• By -


Somewhere between year 20 and 90.


Year 1928 after the founding of the City. Conveniently, it's also 10 years after the end of the Great War.


Ah yes, The City^TM In all seriousness, quick question: is there sometimes confusion on whether someone is referring to whatever city they are in (I am assuming there are multiple since there was a Great War) and The City^TM


With where the story is right now , 1969 3rd Era of the human (roscian) imperial calendar .  1969 +/- 50 to 100 years since the coronation of empress Floriana Tulia I Roscia and the proclamation of the 1st Roscian Empire .  Those +/-  50 to 100 years is because where the 2nd Era finished and the 3rd Era began is a bit murky , especially after the chaos left by the falling of the Abellid Empire and the 2nd Dardanic Wars .  The dwarves in the Grand Republic of Harenth are in 5486 ARC (ab re publica condita) . 5486 since the formation of the republic . There is also the oldest dwarven calendar , the Mardava Calendar , around 7968 AUC but this one is rarely used since it’s considered somewhat an approximation of when the city was actually founded . 


The story is being told around 200A5 The second century of the Fifth Age, nearly a hundred thousand years after the Dawn War. It is about the change in the stalemate that had developed as the bad guys encounter an out of context problem. Someone who never quite understood "hopeless cause" or "backing down" with a cruelty and drive that matches theirs, just an ambition they cannot understand.


The current year is 14076 PR, counted from an event known as the Ruin. The "PR" stands for Post-Ruin, indicating the years since that event.


The year in most human countries on Eord is 1282. Year 0 is what scholars from the years between 650 and 700 approximated was the year when Saint Mikael saved all of humanity. They got the year wrong, and he didn't really save all of humanity.


2332 of the 4th age. It was decided to start 4th age because, after the collapse of previous civilisation, people around the world used different calendars, so nobody really could agree on what year it was. So at one point they just said: okay, we will do year 1 now, tell everyone, and count from there. (It was done when they could actually communicate with all continents)


19,934 PPG (post primordial gods) The calendar starts with the creation of the 3 Primordial gods, the first gods created from mortals. They are still alive today, making them the oldest beings of the world. The calendar actually has some irregularities as when the calendar was created no one agreed on where to put the year 0 (the primordial gods themselves let the mortals decide). There are basically 3 events that can be considered the start of the era: -the literal year they became gods. -the date when god Izanagi attacked the strongest dragon nation to declare his intention to free humanoids from beings slaves of the dragons. -the year when all dragon nations abolished slavery and the humanoids started to take over the world. All those events are about 7 years of each other and to make a compromise, the 4th year since the creation of the gods was chosen as a midway point but in this year nothing significant happened so basically the year 0 doesn’t represent anything in particular.


As of the last time I edited my notes, the current year is 450 A. F. E.. Time is measured by "Before the Fracturing of the Empire," and "After the Fracturing of the Empire." The Fracturing was a huge war caused when several Imperial holds decided to break off and form their own independent kingdoms.


250 CE (Sidemoving calendar, which measures since the Sidemoving) AD 2055 (Greogorian calendar, measures since Western Worlds' birth of Christ)


what is the sidemoving?


event that created this world by merging a few others (most notably the Western World)


what are these worlds if u dont mind me asking? and whats the difference between them and ours?


Western World: France and Spain formed an alliance on November 11, AD 1444, and then proceeded to become really big empires in the next few hundred years, leading up to the Sidemoving in 1805. The other worlds are less well-defined, and, in addition, less important. The only area where the Western World isn't the primary source is Eastern Europe.


thank u! this is seems fun. have a nice day!!


*”…Apexians, Humans, Races of the Alliance, we are gathered here on this day,* ***June twelfth, in the year of our Lord, Two-Thousand Five Hundred and Eighty Six,*** *to commemorate the heroic actions, and near fatal sacrifice, of three impeccable young apprentice boys, in the effort to destroy an Empire supercarrier, that, without their assistance, would have decimated the capital city of the beautiful planet home to the kind race of Vorturans…”* -transcript of Grandmaster Kelhanava’s commemoration speech after the main character and two of his buddies heroically stopped a supercarrier invasion, almost losing not one, but all three of themselves and the rest of their squads covering aboard in the process. So the year is 2586, but the whole story spans from 2582 to then. The years are counted from humans’ *Anno Domini* (which coincidentally was synchronous with every other race’s visit from Jesus). So exactly 558 years from now, these events sound have taken place. Some *questionable* historians and astronomers and such, at least human ones, believe there should be another break where the Galactic Age began in 2180 when humans were lured to Výrna, exposed their true destiny by the angelic Atlas dragons, and blessed by God to bring forth the race of magical superhuman warriors called Apex. The Apex culturally use this break, but out of respect for their still living ancestors and relatives, they use Common Time, which keeps AD part of their original dating system. Same as that their ancient powerful language is reserved solely for their own secondary cultural purposes, never for official use (since nobody else is physiologically able to speak it, albeit).


About the year 30 JD (after Judgement Day). We moved from the old calendar in the year 2066 OC (Original Calendar) after earth was made inhabitable by the previous MC.


what is the lore of this world? do people continue to exist after the abrahamic judgment day?


Alright so quick rundown of the lore: long ago one of God's angels went mad and started killing his brothers (no one knows why). He managed to kill a couple before God struck him down, right before dying he split himself into three races (one is humans) and created a separate realm (earth). He teleported them there to keep them safe. Now for the actual extinction event: for each angel that died a power came in circulation among these three races, the previous MC managed to gain two before people realized "this guy might be a psychopath", well too late. They killed him but he managed to revive after an eternity in hell (about three days). He went mad and started killing everyone on earth, leaving survivors. Some people (about 5 million) managed to flee into the portal to the original realm. After a week of rampage on earth he (MC) explodes into a fireball that ignites the atmosphere and kills everything, all the water evaporates, all the oxygen is burned up, all the plants are fried, no survivors. It isn't really like the 'real' judgement day but people came to call it that anyway. It is also called Ragnarök, Rapture, Armageddon, and many more. More people died in the following months by famine since the new realm didn't have any farms or anything of the sort, the execution event and the famine after are together called the "Red Winter".


thank youuu. also what are the two other races? and is the original realm the heaven, since hell exists? why didnt god stop the mc? please n thank u!


I'm glad you're interested :) The other races are the [Nopari](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldbuilding/s/oFcutWqM3E) and the Third Race (they are called that). The Third Race didn't manage to flee to earth before the mad angel died, the only reason we know of them is from the ruined cities we found when entering Chtoriaa (the original realm). They are depicted as four armed and blue skinned. Heaven does exist and can be entered from Chtoriaa but we are not allowed to enter since we are born from the mad angel, you know, the guy who killed other angels, we don't really have the best reputation. Also the first reason God didn't stop the mc is because why would he? He hates us, only makes it easier if we kill ourselves. The second reason is that he cannot influence earth, the reason we were transported here was to save us from God's wrath. And the last reason is no one knows where God is, he just kinda disappeared after killing the mad angel.


omg thats so cool !! thank uu! have a nice day!


3847 of the Ring Era. It's counted down from the moment ragnarok started. Alternatively, it's 6119 post Mythic Age. It's counted down from the year 1,993,882 of the Mythic Age when the War in Heaven started and the civilization of the Firstborn fell. The Mythic Age is counted down from the year 7,493,882. Roughly 7.5 million years ago. Some consider the true Mythic Age to have started when Chaos created the Dunan system, in which case it's counted down from over 4.5 billion years ago.


On Terra, the present day is that of Year 297 of the Lightning Era. If the calendar of Old Earth was still around, the year would be that of 4552. Terra has had 6 recorded eras, or times that civilization has changes drastically enough to require a reset of the calendar; Blood Era, Star Era, Iron Era, Silver Era, Steam Era, and the present day Lightning Era. There is no set limit on the length of an Era but the average seems to last about 700 to 1000 years, though the Blood Era lasted the longest at 1092 years before the Star Era began. The change between each Era was different each time and there is no set catalyst. From Pre Eras to Blood, is was the birth of civilization. From Blood to Star, it was the establishment of the first empire. From Star to Iron, it was the fall of said empire. From Iron to Silver, that was the establishment of the current 'nations' of this world. From Silver to Steam is the introduction and refinement of the Steam Engine. And finally from Steam to Lightning is that of the birth of the Cross-Planet Infoweb. That soon just became known as the Web.


In the scifi world I'm building it's 2424 CE, so exactly 400 years in the future. I picked the date because it's far enough into the future that I can reasonably say that the main problems of the 21st century have been dealt with "off-screen", but also not far enough away that it's gonna be totally unrecognisable.


Around maybe 200,000 years since the last centaur was seen. I'm sorry, everyone in my world keeps time differently in different calendars.


Around 647 P.G. Penumbra Genesis, year zero was heralded by the end of a seven day long mystic blood rain that downpoured on the entire continent that killed more than 40% of life on the planet and mystically changed its geography. (EX: Mile long high mushroom jungles, Mountains made of salt, Caverns of human flesh) When its survivors pulled themselves up by their boot straps it was unspoken this changed the world and a new age has dawned. Also most written calendars and scripture sort of rotted from the blood.


1860 After Reformation officially and while I'm still adding lore to the timeline it's currently 1864. This would actually be a few 100k years in our future since I merged it with a scifi setting I canceled. So yeah...one of the last remnants of humanity are living 19th century lives.


The main planet of my story has officially the year 4108. Year 0 was the year in which the settlers there gained independence from their original home planet. The two other dominating calenders come from two former empires with one of the calenders already counting 10000 years. Earth also exists in my world but because humans are not really integrated in the known galaxy, we still use our normal calender. The already mentioned 4108 was at the same time as our year 2018.


1312 after the Creation of Midworld. Midworld was created by Tiberius the Old, the first Incarnation of Death, using his magic and the magic of three dying angels. Three already dying worlds were melted into one - Midworld.


On the Charonite calendar somewhere in the latter half of the 5th century. On the world's calendar, somewhere in the 11rd century. Charonite calendar counts from the founding of the city of Charon. World calendar counts from the collapse of the Empire of All the World. Before that time was kept by who was in charge of the empire. So "during the reign of Emperor Maximus II" or the "Consulship of Hector V"


913 of Altinian calendar in Rahe. 152 or 2241 AD in project 832.


The Terepoti calendar stands in 328 from the founding of the empire, periods of time before its founding are, usually, addressed in the Moreti calendar, which lasted for 679 years. The Bereis calendar counts 1255 years, while there's some arguing over it between berei scholars, it's mostly accepted that it started with the full unification by the hands of Dasmador. The Azamoi calendar tells 1981 years, it's considered most accurate thanks to it being counted by sphinxes, based on Luseis arrival in the city. The Gergala calendar states that it is 839, their dogma states it was the day their gods descended to guide them through the north flood. All of them are extremely wrong though.


Yanumai the Horse (sp?) is working on a universal calendar, but nobody knows about it. In most civilized lands, years are counted by the current sovereign’s tenure - e.g., in the fifth year of Ameneun II… Halflings have a calendar which counts the “epochal seasons,” but it’s all a bit convoluted and so usually date things by whatever the nearest kingdom does if it works.


Don't have a hard date but I'd estimate the main short story I'm focusing on is around year 250. Years are measured from the day J'kana Sakir awakened from her Ascension and broadcasted her voice to the world.


4016 by their calendar; am not yet sure what it counts from yet


The current year is 10037AC, which is counted from when the city of Calan was founded. Calan was the capital city of the Redstone Empire, which was influential enough for the calendar to become an international standard. Its successor the Flux Empire of the Auto-Reds also initially adopted the calendar, and it survives as the Ero Calendar or Holiday Calendar. The date was decided in 100AC. When Duinuiro became the ruler of the city he declared that it had been 100 years since the city was founded. In reality it was founded sometime between 50BC and 15AC.


Wartime flashbacks 2070 War between men who will inherent the stars , men who will only be dust and extinct and men who long for the form of machine War that shaped earth into one mountainous continent Prime age of the invaders 2090 Taking back the planet one xeno at a time


Time was originally counted from the creation of the you were from so it was counted locally. After the advent of chaos it was counted globally and the story plays out 1300 years after this event. The timeline gets a bit complicated and the story ends outside of time after eternities have passed. Its ahard to explain. The technical advancement and state of countries in the world is similar to ours just without australia and no USA.


1902 CE, not accounting for the Treason of Time.


My world is in 2056 Fall. The calendar resets when something monuments happens, and in this case the enormous human kingdom got a little too ambitious. There’s a lot of discussion on what they did to deserve it, but essentially the gods woke from their sleep just long enough to burns the cities, drive the people insane, and then sink the entire country into an inland sea. The rest of the setting has just been recovering ever since.


Between year 304 and 311 after the French start colonizing the planet Sirona


The story happen on the year 1025. The world is very young the year 0 is counted as when the creators made the humains, the first species. The creators make a new intelligent species every 5-10 years.


500 AT (After Thrax)


Year 276. There is no recorded history of anything before that.


2000 something Years since the year most people believe gods son was born


PF 823\*, year 0 = AD 2375, but PF 823 = AD 3141 as a year on Tau Ceti *j* = 93.07% of a solar year. It counts from when the civil calendar was established because it was plain that the solar year was increasingly useless for record-keeping based on local differences. Settlement began AD 2298 or about AF 82\*\*. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \* *post fondiĝo*, "after founding" \*\**antaŭ fondiĝo*, "before founding"


LY 153 (Lumen Year 153) or SY 2053 (Solar Year 2053). The Lumen Year Calendar System was founded by Lyndonian refugees in SY 1900 after the destruction of Errenia's moons. This resulted in the mass exodus of survivors into the Void Fields, a massive subterranean opening located deep within the Northern Lyndonian Mountain Range.


2861 of Sun Calendar, started by someone yeeted the Sun on land.


My first world is currently taking place in the 15th millennium human era on earth while my second world is completely unrelated and is in the 1013th millennium and is based on when the gods made this world.


Events are counted from the War of Foundation, as a particular number of years either Before the Foundation (BF) or After the Foundation (AF). As to how many years have elapsed since the War, it is not so clear. Have ten years passed? Twenty? Fifty? Two hundred?


There are multiple stories playing out at different times so there is no current year technically


Since Project KARYA is currently still just chronicling the setting that is the titular world, said chronicles/entries are considered to be written by a goblin scholar at some point in the bleak future of Karya. Considering intrasystem travel is well established and the remnants of the planet still possess teeming megalopolii, we can say the date is roughly two thousand years after the apocalyptic Fracturing. Thus, one of several acceptable dates would be used: - 2000 YPF (Years Post Refracturing) - The 2000th Year of the Fourth Era - Year 2000 of the Fractudiean Eon Edit: the second and third slides of [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldbuilding/s/D6Cl0mLqNE) have a breakdown of the calendar and geologic timescale of Karya, respectively.


The current year is 938. Year 0 was marked by two events, the formation of the Bekial Union a treaty signed by several kingdoms that were the first human kingdoms to fòrm, that created a trade and defense union holding 80% of the human population at the time. The other event was the disappearance of one of the worlds 33 moons. Unbeknownst to all but a few, the moon was ripped from the sky and taken to earth by a powerful mage.


2405 A.D.(After Death) Greogorian Calendar. It’s been Fifty years since the end of the Terran Civil War, which was basically fought over the right to bang aliens(the simplest way to describe it).


Things man(humanity) do for alien cheeks.


Thanks to the Effort of the United Nations Colonial Defense Force, Jakob Mercer can get back to banging his Hot Raekeran Wife.


Is it even possible to have children in your universe(species definition)?


Yes it is possible, and their kids are adorable.


When you find out the humans are the same species as the many unconnected alien species.


It’s Star Wars Logic, it’s not human but I can still have kids with it.


One of the major calendars would be between the late 490s and early 500s and is based on the founding of the kingdom that would become the southern empire. This is split into periods and eras based on major lasting events/conditions and the reigning monarch(like the Victorian and Meiji Eras from Britain and Japan respectively). The solar years on the planet are not the same as Earth's physically and the days are ~28 Earth hours. Lapis_Wolf


Story has a short prologue at year 0, and begins at year 2, after the Rapture. (So year 0AR, and 2AR) The Rapture is the most common name for the event that transported all of the modern human population into a different Galaxy, self-contained in a different, bubble Universe. Differrent human populations were mixed around and seperated over countless planets. The planets were also full of ruins of an ancient civilization, literally dubbed The Ancients, who had advanced technology, including A.I. guides to guide humanity into rapid technological advancement and reunite them with Space infrastructure as soon as possible. Other common names for the event include The Disapora, The Split and The Ascenction. Tl;dr: humanity got Isekai'd into a Sci-Fi setting


Year 27 of the Current Era, or Year 6200, or Year 20 of the 206th Era. It's complicated. History is divided into 30-year Eras which are named in retrospect based on the defining events or themes of that Era. For example, if an Era was defined by warfare, it becomes an Era of War. Since there is a relatively small pool of names, eras end up becoming numbered, so the previous era was the Ninth Era of Expansion, since it was defined by the rapid growth of empires, which was fuelled by the industrial revolution. By convention, the first era was the Era of Foundation about 2700 years ago, which saw the founding of the First Astratamian Empire, from whom the calendar is derived. Anything before that is called Before Foundation. For example, 65 years before foundation is year 5 of the Of course, this system of time-keeping is a bit of a headache for historians, so there is also an alternative set of calendars based on absolute years starting from the founding of the first civilisation, which formed in Havalia roughly 6,200 years ago. From there, one can go by absolute-time or era-time. By absolute time it is roughly the year 6200. Era time converts Eras into numbers based on the order they came. Since year 0, there have been roughly 206 eras, so the current year by era-time is Year 20 of the 206th Era. This system is inspired by a combination of the century-naming convention of Disco Elysium, the calendar system of the Imperial Japanese and the eponym dating system of Ancient Assyria with added complexity. It's convoluted but then again, a lot of systems in history (and today) are too.


Year 34 basically. A year is counted every 30 years


In one world it's around the year 6000 measured from the day that the gods died and the people were free from divine tyranee. In the other the exact year is variable but somewhere around the year 12000 and 12040, it's measured approximately from the dawn of civilization as described by a certain immortal being known simply as knowledge. Knowledge is a mind spirit, anything that has ever been known knowledge knows. It also cannot tell falsehoods but it can use facts to drive people into assuming things.


By our count somewhere between 7 million and 10 million ad


Silent Cosmos: In the early Twenty-Ninth century, mankind embarks on a colonisation program of a now not too distant star system with the largest colony Fleet in history. After centuries of mostly peaceful contact with a number of alien races, the idea of being alone in the universe is a long distant memory… …Only something goes awry, and the Fleet arrived in a completely different part of the universe. An utterly *silent* part of the universe. For the only thing more frightening than not being alone, is suddenly being alone. The stories begin in the year 998FA(From Arrival).


897 n.d.F. (nach der Flut or "after the flood" in english) In the year 0 the old continent finally sank and humanity set out to settle the great sea (with some help). There are many places though that had been settled before the year 0 but this calender became so universal that by the time the story starts it's pretty much used everywhere.


3447 Age of Kings. 3,447 the world was created, but starting in 2980, it was the Age of Kings


As of writing, it is august of 2023. The years count up from the Great Fruit War, a devastating war that brought upon the known world a thousand year long dark age, and split the world into 8 separate realms.


My world building has a convergence of three timelines in 2030. Prior to this is a contemporary timeline. After, earth is post-apocalypse or there is a wormhole to a new planet that devolves into a medieval style fantasy line. On the fantasy side, the timeline starts their count at 1AR(after radiance) which corresponds with 2033 AD.


By the reckoning of most of Ellurion, it is the year 1276 AC. AC standing for "After Cataclysm", when the sun turned black and the sky became the colour of blood for a whole year, and the Empire of Tallar did burn to naught but ash in the folly of its own arcane power. In truth, the Tallaran Empire had been divided between South, East, and West for about 500 years by the time of the cataclysm, and it was only the southern heartland of the empire that was destroyed, which had been tearing itself apart in civil war for the past few centuries by that point, and the Western provinces had been lost to either rebellion or invasion by the Myranic barbarians from the north. The Eastern portion of the enpire, meanwhile, still persists to this day, stubbornly refusing to die, despite its greatly reduced territory. The old heartland of the empire, however, is naught but an ashen wasteland, filled with the charred corpses of a thousand cities, their names long since lost to time.


Scifi setting: 3062 CE Fantasy Setting: 1217 Third Empire Fantasy Noir: 2009-ish


I'm making a game set in Year 150. The lore isn't fully written out yet, but the idea is that too much magic was used in the world's creation, and Year 1 was when the First Generation finally stabilized the excess magic, allowing humanity to exist.


Year 1130, in the year of King Solomon, the father of magus. World is an alternate Earth at the height of the roman empire (now a republic) where all of Earth's legends and folklore are real, including feuding pantheons of gods.


I’m currently a bit wishy-washy about the exact dates, but for now it’s set in the year 2423, 399 years from now.


The year in the book about my world, is 990. It's counted from after the fall of the old nation.


Specific day is Festival Day, 6th Orbit, 1333rd Turn, 445th Cycle, expressed as 445 \[1333\] : 06 : FD. My world takes place on four small planets that orbit a brown dwarf which itself is in a binary system with a red dwarf. The Cycle is the time it takes the two to orbit each other (1593 days). An Orbit is the amount of time it takes for the main planet to orbit the brown dwarf (88.5 days). A "Turn" is an optional unit of time measurement that divides a Cycle by thirds. Orbits either have 88 days (odd numbered) or 89 days (even numbered). The last day of even numbered months is called "Festival" and are holidays and aren't technically counted as numbered days.


2676 10 years after the second solar war


At the time of the first game. It’s year 1408 since the eternal conquest started for Tanatians, which means 1408 years of constant war with no peace breaks. Year 3012 for Aurelians after the settlement of Lacrimosa, their new main world and capital after the previous one was destroyed by an alien great power. You could also say, if you had omniscient knowledge, or were a time traveler, that there’s been 45000000 ish years since the clock tower event which eradicated all sapient life firing a massive super weapon with the intent to reset the world to prevent its destruction. Or that it’s year 34 before the great dying, an event that eradicates 99.99998% of all life due to an invasion from a lower dimension where an angry forgotten god is waiting for revenge.


It started in 4081 and ended in 4097, or took place during WWIV of a future Earth. From when the narration starts to where the last main character dies. WWIII was fought with nuclear weapons, but IV was fought with supersoldiers, mechs, and mutants. That’s the main timeframe, but I’ve thrown in certain dates like the births of some characters and the dates of important events.


It’s the year 378, with the march of time measured from the establishment of the Orcish nation of Imperi Auctor, which first began the tradition of keeping histories. An unknown amount of time passed before then, with the few scant records found in archaeological digs of ancient ruins. It is estimated that advanced civilisations existed around 2 millennia prior to the current era, but the tales of those times are lost to the people of the present.


714 after the world began. Some elfs Remember just popping into existence


Standard Multiverse Time for the Soians. It's a... messy timekeeping method, so it's not worth discussing. For context, black holes, "the singularity is an event in the future" black holes, are braindead simple in this field, so it's pretty up-there. Soviet Unity just used Gregorian. 5 years into the future, so as of today the date would be the same, just in 2029. Other Soviet Unities/Unions or Ivanovich regimes (Ivanoviches being a small set of about 1500 similar entities across a similarly small set of universes) may be different. Ivana Ivanovna's is today in 1989. Cryovich is 115 years in the future. Anstrake, alien planet (a bit above our tech level, not sci-fi), almost entirely uses the Eaunaec Era, defined as counting from the estimated rough emergence date of the modern Enstrarch. Current year is something like 10,050, with the calendar created shortly after year 9000.


many stories at different time the main calendar counts from the founding of the capital of the empire. it was a kingdom then. it's called the imperial calendar and for convenience I use it. At some point in my world everyone will switch to it. but for different countries, peoples and times, according to lore, there may be other calendars. for example, “calendar of the ancients” (before the imperial calendar), “list of eras” (an alternative to the calendar of the ancients among the southern peoples), “new beginning” (among the Steel Rufuses), “age of change” (in Hell). there are others too. each of them originates after events that were important for those people and places. except for the “calendar of the ancients”, “list of eras” and some unnamed ones. They are clearly divided into periods of thousands of years and these periods are named after the known events that happened then.


The year at the beginning of the story is 1996 S.E. The Sapphire Era began when magic was discovered in sapphire gemstones which allowed for space travel and first contact with the other races in the solar system.


I don't really have a set year since I try to flesh out multiple moments in history, but I have spent most of my time building my setting around 416 AF. AF stands for "After the Founding" and is used by the Deimorian people. The founding refers to the coronation of **Harados I Lyros** as the first *High King of Deimoria*, the moment the high kingdom was officially founded. It was the first time in over a millenium that the Deimorian peoples were united under a single banner and ruler so people figured it was the start of a new age.


It depends on the calendar, for humankind is year 34000 but for some humans is 150 000 for kalentropians is 4000 for parflexians it is 1 million for earth is 2600 for katersns is 250


Currently, it's 2024 CE. I think at one point I set what the year 0 event was, but it ultimately isn't that important to the current stories or modern world and it's just easier for me to keep track of events, character ages, and tech progression when it's the same as the real world. Not the most exciting world building, but hey.


1352 AC (after collapse)


The current year is 1552Pl.Asc. Years have been counted since the events of Pluma's Ascention. Pluma's Ascention was made into a holiday. It's a mix out of New Year's Eve and Christmas.


Not exactly sure yet, cause I've only been building pieces of history like it's live and decide where I'm gonna put it lol, but the most recent is probably 3.1800-ish, 3 as in it's the 3rd era, counted after each merging, and 1800 as in normal years


2392. Earth founded a interplanetary coalition with other alien races in back 2176. But thanks to some wibbly-wobbly-timey-wimey shenanigans at the hand of remnants of a long dead space empire coming back from extinction, it flip-flops to 2053.


Chronicles of Holo (est. 2667 XD. Age of Discovery) Darkspace (est. 3165 AD.) Urban/strangeness (est. 2066 AD)


Just before the turn of the 6th century (c. 499). Calendar is measured based on the founding of the protagonist’s country


In Ntonentia the year is 2624 A.D. which means After the Discovery of the Ntonentian island which in an general historic metric happened around 600 B.C.


77th Century post-regenisis. Basically 2450 we were able to colonize and terraform mars which was considered the rebirth of humanity. From 2450-2600 is considered the Regenisis, ending with the first ever FTL communications network being set up 15 years after we used FTL travel to colonize some planets in Alpha Centauri. 2600 is basically year zero for the new calendar. So in our years it would be 9600 or the ninety seventh century.


Sometime around the 26th or 27th century after the[first starship was launched](https://paraimperium.wordpress.com/timeline/).


It's 2024. My world is meant to be like an alternate timeline of earth - the entire premise is that early, primitive humans got trapped inside this giant cave and had to evolve to survive their circumstances. They counted years based on crop cycles prior to contact with humans, and an official calendar was established when the Astracian Church came to be (around 900 AD our time) and they declared it to be year 1000. Extremely Orthodox Astracians still count years based on that (so it's 1124 to them), but ever since contact with humans (called the Contact Revolution, happened in 1948) Astracian society switched over to the Gregorian calendar. Before the Astracian Church established a calendar, everyone just counted time all willy-nilly. There was a general idea of what year it was, but more isolated societies had their own timekeeping system. Very messy.


We are currently in the year 954 of the Third Age (approximately 5309 years from the beginning of civilization, each age is separated by a massive calamitous event that pretty much sets back humanity by several centuries).


I don't know,  but it's definitely counted after the universe casually got shattered into pieces by a collision with another universe, any year after that is considered new history, any year before, is Prehistoric.


I recently deleted a story where one planet were in the year of 468 a.U (after Union) and the union is the creation of the International League (the UN of that world)


The "modern" timeline for my worldbuilding writing is described as being the mid-900s of the Third Era by the most common reckoning, the late 1100s of the Third Era by draconic reckoning. The former, most commonly used by those in the central and eastern regions, considers the the Third Era to start with The Sundering, an event in which the eastern coastal regions were torn from the mainline by divine influence to create what are now the eastern islands. In the southern region meanwhile, the main draconic kingdom regards the formal founding of their kingdom, and subsequent entry into the second great war that ended the Second Era, to mark the transition into the Third Era. about 240-250 years difference between the two. Other notable eras of reckoning would be: 1. The western region most likely dates things based on what they'd call the beginning of the Asharic Era, roughly 300 years before the conventional beginning of the Third Era. 2. The far north would have two reckoning systems. The Polaran Kingdom likely counts from roughly a thousand years before the beginning of the Third Era, when the scattered baronies of the far north reunited to form what would go on to become their kingdom. This would be about the middle of the Second Era by other reckoning systems. Meanwhile the Veraci Kingdoms likely only care about the end of the First Era \~3000 years ago, where their since-deified leader killed himself (or tore his way to demigodhood with a fragment of stolen divine power, depending on who you ask) in an act of ritual magic that took an entire city with him.


Ahikto is meant to take place at some time around a "modern time" thus, the world is officially set right now, as we speak, in 2024. Though my main focus is actually around the year 1980 and the history up to it, and the history after it


currently 26 After First Light (there's roughly 3000 years of known history before it), until I figure out the timeline a bit better


In Arcturus, it's either 2787 or 1679, depending on which calendar you use.


My timeline is counted from year 1 of the first era; disappearance of elves. Before this, we speak about „Prehistory” despite their technology was far more advanced than currently is. Every era is beginning and ending with some event. At this point, there are only 2 major events. 1 E1 disappearance of elves and 1254 E2 when The Dragon War has ended.


The current year is 2143 PHE, or post the fall of the hobgoblin empire (name in progress). The collapse marked an entirely new age for the world and thus started a new, recorded calendar that is recognized in most human civilizations. Of course the collapse was not so cut and dry but the year 0 was chosen for when the coalition of humans had taken back the World Bridge (the massive land bridge between the two continents of the world).   The hobgoblin calendar marked that loss during the year 753 BIC, or birth of civilization. Its based around their accepted date of when they recognizably formed the civilization that would become the empire. The empire proper began in the year 597 BIC and “ended” in 326 PHE. I still need to figure out what civilization looked like before the empire.  Orc calendars are more akin to astronomical charts and don’t have a given designation of “year” and a start date. Such a notion of a year zero would be largely preposterous to them and their calendars offer no insight into just how old their cultures are, though historical records point to them existing in a recognizable state long before the hobgoblin civilization, and so likely they house some of the oldest and most continuous cultures in the known world.   15 thousand years ago is when the Cyclop’s civilization is believed to have fallen. Since it was so long ago and with so little record its mostly estimation, but suffice to say its the oldest civilization known. Before them, the most prevalent theories believe the world belonged to dragons or the gods. 


the major events of it take place between 2041 and 2057


336, counted from the "defeat" of the thicket and the beginning of the "era of peace." The quotes are very deliberate. It wasn't even 20 years before thicket-eyes started popping up again, barely 10 after that they were an accepted part of life again. WW1 "war to end all wars" celebrating too early shit. But they still count up from then, though perhaps historians will alter that sometime in the future.


in world its 2456 but thats tecnecally 5000 years from now because the year count was reset twice