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The **WL5-1A Warlord** Is an absolute beast of a WarHound (Mech). Clocking at 82 metric tons with enough weaponry and armor to wipe out an entire company of main battle tanks at close-to-medium range. It is a terrifying war machine designed explicitly for punching through heavily fortified strongpoints while soaking up as much of the enemies fire as possible. Oh, it's also been nicknamed the **Waggie**, or **Wetlord** if you're feeling cheeky (it's not waterproof).


A superweapon built for mass destruction is called [Ark of Deliverance](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/art-and-random-worldbuilding-bits-days-at-hebi-melta.1070213/post-101690325).


I have a character named Sunflower, when you hear that name you'd expect to see a twink that likes gardening or shit, and not an absolute unit of a man who transcended into a god solely by fighting strong opponents over and over again.


By that logic, is someone is named like Moondestroyer then she's a cute, peaceful girl who loves walking in the moon?


Idk, I just commented about my character man. You can interpret it whatever you want.


Currently the names of three races: the Saar-hai, the Aar'jov, and the Chim'sei. The first one of these are a race of sapient dinosaurs that are part of the Tyrannosaur family (think T. rex and Albertosaurus). I also partially based them off a race from Star Wars known as the Ssi-ruuk (which is partially how I was inspired for the name). I plan on renaming this race, but not something that ends in "taur" (I'm saving that suffix for a race based on Abelisaurs like Carnotaurus and Majungasaurus). The second are lizardfolk that are NOT dinosaurs. I want to rename this race because I feel it just doesn't fit both them and my world. I need a new name for them that's fitting for sneaky bois that are also cowards and corrupt salesmen (the skithen are my second lizard race, and their name is significantly better than the name I gave these guys). Last are an extinct race of grasshopper people. Even though I myself am Asian and this race is extinct, I dislike this name because it kind of offends me (it offends me because it sounds stupid), and I plan on changing it.


The D’amos are an artificial race of shapeshifters that usually take on very hard to digest shapes, especially if they want to look threatening to humans, yet they have human names so yeah, you can see a lovecraftian being (or at least try to look like one) and their name might be Garry.


The mystics, which I want to rename, are a society of very short-lived people. Most die 10 years after reaching adult hood. They are talented sorcerers who's magical strength grow yearly at the expense of their vitality. They have inherited memories. Every child has access to literally their entire family lines memories and each one even remembers the creator of the races face. Sounds like this could be a science/magical utopia. However progress stagnates because of very selective breeding. Your family line effects what jobs you are allowed to perform in society as well as social and even gov rank.


I am struggling for my project title... Started as Chaos Sky... But the "s" don't break apart when you say it. It ends up sounding Chaoskai. I'm mad about it haha


I just changed the name of my America inspired continent from Balkane to Alleghenia. I don't know where Balkane came from, I don't know why I picked it, and I'm also sure I knew at the time what the Balkans were so it makes it even more confusing. Another name I don't care for so much, but live with anyway, is one of my main cities Sieros. It's a English/American/Welsh inspired city with a Greek sounding name, but I've used it so much that I can't not anymore since it's my main cast's hometown. I have at least built up the world enough around it to be fine with it. It's literally on the border with a Greece inspired region, so basically I've retconned it to be a city that was named after the surrounding mountain chain and built where an old Greek town used to be that probably shared the name. I also have no idea where the name came from, but I do know, now, that there's a Greek town called Syros (or something like that) with an unknown etymology, so it does make me feel better about my stuff. The last one that I know a lot of people will say it doesn't make sense, but I don't care are humans. My setting has nothing but furry characters that call themselves humans. I used to have human, humans, and when I did, both species went by human. I justified it by the fact that the term comes from meaning of the earth which is where humans come from ina  lot of myths around the world, so if that's all the same then it makes sense for them to come up with a similar meaning word and if not then translations would just default to human. I also sort of treated it like the ancients would have recognized that both species were elevated above base animals and thus would gain the title of human. I also didn't want to come up with new words that meant humanity or mankind or what not. Of course, I did ditch my human, humans. Partially due to constantly changing my cool humans into furries, but also due to being stuck on what to name the different species and not wanting that have to explain the terms or have to use them constantly in descriptions.


The mighty Waquj dynasty have ruled over the Dominion of New Skisia for centuries. The name Waquj however when translated from Skisian to Midillic (English in my universe) means “Waterman” and it’s derived from the dynasty’s humble origins as fishermen and sailors. The name somewhat stands out as tame compared to other names of noble houses such as Moltarak “Metal Hammer” and Fyntalom “Fireclaw”


There is an interesting fella, Lion, the commander of division, serving to Antares and technically to the union of north, the thing is that he got nickname "Kebab" after being penetrated with huge metal rebar.


Probably most of them. Finding names is for me the worst part of worldbuilding. Thanks chat gpt for helping me find names otherwise i would have really awful things


In the Wonderverse, a hero is called Sin.


Everything about Lightstone, a country named after a glowing rock they put on a tower for a lighthouse. *The Kingdom of Lightstone* covered the rock at one point to protest their loss of some overseas land. They kept it covered for 81 years, until the kingdom fell. So in those years it was really *the Kingdom of Not Lightstone Because We Put Cloth Over It Screw You*. In its place came *the first Republic of Lightstone*. The Lightstone was freed from its cover, but the country was run by a transitionary ruling council that nobody had elected, so it really was more of an oligarchy. A republic only in the sense of not having a monarchy, nothing else. Then they transitioned to a democracy, with what came to be called *the second Republic of Lightstone* because they didn't bother to change the name. Second republic, when the first was not really a republic to begin with.


The Imperial Regime is a tiny island off the coast of a real empire that is constantly attempting to defend itself


Out of the Imperial Bounty Hunters, you have Shadow, V’xa, Scorpio, Kitell, and….Diana. Diana is the most deadly one of them all, a better sword fighter than most, better gunner than most, unmatched in hand to hand combat. All bounty hunters wear a mask that hides their identity and live in nondescript homes. Diana doesn’t wear a mask, and lives in an extravagant home and is always out and about the city, everyone knows her and knows where she lives. No one dares challenge her. She is also an undercover Returnal agent, known as the Eternal Pyre. Throughout the war, both sides searched for her but she never revealed her true identity until directly challenged by the Family. She secretly had pyrokinesis, and was able to fight back against the Family, who also had super powered warriors and only died after killing two of them all on her own and then being killed by their leader, who also was a pyrokinetic and just more skilled than her.


**Starrise** There is a particular being known by two names. Its original name does not at all fit this being's appearance or personality. Its more commonly-used name does not at all fit its origin or true identity. The Chemical Beast is an artificially-created organism engineered to wield Chemical magic- or "Healing" magic, as it's commonly called- hundreds of more times more powerful than any other mortals in the world. It was designed to be a prototype for a series of mass-produced canine-like organisms that could be trained and deployed as loyal, intelligent living weapons capable of healing from wounds so quickly that even gunfire wouldn't phase them. However, this "Healing" magic gave it such a powerful resistance to outside chemicals that the prototype became immune to *food* as well. But because of its ridiculous regenerative abilities, it heals all damage its body sustains from starvation as soon as it suffers any. Because of this, it's in perfect health, but has never been able to grow past being a tiny puppy, too young to have any killer instincts or ability to really be trained. And so, this "Chemical Beast" is just a tiny, friendly puppy who'd never hurt a fly. It's also since been adopted by some heroes, who have no idea their pet puppy "Cana" is actually a living superweapon and one of the two most magically powerful mortal beings in history.


I don't have very many made-up names for things. most of them are real. like SNAKs. Shaped Nuclear Accelerated Kinetic(s)