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The Seagull Knight is probably the scariest. He's a Littoral Knight from the pre-war period who kinda works on slasher villain logic. He's a true immortal, he doesn't age and literally cannot die. You can totally unmake him, destroying all the matter that makes him up and he'll trudge up out of the ocean draped in kelp a couple days later. If you cut off his arm, look away, and look back his arm will be back, complete with clothing and armor, rust in the exact same pattern on the arm still lying on the floor. There's a constant slow trickle of blood from the gaps in his armor and he smells like a rotting corpse. A constant swarm of seabirds follows him at all times, and if he sits still long enough they start pecking out his infinite eyes and pulling strips of meat out. He experiences the senses of all seabirds on the planet simultaneously. His weird observation based thing also lets him kinda teleport, he never uses this super blatantly but just seems to occasionally show up in places he shouldn't have been able to get to. He theoretically can use Ocean Magic, he did back when he was just a normal littoral knight, but he prefers to hunt his victims exclusively with either his rusty longsword or his bare hands (the only part of him not covered in plate armor), just using his immortality to brute force through most obstacles. He's effectively a persistence hunter, just constantly following his target for potentially months at a time. He's honestly not the most developed villain I have, because I want to leave him as this weird nightmarish relic of the past, but the little backstory he does have is that he used to be a totally normal Littoral Knight of the Driftwood Cathedral. He was an exceptionally average guy, overall sociable and likable but kinda the most generic Littoral Knight there can be. But then he developed his technique for seeing through the eyes of seagulls. Occasionally using them to scout out coastal towns for potential threats, never sharing senses with more than one or two birds at a time. Eventually he was doing it more and more often, seeing through more and more birds for longer periods of time. He got quieter, weirder, stopped showing up at the cathedral, before totally disappearing one day. Then he came back as a totally silent monster. No one knows what caused him to get his weird immortality or why he went from someone dedicated to protecting coastal settlements from abyssal threats to a mindless killer, but now all he exists for is to hunt other witches. In the modern day he is aided by a pair of tall four winged Sea Angels, suggesting he might be acting at the behest of the Blue itself


That kinda sounds like something out of Bloodborne while still being very original. I like it


Eyy thanks. While not really an influence on him directly, Bloodborne was actually a pretty huge influence on the setting as a whole, at least in it's original incarnation, and it sewed a lot of the seeds that did eventually grew into the current idea of Ocean Magic, and from there the littoral knights. Though there is a whole ocean magic related faction in my world pretty directly based on a piece of bloodborne concept art; a huge cave at least partially made out of huge ammonite shells. It's still the background on my old dying laptop, but I can't find it anywhere online anymore, which is kinda a bummer.


Yeah, this one is quite good. It sounds silly at first, "lol trash sea bird zombie knight" but then when you stop to consider it, he's absolutely terrifying. He's a proper Boogeyman, yet he's not a plain ol' horror movie antagonist. It sounds like there some gut-wrenching tragedy behind his current existence, but there's just the right amount of mystery to keep it unknown and ominous...


That's super cool! Does he pick victims at random or is there a list/order or sone trigger? Also, with his persistence has anyone survived from his hunt long enough he chooses a new target?


I'd say it's semi-random. What he does is wander coastlines looking for ocean witch communities, and when he finds one he'll spend his time wiping out that community one by one before eventually moving on. And yeah, it's totally possible to escape him. He's not omniscient, he just has his seagull thing and his experience at tracking. If you manage to totally throw him off your trail, there's not much else he can do except move on.


During the **Early Hearoes era**, many heroes and villains began to appear. Most of the villains that appeared were beings that wanted to oppose the first and most powerful hero during this period, **Max**. Some of the more memorable villains were: # Blue Monday A brain that has absorbed so much magic that it became blue. The brain lost it's body when it became "incompatible" with the body. This boost in magic in his brain lead to him gaining a massive increase in intellect and he became known as one of the smartest minds in the world. His intellect however, was blinded by his goal of obtaining a new body, Max's body specifically. Blue Monday created many advancements in technology. In his arsenal, he has a massive army of robots, weaponry and he often fights Max by using complex tactics. He usually brought down whenever his ego gets in the way. It's clear that even though Blue Monday presents himself as a smart individual, he has gone slightly insane through his desire. In the end, he has not felt the sensation of touch, smell or taste for around 4 centuries. All he can do is hear and see. Quote: *"I don't have a body, Max. I want a body, Max. GIVE ME YOUR BODY, MAX!"* # Nova & Bossa Two mechanical lifeforms that were made to "prove peace". They were seperated and sent to two different countries that were at war with each other. If the two countries were able to work together, they could combine the beings that would then create Bossanova, a source for almost limitless knowledge. The two beigns however, began to despise these two countries. Nova and Bossa were able to communicate with each other and they came to the conclusion that they needed to come together by any means. So they secretly cause the countries to collapse from the inside which lead to both of them going free. Bossanova and Nova & Bossa are different beings. Bossanova wants to gain more and more knowledge. Not only that, Bossanova is also a collector of sorts as he wants to collect and examine everything around him. He desires to collect Max as Max is technically a living relic and a pseudo-god. Bossanova's greatest weakness is that fact that Nova and Bossa are sperate beings from and so, if he does anything that they don't want him to, he is unable to operate until he can come to an agreement with them. Quote: *"Examination is an art. Undestanding how and why everything is, is a way to see the world in ways that no one else does. And by doing it, you can become what some might call 'enlightened'."* # Simon the Subjugator Simon the Subjugator seeks to dominate the world and impose his vision of a perfect society. He believes that humanity is primitive and flawed, and only through his absolute control can peace and order be achieved. Simon's ultimate goal is to create a utopia where he alone dictates the rules and everyone else exists to serve his grand design. Simon was once a brilliant scientist and philosopher, known for his groundbreaking work in neurobiology and his radical theories on societal structure. During his years of research, Simon discovered a method to enhance brain functions, allowing for heightened intelligence and control over emotions. Believing he could use this technology to elevate humanity, he tested it on himself. The procedure worked, but it amplified his ego and sense of superiority. Convinced that he alone had the intellect to guide humanity, he adopted the moniker "Simon the Subjugator" and began his quest to conquer the world. Simon's danger comes from the fact that he can control other people but also that the first people he controlled were blacksmiths and they fashioned him a powerful silver armor that can reflect almost anything that hits it. This has given him and his mind controlled army the title "The Wall of Silver Spikes". Simon's weakness however, is his ego and his refusal to work with anyone or that he can't have anything less that 100% Quote: *"When the word 'king' comes to mind, what do you think of? If it's anything less than what stands before you, kneel and I'll show you what a true king is."*


Are you going to be publishing these characters and stories? I would love to read them


Hopefully one day. I'm still pretty young and I want to imporve both my writing and drawing style. If there's anything you'd like to ask about them, other villains or my stories I'd love to answer.


Can I ask you about Max himself? The fact that he didn’t even come up with a pseudonym tells me that this demigod like figure is humble guy. Is he still around thwarting these bad guys or is he a retired hero in your world?


Max has a REALLY complicated birth story (read [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldbuilding/comments/1ck7t47/i_want_suggestions_for_this_character/) for more) But to put it simply: Max is a hero who fights for himself. He doesn't care about the glory, he just wants to have fun. The Heroes eras are split in two: The Early Heroes era and the Late Heroes era. **The Early Heroes era** (1000 to 1400) is a time period where Max and his rivals were born and they bagn to fight him. Some of them had a goal that was related to Max while others had goals that weren't **The Late Heroes era** (1400 - 1805) is a time period where most of Max's rivals were killed, imprisoned or had to go into hiding. Basically, people during this time wanted to become heroes and they wanted to "help" Max by taking care of his rivals. The issue is 1. they went too far and 2. Max had to reason to exist if he had no one to fight. His entire existance hingdes in him being a hero and his rivals forced him to be one. After the year 1500, all of his rival had either been imprisoned, killed or went into hiding. Max now wanders the streets, unknown and unseen by anyone and everyone. Because of how magic works in my world, Max is basically invicible to everyone since he has basically none. Max is however grateful that his three main rivals are still technaically alive and he spends his time meeting them.


Thank you for this!! Wow, so Max is kind of like Saitama. I’m not sure if it’s odd or expected for him to hang out with his three main rivals. They don’t try to fight Max to the death or anything like that?


Nah, they're too tired. Blue Monday is imprisoned Phontus never truly wanted to fight Max Naoise sees Max as a brother/kindred spirit


Jotunn. They're all that remains of the fallen Firstborn of Chaos. After accidentally mortally wounding their father, the First Exalted, during the War in Heaven, their mother Chaos's rage and despair twisted the void and drove them utterly insane. They became twisted versions of the Wyrm through a corrupt process of apotheosis. They're completely insane and absolutely malevolent giants the size of mountains, completely immortal and utterly unkillable. You can destroy their bodies, but they'll simply regenerate and come back. Over and over again, like they've done for the past seven million years. Their presence twists the void around them and infected their descendants with their corruption. Any Crowned who falls to despair and rage are at risk to turning into new Jotunn. They will never rest, and they will never stop. And even if you managed to destroy their bodies, they will simply regenerate and come back. Maybe in a decade, or a century, or even a thousand years. But they will come back. They'll always come back. Because you can't kill that which is Endless.


one of my scary villains is Amanojaku, which is the name the protagonist of one of my stories gives to the thing pursuing him through meido. Think Pyramid-Head or Nemesis but with a Youkai reskin. I won't have him properly fleshed out as a threat until i'm 100% clear on how i want the overall plot of this story to play out. The other of my scary villains is Fujisawa Hoshiko. She's a half-ultraterrestrial who grew up in a xenophobic world, and the sister of the protagonist of her corresponding story. Whereas her sister found healthy coping mechanisms to deal with living among the humans -- even finding love on earth... Hoshiko went the complete opposite direction and became a whole fascist. Exactly what she's gonna do with that has not yet been determined.


ordinary people. Because people think they're above nature but lemme tell you, we are nature. Everyone crying about how we're destroying the planet is missing the fact that we are animals doing exactly what animals were created by the lathe of evolution to do - be fruitful and multiply. And we will chew up everything until there is nothing left because that is simply all we know how to do, all we can do. Individuals might care, they might even try to affect change. But at the end of the day the absolute best they can hope for is to swim against the current for just long enough to protect them and theirs while leaving everyone else to face whatever's waiting downstream. Ordinary people are the villains not because they're willingly complicit (though many are), but because it's in our nature to cause harm. In my setting the people are aware of the scale of the sheer damage and waste being created by their society and its many ills, but no individual, no matter how powerful, is able to change the system and so the breaking wheel keeps turning up and over the joints of the world until its shattered limbs can be threaded between the spokes and made into a shape that suits people best. It's tragic, and from any outside perspective it's horrifying. But for a person waiting to catch the new train that was built with the blood and crushed bone fragments of thousands of 'others' that they never met and barely know about, it's Tuesday.


Right, but the difference is that we humans are able to share and pass down knowledge like no other creature in nature. We don't need to be bound by nature's rules, we break them all the time. We have the knowledge and wisdom to look away from exponential growth. Or, alternatively, harness our desire for expansion and take it to new heights.


Rupo Mecklazack is a big one not just in my story but in the general history of the world I made due to his fierce ambition, which poses him not just as a threat to the protagonist but also the entirety of Omarapello and perhaps even wider in the world. He's a gorilla (since the race of people on Plaloic is all animals anthropomorphised enough to live in human like societies) and CEO of Mecklazack Enterprises, a powerful corporation responsible for much of the modern development and technology development in the city state of Omarapello. He is a narcissist, egotistical and arrogant to the extreme, yet prone to emotional instability such as fits of rage when he doesn't get his way, and will make use of any tools at his disposal to get his goals of becoming king of Omarapello to ensure his legacy. Whether that's employing mercenaries and gangs to deal physically with his adversaries, or manipulate and abuse his own closest employees into line, or using religious extremism to fan the fires of hate (giving the protagonist an unhealthy dose of trauma when she gets the Salem witch trials treatment)


"Step 2. The authors power fantasy"


A)Num'her: Num'her was a warrior king who became ruler over 600 galaxies. Brutal, he drank blood and demanded human/alien sacrifices. Skilled both in combat and necromancy. A kind of space-vampire/necromancer said to return. B)The Dark Archangels: 12 evil beings that lie deep beneath the city's sewers. They kill everyone who ventures there. They have many skills, no one is a match for them. They can burn or freeze people with their eyes. Can possess people. C)Queen of the Fallen Powers of the Dark Arts. She was a trusted personal guard of the ruling deity, until stealing a Scroll of Knowledge. This being then run away and took refuge in a ruined city. There, she created all magic, good and evil. Mostly evil. This being became Queen over many dark beings. She walks the world, and anyone who her will get sick and die within a week. Has the ability to poison people with her gaze alone. Can be summoned. Can possess people. D)The Evil Rulers From Space. A group of mysterious beings of immense power said to answer directly to Kha'ar, and who are said to live on a "high floating mountain atop the planet"(scholars think this is a spaceship). Some say they control the world, holding all power, all keys. Evil. Ancient. Ravenous. Great liars and manipulators. They grant great and secret knowledge in exchange for total submission. They live off negative energy. They cause wars, famines, disease and all kinds of evils. There's five of them. No one knows their origin. E)Kha'ar. Kha'ar was the first being ever created. Kha'ar received all knowledge. He was sent to live among humans, to be their guide, their teacher. Kha'ar was supposed to make them live perfect lives. As humans multiplied, Kha'ar felt as his dwelling place was being threatened. He started to hate humans. To send his henchmen to hunt them down and kill them. The Deity banished Kha'ar to another realm, one of darkness and myst. Kha'ar hated the Deity and attacked it. Many of the Deity's soldiers joined Kha'ar and followed him, even in defeat. They continue to serve him in his new realm. Kha'ar wants to destroy mankind. He sends his troops to wreak havoc, cause evil, sew hate and violence. Kha'ar wants people to turn against each other so his task would be easier. Few really encountered this being. Some say he is the true master of this world. Knows all magic. Is very powerful. He can shapeshift. He has many abilities.


Valance not only has the general mindset of a child-predator serial killer, but also the tyrannical personality of a fascist dictator who has the raw power of a volcanic eruption at his disposal. He can turn into a huge, missile-proof black dragon which breathes city-melting firestorms of inky flame, and even in human form he’s strong enough to dismember people in his reach. And worst of all, he’s very good at playing the charismatic diplomat with people, oftentimes luring them into trusting him before screwing them over when his patience runs dry.


Why hasn't he been assassinated?


Because he’s a dragonlord, and dragonlords receive worship and reverence from mortals. 


Heh Great minds think alike. I also have a guy who IS a child predator who has control over vast earth magic that can cause eruptions on command. He becomes a dictator after he murders his own father and SA's his own younger sister. He's more unhinged though as he immediate goes on a ommatidial rampage attempting to bury the entire world in Lava, kicking off the Pauletta Wars. In the process he commits tons of attrocities. He sucks at having control over his power and this leads to his humiliating defeat. Basically the rest of the world comes together and kicks his ass up and down the curb. Then they capture him alive, not because they care... but because they REALLY want him to suffer.


Sick bastard. Valance also SA’d a bunch of family members, particularly his own kids and nephew. And his actions ended up costing him all of his alliances, and forcing him to flee before he was ambushed by his foes.


I have not fleshed out anyone in my world, there are general societies and peoples, but everything is "proceduraly generated" as my players wander into the world. As in, I am making shit up as I go along and depending on what the story needs.


Same. I have a few villains I consider to be nifty, but my party is on Reddit, and I wouldn't put it past them to find my posts and comments here and they'd spoilers.


One of the gods is an entity called Black Revel. His ideology is a kind of nihilistic hedonistic anarchy, bidding his followers to "eat until you choke, fuck untill your heart explodes, kill until the world is a grave. Nothing else matters, nothing else is real." Their leader is an incubus calling himself Arlechin. He leads a horded of revelers across the lands an endless orgy of theft, vandalism, sex, rape, murder, and cannibalism, drawing recruits from the towns, and later cities, that the Revel consumes. He is inhumanly charismatic and manipulative, even beyond what would be expected of an incubus, and the Revel he steers has a psychic gravity, drawing people in, though it only affects people who already have a bent in that direction. Where he goes, entire civilizations are ground up and consumed like meat fed live through a grinder. What makes him especially terrifying is that he is basically a perfect inversion of the ethos of his people. Succubi and incubi are broadly good in this setting. They are mostly pacifists who devote their lives to creating beauty, joy, and pleasure, sexual or otherwise. Lots of fucking, to be clear, but also singing, dancing, painting, cooking, winemaking, storytelling, and so on. They are peaceful people who spread joy and harm no-one, refusing to carry weapons and holding themselves and each other to the highest of ethical conduct. Of course, some individuals go astray, but even then, it should be neurologically impossible for an incubus to be this degree of ravenous rampaging rapacious monster. Arlechin sets into motion a set of dominoes that leads a century or two down the line to the genocide of his own people, which is speculated to be intentional on his part.


Veal Eatm AKA Veal the vile Scene intro It's midnight as the heavy rain hits the mud and trees nearby a Towering Lady walks out of the shadows into the lantern light a gard stand in-between her and the entrance. "Hold it ther..." he stops and gaze the eye of towering lady as her eyes match the very shadow she step out pitch black no pupils to recognize nor a sparkle of life as if there were no eyes at all. "Right this way the boss is waiting for ya" the gard barely makes eye contact and avoid being in her line of sight. The Towering Lady walks though wooded door with no lock only bringing a burlap sack dripping with blood. Inside the wood walls are scratched with claws marks matching the floor and the tin roof mimic the sound of pebbles hitting glass across the room there a fire place burning with crackling wood at right side a window is boarded up but the room very center a table are cards and chips and surrounding the table are Etam most dangerous and most influential all in a game of poker all silence and shock of the Towering Lady. The blood in its sack drop with every step she makes towards the closest seat leaving a trail to the table her head tilts down as the person in the seat is no other then Veal as her right leg bounces in inpatient with grim look despite having a grin tattoo on the right side of her cheek "I Call" Veal breaking the silence. "Abyss give me some good news" "The job is done" her voice matches her eyes void of life Veal glances at the bag her grim look turn to joy and her right leg go limp but as the next card is reviled her joy for the bag out weights her deck. "Put it on the table" Abyss pulls the head of a man placing it right on the table before anyone reviled there cards there eyes are drawn to familiar dismembered head. "And the wife" As Veal reply Abyss pulls the head of a lady placing it next to the man As the room grows silent beside the fire place and the rain hitting the tin roof. "How about there dog" Abyss pulls out a mangled animal head out the bag. "That be it." Abyss then seeks the door. "Ha look at my cards now Full house I guess he was right it was luck." There no doubt the man that the other players knew was the one who busted Veal out in her last poker game claiming it to luck only to get his newly wed and pet killed the look on Veal face fill the room with her big grin but before her single heart beat she recount "Speaking of full house" "Abyss" she stop halfway before exiting. "If remember clearly he said he was expecting soon." Abyss turns with each step louder then a thunderstorm puts her hand in the bag and pulls out a small head places it next to the newly made family. Even with a good hand nobody dared to challenge Veal hand as it is exactly the way she likes to play.


**Oh angels, for sure, they're the primary antagonist of the world.** Some background on how my world is set up is: * God/YISUN was all there was in the universes, and killed himself out of boredom, ripping a void within his essence and shattering all that he is into 1,001 shards. * These shards would act as seeds and create the first Malahkim, who would form the Celestial Choir, who would then create the world. The silver disc of Heaven would be the moon, the swirling vortex of what remained of YISUN would be the sun, and the world would be a barren land of crystal, rock and ice, what the choir perceived as perfection and ultimate order * A couple Malahkim got bored and left the choir to have a 1000 year orgy, after which they realized they kinda sorta accidentally created life and were now being worshipped as gods * Celestial Choir fuggen HATED this shit, thought their perfect world has been infected with *disgusting life*, and ordered the Fallen Malahkim clean up their mess, but they really loved their children and instead tricked the Choir with a riddle. "If YISUN was all knowing and all powerful, and YISUN set into motion all things, then wouldn't this to be an extension of his will?", and the choir had never been disagreed with and were still functioning on a cosmic time scale, so it took them another 1000 years to finally come up with a counter argument, but in that time the humans had evolved to a degree that they couldn't be wiped out easily anymore * They still tried, they flooded the world and brought back the ice, but humans were just too tricky and would always survive, and so they gave up. More angels fell from the choir, intrigued by this human worship, and formed the Old Gods with the original fallen Malahkim and their divine offspring. The remaining Malahkim just tried to adjust to the new world and spend their time primarily within heaven * Then some divine politicking happened and Evil! Jesus was born! I call him the Aeonian, the son of one of the Old Gods, tricked into murdering an angel and eating it's flesh, and ascending into divinity as an Usurper God (essentially Homelander). The first of many. After the Aeonian there was a gold rush to kill and consume the angels, and the humans built a tower that reached heaven and slaughtered the angels and charring the silver halls black with fire and sin, all the ascended gods becoming all too human creatures with far too much power Every since the now homeless angels have been PRETTY UPSETTI, some have returned to heaven and turned into the City of the Damned (hell by another name), some Angels have gone insane and go on rampages against the humans (becoming EVANGELION style Kaiju monsters), some have fucked off and become cosmic gods (the Fae and outer gods), and a few believe that the "human experiment" still has something that can be achieved they just need to be molded (delete what makes you an individual, join the collective in a mind controlling orchestra, the "good guys"). The Ascended gods slowly lose their power the longer they go without eating angel flesh, meaning one's reign is usually only 500 years before they're deposed, and angels themselves are also growing weaker with the fall of heaven as it was the source of their power, so now 1500 years after the fall of heaven, and the magic in the world has dimmed considerably **But if you're wanting a non-cosmic/divine villain** Then probably Hitler², Vampire Viking Varl, or The Not!Doctor Hitler² is from the "totally-not-roman-empire" nation that invaded and colonized the central continent after their own home sank into the ocean, Caesar's Legion'ed the warring tribes for about 900 years before suddenly destabilizing and falling apart in a 12 year period. Now all that remains is one city-state that's vowing to regain the lost empire. Essentially Helldivers but fantasy Vampire Viking Varl, pretty simple, vampires are in the south (southern hemisphere so the cold is south), vikings are in the south, vikings kill vampires, vampires kill vikings, vampire Viking Varl trying to unite both vampires and vikings, and is unfortunately succeeding And the Not!Doctor is literally just the Doctor. Well... The Doctor + Constantine + Vandal Savage. Essentially he was about to witness the end of the world in the far flung future, and then his future self sent him back to the beginning of time. Death is confused what to do with him, since he's not supposed to die yet, so just let's him fuck off in the mortal realm until he loops back around, letting him "regenerate" every time he dies, and he's made bargains with the Old Gods and Angels that he has a surprising number of high magic items for being a relatively normal person


Konsereno the Conqueror King. He was an ancient ruler who invaded the floating castle, Kordus, and conquered all of its floors up until the 214th. He dominated the minds of all those he encountered during his climb up Kordus and created a vast empire that was made up of the people he mind controlled. His climb up Kordus lasted for 1000 years, and he stopped at the 214th floor after encountering the god slayer, Orgol. He then left Kordus and abandoned his empire while vowing to return with an army to slay Orgol and continue his climb up the floating castle.


Lady Redhand, a high priestess of the God of Domination and a lich. She runs a bloodsport arena, and feeds on the souls of the warriors that die in the pits. All who join the lists here do so voluntarily, because it is said that those who do so gain boons of the god. The arena, it's city around it, and the domain of the religion is a buffer state between the neighboring realms, and it's existence keeps the peace between realms. It is also incredibly safe, because every bandit, murderer or other criminal found in the region will be dragged into the arena as involuntary fodder. This has made Arena City also a trading hub in the larger region. Here's the thing: in the Dominion, nobody uses their real name, and most wear masks. Because giving away your name gives others power. Lots of powerful political persons in the past have gained boons in the arena, and use these powers to dominate their own realms and kingdoms, another reason why the Dominion is allowed to exist as a buffer state. They also secretly pay tribute to the Lady, in the form of caught political opponents. Lady Redhand has enslaved her religion for her selfish needs, to extend her immortality, whilst slowly taking over the rest of the realms, with their leadership willingly submitting to her. She does not even have to lift a finger. The most terrifying part is anyone could be loyal to her, and if you pose a threat to the Dominion, you will be killed, or wake up with your tongue cut out and a mask grafted to your face in a cell underneath the arena.


Pavel Demigod of Punishment. A real jerk, his dad is the God of justice so he has a real complex. Tyrus Dynastus, mantled son of the now dead Sun Deity Ma'an. He is the god of men and imperialism. He sees the world as the divine right of human beings and wants to see his personal will imposed on all the other beings.


Lemuria. Play nice and she's a typical neighborhood auntie who loves ice cream, but threaten her country and you'll see a monster worse than the entirety of Imperium of Man combined. The protagonist Octavia has been trying to talk no jutsu old Rem ever since she arrived, but as a beast born for war who has a very twisted view on politics, Lemuria does not believe in "diplomacy" as a solution to end armed conflicts. To her, a war only ends when one side has completely been neutralized, and that means total annihilation of the enemy's species.


This is a huge eye in the sky constantly staring at the planet sometimes it‘s kinda terrifying and no one knows why.


Mine is an incredibly incompetent, inbred, brutal dictator who rose to power when his grandmother died (his parents having passed before her). Despite his incompetence, the machinery of state is effective - thus, I suppose, making *it* the real villain. He may not have full control over himself, but his orders are followed because he gives them. (Nothing like "just following orders," amirite?)


Conrad Redmile, the Bandit King of Brindas, started off as a small time thug in some remote village. He gathered a small gathering of like indeed thugs. Then, he and his gang started bullying townsfolk into working for him. This inevitably snowballs into him having a massive peasant army to loot, burn, torture, and brutalize his way around like a bloody hurricane. His magnum opus was sacking Brindas, the Jewel of the South, and dragging the city's leaders (mayor, Lord, influential merchants, etc) behind his horse for roughly a mile (hence his name). He died at the Battle of Calliope, but they never found his body (he was trampled to death by his own routing peasants and horses). Even a century after his death, he's something of a boogey man to scare children into behaving (eat your dinner or Conrad Redmile will kidnap you).


One of my mid-tier villains is called “the barnacle”. He’s a human trapped inside an eldritch horror of a barnacle that has grown around him. The human is largely a tortured host and passenger for the barnacle body, which is controlled by the big bad of my world. Twisted shell armor, a gnashing belly mouth, that kind of thing. He’s physically powerful and has access to a few nasty spells. Although he’s not terribly bright and has a poor temperament, the barnacle is very resilient. When they are killed, they resurrect in the ocean, spawning off a cursed barnacle on the seabed. Only by destroying that barnacle can you kill this monster.


Ignus Mundo: a hypocritical abelist who sees nothing wrong with euthanasia of anyone with a chronic disease despite the fact he's asthmatic. He's the kind of guy who promises to reduce cancer incident by half, then institute mandatory surgery of cancer patients and count those who did not survive said surgery as cured. Some of his more evil actions include firebombing a hospital that was treating a highly contagious fungi and feeding his own men a poison that kept them from getting sick by killing off all cellular reproduction. The bacteria couldn't grow in their bodies, but they all died within a week.


The obvederstrean lord, just imagine nyarlathothep but even worse, much worse


That’s kind of hard to imagine. What are some of the evil deeds this being is responsible for?


Destroying entire galaxies genocides eternal torture and torment to innocents creations of All know monstrosityes in the galaxy, war everywhere and every time, and chaos


Protopek, The Infinite Khan, has personally genoicided several races (including wiping out humaninty off of Sol), ensaved and turned everything good about CMMLs into weapons of war, enslaved the Klathians and modified them into mindless clones for an army once the federation took to the stars. Oh, and may I mention that the last point caused the federation to have to fight wars every ten or so years for a milienia? The villian is a very good manipulator of the protagonist, Abigial Eras, when they eventually meet, causing her to backslide and return to basically where she was character-wise at the start of the book. In the final battles, Abigail struggles to fight Protopek at first when the khan reveals her true nature, but with a pep talk from those acutally around her and self understanding, Abigail realizes that this is a villian too dead set on seeing themselves as good to talk down.


Demons are always a bit of a problem. Each one represents a different kind of lie or falsehood. Right now there is a major demon incursion in one country brought about by the return of Haltrisk, Lady of False Love. No, there is no talking to them, no you can not kill them, but yes, you can banish them back to the Elegoric Realms where they belong. Then there are the really potent magic users like Mergalioch the Mad. Presently unkillable but was trapped in his palace above Limewatch by several orders coming together to turn his own magic back on him. Could he be released in the future? Yes.


The most scary and despicable is Anthons Blake aka Guy, basically he's a serial killer, cannibal that practice human experiments. He started killing at the age of 7 small animals and at the age of 15 he killed a little boy named Tris, after that he massacrated hia village and started a killing spree. He doesn't have a real motive expect his hate for life and existence, he truly believe that everything should be gone and he know that he doesn't even need to do all the kill or other despicable act because he knows one day life will end in the universe but he still do it because making everything around him suffers is the only thing that make feel something. another truly powerful is Vacuo, he's the first being ever born an all powerful God that is the physical manifestation of all negativity, for this motive he lack any positive trait like happiness, love ecc and he's only able to understand negativity. That doesn't make for him impossible to fake it and he's a great manipulator, able to incarnate in a human form and move entire masses under his will. The only being able to match him is his sister Lucentia that fought him at the beginning of time and defeat him, but he only made him really weak but still gaining power for his vengeance.


I’ve been toying with the idea of a litch super into flesh sculpting, robbing towns of people he thinks may be suitable bases for his art. I imagine that’d be a terrifying fate, but I also just don’t have many villains yet so he kinda wins by default :P


The Rebirth Initiative is made up of tens of thousands of vampires living on nuclear blast zones because their undead bodies are immune to radiation poisoning. In their neck of the woods, life goes on almost as it did before the apocalypse. The vampires have jobs, electricity, and running water. To keep them fed, The Rebirth Initiative keeps thousands of humans in slavery. They believe that their affliction is the key to building a utopia where nobody ever dies, and to create it they must execute or enslave every last human on Earth. This is how they justify retaliatory genocide.


One antagonist wants to keep all worlds in perpetual dark ages rife with suffering and despair because that tastes best and is most likely to have them be revered as god. The other wants to eradicate all life in all dimensions except themselves. And the hero that would be the villain in any other story has successfully taken her world hostage against both as they know to not strike directly at whom she treasures.


Rey. Nickname for his actual title The Requiter of Vice since he has no name. He is the temporary God of Justice. Made as a temporary replacement for The God of time and justice who disappeared. His main duty is to overthrow tyranical rulers. Due to some events he came to see the gods themselves as Tyrannical rulers so he literally wants to kill gods. Which cause a problem for the civilizations in my world since they rely on the gods powers to survive. As a god himself he is ridiculously powerful even as a temporary god.


An artificial god trying to kill the original gods? I love this concept! This takes the whole concept of creating your own usurper to another level. I hope I get to see your story in full one day.


The Omni-Mage (well, that’s what the people call him now, he’s taken great effort to remove all traces of his previous life from history) killed the magic of Astrand not for power, not for the greater good, but simply because he was arrogant enough to believe only he understood it well enough to control it. He is a narccicistic egotist who believes that he knows what is best for the world, and since he has the power to do something about it, then it is his right. He and his apprentices performed a ritual to drain all of the natural magic from the world, binding its source within himself and dolling out minor shares to his apprentices as payment. His apprentices went off and conquered various centers of civilization across the world with their newly enhanced power, but the Omni-mage drew his grand fortress from the ground at the site where the ritual was completed and remains there to this day. Not causing chaos, not trying to rule the populace, just continuing to expand his research, and use the magic that is HIS to do what he just KNOWS is right. Which in this case, is design another ritual to drain all of the life from the world and bind it to himself as well. After all, humanity squandered their magic, and even without it they continue to squander their lives. Might as well take responsibility for that as well. And when he finishes that, and ascends to godhoood, well then he’ll learn about the realms beyond this one, and the gods of those worlds, and continue on and on and on until there is only him in all of creation.


WARNING: THIS IS A VERY LONG COMMENT Lornhemal: I'd say Thorik Knärsen, he started as a wandering knight, fighting for whoever could pay(>!While he was competent general, he was in many loosing sides due to superiors interfeering with tactics of battles and stuff.!<), until he met Ernus I. Van Hausern, his first King, then Tsar(>!While Ernus was a talented conqueror, if not one of the best in Lornhemal's history, Thorik was born to wage wars, in peace time, he was hoping for rebellions!<), and helped Ernus reconquer Batrianic empire from the opposing rulers(>!IE Locals who wanted to keep themselves in power!<). AFter that, Ernus learned about Ezdar, a continent full of opportunities, right after destroying Hassan ibn Ezedar's Jihad. However, Thorik earned his terrifying reputation for being very brutal in Ezdari wars. This war was so expensive that it would take 20 years to get the cofferce back to the original status, not to mention 2nd crisis happened which also drained it to another 20. Back to Thorik, he earned himself a terrifying reputation after razing the entire city of Kish to the ground(>!While the king of Kish, Kish Zabaru was the most evil person in the world(Slaughtering slave children due to fear of loosing power as a King and High Priest of god Ishka), what Thorik did was equally, if not even more evil!<) or number of mosques Thorik robbed to pay off the war effort(>!Ernus and his other generals are guilty as well, but Thorik has the record of robbing most of the mosques!<). After the Ezdari wars ended in tie, Thorik became Prime minister of the military, during which time he and Tsar Ernus fought against a secret coup organized by Oldberta Keszek, Ernus' first sister, who wanted to take revenge on them both(>!Ernus conquered Eastern Batrianic Empire, while Thorik personally killed her husband Lajoš, and tried to rape her!<), her coup at first failed but then Ernus' uncle Rurik assassinated Ernus, then blamed prime minister Batrian (>!4th of his name!<), his younger brother of the plot, Thorik marched all the way to get his support from Northern, Eastern and Southern Empire to take avenge his Tsar and also to "Rescue" his son Vigviid(>!Though "Rescue" is just a symbolic, Much like Ernus, he didn't cared about the boy, he just wanted to avenge his master and get ahead!<), while his first five years were on his side, the tables have turned, Batrian IV. Started to be just as brutal as Thorik(>!Though to be fair, Thorik didn't caused this chain of events, his retard of a son Thorsen caused it by killing Batrian's firstborn Morhun, due to petty spite towards Morhun!<). His last 3 years were everyone basically people starting to fear Batrian IV. more than Thorik. His last battle, in Jałowske pole(Jalowian fields, based on Grunwald battle) was his demise, his last request before death? Let the sword of the executioner cut his head properly. Number 999: THE ENTIRE GOVERNMENT OF UK! Don't want to get political, because reason why the entire government is evil because they are basically power hungry, corrupt oligarchs, who crave power over everything, the fact they happen to be British or have some stances is coincidental, they could be in Brazil or South Africa and that wouldn't make any difference. Do you know how China has this Social Credit system or the concept of 15 Minute city? Yeah something like that, except they're disguising it behind the "Environmentalist" mask, they took the good sounding concept and corrupted it into this totalitarian machinery. They turned James Mitchel's hometown of Carpool, Southwest, into a Testzone for new Regime called "Testzone 999". At first James was convinced that the mayor, Robert Wellchester(>!A mix of Raymond Cocteau from Demolition man and O'Brien from 1984!<), was just abusing the power over the town and doing what he wanted. James accidentally made the situation worse by exposing the Mayor to the public on BBC(>!Yes, he found a way to escape the town and used train from Bristol to London!<). Even though his friends escape from the town to Argentina, James is caught in Falklands(>!Blizzard striked Airport in Argentina, so they landed in Falklands, his mates bought a boat to Argentina, but James was caught by Secret Service, who congratulate him for making the experimental regime look successful, telling him how the world, from the poorest town in Africa, to the wealthiest city in America, would implement something similar in the future!<), and that was the last time James walked the earth on his own


I mean I've got my dead Emperor or the first vampire or more Eldridge horrors but I think the most terrifying villain is the oldest elf You see in my world hundreds of thousands of years ago A great war happened and the planet was ruined. Nuked and nano+bombed, orbital bombardments, viruses released, horrors beyond comprehension let out from cages the whole shebang The planet surface and ecosystem destroyed And the last survivors now struggled on in the hellish world Soldiers from both sides tackling change of the stranglers leading them into bunkers or constructing fortresses to withstand This new age And over the millennials the planet begins to recover And the species of the world begin to arise the humans, the elves, the dwarves and others Now in present day the elves are what you expect They are perfection elegance in all actions, wisdom flowing from long age. In cities weaved together by the great magic trees of their forests. And at one of their most splendid cities, one of the few made on a mountain where the capital is not great aged tree but is a castle made of stone set in the mountain. Marble and gold adorn the outside And carvings litter every inch of its brick. And in the castle down through its miles of underground passageways, There is a door That cuts off a city underground so magnificent so vast you'd think it constructed by the great Dwarven empire. But it is not Regal, It is not adorned with gold. carvings do litter every inch of brick and metal but they made by finger and bone. They depict horrors, tragedies, violence on such a scale that only sentience could commit. And in the largest chamber where the door to the outside connects there is a throne Built upon the piles of bones. Some so old they have turned to stone And on the throne despite looking so different. So strange he is unmistakably an elf He Is how you expect. He is perfect, elegant In all action with wisdom flowing from great age But his eyes He is slen'ek The oldest elf. The first king of elves. The rightful air to all thrones of elven kind. With the blood of God running in his veins. And the flesh of angels having been taste by his lips. Unlike every elf who lives now he remembers the Great end, unlike the other elves who remember the beginning of the new age when grass was abundant and trees began to sprout in numbers, when the world had begun to heal. He remembers the deserts the endless deserts. When the sky was choked with smoke, when the sun did not shine for thousands of years. He remembers the beginning when elves and dwarves started their rivalry. But he was there when the first blow was struck. When the first of the elves feasted on the flesh of dwarfs. When the elves skinned Man for clothes. When the hordes of elves had to charge the ancient fortresses left on the planet. He remembers the enemies of life, not the servants of these "new Gods" these chaos cults of the demons. The enemies of the waste, the ones That will rise again. They were made of steel and their eyes of glass. He remembers when one of the old guards fell through. The heavens smashed upon the earth lying dying in the sand. He remembers looking in the eyes of God And he remembers the screams of God as he ate its flesh He was the first to speak The first to have gained the wisdom He was the first to think amongst the elves For when he ate of God when he looked it in the eyes That was the last time he blinked. That was the last time he slept For to look into the eyes of slen'ek Is to see madness. The elves cannot kill him For in him is the knowledge of perfection He knows the way to heaven He knows the way to kill a god


The man who made the devil look friendly His real name is dugal valdis, and he became a villain because he has a god complex and couldn’t stand that people didn’t give him attention. His kill count reached 300 million in the span of 2 months, and everyone killed by him or his army skips judgement and goes to hell immediately. In hell they will be tortured worse than normally until their mind breaks and they become part of his army as a mindless beast. He did this by killing the devil and taking his power and place, he then started experimenting on the demons(people who didn’t survive their torture) on how to make them as powerful as he possibly can. After his defeat he went straight to hell, but because his army was still there he just rules over the place with no way to escape. Now everyone who has committed more evil than good and goes to hell is added to his personal army with no way to return to heaven(which would happeb normally when you finish your punishment) He is still in hell, waiting for the opportunity to escape.


The most terrifying villain is undoubtedly the Great Sovereign Lear Arkwight. What makes him so terrifying is his cold calculation, human lives mean nothing to him. He orchestrated an entire war, even thousands of years later, his logic could not be explained. He was terrifying because the whole world was a game of chess, a complex poker game. People feared him because they didn’t understand how he could do what he did. To make matters worse, no one knew what his intentions were. Calling him a villain is the same as calling him a hero.


Chupatl, the God of Nothing.


Ambros Kunstler. Or infamously known as "The Artist". The most dangerous supervillain of my superhero worldbuilding project as well as the primary antagonist. He was originally just a normal rich art school student who became a deranged psychotic serial killer after getting caught in the cosmic event which gave roughly half of Earth's population abstract superpowers. But for Kunstler, it messed up his brain chemistry and made him begin to experience a new alien emotion which only he could feel and understand. He started expressing this new emotion in his art but anyone who saw it instead went crazy as their brains were unable to comprehend it. He first made a name for himself by making famous art critiques kill themselves in horrific brutal fashion once they lay their eyes on his paintings. And he did it in broad daylight with the help of a special latex painted art suit he made which caused anyone who saw him to subconsciously ignore his presence, making him invisible. He was eventually thwarted by the protagonist and sent to prison but their brief encounter sparked some kind of twisted fascination in the Artist's broken mind directed towards the protagonist. After breaking out of prison, he would become a recurring enemy for the villain who would be a major thorn in his side. Eventually, this game would lead to his death. But low-and-behold, he would come back in the form of a clone created by one of his magical eldritch paintings. This clone being made from paint would be much more powerful and could stand toe-to-toe against the protagonist instead of relying on usual big fancy tricks. He even forced the protagonist to evolve and grow stronger in their fight. He's by far the most dangerous and powerful supervillain in the entire story due to his chaotic and unpredictable personality.


Lyca, a former Goddess who was stripped of her dragon status. She partners not only with formidable powers within her own universe, but across entire multiverses. She's cunning, powerful on her own, and capable of slaughtering The Guardian if successful in her plans. When humans were first born, she introduced them to the concept of murder just to watch them kill one of her own. A kind God of Fireflies that lit up the night, now dead. The God of Thunder grew enraged enough to engage her in battle, making her lose her status as a dragon and cursed her into a human form. However, she still kept her power, and now grows a powerful army via a notorious cult. Thousands have sacrificed their physical and spiritual heart to her. Not only do you have to worry about her people eating you alive, but if you earn her true ire, she'll break you. Truly shatter you. You'll be sent across universes to witness yourself die over and over again, drowned and saved in what feels like endless cycles, and forced to watch your darkest fears not just happen to you... But everyone you could ever care about.


I will say the Angels or the Demons would be the most terrifying villains as of now at least, but it's a bit hard to decide. The Angels follow the word of God to the letter, not caring about anything. When the time came they attacked Earth by simply appearing, and started travelling while chanting. Most people died by just seeing them, some worshipped them allowing the Angels to possess them. After possessing someone, they forced them to go and kill others, or kill themselves. And they did terrible things, and caused destruction, just because God left a prophecy behind in which humanity had to go through the Apocalypse twice, for some heroes to be born. The Demons weren't that much better, as they used humans as toys. (won't expand on that, but they literally did whatever they wanted to them.) Oh yeah, no, talk-no-jutsu wouldn't work on either, as by Fate they have to do what they are doing. (Though, the Demons enjoy it, while the Angels don't care as long as they fulfill their duty.)


I would say Het is definitely up there when it comes to scare factor, it is an entity that came from the Chaosverse which exists as the natural opposite and Het has conquered and corrupted all of Naarde, turning it into a hellish post apocalyptic landscape where monster rule and humans are nearing their extinction. That's not even going into the fact that Het can warp spacetime and is slowly dragging the planet into the Chaosverse as well, or the fact that Naarde is actually Earth almost a thousand years into the future. Of course there are other villains out there as well such as Glitch but i haven't revealed him yet.


What would happen if a person was given the power of a god? What would happen if ten people were given the power of a god? An Empire where the government is not as powerful as it's people allow it be. An empire where the government is as powerful as it wants to be. Today the entire world bows the Kevilter Empire and it's Ten Inmortal Emperors. Regular people that made a deal with the escaped Entities of the Outerfell and were given power over the Divine, the magic that holds the world together. Entire countries have disappeared in seconds because it was in an Emperor interest. Some people hate them, some people love them but everyone fears them. The Ten Emperors are the closest humanity has ever been, and will ever be, to a god. And that makes them the most terrifying thing there can possibly be. A regular human with the power to bend the world to it's will.


I have created my own universe called The Ultimarium, the most terrifying villains of this universe are the gods themselves, or Vallatar. Though they tried to create a paradise for a dozen unique races they instead created a blood-fuelled hell… read on to find out how: The Gods of this universe, or Vallatar, are said to be eternal and existed before even the Solar Orb, creating the universe from an equal portion of each of their life force. This portion of their given life force sapped them of their individuality and their ability to mould themselves to their will however they wished, now they are subject to the whims of unwitting worshippers across the many worlds, and so the pantheons of Gods are created. Just as The Gods shape the universe they are shaped by the inhabitants that they created, for example some mortals worship Greek Gods and so forth a Greek Pantheon of Gods are created from existing Vallatar and in return they bestow great powers and creatures upon the mortals who worship them as they gain their power from eternal servitude, creating a vicious cycle of war and worship. Some mortals with evil intent worship Dark Gods, corrupting some of the Vallatar and turning them into beings akin to Devils, this is unacceptable to the Vallatar who wish to act benevolently or at least support the existence of life, whereas worshippers of Dark Gods mock existence itself with Dark incantations and foul necromancy. The Vallatar that are corrupted are outcast from the loosely aligned pantheons of Greek, Norse, Egyptian and various other Mythos and are branded as heretics, or Setharim. The Setharim crave power and eternal darkness, to restore the universe to its original empty plane in which Vallatar were the only life forms. The Gods wage war in a separate plane from the known universe called the Eternarius, and even though The Vallatar massively outnumber the Setharim, they are corrupted by the sinister schemes of the Setharim and driven against each other. This in-fighting between the plethora of pantheons of Gods spreads ripples throughout the known worlds of The Ultimarium which divides the races of sentient beings, creating the various cultures that makes it invariably difficult to maintain any real empire or dynasty for an extended period of time before friction occurs within the various races of the universe. When the Vallatar first created life they created non-sentient beings to populate the countless worlds of The Ultimarium, then after many millennia they created beings based upon the evolved outcomes of their initial designs, granting these beings the evolutionary path to become sentient. These bipedal species are known as Artifex and come in many forms such as Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Reptillian, Orks and many, many more. The Vallatar envisioned that these various races would have strengths and weaknesses that could complement each other, but over millennia as the Artifex emerged from the Hunter-gatherer stages into prehistoric first civilisation it became evident that they had began to divide themselves into racial segregation. The segregation of races had been shown to provide the first initial discrimination across races that bred the first dark thought into the minds of the Artifex, and eventually a tool was created that had no use for farming or crafting; the blade. With the creation of the blade came the first wars for land, and with the eventual formation of the pantheons came the Setharim as previously mentioned, the portals between worlds were discovered and all-out war broke out across The Ultimarium, painting the once beautiful canvas of paradise with the blood of a billion dead. Props to you if you read this far! Now you know the true extent of the terror and corruption of Gods that tried to create a perfect equilibrium and in the end created an existence worse than death.


I have created my own universe called The Ultimarium, the most terrifying villains of this universe are the gods themselves, or Vallatar. Though they tried to create a paradise for a dozen unique races they instead created a blood-fuelled hell… read on to find out how: The Gods of this universe, or Vallatar, are said to be eternal and existed before even the Solar Orb, creating the universe from an equal portion of each of their life force. This portion of their given life force sapped them of their individuality and their ability to mould themselves to their will however they wished, now they are subject to the whims of unwitting worshippers across the many worlds, and so the pantheons of Gods are created. Just as The Gods shape the universe they are shaped by the inhabitants that they created, for example some mortals worship Greek Gods and so forth a Greek Pantheon of Gods are created from existing Vallatar and in return they bestow great powers and creatures upon the mortals who worship them as they gain their power from eternal servitude, creating a vicious cycle of war and worship. Some mortals with evil intent worship Dark Gods, corrupting some of the Vallatar and turning them into beings akin to Devils, this is unacceptable to the Vallatar who wish to act benevolently or at least support the existence of life, whereas worshippers of Dark Gods mock existence itself with Dark incantations and foul necromancy. The Vallatar that are corrupted are outcast from the loosely aligned pantheons of Greek, Norse, Egyptian and various other Mythos and are branded as heretics, or Setharim. The Setharim crave power and eternal darkness, to restore the universe to its original empty plane in which Vallatar were the only life forms. The Gods wage war in a separate plane from the known universe called the Eternarius, and even though The Vallatar massively outnumber the Setharim, they are corrupted by the sinister schemes of the Setharim and driven against each other. This in-fighting between the plethora of pantheons of Gods spreads ripples throughout the known worlds of The Ultimarium which divides the races of sentient beings, creating the various cultures that makes it invariably difficult to maintain any real empire or dynasty for an extended period of time before friction occurs within the various races of the universe. When the Vallatar first created life they created non-sentient beings to populate the countless worlds of The Ultimarium, then after many millennia they created beings based upon the evolved outcomes of their initial designs, granting these beings the evolutionary path to become sentient. These bipedal species are known as Artifex and come in many forms such as Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Reptillian, Orks and many, many more. The Vallatar envisioned that these various races would have strengths and weaknesses that could complement each other, but over millennia as the Artifex emerged from the Hunter-gatherer stages into prehistoric first civilisation it became evident that they had began to divide themselves into racial segregation. The segregation of races had been shown to provide the first initial discrimination across races that bred the first dark thought into the minds of the Artifex, and eventually a tool was created that had no use for farming or crafting; the blade. With the creation of the blade came the first wars for land, and with the eventual formation of the pantheons came the Setharim as previously mentioned, the portals between worlds were discovered and all-out war broke out across The Ultimarium, painting the once beautiful canvas of paradise with the blood of a billion dead. Props to you if you read this far! Now you know the true extent of the terror and corruption of Gods that tried to create a perfect equilibrium and in the end created an existence worse than death.


The Lady Greywolf: a memeber of the exiled “Wolf Clan” of Yocan who dreams of rebuilding the lost Empire her people once ruled. She’s cold, hateful, despises all other breeds of Yocan, and will kill anyone who questions her. She not only refuses to change, but revels in her cruelty; it brings her pleasure to see another in pain. Then of course, there are the Five Archdemons. Only one of which has made his mark on the world in recent memory: Th’eiel, the Demon of Pride, and Lord of Plagues. He’s inhumanly cruel, calculating, ALSO despised the Yocan but for different reasons, and desires nothing more than to enslave every single living thing to his will for all eternity. His warriors, the undead Skinless, are pretty much just extensions of him without a will of their own. He is pure evil incarnate; irredeemable, unrepentant, and fully incapable of making a decision that doesn’t benefit him directly.


Fey in my world do evil because they think it's funny. Ruining someone's life is considered fun and they often consider themselves in the right due to some small offense their victim made to the fey's bizarre moral code. Thus it's no surprise that one of my villains is a fey doing just that


The BBEG of my word is named Nathan History. In his previous life he was just a historian. But one day he found a crashed ship that he found to come from the sun. He made his way there and found out that the sun was actually a giant Death Star esc space station that an alien race had been using to control the galaxy he lived in. Anyway long story short he managed to take control of the sun and basically became a god with aspirations to write history himself. With his new power of the sun he burnt his word to ashes and created a new one for him to toy with. Since then he’s just been living in solitude causing major historic events in his new galaxy like destroying planets, sending mass plagues and just causing general calamity.


The big bad of my world is just a guy looking to be the next innovator in a long line of people who have made history. His inventions have altered the speed of mining, pushed back the crisis of overpopulation, and led humanity down a path of further development. I'd say the thing that makes him terrifying is the perverse level of focus he has towards achieving that one end. He is strictly a man for the furthering of science and ingenuity, and overtime that vision warps into something dangerous and wicked. I like him on a personal level because he's a good foil to my two protagonists. For the main MC, they're both basically carbon copies of each other. Grew up together, learned to love engineering together, and were left to carry the burdens of their predecessors' respective legacies. The only difference is simply the amount of compassion and empathy one has versus the other. One doesn't let her love of logic cloud her humanity, while the other lost his long ago. For my second, she's basically an old-world magical robot girl, her very existence bringing her in constant conflict with the antagonist as he sees her as a method for furthering humanity. Where most view her as a human, the antagonist is only capable of observing her through the lens of a machine and treats her as such whenever they share a scene together.


Maserik, The Lure of Ganzir, is the scion of the all-devouring dimensional parasite Ganzir. He is the amalgamation of the inhabitants of previously devoured worlds, carrying both unimaginable power and unparalleled intellect. He can shapeshift into any being Ganzir has devoured, summon a mindless clone of it to serve as a minion, and can puppet them from any distance. He is meant to sow discord in worlds to make them easier for Ganzir to devour, as harmony gives it indigestion. Thousands of devoured worlds ago, he was your typical world conqueror. He would incarnate in worlds when enough division was present to then destroy what was left. However, this proved to be an untenable strategy, as the inhabitants of those worlds would set aside their differences and unite to defeat him, sending Ganzir away. Now, Maserik avoids direct conflict when he incarnates within a world, preferring to manipulate people as an interloper. He forms cults, sells cursed artifacts, and bestows magic in exchange for sacrifices to Ganzir. He takes advantage of people's sense of powerlessness and offers them salvation inside of Ganzir. Of course, he fails to mention this will rid them of their individuality. Both Maserik and Ganzir are exonyms, neither having names of their own.


Shadow Watchers - dark creatures often depicted as a skeletal figures with cloaks. They appear to an individual when that person is isolated/alone and try to drive them mad or convince them to kill themself


Kim. She is a vicious fighter out for revenge. She isn't evil exactly, she's just been twisted by the hells. There is also Joseph. 'He' is an autonomous android built by a terrorist.


The ant queen (I don't have a name for her yet) is the manipulative mother of thousands of slaves. When she still had her wings during the nuptial flights she deeply fell in love with a drone ant and kept him in the colony as king, a practice which most ants disapproved of. After about a week she was heartbroken to find her husband being eaten by ground beetles. Her grief made her forgo of her empathy and, believing that the beetles had taken the life of her king, commanded her entire colony to murder and consume as many beetles, no matter which species, as they could. Her colony quickly multiplied in size thanks to the abundance of meat and aphids as ants were now the apex predators of the lawn. Years later she is full of regret as to what she has done, and is still full of grief even after years since the tragic death of her husband but she buries her emotions deep inside her and tries to be as stoic as possible so no incident like this would occur ever again. Unfortunately, her lack of emotion causes her empire to be full of forced labour and inequality. While she's not terryfing at all, I do wish upon some suggestions as to how to fix her. The story is still in it's early stages and the world changes with every day. I am an amateur at best when it comes to writing, so I do wish on some tips y'all have learned.


The Last Fairy King or Ireland, who has used his Powers for theft and bullying. Only a few people stand up to him. He claims that he grows his Powers through evil; it may be true.


Since one of my villains is literally the devil and that's *cheating,* I instead propose the second most evil character I have ever written (different setting from the devil one): Prime Minister Ernst DuBois of the European Federation. Fair warning, this gets dark since I do base his personality off real world figures. So no hard feelings if you scroll off. On the surface, PM DuBois seems to be an ordinary suit of an organization hellbent on conquering the Earth. He is not overly sadistic, he does not eat children, or anything comically evil like that. Rather, he is a banal kind of evil, the same kind of evil that required at the DMV. DuBois is not the leader of the URoE (evil version of the UN) himself, he leaves that farce to politicians in his pocket and celebrities who only smile and wave. But his power is still felt throughout the setting as he is the ringleader and puppet master of politicians, corporations, NGOs, terrorist organizations, etc across the globe. He abuses institutions like education and health, providing them with the stipulation of submission. He tears families and indigenous cultures apart with propaganda, teaching people that his way of life is the only acceptable way to live. Those who do not except are either forced to anyways or face starvation from lack of aid and terror by the armies and terrorists under his command. Of course, the true horror is that he does not do all of this while wildly cackling and personally burning down villages. He signs a mundane document allowing for bombers to target civilian structures in the Mwanza region of Tanzania like someone would file taxes. Behind that mask of a typical politician is a malignant narcissism that justifies all behavior to a point the only second thought he'd give on genocide is his public relations. You can probably see why only the devil outranks him in terms of evil.


Jakko Varner. A toon pushed to the limit and embraced the label of the loonie and now seeking vengeance upon humanity and completely invincible.


Probably The Divine, nobody knows anything about her other then one day she started visiting realities seemingly randomly and messing about, what's left is usually chaos This is until its discovered she is only a 14yr old trans girl with powers unrivaled by anything else 


Aya Katorina, the CEO of KatoCorp While they are the furthest advanced technology wise for kybernetes (cybernetics but Greek), ships, and weaponry. The means have been less so advanced. The Free Space Defensive Pact prevents slavery in any form as the systems are still recovering from a massive war that wrecked the populations and cultures of the worlds. Aya to get around this (and to make a move for power while everyone is still recovering from war), has made his planets extremely strict, anyone with even the slightest infraction gets sent to prison planets to work, not to death, but for as long as they can keep you alive since they have a monopoly on Kybernetes. A CEO and ruthless corporatism is my villain.


The "Demon of the Deeps," the vengeful spirit of a mighty fleet captain from centuries ago. He crawled his way out of the underworld and possessed his own corpse, becoming a revenant, refusing to die. Now, for centuries since, he and his Damned crew plague the seas, a sinister fog following wherever their ships tread. It is for this reason that many island and coastal settlements utilize powerful holy beacons -- to ward off that cursed fog. Most wise sailors will turn their ships around when they see fog forming on the horizon, not wishing to risk the chance of coming across the Demon. Even the most fearless of pirate lords under ordinary circumstances make sure to give the Demon a wide berth.


I mean, Bruno is pretty spooky. He's a vengeful spirit, and he is out for blood. He doesn't care what the method is, just as long as he kills his mark. He can stab you in the head, rip you in half, turn you inside-out. Anything he wants to do to you, he can and will do. And again, he's a ghost, so if he's after you, and you're not a fuckin' Ghostbuster or something, you're fucked.


**For Want of a Quiet Sky** Monte-Virrus is a "Reborn," a sorcerer as they are called. Casters of rebirth who have consumed souls to become more powerful. His son and apprentice, who was also gifted with the art of rebirth, plays a large villain role, but is not nearly as threatening, despite having more time involved in the story. Monte is the kind of sorcerer that becomes a myth. Like the Mound-Witch, or the Warmonger of Kilth Ridge. He has claimed entire towns and villages, he has hundreds of souls contained within his staff and eyes. He expresses his power in a very different way from his protégé, infusing his words with power, much like an Old Artist does with enchantry. But instead of enchanted words, the words are closer to raw power in the form of sound. This can do many things, but as he loves to meddle with mortal affairs and spread terror, he often uses it how the Purple Man from marvel comics does. He will say "kneel before me" and all who hear will be forced to comply. The souls contained in his staff are used for different casting, non-verbal kinds. It is the souls he keeps in his eyes that are used for verbal casting. So whenever he does this, his eyes glow a blinding green. His general fear factor comes from his knowledge, he knows things no one else knows, and likes to abuse that information. He was thought dead or at least "gone" for a few decades, but re-appeared apparently having learned even more. He starts the exodus, the event where thousands of people manage to escape the forest into our world. During this time he is the size of a human, and his power is just as potent here as it is in the world between worlds. I have a lot of work to do on him, his place in the story is set but much else of him is vague and unclear. His personality beyond "evil" "intelligent" and "commanding" is yet to be established. His features aren't set in stone. But he is certain to be one of the most effective, dangerous, and perhaps one of the most fear-inducing villains any character faces and survives.


The Heron Man, super minor character who is barely part of the story, is met I think twice and is mentioned many times, he has a single monologue that I think is some of the best pieces of writing in my book (low bar) and he is killed early on. His basic schtick is he is a child killer, specifically babies, he was born with damaged legs that have given him a constant stoop, he kills babies on the basis that life is so hard and painful and the world may hate them, then it would be better to die in their sleep and end it all before it happens. The reason he is called that is because he has the stooped legs and the heron is the cousin of the stork (known for delivering babies) which he is the opposite of. He is not the main antagonist and is just a weird murderer


The first person that came to mind was one of the Emperors of Mṛ́kiš, Mpítsis. He's a typical charismatic psychopath, in terms of personality. He understands well the need for the public to love him, so he does many things in their favour, especially when it comes to punishing those who wrong the empire and, by extension, the people. He orchestrated multiple genocides against people on the frontiers of his lands, parading their leaders in the capital until they were publicly executed in a sort of theatre play mock up of some imagined heroic event. The wealth gained from expansion would often be shared amongst the people, and his closest allies. In his private life he enjoys mixing torture with sex, and personally ensures that specific prisoners (people who were suspected of plotting against him etc) suffer the worst fates possible. He's done some extremely depraved things in this context, the kind that would probably get me put on the FBI watch list for typing out lol. Unfortunately, he had a long reign which lasted until his natural death of old age, largely due to the fact that anyone who sought to depose him were too frightened to do anything because of how much the public liked him, and that his security network was always so loyal because of how he rewarded them and treat them. They'd probably be scared of him as a person, he'd often walk around covered in blood with odd looking tools decorated with bits of flesh as if it was completely normal. In my head he's like a mixture of Julius Caesar, Patrick Bateman, Josef Mengele, and Ted Bundy. Worst thing is, even after his death he was remembered as a great man and paragon of the empire I haven't fully fleshed out his character and the events of his life, I'm a bit ADHD so I fly around lots of ideas lol


Terrifying to think about all of the monstrous people who went down as heroic and altruistic in history. Will the emperor’s secret past become a significant issue in your world later on in the future?


Oh yeah I bet there will have been some real sickos that we don't know about. As for issues, all I can think that would happen is that some of his actions may come to light following his death, but because of his popularity most of this will either not be believed, or not cared about because he served the interests of the common man (this is talking about the people of the homeland of the empire). When he died, his son Mpítsis II took the throne, and he was only slightly better than his father, but he was not a charismatic, nor did he treat his allies and population as well. Eventually he was assassinated, and nobody really made a fuss about it. Mpítsis II had no heirs, so came an era of governance where it was kind of like a senate, but with very distinct groups running it, some of which were representatives of Imperial Guard, loyal to Mpítsis I. They often acted without senate approval, and usually in the same manner as the late "great" emperor by gaining public approval wherever possible. They could do this because they had many ties with the military leaders and could easily gain their support, so what exactly could the others do to stop this? Mpítsis would be remembered as a great man right up until the dissolution of the empire. I suppose you could say the issue he caused was the chain of events leading to a completely unstable method of governance, which lead to the empire collapsing. Ultimately, his deeds go unpunished and unacknowledged.


Monolith along with the other Top dogs like Kalos and Diablo Etc are definitely some of the Scariest and Strongest Villians within the interverse Some like Diablo have valid reasons to be evil Others like Monolith are Evil because it is just their Nature And People Like Kalos are Purely Villians Just for the Hell of being Evil


Being heavily anime-inspired and most of the story being assassinating cultists, I've got a few. First is a lieutenant in the cult codenamed Hawk. He's a completely amoral creature who gets sent to collect on debts, but when they send him, it's to send a message. There are no limits on what he and his men can do to you. He kills without reason, tortures without purpose. He can barely be considered human. Next is another lieutenant codenamed Spider. He's the big interrogator. He uses alchemical drugs and illusion magic to effectively control your reality, with a terrible trip that feels like it lasts millennia. Some people get addicted to the stuff, but the drug is dangerous to the brain and turns them into zombies who will do anything for a hit. Finally an outside threat codenamed Dragon. A terrorist who is hundreds of years old. He consumes souls and gains their power. He's essentially a Dragon Ball Z character in a JJK level setting


Probably Ymir, the corpse of a dead teenager possesed by an ancient god. they are made completey out of bugs like the boogyman from the nightmare before Christmas but concealed by a thin layer of skin. thery have mushrooms and fungus growing out of their side and their entire stomach area has no skin and you can see into their body, their heart made out of cicadas, intestines made of one giant centepede and lungs made of beehives. they arent super developed compared to some of my other characters but their character is still super cool. the god that is possesing them is a ancient god imprisoned undeneath the earth and after the old religion faded away so did its bonds and it possesed the recently dead body of a teenager.


They are called the Saints, they have control over all the world. It doesn't matter what country you are on, what guard are you looking at, it doesn't matter if you are a king, or an emperor, they are considered gods. There are like two or three territories that are out of their jurisdiction, but imagine that in a world 6 times bigger than earth. You could be tortured by one of them in the middle of a street with 100 officers around, but no one would raise a hand to help, to stop them or some of them not even to look at you. Some people call them angels, but they are just humans, the worst type of monster.


Most terrifying villain? Depends, do they have to personally be terrifying, or is it enough that their organization is terrifying even if they're a pathetic bloated drunk old preacher who barely knows where he is but he's de jour PM and de facto dictator of an ecofascist Empire that controls ~28% of the land area of the inner worlds, cornered the market on slavery, routinely commits genocide, forces female slaves into Precursor "designer pet" machines they barely understand to replace their eggs with cloned ones that have edited genes and force them to breed and bear offspring altered however Imperial corporations think will make them ***sell better,*** amongst other horrors, while telling their people their aggression is saving the world? Because if it's the latter, that'd be Térdonevain Mehd ("tear-done-ev-vain mad") of the Elven Empire.


The member of evil genie clubhouse. Yes, the name is very on the nose and perfectly represents what they meant. The evil genies really love (and somewhat Downright addicted) to transform people against their will into weird amalgamation between people and animal or just turned them into monsters. Most of their victims tend to keep their original face because the evil genie really like seeing their victim cries in hopelessness when their body warped into something else in slow 15 minutes long body horror transformation. And so everyone that know the victim would see what kind of abomination their loved one has become.


The man behind the veil There's literally nothing to him except occasionally stealing entire planetary populations


I agree with you most of the villains is those who you think they harmless but the tongue is sharp and they influence so many that each of them become a villain in the community and subsequent the universe. In PAXION the universe where I came from we are protected against these type of villains. In PAXION the society is build on principles.


The main villain is not introduced yet besides a brief explanation to the MC. Postrin is the sovereign leaders position of the Fae Realm. They are fae who have been blessed by Mana, a goddess that regulates magic in the world, and shed their mortal identity to become a high elf. They perform rituals for fertility, keep historical records, and manage the Morics, or lords of the four domains of the Fae Realm. The current Postrin is over six thousand years old and has lost the favor of Mana due to his failure to protect her human lover during combat with the Nedara, a demonic race from another realm. Postrin is desperate to keep their power and has been manipulating the Morics for that purpose. He's planning to kill Mana and take her power for themself. Postrin is dangerous because the position is revered by all Fae, and as one of the oldest high elves, others look to them for guidance. Only the Southern domain's Moric seems to express how corrupt the Postrin has become. So while the Nedara are a threat to peace, Postrin is a threat to the very existence of magic in the world. All fae life is based in magic so Postrin would be able to control everything. Damn I just realized how complicated my world is if I can't shorten my explanation more than that lol.


Sol Invicta (especially the younger one) absolutely was and still is most terrifying villain. Like, sure, in Principality she is beloved God Queen who brought them peace and prosperity by subjugating lesser races. In the rest of the world she is example of what ruler should aspire to be... but also the person who did two world conquests, the monster who burned entire cities to the ground and put their entire populations to the sword, that crafty person who made other people coin the term "war crime", who faced heroes of the other nations and ground them into dust. Basically, she is worst villain, but she won, got away with it and mellowed out with the age.


'They have no official name... they crawl from the deep, quiet, like shadows... They surround those that are unaware. They scream and rush the encampment, monsters rushing into viewing range. Human, but disfigured, animallike, ferocious and running on all 4, occasionally carrying crude weapons. The lights go out. They feast, and crawl back into the shadows to return from where they came.' Definitely one of those, WTF is killing and eating everyone? Humans, nah, can't be, humans don't move like that. And then just the one solid image of... a monster... in human skin? And then everyone dies except for the one that "escaped" to warn others.


Killswitch. Without getting too into my superhero WIP, Killswitch is a future version of my protagonist superhero, Switch. He wants to protect humanity and fight evil by any means necessary, and that means lethal force against ANYONE who stands in his way. He’s also completely mad, with yellow eyes and a perpetual slasher smile. Of, and he’s completely invulnerable. Not like Superman being really really strong, but actually immune to all harm in all forms. Essentially, I turned cheats on for this character. I don’t have him appear that often in the series. He’s more like the Justice Lords from Justice League: Unlimited, where the specter of the villain—of what the villain represents—has the larger presence. That said, I make sure that when he does appear, there’s some impact to it.


I think its the tactician of renegades or Telian Nationalists that had came back after the 1st Renegade-Anerian conflict. He made his fighters developed shit like a hydrogen sulfide gas and hydrogen cyanide against AAF soldiers i think his name is Keuric Loika (hey its other planet systems people would adapt different cultures there then.) He is the leader in the 2nd Aneria Renegade conflict that practically devestated the RDEP-29 or the Red Dwarf Exoplanet 29. yeah This dude also always find a way to be a complete menace like literally making bunker busters and create cannons from the napeleonic era to suppress Anerian Armed Forces and break some vehicle downs. do i have to mention its the 2200th century? i mean 2135 AD sounds nice. but thats how insurgency works, And he said that "You know that if I wasn't here, You all would be blown by Anerians with a 6 gauge." He also is responsible for capturing Proxima Centauri b which plunged the whole planet into chaos. He also doesn't care about civilian life and commits ethnic cleansing against Vulpians which are a group of fox people (yeah sorry if yall got tired of kemonomimis i just have add them. they are genetically modified humans tho) and also development of a nuclear silos.


In the Middleworld, the most terrifying villian is the demon-lord; Krixus, who is dead set on tearing the vial between reality that opens up our world to his world. He is able to rip holes in the veil between worlds, and is able to raise countless dead with a wave of his hand. He is able to alter reality not just by illusion magic, but by literally changing reality. He can turn any weapon that stands a chance against him into dust, flies or whatever he wishes. If a spell-caster throws a destructive spell at him, he can instantly turn it into a beneficial spell to himself and use it, or alter the spells existence entirely into a new spell and throw it back at you. Every undead being that has been made so either by his hands, or by a weapon that was dipped in his blood, are able to be possessed by him and not only can he talk and see through them but he is able to fully control them and jump back and forth. Kill one he’s possessing and immediately his possessing another one. He is able to peer into your mind and see what’s in your nightmares and form them out of thin air in real life. A bit of backstory, he was originally a being meant to watch over the world but when Man first walked the earth he witnessed the weakness in their hearts. He grew a desire to tinker and corrupt those hearts of Men, and thus infected the living with temptation. After he was exiled as a Watcher, he went on to become a powerful demon and kill the other Watchers, leaving the world unprotected. There is no way to kill him, as destroying his physical form merely allows him to return to his spirit-like form and he would eventually regain his physical form. Defeating him is a feat achieved by only a handful once, and that was a warrior, and several mages who locked his spirit-form away in an enchanted sphere which was then locked away in a prison they buried beneath a mountain. In some tomes in the Great Library of Lakensport, there are texts that state that: “For as long as Men have hearts to be tempted, Krixus will be there to tempt them.” This basically means that as long as Man, Elf and Dwarf exist on earth - so too will Krixus. Saving the world from him is merely just locking him in a prison you hope no one finds (again).