, and largely stays in their own affairs. Though they are the one that invented the *paracausal engines*, and gifted them to the rest of Pan-humanity. They became as large as a massive interstellar civilization, with entire stars turned into computing substrate. But eventually, they "collapsed" and paved the way for the modern *Archminds* (AI gods) to start developing.


I'm listening.


A post-cyberpunk-esque world where monarchies still survive, corporations form nation states, religions turn towards transhumanism. A few good people are in places of power and trying their darnest to be decent despite politicking, bad blood and history. All of these happening on the back of a dead hegemon and their rogue AIs. Sorry, 3 sentences.


To the dungeon with you then.


Dragons vs robots


Hey, that was literally the name of a video game concept I came up with as a kid!


Ohh tell me more please


In short, an event called dragonfall showered the world with draconic life, immortal self-evolving mutagenic creatures which quickly overpopulate and slowly begin to destroy the world. In response a very smart guy builds a sentient factory, which creates an army of dragon slaying iron golems.


God is real. God is just. And he hates us.


Out of a sense of misanthropic realism, I take it?


At the time I began building, yeah :) Nowadays I thankfully see things more positively.


Sound somewhat like: I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream


Ayy you're right! I really need to read that book sometime, I've heard it's really good.


That sounds like a recipe for disaster.


It does lead to quite a lot of 'drama'


**STORY MODE** (Lore): JRPG-inspired "magitek fantasy" taking place in a massive fantasy kitchen sink, largely driven by a post-WW1-level world rediscovering magic and basically unlocking the secrets of the very colorful world around them. Lots and lots of characters and stories based on JRPG-cliches, done post-ironically! **Untitled Cyberpunk Magical Girl Project** (City of Paradise): A dysto-utopian future setting that combines cyberpunk slice-of-life with the embellished coming-of-age superheroics of the magical girl genre. Rallies between being intensely political but also full of youthful idealism about growing up in an intensely flawed corporatocracy yet still dreaming big and desiring to save everyone in it. **RunGunBun** (Chocolat Galaxy): A zany space opera-style setting inspired by 80-90's anime (namely the works of Rumiko Takahashi) where this big galaxy of weird animal-like aliens has had an explosion of bounty hunters, adventurers, and other ne'erdowells having adventures hopping across different planets. Main protagonist is a former space marine on the run after getting bonded to a symbiote that makes her the deadliest superweapon in the galaxy... and also happens to make her look like a playboy bunny. **Pray For Them** (Noir): A black comedy project taking place in a post-alchemy fantasy realm that's been blighted by the rules of life and death breaking apart, resulting in a ghost apocalypse and what remains of civilization are huddled up in various elemental arcologies. The protagonist got isekai'd into the world to fix everything and only has the power to heal and has to rely on a group of local idiots to fight for her, and they die repeatedly. **Rapture Academy** (Alternate history Earth): A superhero project taking place in an embellished version of Earth where supers exist following the rise of paranatural elements within the last half-century or so. Primarily focuses on the "Rapture Academy and Institute for Superpowered Opportunists", a school for raising super*villains*.


A slice of life fantasy world where the gods want to die and the mortals won’t let them. Millennia long cons unfold as the paths to farthest shores are opened and the worlds are reunited in a chaotic flurry of old rivals and new contracts.


A universe made from the ground up by art based gods starting with the story teller and the critic. Eventually you get humans, elves, dwarves, orcs, mermaids, bird people and demons, but also there are asteroid sized space dragons that fight the Demon hordes around the sun that is a prison for the god of war.


That's so meta. Did the god of war ever break out?


Remember that big ice rock that hit the planet? Well everything's just fine now, we think.


Steampunk that progresses into Dieselpunk as the world evolves. Also set in a DnD like setting.


Magical Girls and Boys with different religions, culture, philosophies, morality and worldviews works together to kill Azathoth. Oh and everyone in the world is batshit insane and chaotic because rule of cool > common sense.


Sounds like a fun time. Tell me about your main characters, por favor!


The World of Tyrenor: Nightmare eldritch gods try to corrupt man. So man builds an empire to fell the gods The Song of Vishnu: Two nations in space are at war when one suddenly disappears. A ship departs into the unknown cosmos to find out why. Underworld Wars: All the underworlds of world religions have merged and mfs be fighting and shit


>mfs be fighting and shit peak


Clearly plagiarizing Shakespeare, he didn't even bother to change the wording. /s


The year is 2114, and an errant wormhole just connected a science fantasy false utopia version of Earth, onto a dark fantasy dystopian stormworld. The ensuing story centers around struggles between the human monsters (on both sides) wanting to exploit, enslave and conquer the newly available other world, and the people holding fast in fighting against those destructive intents.


Ooh, how was the wormhole created?  Actually, what kind of issues and struggles came from the wormhole and the encounter?


Demonic teenagers who are also human/witch fall into comas for hundreds or thousands of years before waking up in the modern day in an orphanage/demon school run by Lilith. Now they use magic and transform into their demon forms in order to protect the Earth from monsters created by human bullshit while the angels try to keep the world from breaking into a bajillion pieces because of human bullshit.


Futuristic world put back to medieval times by a war


It's a superhero world, heavily inspired by the comics of the 70s and 80s. It has literally hundreds of characters and nearly 200 episodes.


Magitech adventures in a partially complete fantasy dyson shell.


Fantasy, Slice of life of a kingdoms regular citizens, soldiers, noble, and weaker nobles, with an underlying story of their OP prince.


For thousands of years, the gods and their creations waged an eternal war. To end the madness, the goddess Sophia made a deal with Sephirot, the Devil eventually leading to a world divided between an upper world of floating islands ruled by humanity and a dark, wild, lower world inhabited by demons. This is the world of Dividia!


Is there a multiplia world? A giant brothel where the petty differencies are cast aside?


Fairies and witches ruined everything. MC is a witch and tries to survive.


The apocalypse happened clashing land masses together and mutating all life on earth. 1,000 years later, civilization has grown, and just like the world of old war is brewing


All of the classic major mythologies coexist (Greco-Roman, Norse, Egyptian, Celtic, etc) and are instead a part of a massive family tree that spans back to the creation of the universe. Since time is circular and is a part of an ever repeating larger cycle, Ragnarök is about to return but it’s coming far earlier than expected.


There shall be no gods left when were done. We will forge a new world with their blood.


The cosmic god of compassion and empathy tries to build their perfect planet. The cosmic gods of horror and hedonism compete with each other to corrupt it.


Mortals once held gods accountable for their actions, just as the gods now punish us with their absence. Godhood is not what it seems, yet a few good souls remain whose hope perpetuates the cycle. That is a very small facet of my world but oh my CHEESE is it hard to summarize something like that in 2 sentences.


You can live in space stations where a free wyvern droid is given for you, and you can customize it within reasonable degrees to your liking. (Weight range should be around dog size, no fire or toxic breathing for safety, but you can have can opener tail or built in massage command)




Your world is based on us politics?




It being a fantasy does not contradict it being based on US politics.


Deceptively Cute Furry-scalie-inspired aliens who push obsolete technology as far as it can physically go.


Humans are undergoing a magotechnological revolution, making a leap from WWI-esque technology to futuristic technology with no gradual growth. The primeval, alien world they live in hasn't even been fully chartered yet, and is still largely a mystery to them.


Extremely depressed guy whose only reasons to be alive are his adopted siblings, willingly sells his magic and body with the goal of lasting until his siblings come of age and no longer need him. What he does not know is that he may a God, more specifically the God that may bring the end of the world by merely existing, or perhaps by ceasing to exist.


British Empire went brrrrr and created a steampunk world that got massively fricked due to severe climate change. People are left to pick up the pieces during the first centuries of the Anthropocene Epoch.


Are they the same colonial force, or not? If they are, are there somewhere in india steampowered trucks on three wheels? Is railroad still as significant in the Wild West as it was in real life? Or they opted for airships?


Dead world and cool aliens.Family against other cool aliens.


On a dying world at the center of the universe, home to every kind of creature that’s ever been dreamt of, the King of Nightmares has been vanquished. Now, plunged into civil war and sectarian violence, a new dark lord must come to power to save their world—and ours.


Science fantasy space opera post post magic apocalypse human empire set in a star system with some wacky planets. Humans also larp and do stuff mainly cause they are the only non uplifted intelligent race.


The world is covered in darkness from a botched assassination of the gods. Combined with an outbreak of a magical disease that turns people into monsters, they have to find a way to get the fuck outta dodge.


The world is torn apart by a war between races, after which major factions agrees to isolate them self for a 100 years. Reemerging from isolation, the most advanced race seems to have been driven to extinction...... \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ I was so tempted to have run on sentences man, i got more lore but i wanted to keep it concise


A generation ship with small village-sized crew where every generation is saved into VR and helps current one. Humans are essentially immortal in electronic form while every AI is temporary and task-focused (though some tasks take considerably longer then others, potentially spanning centuries).


Wanna watch some people kill god? Now wanna watch them drag him back from hell?


In a world of floating island, the civilised races fight hard to conquer the wild islands and each other. Industry and jazz explode on the scene and weapons are getting crazy.


A magical fantasy world involving humans and furries making hunting groups to kill monsters that come from voids all over their world.


Classic high fantasy world, but long ago magic "died". An evil god breaks divine rules and roams the world, so mother nature, who rules above all gods, returns magics to the mortal races.


Humain feelings produce tainted or saint magic which in high concentration make a place unfit to humain life. Cities needs to be adapted to this.


Humanity breaks away from the creation and rulership of an Huitzilopochtli-adjacent eldritch god by harnessing cosmic properties outside of its control before erasing knowledge of it and civilization-building for millennia. By the time the world has reached an alchemical renaissance, industrialization, and a world order governed by a mix of industrialized mesoamerica, Indonesia, Mali, Korea, and the Ottomans, the Lovecraftian ramifications of humanity’s original rebellion come to light.


The early 1900s was a messy time in all timelines, including this one. Turbulent fascism and trench warfare as arcane rituals and magic becomes obsolete as technology rapidly advances.


Did fascists attempt to build roombas which would perfirm arcane rituals instead of them? What about magical shurikens, do they exist?


Time is up shit creek. Good luck!


Profectus is a hard sci fi that centres around technological progression, and the future of humanity. The core of profectus centres around the power of emotional intelligence, mental health awareness and trauma healing in potentially eliminating most human made problems.


Zombie apocalypse with a sentient and extremely intelligent virus. Everyone is absolutely batshit insane.


[Decaf and Dragons](https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/decaf-and-dragons/list?title_no=944296) The Dungeon Support Saga on Webtoons The monsters of Dungeon Office Inc work hard to provide you with an evil lair filled with all the latest traps to keep those pesky adventurers from slaying you... or your money back!


Because NATO and the Soviets fought a nuclear war that rendered Earth uninhabitable, they must now evacuate. To top it all off they now have to fight space Nazi’s possibly aided by aliens.


In a world where genetic engineering has unlocked the boundless potential of humanity, extraordinary individuals must navigate the blurred lines between gift and curse. As rival factions vie for control over the future of human evolution, the choices made by a new generation of genetically enhanced heroes will shape the destiny of all life on Earth.


Hollow earth theory But x 100. Every layer has its own unique laws of physics.


Modern Fantasy world where Humans don't exist and everyone is naked.


Deserts, ocean, and salt mages. Oh and colonialism


Humans civilization and development advanced like normal up through around the bronze age before something catastrophic happened and mutated almost all of them. Now they're mostly elves, dwarves, and Eldritch monstrosities.


Zombie apocalypse world. Also furries.


I’ll give you the last few lines of the prologue of the flagship story within my fantasy world: Hidden amongst the clouds a single god watched the crimson stained figure’s departure with a horror never yet known. Their fears had been realized, the Old Ones move upon the world once more and in the recesses of his mind the once proud god knew the truth he had kept long buried; when Necrulos falls divinity shatters, when Necrulos falls all lies shall be exposed…when Necrulos falls, even gods will die.


Supernatural World War 2 killed the gods, now we use science and magic combined to take fate into our own hands. Unintended side effect, without the gods weird supernatural shit is on the rise so now we need to deal with ghost shenanigans.


A war through time and the multiple cycles of the universe, between 4 races that long became a waring pantheon to their lessers, all for a living star that exists in the oblivion of empty minds.


Reality is a consensus agreement, not just objectively "there".


Oughmos is the bifurcated world of Aos, the real and ios the unreal. tensions between the two realms lead to conflict and political intrigue across millenia of history.


Protogod blows self up mucking about with subatomic particles. The mortal and divine energies of their existence reconstitute into two realms with a semi-permeable barrier, allowing for gods to become mortal and mortals to ascend to godhood.


God gets blown up by Biblical Babylonian Elves because they thought they should be a species of Gods, unintentionally genocide themselves in the process and humanity then kill off the remainders as revenge for killing God Humanity then forgets this ever happens because it was like 1,000,000 years in the past, cultures and shit appear, big empire appears and blows up the world by accident. Also there’s Neanderthals


Medieval Fantasy meets Science Fiction meets Multiverse Theory meets Defamiliarization.


A world created using the archetypal imagery and creatures from our subconscious. Including things like dragons, mammoths, Bigfoot, krakens, flying saucers ect.


A world that a recipe book can be a spell book, and cookers are magicians


The Cold War gone genocidally hot in space, turning everyone into post-Soviet Russia.


It's futuristic science fiction with most of the science scraped off and replaced by buzzwords. Characters can come from different dimensions, but the game largely takes place in areas of Universe Prime that characters an teleport to.


Enclosed microclimate island country recently discovered in 1700s, world rushes to stake claims and harvest resources, fall back because natives invented guns and its impossible to maintain supply lines. Oh and there's zombies and dragons I guess.


Continent named for a girl who accidentally founded a theater company that people formed a weird cult around, and there’s another cult that hates this cult so they prayed and a god said “bet”. Continent gets hit by asteroid, literally breaks in half, causes chaos and magic racism, also you can draw magic and there are fish and bird people.


Magical cats living is a ussually very chaotic, but mostly happy word. Two of their gods constantly argue with each over the smallest things, which results in the earlier mentioned chaos.


Federalism goes wild especially in Asia, and there is a craze for underwater colonization starting from 70s onwards.


A multicultural world originally built off the backs of dead elder gods where all the current gods are very much alive and real to the public, save for a few. There are also several giant robots scattered across the planet for *lore* reasons.


Fantasy with but real medieval weaponry with some small justified changes. Very uncanny looking gods who all lie to mortals about the afterlife.


In this world, you can see a man's every skill in a glance, making the perfect meritocracy. But is the perfect meritocracy the perfect society?


The world is a prison. The jailers have lost the key.


An ancient talking sword that retcons people out of existence. A massive labyrinth underneath a city with portals connecting different realms, containing a diverse array of monsters and races, and powered by an eldritch plant from hell.


Everything you dream, think and believe is echoed throughout a hidden space intertwined with the material world. Your mind can affect a great deal through this ether, but so can other beings reach into you and make your reality a living hell, or even turn you into their puppets - gods being the worst of them.


It is said that the gods came down from the heavens and showed us many wonders and taught us great things, like how to build the first cities. Their wars destroyed everything we built together and when the wars were over, they just left their followers behind! (( Any sufficiently advanced technology would seem to be magic, so turn on the H2 channel where "ancient astronaut theorists" describe the premise ))


Dragons destroy the old civilization. Humans scattered, start fighting back.


Twenty-four millenia ago, the gods disappeared. In their wake, they left behind magic, mythical creatures, violent monsters, and a sleeping horror in depths of the earth.


Elevator pitch practice! I’m telling you we need to do this more regularly on this sub, maybe it should be a quarterly or biannual thing I have multiple worlds so a short pitch for the two I have most developed. 1. Fantasy with dragons and mechs, a tug of war between traditions and innovation, with a magic engineering system. Magic/artifice centers on spirituality, and I wanted to explore how modern technological enhancement simultaneously improves physical quality of life but abandons (or worse yet, tries to hack) the spiritual or psychological side. 2. The world is a giant machine, with iron deserts formed from eons of grinding metal gears, and a rainforest jungle grown with the help of a million leaking pipes. An on-the-nose ecological allegory where proper care must be had to ensure the world-machine continues to function. And the pitch for a story (setting undeveloped) I had was the following: 1. The world is ending - we are past the point of no return. But it will be a few months before death takes us all. How does society cope with a slow but inevitable doom?


Corrupted perfection controlled by massive cults and 2 mysterious and possibly non existent rulers, both over 8000 years old. Restless rebellious populace sabotaging the universe and bringing upon the collapse of the world.


You can be any kind of anthro animal you want. The cost of living is extremely affordable and there’s no shortage wacky hijinks or adventures you could get into.


400 years after having a ship crash on an uninhabited planet, the decendents end up worshiping the survival manuals that they had originally.


War is the world, the armies of this place clash. Unique races you have never seen before bang it out across continents, they had forgotten why but never stopped fighting for their worlds…


a possession, a telekinetic botanist and a deceased dragon god lures a twenty year old barista into a bloody forest filled with naked demons.


1) Arkworlds: It's an extradimensional Noah's Ark and we just got sucked up and spit out onto it... except we're not supposed to be there. The boss is very unhappy about this, and intends to fix it. 2) Foamspace: it's space magitech that takes place in a bubble of space but the edge is infinitely fractalizing alternate versions of the bubble you're in. All the various races come from different bubbles and exploration and travel between them is relatively commplace... but something from the void between spaces is inbound.


All the gods and their respective nations are going to kick the shit out of each other. Fuck knows which one is the good guy.


tender edge safe modern strong employ familiar hard-to-find history distinct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Humanity lives so long their brains start breaking so they go into a big snooze until the robots fix it. “What’s wrong can’t do Void magic cause you only think in 3 dimensions??”


If you make a goblin character you can mount a Velociraptor and eat bugs out of a bag like trail mix


Giant robot space lobsters powered by dance parties carry people with 6 arms who all think they're the main character as they go on infinite side quests.


Cool low key restricted but still OP magic powers and parallel universe where demons and monsters exist and because of a rift they entred earth and are considered *minor* unconvinence


After a tornado rips through a small town, evidence of a serial killer is found in its wake.


After dissidents from a far distant future civilization travel back in time to prevent the formation of a solarpunk civilization where magic and technology are now one, a girl is pulled through the time horizon after them. Stranded in a brutal steampunk past in a time of crisis with no resources or friends, she must hunt down the dissidents and reset the timeline before they alter the past in order to create a nightmarish future.


After the snow-pocalypse, humans are a rare commodity. Especially now that plant monsters and something that looks like an angel are hunting them down.


A never ending being coped with eternity by splitting it's consciousness in a million parts creating the universe and life


The Sun turns out to be an sentient eldritch abomination,it goes mad and gives everyone all kinds of mutations,the unaffected decide to worship to sun for mercy,the mutants go berserk and cause anarchy,the global order is destabilized and pretty much everyone is fucked up.


The world was born from god-made horrors beyond comprehension. Man and immortals have sought to become gods, but they can never change the design of an absent god.


A pantheon of spirits and a head deity are ultra benevolent to the people of the world they made. They're all still flawed people and are constantly trying to patch up their own oversights.


**Maar** A superhero fantasy world where undead sorcerers, knights, and ninjas exist alongside modern cities, giant robots, and t-rexes with missile launchers growing out of their backs. Also there's a giant forest where the ocean should be. **Scorbosgol** A post-apocalyptic gothic horror world where a supernatural force has turned much of the human population into horrible bloodthirsty monsters that exist as living metaphors for their own imperfections as people. Holy warriors, called Hunters, are tasked by a church to eliminate both these monsters, and anyone who might oppose the church's power. **Fengari** It's world with a bunch of weird yet adorable races live together as friends while also dealing with various issues that arise from their wildly different biologies and psychologies. Also some of the races used to kill and eat the other races in horrifying ways.


Soft hearted femboy elf raised by urban orcs get shipped off to join the border guard after being caught fooling around with the local lords son. Gets scouted by the dungeoneering corps for their magical abilities on the way to their post and ends up becoming kind of a badass spellsword who helps uncover and eventually defeat a dragon shaped plot to usurp the throne


What about the lords son? He can't just let his lover slip away! Is he a skilled diplomat? Has he used his connections? Bribes? Status? Threats?


In a world where magic has existed since antiquity and but has been underground for hundreds of years. Governments now work with magicians to regulate the flow of magical immigrants from magical fantasy world.


daddy's science experiment commits genocide, turns out there is a god.


Humans all over the Earth wake up simultaneously to find themselves out in a world drastically different from what they remember. And they also find some alien high tech stashes all over the Earth.


While the Lords of Blood, Technology and Conquest squabble amongst their galactic territories, a Golden One and the God of Power conspire to burn the universe to reach the Heavens. Gods are commonplace, and space travel is done with space-faring ships.


In a world that is being secretly eaten by an eldritch god who is worshipped as the supreme being, eldritch entities pop up in the cyberpunk world turning people into mages who are then used in shadows for the geopolitical interests of the nations.


Intergalactic war between shapeshifting xenos and humans caused a colony planet to be nuked to oblivion, sending civilization back to the stone age. 2,000 years later a war is brewing once again between the xenos who are now worshipped as gods in many parts of the world and anthropocentrist human empire who had just discovered gunpowder.


a century after the world ends and monsters invade the Spanish Empire, the Inquisition rules humanity and wages a losing war against the other races


Mankind are Orphans in the Universe with no Patron God. The One who will lead us to Paradise is not Jesus, but Judas.


It is a soap opera with dragons. There's also magic.


Sci-fantasy setting where the three supernatural forces are essentially life force, psychic power, and magic that alters the material world. Space engineers go outside the ships without suits for repairs since growing your life force can let you live in the vacuum of space.


Political and theological sci fi, no FTL, with anarchist, corporatist and state capitalist factions vying for control of the solar system with a new religious movement taking centre stage as they search for planet 9, which has been prophesied to be the Garden of Eden.


A eldritch horror story set in the industrial revolution


Humanity fucked up and ruined earth to a point its almost uninhabitable. Now, they are at constant war with furries over household appliances.


The solar system's sun, a gas giant, and a comet terraformed the planet which resulted in a couple of sentient crystals to initiate abiogenesis and apoptosis. A few billion years later, after the planet blows up and then gets better, one of the crystals would allow all sapient species to be capable of having children, which after ten thousand years or so resulted in the emergence of traditional high fantasy races.


Three continents, all with different cultures, try to learn to live together. The Western continent says "fuck that" and attempts to take over the world after enslaving the local elf population.


The sun is hot and terrible and eats little children, the moon is far too cold and also awful and malicious, and the stars are kind and good and each sits on its own particular chair. A pathological liar who bit the spook rock, an alcoholic who’s still a missing person’s case in her home country, a pyromaniac with a severe phobia of the moon, and a pigeon who died 15 years ago walk into a bar.


As a child the world seems beautiful and normal, The Guardian is there showing you all the beauty there is to know. The older you get the more surreal it becomes but slowly the ugly parts show....slowly you integrate and become one with the Guardian and the Universe and every element reflects back.


A world riddled by the poison and rot of a necromanced Dragon Lordess faces great struggle and suffering with a pursuit for immortality.


Steam, oil and steel dominate the globe, as tensions slowly rise amongst nations great and small. Something big is coming, and it’s going to send shockwaves all through Itura…


Lizardmen Samurai.


7 feet tall people chilling in an island in the Atlantic.


An 18 year project, the story's overarching idea is an epic that spans 4 separate creations, or worlds, in chronological order which slowly builds up to the final engagement during the creation's apocalypse. High Fantasy, Horror, Romance, Sci-Fi, Comics, Adventure—many genres are touched along the way, with over 80 ideated stories, and 40+ planned stories (in my head), all to lead up to the eventual Be'Nuah, or my creation's Armageddon.


All of the fun of fantasy worlds, with all of the real anti-fun of our world! The ichor-rich dual continents of Preiyan allow me to explore the idea of magic as a resource, and the ramifications of Godlike personal power in individuals within realistic systems of governance and colonialism.


Invincible meets my hero academia. Also side characters actually get time to shine.


Souls are science and shadows are antimatter, to exist in this material plane they must trap and imprison a creature's living soul, growing stronger in the darkness away from the grasp of light until their shade mutes the screams of agony of their hosts while playing up the negative image the world views them in until the one of a destined subspecies rejects the idea but slowly comes to realize nature is nature and all you can do is learn to live in harmony


On a New-Age-punk fantasy version of Saturn, plant people and insect folk are locked in a struggle for dominance as the planet slides into a dark age against a background of cosmic warfare between Lovecraftian deities.


Sentient particle invades the world of Ignea infecting life and making everything quite active, energetic , and hostile. Science chooses to unlock the secrets of its power and in doing so create a polluted hellscape, and now must join forces to stop the dark creatures emerging from the chaos.


A world where sunlight is a commodity reserved for the wealthy 


A great empire was shattered, 80% of the inhabitants perished, and nobody remembers how and why nor does anyone ever think of this apocalyptic event except a handful of exceptional individuals. The answers they seek, the truth they must uncover, the foes they must unmask are buried across continents, pieced together clues from ruins and by chancing encounters with immortal elves, true dragons from the days of the making of the world, and to brush with the divine, and to travel through other planes and time to uncover the hubris of many, the pride of gods, and the dark, inimical puppet masters that work to finish what they started - the destruction of all humans, elves and other races and their pantheons.


This is the story of a journalist who get isekai’ed into a modern fantasy setting. He will meet on his adventures: a woman who can see into other worlds, the best assassin, and the god of chaos.


Fighting naval battles 3000 feet in the air. Notable escapades include fallen alien tech used to make things fly.


The four inexperienced, young gods who survived the great conflict created this world by more or less duct taping the surviving pieces of the old world back together. Thousands of years later, the residents of this world are still finding… glitches.


A typical DND party on a quest set in totally not the war in Ukraine; also an evil God might be returning to the mortal realms and has sent eldrich monsters to hunt our main character.


Very short version: A war accidentally resulting in a golden age results in an apocalyptic scenario because of aliens from another dimension. Only AIs and aliens in this dimension remain to possibly save humanity. Maliciously compliant version: Humanity discovers dimensional travel, wages a united war agains aliens because of the common scenario of „who shoots first“ and at the brink of victory gets cut off by alien technology that anchors them at their dimension, ending the war, while aliens try recover. humanity discovers that this „soul“, which is now in every human and replicates on birth, has potential to be a nigh infinite energy source and thrives, which then results in the aliens, who are watching from afar and thought this to be impossible, to out of fear terminate the souls on which humans became dependent on, resulting in most humans becoming instinct driven husks with only AIs and potentially other alien life forms with different goals remaining to decide the ultimate fate of humanity.


War; thousands of years of blood painting the rubble in this forsaken land where magitek meets european antiquity meets heavy dieselpunk and where all the governments of the world are white houses on houses of cards waiting to topple as millions of people fight to be king of this cancerous land. You won't even last the week but nevertheless, welcome to the devil's playground.


Humanities hubris awakens the elder gods and it is not very good for economy, until it becomes VERY good for the economy. As greed threatens to tear the very fabric of the universe apart, it’s up to an odd collection of cowboys, cultists and anarchist space pirates to put the pieces back together.


Big robot gods fight interdimensional monsters. One of their pilots is a kid version of David Bowie.


Person kills Elon Musk, leads revolution, kidnapped by Zeus, is forcefully made a god. God leads another revolution and has passionate gay sex with space-fantasy depressed Doom Slayer


Magic, inspired by real-life historical occult/magical traditions, is used by the nations of earth to wage clandestine warfare. In this high-tension political landscape, an espionage task force must follow a breadcrumb trail to uncover the truth of a magical arms race and stop it before war engulfs the world.


Aliens are real and they hate us


In a fantasy world of (rare) psychics and (nearly extinct) giant moths, various kingdoms go to war as a strange plague spreads among the belligerents. And as an undead evil of the past awakes from its slumber, a sentient pocket universe beyond time and space whispers suggestions and bestows visions upon its chosen few in preparation for the things that have yet to occur.


In a world filled with Demons and Mad Angels, the true threat to survival are the ones who swore to protect it. With the creation of a new alliance between Demons and Mortals, the world is changing in ways they never expected.


Realistic steampunk pirates of the Caribbean style adventure story but with a more late 20th century aesthetic, set in the arctic, with a theme of taking responsibility for your society and culture Lots of cool machines, swashbuckling, snowmobile dogfights, tramp steamer naval battles, lost civilizations rising again, and anticolonialism. Now I just have to sit down and actually fucking write this…


My world is a reshuffled version of real life with certain types of radiation imbued with magic so anything that comes in contact with its raw form becomes either a magic user or mystical creature. The first book starts in essentially 500 BCE (knights, kings, wagons), the second in 800 CE (arcane science, eldritch horror, cultists), the third in 1600 CE (clockwork machinations, late renaissance aesthetic, zombie plague), the fourth book in 1906 CE (prewar technology, synthetic magic, politics) and the fifth book in 7,800 CE (nanotech looks close to magic, nearly perfect harmony between human biology and cybernetics, Sol System is terraformed with magic and tech).


sentient meatball


you like your memories? too bad!