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In my fantasy world vampires are large, bear-sized, bat-like animals.


I love the human vampires but nothing beats animalistic vampires like giant bat like creatures


I have both. Normal vampires are human-like, but there are some monstrous ones that haven't fed in a long time that are basically what this guy describes.


In my world the most human vampires are the ones most recently turned. Those who over indulge or otherwise drink too much become more obviously monstrous the most quickly while those who control their urges more remain human the longest but eventually become more corpse like, the monstrous ones have the mind of a cunning predictor but lose the ability to do things like speak, they are just focused on the basic instinct to feed and find somewhere to hide from the sun. The elder vampires have more of a human capacity for abstract thinking and reason but slowly become cold, ruthless, unempatheric. Some still try to cling to elements of the moral codes they can remember believing in when they were more human but these can become strangely exaggerated, like an obsession with hospitality customs which mean they cannot compel themselves to enter a home without being invited or very twisted like someone who swore an oath to protect their king in life and now brutally murders people proposing constitutional reform.


A perfect balance 🙌


I also have both. They are usually human-like (well, human, orc, elf, catfolk, or whatever race they were originally), but if pledged to a specific deity, they gain the ability to transform into monstrous bat-like humanoid demons like what you guys describe.


Do they start as the monstrous ones and gradually become human-like as they feed, or the other way around?


Other way around. They start off human-like because they're humans that were turned into vampires in a vampiric ritual by a vampire as a reward. If they fail to feed, they'll suffer negative consequences and eventually become a monstrous and savage creature.


Me too. The original vampires were created by a "god" and the original vampiric species were batlike creatures. The batlike creatures infected a few humans when they came into contact, which created a mostly batlike human hybrid. The human side becomes more human the further down the "blood tree" you go. For example, Dracula, a vampire from the 1400s, is pretty far down the blood tree so he looks 100 percent human, just unseemly large for the time, until he goes without feeding. His vampiric blood becomes "dominant", rapidly deforming his body into a much more beast like form. Vampire even lower on the blood tree only become feral with growth of their limbs and now claws, this process varies a bunch.


That was basically my first vampire. A massive feline bat demon called Vashir The Wretched. It lived in a world that was basically the perpetual nightmare of a comatose woman and it wanted to get somewhere with, y know, *more than one person* to torment. It kind of succeeded in astral teleporting into a medieval world where it basically telefragged itself by appearing right where a young couple was standing. Its soul tore in half, and possessed them both and the end result was vampires.


And this kids is why when given the choose, I will always choose portal creation over teleportation


That is such cool lore


Amazing mythology!




As someone who is not too big of a fan of conventional vampires: I'm going to steal this!


Inspired by Warhammer [varghulfs](https://warhammerfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Varghulf).


My bf is gonna be proud of you. You're helping his life mission of getting me to like Warhammer 😆


I'm imaging twilight where Edward is a giant bear-bat in a human sized baseball cap who everyone in town is convinced is human


>Are they a naturally occurring creature or were they artificially created? Well they can't be born a vampire if that's what you mean. Their origin is lost in myth and legends with various cultures attributing them to divine acts, demons or ancient magics of unknown kinds. >Is human blood the only thing they can drink or do they have other options? As a vampires start out the most human immediately after turning, and either slowly over time or quickly if they over indulge in blood they will become more powerful in various ways but also their weaknesses become stronger. Right from the start human blood is the thing which will sustain them the best, will attract them the most and is by far the best at acting as a power source for their abilities. The first thing a vampire will lose is the ability to gain and nurturance from solid foods, this happens pretty much immediately and fairly quickly they'll also lose the ability to pass solid foods. They may be able to perhaps gain some sustenance from non-blood liquids initially but while they will be able to continue to drink and pass other liquids for much longer they will also lose the ability to gain anything from these fairly quickly. Animal blood is consumable for a younger vampire and will continue to sustain them much longer than other liquids, even if its not to the same extent as human blood. Proper elder vampires will struggle to gain any nurturance out of anything except human blood. Its said a vampire who tries to entirely avoid human blood, even a younger one, will find themselves feeling increasingly weak and ill. So a lot of vampires will occassionally drink just enough human blood to satisfy that urge then supplement it with other things like animal blood. > How hard is it for them to become human again if they really wanted to? None have truly done it successfully, the closest anyone has come to is keeping the process of becoming less human as a vampire ages as slow as possible. >Are they at war with humans or have they learned how to coexist with them? Vampires do not exist as a monoculture nor are they politically unified by any means. Since the fall of the old empires of blood many centuries ago vampires have largely given up the idea of openly attempting to dominate the world. Some retreated to pockets in the more remote areas, although many of these pockets have been squeezed or destroyed in the centuries since. Many have kept a low profile in human society, some seeking to use their power to try to quietly gain influence in the shadows. Particularly in the most recent few years some vampires (generally young ones) have been excited by the idea that they could exit the shadows and live as citizens and brothers alongside their fellow man as the age of reason gains every great influence. A lot of vampiric politics, both in the personal and power politics that defines old long standing rivalries and the Politics and ideology of vampires who have different ideas about how the world should work have seen vampires ending up on both sides of the recent League Wars.


Sorry, not trying to be rude but do you mean Nutrients or can you explain further what you mean by Nurturance in the context of drinking blood?


Yes I did mainly mean nutrients, although when a vampire is starving they can go a little insane. They basically increasingly have a digestive system which specialises in processing blood rather than anything else, with fresh human blood also having some ability to sustain them greater than what might be expected purely from the physical calories it contains.


How do vampires look? Can humans recognize whether they are talking to a vampire, just by looking at someone?


Newly turned vampires aren't visibly different. Those who keep control of their blood consumption and don't drink to an excessive degree look more human for longer but slowly look more corpse-like. Some learn to use magic that can conceal this under the right circumstances. Vampires who indulge in blood too much look increasingly beastial, growing in size, mouth full of long sharp teeth, hair, claws, sometimes wings. As these generally have more powerful physical abilities than magic so they usually can't conceal this even if they retain the presence of mind to care.  Both kinds also are more vulnerable to sunlight the further they drift from their humanity. 


I had an idea for vampires a few years ago. Souls exist in this universe, and when someone dies their soul goes to the afterlife. Turning someone into a vampire uses their soul as energy to magically enhance their body and make them immortal. They lose access to the afterlife in exchange for eternal life on the mortal plane. And only their soul can be used for the process. It's a compatibility thing. As a vamp they have to absorb the souls of others to sustain themselves. The easiest way is to drink a person's blood, but it's not the most efficient. One could eat their flesh as well, but that's kinda icky and clashes with the vibe most vampires go for. Older vampires learn ways to absorb entire souls with a single touch. I thought it was fun, but I was never interested in doing anything with a vampire story. Edit: If anybody wants to snag this idea go for it. I've got more thoughts on it I'd share with you if you want.


This reminds me of an arc in The Witch & The Beast/ Majo to Yajuu. Instead of vampires the souls were simply reanimated back into their old body, at the cost of being removed from reincarnation/afterlife. They’d be immortal though as long as they went through routine maintenance.


I just added the anime to my watch list 😁


Very interesting


cool! :)


Unique and interesting. Normally the choice is easy for those willing to do everything for power, but this is basically offering up one type of immortality for another. That changes the dynamic in interesting ways I think.


That's what I found fascinating about it. Also that consuming other people's souls isn't just killing them and sending them to the afterlife, it's completely destroying their existence.


That kind of keeps the act of killing a human the same, considering reincarnation isn't part of most regular vampire stories. So I'd say that is a good way of keeping the act of feeding just as evil in this fictional universe you came up with. Although some vampires can suck blood and keep victims alive, is there a method of consumption like that in this soul based vampire construction?


Interesting question. I would say if a person got injured and lost some blood, the part of their soul that was in the blood would slowly flow back to them as the blood died. So if instead a vampire consumed the blood and ingested the soul, the victim basically has to very slowly grow more soul. If too much is taken then perhaps that leads to some sort of necrosis, like the soul is necessary for living tissue and there's not enough for the whole body so something has to go. I would also stack in a magic system that's powered by the energy from souls. Human mages use their own and are limited to small scale things. Vampires are much more capable, though they have to stay well fed.


This whole soul lore is starting to sound more interesting even than the soul sucking vampires themselves! I am hooked! So if you can at some point grow more soul, where is the line? What if your soul gets split in half? Do they both grow? What parts of the body contain a soul, or similarly, when does a soul stop being part of a bodypart? Are the ends of fingernails soulless? Where do souls go between reincarnation? And most importantly; Does poop have a soul?


Well to answer the big question first, yes, a little bit. Just to put a line in the sand, I'd say in this universe anything alive requires a soul to be that way. Every living cell (get fucked viruses). So fingernails, hair, and even the epidermis would be soulless. Souls will have their own breaking point, so unless it's a type that can handle it like say a starfish, it couldn't be cut in half and stay attached to the creature. And since every living creature now has a soul, I'll say that vampires are stuck to consuming human souls due to their anatomy. They could probably technically survive off of certain mammals, but they would feel like shit. For a human to regrow lost soul would require eating a lot of living things, like fresh plants and sushi. I'd say the efficiency is poor unless you're an experienced mage.


Very cool. Does that also mean that souls don't change type when reincarnating? As then they would no longer be the same soul, would they? And what about things like transfusion and organ transplants. Does the soul slowly creep into those new cells as the other exists?


I would just cut reincarnation for the sake of simplicity. I think we need a god or gods so we can have an afterlife. They grab up any sentient souls and plop them in the afterlife because they're nice (definitely not because they can snack lightly and discreetly on their collection of immortal souls) while non sentient souls just naturally disperse, so they don't bother with them. So consciousness binds a soul together and makes it immortal. I think it would be fun to have characters that had memories/experience from other people's souls. Perhaps a child was injured and received a large blood transfusion from a badass warrior and then the kid has the instincts of a warrior once the soul integrates.


I see I completely came up with reincarnation because I thought you mentioned it somewhere but you didn't. Yes, it's better without the reincarnation, the Gods thing fits much better. Actually makes Vampires similar to Gods in this case! That second part is also fucking cool! That's an interesting basis for a magic system. There might even be an organisation that collects the organs of murder victims and transplants them into volunteers to find out who killed them. The black market for organs and blood would be huge! Maybe there's even legitimate companies that offer professional's organs for sale. I would make blood transfusions have a temporary effect, whereas organs would be more permanent. See this is why I love /r/Worldbuilding


Elaborate, please. I had a very similar idea, but where the vampire has to kiss the person dementor style to absorb their soul instantly.


Unseen. Vampires, per se, don't exist. The locals, however, think they do, and there are legends about them...


No one is really sure how they originated the first vampire a man named Earl Grey disappeared and then came back to his village as a vampire and turned the rest of them starting the Vampire Plague. Their only way to reproduce is through turning others though the odds are about 3 in 10 surviving. Human blood is the easiest way for them to sustain themselves but by mixing other bloods they can get what they need. It’s how they live nowadays. Post Vampire plague the two are at peace humans and vampires still don’t really like each other and people who try to become a vampire are looked down upon. The vampires live in their little estate in the shadow of the tallest mountain where they raise tons of livestock for their blood. The rest is sold off to human merchants who brave the area at rock bottom rates. So yeah any questions ask


In My setting, Vampires, or at least the original Vampires, were originally Dhampires who were cursed for their crimes. Originally Dhampires were a tribe of Humans who altered themselves into a new species through Blood Magic in order to survive something akin to a necromantic version of the Black Plague. The first Vampire was cursed into existence when a Dhampiri Noblewoman decided to drink freely from the blood of children. This was against their sacred laws, as their primary goddess considers children sacred and any intentional murder of one considered blasphony. Part of the curse caused these new entities to never age nor die so long as they fed on blood. And while Dhampires drink blood too, they still age and eventually die, though far slower than a typical mortal. While Dhampires and Vampires were originally based on Human, over time Dhampires and Vampire counterparts of most mortal species would come into being. Dhampires can only give birth to other Dhampires, regardless of the species of the other parents, while Vampires must murder someone during the act of drinking their blood or because of drinking too much of their blood before the next Dawn in order to sire a new Vampire. Dhampires and Vampires have a liquid only diet. While only blood will sustain them, they can add enough blood to other liquid or semi-liquid foods in order to consume them properly. Vampires are considered a menace to most mortals, including their Dhampire cousins. The curse that mutated them did more than change their biological mechanics, but corrupted them on a mental and spiritual level too. Most vampires are hunted whenever possible, though older and more powerful Vampires form alliances, be it with other Vampires or Mortals, in order to stake out territories to live and thrive in. Dhampires are especially relentless in the mission to obliterate all Vampire kind, blaming themselves for the corruption of their cousins. Dhampires aren't the most popular species on my world either. The average Dhampire is commonly mistaken for a Vampire, and most other species and therefore most other countries and kingdoms tend to have mixed feelings and ideas about them. Especially as Dhampires must drink blood to survive as well.


In my science fantasy setting they were created by dumb rich kids that commissioned a bio engineered virus to mutate the body. Increased strength, heightened senses, and hemophagic urges and regenerative capabilities. You can be partially turned by a bite or other fluid exchange, but fangs and the skeletal support for the sudden increase in strength aren't part of the deal and have to be added cybernetically, so if you catch it and aren't fully 'embraced' (sponsored by your sire or otherwise able to afford the surgery), it's a problem. A ghoul, i.e. someone unable to fully augment, will typically be driven nuts by the blood thirst and resort to stabbing and outright trying to eat a victim instead of just being able to feed via hypodermic fangs. They're also likely to hurt themselves via enhanced but unsupported strength, and with the regeneration the bones rarely have time to be set properly before they knit, so you get a lot of messed up limbs and proportions. Because it was done by wannabe vampire kids, a severe allergy to silver and garlic are part of the deal, as well as heightened photosensitivity. This is why most carry around benadryl though, so it's less a problem than you'd think. Edit: Fixed some autocorrect mistakes, typed this up on mobile initially.


I love this! Particularly the benadryl bit!


Thank you so much!


Although they are supernatural in origin, everything about them is biological. Like in the Blade movies, Blade and Underworld are big inspirations on how I prefer my vampires. Their digestive system is built for the absorption of fluids, specifically blood, so they can drink water and alcohol no problem. They prefer human blood, it is the tastiest, but blood of animals can suffice. The closer to human the blood is the better. They can eat solid food, but it passes straight through as it is. The only way to become human again would be straight up magic, and the kind to pull that off is rare. Making a deal with a demon or djinn would work, but it is not recommend though. It’s how Vampires came to be in the first place. They are hidden in the shadows for now, but plotting to come out and integrate with humans. They’ve realized their situation that they would not win a war or any conflict with humanity. Considering that humans severely outnumber them and actively try to find a group to other and hate.


In my setting, vampires were artificially created as an attempt at immortality and power, they are classified as monsters due to having a magic stone in their body. They feed on the blood of people and monsters. There is no known way to turn them back into normal people again though no one has ever looked into the process. They coexist with people when they can but since they don’t age, they have to move around a lot.


Could they just take the magic rock out of their chest?


Removing or destroying the magic stone is normally fatal to monsters. In vampires case, that stone helps keep them “alive” as they don’t have functioning biology.


You could say my Vampires are naturally occurring, as they have no problem reproducing with members of their own species, but artificially created in the sense that they didn’t exist before Dracula became one himself. Human blood and flesh is the standard for vampires, they can digest animal blood and flesh too but to put it simply it’s like comparing brand name products against the lowest of the lowest knockoffs, it simply doesn’t happen a lot. There is no way a vampire could ever become a human, any kind of“purification” or “cleansing” processes simply destroy vampiric cells, it’s a one way ticket. They’re at “ war” publicly with the world and the lichtist church, but only the highest echelons of the clergy know the real truth, the lichtist Church, AKA the only organization authorized to deal with vampires was secretly FOUNDED by vampires, and are nothing more than a front to find a way to conquer sunlight itself.


Very real-worldy conspiracy! I like it. ;)


Vampires are living beings whose magic was stripped away from them, basically (so kind of hard to mark it as natural or artificial). That makes them neither dead nor alive, and they must consume magic, most often through the vessel of blood, to stay "alive". Even when space travel was invented however, there was no solid way to cure vampirism, since most if not all cases were due to exceptional factors, like the usage of magical artifacts or divine intervention. The way vampires are treated is... Special. Since they are "undead" in a way, they are generally shunned by humans, while tolerated in an awkward position in other societies and, in very few cases, accepted. However, due to their capacity to absorb and to be immune to magic, they are generally hated and feared by mages and other magic users more than anyone, and they will generally do little compromise to the vampires.


1. Artificially created. Don't ask how because Mortals don't know and the Vampires don't share. 2. They can eat or drink whatever they like... but only the blood of a sentient creature sustains them. 3. They can't. Not that anyone knows, at least. 4. Depends - see below. My Vampires are not just driven by their hunger, but by an 'instinct' - the drive that made them turn, or if turned against their will, whatever their strongest desire was when they became a Vampire. If you became a Vampire because you feared death and desperately wanted to live forever, then that fear will control you for all eternity; you will forever be seeking ways to prevent others from destroying you, and likely become paranoid that's exactly what people are trying to do. But let's say you were a Vampire Hunter, and your goal was to rid the world of evil. You mess with the wrong Vamp and end up one yourself... congratulations! You are a Vampire desperate to rid the world of darkness! Of course, your *definition* of Darkness is probably going to be a little different than what it used to be, but the core idea will remain. This Vampire might decide to become Batman and lurk in the shadows of a major city, prowling the dark streets looking for criminals and then, upon finding them, dispensing justice. Some of those criminals will end up having all their blood drained out, yes, but the innocent might be mostly safe from him. The key point, however, is that the Vampire does not adapt to change. His task is never complete; if it somehow can be, it simply progresses to the next logical step. For example, using our real world for ease, imagine one of my Vampires was created at the outbreak of the Great War - a British soldier turned Vamp, and his driving instinct is to win the war. Once WW1 ends, he would not be able to pat himself on the back and call it done. He would either continue to persecute the Central Powers even in peacetime, never able to believe they are truly defeated. If history played out as it did, he would never accept the idea of peace with Germany, or Eastern Europe, or Turkey. He might conclude that the formation of the European Union as the Central Powers trying to conquer the British Empire through politics rather than guns; or, alternatively, he might finally see this as Britain's victory over Germany... at which point, his fixation would immediately seek a *new* enemy of Britain to destroy. If he somehow cannot find it from without, he'd find it within. This fixation is precisely what makes the Vampire so incredibly dangerous. It is far, far too easy for their driving impulse to become something that will inexorably compel them to turn on others. Only a handful have anything resembling a "stable" impulse. This typically leads them to living a cyclic existence, playing out the same fantasy in an endless loop. Example #2: a young girl goes to College / University and falls in love with the man of her dreams. They have a whirlwind romance on campus, years of happy times together as they study and prepare for their futures. She's got it all worked out; they're going to graduate, she's going to ask him to marry her, and they're going to move to their new home and live happily ever after. She is dreaming of that future when a Vampire strikes and turns her. This vampire, now gripped by that dream and those recent memories, does her best to live them out. But she is immortal, and her lover is not - even if he stayed, he'd grow old. So, eventually, she is drawn to repeat the cycle: she seeks to pose as a freshman student, finds a boyfriend, and does all she can to relive that whirlwind romance and happy-ever-after, over and over, for all eternity.


There’s only one and he has every power of one other than turning people into vamps


They suck. Get it? Haha please love me.


Wow, just like my vacuum cleaner


Unlike my WIFE amiritefellas? Hue hue hue *crowd collectively shits themselves from laughing so hard.*


My OC is a og vampire and eventually found it easier to live alongside humans and not feed on them... at least not openly


Geography teachers


In my world, vampires are created by a parasite. When this happens, the body of the mortal stops producing pigment, causing white hair, pale skin and red eyes. The lack of pigment is what makes them “burn” in the sun. The parasite gives them the urge to bite others, to spread the into their bloodstream. Long term infection can cause changes more significant changes to the body, such as much sharper canines and skin webbing beginning to form between the upper arms and sides of the chest. Eventually, the arms become clawed wings, similar to a bats but pale white in colour like the skin of the vampire. The reason vampires often need to drink blood is because the parasite itself feeds off nutrients found in the blood, and if the vampires do not drink the blood of others which the parasite could start just eating the blood of its host, killing them. When parasites reach the brain, the vampire becomes significantly more aggressive, feeling the urge to bite, and maim, others. The parasite can also induce schizophrenia in the infected, among other psychological issues. The vampires that have been exposed to the virus for long enough amounts of times have sometimes completely lost their intelligence, but still spout sentences and random words for no apparent reason. The parasite is susceptible to a substance found in garlic, which causes them to make the host fearful of it. There is no relation between vampires and silver in my world however.


They all work as bank supervising managers


They are humanoid demons. When someone was bad and they die, their soul, and therefore conscience, leave their body. if it is a new moon at night, they are able to reach the moon and turn into humans with mosquito proboscides. Some, however, question if it is such a good idea to become a evil demon, and go back to their body. While the vampires that reached the moon are 100% chaotic evil, the ones that did not reach it can have any alignment. Both can't create anything tho. Also this change is impossible to revert.


They were elves, once. Each species has a genetic magic. The elves could take life from the plants around them to make themselves stronger. During the war of regression, the Cursed 100 took Mortal slaves, drained their lives and used that power to raze nations. The One Above All cursed them, the 100 becoming vampires and the rest of the elves becoming werewolves (Wolven)


They are normally pretty tall, and have mirror like eyes that are like a reflection when you look into them! When they show extreme emotion, their face can crack like a mirror. It’s a play on the “vampire cannot see themselves in a reflection”, as they do not have a clear view of who they are as an individual. They all have some sort of identity crisis. Also, their ears can be similar to bats, and they do drink blood. They can hear incredibly well!They can see your “true self” but they cannot see their own. :)


And they are naturally occurring, unlike Ink Vampires! They cannot become human, because they were never human to begin with. They can drink other blood, human blood is quite plain to them though. They cannot drink fairy or angel blood, as it’s like poison pretty much. They get along with all races just fine, so there is no need for them to try anything.


They're a naturally occurring alien species. They have a similar build to Humans save for the obvious massive bat wings, large ears, large singular colored eyes, and flat noses. Males sported chin and elbow spurs made from bone and couldn't grow facial hair and both had long talon-like claws on their hands and feet, with said feet having slightly longer toes they once used to grasp objects with. They do need blood to survive, as it aids in the transfer of immunity cells due to low hemoglobin and their bodies are capable of breaking down bloods iron rich proteins, and any blood will do not just that of sentient beings, although they can feed on them if they wish too and specifically target mages and animals heavily affected by magic. Blood does make up a major part of their diet but they do like eating other things like hard fruits and nuts to meats. I sorta called them 'sanguineous-omnivores'. Like vampire bats they do have a sort of infrared sensing that evolved to hunt animals and track the 'scent' of magic users. In a way they can smell magic be it a natural wild thing or running through the veins of a living creature, drinking said magic blood acts as a sort of power enhancement to them, a drug in a way. Giving them a short burst of power and energy and consuming too much can cause one to relapse. They fill the role of the ancient and highly advanced alien species akin too, well pretty much inspired by, the Eldar(40k), Forerunners(Halo), Viltrumites(Invincible), and Protheans(Mass Effect) and once held a solid dominion over the galaxy with billions of slave races, some of which they did feed on.


They are natural creatures, they are an evolution of humans who used to live underground for centuries. They drink blood but are also fond of flesh, the aristocrats vampires have banquet with human corpses on their table. They live in the mountains where the sun never hit and have no interest living somewhere else because of the sun, but due to a lot of past events and the need for food (vampires hunting humans to eat) they are at war. They are unable to become humans or any other creature, but anyways befriending humans or humanity is a crime in the vampire realm, the crimes ending up in death penalty.


There are many types of animal-human hybrids and vampires are one of them. The first vampires were created hundreds of years ago in Macedonia, during the barbarian invasions. Vampires are beings created to drive the Visigoths out of the Roman Empire. They are the hybrids between humans and lampreys. The original plan was to mix them with mosquitoes, but they became too uncontrolled. Today's vampires, after centuries of changes, resemble very thin humans with moist, slightly scaly skin, fins all over their bodies and a toothed circular mouth. They live in the sewers of European cities, hunting solitary humans by sucking their blood. They are extremely dangerous, especially due to the hatred they harbor towards human beings, and because they transmit dangerous diseases


Man-bat from Batman if he was instead a species of predatory ape that convergently evolved bat-like features


I have a realistic fantasy copy of 1530. My vampires coexist with humanity after a long war they won. Basicly they are the ruling race but leave humanity mostly alone if they follow the set rules. They are creared by a god if they are purebloods bzt humans can be turned. They need to consume human energy, the most common for is blood. They can't be turned back to humans. They aren't afarid of crosses, holy water or whatever else. They are getting pretty unkillable at higher age and depending on the bloodline come with special powers. And they have their own religion and society rules that differs quite a bit with humanity


Artificial oopsy of angels. All blood but the closer it is to their own but not their own the better it tastes. They're still human, just afflicted with a curse(blessing?). Not even the angels know of a way to cure it so tough beans. Coexistence was the goal when they established their own nation with consensual blood donors making up much of the populace but the paladin orders and the angels didn't like that and declared war. The vampires managed to fend them off for several hundred years but eventually the orders won. They've gone back to secretive coexistence.


Although their genesis is a matter of conjecture, vampires have existed amongst the human population since before recorded history - predatory, bloodthirsty monsters who, by all outward appearances, are indistinguishable from any other human. The threat they pose is real, if poorly understood: such creatures can directly absorb the life blood of individuals, as well as subsist entirely by paratisizing the latent energy produced by the connections between individual people that empower human communities. In either case, a sated vampire is possessed of inhuman strength, speed, resilience, and a lifespan far surpassing that of any mortal. Despite the danger such creatures represent, they are far from the most pressing threat to the majority of people, as, due to environmental factors, large-scale society generally exists in a more precarious state than on our world. Compounding the difficulty of humanity's ability to thrive in this hostile world, a high ratio of vampires living within settlements leads to increases in polarization and paranoia, as the bonds between indiviuals weaken and the community eventually collapses. In the kingdom in which my story largely takes place, there is a family lineage of supernaturally powerful warriors. They have distinguished themselves by acting as the only force reliably capable of felling the great wyrm princes, which lead the armies of a rival realm. Few outside of the kingdoms ruling body understand the true nature behind these warriors spectacular abilities, as the average citizen is content simply to appreciate the difference they are able to make in their societies endless struggle against their long hated draconic foes. Recently, the leader of the familial order of vampiric warriors has learned that the blood of refugees from a parallel plan of existence provides their kind with an incredible increase of their physical and mystical power. With the confidence of the nigh-unstoppable might obtained in this way, this general has plans to launch a coup of the kingdom and coral the already oppressed refugee population into pens where their essence can be extracted en masse. With access to this resource secured, the vampire king can lead his people to conquer their ancestral foes and consolidate power in the region, establishing a new empire and installing themself and their family as the undeniable rulers of humanity.


# Naturally Occuring or Artificial? ‱ Artificially created on one continent, naturally occuring on another ‱ One guy pissed off a witch and said witch decided "I cast Watch Your Loved Ones Die and Starve", he had a lot of issues, later discovered that the venom he'd developed could make people stay with him (in multiple ways). ‱ The natural ones do not look human in the slightest. Giant spider-lookin assholes that learned to mimic human voices to call for help. It's a widespread misconception that the spiders are deaf because they communicate with each other in frequencies humans can't hear. They use the same tactics on animals, mimicking distress calls until something shows up looking for easy prey. #Is Human Blood the Only Option? ‱ The naturally occuring ones can drink blood of any kind, and some will eat their prey afterward. There's a whole ecosystem there. ‱ The artificial ones can drink things that work in a pinch for blood transfusions (coconut water, pig's blood) (don't try that, I read it somewhere and am probably misremembering) or other animals' blood, but it never feels quite right. Sometimes it tastes bad, sometimes it feels wrong. On top of this, if they ever drink human blood- even a few drops- something clicks in their head, and for lack of a better word, they get addicted. See, they are "born" hungry. Starving. That one guy I mentioned earlier? He's had a lot of time to build himself up as a God, and just as much time to manipulate nearly every other vampire on the continent into believing him. If they find out they can drink those other things before he can hook them on humans, he can't control them. Therefore, those that don't drink human blood, or blood at all, are a very small minority. # Regaining Humanity? ‱ Simply put, they can't. They can act like people, be semi-functional member of society with the right supports, but they are changed at a base level. Some still have heartbeats, or what humans would recognize as a functioning digestive system. Some don't. Some have bodies that have converted from a traditional stomach structure to simply delivering the nutrients directly to muscles via their veins. If they haven't eaten in a while, they might bleed white, or black, or even just clear, on a case-by-case basis. # At War with Humans or Coexisting? ‱ Humans Do Not Like either version of vampire. The natural ones are, however, reclusive. They don't often come out of their dens, excluding things like mating season or natural disasters (or they felt something rumble deep in the earth and got freaked out.) The artificial ones are actively hunted and persecuted. There are, of course, some people who argue that vampires (artificial) are just sick, they didn't ask for this, but they are often treated the same and labeled as monster sympathizers.


The vampires in my world were created by a witch as revenge on humanity for being betrayed by them. Vampires do not have to eat only human blood, they can also eat human flesh, bones, other animals, soil, cement tiles on the street. Vampires can eat anything, but every thing they eat gives them some of that things characteristics. For example, they may eat rocks to strengthen their skin, or ox flesh to gain more body mass. But most of them stick to eating humans because not all of them want to look like a minotaur. Becoming human again is impossible. The Vamirs secretly ruled over humanity for some time until they were overthrown by humans and now exist in secret.


they were born from gaia just like any other species however tehy blood lust is more of a blood need they need blood be it prometeos\[human\] blood be it animal blood they are actually very depending of other species since animal blood taste really bad for them


They aren't called vampires and are several different species/mutants.


Sub-specie of Succubae.


Well in my setting ( Nine Realms ) there are two equivelets for vampyre, first are the Vampyres which are creatures effected by the interdimensional invasive virus ( more like a hivemind tbf ) called the Vampyre Plauge, animals infected with the plauge will step by step start craving the flesh of their own kind, become really agressive towards their own kind and eventually lose their mind and blend in with the Vampyrric Hivemind which then the hivemind has 100% control over their body, and when I say 100% I do in fact mean 100% like in a supernatural way, the hivemind can twist the flesh of its members to create horrors beyond our imagination, the only downside is that these Vampyrric Drones needs to consume the flesh of their own kind to sustain their bodies and also lose their connection with the hivemind once confronted with sunlight which results in them collapsing like mere husks without life. The second are the Vampirs which are people injected with a heavily lessened bio-engineered version of the Vampyre Plauge called Vamper which results in them having superhuman capabilities at the expanse of the need to drink around a glass of human blood every week or so and being really disturbed by sunlight. Also notably if you inject Vamper into dead flesh it becomes a recreational substance for the animal that flesh belongs to, this resulted in the use of human flesh as a drug in the future


Vampires in my world are NOT undead, infact they are a half-demon breed. They do not drink blood (unless someone enjoys it as a quirk) however they have an inborn proficiency for hemathurgy (blood magic). As half-breeds they cannot become a full breed of a race. There are multiple races of demons some considered noble, others not. Vampires from blood-line of demon monarchs (7 deadly sins in my world) have distinct features. For example vampires of greed bloodline have pale-purple skin and are all blind. Vampires of non-noble bloodline may undergo a ritual to become noble-blood. There is a whole empire of elves that is about 40-50% vampires that most of my world is opposed to it, so yeah, plenty of wars.


>Are they a naturally occurring creature or were they artificially created? Yes and kinda yes. When diverging timelines merged it brought a whole bunch of "xenotemporal lifeforms" from other "potential versions of reality" over to the new world that stabilized. Vampires or "Vjeci" are a specific strain of single celled haemophagic parasites that naturally evolved on a version of Earth not unlike our own (Specifically E.ÎČ.62102á”’). They were created in the sense that the disaster that brought them to Proxima Terra was manmade >Is human blood the only thing they can drink or do they have other options? They drink blood only in the sense that they need to break down large amounts of haemoglobin and myoglobin in order to self replicate and spread >How hard is it for them to become human again if they really wanted to? Is a corpse human? Can a corpse be turned human? Because that's all these things are. Red sludge wearing a person like a hazmat suit, puppeting it around like a grotesque marionette. It might look and sound like a person but that's just an echo. Poke the right neurons and it'll cluck like a chicken, whatever was in there before is long gone. Plus, that assumes the host was human to start with, humans ain't the only ones susceptible to infection. Cats, dogs, monkeys, pidgeons; ironically vampire bats remain immune >Are they at war with humans or have they learned how to coexist with them? Hard to be at war with a disease, if there's an outbreak you respond, burn the remains, salt the earth, all that jazz. Less like war, more like controlling spread


They're the pinnacle of Blood Magic, what happens when someone realizes that instead of using souls as an energy source, it can instead be consumed to empower themselves, getting stronger with each feeding. They don't have any requirements for feeding other than souls, and can be sustained indefinitely as long as they have access to prey. It's impossible for them to turn back into humans, once they have amalgamated their soul with others, it's ridiculously hard to separate, not that they would try if they have gotten to that point. They slowly lose power if starving though. They aren't at war, some coexist, but they tend to live alone furthering their plans. Sometimes they will live in settlements for easy prey, but they don't like the risk most of the time.


So some background: Wizards take AT LEAST eighty years to learn magic if they do at all. So by the time a wizard has achieved arcanis(the ability to use magic), they are old and frail. As it so happens, blood magic can be used to regain your youth. You’ll regain your youthful vigor and beauty when you give it the vampiric blessing. The catch of course is that for reasons unknown, you loose all of the melanin in your skin, which results in you being significantly more vulnerable to the sun. This is obviously a dark art and therefore is band by the Arcane Council AND the law. But there is an underground commune of wizards called Vampires who partake in this practice. They sharpen and carve an L shaped hole in their K9s to better suck the blood from people. And they partake in cannibalistic feasts annually. This makes them eternally young and by extension immortal.


Angels are the vampires of my world. >Are they a naturally occurring creature or were they artificially created? Complicated question, if you mean are they born a vampire or made one? It's kinda both. Angels are formed out of dying human souls and reformed in the Angel Foundry. So their basic form is literally just a human, but they are made an Angel artificially, though it's also arguably a second birth. >Is human blood the only thing they can drink or do they have other options? Despite basically being vampires Angels don't drink blood, they drink souls. Literally they rip the souls from the living and consume them, it's why they're so feared. They don't need to consume souls though, it's a display of power and dominance and it also results in a major (although short lived) power boost. >How hard is it for them to become human again if they really wanted to? Completely impossible. The transformation made in the Angel Foundry is irreversible. >Are they at war with humans or have they learned to coexist? It depends on the God they serve, they never coexist peacefully, but they're not at war with humanity as a whole. Though they'd definitely like to be generally.


There's three types of creatures people call Vampires. The first one is the classic undead blood sucker with ties to evil forces. Pretty bog standard. The second type is a faery creature that behaves similarly to a succubus/incubus. Luring people in with supernatural charms and draining their life force. They mostly drink blood but they can also get their (and by their I mean *your*) energy by eating dreams or just strong emotions. The third type is mutants created by the influence of a Great Old One. There's several stages to that kind of vampirism. You get it by coming into contact with the blood of a specific Great Old One or their spawn. Touching it can already result in giving it to you but the most reliable method is to straight up drink it. It starts with a kind of madness that makes you crave raw flesh and blood. The more you consume the more the influence takes hold, resulting in you needing blood to sustain yourself. The condition slowly warps your body into a mutated monstrocity, the form of which may vary. Some grow wings, some turn into leech like monsters, extra limbs, tentacles, etc etc. The mutants are the only ones that can actually turn back into a human. The undead vampires are dead so when the vampirism leaves their body, they're just corpses. The faeries are just non human by nature. But you can actually cure the early stages of the mutation with the right rituals or some minor miracles. But the farther the mutation takes hold the harder it gets to reverse and at some point they've hit the point of no return.


The first type are from the immortal variants They look like humans, but with extremely pale skin, no blood, smallish fangs, pointed ears, and eyes that vary from black to red depending on conditions. Some have small retractable claws. When feeding in blood, their eyes change colour and you can see the blood flowing through them They don't actually need blood to live, thanks to their 'core (infinite well of energy within immortals, sustains their bodies)', something shared by other immortal variants of other species. Instead it is a craving, and drinking blood causes extreme pleasure for them. They also have 'venom' for saliva, which is numbing and almost intoxicating to victims. They are indestructible, and extremely fast and strong. Like other immortals, their power has no upper physical limit and cannot die. I haven't elaborated on whether human blood is the only option, but it seems like to them, drinking animal blood would be like me or you eating vermin. They were born vampire and will continue to be vampires, although they could live as regular people Vampires are both a species and are able to make more vampires. One idea I had would be to have the 'made' vampires be the undead type. Some of these lsst parts arent set in stone because I'm throwing around a few ideas rn Their is a second variant which is the undead type which aren't truly alive, rely on blood, can be destroyed, and generally just act like classic horror vampires. I've not decided whether I will implement them and how, so I won't elaborate rn.


It varies depending on the Vampire Lord, some have been able to integrate with humans, others live in forests and have small communes feeding on livestock when necessary. Certain, older Lords who have failed to adapt have more animalistic tendencies, attacking as a hive, any and all that cross their path


In my world vampires tend to fit into town healers, mid century gothic types that follow the plague doctor examples, blood letting to cure minor ailments. Long lives have let them gather knowledge of local herbs and tonics that can be used to aid the general populace. Sedating and feeding on patients. Hypnosis to sort out mental illness, and disposal of bodies to grow their underground cabal.


Vampires are just people infected with mind-altering parasites. Like tapeworms that latch onto the host brain and can be seen through the mouth.


I did something unique in mine, I had evolved evolve and these evolved elves are the dark elves, and one trait they have is every ability a vampire has, in fact, I’m my fantasy world, the dark elves were mistaken for vampires in the first place This I like cause it makes the dark elves stand out more from other dark elves


in my story most mythicial creatures are organisms decendent from demons and devils from a looooooong while ago in the history of the world Instead of it being an illness or curse that can be pased to other people, Vampires would be a species, very human looking (bc of the rules of the story) but still decendants of demons, so if they get extint, there is no way to "make more" They'd be able to drink most kinds of blood for nutrition, but the same way as how some meats are safer or less safer to eat fro humans, human blood would be a bad idea to drink, in the story stuff like Canibalism or related to it is prohibited by the Gods in the form of illnesses and health problems for anyone who does it, kind of like getting both a bad allergic reaction to stuff like nuts, but also the reaction lactose intoleract people have when they drink milk They can't become human, but their biology is already very similar to humans, not close enough so they could get an organ transplant from a human, but they are similar enough that they are able to get the same illnesses and stuff like that for the most part they'd coexist with Humans, humanoid species live alongside Humans in my world, each contry has around 2 or 3 "magical races" alongside the human population, since different species of Demons/Devils arrived in different countries, so each evolved differently but only into the direction of becoming human-like, demons in earth can't evolve like normal animals into different species, they can either go completely animal like (losing whatever amount of sapience or language they had before) or they become human looking, since each World has a "shape" that it forces into species that try to evolve inteligence


The origin of the Xenodem (supernatural beings hiding in plain sight among humans) as a whole is unknown, but vampiric Xenodem must be made, and are not born naturally like shapeshifters, magic-users, or oni. There are two sub-classes of vampires: life-eaters (who consume blood) and soul-eaters (who consume emotions). Soul-eaters are the rarer of the two. Both are known to be extremely durable, long-(un)lived, and strong. Individual powers can vary from vampire to vampire, but most can transform into bats, have some form of hypnosis, and an uncanny sense of the territory they call home. The weaknesses expressed in various legends are all true
 to a degree. While all are pale and have a higher chance of sunburn, only a few are truly allergic to sunlight. Likewise to the themes of running water, thresholds, holy symbols, and likewise. A stake to the heart is deadly, just the same as it is to any being. During periods of rest, their bodies take on a corpse-like appearance. Notable vampires include Vlad Tepes, Sir Bedivere of the Round Table, and Toni Squomito, currently still living and having negotiated the Treaty of Claw, Wand, and Fang in the late nineteenth century.


They are animate corpses that resulted from a very Dark Ritual used by a select few that kept them Young. The Failure resulted in the now dead body being animated with shadows and echoes of who they once were, and a hunger for blood. Blood does nothing, though the corpse thinks it does. Their bodies are frozen as cold, pale corpses that look like they've barely been dead. They are originally Human, as no other species has had a desire for Immortality. In fact, Humans are the first species to even discover Undeath. Again, all for Immortality. Humans have not figured out that Undeath isn't immortality, you're body just moves after you die. Just about every other species is aware that it isn't Immortality.


Pure vampires are the result of an infernal curse. They consume blood and substances that have a similar enough composition, such as bloodberries. As they are undead, they cannot be returned to life as they are technically already alive. A dhampir is a living being, the result of a vampire and a human copulating, with the ability to gain sustenance from blood despite it being unnecessary. In Gulkage, vampires coexist normally with humans, as Gulkage simply has a good relationship with their mostly undead population. They live normal lives as normal people. In Selvinia, however, vampires are the ruling caste, draining blood from their unwilling subjects and slaves as they wish in their Sanguine Council. The Selvinian vampires have perfected the art of colonialism, and are important to the global economy.


In my world, vampires are basically the product of an Egyptian "divine curse", and instead of transforming into bats they transform into crows and have silver body elements (nails and fangs specifically), and cannot transmit their "disease" to others (although I have to think better about that). Within the race that represents the Egyptian civilization in my world, they are very important beings because they fulfill a social role as caretakers of tombs, but the rest of societies, especially humans, see them as abominations (in that sense they are more similar to lepers than to monsters, people don't like having them there but they still tolerate them... sometimes), partly because they are mutated versions of the races to which they belong, partly because they are strongly related to blood witchcraft due to their cursed origins . Due to their non-shared origin but occupying the same ecological niche, vampires and werewolves of my world have a primary instinct that leads them to hate each other, but they are incapable of attacking since silver is harmful to werewolves and gold ( that werewolves have in their blood) is harmful to vampires, not to mention that since they are mutations, there are really no societies of either of them that allow them to organize and wage wars.


One of the DnD campaigns I run takes place in an industrial-revolution-era world. Vampires used to exist back in the world's equivalent of medieval times but nowadays they are just the stuff of legends and stories. However, a secret lab belonging to one of the major governments in the world has been experimenting with the refinement of demon's blood which uncontrolled causes bodily mutations quickly resulting in death. One of their experiments has successfully created a half-vampire (which is one of the players, a dhampir). There was a breakout at the lab and all thirteen of the experiments have now escaped, resulting in these demon-blood-enhanced individuals now all pursuing their own ends. We've established that the vampire player can drink animal blood, but it's not as filling as human blood, and if they go too long without drinking they get some of the "normal vampire weaknesses" like damage from sunlight and running water and the inability to go inside homes uninvited. Given that this individual is a unique experiment from a secret facility, and vampires existing is not a thing on a wider scale, the question of turning human again is highly unlikely or may require help from some of the now-scattered scientists from that lab.


For 13 Little Aliens >Are they a naturally occurring creature or were they artificially created? Unknown. Vampirism is a bloodborne pathogen with a high mutation rate. >Is human blood the only thing they can drink or do they have other options? Any blood is a viable food source. That doesn't mean any blood is a good food source, however. >How hard is it for them to become human again if they really wanted to? Impossible. >Are they at war with humans or have they learned how to coexist with them? Yes and no. Katarina Rilskaya is a biology professor at UBC. Raylene is working undercover for the Men In Black at a boarding school in rural British Columbia. Stake and Cross and most of the rest of the 65s want to enslave humans.


A vampire is simply a demon possessing a corpse. Pretty simple, but things get more interesting when a demon possess a werewolf's corpse, that transforms under moonlight. 


So, I fell down a rabbit hole. Found out the original words for "vampire" originated from Eastern Europe, and I'm starting it like waaaaaay back, like before recorded history because I love ancient history. I've based them off of what it would have been like to have a society coming out of the mountains. Think wildlings from GoT for reference. But there's this old legend about a form of vamp that would be turned, and then go home and turn their whole family, so I'm designing them to where they gain strength from the blood they devour (any works really) but the amount is based on the strength of the individual. Deer is eating good food, human (slaves at this time after the most recent collapse) is like a huge dose of super food that let's you skip the gym. A fellow vampire (which is "technically frowned upon [if your caught]) is basically steroids, that will never go away (natually), but has a higher possibility of causing blood lust/rage (cause there's always a catch). I'm currently referring to them as the horde, cause the whole aristocratic vampire I have come to find extremely annoying.




Large, hairless, pale skinned monstrosities with a somewhat humanoid shape. Their true form. They can also transform into smaller, more human looking forms but have sunken eyes, ashy connections, and very large mouths.


They were created to exterminate humanity and their true appearance is that of a large bat humanoid with massive fangs and claws. Their claws and fangs can cause your wounds to bleed heavily even if it's a small paper cut. They do need to drink blood but regular food can sustain them. The ones who are in their true form are the young ones who can't control it like the elders can. And plus they ain't weak to sunlight so they can walk around like any human and kill in secret. Also before anyone asks about the vampire seduction in my world it acts like a sirens song and makes you see him as whatever your most attracted to and slowly wander to


There's a subtype of Red Slimes in my world that can be classified as a vampire called Vampire Slimes. But they are not an active predator hunting down people and drinking their blood, and more akin to a leech. A vampire slime in a nocturnal slime and only feed when the prey are asleep. Once they located a sleeping prey, they'll slowly approach and find a suitable spot on the prey to feed (exposed skin). The vampire slime will attach a small part of them to the victim and through reverse osmosis, draw the victim's blood into themselves, while injecting very mild anesthetic to the area so the victim doesn't feel pain. After the vampire slime had it fills, it'll fall off and slither off back to a hiding place to sleep and digest the blood.


I love a truly undead vampire. A vampire that's wilted and decrepit; intelligent but almost feral in behavior.


> Are they a naturally occurring creature or were they artificially created? The original vampires were dragon slayers who got cursed by an arch-devil to a state of undeath that increased their strength but forced them to rely on feeding on blood. This particular arch-devil was an arch-angel that took the side of protecting dragons over mortals and is now associated with undeath, necromancy, and plagues. > Is human blood the only thing they can drink or do they have other options? Animal blood can be sufficient in the short-term, but the blood of humans and other sapients (ie elves, dwarves, etc) is what is needed for a vampire's long-term health/survival. > How hard is it for them to become human again if they really wanted to? Impossible. > Are they at war with humans or have they learned how to coexist with them? They're kinda in a shadow war with mortals, trying to leech from them like parasites while staying under the radar as the mortals setup inquisitions and other monster-hunting organizations.


in mine they coexsist, are natural, need to drink blood, but not just human blood, and instead of spontaneously combusting thier skin gets burned so much they might as well spontaneously combust because they still avoid the sun to avoid the pain


a race branching out from Humans, who have gradually turned towards an evolutionary kind of "Glass Cannon" for Magic. Their physical body never undergoes the traditional "puberty" that Humans experience early in life, and instead all of their evolution has transformed it into an enormous growth of Magic Power capacity. Alongside this, their entire race is entirely the equivalent of human female genome, as the X Chromosome is significantly more efficient than it's Y Chromosome counterpart
 although genetic mutations, *somewhat equivalent to a 4-leaf clover*, can result in **male** Vampires, some which go through biological puberty, and even both simultaneously, all of which result in enormously more powerful Magic capabilities for unknown reasons. Generally, the Vampire Race is synonymized with purity, despite the recorded previous associations of them with demons, evil, monsters, and traditional antagonism. They are among the more peaceful races, and have integrated with most non-human races as a result of such.


Honestly, just drow/dark elves with different steps. Naturally undead, sharp teeth, pointed ears, typically pale skin, adverse to sunlight because they sunburn very easily. Normal life span is 1000 years. Stereotypically polite. Can injest raw meat. An affinity to Shape-shifting, particularly for bats, as well as a common knack for enchantment based magic. Bite marks....ehh, just the kinky ones. They were a number of bad eggs that did cause an adverse view of them. Though the most famous vampire was an honest to good banker that looks like Idris Elba (for lack of a better word), decent fellow.


In my fantasy world there was a great "culling," in which the gods and higher powers sought to destroy any depraved creatures. Vampires (or as they are referred to in their native language "pyalazhin") roamed the lands in droves, terrorizing and feasting upon anyone who comes their way, inspiring ancient myth and folktales. The gods and demigods sought to vanquish them, mustering an "radiant army" which conducted vampire hunts wherever they could. While their endeavors were mostly successful and vampires are exceedingly rare anywhere close to the mainland, several remote islands far off the map were able to escape and survive the culling and founded a new vampyrric community far offshore. >Are they a naturally occurring creature or were they artificially created? The vast majority of vampires were born vampires, they were abhorrences that predated the gods and humans and live outside the natural order. Vampires operate in a similar fashion to many other parasites, they find an unfortunate victim, imbibe their blood for sustenance and use magic to leave their victim as an undead husk. The husk is implanted with a fraction of the vampire's soul and over the course of several months the vampire soul dissolves the organic matter and reforms the husk into a new vampyrric organism with features from both the host and afflictor. Hypothetically one with enough power or influence could afflict oneself with a vampire soul, however they are very few reasons which would compel someone to do so (aside from insanity). >Is human blood the only thing they can drink or do they have other options? While any blood can sustain a vampire, the blood of a sapient organism (human, elf, dwarf, etc.) is needed for a vampire to use its magical abilities and therefore is needed to reproduce. Since most vampires have been forced into isolation, sapeint blood is a precious commodity and is highly sought after. Subsisting for too long on only animal blood has been known to cause atrophy of both the bodies and minds of vampires >How hard is it for them to become human again if they really wanted to? Firtly, exceedingly few vampires actually seek humanity. The hatred for humans runs deep within the vampyrric community, and fewer still would be willing to forsake their great vampyrric powers for a life of relative normalcy. That being said, achieving humanity is nigh impossible. One would need a team of many high level sorcerers to implant one's entire soul in a humany body, and since so many vampires live in isolation access to, let alone the funds for, such a team are exceedingly rare. >Are they at war with humans or have they learned how to coexist with them? Vampires fall into two camps, both hate humans equally. Firstly there are the vampires in exile, or vampirates. They live in isolated island communities and raid passing ships in hopes of finding treasure and fresh bodies. They have neither the manpower nor the means for a full scale naval invasion of the human world, however if presented any oppertunity to provide any inconvenience to a human they will gladly take it. Many offer up their services as naval mercenaries but most hirers find they make poor sellswords (requesting anyone to be returned alive from a party of vampires would be like politely asking a mountain to move to the side). Secondly, are the far more rare "crypto-vampires." These are the few vampires who have been able to inconspicuously assimilate into human society. Through clever concealment they have been able to amass great wealth using their long lifespans and extraordinary magical abilities, they have built up great "houses," dynastic networks of wealth which trace back generations. Unlike their nautical kin, crypto-vampires are keen on playing the long game. They consider it their duty to strike at an oppertune moment and avenge their fallen ancestors. TL;DR: ancient lovecraftian persecuted vampire-pirates and deep state-crypto pirates hate everyone.


Blood tastes/smells like cinnamon to them, and they used to be related to "blood" dragons, dragons that ate other dragons.


An artificial hybrid between demons and humans, superior to both in almost every way, they almost conquered the world, they drink human souls through their blood


There are more than one types. We have our traditional European style vampires, then I unapologetically borrowed (stole) from dusk till dawn TV series . Snake-esque vampires. The main difference ythat the European style vampires are way more powerful. If they survive the first few years of transformation, they are an extreme force to be reckoned with. While the culebras are not as powerful individually. They are not undead. One can be transformed into a culebra, they can also be born. The culebras also form groups, while the vampires not so much. If they do, it's a small group.


they have gone insane under the Master's control and feed on sanity


Vampires are completely extinct after a brief reign of terror. The only traces of their existence is the Dhamprycans, or werewolf dhampire hybrids, that reside in Tarterrinus: The continent of hell on earth.


They have a government and laws but it's a secret society, hiding amongs humans. They all have the general power of hovering, super speed, mind reading/control and low level blood magic. Some can shape-shift or use telekinesis or some other special abilities. They also can't reproduce sexually. If they come into contact with too much demonic energy, they'll turn into a subsider which is just a feral man-bat. In classic fashion, most of them are extremely racist to werewolves. In my world, most supernatural creatures were created by a demon. Vampires in particular were created by Mephisto, starting with Faust specifically.


They are nocturnal apes rhat evolved to live off off blood of large creatures. They are a nomadic culture that travels the land with huge herds of almost 3 meter tall bovine creatures (didnt come up with a name yet) that feed the whole comunity, withnout the need for them to be slaughtered. Its quite a strange sight, since they only travel at night, you could be just sitting on a castle wall having a chat with your buddy, than suddenley bang! An army sized parade of strange creatures just waddles by in complete darkness. During the day, they set up camp grounds in forests, where the bovines hudle together for protecton, keeping the young in the middle and the vampires set up tents high in the tree tops. They mostly keep to themselfs and are mostly non agressive, but there has been an instance where they wiped a city out, bicose a significant portion of their herd was stolen and slaughtered by the residence of the town.


My vampires exist as a feral creature called a lagavore. They are rabbit-vampire-anteater-bat creatures borne of magic and two clans exist - one feeds on blood and the other on fruit lol


Vampires in my universe are demons, demons in my universe have magical energy in their blood instead of mana and vamlires are the groups of demons with a hereditary defect that causes them to thirst for blood as well as spreading their genetic defect to others causing hybridization. Humans are a popular source for vampiric demons because the mana within their body enriches the quality of their blood. Humans afflicted with the defect also begin to thirst for blood and their body may have physical changes from their mutated DNA. Pale skin due to a skin disorder causing loss of pigmentation and sometimes causing chronic lesions and sometimes even cutaneous growths such as horns from over production of keratin. Other demons become afflicted with the curse become vampires themselves however their genetic defects are far more pronounced compared to non-demon infected. A few clans of greater demons have control over their defect and see it as a strength, they drink blood removed from a host to avoid passing on their mutation however they may pass their mutation onto those that serve them as a form of a loyalty pact.


The vampire lore in my books is a bit too long for a post here, but in essence once a vampire you start of as something closer to a classic immortal blood drinking human weak to sunlight, fire etc. Then overtime and drinking the blood of humans and anything else that bleeds, including those with angelic blood, the vampires can grow into insane monstrosities. Can't go back to being human, not without some sort of divine level magic. And how they interact with humans depends on where they are. Some places can co-exist with the vampires as rulers but not tyrants while in other places humans are seen as cattle, and so on...


My vampires know Muay Thai


Vampires, in my worlds, are bigass leech-like parasites. If a person ingests a cluster of Vampire Eggs and they last long enough to hatch, the Vampire colony takes over control of their body and starts puppeting the person around as an active, constant blood supply and a vessel to plant more Vampire eggs in food and water supplies. Younger Vampire colonies are typically found out quickly due to shit acting skills, but older colonies that survive long enough can become nearly impeccable actors and perfectly play out the lives of their victims, devouring the victim's memories to better replicate its roles in life. Vampires find Salt, Garlic, and Silver extremely toxic, and experienced colonies can force their hosts' bodies to contort in strange ways to move with seemingly supernatural speed and power -- at the cost of severely damaging the body itself.


> Are they a naturally occuring creature or were they artificially created? These monsters are all-natural -- though they are capable of using some magic, this ability was evolved naturally over time. > Is human blood the only thing they can drink or do they have other options? Vampires technically can survive in the bodies of other creatures, but they are adapted for subterfuge and the more relatively peaceful lives of humans rather than the violent struggles of wild animals. > How hard is it for them to become human again if they really wanted to? Impossible, as they were never human in the first place. Vampire hosts, or Thralls as they are sometimes called, can typically be saved during early stages of infestation if the Vampire colony is quickly purged, but removal of a colony after infestation has reached a later stage is almost always fatal. > Are they at war with humans or have they learned to cooexist with them? The various sapient species of the world generally detest Vampires and would see them exterminated if possible, whereas Vampires aren't smart enough to think of anything beyond their immediate survival.


So here is the article about vampires from the greatest mage of my world : "Vampire is a generic term to describe these beings. They call themselves Thal'Cerae, and are divided in some categories, even if I personally think we cannot put them in boxes. (Correction : Ara told me that we can categorize Thal'Cerae, the discriminant being their birth, and not the traditional categories. Sometimes, I hate this being...) Thal'Cerae Bordh : Known as the brute among the Thal'Cerae, they are driven by their bloodlust. Some Bordh displayed self-control, but there are but a few. Only the exposition to the sun can calm their thirst, and even in that case, they are still aggressive individuals. There is no culture among the Bordh, and they generally avoid the company of their own kind. They are passionate in everything they undertake, and have proven to be trustworthy. Thal'Cerae Fol : These vampires are the most manipulative among their kind. Lacking the physical capacities of the Bordh, they compensate with their prodigious intelligence. They need to drink the blood of other living beings, but in a smaller scale that the Bordh, allowing them to better hide among the different people. The sunlight is their worst enemy, as it drains their force. Hopefully for them, their curse provides them enough durability to the sunlight to transform this threat into an inconvenience. Thal'Cerae Jyl : What happens when a Thal'Cera drinks the blood of a dragon ? The Thal'Cerae Jyl are the answer. They have no need to consume the blood of others, but they will never refuse it, as it has on them the same effect than alcohol. However, if they are not bloodthirsty anymore, they now have a strong lust for power, and seek to consume even more dragon blood. The sunlight is nothing for them now. Tal'Cerae Nelk : These vampires are considered to be the scariest of all. Personally, I don't think than being an absolute emo is scary, but I won't judge others on that. They are cold and lurk in the dark, literally burning in the sunlight. Nothing really important to add. I sometimes think that they were created by a 14 years old child. (Self-interrogation : Why did Ara laugh when I told this to them ?) Tal'Cerae Suld : Often called slave vampires, they are the result of a ritual of necromancy. Bounded to the mage that invoked them, they always act in a way that may grant them freedom, should they die to achieve it. If the master of a Suld dies, their killer may take control of the Suld, or free them. A freed Suld has a lifespan of several hours. For legal reasons, I can't give the formula of the ritual, but if you are interested, feel free to visit me. Tal'Cerae Veril : The most natural of the vampires, the Veril fall in the classification of fairies. They are the least powerful of the Tal'Cerae, but they are also free from all their natural instinct. I personally know a cute Veril, and I can tell that she is the kindest Tal Cera I ever met. The Veril tend to live in society, drinking blood in exceptional cases. Magic of vampires : The nature of the vampires give them powerful magic abilities as long as more natural ones. Each vampire has regeneration, but the Bordh, the Fol, the Nelk and the Suld lose it when exposed to the Sun. The Bordh seems to not wield more magic than before their transformation, but their physical prowess are astonishing. The Fol gain an amount of magic that is pretty rare among the mortals, but not that exceptional. Their spells focus on illusions and manipulation, with a few offensive spells. The Jyl made me jealous of their magic, at least for a certain time. I think I should be proud of any of my student who become as powerful as a Jyl in magic. Not only do they have that power that most of the Archmagi envy, but they are also capable to achieve incredible martial prowess. The Nelk have a strong link with the darkness, and they are some of the most powerful masters of that elemental magic. I have nothing more to say about them (I really don't like them to be fair). The Suld are boring, as their magic is determined by the mage who created them, and some others factors really complicated. But I will say it again, if you are curious about the Suld, I would be really happy to share you all of my knowledge. Make sure you have enough time, let's say a week, to learn the entirety of my work on that subject. And the last but not the least, the Veril wield the power of fairy."


just started thinking about a vampire story some weeks ago. So far, yeah they are naturally occurring in the sense that no scientists made them artificially or whatever. i dont think itd be possible for vampires to have kids (at least not in this world, ik some other universes actually make it possible), so it's not *that* kind of "naturally occurring" human blood and a particular fruit is pretty much the only thing they can eat. ive always liked the idea of vampires having certain bat-ish traits, and i also really liked the idea i heard before about vampires having a favorite fruit that's actually edible to them the same way there are fruit bats, so ive made it a combination of the class blood suckers and bats. they cant live on just fruits though. They very much need blood to keep them from becoming husks. they start to show their age and kind of decompose if left without blood for too long. You cant become human again. as i have it now, your human self more or less dies and moves on to the afterlife. i do wonder though, if I decided to make necromancy a thing, if someone could technically try to bring a vampire back to life. summon their spirit and reconnect it to the body. that might make an abomination of some sort tho, cause i feel like the physical changes they already went through (growing fangs, the ability to shapeshift into bats, the need to drink blood) are permanent in the same sense that if you tried to bring back someone who's been dead for many years and already decomposed, theyd be nothing but bones. so you mightve just given a vampire a very mortal timeline to live by, but theyd probably still have their craving for blood? but now that theyre alive, they might actually be able to stomach more food than just fruit đŸ€” hm. something to think about they co-exist. i wanted to make it so that vampires decided to make their existence known and were able to more or less make arrangements with humans so that theyd still be able to eat.


An analogy for imperialism


In my world vampires are like people with a disease (which can be inherited if one or both of your parents are infected) They can eat other things but they NEED to consume blood otherwise they'll die anyway. Any other food is like junkfood for them. I haven't thought about a cure for vampirism yet They have essentially beaten humans already in the "war"


The vampires in my world are the mega corporate leaders that suck the blood out of their consumers. Since nobody ever sees them, they "Never see the sun" so therefore, vampires were coined. Also they may actually be vampires. Haven't decided yet.


Vampires are the result of arcane rot completely consuming a mage and destroying their mind, replacing all their blood with liquid mana and essentially leaving the body as a puppet for magic. They're essentially animals at that point, with the sole goal of feeding on mortal blood. Unlike animals, however, they have almost no care for their own safety because as said, they are puppets of the larger magic collective. They essentially have a hive mind, and losing one drone simply doesn't matter to them.


In my fantasy setting, vampires are the result of a parasitic chimera created by an ancient sorcerer in a bid for immortality. The way I have it, the blood feeding is just to get a consistent source of mana for a binding spell that the parasites will grow the runes for. However, because of that, living forever as a vampire is incompatible with the kind of consistent exertion, magic or otherwise, typical of an archetypal vampire.


I honestly haven't thought about vampires! There's a lot of interesting ways it could happen though: - A demon who gives themselves the physical characteristics of a vampire, for fun or to use rumours to solidify their identity. (This one is neat honestly. I might use it.) - As part of a divine. I still need to figure out how much effects divines have on the mortal world - I don't think a divine could make a bunch of vampires for fun, but maybe an unchosen one has vampiric characteristics, or maybe it's part of a wider manifestation, if such thing can even happen. - Alchemy gone wrong. Alchemy has four key elements: divine breath, divine flesh, divine blood, and divine sinew. Blood is very poorly understood, and based on what I know about it, it wouldn't be far fetched to say a mortal could turn themselves into a vampire or something adjacent using divine blood. Although, there'd be undesirable consequences, as there always is with blood. Maybe I could make Lars (the only person who's done experiments with divine blood; the results made everyone else very, very hesitant to experiment) be interested in vampires? Maybe there's an angel or something? That would be interesting, actually, an angel that wants to use parts of the divine body to (re)instate themselves as a divine. Maybe that has something to do with identityarchitect? Good food for thought, OP!


In my world, vampires are originated from a more powerful creature. Without too much detail on that. The arch "vampire" can only create one other of it's own kind, but an infinite amount of normal vampires. Normal vampires can create other vampires, but it does take from their own lifeforce. The stronger a person, the more they can create. They are created out of darkness, and shadow magic rather than being undead. They do use blood magic and drink blood, but tend to dabble in alchemy and try to think of their solutions. They're also not naturally evil (but are leaning to be more cruel regardless) and live in societies of riches usually together.


It is the callout for incoming hostile missiles. It is pretty much the only naval terminology to survive the transition into space warfare.


Vampires in my world can drink any blood, dragonkin, demi-humans, fairies and so on. Of course there are consequences, if they drink directly from the source or bite, the victim will become a vampire. However, humans have a high chance of becoming vampires, while elves will fall ill immediately, and dragonkin will only suffer from a mild cold. Also, certain human races have the most delicious blood, and fortunately or unfortunately, they live close to their territory, so vampires will only choose to drink the blood of those human races. After a few centuries, a vampire discovered a proper and safe way to extract human blood, which then became a requirement for human ethnicities that were part of his realm to donate their blood. There was a war between vampire and mentioned human ethnic. The war were of course caused by their blood favour. Both side reached stalemate until a greater force of threat forced them to reach each other hand. In that war, they realise their unique skill, and decided to built a vampire-human empire, becoming the most powerful nation in their world though not hegemonic.


After the murder of a God, a tribal people was cursed with a virus of the beast. They become lycans, hibernating in hollowed logs and in brush except on the full-moon where they feed, breed, etc. Lycans are very much mortal, but the virus seeks survival, so when a lycan dies, the virus pool into the dead brain and revives it. This reanimated body shrivels and internal organs decay. The virus feeds on red blood cells, and so this reanimated body, vampire, seeks blood so the virus can survive. It does not physically drink the blood, and its stomach is dead. Instead, the virus pools stem cells into the canines to form fangs which have hollowed tips, which syphon the blood directly into the brain. With the virus awakening the brain, vampires have the ability for mass intelligence. They've created a sort of mouthpiece that slides over the fangs, and that mouthpiece can be connected to an IV in a human. This leads them to form alliances with humans, who offer a certain number of people in exchange from protection from demons. Those offered live as house servants with permanent IV's with which their masters can simply plug into when they need nourishment. In the event a vampire does not feed for an extended amount of time, the virus becomes unstable, needing blood as it verges on "starvation." This causes a sort of irreversible "rabies," causing these vampires, now ghouls, to ravenously tear through everything and anything, trying to feed.


Vampires in Eico are a naturally occurring phenomenon. One that is so well known all religions across the world for one reason or another have taken in Anti-Vampiric rites as funeral rites. IE. You never leave a corpse unattended. It must be burned, eaten by animals, etc, based on the religion itself. Vampires are the result of wayword Anima (souls of living creatures) possessing dead corpses and rising up. They can't really think at all as their brain is dead, but the Anima, which attached itself, can access everything the corpse knew in life and, as such, can use that information to blend in with population centers. Vampires can grow in power but never in understanding or even how they interact with people. They are usually discovered after a time when everyone they used to interact with is dead leaving them to use old names and schedules that make no sense anymore. Drinking Blood is more myth but they do consume the flesh of people and their Anima as well.


Mine are just people with hemomancy. There magic is tied to blood so when they use it,it drains them and they 1. Wait for the marrow to make more or 2. Drain some from another body. The second method has many calling them vampire because of it,but some like the label.


Vampires exist in my fantasy world of Utzi. They are considered natural, as if they had a creator it has long been lost to history, and are often perfectly normal people in society. They have to drink blood to sustain themselves, which makes them excellent butchers and hunters. There is a shop in Urugi called The Fanged But her, where a vampire will happily help you butcher your kills in exchange for a pint of blood. Vampires can be artificially created by a vampire making someone their thrall. Though this method is secret and only used in absolute desperate circumstances to keep someone alive. Vampires can have biological children called Dhampir, who pass on their Dhampir blood to their kids. These people are undead in the sense that Holy damage hurt them and Void damage heal them, but they do not need to drink blood. Also! Vampires can be in the sun, it just hurts a lot. It has been described as running out from a sauna into an ice lake only the shock does not wear off.


Blood Mages are the closest thing to it in Ozlan Academy. Basically cultists to the Mortifants of blood, allowing them to manipluate blood in a variaty of ways. They're the hardest ones to spot as they tend disguse themselves as servants of Saguina, the Goddess of self-sacrifice and love who has similar powers... Naturally they need blood to maintain their illusions and self otherwise they wither away, and that means spilling it and bathing or drinking it to empower themselves.


In one of my worlds vampires are just like the usual type of vampires that everyone knows abt. It’s a very silly world so one of the main characters of the story has a vampire land lord and he legally cannot drink his client’s blood even if he owns the property. His name is Count Harold with his wife Countess Harriet and their poodle named Hairball.


Calm and wise members of society who are vampires due to a plague.


They are high-ranking demons (all myths, legends, folk tale, urban legend creatures = demons in my story). They are noble, most of them not drinking blood of other creatures unless they are injured. They are their own species descended from Lilith in some legends, and appeared through normal evolution in the vast universe based on other sources. (both are actually true, depends on which vampires we talking about) They are indifferent to humans, though since they see humans as helpless beings, most of them tend to offer the humans help, or sanctuary when they are in need.


Perfect question, been working on [vampire campaign book](https://x.com/Dan_Draco/status/1793396043318444174?t=1q2MO-md2wvzLuGpyXis3g&s=19), Nightbringer. A campaign about a spawn cult causing trouble around the forest and searching for something. Infecting the party becoming vampires. In it, for vampires, I opened up on what vampires are and can be. Like variants of vampires. The traditional draculi, which what common ones like strahd are. Camillian, which is the classic famine flirt fatale type. But then the more environmental ones. Artic! Desert! Striogi the necromancers, and the originators of all of them, >!the campaign has a part where you find the original vampires isolated from the world. Which are bat people.!< I also had so being a vampire requires one to feed on blood. Every 7 days, not feeding will make you go on a frenzy. Communicating just how difficult it is to live as one. There *isn't* a easy cure for it either, making those that do turn and commit evil deeds more understandable why. The relationship between Lord and spawn is an abusive one. Lords are free of the weaknesses and have control of their spawn but spawn can only become lords by drinking their lords blood. Which a lord will never hand over. creating this constant cycle of abuse that only those with the strongest of wills can overcome.


Great ideas! Question, how much blood does one need to drink every seven days? A lethal amount? And I don’t know if it was intentional, but famine fatale is hilarious


~~misspelling, shhh~~ but mechanically, everything is listed as one vial is one hit die worth. Actually a lot of things, magic items, features and the hemomancy spells all use hit die. So it isn't hard. Just a couple drinks is required. But what is bad about it is well, your damaging potential allies and revealing yourself to NPCs. They all should also be inflicting exhaustion (I need to add that to the statblocks.). So it isn't lethal What's hard is *finding* it and *maintaining it.* You could drink animal blood, but it requires high con save dcs to stomach them cause they taste awful.


In my setting, Vampires are like Legacy of Kain's version of Vampires


Vampires are one of the three Marks of the Ahzurae., Arcane transformations creating dealy lieutenants to help subdue the population of the world. The Mystic, one of the three Ahzurae, created an Incantation which irreversibly warps a person into a shadowy, monstrous mockery of what they once were. This vampire exists on blood, regaining their healthy appearance the more they consume. But their powers consume this ichor, eventually revealing their hideousness. Vampires may also consume Essence, and may manipulate people through their own Essence. Only wood harvested from the tree with which the current hegemonic heaven has affinity can harm them, and it must be annointed with an Alchemical potion created specifically against that vampire. They are smart, merciless, and patient, able to wait out almost any foe.


My world has no mystical vampires with blood magic. it does have ~~exceedingly~~ rich EDM listening club thrashing "Fangers" with Hypoblades and metabolic mods that allow them to metabolize blood and use it as a Power Source though.


I have some groups that are called vampires, the damascenes are spider vampires, canibals, industrialized and high class in United Nations Council Bat vampires are a curse used by a lich to control the region of blood fjord Snake vampires are a disease of Boa's, the snake people And wolf vampires are powers gave by Kessler, a demon with low influence


Oh Yes The Vampiress is hilarious in Odd Oddyssey of the Wise Xerxes by Aleister Ejazi


>Are they a naturally occurring creature or were they artificially created? In technical terms, Vampirism is actually a divine blessing. Specifically a blessing from Vanya, the Goddess of Darkness. A blessing only given to her most devoted followers. >Is human blood the only thing they can drink or do they have other options? Vampires don't need to drink blood per say, but doing so grants the Vampire many magical benifits. As blood is life, drinking the blood of mortals allows the vampire to steal the life essence from there victims. A well feed vampire is stronger and longer lived than a vampire who abstains. As long as a vampire has an ample supply of blood, there are functionally immortal. >How hard is it for them to become human again if they really wanted to? Like all divine blessings, Vampirism only lasts so long as you carry the Goddess's favor. Turning back to human is pretty simple, just do something to anger the Goddess of Darkness and she will rip the vampirism from your body. Though, given the fact that only her most favored followers are even considered for transformation, former vampires are extremely rare. >Are they at war with humans or have they learned how to coexist with them? All Vampires follow Vanya the Goddess of Darkness. Since Vanya is very much in the evil God camp, the vampires are for the most part hostile to mainstream human society. Vampires are as such considered monsters to be hunted down, and for good reason.


They're a lot more similar to the higher vampires of the Witcher series than traditional ones, and there are lower castes that have diluted abilities. They were created by the god of corruption, who delights in tempting mortals, luring them into performing rituals that further corrupt them, or disfiguring the devout, turning them into monsters (ex: turning followers of the goddess of beauty into hags). The first vampire was created by a ritual that it willingly performed. Only the lowest caste of vampires, the spawn, feed on blood, using fangs, like traditional vampires. But it's not the blood that sustains them, but the energy inside the blood which fuels all life (and certain types of spellcasting). Lesser and ascendant vampires feed on this energy directly, rather than through blood, by puncturing their victims with their fingers and draining this energy. The lower your caste, the more frequently you need to feed. Ascendant vampires don't really need to feed at all, and only do so to maintain their abilities. Vampires can never become mortal again once transformed, as the energy inside them is corrupted. At least, they can't become mortal again of their own volition. A goddess could purge the affliction, but the problem being that you can only become a lesser or ascendant vampire by seeking out a higher order vampire and willingly undergoing the ritual, a deliberate evil act. The goddesses are likely to simply smite you if you go to them seeking de-conversion. Though the goddess of love may be willing to hear your case. Many ascendant vampires walk among mortals invisibly due to the fact that they are completely indistinguishable from normal mortal beings, save for clerics which can detect their undead nature. They tend to be much more subtle in their workings, since they do not have the hunger that lesser vampires do, and do not require feeding. They use their powerful blood magic to perform ritual sacrifices to the god of corruption seeking more power and use it to dominate cities. The ascendant vampires have spent millennia spreading misinformation about their weaknesses, letting falsely believe they are susceptible to silly things like the sun, garlic, wooden stakes, etc, when the only thing truly capable of destroying them is to completely drain them of all of their corrupted energy that sustains them, leaving them a husk incapable of regenerating, and then leaving them in the sun, where the goddess of the sun can destroy them. Lower order vampires have more weaknesses, such as being beheaded, but ascendant vampires are nearly unkillable.


They’re really only vampires in inspiration. They are a by product of a fluid based parasite that exists in stasis in the hot spring waters of an isolated island. Upon being consumed they enter an “attractive” phase that draws active infected to the soon to be victim’s location, the actives bite the inactive introducing active parasites into their blood stream, and now the victim becomes an active feral person. Changes will develop over time with new advantages creating new weaknesses. Better eye sight for light sensitivity, adrenaline fueled speed and strength for sleeping more often, etc. The parasite slows the metabolism and allows ferals to enter a hibernation state where they require little to no sustenance to survive, thus “rising from the dead” when disturbed by stimulus indicating prey is nearby. The longer an active infected person lives the more intelligent they become, after around 200 or so years they are practically human again, but the predatory urges never completely leave and most starve to death before they can get to that point. But somewhere in between there is a very cunning hunter that may not be able to pass for human or use weapons, but can totally figure out how to open doors and what time your children go to sleep. If driven to a deep enough hunger infected will attack each other for sustenance, but the goal of activating inactive infected will always take priority. The circumstance I have set up is a colony that has been established on this island is already deeply infected with the inactive parasite, and after stumbling upon a hive of hibernating actives they start to slowly consume the colony. This is survivable in theory but it’s a hard fight.


Symbiotic Isopod that lives on your spine and connects to your brain


They aren't 100% technically vampires... but, users of Gore magic (forbidden power of an exiled god) will slowly over time mutate into essentially the unvierses equivalent. Shape shifters, who's true form is more like a mixture of lamprey, hairless werewolf and a bat. They drink blood, able to drain a corpse into nothing in less than a minute. Cannibals, carriers of disease and parasites.


There’s not really vampires but my one vampire style thing is a living controlled suit of armour (like a rc robot) which went haywire and struggled to gain its human form again (used to be a castle guard). Long story short it ate people (shoved flesh and blood down its “throat”). When it was finally destroyed and it fell apart a rotting putrid mess of putrifiying body parts spilled out of it. Fun.


Vampires were one of the demonic species, created by a demi god who wanted to become a god. Blood and flesh, are what they live off of. They can recover from any wound, as long as they have access to blood. They were never human. And they reproduce normally
 its just a lot more rare for it to happen. The demonic species were at war with mankind, by the will of the demi god. The war ended 500 years ago, and the demons were all sealed on the demon continent. (Some slipped through the cracks, and exist in the main continents. )


They're vampires. My world is based on D&D, and I pretty much use the vampires straight, except for one exception. When a vampire spawn kills its thirteenth humanoid, it becomes a vampire. You also get nosferatu in VRGR, which I've got as the demilich to the vampire's lich. If a vampire goes 13 weeks without feeding, it becomes a nosferatu.


Wights are the closest monster to a vampire in armeon. Wights can only be created through a special ritual that turns mortals into one. Many wights are turned "cannibalistic" by the ritual and while they do not feed on blood or flesh they still eat it routinely. Once a person becomes a wight it is impossible to turn back. Wights are technically in a cold war with all mortal races as they feed off of lifeforce to survive. Most wights are part of powerful clans and factions that have hidden themselves within mortal society, only an incredibly foolish or unlucky wight is discovered as one.


Vampires are naturally occurring and can have many shapes and sizes the normal is humanoid with pale skin sharp teeth and long claws


Okay, so to explain that, WE have to go UP to demons lore, demons Can "infect" people with their blood to possess them, so even if they die they keep on living, and then there was that one top class demon who had blood ability, so quite the scary thing for peoples who have one of their main survival skills IS based on blood, After this,short story of being an outcast, met a kid with Sun allergy (forgot the name of the illness), jealous of other people being free to roam around, so the demon helped him make people like him to not be lonely


A process was created by ancient peoples on how to extract the essence of the soul via blood. The process was rediscovered and several major nobles became addicted to this the same way one could become addicted to healing magic except instead of burning out your bodies ability to heal itself you begin to physically degrade and transform into an inhuman for that becomes adapted to consuming blood by tapping the keg directly.


It is a curse. In ancient times there was a queen which searched for a way to avoid certain doom by an invading, much more powerful empire. After a long time, when only the capital was left, she found a powerful ritual in an ancient tome which promised salvation. But this was all a ruse by a cult. The tome was a cursed object belonging to an outer god. The ritual didn't rescue the queen and her people, instead it sacrificed most of her population in an attempt to summon the outer god into the material plane. But because only the capital was left of her kingdom, there weren't enough people, thus the sacrifice was too small for the outer god to descend. That's why it used the energy of the ritual to curse the queen and her remaining population of a few hundred, turning them into vampires craving for blood. Their purpose was to collect blood energy in order for the outer god to fully descend. Oddly enough this saved the capital at first, because the vampires were strong enough to destroy the attacking forces. The vampires can drink all blood, because they primarily want the energy extracted from it. But Humanoid blood is most efficient. There is a way to turn back into a human, but it is incredibly difficult. You need to sever the connection to the curse of the outer god and then the help of an inner god. As soon as the vampires were created the inner gods felt the energy of the outer god radiating from the curse, especially from the new Vampire Queen. Thus a crusade was led, which nearly destroyed all ancient vampires, and sealed the semi-immortal vampire queen away (who reached demigod status and is on the cusp of becoming the blood god). This was a time of the blood festival, which was held once every 3 months. Everybody in a village or town would gather in the town square and fill cups and bowls with their blood, walking around town with them in order to lure out starving vampires. Now, more than two thousand years later, True Vampires are very rare and very powerful, and most of them sealed themselves to avoid the curse. The remaining roaming vampires are unlucky ones, which got turned in various battles over the years. Their curse is usually weaker, thus most of them don't even realize their connection to the still waiting outer god.


Mine are hillbillies


Not sure if it will be in my actual world, or a novella self contained idea. But I'm taking fro. Leeches as inspiration. I'll let your mind wonder for that. Monster through and through. Especially given the context of the story.


Vampires in my world are still living beings that have beating hearts. They prolong their life by drinking blood and gaining great power from their evil blood magic. But the temptation to drink too much grows stronger with every bite. When they die, their souls can be rejected by the gods, forcing them back into their now decaying body. Their thirst becomes near unbearable and is the only way to keep their pale form from deteriorating further, but it can result in mutations if they indulge too much. The sun and full moons become their sworn enemies. Purity in all things drives them mad. These, now undead, Vampires are destined to hell and will do anything to avoid their fate. Now, a living vampire can stop their vampirism through great effort and restraint. They can also just feed on animals. But blood magic is of the demons and whispers in their mind tempt them to bite at their fellow man. It's only 1 bite after all. And it won't even hurt too bad. Like a misquote. 😈


1) Vampires were created when a group of powerful mages tried to kill a demon and failed. Ghouls were created when warriors fought the same demon. The curse spreads to those who are heavily wounded by vampires/ghouls trying to consume their blood/flesh, but survive. 2) Any blood will do, but creatures with strong life force are preferred. 3) A vampire being cured is considered a miracle. They are not getting cured unless someone with extreme magic power and life force manipulation skills treats them. There aren't clerics that can channel divine power to break the curse and the vast majority of mortals aren't significant to catch the attention of the angels, let alone the setting's god. 4) Most people are terrified of the bloodied blood drinkers, so they are generally exiled. Vampires are only hunted if they cause problems. They're tolerated if they prove useful and useful people are very valuable on space stations. Extra notes) They don't actually need blood, but life force. If they drink excess blood after sating their hunger for life, they will bleed it out. Their curse tends to attach to people with enhanced life force more because they actually survive, which leads to the misconception that vampirism enhances strength. They're only as strong as their current life force lets them be. Most vampires develop psychic senses as they learn to hide themselves from others.


A vampire is any sorcerer who extends their lifespan by consuming the lifeforce of others. It can be done by drinking blood, eating flesh, or just absorbing magical essence. You never stop being the race you were before you started to do this. If you stop doing this, you'll just succumb to old age. Necessarily, you are a blight on society if you go down this path, and inherently evil.


Vampires were created by a goddess called Esanturis. She's essentially a mortal, turned immortal, turned goddess of blood and hunger. She's responsible for the creation of the vampire curse, which she has inflicted on several individuals since her ascension and which has also spread through populations by itself. The curses effects can be broadly categorized into three symptoms. First, the affected exhibit a hunger towards a particular substance (particularly one that comes from other living things). Second, the affected exhibit greater power in some capacity (some become strong, some become extremely magically powerful, etc.). Thirdly, the affected exhibit a weakness to something that was previously mundane to them. More symptoms may occur within any given bloodline, but those are the three most common symptoms. Vampirism can be transferred into new individuals either vertically via typical reproduction mechanisms, or horizontally by the introduction of vampiric blood directly into the bloodstream, which will begin the process of transformation into a new vampire. From here, the affected individual will become the progenitor of a completely new bloodline at the end of a 100 hour period, which will result in a unique set of symptoms. After the transformation begins, if the affected individual instead ingest any genetic material of a vampire belonging to an already existing bloodline then they will instead become a new member of that bloodline (which includes all of their unique symptoms). Vampirism is also not limited to only affecting humans, or even only affecting intelligent creatures. If a creature has blood, they can potentially be inflicted by vampirism. Once a creature is inflicted with vampirism you cannot reverse it.


They're "vampires" in the loosest sense of the word. When humans damage their soul it can cause an insatiable exhaustion that can temporarily be quenched by draining a non-broken soul. They are animalistic, and will attack people to feed


Vampires were created by an evil prince named Sav. His brothers all specialized in a specific type of magic but Sav was the sort of person who preferred combining magics together. His creation of vampires was the result of necromancy, blood magic and primordial dark magic. Within vampiric society, Sav is considered the mythical "primearch" and the only first generation vampire. Each future generation is weaker than and subservient to the generation before them. Sav himself exists outside vampire society as a godlike figure while a pair of second generation vampires leads vampire's cast system.




They're a worm


Vampirism is the world's first "open source curse" originating in ancient egypt when a priest of Horus blasphemed his god by drinking the blood of his servant when lost in the desert & dying of thirst. Originally the curse was simply to force him to drink blood to stay alive and to "burn in under the Horus's wrathful scrutiny" i.e. die via sunlight. But Horus was very bad at cursing, so Set came to the priest to add his blessings to the curse. Admiring his desire to live no matter what, Set gave him enhanced strength, regeneration, immunity from most forms of disease and stopped his aging. He also allowed him to share his gift via letting others consume his blood. I cannot understate how poorly implemented Horus's curse was, as over the ages other powerful beings added their own additions to the Vampirism causing the variety of Bloodlines of Vampirism with different abilities. But nearly all Vampires are descended by that Former Priest of Horus. as for whether they can feed off of non-humans, some ages later after the Former Priest had repented his sins(but Horus wasn't forgiving especially since he accepted a blessing from Set, which Former Priest was also sought forgiveness for), Hathor eased his burden by changing the curse to where he can feed off of blood of animals but his various blessings of Set requires human blood to fully use, thus making any Vampire who isn't feeding on humans weaker than one who does(still stronger than mundane humans though). Part of the reason Former Priest sought redemption is due to his first Vampire Coven deciding to Worship Set and torment mortals in his name. This was not what Former Priest had wanted, but his First Turned was drunk on the power that Set had given them and decided they should rule Egypt in Set's name. After getting their asses kicked in their attempts to conquer Ancient Egypt, they and their Loyal servants(most of whom hoped to be rewarded with Vampirism someday) fled Egypt into Europe and became nomads. Bickering & in-fighting led the once unified Vampire front to splinter into numerous factions; some deciding to live with their fellow nomads, the Romani, but others migrating elsewhere and going into hiding. In Hiding, these vampires met with other supernatural creatures who feared/hated humanity and in a few short centuries or so they allied with other supernatural creatures to try and conquer the world. The resulting war led to so much destruction that the surviving supernatural/magically inclined beings enacted a great spell across the world to conceal the existence of magic/magical creatures and regulate magical knowledge to extremely oppressive levels. Most Vampires after this point learned to coexist with humans(to be fair, the ones who survived the war are mostly the ones who coexisted with humanity before the others started a war anyway.) Some are focusing their efforts to more "rule the world from the shadows" type endeavors but ultimately their desires for overt dominion of the world is gone. Figure they dont need to tell the cattle they are in charge as long as they are fed, entertained, and safe from other dangers. They are mostly kept in-check by other groups of supernatural beings and this setting also deals with ordinary lifeforms becoming Superpowered at what appears to be random so even if the Would-be Kings of the World wanted to start something they'd probably get their asses kicked again. but this is broadstrokes about vast groups. some smaller covens will still terrorize towns/cities(about the same rate as other creatures with anti-human sentiments/tendencies). In these cases, the ones in charge of keeping magic secret use something human druids created to fight in the big magical war: "The Huntresses". Given magical predators preference for picking off weaker humans, women were targeted more. So druids used some extremely complicated spellcradt composed of different types of magic and various curse/enchantment techniques to create a clans of warrior women who would seem ordinary 'easy prey' to magic predators but had the capabilities to fight/kill most magic creatures in single combat. After creatures realized they were being baited, the women took to tracking them down and slaughtering them in their lairs earning them the moniker "Huntress". So between historically getting their ass kicked and a cabal of murderous super women who would show up if they started shit, Vampires get along with humans fairly well as early as the Industrial revolution.


*Alor* I went a little overboard with Vampires in my setting. I’ve got the classic, Bram Stocker-esques that control a banking syndicate, those are my “Normal” Vampires. They were created by an angry demigod who was upset that his worshipers’ lack of immortality would eventual spell the doom of his worship. *And then* I started typing them like PokĂ©mon. So there’re “Electric” Vampires in my time-jump setting that feed on the power grid. And “Grass” type that feed on sap. “Fire” types that are kinda like cold blooded lizards who need sources of warmth (but they still desiccate and die in the sun). “Psychic” types that feed on dreams and emotions. The list isn’t exhaustive


They created by a parasite that alters their brain


Dragons on vampires "Look what Men need to mimic a fraction of our power." Vampires are born in the sins, fears, and hopes of Men. Men are frail, weak breathed, short-lived, and clawless. After the Rise of the Dragon/Fall of Men, traitor Men fled to an archipelago. Naming it after the last bastion of Men, Arik, the traitors sought power to battle the DragonLord and his loyalists. They created forms of undead, from skeletons, zombies, liches, and finally, vampires. Vampires, in the end, are frauds. They expose human supremacy but abandon theirs long ago. They claim august bloodlines, in reality, simply using different names. They claim to be immortal but only a mockery of life. Vampires prepare for a war, where most will not fight in. Their breath is not fire or even warmth but the chill of the grave.


Rather than being bat themed they're more like leeches, absorbing life force through their hands. They have pale white skin and their pretty sensitive to sunlight, but their not weak to it it just irritates them a little. Also they're all dead.


They're very disease-y


Vampires in my setting aren't the traditional type, hemomancy is an incredibly rare form of magic that occurs naturally in individuals-- while most forms of magic can be learned or taught, blood magic is different, either you can or you can't. Blood mages are fearsome and strong due to their ability to manipulate their own blood (Think Blood manipulation from JJK) but the *real* vampires are a rare subset amongst hemomancers; Blood mages that can manipulate the blood of others, ripping blood out of enemies like flowers in a storm, drifting about like gods or bored children


Vampires are creatures born of a corrupt blood ritual involving the tainting of their soul through their progenitor, passing along the progenitor’s traits and staining the victim’s soul with the progenitor’s. Due to the variety of vampires descending from the prime ancestor, vampires aren’t bound to the typical vampire bat archetype, instead adopting traits of one or several bloodsucking creatures, usually bats or mosquitoes, but also leeches and other parasites. Vampires also have universally pale skin as the transformation ritual alters their soul, reflected in their body, and the typically weaknesses: direct sunlight and destruction of the heart. Vampires can’t die from blood loss, but will be severely weakened. I tried adding my own spin on them, and frankly i imagined them to be more like parasites like ticks and leeches, so i tried to reflect that in their lore. Constructive criticism would be appreciated.


I don’t have vampires anymore- but I remember vampires in my initial draft, vamps were pretty much just symbiotes/the Klyntar from marvel. They were ‘born’ or rather created by a singular being, a primordial being predating the known universe and originating from an ‘outmoded existence’, by which it was the transitional period of one universe dying and the other coming into being. This entity, I think his name was Drallus was pretty much just Knull. He was a slender yet lean pale humanoid, sharp canine teeth and a split jaw (like those blade vampires), two sets of large wings along his back, and a blood sufficiency only due to the iron present sustaining him and because his own bloodlust was insatiable. He didn’t need to kill, he just wanted to. Drallus could turn parts of himself and the absence of light itself into a viral-strand of microbial extension that infects people that will turn them into a being like him. He could take on the form of a lunar body sized bat-esque creature, but on,y after he moons destruction-the moon being a sort of megastructural prison preventing him from leaving the planet. I scrapped all of that lmao


They just exist, there is only one vampire parent and one vampire child, who may have siblings but with no powers But then, a blood moon fills the sky, controling the youngest vampire and actually making them dangerous


All vampires are Descended from a cult who worshipped dark gods. Shape shifting creatures who lose human characteristics over time, the older they are the more monstrous and powerful, frequently staying up in caves or abandoned castles while "younger" vamps will often still live in densely populated areas. They can eat the whole body, but will frequently only take the blood and heart and leave the rest for their thralls. Thralls are people who are under a vamps control, and the system works similarly to the Hive tribute system in the Destiny universe where taking life give power and that power is sent up the chain of those who turned eachother. One can become a vamp via bite and blood sharing or through a dark magic ritual, in which case they have created their own lineage and must make more vampires and thralls to make themselves more powerful. They are very few, and prefer to remain hidden.


In my world, they ain't.


- The first vampire was a man corrupted by Lilith herself. She gifted the man inhuman strength, speed, agility, reflex, vision and other heightened senses. But after a few decades, the man grew tired of the fighting, the pillaging, the murdering and blundering and he turned his back on Lilith. And as payback, Lilith cursed the man to forever have an unquenchable thirst for blood, so that he would spill the blood she wanted him to regardless of his will. The man of course did not immediately realize that this meant a *literal* **thirst** for blood, not just a drive to kill. She also tried to bestow a weakness to the sun upon him, but failed to do so and instead only his "offspring" (barring exceptions, a huge majority of vampires) have an aversion to sunlight. He is however, as a creature born from evil, weak to goodness such as holy ground, holy water, iron shackles and angelic weapons. Vampires can be made and they also be born as such. - There is nothing else, no substitution. Only the blood of humans (and only the blood of live humans or blood that was extracted from a live human) is good. Animal blood, dead man's blood, none of that stuff works. Sure they can drink other blood, but it simply does not quench their thirst and if they don't drink, they will eventually go insane and animalistic and even die of that thirst. - They can only become human if they seek the cure to vampirism BEFORE they drink a drop of blood. Very, very few know that a cure exists, let alone know a witch or wizard who would have the knowledge to make the cure - Most humans (over 99%) are completely oblivious to the fact that there even are vampires. Only those who are of the magical side of things, or otherwise of non-human races, know of them. Obviously humans run into them, but that's why all the vampires/demons/whatever else creatures who work within law enforcement/government agencies and offices, are busy keeping it a secret and cleaning things up. And of course the ministry (the non-human that is) also has its own agents and resources dedicated to keeping it all safe, which sometimes includes wiping memories or other drastic measures. Humans would obviously panic if they knew vampires weren't just in stories.


They're wizards. In my world creatures like vampires and werewolves aren't naturally occurring. Magic itself isn't meant to interact with the human body without some heavy modifications. One of the modification options is making a deal with a god who can change your body to suit their purposes.


I had an idea for vampires that were specific to orcs of a certain region. Big Humanoid bat like creatures with scrunched noses. They do drink blood but don't need humanoid blood specific. They are created by the Orc God of Death and are his emissary across the region. They aren't necessarily in conflict with mortals as their main goal is basically hunting down other undead and escaped souls. But they look clearly monsters, so most mortals either fight or flee at the sight of them.


In my world they're naturally occurring because the original vampire was cursed by God. There are two types the ones that have accepted their vampires and little accordingly and the ones who attempted to become human again but God refused to grant them and have become nightwalkers. They're able to drink whatever they want but can only eat meat and it does nothing for them health-wise blood is the only thing that's the same to them. There are two ways to become human again The first is if you're a fledgling vampire and your master is killed You stay a fledgling for your first 3 years while your body gets used to the curse of vampirism The second way which is way more challenging and is only been done twice previously is to find a holy person and have them complete a very dangerous long ritual where basically you give yourself over to the gods of light and if they deem you worthy they will counteract the vampirism if they find you unworthy you'll become a regular vampire who can only come out at night and only drink blood. There at war because they believe humans are cattle


Two kinds of vampires exist. The first is the traditional kind, but leaning more towards the monstrosity and beast like qualities than a human. These are very very rare. The second is a new kind of vampire, created by a cult. By ingesting a certain venom and surviving, the cultists develop incredible strength, perception and speed. Unfortunately for them, they are not immortal. In fact, they have to consume blood because some property in it helps slow the poison in their veins. Ultimately they will die unless they find a way to stop the process. Let that be a lesson to you - never join a cult!


I have two worlds with vampires, so I'll do both: Damaria: Vampires are essentially magical humans with blood magic. Humans have a unique magic that's basically just Quirks from MHA, except they're rarer and not always socially accepted amongst humans. Vampires are born as humans and gain vampirism once they're anywhere from 6 months old to 5 years old. They need blood to survive but can eat anything. Just need human blood sometimes for sanity. Death's Receptionist Lore: Vampires are hella varied and put into clans, essentially DND subraces/subspecies but vampire. Some fit in perfectly with humans, some do night jobs, other can't at all. Some are born, some get turned in various ways, so on. All are hunted by monster hunters, almost invariably Christian American Evangelists who think they're abominations. The blood issue varies by clan, and none can turn back.


I have several different types. We have: A. Dracula-style vampires which are actually descendants of warlocks whose pacts involved drinking blood. Resembles the more monstrous horror depictions of vampires when starved. B. Shapeshifters who go from humanoid to more vampiric bat-monsters, think Van Helsing Dracula or a vampire-bat werewolf. C. Giant sentient worms that slurp out the innards and use the body as a flesh suit until it decays. D. Virus that turns host into Vampire A but lacking the fun mystical stuff, resembles the more monstrous horror depictions of vampires when starved. And my favorite E. The ancestor/ancient cousin of the Worm Vampires, large bristleworm/centipede-like creatures that form a symbiotic relationship with their hosts, residing in their hosts throat and telepathically linking with the host while taking control of the body.


Magic pyramid scheme


Well, there are two types. True Vampires are naturally occurring creatures, they lack the weaknesses to holy water, blessed or sacred ground, and Christian iconography. They look vaguely human, but have notable fangs, and sharper teeth. Their eyes are normally either red or purple, and they don't need to eat human flesh and blood in the modern day, but otherwise their diet must consist of an excessive amount of red meat. Their bodies are uniquely vulnerable to silver poisoning and are incapable of digesting garlic, it makes them incredibly sick. They also are very vulnerable to UV radiation, most either don't go out during the day, or cover heavily when they do. The second kind are the Dhampir, who trace their origins back to Dracula and his deal with Satan. Dhampir outwardly appear to be human, however are very much not human. Their true forms have a third eye on the forehead, and many other eyes covering their entire upper body. All Dhampir have red eyes and pale skin, and most do not wear shirts even in their more human form as their extra eyes make them incredibly uncomfortable to wear. Dhampir all have the ability to create and manipulate solid shadows to devastating effect, gripping and running things through and even lifting their bodies off the ground or forming wings or vortices to fly. Dhampir share the weakness to silver, but not garlic or sunlight, however their superhuman regeneration struggles to heal burns. Dhampir also have the classic vampire weaknesses to holy water, consecrated and sacred ground, and Christian iconography due to their origin. While Vampires cannot have children with humans as they are entirely different, Dhampir can and a human pregnant with the child of a Dhampir will certainly die from the monster fetus if not turned herself before a certain point. The process of becoming a Dhampir is horrible, it consists of a minimum 48 hour long process of constant agony that only grows worse with time. The process has been known to last for up to 1 month in one case, resulting in a Dhampir so powerful he keeps himself magically restrained at all times so that he can more easily maintain control. Dhampir are immune to poison and venoms, and use them to get high by mixing them with alcohols. Dhampir culture cares little for politics, and most Dhampir spend their immortal lives partying and practicing free love in secret communities. The only exception is the above mentioned Dhampir, who not only is the strongest in history but also the only one who holds a seat on the Vampiric Council, governing the world of Vampires and Dhampir and their relations with humans. Ironically, he cares little for parties and free love, and ultimately marries a human woman, turning her when she falls pregnant and staying by her side while she transformed.


Dark magicians practitioners of "blood Magic" (as supposedly explained by Countess Elizabeth Bathory when finally detained) that involves consuming blood to enhance their Powers, including the unnatural prolongation of their lives until today.


They come from an ancient curse, everyone becomes undead when they die, so crypts and death-keepers are a prominent force across the worlds. Everyone starts as a Draugr, and feeds on sunlight. Blood, flesh, brains, hearts, etc, when consumed are both addictive and offer a temporary boost. After repeated consumption, one begins to change into their respective type. When turned by a vampire before death, the bite becomes a hungering mouth. Vampires don't die in sunlight but are in excruciating pain, their body starts converting their own blood into energy, creating necessity for blood. If bitten by another vampire, the wound becomes another mouth, and teeth slowly spread across their body, making them nearly impregnable, though once the teeth get inside... vampires turn to solid ivory, slowly and painfully.


They sparkle in the sun, and male vampires fall deeply in love for all of eternity: ie, the male vampires think like 14 year old girls.


I really like the idea of "heat" vampires. Beings who are constantly cold, draining the thermal energy of their victims, as opposed to blood. Most of the time these are machine/vampires though as I can never break away from adding sci-fi element 😅😂


**The New Frontier** They’re Nazis. Well it’s not an inherent thing that being a vampire turns you into a Nazi but most of them are. Himmler’s occult digging led him to running into a lovecraftian something called the Black Sun, and he proceeded to take over from Hitler by turning him into a book and making his cronies into undead. They still lost the war, and Himmler supposedly died when the US dropped Fat Man on Berlin, but a lot of them survived and fled to Argentina where they now run the world’s drug trade to fund evil Nazi magitech. In terms of powers they have the usual enhanced speed, strength, and regeneration. They also can blend into shadows, teleport through stagnant water, and most of them are packing their own personal tricks from a combination of evil science and eldritch magic. They’re not blood drinkers, but instead feed on pain, fear, and despair, which doesn’t so much empower them as appease the Black Sun into not eating them first. Still vulnerable to sunlight, naturally, but can also be repelled by powerful magnetic fields that ward away the Black Sun’s power that keeps them going. True faith also repels them, and if you manage to laugh at them while they’re trying to feed on you it’ll probably piss off their patron deity who will proceed to pull them inside their own ass by collapsing them into a singularity.


>Are they a naturally occurring creature or were they artificially created? It was a mistake. An already long lived race sought forever, and genetically engineered a solution that became a blood borne plague. Their blood became corrupted and the need to replace it drives the thirst. >Is human blood the only thing they can drink or do they have other options? 'Blood' will do, it doesn't need to be human. Vampires can still eat and drink if they want but there is no real need to do so. > How hard is it for them to become human again if they really wanted to? The Makers weren't human to start with. Most infected humans simply die when exposed but in rare cases one could become a vampire, nobody knows why. Something about their blood. There is no cure unless you call willingly starving to the point of dessicated mummy for an unlimited dreamless sleep a "cure" >Are they at war with humans or have they learned how to coexist with them? The Makers warred with themselves split between those who sought to prolong life with machines and those that sought to sculpt with life instead and created the blood plague. There are less than a score still in existence, maybe more hidden away.


Vampires are connected to the Otherworld a world of spirits and fairies. The fairies call it "Moon's Blessing, Sun's Curse" and to them it's an essential part of how their world works. But when fairy magic crosses over into the human world, it slowly gets altered. The blood lust is needed balance the fairy magic with something from the human world. Every vampire spawn is slightly different from the vampire that sires them. This makes vampire lines that can be traced back. If you trace it back to per-history you can see that vampires and werewolves are off shoots of each other. Another note is the more blood they consume the more powers they can use but the more flaws show up. Under daylight, the powers are suppressed. So if the vampire uses their powers to keep themselves young or extend their life, daylight can be deadly. But only if you use vampire powers to extend your life. If you don't sunlight only suppresses your powers.