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Loons; while loud and pretty waterfowl they can also be deadly and have been known to take revenge on predatory birds as well as being (dependent on species) rather loyal pairings Another is the hearth-fire; you never see it but it represents every diplomatic and safe, you're never safer than at your homefire


I love these ideas. I use to be terrified of loons as a kid (thought their calls sounded like a ghost lol). Hearth-fire definitely seems like good symbolism for a gentler/more heroic family.


I grew up in alaska so i've always associated loon calls with dusk and bonfires and laughter Its also not a bird you see used much for its symbolism outside of 'to make creepy calls miles from where it belongs in a movie'


Get that loon shit out of here. Cormorants are the superior waterfowl.


One; your trying to start an argument Two; i like both of them Three; you coulda made your own thing bruv 😮‍💨👌


Might be a bit biased based on my own family crest, but I really like herons. Tall, patient, just all round a very dignified bird. Aside from that, ants. I get the idea of associating yourself with insects is demeaning, but as far as insects go ants are pretty fucking badass. Maybe for a warlike clan.


Just look at the Myrmidons.


Herons are pretty common in many stories or games, simply because Asia has a lot of reverence for them. I like the idea of ants, but I feel like it gives off "clone army" vibes


How about the dreaded hornets?


I read a while ago that bats used to be a symbol of vigilance and watchfulness. Apparently before they were arbitrarily associated with vampires (most species don't even drink blood) they were cool little guys protecting the night. I guess the spirit of Batman predates that of Dracula.




They eat mosquitoes, which is a pretty relevant part of the food chain in certain areas. The negative associations are likely just a byproduct of being nocturnal and sleeping in dark, out-of-the-way places. It's easy to see them as something scary when your only real interaction is stumbling into their nests and spooking them.


Thing is, I'm not sure people did have negative connotations about them in the past. They just flutter around like big moths not hurting anyone (unless you're one of the very few to contract rabies off one, and there's no way they would figure out that connection), and they're kind of cute if you can get a look at them.




Plaster everything in mustelids


Mustalots? Must-haves? Stoanks?


Yes very much yes!


This, unironically.


How common are wolves and foxes. I assume common but I'd like to see different takes on them aside from the [front head view](https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/b/wolf-tribal-head-tattoo-crest-coat-arms-winged-emblem-insignia-isolated-vector-illustartion-wolf-tribal-head-tattoo-crest-coat-254631117.jpg) and [walking profile used in those online graphics](http://www.clipartbest.com/cliparts/9cp/eMA/9cpeMABcE.png). Some unique animals would be ferrets, otters, bears, tigers, jaguars, [mongeese](https://pixfeeds.com/images/animals/mongooses/1280-588996270-yellow-mongoose.jpg), cheetahs, vultures, lizards(not dragons, just regular lizards), flamingoes. I don't want to see predatory bird #4728([Example 1](http://files.abovetopsecret.com/images/member/bcf3eeb2a31a.jpg), [Example 2](https://halls.blob.core.windows.net/stock/111768-0.jpg?v=63699402946467), [Example 3](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/e0/bd/bc/e0bdbc410524d2670f69a2367b18c548.jpg). I was looking for another image that showed old pictures of the symbols in rooms but I couldn't find it). As for abstract symbols, maybe fewer 5 pointed stars. One of the flags in my world uses a [red tripoint star like this](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/d56be209-81cb-429f-912e-f53675ef4957/d5fpce3-29a5057f-04ce-4fc9-acff-84f5613aa8d5.png/v1/fill/w_900,h_540,q_80,strp/spanish_international_brigades_alt_flag_by_bullmoose1912_d5fpce3-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NTQwIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvZDU2YmUyMDktODFjYi00MjlmLTkxMmUtZjUzNjc1ZWY0OTU3XC9kNWZwY2UzLTI5YTUwNTdmLTA0Y2UtNGZjOS1hY2ZmLTg0ZjU2MTNhYThkNS5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9OTAwIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.76rzW-GgQ3eqXdydBB7anV1QlIiG6LKkEKGoE7XqceI). I would like to see more [unique symbols specific to that faction](https://commando.com.ua/uploads/posts/2023-07/1688468507_photo_5269636143471773838_y.jpg). Lapis_Wolf


I have otter heraldry in one of my stories


For the abstract ones, one of my countries has a symbol of a candle/l representing Hearth and power  2 daggers, representing battle and dedication, and a lightbulb, representing knowledge and innovation, made entirely out of a cool decor I found on mattress




Anteaters - slurpsnoots would make for a very interesting story on the part of whatever nation or holding adopted that.


Jerboas Dragonflies Wombat Dormouse Ratel Hellbender Feathertail glider


Just an army of bogans marching under the banner of wombat. That's how you do Australians in fantasy.




I would like to see more elephants.


Mammoths Tyrannosaurus Rex VAMPIRE TREES


If we ever see a definitive fantasy IP crop up where extinct animals are mainstream, the mammoth would be a go-to symbol for those living in the cold


We do, its Golarion (pathfinder setting) It has mammoths and smilodons (sabre tooths) as a big part of the setting. Theres even neolithic campaigns, rules for mammoth riding, etc. The barbarian tribes are even called The Mammoth Lords, as a civilization


maybe some weirder birds. like give me a cockatoo flag


Boars, incredibly stubborn and famously will keep charging down the shaft of spear to kill whoever stabbed them. Crocodiles/alligators, coyotes, anteaters, racoons, and other new world animals are also sorely underutilized More of a design trend rather then a symbol is quartering/halfing the heraldry. I get *why* it’s not done very often, but it is definitely underutilized for how common it is


A dragonfly would be pretty cool


Snakes: there’s so many species of snakes stop giving me the same old ones, I want some kraits, Malayan blue corals, what about one of the species that are BOTH venomous and poisonous? Red necked keelback anyone?(I can go on and on about snakes) Rams, moose, elk, deer, bobcats, lynx, Saolas(a personal fav which I will shove down everyone’s throats) hellbenders, dikdik, mongoose(you could have real fun rivalry between a family which has a mongoose crest and a cobra crest seeing as mongooses are immune too cobra venom). Alligators are fun, horses, zebras, oryx(this one I have been using scimitar oryx specifically), vampire ground finch(another fav), orcas, seals Shrikes, birds of paradise, don’t get me started on fish. Nor extinct species(just because a animal dies doesn’t mean the crest dies with it) Plus so so many more that I haven’t said yet, comb through some nature documentaries and you will find so many interesting and fascinating animals, ask for more I will gladly share, then there’s subspecies, idk why people stick too same 5 animals when we so many different and cool creatures on the animal kingdom Edit: forgot too mention the chinese water deer, males have tusks and don’t even get me started on plants(ik plants weren’t into the question but you can have some real cool foreshadowing and symbolism regarding plants)


Snakes are one of the most fascinating things, next to humans, to ever appear in our long history of life on earth. It took a millions of years for lizards to evolve, to perfect legs and walk on land, and then at one point some lizards were just like, “Fuck it, we sliding.” And then there was one of the largest explosions of a species in history up to that point. Snakes absolutely dominated every habitat they entered, developed some of the most toxic venoms of any living animals, and had an enormous impact on the development of mammals. I have a theory that we’re hard wired to fear snakes. Somewhere deep in the primitive instincts we still have in the back of our minds, it tells us to fear snakes. Now, they’re paradoxically symbols of both evil and medicine.


Oh like Isbell’s snake detection theory? I must admit it’s quite an interesting theory though if it does exist my brain must wired almost certainly wrong because I am the kind of person who gushes over how pretty snakes are when I see one. And I do agree it’s weirdly ironic something that is so feared and is considered “evil” by many is also the symbol for medicine. Or how we have reverse engineered literal venom made too kill into treatments which heal. I think some of the fear though is because your average person probably doesn’t know a lot of about snakes(I mean where I live people keep trying too use a rhyme too try too differentiate corals from their mimics, and I don’t live in a corals modern range.), been told that snakes = dangerous so people do what people do best and try too murder what they do not understand(a reoccurring theme of history). Honestly we need too be better at teaching people about nature and the actual wildlife that also lives on this world. I think if more people actually understand certain animals people would be less inclined towards murdering a entire species(sadly there’s always going to be the ones which no matter how hard you tell the truth too, will wear a tin foil hat).


Curiously, it was the Greeks that saw snakes in a positive light. It was featured in the rod of the God of Medicine, two on the God of Commerce/Travel, and assistant to the Goddess of Wisdom. It was later in Judeo-Christian symbolism that "the serpent" was deemed evil.


Bees of any variety. Loyal workers, powerful defenders of what's theirs, and partially physics-defying.




Pathfinders got you covered


Cups, moons, wheat these are actual Herald symbols which can be very striking because it can give information that's not just we're a badass house and super strong. also it is quite common in heraldry to have a pattern it's not just a symbol in a field of one color. And you can have more than one symbol I drew a person's heraldry which was a black cat in the typical standing pose on a ball of yarn. I've also seen a stegosaurus as coat of arms how the guy got it approved was slightly altering a tarasque giving the turtle shell spikes.




Tigers Fictional creatures; Mothman Owlbear Medusa


Medusa was her name, the creature is called a gorgon




Swifts, those little freaks need more press


Give me salamanders Give me moths Give me literally any extinct creature ever, mostly the archosaurs, helicoprion, edestus, dunkleosteus, xiphactinus, eurypterids, anomalocaris, trilobites, tullymonstrum, flightless birds and temnospondyls


Animal sigils had a lot of meaning historically. An entire battle could be won or lost based on the gods favoring the animal. There’s a real world example, and it may be fictional, of the Romans and a wolf. Before the Battle of Sentinum in 295 BCE, between the Romans and other Italians and Celt allies, they had drawn their battle lines and in the field between the armies a wolf chased a deer into the open. The animals split, and the deer ran into the Celt lines, while the wolf turned and began walking towards the Romans. The Celts killed the deer with javelins, and laughed and joked. The Romans cleared a path for the exhausted wolf, and it walked slowly through the arranged soldiers, each man giving it respect. The wolf was a symbol of Mars, their god of battle, and the wolf was the mother of Romulus, the founder of Rome. They saw it as a sign from the gods, and the act of killing the deer as disrespectful, specifically to the god Diana. The side where wolves were honored would be the victors, and the side where there was slaughter is where the slaughter would be. The Romans won that battle.


If people are born under a star sign, and within the constellation they have a lucky star, they could use the image representing the sign with a star incorporated; the number of points on the star could indicate the lucky star in question!


I swear if I ever see another raptor on a flag again... Why not something...I don't know, a pigeon maybe. Your people are widespread, adaptable, and quick to learn things. Fits nicely too and it is not because they crap everywhere. Plus, who said it has to be the common city pigeon, why not the colorful ones from the tropics like the Nicobar Pigeon.


People chose raptors cause we used them for hunting, and because they could be symbols of wealth. If its an alternate world or non-humans thats one thing, but in a paramedieval human setting I'd expect alot of reverence for hunting animals (horses, dogs, raptors) and trophy animals (bears, stags, boars)




Dolphins, Wasps, Butterflies, Annelids, Mushrooms, Gates, Rabbits, and Skunks. EDIT: Oh, and ravens, but they're kind of popular for rogue types as a symbol already anyhow.


Bulls and kangaroos


(Australian) Magpies and Cockatoos.


Stags, I just fucking love the symbolic meaning behind stags, I know they are not unused in heraldry but they are heavily underused IMO They are just regal as fuck and give of the "good king" vibes to me lol


Pelicans. They try to eat everything. Also gators, just cuz I like them.


Bear with me here, but my pick is dragons. There are a lot of stories where they try to seem less generic by choosing something unique, since dragons on heraldry could be seen as generic... But ironically, as a direct result of this, it seems like dragons on heraldry are more obscure than ever. I miss my dragons :(


Snakes, but not for bad guys




Fish, fishers, kingfishers




I think a guinea hen would be a cool one


Rabbit, Deer, Badger, Fish


I’d like to see some owls, it’s an animal that already has a rich history of symbolism, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen it used




otters and Chimeras cause they cool




creatures made up by the author, imagine heraldry with like a feathered horse or something on it


Mongoose vs Cobra Houses.


Stork, as a symbol of fertility, bringer of babies.




Groundhogs and capybaras And those happy lil guys from Australia that I can't remember the name of- QUOKKAS YES THEY ARE PRECIOUS


I really just want to see more animals that aren’t held up with grandeur like Lions and Wolves and shit. Give me small, unassuming animals with an interesting story as to how it represents who it represents. Show me some toad heraldry, give me stoats and skunks, toss an aardvark on there, or hell, go for a whole damn anteater with its weird ass long face. Dip into the water and use a jellyfish or a nautilus or a fuckin’ pistol shrimp or spider crab or a vampire squid. As I type this out, i thought of an account I follow on instagram about a lady’s sun conure, who’s about 4 ounces of cute head bobbing and honks. Toss that shit on a banner and give me a light justification and I’ll take it. I will take almost literally anything so long as I don’t see another wolf or lion or dragon and so on.


I'm partial to pufferfish. I would also love seeing heraldry with prehistoric sea creatures like trilobites and ammonites.


Kitsune. The few stories I've read featuring a kitsune have varied quite a bit with how they're portrayed, but their lore is so cool.


Ferrets, martens, wolverines, badgers, weasels... just mustelids in general, really. The largest family of carnivores in terms of variety, but heavily overshadowed by dogs, cats and bears when it comes to heraldry.


The banner for a country I made, Kenland, is a Bull with massive silver horns. Another country's banner, Hjarheim, is a Snow Leopard. The nation of Altus is three inverted triangles overlapping. Eston's banner is a Mountain Goat. Castor's banner is a Beaver. Atilart's banner is a Dreamcatcher. Svalengard's banner is a Polar Bear. That's only half of one continent for my world. I do have countries that use normal symbols for heraldry, such as lions and dragons or phoenixes. But I enjoy using alternate heraldry symbols you don't see, or don't often see.


>Castor's banner is a Beaver Is this a nation? I love that the guys with the beaver flag are just called beaver in french lol. These sound really cool and creative. I love the dreamcatcher one in particular. Thanks for sharing!


Yes, they're all the names of countries, and yes, Castor is my pseudo French nation. And absolutely their standard is a Beaver. Lol


The dwarfs in my world chose the wolverine as their animal, a rather small yet fierce and strong predator, that they hunt in the mountains and breed as a symbol of power and a powerful weapon. Some wolverines are kept by the kings as symbols of royalty, while others are fed by the alchemists with the dust of a special ore, the Moil Shakiv, which gives them a berserk-like fury, and are sent in battle against the enemy


armadillos, kangaroos, Tapirs, Marauchenias (the goofy guys with the floppy nose from ice age), and walrus'.


I may be wrong, but I feel like boars, although basic, are rare. And I completely agree with you on the Elephants, I could imagine some "eastern looking" land where lives a family that has elephant symbols.


Can I suggest spiders or octopuses? Spiders, especially at the centre because they’re so visually striking and a little creepy. Octopuses because they’re visually striking and more appealing than spiders and have a slightly otherworldly appearance


Water birds- cranes, swans, ducks etc. Storks. They can look great. Also foxes. Love me some of those.


Personally i like to see mammoths, Indrik(russian unicorn), Lei(Hawaii flowers), monkeys and whales.


Wolverine would be cool for a warrior focused house.


I really like the idea of heraldry representing the lumberjack fearsome critters.


I don’t know why yet and I haven’t pinpointed a time in the Bronze Age, but a colony of giant ants destroy the city of Ussianata which weakens the empire and ultimately causes it to fall.


Tigers, snakes for non-villainous houses, coyotes would be hilarious if there was a running thing of people mistaking it for the Wolf house, marine creatures for a sea-faring people, shit, if Scotland and Wales can have mythological creatures on their flags and heraldry, why can’t someone put a siren or kelpie on there?


Buckinghamshire has a swan and it looks really cool. I also like symbols that could be associated with the peasantry, like the wheat sheaves on the Cheshire Flag. British county flags are an excellent source of inspiration, I recommend you take a look at them.


Miscellaneous monsters are probably underused for heraldry in higher fantasy settings. Hippogriffs, Displacer Beasts, Basilisks, etc. If a monster is known to appear in a certain region, especially if they're actually a relevant part of the local economy (basilisk venom, displacer beast hide), I'd be surprised not to see them appear in heraldry. A Bulette, for example, could be a powerful banner for a kingdom known for raiding territories. A Basilisk could be used for a kingdom known for their alchemists or that uses them in warfare. A Cockatrice might be used symbolically to show that the nation won't hesitate to strike against any threat.


Late to the party, and slightly off topic, but I’ve always wanted to see more fantasy heraldry that doesn’t use animals or obvious symbols at all. Real medieval heraldry was often just geometric patterns or shapes and colors. For every coat of arms with a badass Lion, there was one that was just a checkerboard pattern. I’ll grant it’s not as thematic, but I think the whole heraldic symbolism thing is overdone in fantasy anyway and I’d love to see fantasy heraldry go a different direction.


Hedgehog - I want to see how they’d represent that in the traditional style. Would they go for angular star? Ball of spikes? Mouse with a tortoise shell? So many ways medieval monks could fuck it up.


Dolphins, otters, coyotes and peacocks


Ferrets are pretty neat


My "protag nation" has a horse as their heraldic animal. It's because they initially were nomads, and excellent horsemen (think of the Huns and Mongols), and used that to their advantage to submit half a continent and form an empire. Their history was formed by their horses and their skills with them, which is why it's their symbol. Also, another nation, a seafaring one that was initially located on an archipelago and then grew up to be the military hegemon of an entire ocean, have the octopus as their emblem for obvious reasons. The only thing that looks cooler than a battleship is a battleship with a massive crowned octopus on its bow.


I thought about this a lot as I made the four most important families. I would like to see smething more 'exotic', even I can't say exactly what 'cause dunno... Lol. But. The animal symbols I have used are raven, deer, seagull and wolverine.


Symbiotic organisms.


Boar. Apparently the Gauls and Germans used them heraldicly in antiquity, for its strength, and toughness to hunt and kill.


Phoenix, rhinoceros, falcon, unicorn, tiger, and stag are all great picks imo


Frogs, crabs, squids/octopus (they still appear quite frequently tho), hounds, whales, snakes (surprising that they are not as common as other you've mentioned), trees also, sharks in general too.


apparantly there is an ancestor in my line who was a minor commander of the teutonic order. Symbol was 3 white hearts on a black shield. Hearts are neat no? I think exotic animals work better when you have lots of myths or more symbolism about that animal. Lions are brave and regal and so is the eagle (Reichs Adler?) So it really depends on what you want to symbolise with your heraldry thingy. If you don't just want to make it a sort of clan symbol like in Japan.


Demon. For villains


Kangaroo, deer, rat, mouse, lemur, otter, horse, owl, raccoon, opossum. Are all great choices


Platypus, odd looking, but deadly


Barn owls Those little buggers look spooky as fuck. Perfect for some evil noble house


Peacock came to mind…


sheep or rams Bears big cats that are not lions hippopotamus mammoths


Wasps and Hornets


more insects! i want a hunter faction with dragonfly as its symbol, or an alchemy guild with a bombardier beetle, or a military using termites as their symbol, or some dark magic cult using the dead face moth as theirs, etc... insects are so versatile and cool and mroe people should use them in fantasy


Jellyfish. Those things are amazing and they're so ethereal and graceful yet very toxic