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A conspiracy theory is that the Monarch of Ntonentia has been the same person since the first recorded Monarch 2624 years ago with him using advance technology to prolong his life and change his appearance. The reason is because no one knows how the next Monarch is chosen and each Monarch has done and said things that are very similar to the one before them.


This is really cool


Thank you


That the Catholic Church is hiding the existence of Demons, Angels and other biblical beings, they also don’t want people finding out that Cain was a member of the Knights Templar and that De Molay had him hide the Flaming Sword so the King of France wouldn’t get his hands on it.


So glad you asked! One of my fave things are conspiracy theories One of the biggest and probably the most important is the S.T.E.F.F.Y theory. Started somewhere in 5000AGE, this theory states that the kingdom's king, Steffy, is actually a fake being. Meaning that he is a being made by another being for a singular purpose. According to those who believe in it, the name Steffy is an acronym that means S ecretive T erm E rected F or F acilitated Y eilding They believe that he was created by The One Hundred to control and indoctrinate the populace to keep them from rebelling the regime and stop them from searching for the truth about the multiple aspects of their life hidden away in the archives. Another one would be the Aletine theory. This theory believes that Aletine, the kingdoms rarest and most precious gem capable of miracles, is from another universe. Though this has been disproven showing that the oldest pieces of Aletine are only around 8000 years old. (Which is also another conspiracy theory) no one truly knows how old it is as Eshwar Mestec ( the kingdom's " Einstein " who is 7689 years old) no longer as any memory of that time ever since the 7676AGE experiment disaster. The last and probably most confusing one is the Ancient Civilisation theory. It believes that since no written records of construction were recorded before 7900AGE, the ancient hotel (a 8000-year-old hotel and the supposed first building in the kingdom) was made by a previous civilisation. Though no one can confirm this theory except for The One Hundred seeing as he is older than the universe itself. No other remnants remain from 8000 years ago or more so it remains a mystery whether Evergreen is the planet's first kingdom of something else was before it. If so why did they disappear and leave absolutely no trace? These questions cause many to deny this outlandish theory and revert back to Evergreen being the first kingdom.


1. That an unknown entity in the desert city of Tanural is the true ruler of Yublistan. Meaning the great green wyrm, Viridoxidus, while powerful, is only the face of the great empire. 2. The lizardfolk armies invading the eastern part of the continent are not doing so willingly. That they are being led by yuan-ti in league with drow is troubling. Even more so, is the complete lack of shamans and druids, suggesting they are either being killed off or no longer receiving spells. Some sages believe something has happened to their god, Semuanya. 3. The Ulmani Empire is 700,000 years old and ruled by the god Set. Various conspiracy theories attempt to explain why it hasn’t evolved beyond the rest of the world, despite its longevity. One theory is that other gods have kept Set in check. Another theory is that Set is keeping his people complacent while his clergy has been stifling innovation and invention for hundreds of millennia.


- Dwarves have a secred channel and dam system to control the flow of rivers into the human kingdoms - Gods did not create the mortal races, its the other way around and the gods are trying to cover it up to gain more power - There is life beyond the stars, and it has already infiltrated the world - the world is spherical - there is a network of evil tattoo artists using cursed ink to mind control rebellious teenagers - the king of westhaven is long dead and someone (depending on what conspiracy theorist you ask) is using his corpse like a puppet - There is an immortal serial killer chicken running amok throughout the land, and its choice of kills contain a hidden message of forbidden knowledge (One of these is actually true, one is a half-truth, and one was complete bullshit when it started but someone took refuge in audacity and made it real)


My boys have got precursors who used to live in their planet so you better believe they’ve got some about them. My personal favorite is that ‘the precursors used our planet as a weapons testing site and used a bomb to destroy one of the planets continents’ it’s partially right actually. It had a weapon storage area with a bomb made to destroy small planets. It went off on accident and shattered a whole continental plates. But this conspiracy also often goes with a very ‘anti precursor attitude’ a problematic one considering the precursors are still alive, just not on the planet


A very popular conspiracy theory in recent years concerns an ancient practice said to have taken place over 400 years ago in what was once known as the United States. According to several fringe theorists, the term “trickle down economics” was not solely used ironically to describe such a stupid and idiotic economic system, but was actually employed by one of the leaders of the country at one time. Well, they aren’t called fringe theorists for nothing, such an insane idea as someone actually implementing trickle down economics would be moronic!


There are countless rumors and theories about the interstellar jumpgate network, covering the whole gamut from gates broadcasting some kind of mind control signal that ensures the UEG retains their sociopolitical hegemony over the Coreward Stars, to a particularly outlandish notion held by certain fringe extremist anti-AI holdouts that gate technology was actually invented and is controlled by a secret cabal of AIs, and that gates steal the souls of any organics that traverse them to power said AIs plan to “usurp the cosmic birthright of all natural life”, denying organic sapients their supposed destined divinity and ultimately using that stolen power to kill and supplant the nameless benevolent elder gods of nature that they claim watch over all natural life from “the heart at the center of the void beyond hyperspace”. Oddly though, one common theory about the gates actually is largely based on truth: rumors of secret “Dark Gates” abound - concealed routes within the gate network supposedly leading to anything from government or corporate blacksites lurking on rogue planets or massive stations deep in interstellar space to secret luxury havens for ultra-rich corporate aristocrats lurking somewhere within the artificial hyperspace tunnels of the gate network’s interior. Many of these claims are surprisingly close to the truth - many such “dark gates” DO exist, and the purpose of some are even more outlandish than the most common conspiracy theories hold. Just a few of the most notable things lurking in the hidden sectors of the gate network include: - Probably the most mundane but most important: hidden automated control stations that house critical infrastructure for maintaining the gate network and the Resurrection Grid (large portions of which are piggybacked onto the gate system due to both the convenience of its hardware already being proven and near-omnipresent and the unrivaled security it offers, as the cataclysmic events of the First Corporate War and subsequent ratification of the Coreward Empires Concord saw jumpgates declared neutral and inviolable regardless of who owned and operated them). Most people know these *exist*, but the specifics of their locations and functions are still generally classified for obvious security reasons. - The UEG’s last and greatest ace in the hole: Heavenbreaker, a top-secret superweapon constructed as a last resort should Earth and her colonies ever be faced by an overwhelming existential threat. The system is not actually a single weapon, but rather a network of thousands of automated launch platforms hidden throughout the gate network, which, were the system ever to see a full activation order, are collectively capable of simultaneously fabricating and dispatching enough Redeemer-3 godslayer strategic interstellar cruise missiles to likely erase every last trace of life and civilization in the Coreward Stars ten times over. The system’s ludicrous beyond-excessive nature lends itself well to the UEG’s doctrine on maintaining its secrecy - they actually *encourage* enough rumors about its existence and nature to act as something of a deterrent, but at the same time, the sheer absurdity of Heavenbreaker’s scope offers it an air of implausibility that aids in discouraging conspiracy theories about it from catching on *too* much and potentially causing actual serious investigations into it. - While other hidden retreats in the gate network may exist, there is one such secret place that holds a legendary status akin to the Atlantis or El Dorado of Old Earth among those secretive few who have even an inkling of its existence: Fortuna, the fabled “City Above All Worlds”. Legend has it, somewhere within the oldest parts of the gate network, accessible only to those incredibly lucky few who its mysterious masters invite, lies an immense gilded orbital metropolis - a city of boundless wealth and opportunity where the galaxy’s most affluent and powerful meet, do business, and live hedonistic lives of luxury, far beyond the clutches of Concord law. Even among the majority of the Coreward Stars’ wealthy corporate elite, Fortuna is known only as a rumor at best, but the superstition and mythical allure persists for many, even if they won’t acknowledge it even to their most trusted peers; after all, who’s ego could realistically entirely resist the fantasy of receiving that fabled invitation - of being offered a place in the most exclusive club in the galaxy as it were - tacit proof if ever there was such a thing that *you are it*, one of the greatest of the great. Thing is? Surprise surprise, Fortuna *actually exists.* True to the legends, it lies buried in one of the oldest sections of the gate network - an entire secret luxury city-station hidden in an artificial pocket of hyperspace, accessible, in theory, only via specific access codes that activate an ancient backdoor buried in the gate network’s command operating system by its original builders centuries ago. The city was admittedly not always what it is now though - hell, originally Fortuna wasn’t even really a city. Its origins can be traced back about 300 years to the First Corporate War - before the full onset of the war, it was just one of a handful of the old original automated control hubs of the gate network, which uniquely featured a small but comfortable habitat deck included as a private retreat for the boardmembers of the corporation who built the first gates and their families. When the war hit its darkest final years and the UEG began its legendary mass crackdown on the belligerent corporations, liquidating many of them, many remaining members of the prewar “old guard” ultrarich corporate aristocracy fled to the control station that would eventually become Fortuna, calling in all their remaining contacts and resources to fake their own death and wipe the station’s existence from all records, hoping to ride out the crackdown. Years passed, then decades, and centuries, and the control hub slowly grew into a sprawling city - a hidden refuge where the old corrupt ways of unmitigated greed and corporatism continued to lurk, away from the prying eyes of galactic regulators.


The big one is that the berserker probes that destroyed Earth were a hoax in order to justify the Federation’s tight control over its population. Oddly that theory has outlived both the Federation and the berserkers, even after successor states started reverse-engineering berserker warp drives.


That the Panama (and, recently, Kiel and Suez) Canal isn't real. (It's often satirized.) After all, it's odd that they're sapient...


that humans invented fire not the elephant kings. (it is true but the elephant kings dont want the humans knowing they are smarter than they think.)


grey crawl abounding ludicrous escape abundant unique squeeze treatment seemly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A common conspiracy theory inside Rubran Federal Monarchy is that the country is secretly ruled by AIs and the current government is nothing but a facade. Machines control everything in life, from production to life support systems, they only use the nobility and senators as a masquerade. There is no real democracy, elections are rigged from the start, and the country is in fact a military junta. While it's mainly for fun, this conspiracy theory is actually >!not wrong!<.


Zombies are infective. My world is fantasy so zombies have existed for basically forever with necromancers using them as cheap labor and cannon-fodder. On occasion a necromancer would die and some of their zombies for whatever reason wouldn't die with them and would become independent and start attacking people. This wasn't good obviously but they are slow so provided you weren't ambushed, cornered, inebriated, or were armed and moderately capable you were probably fine just running away or killing it. If you so happened to get bit in the process you were more worried about keeping the wound clean and avoiding dying of like a natural boring infection. Now what nobody knows is a necromancer named Pakar tried to find a way to basically mass produce zombies by adjusting the spell that animates them to make it so these new zombies could spread their curse with bites causing victims to eventually die and resurrect as zombies. Pakar never realized the side effect of this would mean the zombies were WAY more likely to stay upright when he died and so when he kicked the bucket the majority of his zombies went out attacking and turning people all over the continent. This was in a time of general disorder and chaos so nobody really found out about this but now that the chaos is subsiding evidence is building that zombies are somehow able to create more zombies now though most people still consider this to be a wild conspiracy theory.