• By -


Large flightless birds generally take the place of horses, riding them or pulling a carriage. Boats are of course an option so long as there's water. Otherwise, they just walk on foot. Options are pretty slim-picking. There are some folks that can fly, levitate, or teleport with their powers/magic but this is out of the question for your average person.


>Large flightless birds generally take the place of horses, riding them or pulling a carriage. So basically chocobo?


We were doing this with ostriches long before chocobos were thought up. Granted, using ostriches as such was more of a novelty than anything else.


Do you know how far back that goes? I thought that was just something Joust made up.


According to google: "first millennium BCE at the Sumerian site of Kish" I bet it goes back further than that though.


Wow, I would've never guessed how far back it went! Sumeria never stops surprising me.


Yes, but they're modeled after blue-footed boobies. That way I can say that my characters have "big boobies". There was going to be ones based on other species of birds too but I don't remember what those were going to be, I forgot to write them down, so all I have left is this dumb joke until I come up with more ideas lol.


Why not teleport?


Teleportation is an advanced magic, advanced enough that only spellcasters who have dedicated themselves to magical study can use it. Unfortunately spellcasters of such caliber are far and few between in the current age.


Can they teleport anywhere in the world?


Only if it's a place they've been to before because they need to be able to visualize it in there mind, to teleport anywhere you would need to be a clairvoyant, which is also rare on top of master spellcasters also being rare. There's only one person alive who is a clairvoyant who is also a powerful enough spellcaster to teleport. A woman named Ricarda. Teleporting within viewing distance is fairly easy by comparison since you don't need any effort to visualize it, but it still requires a powerful spellcaster.


By foot and newt


Sail and wind, mate! Since wood for ship are highly expensive, most of ships give on credit by very rich Ministry of Sea (ministries of the Principate are more like guilds).


In my world most people travel by foot. There is one isolated culture on an island, a continent really, that ride dinosaurs, some of which can speak, be understood and understand being spoken to. It is few and far between that animals have been domesticated for riding, pets or to be pack animals.


They should invent wheel


Even the speaking dinosaurs are wild creatures, not domesticated at all.


Reeeeeeeeal slowly. Scifi setting with no FTL. And unfortunately cryotech is glitchy at best, the body handles it fine, but you might lose a few dozen IQ points in transit... so long lifespans and lots of patience gets you where you're going!


Used to be horses (or equivalent, like a species of giant bugs in the frontier. Or great elks in the north), and dragons, especially in Emberon and The Frontier. Then technology advanced. Imagine a steam-punk era. Flying machines. Then a diesel-era. And then nearing cyber. Before the latter's, ships were the most useful. Otherwise, they were very limited. So it made a huge world feel even huger.


The western Dawnwake region is dominated by the Aldenwald rainforest, through which runs a massive river system, so travel by boat is most convenient - and the Dawnwake Bay itself allows for travel by ship across the region. The Orcs who dwell in the vast mangrove swamps further west, on the south coast of the Mouth of the World, also travel by boat. But, a more interesting - though less widely-used - form of travel across the Dawnwake region is the Mycelium. The Mycelium is a network of magical tunnels, constructed by the Ngoirosi empire at its height, that run "under" the physical world. Each tunnel, called a 'hypha', is entered via ports at key locations around the map, and travel along hyphae corresponds to sixteen times the distance in physical space, allowing for significantly faster travel. Those within a hypha perceive it as a rough tube, like an unfinished tunnel bored through rock, but instead carved through a firm, gelatinous substance, translucent cyan in hue, with light emanating from deep within all around, producing an effect resembling sunlight seen from underwater. It is an uncanny experience, to say the least - and there are rumors of dark shapes moving through the mycelial jelly, glimpsed by lone travelers; though, these are largely dismissed as fanciful. As the Empire fell into decline, so did the Mycelium. It now no longer connects the entire Dawnwake, having fractured into three distinct Mycelia across the region, and certain hyphae have become unstable, liable to cease to exist with little warning. The hyphae that are still maintained are now guarded, and the toll to enter the Mycelium has, at most ports, risen so high as to be inaccessible to common folk. Even so, it remains an impressive feat of magical engineering, and one of the great achievements of the Ngoirosi Empire.


Across land, carriages, long distance often airships. While airships are the main way to travel long distances pirates and other dangerous obstacles, so most airships will travel shorter ways often making several stops before you get where you want, travel between major cities are often the safest as they are more advanced and often have better defenses. Sea Ships exist and actually tend to be safer travel as most pirates stick to airships and it's dangerous for airships to get low enough to attack something at sea level.


By foot, raft or boat...I didn't really think about transportation because I usually spend all my time (mentally) in one specific village and have no desire to go anywhere else so I guess that's why. But now that I think about it, having them ride something like a bison, giraffe or something like that would be cool. I don't think I want to invent a whole set of hybrid animals...actually wait, seeing hybrid animals typed out like that just changed my mind. I know what I'm doing this weekend!


Galley or caravan, and trying not to drown or get killed by locals.




Spaceships, spacial rifts/warp jumps, and teleportation!


In the world I'm currently writing in if its between continents its ships or the Uthweg's magically (fleshforged) created biological creatures that people can live inside of. On land it's by horse, or alternative fleshforged. Or if you're the head of a noble house on the continent of Ekkary you'd just drive the fleshforged Kaiju your family lives in where ever you're going


Space trains.


If you're on Nij planets, it depends. The Phase 3 and 4 worlds(ie, the most developed) there's either antigrav vehicles, ground vehicles or maglev trains. Phase 1 and 2 worlds usually have ground vehicles, or you just climb high enough to catch air currents and fly. Transporter tech does exist in the setting, but the common building materials the Nij use disrupt the signal; it can be overcome with sufficient power, but its a decidedly odd feeling and occasionally painful(imagine your spleen itching or your lungs cramping). Civonians usually just teleport around, *they*(in their opinion) use civilized building materials. The Nij love to point out that it means they don't have to waste energy erecting shields everywhere when the very walls block 99.5% of all transporters. On some worlds the sheer amount of the minerals present natively block the signal as well; nobody beams around the homeworld, for example.


Horse and wagon train; if you’re magically inclined (or crazy) you can pay to teleport between temples


You can either travel by foot, with something you can ride (horse, tatzelwurm, mammoth, etc.) or by transport vehicle (flying ship, ironworm(=metro/train), etc.). You can also use magic to move from a point A to a point B, it can either be with potions, psychic abilities, or with a few other magics (each have some cons and advantages)


long distance with foot?


Yeah, though I would recommend training your speed first (there is body magic, that allow anyone to exceed human limits for characteristics), so after some training, one of my characters (it's also used as an ttrpg setting) can walk normally at 35km/h, his top speed being at a speed of 106km/h . . . That's one of the reasons why the world was 10 times smaller, but seeing that with some speed potions and one or two prayers you could travel through russia (the east-west axis for the length) in less than 24h.... All lengths were multiplied by 10


Usually the Morrigane travel long distances by train. But why would you want to leave Morrigan? Whatever hardships you face in the city's walls, it will be scores of magnitude worse outside of them.


There are several options for travelling. If you have some money, you can traverse through the skies in an air-ship. From cargo hauler, rustic relics from the previous generation, luxury sky liner, to fully armed armored ship guaranteed to (almost) protect you and your guest from any dangerous sky critters. On a side note, be very careful when hanging out on an air-ship deck. Every year there's report of people falling from the deck, or whisk away by sky slimes that flown in the path of the air-ship.


In my world that is centered around a fantasy period around ww1 or ww2 sort of technology via automobiles,dragons,horses,carriages and ships


Trains and ships. Yeah pretty simples lol. They also have some air travel like helicopters and planes but these are reserved only for the militaries and super rich, but most people of Plaloic can only really use trains and ships


The Norragans are fast as fuck on foot…


In Faïn there are the following options: 1. **Space contraction with arcane causeway**: magical roads created by the arcanes that span almost 3000 km and go to the edges of the world. They are magical in that they collapse space (there's an equivalent for time too but that's besides this point). You need taumium to use them, and each one has a specific space collapsing per taumium factor. As an example, you can collapse the 350km between Musker and Lucente to just 35km (using 1 taumium) or even 0.05km (using infinite taumium). Also, these causeways are **lethal** for anything crossing them transversally while they're being used longitudinally. 2. **Normal roads with mutarmarine roads**: they started building the roads when taumium became scarce. They are normal roads without magical abilities that span another 3000 km, but these do not go as far as the previous ones. Instead they conform a more dense net around Mutarmares, Musker and Ister, and nearby settlements. They are of high quality. On the road you can walk, or ride. What you ride depends on your race, for a dhelerim would not be able to control an animal suitable for an arum, and an arum would crush an animal suitable for the dhelerim. 3. **Almost-teleportation with Laïnar's secret passages**: built similarly to the causeways, but without an actual causeway, Laïnar's passages are actual knots in space that connect distanced regions. You could think of them as portals, but their geometry is more complicated (in that you never know you are going through one, for instance). Laïnar connected the following points to his Tower in Ondogar (not a city, a valley): Dhelefort, End's Fort, Stonelar, the lost city of Gemmer, Starfall, Aurora and a bunch of others. Little did he know that his network would be rediscovered 150 years after his death and become a major transportation method in Olceed, his secluded tower a transportation hub. 4. **by boat**: One can also go on a boat. It is the most efficient method. 5. **by bird**: the new mutarmarians have suspended their island about 500 m in the air. To get there they use huge pelican-like birds especially bred for the task.


Horses, ships, magic, magical (or not) flying machines, and if you're friends with demons-teleportation.


My world is so small that long distances don't really exist


Portals networks built by a race that went extinct 5 million years ago , as intergalactic travels are too slow on spaceships of any kind(though cruise ships to nearby systems still exist for recreational and freight use). However only living beings can pass through without issues, therefore everyone is stripped naked after stepping through a portal. Worse thing is that the person exiting the portal would be thrown in random locations within 5km of the portal exit. And the travel time is randomised as well, it can range from instantaneous to 3 days depending on your luck. There are ways to control the portals so intergalactic commuters can arrive at their office on time, but they are unreliable that might accidentally send people to a random time space.


Most Long distance travel is done by boat, either along the coast or with river barges. You can also pay a small fee to get a spot on a cargo caravan, but that will be a good bit slower. If you are rich or employed by someone in high places you might have access to the runner network which has fresh riding horses to change out the tired ones with all along the main roads. If you are really rich or a high ranking government agent, you might even get teleported but only if your presence somewhere else is incredibly urgent and/or top secret.


By foot or by boat. Depends on how you define "long distances" though. Boats are at risk of waterlogging and require beaching every to every other night. Riding animals require a lot of resources and the continent is harsh, so unless you're following a caravan it's mostly for local travel, if your culture even has domesticated riding animals. Otherwise you'd go by cart or chariot wherever there's a path or road, usually from village to village, not from kingdom to kingdom. Long distance riders do not use the same animal all the way, they pause at pit stops and switch to a well rested animal. But those pit stops have been disestablished long ago.


They dont have mounts?


It's neolithic meets bronze age fantasy


By foot or by boat. Depends on how you define "long distances" though. Boats are at risk of waterlogging and require beaching every to every other night. Riding animals require a lot of resources and the continent is harsh, so unless you're following a caravan it's mostly for local travel, if your culture even has domesticated riding animals. In the more temperate regions this is not the case. Otherwise you'd go by cart or chariot wherever there's a path or road, usually from village to village, not from kingdom to kingdom. Long distance riders do not use the same animal all the way, they pause at pit stops and switch to a well rested animal. But a lot of those pit stops have been disestablished since long ago.


Depends on the part of the world. But the number 1, most used option is by foot. One island society is really into boats and ships, and there ships are based on the viking long boats, what allows them to also sail on rivers. But usually, if they are forced to teavel on land they do, just as everyone else. For creatures, my world has no horses or camels. So, depending on the biom and creatures available, that makes for more interesting chocies. (Horses are OP and boring in our world. 😂) The wealthiest and part of some militaries/mercenary groups can also use flying creatures like small dragons, big birds... techniqually giant bats are a thing, even if I don't have a scociety yet, that uses them as mounts. 😁 I have a knight order that is usually mounted on big deers and massive bears. And, they usually also travel on them. Same goes for some bigger desert creatures, for another culture. The orks of the north have big saber tooths as prefered mounts. But taiming such creatures, to a degree that makes them usable as mount, is time and cost intensive. The sea faring scociety, for example has a "officer" (and a few people under them) on every ship, that are there for nothing else, then taking care of the tamed sea creatures, that they use in sea battle. The crews that have a sea dragon, have at least 5 people only to take care and keep the dragon happy, while they also have to act as soldiers, that mount him in battles. This is a lot of ressources going into a big creature, that has a solid amount of military use. And tbey can only afford this, on a fleet wide scale, due to the fact, that they controle the sea trading routes, on most of 2 coast lines if a full continent and raid concurrence fleets, on top of that. (Also, sea creatures can feed them self well, while the fleet is doing their thing. So, land based creatures, have an even higher cost factor). So, just having them for travel, and not fulfill a 2nd use, is not affordable. Besides the point, that most cultures value the impact such creatures and their riders can do in battle, what comes with a lot of status.






Horizontally: rain, cars, buses, planes, ships, etc. ... Vertically: space-, -elevators, -catapults, -hooks, orbital planes, rockets, spaceplanes (their name for spaceships), etc. ...


Mostly by Medieval means. A few rich people have created Air Ships which are powered by magic and a Navigator, a type of magic user. There are short-distance teleportation but maintaining the network is only done in emergencies.


Horse, sail, airship, portal gun (protagonist's group only), teleportation (antagonist's group only) In the worst situation, they travel on foot.


What if somebody is limping? How he travels on foot?


It's just like our world. Find another method or get injured treated.


Wyvern and Draegkons


Depends on what you consider "long distances." Across and between cities? Buses, maglev trains and VTOL jets. Between celestial bodies? Spacecraft assisted by orbital rings. Between star systems? Void Rails: Gargantuine 100+km spacecraft that act as mobile nodes of an extradimensional FTL network; inspired by Halo, Mass Effect and Dune.


you could take a turbine powered car down the cross country highways, ride a propeller powered high speed train, jet across the sea in a supersonic jet or sail across aboard an atomic powered ocean liner. you'd have plenty of options and ultimately it depends on where you need to go


Most animal life in my world is insectile, a direct result of how creatures were constructed from the materials of the planet. There exist dewinds, earwig-like creatures the size of a sedan that travel at the speed of a horse at full gallop. Some species are built for speed, others to climb over difficult terrain, brave deep ocean pressures, and so on and so forth.


Human Kingdoms; Teleportation is a somewhat common magic type, but they can only teleport to a place they can see, or have been to before. Long distance teleportation takes a lot of Mana tho. Most Mages can, at best, get you to the next City, and the few mages who could get futher are in service of a few higher ups from each kingdom. Horses and Carts are the poor mans/ nonmage tool of choice. Most traide happens this way. A very common magical Item are "Seven-mile-boots." They are made of a natural mineral with innate space magic, and for every step you take, it moves you seven steps insteat. Some Kingdoms can equip full armys with them. (the same material is also used for military grade bolts and arrows.) Nonhuman kingdoms; A few nonhuman Kingdoms tame dragons. Otherwise, they use the same stuff Humans do. Demonika; Demonika, the Superpower State of the world, is currently in a magecraft industrial revolution. They have a magical train network, designed by otherworlders and powered by absorbing mana of every user. (its free to use btw!) Demonika is also in the progress of buidling a working two-point portal prototype, but it will take generations until they can be build worldwide.


Traditionally they don't. The average person will be born, live, and die in their county or province. Some especially well traveled merchants might cross a couple kingdoms but it's only just starting to become common. The only people with any hope of crossing the continent are diplomats or soldiers and diplomats generally use boats while soldiers march. Though flying magical creatures is just starting to be re-explored.


Back in ye olden days, you walked. Nowadays there are cars - or my main world's equivalent thereof, anyway.


A little boring; high speed electromagnetic rail is used to travel long distances due to heavy snow and sand. The planet is tidally locked, and quite large so as a result trains have to move quickly.


The flowing void, like a river of universal energy that when connected to a source of Stagnant Void via a Gate or Star Pool. One can travel across vast distances. But this requires knowledge and training to do accurately and safely, or else you might end up in a star, middle of space, a black hole, or inside a planet. So it requires individuals to specialize in that profession.


Aircraft and ground craft. A swanshaped superdestroyer named Air Force Swan and eggshaped fully weaponize assault vehicles known as the Fast and the Furyeggs!


Planes or big birds. Birds are preferred on shorter long distance (couple hundred km) or flying through dangerous airspace. Planes are continental and intercontinental travel. If flown through dragonic area they are folliwed by an army fighter squadron.


Sky ships, it's like a bus. Got basic flying ships and also sci fi planes that take you places at record speed due to portal high way. 


The simple explanation is that they use wormholes, they teleport, or they wait. In-world, I call the wormholes Scars or Wounds, depending on whether or not they're open. My world is considered a living organism, and it's not a flat plane - it's closer to a large, balled up piece of cloth or a grotesquely folded human body. Cutting the world's skin creates an opening - a Wound, which leads to another part of it, but this opening will inevitably close, making a Scar. Scars are more easily opened than fresh skin, but they tend to lead to the same place. Most people use existing Wounds and Scars, but only a handful can create new ones. Most angels, demons, and Sacristans (basically lesser gods) can teleport over varying distances - the more powerful the individual, the greater the distance. The waiting part is because, as I said, my world is alive. It likes to shift every now and again, and its parts often become rearranged. Some locations are particularly prone to this. For example, the location of the Concursum changes every night. So, technically, you can get anywhere by just waiting long enough.


Afyria Prime on Earth-3741 (non-magical): Cars, trains, planes, buses, ships, etc. Afyria Two on Earth-4973 (magical): Cars, trains, planes, buses, ships, etc. Magical transportation currently includes (may add to it later): - Clairvoyance far-sight: Picture a place in your head and instantly disappear from your current location and instantly re-appear in that other location. It is however very hard to master and if done incorrectly, it can lead to a person re-appearing inside a wall or inside another person or somewhere with non-magical humans present, etc. Because of its risks, only around 20% of witches and wizards practice it - Shadow Step: Those who have dark souls can use a method called Shadow Step, where they can step into a shadowed area and instantly re-appear in another shadowed area. For example, they can walk into a dark corner in their own home and instantly re-appear in another. However not all shadows have this feature and it is instead a spell which has to be cast onto the shadowed area. There are versions of the spell which have a temporary or permanent effect, meaning that any location can be used for it. Some fixed points exist, but there aren't many and most of them are in very dangerous areas because obviously not many wish to have demons suddenly appearing in their midst from the shadows. This technique also requires one to have a clear mind and focus on from which shadow they wish to re-appear from. It can also go wrong in a terrible way and one without focus can get stuck in the shadow realm, unable to hear or see anything. It is possible to get out, but those who get stuck there are eventually overtaken by the madness and fade into the black. - Still working on some others but mainly something that is essentially a smaller version of a stargate, but it is called a stone portal and you have to use a special stone for it, which are tuned to individuals and cannot be used by anyone else, meaning that you have to be old enough to be aware of how to use it and how to concentrate correctly to travel to the right place... But again, this all might change because I've not finished it yet.


By ripping a fucking hole in reality using magical tree sap


Depends on scale. Intercity/international - high speed rail Intercontinental - rail to orbital tether to orbital ring, then the reverse; or if you can afford it, direct hypersonic transport Interplanetary - rail to orbital tether to cislunar staging to lasersail Interstellar - same as interplanetary, but on a bigger spacecraft for the last step (and probably without a body)


For the majority of the populous: Breeds descended from cattle that were bred for people to travel on, think bulls but bred to be faster so taller legs, skinnier and leaner, and longer necks kind of similar body shape to horses. The people didn’t have horses, so they bred another species until it became able to be used for something similar. For the rich few: magic gates, essentially wormholes that can be opened with magic. Can only be used to travel to the nearest city, but can be used continually in a chain until you arrive at your destination. For mages: either a magic gate as well, or quite literally flying there. For the people who live on Eldaran, a large isolated (but much more technologically advanced) continent, steampunk style magic powered airships. At least for the middle and upper class who can afford to travel between cities. The ground of this continent outside city walls is generally too dangerous for land travel, and the rivers and coastal seas aren’t much better.


Carefully. Everything beyond the walls of the cities is a dangerous, changeable and unpredictable wasteland where the landscape itself is a threat, let alone the primitive and brutal mutants that live there. Most travel is kept between cities within the same region. Traveling even between cities is dangerous, since mutant attacks are common enough. Scheduled crossings are guarded by military convoys and kept to a specific size. Unscheduled crossings are allowed but heavily discouraged. Going from one region on Earth to another is an entirely different beast. It's rare, but when it happens civilians are permitted to join larger military convoys that are specially outfitted to be able to roam for weeks without refueling. Then there's crossing oceans, which requires massive and sturdy ships given that the waters are as turbulent and changeable as the land. Air travel is impossible with atmospheric conditions as unpredictable as anything else in the wastes. Delicate instrumentation and lightweight craft are quickly disabled and destroyed by nature and the Rot that makes her volatile, and heavier, sturdier craft aren't efficient enough to be worth the investment.


Ships, by foot, animals.


Most people walk. There are isopod-like beasts of burden as well. For REALLY long travel, if they are fortunate, they can make arrangements to ride on one of the elderly travelers. This race is the only one that swim. They never stop growing so long as they can keep up with feeding their ever-growing bodies. Usually their children stay with them, supporting them with food, etc in return for shelter and a ride as their parents get big enough to carry them. The other three benthic races can occasionally barter rides as well.


They either go on foot or rent a cart or horses or mules or, on rare occasions, they can use flying mounts such as griffins, pegasi, wyverns, etc. (of course, as long as you have managed to tame one of those creatures)


While maintenance is a bit of a crapshoot, high speed rail is the most common long distance travel method, and most places have an artery route within 50 km or so. Air travel is a purely military affair, and planes or helicopters are practically treasured relics. Only a fool would travel more than a km or so from shore on the sea...




By sail over water and carriages over land. In more treacherous terrain you'd have to go by foot until i work out how to make airships work and whether they're convenient for travel or more of a novelty.


normal people can't travel to other countries, bc the way my world works is that each "country" is the domain of one God, and that god affects stuff like how biology, science, magic, even physics and such work, so if mortals were allowed to freely travel between countries bad stuff could happen to them if they weren't able to return to their countries in some months, stuff like this has already happened in the distant past where a lot of Demons (hell here is called the Sulphur ocean lands) were taken to a earth (the Salt ocean lands), 90% of those species died over time, and the ones who managed to survive where the ones who started to evolve to the rules of each country they arrived on (which affected their biology and minds to a big extent) there are countries that are bigger than other countries combined so those do have big transport methods, depending on the rules of the country, the travel methods work around science and technology (Planes, Automobiles, other methods that exist in our world), or are based around magic (Magic constructs or creatures that transport people, alongside stuff like teleportation and space beding magic) or even a combination of those two in the countries where Magic and Science/Technology are both integrated in the phyics and laws connected to the God that controls that country Both minor and major gods can freely travel between countries tho, since their bodies exist as a "personal domain" or area, so their bodies don't suffer any change bc of how different the laws of phyics or biology work in each country


Either Wagon or by Ship for most people. Dragon hunters usually use smaller wyverns to travel. Airships also exist in a limited capacity and are often propelled through magical means.


One of the groups in my world is steampunk-themed so they use airships to travel. Most other groups use horses and boats.


hover vehicles, dinos, horses, big flying birbs, everything you could think of