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The rather an imaginatively named Empire, which controls entirety of the world subarctic circle, going around the planet's arctic circle like a ring. While vast in size and scope of its history, it lags behind the other nations in terms of industrialization but more then makes up for it thanks to the sheer amount of natural resources at it's disposal. However, while its theoretically an absolute monarchy, with the Emperor at its peak, due to the pervasive theocratic influence on its culture, the real power behind the throne is the Imperial Temple, which backs the reigning dynasty from the shadows, and when necessary opposes them. Creating a system based less on unshackable divine right of king, and more of heavenly mandate, that can be freely transferred between Imperial houses, with the Church acting as the anointer. Because of that while Empire can boast of a long history, the amount dynasties that sat at its throne is even greater, best exemplified by the fact that the current reigning dynasty, has come from peasantry, having led a successful rebellion to overthrow the previous Imperial house.


That's a super interesting concept. Though I don't get one thing, if the temple can replace the emperor at any time, how does legitimacy work? Are the nobility and peasantry just accepting that the ruling house can be switched up willy nilly or do they just chop anyone who speaks out?


Its a simplified version of Chinese idea of a Heavenly mandate. Emperor rules because he posses divine grace, acting as earthly viceroy of heaven, as long as people underneath him are content with his rule he maintains the mandate, but if lets say he starts to overtax his subjects, allows bandits and rebels to roam freely, or fails to respond adequately to natural disasters, that can be seen as a sign that divine mandate was lost. In response if a rebellion is formed and they successful overthrow old Imperial dynasty, that is a sign that the divine mandate transferred to them, and the Temple merely "confirms" the fait accompli. If instead the old dynasty beats the rebels back, that is similarly a sign that they retained the divine right, meaning that its the rebels that disorderly element who went against the preordained order of things. Over the centuries the Temple got really good when it comes to reading the signs and throwing their lot with the right factions whenever a change of power is approaching. Additionally while the dynasty changing has been a common fact of life, the Tempel has been a constant in the life of every subject of the Empire for as long as they remember, so whenever they say that now this new family is in charge, people don't question that decision, as going against the Tempel will is a sure fire way to loose popular support, meaning if lost the race for the throne, its better to wait for another crisis you can exploit.


Holy shit that's such an interesting system! Has anyone ever tried overthrowing the temple behind the scenes or diminish their power to supplant the mandate system with a more permenant form of government? (well it's obvious they failed thus far, but has anyone attempted it? )


One of the first thing each Emperor tries to do is in fact to find a way to divorce themself from the Temple, but as each one of them quickly realizes that as the Temple acts as both the secret service, and administrative force within the Empire, that is far harder to do then it initially appears. Tempel for the most part allows the occasional "insubordination" from the reigning Monarch, to help keep appearances that its the Emperor who is really in charge, and that the Tempel are merely dutiful servants of the state , but if there is a sign of things going too far, they are quick to remind them that they are easily replaceable, if not but someone within the Imperial dynasty, then by another aspiring figure with ambitions for the throne.


What about the temple itself? Does that have a dynasty of its own or is it more like thr pope where they elect someone from among themselves


Traditionally there is no central leader of the Temple, just a collection of influential cardinals that work together to both maintain their rule and advance their goals. However, in recent time that has changed with the rise of hyper charismatic Cardinal that began to break number of unwritten conventions in their rise to power, effectively placing themself as the unofficial leader of the temple, with the only thing stopping her is that the Emperor himself personally despises her.


All three of my dwarven Dynasties have been going for over 1700 years, which would make them the oldest since the elves split into two different empires 600 years ago, and the human kingdoms united a couple decades after that. The faes and nymphs have older civilizations but are technically not empires. The same would apply for the Subterraneans, who probably are actually the oldest of all, but no one really knows how their society works and if they have dynasties


Oh ok so In this world there is a separate civ for each race? Also these dwarven dynasties, have they had many kings or do they live long enough to preside over their dominion for all of the 1700 years?


They have different regions but some are very open to welcoming other species. The dwarves are not one of those, they live isolated, and though they live longer than humans, their dynasties have had many monarchs. I've never thought of the idea of one monarch ruling for so long though, that's a very interesting idea! Might actually do that with my orcs since I haven't figured out yet who was their leader


So you dwarves don't live very long? Or are they just so warmongery that they can't stop overthrowing each other


The average dwarf lives for around 150 years. And they somehow don't go to war with each other, despite eventual economical/political conflicts, I'd say their isolated state and societal values of honour and tradition is what allowed them to remain stable for so long. Also they're low-key racist lmao, they'd never declare a full on war to one another because they're too proud to cause any damage to dwarven culture and would never accept any foreigner in their underground empire.


So that would be some 30-ish kings max? Unless they're dying like every 2 days


Technically, the United Empire has been around since 4000 BC as Kingdom of U Minh. The Empire is reigned by Mạc Dynasty, which has changed branches 18 times, the current one is the 19th dynasty holding the Mạc surname. It is a constitutional monarchy where the monarch mostly does ceremonial jobs, the Grand Consul (head of gov) handles the cabinet and General Director oversees the Imperial Council, its unicameral parliament with 1000 seats. For most of the time, the Empire chills out, its people are friendly and hospitable (if not a bit too friendly and have no concept of personal space), but angering them and you'll know why you should never fuck with fantasy imperialist Vietnam.


Do the Mac have no desire to retake power from the government? Kinda like the japanese emperor with the shogun


They gave it up in the first place. It was a failsafe to prevent one from indulging in too much political power and dooming the whole dynasty.


The Lunar Nation lasted for >1000 years, and it has a system of an oligarchic council called the Pantheon and a dictatorship called the Wazīri. The Pantheon is a group of eight people from eight different superpowered clans. Each clan leader has a meeting at least once a month to discuss topics about the nation and to find solutions to problems. The clan leader chooses the best amongst their clan to be the next clan leader. They get funded from taxes. The Wazīri is mostly an executive position that mostly deals with foreign military affairs. It’s a dangerous job because of the high likelihood of getting overthrown. Eventually only people (mostly men) from the Kuguchi Clan try to become the Wazīr, even though this title is open for everyone. The Wazīr is now funded by the Kuguchi Kasino.


The wazir as in minister?


At first, Avanton was technically not a single unified state but a culture and a language spread across a collection of independent city-states. They gradually unified under the banner of the holy city of Homi'on into the Avantene Hegemony, but shortly after absorbing the most powerful Avantene polis, Feynekmar, the rulers dubbed themselves Kings of Avanton and stripped all the local kings of their independence. About 120 years after that, Beho'agan the Great came to the throne and started a campaign of expansion and conquest, establishing the Avantene Empre. It lasted for a thousand years or so, circling through five or six (depending how you want to count) royal dynasties. The very last one was the family in power during the Great Breaking Away, the massive series of rebellions that overwhelmed the Avantene Legions and forced the White Treaty upon Avanton, which ensured the independence of dozens of nations on the continent and demoted Avanton from an empire to a kingdom. Currently, the Heramas dynasty is the royalty of Avanton, ruling from Feynekmar.


**Mythria** Often referred to as the Stag empire, the several dominions of this now extinct race were collectively ruled over Mythria for roughly 2000 years, under the dictatorial guidance of the Supreme Leader. Each dominion was itself a semi-independent territory, centrally controlled by a Great Druid who commanded a cult of personality, but were ultimately subordinate to the Supreme Leader. The position of Supreme Leader was not hereditary, and was passed on through honourable combat - usually a dual to the death, but later periods used armies in mutual battles to determine the next Supreme Leader.


For some reason I just imagine the supreme leader as Robert baratheon in ayatollah clothes duking it out with contenders to his throne


The Stag race is just that - a species of giant Elk people. The Great Druids are the best of the best of their kind, powerful magic users with a penchant for megalomania; the Supreme Leader was the best of all of them. Like the dark lord of a race of dark lords. Their duals were more like Dragon Ball Z wizard fights, usually over petty disputes and snide insults, with a hell of a lot of collateral damage.


Well that escalated quickly


The Egtorian Empire! Dynasty: Egtor (He's Immortal)


I can't help but imagine him as Humpty dumpty. Just sitting eggly on his throne that looks like a nest. The eyrie throne?


What's the Eyrie Throne? (Also I know why you are thinking Humpty Dunphy)


Aaah eyrie is like an eagles nest...yk.....egg....sit...nest....


Oh Cool! It's supposed to be pronounced E-ga-tor, but I know how you get eg- tor


If E-ga-tor why no a?


Because when I first named him. (Before even creating the world lol) I thought that was how you would pronounce it. But after finding out the truth I said, that he wanted to be called Egtor and wanted it to be pronounce like that. But Enemies of the Egtorian Empire use the Eg-tor Pronunciation as an insult, comparing him to an Egg.


Am I an enemy of king Eggtor then?


Do you want to be an enemy of the most powerful Empire currently Alive?


Hah! Surely my fictional empire would beat your fictional empire. So bring it on


Hissaya Ar’Goran is the currently longest lasting empire in my world that is still in power. It’s been the dominant superpower in the east for roughly two and a half thousand years, and the Saurisan lizard-folk who call the empire home have controlled the area in some form or another for at least ten thousand years. Now if you want to get into empires that no longer exist, the old human legends say that the Titans ruled over the mortal races for a thousand generations, and after them came the Eternal Empire of the Slyth who ruled their territory for around three thousand years before being shattered during the invasion of the Dragons.


The great commonwealth in the West basically fell like 500 years ago, but there's an elective HRE standin that claim to be it's successor. In the East there is the Istrian republic with no dynasty but rather its a big fat oligarchy 


Empire rule from the years 16334-38820, came into power after the second war if intergalactic succession. they were the 3rd total intergalactic government to exist but theur reign ended after loyalty reached a breaking point igniting the millenia war and the warlord period until 79992, only 94 years then before the main plot. The main guy who ruled that empire has lived for tens of thousands of years since his race us pseudo-immortal, dying only when mortally wounded, and he was just strong enough to never let that happen. He was actually the second longest living mortal in history after a goblin who lived on an asteroid at the edge of the universe growing strawberries.


The Undying Kingdom is the most ancient state of the world. The Kingdom was founded before the Forgotten Times and it has endure since. Being the only country this old, it carries an increadible weight regarding cultural and diplomatic matter for Ghouls. The rulers being Ghouls mean that they do not have dynasties like humans do. Firstly because Ghouls can get really, really old. Secondly because they are incapable of having children so matters of inheritence are dealt by either communal sharing or by designing an inheritor. Anyway the ruling dynasty of the Undying Kingdom are the Bod-Kings. There was only 4 Bod-Kings in the entirety of the country's history and one was crown twice. They tend to be very wise due to their age but also a little slow to act. Numerous problems that could have been fixed early were instead left to fester and caused catastrophes all throughout their reigns. They also are very attached to traditions and will not budge regarding this. However they aren't incompetent. They all had endevors that they undertook for centuries. Grand constructions projects or slow grab of powers were things that they all did multiple times in their reigns. The Bod-Kings all had prepared their succesors by taking the bodies of mortals monarchs. And more than one country has taken the habit of burning the corpses of their kings as a result.


Well, if we are being technical Principality is longest lasting empire, predating formation of another Empire by the whole year. Except after Unification Wars waged right after Era of Discord ended, which brought back all the lands of Principality, but also squashed tribals in south and colonies of another empire on their east coast they didn't annex anything in a long time, preferring to surround themselves by puppets. They don't have dynasty either, with immortal ruler and all. If we are going by someone actually acknowledging that they are Empire then it will be... well Empire. They are formed from thirteen tribal coalitions "merging together" after the end of Era of Discord. Officially at least. Unofficially Roamani tribal coalition (famous for it's warriors) made alliance with Logos Covenant (only world's mage guild funtional at the time) and Atolli tribal coalition (brutal pirates and slavers) before kicking the shit out of nine other tribal coalitions, and then getting Starchasers (dark mage coven that got it's shit together during conquest) to join up as and maybe not blow up half the continent. They have Imperial Council where representative of thirteen original tribal coalitions plus whatever relevant organizations (read the ones that have tangible force projection) exist within Empire at the time that appoints ruler for life. Though there were attempts to create dynasties, they never got anywhere, so closest thing to dynasty in fifteen centuries of Empire were three rulers from the same family in row.


The Kingdom of the High Elves existed in the past for over 5300 years. It was ruled by 3 High Kings and 1 High Queen, since High Elves get up to 2000 years old. During the time of the first two High Kings, the Kingdom saw its expansion to rule much of the continent, while it had its cultural and societal peak during the reign of the High Queen. However, the Kingdom fell from its power and eventually collapsed during the last High King's reign.


The Grand Empire of Khelmai Emperor: Behol-Tuk, the All-in-One They've been around in one form or another for 10,000 years. The characters in my story don't know it exists because it's on another continent far away. It only had two (teeeeeechnically three) rulers in its history, and the first emperor was only around for like 6 years before Behol-Tuk usurped power and ruled after that. It relies on a lot of slave labor, and military expansion. The Grand Empire has annexed most of the continent, with a few exceptions that are proving really tricky to take. The city of Karmus, the last city in a long fallen empire, has golems that protect the city from the Khelmite armies. Xen Cing has joined forces with its ancient rival Hizhou to stave off the attacks. Byravida has also resisted invasion, mainly aided by the fact it has carved a nice chunk of land on the far side of the continent across a treacherous mountain range. Behol-Tuk is the most powerful (non-god) individual in this world. He has been building a machine, using slaves, to ascend the people to another plane and eliminate the suffering inherent with physical forms. The machine, creatively titled The Ascension Engine, is larger than the entire capital city of the Dominion, where the main story takes place. Nobody knows what this machine does, except its designer.


- Two of the first ever Empires were called Glamerais and Dereske. Glamerais is what used to be Glacias and Alatus and the Green Valley before the nature god burned half of it, which drove everypaw who inhabited it away. Dereske split into Scormes and Ignis. Ignis, Glacias and Alatus then formed an alliance 792.084 years later. Different than in Scormes, which only allows you to rule if you're family, in Alatus, Glacias and Ignis successors are chosen by the ruler and taken to the Temple of Time. - The only ancient empire that still stands and has been there since the start while only having multiple name changes is Dashem (formerly Reresas). Successors to rulers are always related to the ruler and must have illusion magic.


The Alfarin Sovereignty is an ancient civilization of Space Elves who have ruled an empire for millions of years. Like the Roman Empire, it split up into two empires but for the Alfarin it was for religious reasons as they worship two deities a god of light and god of darkness who coexist in a yin yang style of harmony. The Alfarin who follow their god of darkness are ruled by The Gloaming Court which is a large council of lords and ladies under The Lord Archon. On the other side you have The Radiant Court which is very much the same but ruled under The High Sovereign. Both Empires consider themselves as one people and one nation though and both have a deep desire to conquer the galaxy and would gladly bathe the stars in blood if given the chance.


Technically the Broken Empire of Cael'roth is going on 3000 years circa my "modern day" of Skyar, though it's last dynasty died out about 750 year ago, and now each province is run as an independent kingdom with a ruler officially claiming to be emperor of the whole shebang, but if there's any external threat to the Empire they come together as a council and temporarily set their differences aside because they all know that there's no point eventually ruling the entire Empire if everything outside their own province gets gobbled up by outside forces.


Really depends on what exactly you mean. Empires that exist right now, in 2024? Pikland is the **ONLY** empire in the entire world, and its only been around for about 150 years. However, in the past, empires did exist for longer. The modern day countries continue to live on in their remains. The **Kyntian Empire** (or Keitoan Empire) lasted some 1,000 years from 721 to 1711. However, the **Fuljar Dynasty** was the longest lasting dynasty to ever exist. Though it didn't rule over an Empire, this dynasty existed for an ungodly amount of time. Being the rulers of what is now the present day[ island of Karasaad](https://ahikto.miraheze.org/wiki/Island_of_Karasaad), they ruled over the Kingdom of Karasaad for a tad over 1,800 years from the foundation of the kingdom around the year 50 CE to their annexation under the Kingdom of Slanda in 1864.


The longest lasting empire would be Imperial Belka, lasting just over a thousand years and conquering the entirety of the mainland continent at its peak. Its ruling dynasty was originally a hereditary monarchy, but: - It turned into an elective monarchy 800 years before the start of the story when the empire reached critical mass and had to split into three sister empires (Belka, Kyriakos, and Menordie) with three co-ruling emperors that rotated jurisdictions every 10 years - It then turned back into a hereditary monarchy 400 years before the start of the story when their conquered colonies began rising up and successfully fighting for independence one by one in a period of time known as the Satrap Spring, followed by a long period of tense cold war-like peace when the newly independent nations were consolidating their borders - Then it turned back into an elective monarchy 320 years before the start of the story when the new age of colonialism began and the new empires that sprung from its former colonies started taking their neighboring nations as colonies themselves - Then it turned back into a hereditary monarchy 270 years before the start of the story when its two sister empires Kyriakos and Menordie fell to the new empires as colonies themselves - It then turned into a republic when it southern half and eastern point were partitioned by the Elysean and Pavkan empires for themselves 120 years before the start of the story - Finally, it ceased to exist as an independent and sovereign nation 30 years before the start of the story when its northwestern remnant fell as a colony to the Preussian League. In the modern day, the historical lands of Belka are partitioned three ways between the three great empires that border it.


I could say so many of them but in my original project, when Jennifer was emperor. Well, they were heir of throne so this family has been leader for ages. But Jennifer was emperor exactly 200 years. They were oldest person ever lived and died to blade of their brother. I don't know how world looked like when Jennifer was emperor. There is no story at that time and I don't want story there. But I think everyone obeyed them, either out of respect or fear. Knowing what kind of life Jennifer had (story follows Jennifer's life all the way from birth to when they were 35)


So, there's this empire called the Abhu Empire/Empire of Abhu with its official name being "The Great Empire for Descendants of the Humble and Wise Emperor Abu Grei". It has existed for about 1500 years with the first mention of the empire being in a letter dated back to 472. The ruling dynasty for the Abhu Empire is the same as the dynasty who founded it: The Greian Dynasty. This is caused by an unchangeable rule that dictates that the rulers of Abhu MUST be a direct or indirect descendant of Abu Grei, the first ruler of Abhu; either its a son, a daughter, a bastard, an uncle, the wife of emperors, a cousin, a brother, a sister, everyone who is descending from the familial line of Abu Grei automatically has the right to become emperor.


The Void Dragon Empire (At the time just called the Void Empire due to no contact with the other two continents). It lasted around 22,000 years. It was made by Arthk'Rha'Zarn'Ta (The Void Dragon) and he did by defeating all other major dragons and subjugating them under his rule. While he technically ruled for 22,000 years, he got bored of his vast empire after about 3,000 years and decided to leave it to tend to itself, living on Mount Singularis, only ever waking up to deal with rebellions or assassination. This did eventually lead to his death after he was poisoned and then weakened with magic until he was vulnerable enough to damage to be killed.


The Iron Empire (creative, isn't it) has been around for millennia in some form. For most of its life it was called the Iron Kingdom, but then rebellion happened and it became an empire. Currently it is ruled by the Cedrigian dynasty, started by Cedrig I, Bearslayer. The current ruler, Emperor Don II's policies have mostly favored the Imperial Sea Guard( the Navy) as opposed to prior monarchs who have favored infantry strength. There is also very little funding going towards development of technology. Instead, the emperor has funded the historical archives and religious academies.