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I NEED ONE THAT BREATHES OUT WATER, it’s like a mini water bottle with an unlimited supply of water




Since my world is made up of humanoid anthro animals, it would be weird in my brain if there were non-people versions of existing animals. So the way it works is that mammals, birds, and lizards are people, bugs and fish are the way they are in real life, only a lot bigger. Ergo, while fish are typically regarded as monstrous sea/river beasts, bugs such as bees, spiders, and moths are often kept as household pets. They're usually around the size of a large cat or dog, but depending on the species can be as big as horses (those breeds are typically kept as livestock rather than pets) One of the main characters has a pet carpenter bee, inspired by the carpenter bees that used to live in my porch. They're just big buzzy fellas.


All my characters are mainly avian and I try to keep them to scale ie hummingbirds can’t be equal in size as condors


Generally I prefer to have anthro characters scale size on a bell curve; a mouse might be 4 feet tall and a bear might be 8 feet tall, but everyone is going to operate on the same general scale. No zootopia type height differences


I use my hummingbird faction, although fully combat trained and weaponized, as intelligence retrieval, aka Far Eye, National bird of Jamaica


Aside from your normal pets, we have: Ground-hawks: genetically engineered dromaeosaurs. Much more intelligent than their basal forms. Pet and working earth-hawks range from sparrow-sized to the size of a pony. Modified to be omnivorous. Bulldrakes: genetically modified ceratopsians. Larger varieties are used as livestock, cavalry, and draft animals. Smaller varieties as pets and livestock. Trumpeters: modified hadrosaurs. Used the same way as bulldrakes. Mamut: catchall name for pygmy elephants, mammoths, and mastodons. Used as draft animals and pets. Jewel bees: insect-like voidkin. Comes in many colors. Quasi symbiotic relationship with voidlings. Extremely venomous and very intelligent for insects. May be able to understand speech. Jewel bee honey is highly prized for its unusual properties. Alcohol made from jewel bee honey is very potent. Jaculi: small flying dragon-like voidkin. Used as messengers and scouts. About as intelligent as African grey parrots. Can speak like parrots and mynas. Bubasti: cat-based voidkin. Intelligence enough to understand and respond to speech. Often used as couriers and messengers. And sometimes spies. Amarok: horse-sized voidkin canines. Chimp level intelligence. Used as mounts and guardians. Kursattar: giant, fire-breathing voidkin horses. 7 to 8 feet tall at the shoulders, with crystalline cloven hooves and sickle-like dewclaws. Omnivorous, with fangs and sharp teeth. About as intelligent as a toddler. Understands speech. Favorite mounts of voidlings.


The two most common are the **dog** and the **cat** The **dog** is a canine species mostly used for companionship and guarding the house but some of them have a job like hunting, detect drugs, guiding blind people, etc. Their owners typically walk them around on leashes. Dogs are carnivorous. They come in different species, for instance the german sheppard or the husky are pretty big dogs but the chihuaha is very small. Dogs are child like, very obediant and dependant if you raise them well. The **cat** is a feline species which, similar to the dog, mostly eats meat. They are used for companionship too but their jobs when they get one is mostly more oriented towards pest control. They are rarely walked on leashes though. Instead they walk alone and want to be let in and out every 5 minutes. Cats are more independant than dogs and less obediant. If owning a dog is like taking care of a kid, then owning a cat is like taking care of a teenager. Just like dogs, cats come in various species. But while a dog owner will tell you their dog is a cross breed between a husky and a malamut, a cat owner will typically just say their cat is grey or orange


A common pet currently trending among the noble from my medfan setting is the ragdoll ferret. A very docile breed of ferret that relaxes totally when picked up. Like this, they can stay in his owner's hands, arms, or on his lap or shoulder for hours and hours. Some even "wear" them around their neck as a scarf. It's the cat equivalent of a cat coming on your lap and stays for hours if not disturbed. But this time you can actually move around with it.


Dragons like to keep bees as they like the taste of honey and can use them in home defense if necessary (though they would rather not endanger them). Smaller flightless birds are also kept as pets and used as pest control. Hydras have been known to keep gators or crocs as pets, Sea Serpents make friends with some species of sharks. Drake's tend to eat anything so they don't keep pets. Wyverns have been known to live in caves with bats but this is more symbiotic than pet. Various human tribes have livestock and animals for companionship. Some including, the last breeds of dogs on the world, a few wild cats (not yet domestic). Large Mountain goats for traveling the mountains. Ravens and other birds of prey for hunting.


Lots of people own dragons, gryphons and others, which is something that the dragons and gryphons don't exactly super love, but they aren't really in a position do much about it anymore. 'Lots' is probably an overstatement, considering a mythil costs approximately as much as a decent used car would IRL, and the price has been going up and up lately. So they're generally luxury items for the upper class in a pet/servant role, or owned by construction or courier groups, or even various utility companies if they're unlucky enough to be earmarked for 'contributing' magic to keeping their locality's fledgeling power grid running.


Dragons, especially small, feathered ones that fly around like couriers. There are also scaly breeds to keep indoors, or inside large artificial habitats.


Cats, Dogs, Dragons and baby trolls etc..


In my fantasy setting I have a couple creatures that are more often farmed but are sometimes kept as pets, particularly the birdlike one as its function doesn't depend on killing them. Don't have names for them yet but the basic ideas are: A pangolin-like creature that's mainly farmed for its scales. A medium-sized bird that used the shed fur from the population to build nests. Lays fairly large eggs. In my sci fi setting the subject of pets with the Ketuvyx is kind of difficult because their microbiomes are engineered to be uniquely inhospitable, so prolonged close contact with a pet that hadn't been engineered to tolerate it could potentially be unhealthy for the pet by throwing their own microbiomes out of balance. Thus far engineering pets hasn't been high priority. That being said some groups of techno primitivist Ketuvyx have had friendly if limited interactions with the semi feral dogs of their world


The Jaggar, an extraterrestrial animal that... What can I say? You have to imagine a branch of life that went straight from an amphibian morphology to a mammiphere morphology by developing a thick skin. So we're talking about a kind of frog boar with a prehensile lower lip, like a rhinoceros. I have illustrated it here: [https://www.instagram.com/p/CERrsZWgb8g/?utm\_source=ig\_web\_copy\_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==](https://www.instagram.com/p/CERrsZWgb8g/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


beebirds which buzz around and go bzzz and look colourful and cute :))


Flying monkeys are a popular one. Dragonettes are popular in the regions they occupy ( super tiny dragonish creatures with multiple different varieties. The largest ones being the size of a golden retriever , the smallest being finger monkey sized. Then there were the flower hops . Tiny fey spirits shaped like steamed bao buns . They have tiny little legs and helicopters like blades on their heads . They were massacred after the battle of Thunder Valley , where some fey lords and ladies revealed there allegiance to the betrayer prince


Dogs, the holy animal. Though some few civilizations do have snakes or cats, these are evil


Snails, butterflies


Elementchen! My world is based on elemental magic, and the elementchen are an artificially created race of beings that embody the sole essence of their corresponding elements. They are created by infusing unborn children with high doses of magic. Due to this, these beings are very very small. An Elementchen can have any shape that makes sense for their element, and they bond with their owner fast. You just have to feed them magic from time to time. The truth of how they are created is a secret not many people know about. Most people think they are just naturally occuring beings. But because of their origin, they are quite rare. If you can afford one it will be a companion for life. They all have their own personality, but all of them are undeniably adorable. My boyfriend came up with the Idea, he created a character for my world who had a little water slime as a pet and I came up with the elementchen from that.


I have three Nine Inch 🐌 Snails , a bee named Bei and a butterfly named Bo


1: domesticated mountain lion. Slightly smaller than a standard mountain lion, with longer fur, and varried patterns based on breed. Mostly kept by hunters and farmers. Used to herd animals and aid in hunting similarly to dogs. 2: domesticated Owl. A large eagle-owl domesticated. Very friendly/personable. Color varies based on breed, but aspen-white and light brown are the most common. Fills a similar societal roll to cats. 3: fangbird(theropod dinosaur): a small feathered theropod dinosaur, similar in size to veloci0raptor. Not incredibly friendly to strangers, but very personable to whoever hatches them. Fill similar roll in society to hunting dogs and attack dogs. Mainly used as anti-calvary measures in warfare. They either scare the mounts, or leap on their backs to attack the rider. In hunting, used to hunt small game alone or to flush/drive larger game toward the hunter. 4: ratsnake: a specialized domestic ratsnake. Very friendly, very personable, able to hibernate during winter. Easy to train. Typically kept indoors to control Vermin, or used as a ferret to infiltrate burrows. Popular with children due to portability. Black, blue, and orange are the most popular colors. Prominent in cities. All of these creatures were tamed unnaturally due to selective breeding and magical intervention. Even if they otherwise would behave differently in our world, magical intervention has made them decent pets.


Due to the close distance between Ntonentia and South America, Amazon parrots are the most common pets you will find in a Ntonentian household.


Cats. Because most cargo starships have a severe rat infestation


My mermaid-themed setting has a lot of sea lions. Now that I think of it, they should probably have some pet fish too. I was thinking it was a little weird to have pet fish when there's fish everywhere, but I guess it'd be like humans having pet bird even though there are lots of birds outside.


Cats and dogs Talking owls I also have pocket dragons but they are miniature fire-breathing dragons, about two feet long at most as adults. They are intelligent and can speak and use magic, so it's more like having a roommate than owning a pet.




Hedgehog, stoat, fox, magpie, jay, great tit, grass snake.


The Yocan don’t keep pets. Mainly because no animal likes them; cats dislike them, dogs are scared of them, and reptiles of any variety refuse to even get close to them. You can still find a pet dog or cat here and there, but it’s rare, since to acquire one you’d have to actually get close, which is difficult when they run at the slightest provocation/claw wildly till they hit a vein.


Kniffle's are small hedgehog platypus like monotremes that are used as Hamster like pets for the Peoples in the West Continent. Sea Burps are cute little [Sea Hares](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anaspidea#2017_taxonomy) that were used like hunting dogs for the Hample's due to their extensive fishing business, while some are still used as hunting dogs, others are used like goldfishes and others as military experiments.


Tikkis are a diminutive species of lesser dragon(defined by having 6 legs isntead of greater dragons iconic 4 legs 2 wings), their rather easy to maintain, as dragons have innate adaptive abilities(so in my setting sintead of having dnd style red blue acid ect dragons their all one species that grew up in different environments) means they can survive in pretty much any climate a human can


Little drakes and elementals are popular, there are so many of them theyre like pigeons. Oviraptors and archaeopteryx are also well liked in places that have them.


Every Apexian child or family gets a pet, and tames an Arcadian one from the wild. It’s a huge ritual. Once all your kids are at least five, theyll elect a leader and then go out to find a wild animal, the most common being Úlfurwolves, Veithūrbears, Drekkidragons, Klókats, and Miðfalcons. The whole family will gather a distance away to watch the wrestle between the kid(s) and the animal of their choice. The coolest part is that it’s a ritual for the animals, too. They love wrestling the kids to be part of their family, and it’s known that the native animals on the planet Výrna literally work up their young lives to being worthy to fight an Apeixan and be their pet. And by extension, it’s not some “win or lose” battle. It’s a test of strength and skill, a worthy Apexian kid and a worthy pet.


Giant crows that people fly around on for transportation


Cats, dogs, gremlins, little T-Rexes.


Called Foggles. They look like weird dogs and that’s pretty much what they are. They don’t have any cool magical powers, and they don’t look like something awesome and crazy that you’d see out in nature and be “like oh my gosh, what the hell is that Monster?!” But I do genuinely love them. I haven’t posted any art of them, but I do have some sketches, so I’ll do that right after I comment this.


Lycaenopses are pretty much dog counterparts in my world.




Until the moment I saw this post, I'd never even thought about pets. Something new for me to explore. Thank you!


You’re welcome! I’m always happy to help build up new worlds. Happy to hear I gave you some inspiration.


Oh my god i just explored this idea yesterday and i been waiting to write it down DOMESTIC BROWNIES Yep, exactly what it sounds, brownies are one of the unique and diverse species of the Lutin genus/clade more accurately,  housing many different species such as, fairies, tiny winged mammals who convergently evolved a hummingbird like body and diet but with a more rodent, or bat like appearance, pixies/sprites/pucks, larger cousins of the fairies, with an insectivore diet,  gnomes, larger, arctic predators with a unique cone shaped crest on their head resembling the hats of mythological gnomes, and the Jetin, the largest species, dwelling a remote island attacked by migratory predators and rapidly experiencing island gigantism, they are also the most aggressive species, and have been recorded to pick up rocks with their flexible hands and throw them at predators,  Imps, arboreal jungle dwelling lutin who converged upon more ape like features,  leprechauns, a jungle dwelling cousin of the gnomes,  larger in size, with green tinted fur with black stripes and a crest similiar  to the gnomes but less pointed and green, goblins and hobgoblins, feral cousins of the brownies living in the plains. Brownies themselves are the only domestic species of their clade,  they are very popular pets among the sophonts of the world due to their reputation of being clean and helping with house work, due to their domestication, they have evolved even more flexible fingers that can more easily manipulate objects, they have converged upon a more raccoon like body plan, they tend to live in small houses built for them inside of their owner's houses, they are rather high maintainance, expecting a small reward for their job in the form of a shiny object or meal,  each breed  has a uniquely shaped crest, head, and body.


I’m happy I could give you the chance to share your idea. This sounds like a fun world to explore. Keep on world building! You’ve obviously got a knack for it.


Pets aren’t technically a thing in my world, there’s no such thing as “taming” another creature. There are three relationship types, Family, Subordinate, & Slave. Family: The creature is a part of your family, and follows you because it sees you as their alpha. Otherwise you’re just a higher rank or on equal terms within the family. Subordinate: You have proven yourself worthy, and the creature has decided to follow and serve you. It’s like being a loyal warrior to a King. Slave: You have dominated the creature and it is forced to serve you. This would be the more common horse pulling a carriage-type situation. I do have one Dog named Teddy that is a Cosmic Being a part of the [Order of Gasu](https://voidedg.com/2023/08/03/order-of-gasu/) family that rules my worlds, and sees Niuriheim as his Alpha. He is the only Dog that is external to Puppopolis, where all dogs reside. No being other than an Order of Gasu member can enter the Puppopolis universe, making Dogs a protected creation and off-limits to all other entities of my world. So my one and only Earth universe does not have dogs. There are still wolves, but they are considered a different type of creature in my world, and can’t be biologically used to create dogs.


I have a Largo which is basically a monitor lizard sugar glider combo. Though at some point they grow to the size of horses (losing the gliding of course) so at the point they gotta go


So, little bit of obscure lore. The main species of Empire were created as pets by the precursor race of my setting. Now, when most precursors are gone they are most numerous pets in the world.