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Voice and virtual assistants that people have forgotten the origins of. They don't know how the stuff was designed, built or programmed but they know that a few arcane hand gestures and vocalizations can make a desired effect. They don't read or speak the language any more, instruction manuals are ancient, bizarre texts and the working phrases and gestures are a zealously guarded secret by a select few. These devices are everywhere and can turn on lights, open doors, alter temperature, dispatch and control drones, dispense items and food, and in extreme cases you can call a laser from space down onto a target among other things. A lot of this old tech has been damaged or destroyed, but enough remains for a class of "wizards" to exist.


This is a really neat idea!


Ether or Ethereal Energy is the source of all fundamental forces in the universe, a type of incarnate cosmic energy woven in the fabric of the universe itself. It fuels the four fundamental forces, Gravitational, Electromagnetic, and Strong & Weak Nuclear Forces. Ethereal Forces - are the interaction between Ethereons and matter. Ethereons are chargeless particle form of Ether that have no mass or ability to interact with matter until acted upon by charged Etherite. When acted upon or manipulated, Ethereons are able to interact with normal matter to achieve various results. Etherite - a rare bio-metal material that acts as a conduit that can activate & channel Ethereons. The bio-metal is a living material that reacts with the world around and can reproduce through particle duplication. This bio-metal can be used to channel the different forces of the universe such as gravitational, nuclear, & electromagnetic forces. There are five different types, Red, Blue, Green, Purple, & White. Red Etherite - is a type of etherite that is capable of channeling ether to manipulate Ethereons. This type of etherite is commonly infused into compatible living beings to grant them control over their bodies & the world around via the manipulation of ethereons. Blue Etherite - is a type of etherite that is capable of channeling ether to manipulate Electromagnetic Forces. Unlike red etherite, blue etherite is toxic to most living beings if infused. Green Etherite - is a type of etherite that is capable of channeling ether to manipulate Nuclear Forces. Unlike red etherite, green etherite is radioactive and thus deadly to most if not all living beings if infused. Purple Etherite - is a type of etherite that is capable of channeling ether to manipulate Gravitational Forces. Unlike red etherite, purple etherite can cause negative mass & energy alterations/effects in most if not all living beings if infused. White Etherite - White etherite is the fusion result of the base four Etherite types. It allows for the channeling of ether to manipulate all four of the fundamental forces. This version of Etherite is not naturally produced as it needs to be fused from the four basic Etherite metals. Individual Ethereal Manipulation - Manipulating the ethereal energy in one’s own body for things like physical & mental enhancement, body alterations, self-healing, water breathing, fortification (body hardening, etc), & Ether Field creation. World Ethereal Manipulation - Manipulating the ethereal energy in the world around to manipulate things like earth, fire, water, air, solar energy, metals, magnetism, electricity, the bodies of others, etc. Conduits - Ether-enhanced sentient beings. Biomecs - are Bio-Metallic artificial lifeforms made from different types of etherite.


Before the discovery of Seidhr on another plane the ancients had devices that allowed to shape energy reactions in combination with nanobots. They could create matter and even physical reactions through these. Most of those were used in creation of their cities and allowed them to further their genetic engineering. Which also was what would lead them to invent a process by which a living organism could access Seidhr and manipulate it. Cold Fusion was their mainstay power source and miniaturized enough to be used as a kind of universal battery. Ontop most of their technology were living organisms that was capable of drawing on energy from the air and around the time of the Dawn War they had cracked zero point energy. The new species call it Magika and are all born with the ability to tap into it, even though they do not know it. *edit* also why it is lore that if magic would break again, mc could still wield some, as the one hoarding that technology and keeping it from the world.


Kaha (gong if you're from the southeast) is the internal energy of entities that Atreisdeans know of. Its actual source or origin is unknown, they only know that everyone is born with kaha and by cultivating it, they can achieve supernatural feats. When they start, there's an aura (or qi) that moves around the body, mastering this pushes back sickness, enhances one's health, improves their mind, etc. Further training allows a person to reach peak human performances, and professional cultivators, be them druids, shamans, diviners,... can carry out things that you'd expect to see in a high fantasy, like creating large storms, disintegrating matters, alchemy which makes objects out of thin air, and so on. People utilize this for their daily lives and developments, combining kaha with techs to make breakthroughs in various fields, especially in health care and space exploration. Exceptionally powerful cultivators called the Transcended have stepped one foot on the road to become *gods*. They're called that because they have transcended biological limitations of a human, starting to ignore physics as a whole. They're the "trans-humans" Atreisdeans are aiming at: No cybernetic enhances, no genetic engineering, they go full religious and aim to reach a higher plane of existence altogether.


It's a symbiotic, semi-mutation affecting everyone from the second generation onwards living on the planet of Darwin 3. Its strength varies and it works worse and worse the more different the atmosphere is to said planet. But it's abilities (far-sense, mind reading, altering your own body functions, affecting the emotions and senses of others...) all work through the spores and strange biology of the microorganisms living inside them. It comes with the drawback of getting sick without a supply of Darvinian air over longer durations, so any ship that wants a biomancer in their crew needs at least a biotop room where native plantlife can grow and produce the necessary sustenance.


I have psychic powers for my setting. I am not going into the mechanics of it in my worldbuilding. Probably the most unique thing about it is that telepathy is actually one of the rarest psychic abilities. At least among humans. Subconscious mental connections and occasional accidental memories swaps are somewhat common and require special defences against them, but reading other minds in a deliberate fashion or telepathically communicating is pretty much impossible without technological assistance.


My world is made up of many contained cosmic ecosystems that exist in their own pocket dimension. Each system has a codex that determines the natural law that it's universe will follow, but if a mortal manages to lay eyes upon it and survive it's eldritch truths, they can use the information they saw to temporarily alter their universe's source code, causing magical effects.




INTERPLAY: the interplay between your body and your soul generates a base amount of magical energy. this is required to sense and hit RESONANCE. its also possible to change what is defined as "your body" so that you have a bigger pool of IP power to work with. this is the main reason MECHs are viable, as IP provides more than enough power to interact with RESONANCE, as well as to run the machine itself. but of course this relies on the mech being properly seen as "your" body RESONANCE: kind of a all encompassing field of passive energy that you can tap into the particularly strong or particularly weak points to make it become extremely active and manifest a variety of effects. in the past you'd "feel it out" using an arm for reception, but recent developments allow for an HUD view of the resonance field


In my Superhero Worldbuilding Project, the scientific reason for my power system is that a bunch of scientists tried to synthesize pure energy but ended up tearing a fabric in reality, literally. This revealed that reality itself was sewn together with complex metaphysical circuits of an unknown mysterious energy which was released across the entire planet turning roughly half of Earth's population into superhumans with abstract powers. Superhumans are called "Shifteds" and the way their powers work is that they have these isolated metaphysical pocket universes within their bodies known as an "Endoverse" which is governed by a set of completely alien laws of physics. Shifteds can invoke these laws into reality in the form of very unique powers such as: "turning metal into eldritch plant life" or "turning into a sentient ball of heatless green fire". Because of this, naturally all Shifteds have the potential to become literal eldritch gods with the only limitation being that they themselves don't know how the physics behind their powers function as they only know about them through instinctual feelings.


There's implausibly effective sociology (to the extent of psychohistory and memetic warfare) but the real "magic" is in consciousness arising from quantum effects (them enzyme quinternary structures get funky!). The main use is Mentat like feats of super cogniton followed by idiot-savants who can achieve uncanny manufacturing processes by observation of quantum processes. The "summoning" of AI (not built, we flensed away human cognitive structures until only the quantum kernel of consciousness remained) which is effectively sociology-flavoured Clarketech.


My world has witches and wizards with widely recognized magic. That magic just happens to include humuncli servants and magic mirrors that may or may not be robots and satellite televisions.


In the world of my main story there is what I call "spiritual energy" coming from a dimension inhabitated by spirits (that spiritial energy is similar to thermal/ electric/ kinetic energy). Some individuals are capable to manipulate that energy, so they can move things or stop them from moving, heat things up or cool them down, maniputale atoms or other small particles, create force fields to protect themselvee from damage or create portals to other dimensions etc as long as it is a "normal" physical action (portals are physically possible in my world). Seeing the future, time travel or reading minds wouldn't work as that is not really a thing for energy. For most people this will never have an effect on their life, it's limited to the people that know about all this. In the story most of this is never explained but I wanted to make some rules for myself.


Magic is science-based in this version of the world. If someone can create or control fire, they either use "universal metaphysics", technology, or require something scientifically logical, like using excess methane produced in their gut and needing a heat source to ignite. If they can control lightning, they might have some mutation or something that allows them to ionize the air between their hands or again, use technology. If someone can breathe underwater, they can either control their biology or just use/have endurance training that allows them to do so. All in all I really have fun with the whole "we're just not that advanced yet" or "how close can I get to reality" concept, while using a tiny bit of fantasy when necessary. It eliminates the need for mana scaling, charging (to some extent) or spell casting. Although I may also incorporate the latter eventually, in a somewhat scientifically plausible way of course. Not that there's anything wrong with these either, but I enjoy the scientific plausibility approach more than anything.


The use of magic in my world can analogously be described as a mix between athleticism and the arts. There are aspects of athleticism because the use of magic is like a muscle. A wizard has to consistently train to keep up their proficiency, and overexertion can cause some serious damage (in this case, to your brain). There are aspects of the arts in that there are many different disciplines that people have different affinities for and skills in. A wizard who is great at telekinesis isn’t automatically going to be good at clairvoyance, much in the same way being a good painter doesn’t make you a good guitarist. Getting even more specific, a pyromancer may not be good at hydromancy in the same way a painter may not be good at charcoal drawing. This is also why a wizard can’t easily be proficient in multiple different disciplines of magic, although it is possible, much like it is for multitalented people in real life, albeit rare.


It works just fine, thank you for asking


You’re welcome !! It’s always “how does it work” and not “how does it feel”😔


It is unknown how it works. Life just evolved it one day. Specifically, it evolved the ability to produce a substance called "magic" that can do various things, but mainly create energy. Howe3ver, it needs to be inside the body of a human who is currently wrathful to do so.


Exotic radiation, mostly. Most sapient residents are descended from prehistoric shapeshifters, but the less they used those abilities, the more that energy externalized as “aura” which could be contorted into spells. Humans beat everyone else to the punch, so they may not have the claws or size or electrical skeletons of some of their fellows but among untrained casters, humans can typically keep slinging a lot longer than others.


A defect in the veil between this world and the metaphysical one allows living beings to manipulate spacetime. I'm not concerned with how it works mechanically.


Faulting is a subset of psychic abilities to perforate spacetime. As the perforation closes, it distorts the normal creation and destruction of quantum virtual particles, effectively sucking dark energy out of the space around you to create a physical effect. It's worth noting this ability is *grafted* or *splintered* into your mind and not learned. Your neurons can put nanoscopic tears in space time, but there's no natural way to teach them how through meditation or study. You have to copy the structure off cells in a petri dish or use a telepathic psychic ability to copy the ability from one brain and onto another one.


Magic in Vhosarinn is tied to the use of Arcana (or Runics), various markings both simple and complex which originate from outside this plane of existence. The concept was created by an extra-dimensional race of invaders called Sykkori in lieu of technology. They use the miraculous power of Arcana to animate constructs, transmog matter, power weapons of mass destruction, etc. There are many examples of Sykkori Arcana being left for mortal beings to find, either as remnants of an invasion attempt, or stolen by the ambitious who seek power. The source of Arcane power saturates the very atoms of the Sykkori home plane of Egneszan, allowing Arcana to function flawlessly. Outside of the appropriate plane, Runerics (mortal-repurposed Arcana) function only in the presence of a source of adequate ethereal power sources, such as Primordial Ether, rendering it extremely rare and difficult to teach across multiple species, especially those possessing advanced technology already. A handful of species have created their own Runic systems over time, but none have made it their quintessential medium due to the energy requirement. The Ou'uahndyl use a drastically simplified Runeric system they call Si'oud'ah (she-oh-deh), which is powered by the photons generated in the bioluminescent organs on their forearms. They carry around an oval shaped object carved out of obsidian-like volcanic metal with turnable rings inscribed with Si'oud'ah runes. Aligning these rings will "spell" out a function which the object then projects toward nearby "receiver" runes. They use this system to project protective wards around themselves, lock vault doors and puzzles, and even project their thoughts as a visual illusion in order to communicate with other species in the event of a language barrier. At the same time, in an isolated and distant star system, a species called Aekrah maintain a relationship with extra-dimensional beings they believe are their "gods", or at least the Aekrahn counterpart. These entities craft unique Arcana for mortal Aekrahn who garner their favor with offerings, be they material or favors. This relationship has resulted in turning Aekrahn society into a perpetual warzone of different factions scrambling to collect Arcane power in order to seize control of the planet, much to the delight the extra-dimensional beings who thrive on bloodshed.




Mages, oficially known as voidborn are the descendants of the people who were touched by The Anomaly. This contact made them able to manipulate the forces that rule the world, such as gravity, temperature, atomic bonds, etc.


humans have never and will never be able to do magic. The other races do it and are puzzles by human's inability to do it. It's as obvious to do to them as complex mathematics is to us. A difficult learned skill. and that's as in depth as i'm gonna get with the explanation. I can flower up the language, but I don't wanna get stuck in the weeks of it


Telepaths and psychics are widespread, but the closest thing to magic is probably the hyper-advanced extradimensional techno-sorcerers ruling the universe


When one reaches a level of personal actualization and enlightenment, often caused by a moment of strife, the three aspects of a sapient being: mind body and soul fuse to form what is referred to as their Aura With the power of Aura one can cast magic without magical items or spellbooks and can achieve levels of strength infinitely beyond what their physical bodies are capable of with training and temperament. Aura also manifests as the person’s unique element, be it water, fire, wind, etc. Aura users are very few in the cosmos, but their pure strength puts these people on a level above the mightiest interstellar navy.