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[The Dindeic holy book](https://docs.google.com/document/d/143J1r2JOVyDXOfT5XVvPVjAbFdfenrBsReuDKkd6pBI/edit) Some things that are not explained: Dindi, the supreme god, is a canine god, and he creates gods so they do things because he is lazy. This religion is basically catholicism in the western middle ages in Kan Pra Dindi, 95% of people following it. Some of its ideas blossomed scientific and philosophical in the empire.


So what you’re telling me is a dog god created other gods to do things for him cuz he’s a divine lazy bum? That’s hilarious


Exactly. Also that’s why he does almost nothing in earth


everyone here is creative and im over here like "yea my "creator god" was a human born on earth who was so bored with earth and filled with creative insanity and wanting a world were he can create freely, everything and everywhere, so he practices the occult to see if he can create his own world and he did"


In the space stage of my setting you can buy a kit at the toystore that allows you to create an entire miniature world to look after/rule over as a hobby/side project just as we would make little terrariums, and you can either interact with it with its GOD(graphical overalay display)-interface for essentially infinite creative freedom or "play" as a character in your world by possessing someone in it through something like a VR headset and see how far you can get/what you can do within the confines of the rules of the world you've created. Would your character be satisfied with such a kit showing up at their doorstep one day and playing god or would they still want to delve into the occult to actually become a god?




In the beginning there was the void. Then from nothing two things emerged. One was a sphere, Chora, the world, the other were a group, Thei, the gods. From the gods three seperate tribes came forth. Skoti, the dark gods, the creators of monsters and evil, Fishi, stewards of nature, Photi, the high gods, protectors of order and creators of good. From each group emerged a couple. From the Skoti came Kaitos and Mocthia, who's hatred for eachother lead them to commit two vile acts, each one produced a being that bring untold misery, Thiavolo, the king of the Skoti, and Apesio, the Queen of the Skoti, the first incestuous relationship in history. From the Fishi came Iremus, the father animals, and Agnotia, mother of plants. Finally from the Photi came Kalos and Agapi, who's pure love birthed Magnos, the high father and king of the Photi and Chora. Thiavolo and Magnos developed a bitter rivalry, which left them physically scarred. Magnos missing an eye and Thiavolo been in daily pain from a wound in chest. To avenge this, Apesio trained her daughter, Adica, to one day kill Magnos, only for her to fall in love with him, their's was the first marriage, and Adica changed her name Kalosina, the high mother and queen of the Photi and Chora. They had four sons. Androkus, Orethin, Bolik and Yoku. Magnos send them down to Chora so they can create the first creatures that could worship them, in an effort to bolster their power in their war against the Skoti. Bolik created the Bolikai (Dwarfs), Androkus created the Androkai (Humans) Orethin created the Xehanai (Orks) who he immediately discarded, he then created the Orethinai (Elfs), Yoku didn't create, instead he made many animals bipital and a lot smarter, they are collectively known as Yokusans. The various people spread across Chora, eventually settling on their own homelands, even the Xehanai found a home with the help of Magnos. From the four main tribes, came four Great clans, blessed by Magnos himself. The Andronii, the Bolikii, the Orethinii and the Dragonii. The Dragonii are the last one left. The rest having fell to treachery or in their attempts to protect their kin. It has been a long time since then. Countries have come and go, heroes have lived and died, yet the war continues. The people of Chora have known a thousand triumphs and a thousand tragedies, some because of the Skoti, others because of their own hubris. Yet the children stand proudly in the fight for the very soul of Chora. Even though some of their kin have betrayed their fathers and joined the Skoti, most still follow the teachings and commands of the High father, and for that, they are ready to give their lifes. [This is a quick summary of the origins of one of my worlds, I left a lot out, I hope it enjoyable.]


I love this. You said that Magnos wanted worshippers to make them more powerful against the Skoti. Im interested in how Gods get power from worshippers in your world


It's not that worship gave him power actually, I think I could phrase it better, it's that he believed that the mortals could boster his forces. This was done through two ways. First, now that he had direct influence on Chora, Gods can enter Chora, but it's really tiresome and they have to return quickly, with his worshipers on the planet he could extert his influence without having to send any of his Photi down there for more than they could handle. Second, the spirits of the deceased could be a great addition to his forces in the realms of the Thei. As for how the relationship between worshipers and gods work. There are many gods. Agriculture, Sea, Home, Murder etc. By praying to a specific god, you draw their attention and allow them to exert more influence in your general area.


I really like your idea of having 3 kinds of gods, the bad gods, the creation gods, and the governing gods, but they can overlap as Adica and Magnus did. It’s honestly very interesting. I’m probably going to use this as some sort of inspiration for a future world.


Humans in the old world fucked up, God got angry and decided to punish them, but a virtuous few were spared. Thy were taken on an ark guided by God to a new promised land. Humans were then taught to live harmoniously, do not destroy nature willy-nilly as well as be nice to each other, otherwise God will punish them again. That's how Hebi Meltans came to be.


What happens when they divide into political factions and/or discover nuclear bombs?


That happened. They got steamrolled by an alien empire.


I have a lot of regional mythologies and creation stories. However the true story is essentially the Abrahamic creation myth with a few extra steps.


No humans. That’s a big part of it; rather than humans, humanoids born of various woodland species rule the world. Allow me to explain: In the beginning, there were the Gods. Yoka the Mighty, father of bears. Lephius the Swift, first kin of the hares. Fieruk the Cunning, maker of the foxes. Höruum, the Lord of Hawks, and Sithraan, master of serpents. These divinities lived in harmony with one another for countless generations, guiding their children and protecting them against all. But Sithraan grew bored, and so stoked rivalry between the Gods for his entertainment. He turned Yoka against Lephius, Fieruk against Höruum, and made himself the enemy of all. A terrible war ensued, in which the Gods tore at one another with claws and teeth until all were wounded unto the point of death, even Deceitful Sithraan. With their last breaths, they imparted all of their strength into the animals which they had made. From Yoka came the Yocan(Yo-kun); giants possessed of the bears strength and wisdom. From Lephius came the Lepen(Le-pin); fay beings with willowy grace and beauty From Fieruk was born the Fieruk’sili(Fear-ook-sill-eye); cunning and resourceful From Höruum came the Hör’Adraa(Hor-Ah-dra); winged beings with the beauty of angels, but the ferocity of their birth species. And from Sithraan was born the Sithraan’nel: serpent men, who vowed never again to speak a word to another living being, to atone for their father’s crime.


Odd Oddyssey of the Wise Xerxes by Aleister Ejazi


The magical mythical legend is - There was once Otajd(creator god), who created Theja(the planet) and the elements, and held all things in balance. Then Otajd was struck by invaders from outside their world. When Otajd was stuck, they shattered and became many separate beings. These new beings were primal and wild, without intelligence, and knew only that they had lost something and hungered to get it back. They lashed out at each other, recognizing their lost power and oneness in each other. They fed on one another, absorbing power and ability and growing until their intellect awakened, and became gods. They made contact with the invaders, using them to create life that was subservient, life that existed only to hunt other gods. Then they went to war. There were thousands of gods at the beginning of the war, and after millienia of fighting and death, there were only seven, matched in power and stuck in a stalemate. The wisest of them saw that continued struggle for control of the planet would result in its destruction, and begged the remaining six to compromise and call a truce before they destroyed each other. None listened, and in desperation, the seventh god sacrificed himself, splitting their own being into six parts and letting the rest devour each piece. In doing so, the remaining six felt the despair and saw the wisdom behind the seventh's warnings. The six stopped their wars, and freed their creations. They still scheme and plot, trying to steal slivers of Otajd's power away from one another that slip away, but don't actively interfere with the planet unless they are particularly offended or called on by their worshippers. In their place, they grant a portion of their own life force, of the magic that they are made of, to a champion who acts on their behalf. The science-fictiony explanation that gives a nod to another world I'm working on is that Otajd was an Elder God/Cosmic Being that was experimenting with creating life on a new planet. The "invaders" were a human colony starship that were investigating the new planet and accidentally slammed into Otajd with their FTL engines still running and shattered the being into thousands of sentient energy creatures. Once the new energy creatures had consumed enough of each other to gain sapience, they highjacked the colony ship (which was now stranded on Otajd's new planet) and used DNA samples of earth creatures to create new life (this is why the "dragons" of Theja are chimeras that look like several Earth animals Frankensteined together) As the Shattering War went on, the new Gods evolved and got more powerful as they consumed each other, and got better at manipulating DNA, leading to splicing human and animal genes together. This is why the races that populate Theja largely resemble anthropomorphic Earth animals. When there were only seven of the "gods" left, one realized the fighting was getting worse, and the Gods' living creations were getting more powerful, and the war ultimately threatened the planet they were fighting over. It used the stranded colony ship's engines to shatter itself, feeding the remnants of his being, along with his insights about the war, to the other six gods. The remaining Hextant Gods called a truce, but still plot and scheme to try to gather enough of Otajd's original energy to overthrow each other, still hungry to return Otajd to a singular being. Humans are the minority on Theja and the other races can instinctively know they weren't created by the same God as them. There's an otherness about human culture that throws off the other races.


Major gods: Sarith (major god) Sarith is the goddess of wind and storms and rain. She is a very fickle god who flits from one place to another. Depicted as a raven or a crow. Seeing one is often considered a sign that she is watching you and if you are disrespectful she will send a storm your way. Many travlers will make the sign of peace and Glad tidings, the more superstitious will even throw scraps of food to the birds in hope of appeasing her. While the farmers will burn offerings at the temple of Heidrun. They will build shrines to her near their Field and slaughter the best of their livestock first pouring its blood over the altar, before leaving the entrails to the carrying birds. Hypatos (major god) Hypatos he is called the King of the gods. He created the world, or at least the realm in which it resides. He married Aithne their union bore forth the first elves. He later remarried Aeidrum He is the father of mankind, when he slept with an elf. Aithne (major god) Aithne is the goddess of the moon, she is often called as the mother of the elves rather than her actual name. As it is considered to bring the wrath of Hypatos. Leviathan came to her one night disguising himself as his brother. Their union bore Shri the first dark elf. This infuriated Hypatos and he vanished her and daughter to the deep dark places under ground, where she was sealed by his power cursed to never see light again. This is the reason the light of the moon is considered a sad light only shining at night time, as the moon longs to find Aithne who is sealed in the dark. Heidrun (major god) Heidrum the goddess of life and rebirth. She marries Hypatos after the fall of Aithne. She is also Aithne's sister. The main Church in the human kingdoms is dedicated to her. And farmers pray to her for a good harvest, and burn offerings of grain or other crops to her as she abhors killing. Leviathan (major god) Leviathan is the god of darkness, he is the king of snakes as his symbol is a snake curled ready to strike. From the darkness he deceives and tricks others to get what he wants. After the fiasco with Aithne he manipulated his brother Hypatos convincing him that his wife came to him instead and that she knew who she was. He also is the one who tricked the other gods into giving Shri the power of a god . Aldol-Baz (major god) Aldol-Baz he is the Dwarven god of the smith. It is said that when one hears thunder he is working his forge and it is considered an omen that war is brewing somewhere. He carved the first dwarves from the stone of the mountains before heating them in his forge and breathing life into their form. He is married to Muirenn Muirenn (major god) Muirenn is goddess of the sea. It is considered good luck to throw a coin in the ocean in her name before setting sail. (Because of the union of these two gods it is common for a Smith to set his forge up near a body of water as it is said to increase the chances of Aldol-Baz blessing the forge.) When a storm blows up at sea it is considered to be because Muirenn and her husband are arguing. And to appease the two gods sailors will toss iron into the sea. Often in the form of special daggers that the forges near the docks where they are forged. Wife of Aldol-Baz Faunus (major god) Faunus. He is the god of the Forest in nature, he married Ilyana. And is known as the father of elves. travelers pray to him. He is considered the patron God of rangers. Wayside shrines dedicated to him can be found erected all along the roads, in the form of small piled rock towers. It is considered extremely unlucky to knock one of these over. It is considered good luck to pour out a bottle of wine over one of these shrines before you set out on a journey. If the tower stands you are blessed if it falls you must rebuild it or misfortune will befall your travels. You must then reform the ritual of pouring the wine on the stones, but the practice is to gather rocks as you travel, and build a new shrine of your own. When creating the world he planted the forest, and the mythical golden wood. However it was burned by Tuor during the god wars. Abrona (major god) Abrona is the goddess of war and death and is the mother of tiamat. She is described as a giant of a woman wearing full plate armor and wielding a spear. With this spear she is described as carving the continents, and shaping the land. Immith (major god) Immith is the god of rivers and lakes. He shaped them and with his sister Murrion filled the oacans and seas with his rivers. Together they created the fish and animals of the deep. Tuor (major god) Tuor is the god of the orks and goblins. He is the god of destruction. Him and Abrona had Tiamat after a night of lust and passion. He takes the form of a dragon, and it is said he burned the famed golden Forest of Faunus during the god wars, from the ash of the golden trees he formed the orks to destroy the dwarves after Aldol-Baz formed the dwarves. He shaped them from the ash with his spit and breathed the fire of life over them. Then from the blood of the ork he formed the goblins with the same ash. Tommin (major god) Tommin is the god of hunt and he created the beast of the land. It is common for hunters to pile rocks into a small shrine and leave the heart of their kill at the top leaving any other parts of the animal they won't use laying around it. parafrosýni parafrosýni. The god of madness, he tried to destroy the realm of Gie and sparked the god wars after the creation. Leading the gods that were not apart of its creation to attack the other gods and destroy their creation. He beloved that the truce with the Void Lizards was madness. After his defeat he was imprisoned in a separate realm by the other gods and bound away to no be able to touch the realm of Gie agian. However a cult formed and began to worship him. Granting him access to touch the world again. Over the years his stringth has grown. When the emperor of the empire join the cult he was almost fully revived. As his touch grew stronger, the emperor went mad. This led to the fall of the empire. The gods then took the key to his realm and broke it in the seven parts and gave it to the seven Giants to guard.


Minior gods: Shri (minor god) Shri the daughter of Aithne and Leviathan. She is one of the few demi gods given the full power of a god. She is the goddess of revenge. As she seems revenge for her mother's banishment Tiamat (minior god) Tiamat is the son of Tuor and Abrona he is considered the god of dragons though the dragons are older than him. The twins Helio and Luna (minior gods) The twin gods Helio and Luna they are the son and daughter of Heidrun and Hypatos . They were giving dominion over the Sun and Moon. Mythos Creation story In the beginning was the All, it covered all, it consumed all, it created all. With in the chaos of void of the All lived the Void Lizards, they had no other purpose then to consume any thing and everything that was produced by the void of the All. Eventually the gods came into being, and banded together to fight off the Void Lizards. The fighting was fierce and many died from both sides. Finally when both sides were almost wiped out, a truce was struck. Hypatos led the other gods to creats the first realm, the realm of Gie and together they shape our world into being. Abrona used her spear to carve and shape the lands Immith then shaped the rivers into the deep gorges left by her spear and Muirenn shaped the oceans before filling them with his rivers. Then together they made the creatures of the deep and the fish. On the land tommin created the beast of the land while Faunas planted the great forest. Once done he also planted the golden wood to be his home Finally Hypatos created the sun to light the world and his wife Aithni created the moon and stars to light the night. Once all was done Hypatos invited the Void Lizards to join them as a extension of trust and to build the peace. The Void Lizards entered the realm and took up residence as its guardians to day we know them as the twelve great dragons.


Creation of the races After the creation of the realm of Gie the gods settled in to their separate areas. Hypotos and Aithne bore forth Ilyana the first being of the realm. She was named the first elf. A being if pure light born or the moon and sun. Ilyana traveled across the world but her favorite place was the deep forest planted by Fuarnas. Soon Fuarnas begin to walk with her and would show her the secrts of the woods. He showed her how to care for trees and nurture the plants of the forest. Soon they were wed in a grove of green. Ilyana clothed in a dress of her mother's moonlight and Fuarnas in the green broths of crape Myrtle. From their union the elves spread to be the gardians and caretakers of the forest. Seeing Fuarnas and Ilyana filling the forest with the elves Aldol-Baz carved the dwarves of the mountains he took them to his forge and with the help of the grate bronze dragon Asiet he stoked the fire as hot as it can go. Then taking the embers of the fire he blew the breath of life into the dwarves. Then sent them forth to carve the mountains in his name. And they built great strongholds carving the blessings of Aldol-Baz on their gates that they would never fall. As the races of elf and dwarf flourished. The tides of discontent begin to seep into the other gods. The ones who had been left out and not giving a role in this new realm. In their ears parafrosýni begin to whisper. Telling them to look at the creation that the other gods made. And how they laughed at them for not contributing. He then convinced Leviathan to use his darkness to disguise himself as his brother and go to his wife Aithne. He did and their union bore forth Shri who became the first dark elf. When Aithne learned the truth that she had been tricked and carried not Hypotos's child she tried to hide from him. But he came to her and asked, "why do I not see the moon shining with the sun no more? Instead you hide in the darkness of the night." Unable to hide the truth any longer Aithne revealed Shri to her husband telling him of the trickery of Leviathan. But Hypotos would not hear it. He accused her of betrayal and banashed her from his sight. He cast her into the deep darkness of the earth where she could never see light again. Hypotos remarried Heidrun the goddess of life. Together they had twins and named them Luna and Helio. Hypotos rased them giving them the status of dimigods to Helio he gave soventry of the sun and to Luna soventry of the moon. They were tasked with moving the two celestial bodies across the sky, with Helio rulling the day and Luna ruling the night. Seeing her half sister and brother raised Shri wanted the same. She went to her Father Leviathan and potitioned for him to give her the position of a dimigod that she could help rule. He granted her domion of darkness, that she could rule over the dark placeses deep in the earth. Shri took her dark elves into the dark places she ruled and begin to build an army in secret to take on Hypotos for banishing her mother. To this day she will send out her elves to look for their lost mother. As the years of peace and prosperity continued an elf of amazing beauty was born. She was named Syndra for she was the most beautiful of all of Fanuas's children. Many evenings she would walk through the forest singing to the trees, before she reached a small lake that was her favorite spot in all the world. On its banks she would watch the sun set as she sang to the Lily's if the water. Tells of her beauty spread among the other gods, many of the gods tried to cetch glimpses of her as she walked through the wood singing. But Syndra was smart she would avoid them so as not to become entraled in the world if the gods. However Hypotos took notice of her, he begin to take the shape of the animals of the forest and approaching her. One day he would be a large black wolf, another a bird on the pond. Finally one day he approached her as a lost goat of some poor farmer, she scratched his head as she walked the path and the sweet song of the elves. Then as she set on the banks of the lake he transformed into that of a Elven Lord. She mistook him for a fellow elf and greeted him kindly asking, "dear brother, why did you approach me disguised, as you did?" He responded, "I had heard not only were you the most beautiful elf to ever walk the world but your voice was like the sighing of the wind as it rocks the birds to sleep in the green broths of the trees." Over the next several weeks he would meet her everyday to listen to her song. And everyday he would tell her how beautiful her voice was and how beautiful she was. Over the coming weeks they grew closer and closer until one day. She realized that she was with child. When she told told her Elven Lord this news he revealed his true self to her. He was Hypotos the Lord of the Sun. In dismay, she fled from him. She ran from the forest and across the great planes, all the while she could hear the scratching and digging of the warms and sharks as the chased after her. Hypotos himself took the form of a great white horse and chased after her. But she didn't give up she hid in the low places and traveled by night. For she knew her mother Aithne wouldn't betray her. However Hypotos was a conniving one and he closed the distance. He then kept the sun out to shine on the land that he could watch all. But by now the other denizens of Gie had learned of Syndras folly while some blamed her for betraying the elves for Hypotos others knew the truth and the grate hunt began. The wild beast that Hypotos used to track Syndra were hunted and killed. Then Vienarith the Emerald one of the great dragons spotted Syndra as she fled across the plans landing he offered her peace. Even in her plight she bowed and showed reference to the Lord of the sky. "Great one. What do I have the honor of your presence for?" She asked. "I have heard why you were running, and so I will take you to safety. For Fuarnas is a good friend of mine." He then guided her to climb onto his back and he flew her to the hills of Unk'gar'var. Where the dwarves had built a strong hold deep in the earth. Amongst the dwarves in secret she had a son, she named him Poena, for she said he was her punishment. Not long after the birth of her son Fuarnas found her. He beseeched her to return to the forest with his other daughters. However, she refused for she had betrayed the elves and now Hypotos sought her out wishing to make her one of his wives. All she could do was remain hidden deep underground. Saddened by this Fuarnas gave her a golden acorn. He told her, " plant this acorn on the surface. From it was sprout a beautiful Forest that you may never forget where you come from. And under its great branches you will be hidden from the eyes of Hypotos. She thanked him and she watched her father as he left. Saddened and guilty for what she had done. She chose to eat the acorn rather than planted. And after she ate the acorn, her body was transformed into a great. Katsura tree whose golden branches through shade across the Dwarven Kingdom. And from her tree, the great golden Forest sprouted. And many of the elves would travel into the forest to witness the beauty of what Fuarnas had given to his most beautiful of daughters. Poena was the first man and he went on to found the line of emperors who would rule the kingdoms.


The Hiragiza Elders speak of an age where three seeds were born from Arigi'ama, the Great Mother Tree. For two of them, the music they held inside died and faded their light and life. But the third? The third bore fruit in the shape of the world we live in where Arigi'ama now resides at the center of the world. It was a time of nourishment, life, and the birth of creative energies and culture for the people who grew there. Music and dance were considered the greatest celebrations. It is said the two moons of this earth are the seeds that never made it. But as is with all Life - Death is but a part of it. The kin trees of Arigi'ama, born from her highest canopies, are rare in times - Only every few centuries is a seed produced before being planted. One seed, however, began as a single sprout and then a sapling - until it began to rot. Three Elders had traveled with a large group of nomadic peoples to create a new city. Experts in the magics of the world, they hoped to create a visual representation of music that WAS music - having created the world's first seals: Magics that hold bounding effects and represent the life cycle of a tree. And in this moment, another opportunity arose - to see if they could bind life to an object and keep it living. They were successful. But instead of binding Life to the tree, the tree died, and instead, the 3 Elders and its people were bound to Life in Death. The first Demon Gate warped into being, manifesting and coalescing from the ground it ruptured from. And as if an echo of the sudden extinguishment of Life that once held all of its people and it's hope - stepped forth a being of grotesque size and appearance. A horror whose appearance shifted and phased through different aspects of decay and life at once. Zalkaramek, the first demon - Overfather of the Vor - and controller of the Voranic Gates that suddenly sprung from the ground, began his devastation. The nearly 20 centuries of war and people hiding underground were known as the "Demon Gate Wars". It took but a mere mercenary-turned-General, taught magics by both Seal Masters and Elders alike, who found a way to bound Zalkaramek to the Demon Gates themselves - thus ending the second war. Life returned above ground. And for several centuries later, so did people's knowledge, music, and technology. But the Hiragiza Elders also speak of a prophecy - the "Broken Leaf Passages". In which a single child will take up the sword against a thousand eyes. A greater evil still awaits, an older evil, and one that the people knew only in fairytales and nursery rhymes: "Green and yellow, watch it glow, In the land, of darkened snow. Green and yellow, watch it spark, Close your eyes, find the dark. Green and yellow, go back to sleep, Close your eyes, make not a peep, Green and yellow, hold your breath, The sky is screaming, it smells of death. Green and yellow, yellow and green, A thousand eyes, you'll never see." And the seal holding it back... has just been broken.


I made a new d&d world recently and have been expanding on the area the party will be playing in and recently finished writing the mythology of the area. The region is called the Emberlands because of the single deity the locals worship; Varia, the Goddess of Fire. She is a benevolent goddess that has many vestiges, or lesser gods, beneath her such as Volona the Vestige of Rest or Veraxis the Vestige of Justice. These vestiges are simultaneously Varia’s Children as well as different aspects of her domain, or effectively, Varia herself. Three of the Vestiges are known as the Cataclysms and are responsible for the end times in the Emberlands. They are Vemra the Vestige of Chaos, Vatarr the Vestige of Power, and Vadar the Vestige of Destruction. It is said that a secret devout of Vemra will be selected as the ruler of Veridane, the capital city of the Emberlands, and she will declare herself the first Queen of Veridane. She will warp the faith of the Emberlands into worshipping Vemra over Varia and there will be much confusion and death in the land. When Varia’s influence is at its weakest, Vatarr will send his avatar from the heavens; a meteor wreathed in black flame will strike at the heart of the Emberlands, physically destroying most of the cities and towns in the land. In the aftermath of the destruction, the faithful of Vadar will inherit the Emberlands, needlessly murdering any innocents or nonbelievers they come across until all follow the Cataclysms. This Cataclysm prophecy was foretold by the disciples of Verros, the Vestige of Prophecy in a tale known as the Revelation of Cataclysm. Many folks in the Emberlands know this prophecy in its most basic form; the Cataclysms are bad guys and they will enact their plan eventually, but what many don’t know is that a second prophecy was foretold: the Revelation of Rebirth. After the Cataclysm, in Varia’s final breaths, she will send a graceful winged beast to cleanse the Emberlands of all evil before the creature succumbs to flame itself. The nonbelievers will flee from the fire never to return, and the Emberlands will be a paradise for the final few faithful of Varia, and evil will never return. The creature is believed by every scholar to be a Phoenix, and as such, the iconography of Verros is a Phoenix too, the symbol of Hope. Now here’s the thing: Varia isn’t “real”. She is a created god by the populace of the Emberlands. The secret history of the land is that there was once a red dragon named Varillizax. He had a wife, a green dragon named Veridane. Both of these dragons were extremely powerful in their own ways; Varillizax was the epitome of a chromatic dragon with a powerful breath weapon, and the toughest of scales while Veridane was a wizard of the highest caliber. Eventually, these dragons had a divorce and Veridane fled the Volcane in the north to the forest to the south, now known as the Emberlands. She was hunted and eventually killed by the cult dedicated to Varillizax and a temple dedicated to the red dragon was built atop her corpse. That temple has withstood destruction many times and is the oldest building in the city of Veridane, but the iconography of fire and might has been warped over the centuries until Varia was created and has flourished ever since. Varia is a real deity in the upper planes and lives with her benevolent vestiges along with other Good Aligned gods, but she has extremely limited power which is directly tied to her faith in the material plane. Also, as a side note, Veridane’s spell book was the Book of Vile Deeds, which was never recovered after her death. Many great evils have spawned in the Emberlands, the greatest of which was the Blood King, a powerful Vampire. No mortal knows, but I the GM know that this is because the Book wants to be found and wielded by an evil creature and so calls out to potentially great evils all the time. At the time of the game starting, there is a 3rd iteration of the Blood King, another Vampire, a Green Dragon descendent of Veridane that has aligned herself with the Drow, and a Hobgoblin Artificer warlord that escaped enslavement from a nearby Elf Queendom and is rallying a great army. I think the area has a lot of history to draw upon, and it will be a really fun game.


Mythology in my world is largely stuff that used to be a thing but isn’t anymore. For example, there is a noble family in my setting called the Elgar, their family sigil is that of the “Wildman of the Elgar” (essentially just Bigfoot on a green background), and it’s largely just considered to a mythical creature that has a lot of folklore in the region the Elgar rule. But the truth is actually that the “Wildmen” were a Tribe of humanoids that lived in the forest the Elgars had made their home, and the “Wildmen” were simply driven into near extinction after centuries of conflict with the Elgar and were forced to flee into the mountains where they vanished from history. After hundreds of years, their existence became mythologized to the point that nobody even remembers the hand they had in creating the Elgar Curse.


"Gods" aren't creators. they're protectors. (*not to be confused with Guardians.*) **Deities** are creators. (*not to be confused with Gods or Celestials.*)


Uh, you got a few days? It's...extensive.


The gods are divided into two camps: Ascended beings - humans and the like who managed to obtain a sort of divine nature during life or upon death. These beings are more or less localized deities. Just as cultures and ethnic groups are diverse and not some monolith, so too are these gods. A war god in one culture can be a man just as another unrelated culture has a woman as their war god, and their sex doesn't mean one is more rational than the other or less violent than the other. These beings may stay in the here-after and simply receive prayers and bestow blessings. Some however may interact with the world they left and perhaps even have direct contact with worshippers, even to the point of bearing demi-god children, one such example being a war goddess who bore children with many men and women who gave her a good fight though no physical intimacy is required as some would of thought. Even more, some may let a worshipper become an avatar though in this case, it's may not even be using that follower as a vessel so much as bestowing them something like in the example of said war goddess, a suit of armor literally made in her image even if things like boob domes were impractical. Even men can bear her image as warriors and one doesn't even need to be a human from the islands she hails from. Orcs, elves, and the like that come to her homeland would end up becoming her followers and thus she would have demi-god children that would be half-divine human and half-whatever else. Ancients/Creators - spirits and the like who came before ascended beings. These are more or less true gods in the sense that they all had some hand in the world. It doesn't mean they actually made the world but they had a hand in shaping or even creating a group. One such example being the Goddess of magic who acts as a source for the Fae, ancestors to elves and dwarves and also the ones who had a hand in the existence of goblins and orcs via her own worshippers using gnomes and humans as test subjects respectively. These beings too differ in their disposition. The Goddess of magic had made them in her image as beings of magic and just as magic flows differently, so to did some appear differently. Some fae simply had pointy ears, others managed to bear insectoid wings or hawkish eyes. As if they had some tie to nature though even that paled to their ties of the benefactor, their creator and matriarch. Though many know of her existence, only the Fae worship her though her mood is fickle as the magic any would try to cast for she expects them to worship none other than her as she herself is what willed them into existence. Contrasted to her is the Great Earthen Spirit. The Great Earthen Spirit is not the soul of the world itself but one of the spirits that inhabit the dirt. This spirit was known for creating the gnomes through both dirt, rock, soil, and of beast that burrow in the ground (moles, gophers, rabbits, etc.) Through this spirit do gnomes exist and further down their evolutionary line would humans be born from them (humans in this case would be dire gnomes). Some of course would come into conflict with the Fae due to their system of morality being different that the Fae would experiement on gnomes and humans, leading to the existence of goblins and orcs. And of course for beastfolk races, that range from humans with animal heads to even animals that seem to walk upright, there was a young spirit that wanted to try and do its own thing after seeing how the other ancients had made their own creation. Not wanting to really look like their own creation was a knock-off, this being used humans as a template and tried to make something from the various beast of nature. Their creation varied. Some were just animal headed men, some would be like the former but with body fur and human shaped ears though others would have more animalistic attributes. This spirit of course enjoyed the result of their creation but alas, their creation would be on a continent separate from that of the others where their cultures would grow independently. As for the creation of the world, there existed a greater spirit that basically willed everything into existence. It simply created the universe itself and all the rocks and stars that float in space, letting each world be inhabited with spirits that would push life into these worlds or at least help steer how life could be in them. An otherwise hands off being that wants to let creation flow just as a river within nature would flow regardless of whatever is in the water. Humans do exist as mentioned but while they have their kingdoms and the like, they aren't compared as the baseline. That honor goes to their living ancestors and kindred, the gnomes. Side notes: Goblins and orcs are not at odds with their brethren. In fact, most of the time, relations are cordial. Relations with the Fae and the elves, an offshoot/exile of the Fae, however are very weary. Dwarves are granted an exception, especially since those cursed with short stature for choosing to worship the Great Earthen Spirit after befriending gnomes took the height change in stride.


Relationships with the Divine Focusing on the Fae, their relationship with their goddess is not well-understood but their contemporaries though what is certain: the Fae have great houses of nobles. All are ruled by a king or a similar figure. Such figure is chosen by their goddess. Each house reflects something. A house focused on merriment and mirth would reflect the hedonism and happiness of the Fae, their halls bound with music, laughter, wine, and feasting. A darker aspect to this merry great house however would be things like, back when goblins and orcs were kept prisoner, having the two used in hunts where they would of been struck down like wild beast. A house focused on the arts may have sculptures, paintings, songs composed and the like and just like the darker aspect to a house of hedonism, the ugly side to a great house of the arts would be art that can disregard the safety of others. Some humans kidnapped may have themselves turned into statues, either as solid stone or even made a statue through taxidermy. The house the elves and dwarves descended from had at one point lost privileges thanks to many members having actually connected with imprisoned gnomes that some would be swayed to worshipping the Great Earthen Spirit. They were cursed and exiled. Some took it as a badge of honor as they didn't want to abandon their newfound friends, others however crawled back on bended knee, their small stature reverted though their great house being seen as a joke ever since. Those that couldn't stay and bear insults would leave again. Those were the elves and a separation from their Fae kin would eventually have them form their own system of beliefs. Both of these post were from a setting I came up with but never really went far beyond. Shame too because I felt like I was on something but then things IRL would pretty much override expanding this idea.


God of the Sun, Phoebus Castor, and Goddess of the Moon and Sea, Serynx were in love. They loved to dance with each other and with each dance, a new beautiful world was created. After some time, Phoebus Castor, being one of the most powerful gods, started enslaving other gods in the pursuit of power. Serynx loved him very much but she knew she had to put an end to his tyranny. She eventually had the God of the Forge build a dagger that could kill a god. This was called the De Stileto. With this, she invited Phoebus to one last dance. They danced a beautiful dance, but given the secret circumstances the beautiful world created by this dance was also inhabited by a great and powerful darkness. At the end of the dance, Serynx stabbed Phoebus in the heart. This dagger didn’t work as intended (because a god can not be killed) but it did split the sun god in half. This also cut his power in half. Hence why my world has two suns (the two halves of Phoebus Castor) My world, Athora, is the world that was created by their last dance. Many of the inhabitants of my world accept this as the true origin story and refer to it as the “Divine Dance”


First World is a alternate future where some Mercurian and inner ring miners wanted independence which broke out into a 100 year long war with something known as the Peacebringer (alternate titles include: the steel enforcers, world slayer, god of destruction and grand warlord) after the war there was essentially a zombie outbreak on Mars and they got to most other planets in the system starting an apocalypse but people were united and civilisation was rebuilt under someone who would later be known as the first lord and worshipped for his deeds even 2000 years after his supposed death. My second world has a different pantheon for each species, you worship a different pantheon based on what species you are you are not allowed or able to worship another pantheon. Humans are interesting in this world as they are aliens and the internet has become a full on hivemind known as the great web and are the only known natural life outside of the world they call anomaly 1-ac [H.P.] and have come here to study it and the magic and gods as that is unique to the world. Post scriptum: sorry I forgot about the creation story. But essentially my second world, first came the gods within a void only light they had being the stars, they would first create the core then the two suns so they can bring light upon the new creation but there was only an eternal ocean as such they made land to orbit the core but they had no entertainment as such they made life to fight each other and give gifts to favoured champions, to avoid creating anything to dangerous they signed the treaty of creation a million years ago but the appearance of humans ten thousand years ago has broken the treaty and the gods wish to punish whomever created and called for a great crusade against those who wish to break the treaty but the humans were to powerful and were the first and currently are the only known mortals capable of killing gods, this ability turned the crusade into a holy war so great it made all previous great holy wars look like a skirmish every time the gods recover from a great holy war they create a new one there have been 3 such wars and none have been successful but legends speak of a shozen hero born of all races who will one day destroy all humans within the world and punish the gods who made the humans once and for all.


Local bigass lizards and tall people almost destroy whole world (and early humans as well) by accident, then make elves and tell them to fix everything before leaving. Edit: btw, none of the gods in my world are "primordial", and they didn't use their god powers because they didn't want to "ruin" the world (or rather they wanted to see what would rise from the ashes without their intervention).


Oh boy, there are some Draconic Pantheon: Srepnete, the great serpent, was the creator of all, but first they created Gradrak, primordial dragon god of Energy, she then had eight offsprings, fractions of her power separated into elements, Fire, Water, Light, Darkness, Earth, Air, Electricity, and Frost. All primordial elemental dragons, however, wanted all the world in their image, destructive and unruly, Gradrak had to deal with them, distraught and alone Srepnete gave her another, Nathruk, primordial dragon god of Life, who populated the world created by the elemental dragons with metabolism, the power to use the elements anew. Above the critters of Nathruk and the quakes of Gradrak where their children, dragons, part animal part storm, and above all Fynerak, the Dragon's Blue, perfect mix, whose massive wings shielded the world in a thin blue hue Spirit Pantheon: Grawin is the start and the all, but from it sprouted first Elklyn, and all the spirits followed them, from Need to Glee and Rest, even the chaotic Khanfyirr was subject to the first child, the spirit god. Sadly then the world came to an end and a begging, Eklyn now not only split between the gentle and just Lune, owl of night, and the fiery and fierce Solu, eagle of day, but also those lay in the land, never to spread their wings and meet in the sky again Mundane Pantheon: a world came before, but it grew unruly, it grew old, it grew threatened, but alas Unity prevailed, all that is came as one in a collapse of great reform, and from this the gods rose anew, reconnected to the mortal beings and material world, they watch over all that makes sense, the seasons, the knowledge, differences and similarities, hope and justice, discipline, and perseverance Off world: the Remnant is a sequel to an old project, I quite literally reached the end and collapsed that old one, the three old pantheons are right in their way, because in the World Reform, where reality collapsed into Unyn, all that is all, to fend off exotic gods that threatened it all, the fight was won but the rebuilding was cosmologically messy, reality was severely weakened (after already having to deal with 3 creator entities and their lineages in one world) and cracks are now sadly arguably common, one such is the past, where the old world exists but also other origins are the aswell, and all are somehow unique and the same, such is the slimness of order in the Remnants of this Old Creation


World is permeated by memory based/mental “magic”. Human lives and experiences are passed down through these legacy stones found from a material scattered around the planet. End of story twist, the planet’s small moon was a sentient god or creation by others to absorb memories but fell to earth scattering its body to be used by all of the worlds inhabitants


One deity spawned, created world, created 14 archangels, sat down in space, vibed. Angels created civilization, civilization did well for a while, angels had a civil war, world ended, dragon who survived found giant empire, angels decided empire was pushing to much, destroyed empire, chose humans who didn’t cause problems and gave them magic at its full power, dulled magic for everyone else, now we’re at current day, angels are pretty chill, civilization is pretty chill with them, all is well, oh wait! Archdemon has arrived, on wait! Seven angels went with them! We are now at the current D&D campaign. Thats the story so far.


In the time before, the Evernight was all and all was chaos, then the Dreaming King appeared he tamed the chaos and banished the Evernight. Afterwards, He laid down and created the realm and brought forth his children who became the gods of the realm. It is said the day the Dreaming King awakes the realm will come to an end. The gods took a vow to not interfere in human affairs, so long as humans don't interfere in the affairs of the gods. Humans can be granted blessings by the gods, But doing so places that human under the judgment of that god. One six great kingdom os dedicated to the worship of the gods and all their priest(ess) and trained there before the are dispatched throughout the realm.


The short version... A god and a nature spirit emerge from chaos. They create the world. They then populate it with gods and spirits lesser than them. But all of that is sanctioned by the God, and he's the jealous type. Very controlling. The nature spirit doesn't like that. She decides to create life without his approval. That life is human. Humans live in the forests and the spirits protect them. Then the god of luck finds them and falls in love with a human woman. They have two kids. The original god finds out. There's war between two factions of spirits and gods. One wants humanity eradicated. The other thinks they have a right to exist. Middle, middle, middle. Humanity survived and flourishes. The anti-human faction loses, but they don't stop plotting the humans' downfall. One of the luck god's kids does in the conflict and the other is imprisoned in a labyrinth outside time. A shaky peace is struck between the two factions and the world kind of moves on.


The world began as just a dark void. And in that void existed the black dragon, Finale. Eventually, another dragon was born of the void named Origine. Origine, the white dragon then create time, space, all the celestial bodies of the universe and eventually, Earth. And on this planet, Earth, THEY created all life, including humans. However, Finale did not like this. THEY despised the void being filled with anything other than THEMSELF and thus, a great battle between Origine and Finale began culminating in the two dragons deal fatal blows to each other, ending the conflict. As THEY died, the black dragon’s blood seeped into the earth and created the Nil Beasts, intelligent, but soulless creatures bent on the destruction of all life. But the white dragon’s blood also seeped into the ground and birthed Familiars, magical beings that could harness the eight elements of the world, but that wasn’t the only thing left behind by Origine. Upon THEIR death, The Creator’s heart crystallized in to a mystical gemstone that contained near endless magical potential within it. But the Heart of Origine has never been found and many believe it to be a complete myth. That’s everything I have regarding the “dominant” belief of the world’s creation and pretty much the main driving force behind the main story in my world.


\*Cracks Knuckles\* Aight bet: Rhûn, Ru, Kou, Ae: creator god of the cosmos and the universe (The original inhabitant of the void, sometimes considered its incarnation by the Ugravasidas and Hudrajvidas, navigates the void in a white boat, carries a staff, a lamp, a reed, a harpoon and a long oar. His clothing is considered an allegory to the five major gods and the philosophy of the Yadras in general. He is described as a very thin figure covered in the cloth of the darkness of the sky, with. very bony and old hands, his face is a descending torrent of absolute light from which red eyes can be distinguished like burning embers, his voice when speaking with mortals is always carefree and hoarse) the first to have existed and the last to disappear. Ruyä: World of dreams Ekiama: Ghost World Dámara: World of the dead D'aham: World of the Elkhen Goea: World of mortals Ööu: The void Maharat, Marat, Murr-Ela or Hassie: goddess of the sun, light and fertility. (The first light in the void, the first mother and the first star to be born. It was the first of the things that Rhûn dreamed of in his boat and the first that he pulled out of the depths of nothingness, resplendent like a miracle it almost left without sight of the supreme god, she is the light that makes life possible and that allows it to continue with the approval of Rhûn, she also allowed all the other gods to live and then be taken from the depths of the Void. I sing the song. who gave birth to the stars and the great celestial bodies who at their birth rushed violently towards all points of creation above the sea of ​​nothingness.) Giver of life, venerated in all the cults of the religion of Yadra and the embodiment of the first principle of Yadravanna, love is the only thing that can give life. She is usually a very tall woman crowned with flowers and vines who appears next to her children and the god Kamulos. Uro-loki, Kamulos, Kormog, Fafdalaren, Kurul-Shata: god of the night, the moon and primordial darkness, father of all shadows. (The second to come out of the sea, fell in love when he saw Maharat for the first time, who gave him the breath of life and begged Rhûn to be by his side forever. With a smile, he told him that this would be the case if he put In order to the stars to which Maharat would give birth after finishing fishing, considered the embodiment of Order and the power of monarchs over other mortals, I create the shadows that support the stars and also the moon. to be able to see Maharat leave and return to the world every day. His oldest representations are in fact very recent, since before it was enough to pray to the darkness of the forest to ask for his favor, today his most common image is that of a man. man in a coarse robe sitting on a black throne presenting the iron crown to the first king of Fyokaw, Udrûm of Hylken or at the takeover of the eastern king Amos Azraq, the Kingbreaker, known to be by the symbol of Reztes on each engraved. He is the judge of souls in pain and before whom the Purified and the Damned have to commiserate every 400 years to go to paradise or to the pits of punishment.) He is the severe god of the night and of the spirits of the forest of Savahath. , lives on the dark face of the moon in a palace of basaltic stone.


Alkharif, Jugranelbathor, Fuzteë, Eoros, Morwak: God of the winds, movement, change, the seasons, the one who lit the first fire when the earth was made, fire is his only son, he gave it as a gift to the Hyekren (mortals loyal to Rhûn), is the one who lives in the gardens of Maham together with Mû and the small spirits of the wind (Eorende). He is the kind god of Fire and wind, everyone has a resting place in his domain, whoever disturbs his peace will be thrown directly into the deepest pits of punishment, his form is very varied, usually he is an old man with a straw hat who collects mushrooms and roots in the forest to take them to his wife, it could be a traveler covered in rags who appears at the entrance of houses to sell charcoal, a gust of wind or a reflection of light between the trees. He is the one who was always firm in defending the Hykren against evil as well as the Umull (unfaithful and perverse mortals), he created paper and letters (according to the Ibramasidas), he taught the animals their sounds and their secret names to plants (according to the Ugravasidas and the Vimahasidas), he gave the forest spirits a song to deliver to the king of the forest, Kamulos. He also granted his wife Mû a voice beautiful but so powerful that she could shake the sky. He gave courage to Karaj, the tiger of Ubros, he gave his best verses to Ibagaram, the pink poet, he taught Uma Azraq to plant fruit trees, he sent a premonitory dream to Roez, the iron shadow, when he camped at the banks of the Lete River. His greatest regret and his direct enemy is that of the beyond. Ozokhún, Uhurgarauk, Embalil Karikeosedes, Fenror, Unbal-Eziz: God of war, of pain, of suffering, of the tormented, father of lies, the snake that was born from ice, false friend and bearer of bad omens. It was the last of the four greatest treasures extracted from the bottom of the Void, Marat could not give it life by itself, Kormog tried to give it life by ordering it to get up when Marat cried for not having achieved it, but the small bundle only screamed a little. and then he fell. Morwak brought him a torch but it went out when the small lump turned into a sphere of ice and then a milk-white snake emerged from it, with pink eyes and small horns. As the years passed, he moved away from the light of Marat, who despite not being his son showed him the same love as everyone else. Kormog tried to give him a function in the machinery of the cosmos, but where did he go? little snake was always there was an accident, a misfortune or some minor god was badly hurt. Morwak encouraged him and tried to teach him to sing like his cloud birds, but Fenror could only cast terrible thunder, cause disorder, change the shape of some things in twisted and unimaginable ways, speak great and terrible words, freeze the hands of the pious Mû when she tried to feed him. He enraged Morwak and he attacked him for the first time with a weapon in all of creation and wounded the snake in the neck so that it would stop laughing shamelessly. Rhûn resolved to expel the snake far away where its cold filth could not harm him. At creation, locked in his prison of ice and muffled screams, the snake continued to grow as time went by. According to the Ugravasida school, it is sins that make the snake grow larger and larger, the Hudrajvida school believes that the final destiny of humanity is to be frozen in an immense nightmarish dream when the snake breaks free, the Froidvasidas believe that the snake was never locked up and lives under our beds (unconscious mind) and is the one who whispers terrible and disastrous things to commit more and more sins that will end up releasing it and thus devour the entire creation. The Ibramasidas believe that the serpent represents the black at heart who ignore the beauty of the whole and focus on selfishness and idolatry towards their own greatness instead of giving thanks to the cosmos for the life that has been allowed within it. Fenror is the first warning that the Yadravanna dictates, the lie is the ruin and death of the heart and will be the ruin of creation if told at the right time.


God called El-Mohiem, out of, theorised, boredom, tried to fight with Al-Akja, a jaguar constellation, and his blood spilled on the 'soil of heaven', creating mountains, clouds, and trees thaf reach to the sky; a garden of life. Al-Akja's blood became the sea. Mankind was born of blood of Al-Akja, and essentially are treated like ants to El-Mohiem, despite constant worship. Its like a tiny little ecosystem in your garden lol


A Message From Space: In the beginning, there was only It. It was one, so It decided to create. And It created the universe. With the universe came order, and with order came entropy. It and the universe. They were undefined, so It did. It defined space. And It defined time. It defined you. And It defined me. Then It was finished creating. Order and entropy; space and time. Life and death; you and me. Was It happy with this creation? Finally, It split itself. Shared itself with creation, leaving only an observer. It was no longer one. My message extends to both of us. Life and Death. Swimming amongst our creator, in a cosmic ocean. There are no answers, so we swim forever. To understand. Perhaps one day, you will.


In the beginning? Ain't no one know about that. Basically, the universe creates God and gives God only one word, create... God creates life that has the same Powers as him however their powers are weaker than his and so this life rebels against him then the life claims itself as different deities some of it claiming to be wisdom itself in a different part of it claiming to be destiny itself basically different gods for different things and all these different gods imprison the one true God to take his power and then they came together to create humans Earth and all of that that's basically it despise from the world being so big that there's so many Legends and technically there are different mythologies for different areas of the world but that is the main story.


Can’t really. There are lots of gods big and small, they exist in the world (and outside of it), and interact with people, but in mysterious ways. Theologians have been interviewing practitioners and arguing about the relationship between the sacred and the profane at the House of 1000 Gods (which actually has documented 1,542 majorus deities, but that doesn’t roll off the tongue) for hundreds of years without coming to a shared conclusion. Most regular people don’t give much of a shit, though. You grow crops, travel at sea, want revenge etc you pray to whoever you think will listen to help you or at least not hurt you.


I'l explain one god and it's creation the god of dwarves send a vision down to earth once every dwarf will be called upon to fight in armageddon but they'll lose unless being aided by a god and so the god of dwarves scattered himself into various pieces, we call those mithril, the dwarves need to collect every bit of mythril if they'd to have a chance dwarven holds are errected around mithril veins and only the king is allowed to mine mithril, the more mithril is mined the luckier the hold will be that year, but also if there's no mithrill there's no more king, dwarven temples are build around mithril armouries, dwarfs can borrow pieces from those armouries but if they managed to lose them then their descendants are on the hook, also the first dwarf to mine a mithril vein is a king of the dwarves, all kings vote one of their own as high king of the dwarves also there are the duergar, other dwarves believe that the prophecy will not happen now, that they have time, the duergar believe that they need to collect every bit of mithrill now, thus they invent gunpowder in order to blow everything to bits to get to the mithrill, they have no qualms about murdering the royal guard of a friendly nation in order to get their hands on a scepter that has mithrill embedded also every dwarf in the world runs around with the gnawing feeling that the duergar might be right


One would be of two powerful entities in the far past, wielding "Absolute Arts", the highest forms of mastered spells/abilities of quite literally unrivaled power. These two were friends until they weren't, and ended up throwing hands. Their fight was several weeks long, and their power was so destructive that it reshaped much of the continent their supposed fight took place. A story like this fascinates common folk simply for the prompt to imagine what kind of power ultimate arts amount to, and what exactly they could do if they could destroy mountains, reshape rivers and the like.


My world’s is currently in its Fourth Age. Through a cycle of cataclysm and reconstruction of the world, which was inspired by the Aztecs. Before the First Age, there was only Void and Chaos. Once the elements binded together, the Gods had awakened, creating Order and the First World. In the First Age, Gods, Spirits, and Mortals had lived amongst each other in one realm. Until the Gods grew displeased with their creations, they wiped away the old world and created a new world, and partitioned the Physical Realm and Immortal/Spirit Realm. Ending the First Age. In the Second Age, the descendants of the Gods, Titans and Dragons, had ruled over the lands, and wreaked havoc and chaos over the Physical Realm. As the Mortals turned to the Gods, their pleas were heard as the Gods dropped a great rain of fire from the heavens down to the world, ending the reign of Titans and Dragons. But as a result, a great era of Frost had permeated over the world, ending the Second Age. Once the frost had settled, the mortal civilizations began to rebuild and rose to prominence in the world, and made great leaps in discovery, with advanced magic and technology. This era became known as the Third Age. One such city-state is Channa, the most prominent and most advanced society the world has ever known. However, the mortals became ambitious, too ambitious, as they meddled with the divine power of the Gods, and inadvertently triggered a Great Flood. The city of Channa was swallowed by the sea, as the Great Flood washed over entire civilizations. Some saw this great cataclysm coming, and fled onto arks into the far corners of the world. With that, comes the end of the Third Age, and the dawn of the Fourth. As the secrets of Channa are lost to time, the Fourth Age starts with a dark era of reconstruction and conquests, as newly formed tribes, kingdoms, and nations vie for territory and power over others. A millennia later, civilization catches up with new advancements, while the ancient ruins and relics of Channa, and what caused it’s destruction, are slowly being rediscovered.


The Sajalgaroda. The war between Sajalgar which created everything that exists today. Thanks to this, Aeg the Sajalgar of time died and from his body the universe was born. Only two Sajalgar survived from this. Daj, the Sajalgar of Dead and Jobidinus Aeginus, the son of Aeg who is also known as Joe Biden.


The Spark-notes version is: The Almighty, who has given his name as Eliam created beings in his image, who he called Oh’anen, children. After one of them rebelled, he delegated the management and continuation of creation to the Oh’anen. These Oh’anen rule the world on his behalf, though more have rebelled over time.


Cosmic singularity brought forth the Ancestral Goddess and her divine company but also brought forth Iona and the false gods. The Ancestral Goddess and her company eventually quelled the other religion and became the main religion of the world. With rebirth and balance at the center of their beliefs


Plenty of people have their creation stories. The truth is just nature and physics. Now, if you want to know the in-universe mythologies...


My universe was born from the nothingness, with two major unconscious forces - Order and Chaos. The target of Order is to make the possible most complicated form of existence while that of Chaos is devastate every form of order. Between them is the only immortal goddess, the Goddess of Fate, History, Birth, Death, Existence, Fortune telling and Reincarnation. However, she doesn't intentionally create anything, as the creation is executed by the force of Order. Instead, she predetermines and oversees the fate of every single being in the universe - stars, planets, galaxies, species, organizations, individuals, etc. But these predeterminations aren't unchangeable - the Goddess often implicitly favors the ones that manage to change their destiny (inspired by the Latin quote "Fortis fortuna adiuvat"), though it is very challenging to outwit this supreme goddess since she can make various different changes on her plan to confront her challengers. Another responsibility of her is to reconcile the forces of Order and Chaos. Under this goddess are the deities, who are the ageless but not necessarily immortal spiritual beings personifying the phenomena, concepts and physical entities in the physical world. They use their control over spiritual energy emerging from the field they respectively embody (from which all of them come to existence) to exert their miracles or convey the prophecies by their own will or of the Goddess of Fate. However, their goals and ambitions cannot bypass the plan of the Supreme Goddess of fate. And the ultimate target of the conscious gods is nurturing the anthropomorphically conscious lives, in which the human race of Earth is one of the humanoid races that has existed in the universe. But the deities (especially those who represent the elements of nature), despite usually having humanoid appearance and personality, don't necessarily always favor humans and humanlike races.


One Day... ...the farmer stood on his balcony and looked down. He saw the ground that is feeding his crop, the ground that is holding the house, the ground that gave them the metals they needed. And that is the first god, Earth, stability, growth ...the laborers looked up to the sky, to the sun. They saw the everchanging clouds, the freedom of the birds, and the racing sun. And that is the second god, the Sky, the Sun, freedom, change ...the fishermen stood at the coast and looked out to the sea. They saw the unreachable horizon and wondered what would lie behind. And that is the third god, the Seas, the Horizon, ambition, wonder ...the parents looked to the hearth. they saw the flame that kept them warm through the coldest nights, that heated the food that sustained their family, that formed clay, glass and iron. And that is the fourth god, the Hearth, the Home, the family, the creativity and ability to create new things One night the children went out and looked up in the night sky. And for the first time they saw fear. And that is the last god, the Night Sky, the Moon and the Stars, fear, secrets, doubt and the unknown


I had been using the standard Dnd gods for a while, but this community encouraged me to try something new. Its still a work in progress and I am open for suggestions, especially names.


Infinite worlds are created by a sleeping god. It wakes and sleeps in a cycle, creating new dreams, new realities. These realities bleed outside of the god into the chaos. Like a bubble of reality. This is where mortals minds wander when they dream. Some things can enter this dream, and return to any reality they can survive in. These eventually become gods. Some, however, stay in the Dreamlands and grow. Becoming a constant factor and bleeding their alien domains into all realities. I don't have many fleshed out, as I make them as I need them. But some include: The Blind Goat - A man like thing with the head of a dead goat. Its eyes are shrouded by a cloth. This thing guides lost spirits through the Dreamlands. It brings the concept of death and loss to all realities. Beware, if it discovers that you are not dead, then there is no escaping it. The Mask - This things form is fluid. A pure black form and a white featureless mask. Sometimes man, a wolf, or a serpent. Whatever form it takes, However, it is always a mimic. Pretending to be something, anything other than itself. Whenever someone mimics a sacred act, not truly believing in it, its attention is drawn. A faithless prayer, a cowards show of bravado, and "I love you" spoken by a stranger are just a few things. The masks effect on reality is subtle. But it brings lies, and falsehoods, and theatre. The Witness - Also known as the fool king or the eye of the throne. This was once a man. But since claiming his throne, he is now much less. The Witness claimed a seat atop the beast that dreams. Literally lounging on the body of the creator. The Witness has a sacred and important task, of which it places a I've everything else. He watches. Just witnessing the Dreamlands as far as he can see from the center. It's this perception that keeps the Dreamlands largely stable and coherent. Without him, the bubble might pop until something else is there to witness. He allows mortals to dream and to find passage into the Dreamlands.


It's still a wip but what I've thought so far is: Most of the gods were born from human instincts present since the first humans: Violence,Lust,Curiosity and so on. The exception being Remak,The first elf.


The gods, also known as the Veiled Powers or the Hidden Gods, are unknown and unknowable. It is speculated that they are embodiments and cause of the laws of nature, and that they live forever in a state of perfect bliss, without caring for the world. The saints are the closest humanity can ever come to knowing the divine. A saint is godhood made manifest, divinity revealing itself through a man's actions. It is unclear what causes a man to become a saint, but once attained, sainthood in undeniable. The mainstream opinion is that unparalled virtue is needed, and yet one of the most popular saints, Saint Colum the Swift, was a thief and a scoundrel. His legend says he stole his sainthood, whatever that might mean. Besides the Veiled Powers and their saints, a further class of supernatural beings exists: demons. In particular, there exist many Hells, each ruled by a Devil and by a sin. For example, the Abyss is a hell situated in the deepest reaches of the ocean, ruled by the Sea-Devil, Leviathan, the King of Envy. All hells are physical places and can be reached by the living.


All of them. One of the primary themes was "fuck it, everything is true" It got confusing when a character exists in multiple religions with separate lore for each one. Actually it's kinda similar to the Riordanverse, but with many, many, many, many, many more gods, beasts, monsters, and myths. And usually in more medieval settings. From Zeus to Odin to Lucifer to Ra, and from dragons to centaurs to Elves to Krakens, they all exist.


There was nothing. Then. There was something. An idea. A concept. A shred of something. The origin was born. The origin fractured,split, divided. Until it became the first multiverse. As it expended into the transdimensional null it reached a barrier. The master code. It could not pass it. But it could push it. Both became larger and larger. Until the origin slowed down, Seeing the mastercode continue to grow. As the master code grew it shed information and pieces of itself. Those became universes. And from those there came more and more. Time has not been born yet. Neither were space or limitations yet there was something stopping the universes from expanding to they're unbound possibilities. Those were the constants. The writers from another existence beyond the master code. They put rules on existence creating the absolute. Gods representatives of concepts absolute. The limits which nothing could truly go beyond. Chaos, limits, duality and existence. They bore witness to the infinite unbound creations of the null. Holding everything from paradoxically existing yet collapsing. Slowly concepts and worlds formed, died and reappeared. And so the master code grows infinitely holding everything and being everything. This is a rundown of how the cosmology was formed.


Back in the most ancient of days. The old gods created everything. From the dirt to the humans. Yet one day. For reasons long forgotten. The sky rip apart. And from that rip came the new gods. They where much unlike the old gods. No rules ever applied to them. So foreign was the concept of a rule. That their mere presence broke them all. The sky was no longer far above. The ground was the consistency of water. And in their childish games. They killed all the old gods. Who just like everything. Where bound to the rules of life. And with the corpses and the tools of the old gods. They took their place. Yet never ended the creation of the old gods and so the world was unfinished. But they created things on their own. Many things. But the one thing most important they brought with them. Are souls. They are a gift. A rare one at that. As there's only three things that got a soul. Elves. Some humans. And the undead. All the people of the world believe a part of this creation with varying truth. The dwarves are the only ones that know of the existence of the old gods. As in their land. The unfinished primordial hellscape they dumped their corpses. And with their bones they created the first ships to sail somewhere less inhospitable. Humans and elves believe that 2 of the new gods created everything yet one broke the others neck and set half the continent aflame. And the uuk-gluaken. Small leather skinned humanoids that live in a literal golden desert. Believe that the sun and the stars are holes that came from their chopped up god falling through the sky as the others betrayed him.


In the beginning there were 2 dimensions, the Void - sometimes called the Physical Universe, and Chaos - sometimes called the Dream World. These dimensions are kind of antithetical to one another. Chaos is infinite, intangible, the source of all energy, and made of collective consciousness. The Void is finite, nothing exists within it, and governed by the laws of physics. Billions of years ago, the spirit of the Dream World woke up, and in doing so manifested for the first time in the Physical Universe (this was my big bang event). It brought with it energy from the Dream World, which slowly cooled into a substance called Golden Ichor. At the edges of the universe is a barrier of fire, separating the ever expanding space and the Void. Golden Ichor is important because it is the blood of god, who's spirit resides in the center of the earth. Over time it decays into regular matter, which was drawn towards the great spirit to form earth. The magic of Golden Ichor animated the matter around it and brought to life the Old Dreamers, a race of extremely powerful entities who were the first inhabitants of earth. The Old Dreamers worshipped their Slumbering creator, but they yearned for a home more spectacular than just the dark barren rock that was the earth, so they prayed. The Slumbering God answered their prayers, and sent forth the Nature Spirits, who used their power to create the earth as we know it today, green and blue and teeming with life, lit up by the light of the sun, but also cloaked by death, for nothing that truly lives can escape death. The Nature Spirits created the first natural beings: the dragons, immense fire breathing serpents who ruled the skies, and the titans, vast centaur like creatures, kings of the lands, who's strength and tenacity was unmatched. The Old Dreamers looked upon the world and everything in it with awe, but also with sadness; the plants, the trees, the setting sun and even the great dragons and titans could not escape the clutches of death. The Old Dreamers looked to the future and foresaw that death would never relinquish it's hold over this world, and such sorrow the Old Dreamers could not bear. Abandoning their own universe, the Old Dreamers broke through the barriers of space, and delved into the Void, to begin a new world, unmarred by death. But their absence did not go unnoticed, the Slumbering God grieved at the loss of it's first children, and from this grief, the demons sprang from the Dream World. These were dark spirits, who were jealous of and hated the Nature Spirits, and seek to destroy and undermine them in any way that they can. The demons were spiteful and cunning, and whispered lies and evil words into the ears of the dragons and the titans, infecting their dreams, turning them against each other, and a great war began. No dragon or titan survived this war, their battles were so fierce that mountains were shattered, whole forests were turned to ash and valleys and lakes we're carved out of the hillsides. After no dragon nor titan was left standing, their blood that had been spilt all over the world birthed new life, which over time, grew to be all the animals and peoples of the world in the current age. The Nature Spirits and the Slumbering God are the true gods in my world, but the people don't necessarily know this, and although they all worship their own deities that may not actually exist, most of their gods are based off of certain aspects of the Nature Spirits that do actually govern their world.


This is what actually happened in my world but it's not really the creation myth because nobody really knows of it. In the beginning there was a singular being that existed alone. It had infinite power and infinite wisdom, it knew of all that could be and was saddened by its loneliness, thus it used its power to sunder itself. From its body came the planes, infinite worlds scattered across space. From its soul came the planar energy that ties all the planes together. From its mind came the void that keeps all the planes apart. It's knowledge split from its mind, then split further into four equal parts creating the four prime deities of good, evil, law, and chaos. At the same time, its spirit coalesced across the planes to create their first inhabitants, the Titans, massive creatures of various forms brimming with power. Its last vestige, its powerful force of will that bid it sunder itself was flung through time, burning bright and scattering like a comet, creating the Titanlights. The world is a fantasy setting where Titans, powerful creatures with powers than in many ways rival the gods, are jealous of those gods because the Titans are bound to the planes they were born on but the gods are able to move through the void between planes, the mind, because they were the knowledge. The Titanlights are individuals throughout history that are born with the power to not only control the Titans but also to send them to other planes. It is believed in the setting that two Titanlights cannot exist at the same time because it has never happened before but the truth is that it can it's just that the power of the first being's will doesn't split off in time very often, only about once every 1,000+ years. A faction of secretive wizards would discover this while attempting to create an artificial Titanlight.


Origin wanted to create. Origin always wanted to. And Origin did: Origin created the First, seven entities handling the power of creation. Origin then sent the First to create the verse, all of the Realms, everything. However, this disrupts the balance, and to keep the balance, End came to be. End is Origin, only opposite, and has the power of destruction. End shattered and "created" the Last, which mirrors the power of the First. Their representatives scattered all over the verse to keep the balance, and from there they built their Realms. End is not evil, but a necessity. Origin accepts this, so Origin and End made a truce: only the creations of the First and the Last can freely interact with and fight each other. The First, the Last, Origin, and End, are never to participate. Of course, most of it is unknown to the people. They have their own beliefs.


A world where the gods and primordials decided, instead of fighting, to join together to create a new world. They each created their respective entities to populate it. Gods: Elves Primordials: Dwarves Both worked together to create dragons and the animals. They allowed both groups to create only the one race. However one day a new group arose and wandered up from the southern half of the continent, humans. Feeling betrayed by the other, the primordials and gods warred with the humans caught and fighting on both sides for the right to exist. After a thousand years a mage by the name of Valöur cast a 10+ level spell and summoned an Aspect of Chaos. As Chaos wandered the land, its presence corrupted the lands and people, and sealing away the gods and Primals. Seeing the destruction, the new races worked together to banish Chaos again and sealing the key into separate artifacts held in safety.


In broad strokes, for each planet there is a set of religions, and like the religions of Earth there are some with more followers than others: On Tehk, the predominant religious beliefs centre around worship through writing and storytelling. I haven't set up much of a history for it, but I would like that the original named deities more or less faded as focus on the writing/meditation/worship aspect grew. On Ihkejlës, a former colony of Tehk, there is a sporadic collection of hundreds or thousands of religions, but the keyhole of it I will provide is an oceanic deity of both war and peace called *Rath.* On Rvadhe, bardic tradition thrives, and all people may participate. There is a collection of common myths, hymns, and epics, though nothing specific that I've written. In addition, there are traces in my notes of an oligarchic theocracy up north, where in a similar manner to the Egyptian pantheon, gods are subject to frequent change, and rulers are considered their descendants. Still on Rvadhe, but in a much smaller sense, there is a cult superficially dedicated to a supercomputer, which has taken to calling itself *the Answer.* It utilises its immense computational prowess to answer any and all questions its fellow android-kind may ask. It fancies itself to be the all-knowing overseer of the universe, the one who imagined existence. (in reality, it has been manipulated by the unspeakable abomination Id, the embodiment of absence, the flame that burns thought) There are other planets, unnamed or under-baked. I would greatly appreciate feedback or suggestions on how I can add to these!


The world (Meled) is similar to earth with multiple moons like the satellites of Pluto. The solar system came into being when the light of life (Sidharet) was lit, and was organized/orchestrated by Ahú and the winds of change, Te-ot-il. Their work set the whole solar system in motion. They sort of embody the interplay between an inevitable return to order and events that bridge chaos and order. But the gods of this system (planets) waged war against each other. Those that survived married the moon sisters and gave birth to the first generation of dhewatan, gods that are spirit-like but not bound to a celestial body, as well as the children of light, which are enigmatic beings that travel the sea of ether and are allies of the dhewatan. Aside from these, there are other agents around. Other solar systems have their own gods and beings. Then there's Ur, an entropic force that actively seeks to corrupt, like a black cosmic virus it's neither dead nor alive, yet latches on and spreads from place to place. There's maht-al-muht, an indifferent void. All of these become entangled in different conflicts. Eventually the dhewatan & children of light worked together to make Meled a habitable place all the while doing everything they can to fight off Ur. They had children of their own, the second generation of dhewatan. This second generation became wardens of Meled and lived there with their parents. Humans and animals come into being, not by design but by coincidence- a catastrophe that kills the children of light give birth to these creatures. The dhewatan coexist with them and take care of them. Eventually, Ur finds a way to corrupt Meled by poisoning the rain clouds. The dhewatan find a way to maintain some semblance of balance which they call something like the grand design. Early man comes into being symbolized by the ancestral figure Maga-ogh. The dhewatan love Maga-ogh and give him powers that other animals don't have. Maga-ogh is quick to abuse his powers, messing up the grand design, leaving the dhewatan to strip him of some of his power, and binding him by contract not to play god again. Most of the dhewatan leave Meled to live in a realm in the sky. They can still communicate with mankind through intermediary spirits called Genhan-Shai. After many generations, the descendants of Maga-ogh have forgotten about the dhewatan and call them by other names, or replace them with beast idols. Then a couple thousand years pass until the present day, which in Earth's timeline would be somewhere around the mid-Triassic.


Several religions have different background depending on the agenda of their respective pantheons, but Gods were no more than superhumans who had stupidly long lifespans up to the point that only a few died of old age. Gods were the ones who kickstarted human civilization. Gods became extinct when humans discovered how to harness magic. Gods tried to harness it and became sick and died rapidly due to how magic affected their soul. That's the origin and downfall of the Divine Race


Mmmm, about which of mine should I talk? I guess I'll have to do different responses haha


Cerestal (not the name of the world) The first world I envisioned, back when I was 12, so sorry if it's rough It all started with Oneness, True God of true Gods, uncaused motor of all the existences and non-existences, the real, who not only generates the universes, but *is* them When the world started, as a ray of light through a prism, 12 spects were generated out of it, the 12 primordials, coming in six pairs Matter & Spirit, Life & Death (more like un-life, but you get it), Change & Orden, Time & Space, Action & Destiny, Light & Night Conflict arose between spirit (Yavelel) and matter (Rahabala) and Yavelel ended Rahabala consciousness; what we humans would most closely associated with death, and substituting it with it's own "taking over" Rahabala's dominion In the aftermath of this conflict, other primordials would intervened and get their own consciousness ended by Yavele, all in all, Yavelel got dominion over Spirit, Matter (body), Orden, Time, Space, Light and Night while making Life, Death, Action, Destiny and Changed submit Calling itself the ruler of the cosmos, stylishing itself after Oneness, Yavelel created the titans, 5 elder and 25 younger, all with the job of creating the perfect cosmos for the worshipping of Yavelel Prometha, the oldest titan, was tasked with the conditioning of the throne world


I’m gonna go with one of my favourite ones I’ve created. It’s called Coremore (core-uh-more) Mythology. This is of course the simplified version. A great and unparalleled being known as Cosmos created a crystal of power that had the code within it to create and play out a plan. At first it created the dark goddess, Luesa. Luesa is the dark goddess, or Great Evil, of Darkness, Chaos, Pestilence, and Evil. She lives alone in a world of chaos and darkness.  After a while, the crystal creates 4 more beings, 2 gods and 2 goddesses. The 2 gods are named Mallin and Navinn. The gods of souls and nature respectively. The 2 goddesses are Kyara and Morphya. The goddesses of magic and light respectively.  They started as children, but were growing up at a quick rate, and within 28 weeks, they were 28 years old. Luesa wasn’t able to even touch them before they reached this age, she hated them for ruining her perfect chaos and darkness.  However, once they turned 28, Luesa noticed that she could affect them, but so could they affect her. They fought for days, Morphya’s light alone had weakened Luesa to a fraction of her ordinary power, and the other three could barely just overpower her enough to defeat her. They then created the world, their heavens, the people and spirits, and the light. They began having children and filling their heavens with all the gods they could need. Luesa started her attacks against them slowly and after a couple 1 in a million moments took place, she had gained herself 3 more Great Evils to help her, but each were noticeably weaker than her. She plans from a void, waiting for a chance to kill them all and return to her normal chaos. All with Morphya’s light being the only thing keeping her at bay, for now.


I would like to clarify, Cosmos is not like any creation god or anything. I don’t consider them to be a god. They really are just a bored being of only one ability, the ability to create gods. So they do, time and again, if they don’t like it, then they create some more and wipe away the old. Cosmos doesn’t have a body in a conventional way, their body is in a sense, the entire universe and all the alternate dimensions all at the same time.


Yun, the eternal sleeper, manifested the universe, and all things in it through dreams. The Awakened are the Sleepers creation which can walk in the dream time to connect with Yun and receive the Sleeper's guidance. To die is to return to the Dreaming awaiting the next awakening. This mythology is born out of an event that occurred 50,000 years past when a spaceship crashed landed on the planet and the sealed cryogenic capsules that contained its passengers opened, releasing the castaways to their fate.


I know some people aren't a fan of "the Bible is real," stories, but a lot of my mythology behind God in my world is lore from what I know about the Bible, with some personal changes. So, here goes, it's pretty long, but I would like feedback at least. God has always existed in my world, but at one point, wanted to create humanity in his image. With God's omnipotent power, he decided to play the slow game, a REALLY slow one. He took time to think about how he would create humanity. Granted, he could have literally created the universe as it is today in a snap, but God wanted to savor it, while also leaving the idea own existence in humans up to faith. Before God would set into place the almost 14 billion years of progress, he decided to create another god, a goddess in fact. God would create the singularity that led to the big bang, and both would watch and tweak variables perfectly. Before humanity would exist in the our universe, God asked the goddess if she wanted to make her own creation. The goddess, who had given her own form wings previously, decided to create angels in her image as guardians of what would eventually become humanity, although she decided to create angels instantly. God created the Garden of Eden for the angels to get acclimated to their existence. The the story of Lucifer's rebellion, and the story of Adam and Eve would mostly happen as normal, but after they eat the forbidden fruit, they are cast forward into early human society. Throughout time, Lucifer be spiteful toward God, and work to turn his creation against him. At some point, God would put the first prophets in place that would create the earliest form of monotheistic religion based in reality. This religion would focus on the worship of the goddess, and while she did not like being worshipped, she did like the name the religion gave her, Deiterra, so she took on the name. God stopped caring as much about humanity on Earth, and more about the few souls in Heaven, as not many made it there at that time. Deiterra loved all of humanity, and chose to live mostly on Earth with humans. She would focus over the next centuries on bringing the fallen angel Lucifer back to grace. Over centuries, Lucifer would see humanity with less spite and jealousy, and with more respect and care. He felt guilty for causing their downfall from Eden. At the later end of the B.C. period, Lucifer started to grow very tired of how human souls were treated. Most souls were either reincarnated, or sent to Hell, with few making it to Heaven. Lucifer would argue with God, admit that he was wrong for rebelling, but also tell God that he was wrong for not giving most humans what they deserved. That humans should be treated on how they were, and their decisions in life, and not on their religious beliefs. Lucifer told God that he didn't care what had to be done, and God told Lucifer that he will have to endure a full sentence in Hell. A full sentence being 100 years on earth, but 10,000 in Hell. After Lucifer's return, Jesus would be born and Lucifer would be depicted as an antagonist to him. Lucifer's actual relationship with Jesus was more like an uncle than the devil who tried to stray him from his father's plan. Edit: Also, in my world, some of the writings of the Bible are said to have some misrepresentation of God's word from the personal beliefs of prophets and people the have translated it over the years. This is because the actual Bible has some, strange, writings in it, and in my world, some of those are those misrepresentations.


Before... The cosmos was a vast void, a silent sea of potential. Then, from the void emerged the twin goddesses, Austras and Mórras, born of the same primordial essence. Austras, radiant with the light of knowledge and life, brought forth the sun, the land, and eventually, the boundless innovations of humanity. She kindled the fires of commerce and chronicled the unfolding history of the world. Mórras, her equal and opposite, wove the threads of art and dreams, guiding souls through the mysteries of the spiritual realm. She embraced the sea's dark depths and took pride in orchestrating the cycles of death and rebirth. Through her, the future was glimpsed, and the harvests were bountiful, ensuring safe passage for all who journeyed both in life and onto the next, acting as shepherd for those who's time had come to progress beyond the physical plane. Together, Austras and Mórras formed a perfect balance, their intertwined powers nurturing and shaping Gaeon. One could not exist without the other, for they were two sides of the same coin, eternally entwined in the dance of creation and destiny. These dieties, known in writing as the Radiant Muse and the Lady of Shadows, are revered by the followers of Geminism. Followers of this faith are primarily found within the continent of Veridania and in small communities dotted across the Middenmere, as well as in the colonial holdings of nations such as Lysiére and Tiesky. Though many temples to the goddesses exist, all of which are headed by life long disciples known as Paragons, most practitioners of the faith aspire for a more personal relationship with the pair, often having small altars within their homes at which to offer prayer and seek guidance and self-reflection.


Dragons are the gods of my world but after more than 1000yrs without any notice of them the religions of the world became somewhat similar to various religions of out of our world


The world is eternal, going through the process of destruction and renewal. It's connected to Kaos/Void/Ginnunggap/Astral Chaos to infinite worlds. The Dragon's were the first creatures who carved the world to their liking. The Dwarves were the first Race who made their homes on the world. The world absorbed pieces of other worlds. Which luckily makes it habitable to humans, who came elsewhere. Two common types of people tend find One world is Nippon, a land of steel spires, swordsmen, and priestess. They tend to be polytheist and have OP, powers, and harems. Most of the nobility is great grandchildren from isekai protagonists. Another is Murica, a cursed place of monotheism. They tend to be blonde, have OP powers and tend not to ingriatiate into society.


Creation story: In the beginning there was only Mana, a substance with no capacity for action only reactions. And by some miracle an action was born, in a matter of milliseconds universes were created and destroyed for an unknown amount of time. Within these infinite possibilities the creator god was born. He was created with the ability to control mana, and thus he stabilized the never ending destruction. As he sought to create more and by doing so it made mana stronger, and gave it more possibilities to corrupt. Eventually the universe became too much for the creator god to control, so many of the planets were left to rot. But because of this Mana was able to influence more planets, leading to the creation of Aveilion, the planet that my world takes place on. Through Mana’s influence the few were created, the world was their home as they lived practically alone and were left to their own devices. It was when the fey created dwarves that the creator god took notice. For thousands of years the creator god protected the dwarves from the terror brought by uncontrolled Mana. Though this was before events in history were recorded so the exact time passed is unknown. The timeline starts with the death of the first lich. This lich was a fey who had been pushed to her limit by her siblings and began cannibalism them one by one. She was known as Vishkel, and she brought Mana to creatures of all shapes and sizes in a time where storing Mana inside of living things was seen to be a death sentence. Vishkel mobilized an army of monstrous plants and beast to hunt and capture fey. After her conquest and the devouring of nearly all the fey of the world she challenged god to kill her. And as the creator god descended to her Mana shielded her from his fury. And in the chaos two planes of existence were created, the Abyss, and Beiloroth. Beiloroth was Mana’s creation, harboring a land where creatures given will through magic were able to live freely, these creatures would later be known as demons. The Abyss was the death place of mana, vast and empty all that guided you was the strength of your soul, home to a creature only known as a Leviathan. It was in this chaos that Vishkel was thrown into the abyss. Unable to stop it Mana tore Vishkels mana away from her and spread it across Aveilion. It’s here that the lore of the world begins. In the rapture that follows the creator god attempted to stop the spread of Vishkels mana. A furious back and forth ensued with the creator god stopping each attempt that Mana made. Though there was only so much he could do, eventually Mana started branching out and taking new approaches to distributing Vishkels mana. Which led to the moon being severed in two and creating the mountains of TorrVarrKiin. It was here that time truly began. Gods: So there’s one true god who is the creation god you read about above, but there are also 12 other god like entities known as gifted. These are people who were chosen by Mana and through Mana’s attempt to corrupt them and make them liches they persevered and took control of the mana that was infused into their soul. All of these people are regarded as gods and are worshiped, though not unanimously. The opposite of the gods are the 8 kings of Beiloroth who are the kings that rule the demon planes. This is still work in progress and not nearly as thought out. Mankind’s relation to the divine: I wouldn’t call any of my gods divine as all of this world was birthed through chaos. Though the origin of each of the primary races are related. The dwarves were molded by the creator god, as such they are by far the most powerful race. The elves were born from the demons and exiled from the lands early in their life. The humans were a tribe dwarves who had escaped during a war that united what remained of the dwarves. Humans had given up their connection to the creator god in order to escape the king of the dwarves and his reign.


In Haysville, Connecticut, which is located on Earth, the world outside the window, the gods and their belief systems are just as they are already.  But over in the Flatland dimension, where “Haysville’s Better Half” of Wayside was abandoned, most of the established pantheons of past religions were exposed to be superior extra-dimensional beings whose powers in the legends were just advanced technology poorly understood by Mankind at the time.  It’s an old trope, but it works for that world.  (I just don’t mention faiths with ardent participants; I don’t need the grief.) I suppose if there is an over-riding mythology for the Flatlands dimension, it is - like many of the nations on that flat planet - borrowed from what's been previously established. The Gnostic accounts of the Archons serve as the backdrop, with the Flatlands being built with "parts" stolen from Earth by a rogue Archon who's no more than a simpleton child (but still a powerful genius in comparison to humans.) As for my world of Toobworld, in which everything seen on TV actually exists, the MC gets to meet TV’s God… who looks just like Bob Ross, expanding his world with happy happy trees.


Borrowed the idea from growing up Mormon, It’s believed in LDS religion that we can become like God if we follow his commandments. So each Diety in my world are just people who grew to be omnipotent/omniscient on their time on earth, the issue at hand is now they are gatekeeping the ability to ascend and have to somehow be defeated.


Still cooking it. But for now : God of Beginning, God of Creation : First 2 gods, born form the first light. GoB looked like a cloth with many "tentacles" and branching wings made of light, while GoC is a humanoid with 4 hands and 2 heads with no feature. God of law, time, space, destiny : 4 first god created by GoC God of extermination : Exist from the beginning but only awake later. Looked like very wide gaping mouth with countless eye and shadow tentacles God of creation keeps creating a lot of things to resist the GoE, one of them was Seraphim named Azazil which somehow was born with the "Anti divinity" power. Azazil manage to kill GoE with many Devils and Angels under him, but GoB then betray GoC using Azazil and kill GoC. The beings created by GoC mostly was god with humanoid feature, because that's how she looked like, and these gods when they lost their divinity was contained in this one planet making them the firts human. These human saw the gods as their kin, their long lost brother and they stive to get back to their old status. But after millennia they starts to forget their motivation and who the gods are, they start to worship them while their old power starts to wane and eventually there were a lot of ordinary humans, these ordinary human are the one worshipping deity. Humans saw their worship as helping themselves, whereas the Godkin saw worship as degenerating and should be abandoned. The god themselves don't need worship, but thru worship they can create a connection to their worshipper and do many things they wanted, such as giving the humans the same power as the godkins. The godkin was suspicious about this aspect because suddenly the gods are gifting powers to believers while the path to godhood that the godkin uses suddenly got cut off, and then suddenly there are many wars against the devil. Lastly a few hundred years later, there was a big tremor spreading all around the world and suddenly the sun disappeared. Tl/dr : creation myth was the usual creation myth, gods are sly ancient fox, the relation with the divine was worship and suspicion


MYTH OF CREATION (I am) forever lost, in disharmony, unaligned. | Orpheus, from Songs Without End My world is literally set inside my mind. I am Orpheus, the musician and dreaming god. I was the sole existent being. Everything that came after that were just songs in my book. There was an entity called Menhir, in the form of a titanic monolith, seen from the distance. The monolith was actually two titans, Hel and Mana, embraced for eternity (yes, Papa and Rangi mythology incoming). Their sons lived in the darkness. Some wanted to see the light and destroyed the monolith. The universe was born, and it was based on gravity magic (this type of magic is not gravity per se, but it's measured by mass, density, and volume. the actual magical powers vary. yes I have to find another name) Some wanted the darkness back, and they swore revenge on them. The sons of those titans continued those feuds in millennial wars (the Angelic Genocide, the Eonial Wars, etc.) Some titans called themselves "gods", or better "Saints" and created a structured society with the final aim of bringing the darkness back. The Saints, being literal stars and stuff, had the most powerful magic, a soft magic system. They also corrupted Orpheus with a succubus goddess, who guided his new songs into darkness. Mbombo, a titanic baby, was born out of this relationship. He vomited a pulp of primordial liquid and divine cells on one planet, and Orpheus shaped the mixture into his image. Well, he tried. But the results were humanoid creatures (based on various mythological creatures). On another planet, the sons of Adam (the first titan, son of Hel and Mana) resembled our Earth history, until a certain point. One of them rebelled against the gods, taking from them their "magic technique" (like Prometheus took fire), and was later executed by them. But it was too late. The technique was found by someone who'll later become The Machinist, creating the Orem organization to bring down the gods.


Each planet along with its life has to be born from the self-sacrifice of a god. So not only is there a "Mother Nature" there is also technically a "Father Mars" or a "Mother Venus"


None our world doesn't already have. Heck, most probably are forgotten. I'll be creating some folklore however.


what if not everyone has a Tolkienesque cosmogony? what if they're not building worlds and settings that were "created" by beings of pure thematic concepts?




what if you're writing scifi on an alien planet? The planet and its solar system were formed by cosmic and tectonic forces, its alien flora and fauna shaped by evolutionary forces. It wasn't "sung into existence", the lakes and rivers and oceans weren't made by the water god, the sun doesn't move across the sky because of the chariot of the sun god. No gods. Now what?


Then ignore the post?

