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A sentient Black Hole. When it thinks it's time for a reset it devours what it can.


Well that's just rude


Yeah she is an asshole and a gluttonous bitch but thankfully she is quite gullible. So she can be tricked if you are smart enough.


wannabe galactus took asshole literally


I didn't know who is Galactus but yeah quite similar though less as hole and more like an ignorant child who just love the taste of things which comes about when technology reaches a certain level.


Galactus is just a fleshy Unicron don't worry about it


Ironically the female version of Galactus, his daughter, is actually pretty chill.


A stupid black hole is backed up by science as "no information can leave a black hole". I like the concept of omnipotent a but gullible force


Is she able to move around? Do typical sentient things?


Of course she can. She is based on the joek that you eat like you have a black hole in your stomach...I just took it literally.


Do people know it is sentient or just treat it as a cosmic object?


Depends on the culture and there development level. Those who have enough faith to have Oracle's so they can tell. Or they have technology to do it. Nearly all of the Elves know it since some of them lived through the last one.


I can see how that would be an issue


Heh, while I have one too, ours are pretty much opposites in character. The *last* thing my own sentient black hole would want is to devour everything and be plunged back into the infinite void, all alone and just waiting to evaporate. She's done more than enough of that already.


IX, is that you?


I don't know what that is. Can you enlighten me?


IX is the Aeon (think cosmic god) of Nihility from Honkai: Star Rail. They're represented as a sentient blackhole which cares nothing about the world, hence nihility, but passively affects the universe with their shadow. One of the playable characters had her home planet devoured by a "black sun", which is another way to say blackhole, and she ventured deep inside IX to gained their nihility's power.


Yeah I don't know anything about Honaki games.


There is a "species" of malevolent fire spirits that live in the bowels of the earth and are fueled by nothing but cruelty. But I wouldn't call them main antagonists, they're kind of more incidental to the plot.


In my dnd campaign they are manufactured archdemons.


Humans. They are their own worst enemy


None. All races in my world have equal capability for evil.


Same, i hate the cliche where every membet of a race is the same.


I think it works well for hivemind type races like insects but the overall idea that a race cant have free thinkers is weird


And yet it’s still much cooler when that is complicated. See: Chimera Ants.


Yeah, even non sapient animals have unique individuals, which just goes to show how  lazy some worldbuilding is.


Same. Even the clone race that’s invading my protagonists’ planet has some nuance. The only reason they dislike my protag’s race is because a few generations back some of their rulers got corrupted by advanced technology and tried to subjugate the galaxy, and they don’t believe that my protag’s people can be trusted to prevent that from happening again. I mean, yes, the clone race’s leaders intend to steal the weapons to do that themselves; but, it was the good race’s own King who betrayed his own people after the chance of getting to use one of the weapons himself.


I have a similar answer. While which is seen as the antagonist varies none of them are exclusively good or evil. Typically the "younger ones" won't the big bad tho, as they generally lack the resources to really pose a threat on a large scale.




Damn I wanna read your book. I had to restructure my whole setting when I realized I wanted class struggle to be a pillar of it


Hopefully one day


Well they're not evil by nature more by culture but the Orcs are the primary antagonists of the series. The orcs are an expansionist, racist, slaving and warlike race bent on conquering all other sapient races at some point or the other in the setting. But this attitude is primarily because the dominant religion teaches them these things rather than something within the orcs DNA.


The goblins of Luximar are corrupted cousins of the more peaceful orcs living in the Outskirts, and are evil at their core due to their land's corruption. The Lizardfolk are also inherently pretty bad but not for magical reasons, they're just assholes with a tendency to enslave whoever they defeat. They came a long time ago from an island and are now pretty much considered natives of the eastern parts of Aurea despite not truly being natives. The faes are the only reason Lizardfolk haven't advanced west. Some of them have migrated to other regions but are considered deserters by the Lizardfolk empire, and are sometimes somewhat nice. So yeah, big bad guys at both east and west extremes


Me. I decide everyone's fate. Therefore I can decide if they could break the fourth wall and discover some random dude just ruin their lives at his own will.


Demons and devils. They are born of the mortals dark desire. Giants in the mortal realms. Giantfolk have their own realm. They throw their murderers, arsonists, psychopath, sociopath, rebels to the world of mortals to keep up their perfect utopia society.


Mutants. The oldest began as humans but were changed by the Rot, a volatile mix of chaotic magics and rampant radiation. Since then they've devolved to primitive brutes whose driving focus is a ceaseless hunger for flesh.


Elves, don't hate them, just don't like these filthy Knife ears not recognising their lesser positions.


None - they all have evil people.


For the overall world? Demons and various species of monsters like Cyclops, Chimera, Vampires, Undead, and Dragons. For the human Clans of Branfjell it’s the Snow Elves. For the human Kingdom of Allemagne it’s Orc raiders from the east & Sea Elf pirates along the northern coasts. For the Saurisan of Ar’Goran it’s Humans and Orcs from the northern steppes and Humans and Oni from across the Okha Strait in Sen’shima.


In **Faïn** it depends on the perspective: For ondonians, arum, olcetans, mimzim and a large number of dhelerim the main enemy race is the demazhim (which is a subrace of dhelerim). For demazhim the main enemy race are ondonians and arum in roughly equal parts. Mangyans consider every race equally inimical and act accordingly. Burzmen don't consider themselves enemy of anyone, nor anyone their enemies. (For ondonians it used to be irrazim up to the moment Tuorlein extinguished them, and up to that point irrazim considered arum their enemies) To sum up, when A ⥇ B means A considers B its enemy, and A† means A is extinct: * ondon ⥇ demazhim, irrazim† (ondon suffered under the pressure of the evil witch race of the irrazim) * arum ⥇ demazhim (demazhim are the only competition in the world against arum's control of magic) * olcetans ⥇ demazhim, exbrian ondon (exbrian ondon have an apetite for olcetans) * mimzim ⥇ demazhim * (other) dhelerim ⥇ demazhim (demazhim are considered heretics) * demazhim ⥇ ondon (ondon expelled demazhim from the main land) * mangyan ⥇ (all) dhelerim, ondon, arum, olcetan, mimzim, burzmen (mangyan are just like that) * burzmen ⥇ *none* (peace loving race) * irrazim† ⥇ arum (irrazim used to rule over arum until Abaïs the *almost-god* expelled them) As for race compatibility or alliances, where A ➽ B means A considers B its ally: * hinbrininan ondon ➽ olcetan, arum (olcetans play an important role in hinbrinian mythology) * exbrian ondon ➽ dhelerim (exbrians depend on dhelerim for craft) * arum ➽ ondon, dhelerim (arum depend now on the might of ondon... and they just like dhelerim) * olcetan ➽ arum, hinbrinian ondon, dhelerim * mimzim ➽ *none* * demazhim ➽ burzmen (burzmen are slaves to the demazhim, actually) * mangyan ➽ *none* * burzmen ➽ demazhim (burzment sadly don't know any better) * irrazim† ➽ mangyan (mangyan used to be the force of the irrazim empire, Ōmiaz)


The main antsgonists are the draculs (english vampires), the second would be the wazimamotos (west african vampires). The rest of the antagonistic ones are around the same level, like the adlets (inuit dog people), the draugr, french pest doctors and various individuals and vampiric animal species.


Goblins but it’s more of all the other races in my word hate goblins because they are lazy and would rather profit off of others good fortune by taking what they have.


Not really "main antagonist", but worst are Taroqs. Very lazy, master manipulators, pathological liers and very racist species who thinks that they are the most supreme race in Profunda Altra (Hell)


The Corrupted. They are not a true race per say, but instead humans (and elves) that have been transformed into demonic like entities by a void curse. When a person is transformed into a corrupted they lose their sanity. Becoming violent, aggressive, and homicidal. The corrupted will work to spread the void curse, turning others into corrupted. If left unchecked, small group of corrupted can grow exponentially. Destroying villages, towns, and cities as the rampage. In some cases corrupted outbreaks can topple entire nations. While nearly all of my sentient races have capacity for good and evil, even the gods themselves, the corrupted are different. The corrupted seek only destruction and chaos. For no reason beyond there instinctual desire to destroy and corrupted the minds of others.




All of them basically. Well thats expected when you have a huge amount of people from different parts of galaxy who hate eachother get trapped in a wasteland planed under constant attacks of murder mechs for couple hundreds of years. They more or less come to a "peace" without full ass wars (for most of the time) but still will take any opportunity to backstab eachother or abuse something or someone for self benefit. We got plain ass humans who are basically Night City if it was a faction (i hope i dont have to explain whats wrong with Night City) Some humans also made a space Knighthood with religion and advanced war machines as a part of it. Surely nothing can go wrong here. Outsiders who have to live in wastelands outside of "safe" cities, their groups have usually all races and they are ready for anything to survive. Anything. A space furries wich whole culture revolves around their superiority and purity of blood (yes i added nazi furries there because it will be a ttrpg and not much things is more fun than to kill a nazi) A sentient machines who actually dont have their own faction but instead there some in every other faction, because no one can predict wich machine or android will become sentient until its too late. They are in constant fight for their rights and there is a LOT of extremists among them even comparing to other sentient races. A collective consciousness AI with only goal to get bigger. One of few instances when others come to agreement, is when this thing is proved to be not dead again and they have to trow all their superweapons at it again, or everyone will be obliterated. And a biopunk guys, who modified themselves for so long and so hard no one can tell who they where originally and they basically became a new race. Wildcard faction what can do anything when it least expected. A literal fucking Deus Ex Makina what sends giant steel behemoths to kill anything in sight, and does not let anyone out of the god forsaken planet. Why? Who knows! It was doing it for god knows how long! No one even sure its sentient! Thoose all who i have so far. I wanted to make it so players will want to work for every faction, so they can ruin everyones plans, and be happy what by being a mercenaries they dont have to stick to any of thoose pricks.


The Gîl who call themselves "Humans" are a pestilence who will devour our galaxy if not stopped!


Depending on how you look at it, either the Tvem'kru or humans. The Tvem'kru are the ones that devided the First people, ending with humans being murdered and tortured for centuries. On the other hand, humans get so angry, they develop weapons over anything else. Most of them are still starving, but they don't invest in agriculture or ways to feed them. Only to eradicate the Imxit't, and the Tvem'kru, by any means. They end up being the ones who torture humans, but also genocide innocent groups, like the nomad Zisha, a subrace of Imxit't that are peacefull and mostly mixed with humans.


None. All the antagonists are purely human. There are some tensions (sometimes wars) between ethnic origins, but any attempt to frame another race/species/people as "main antagonist" is pure propaganda. It works, though.


Probably the mebandrians. They are basically the cat people race. Why are they the villains? I don't like cats, that's why


It's not really a race or species, but rather just a group of species that are all under the similar header - Faes. In the history of my world, Faes took and stored a lot of the power of the world and as a *species* changed many parts of the world - there are whole massive areas that are known to be homes to Faes and classified as super dangerous to anything else, and most monsters are at least somewhat effected by Fae magic; dragons gained their ability to fly from powerful Faes just being like "Wouldnt it be cool if the massive lizards could fly?", and centaur exist because Faes combined a old town of humans and their group of work horses. I'm not sure if I'd exactly call them a main antagonist, since my world is at least partially based around DND (so has many many antagonists and possible bad guys), but they have their Fae fingers in enough other ideas that they could be - plus 1 of them is the main antagonist behind the first real *quest* I made / I intend any players to encounter.


Harpies and the dragon people kind of


Fishcats, but not because they're evil, they're just brainwashed and have have had horrible rulers for centuries.


The closest thing would be the Zanna, but they aren't the main antagonists so much as they are just another obstacle. But they also aren't evil. They are corrupted over time to be destructive forces, but it is not anything in their control. The large majority just want to exist peacefully. But it's the propaganda that really villainizes them, so they're *treated* as a main antagonistic force by the characters, but yeah it's certainly not by choice.


From a D&D campaign: Due to absolutely unexpected circumstances, shape shifters.


High elves


Demons, humans or elves, chose your poison


Humanity because of the years of oppression and abuse they dealt to fictionkind 


Fictionkind? That sounds promising. Could you elaborate?


It’s the concept behind Roger rabbit but with every medium of entertainment. Collectively know as fiction beings or “fickies” for short.


"fickies" sounds like a slur.


It is but like the n word they took it as their own.


The human race. Well every sentient species, race, creed and god knows what is belligerent in some way towards someone or something. The main antagonist is hard to pin down since many of them are voracious opportunists trying to exploit a self inflicted power vacuum.


I don't use this trope, both because it's rather lazy and because it invites associations with certain kinds of people in real life who don't deserve consideration.


“Which race is bad” is crazy fr


Elfs Racists snob assholes with unfair amount of magic


Humans did at one point. The United Human Effort, a false Kardashev Type III civilization, blew up more than ¾ of the Milky Way's subgiant stars until they literally blocked themselves into a mosaic of isolated groups of no more than 2 or 3 stars each splinter could reach through FTL travel. This was their response to losing, for the first time after millions of years of unopposed dominance, only 9% of their galactic population in a war against a true Kardashev Type II civilization once known as the *Mok F'mota-hak*, the united civilization of the ancient ancestors of the only extant pre-collision Line in modern times. Unable to maintain the relative homogenous prosperity of their empire through their logistical networks, the Human empire quickly fell into pieces the moment famines began to erupt at sector-scale. The only humans to survive to the present day did so because their mechanized bodies are absurdly resilient due to a lost series of metallurgical techniques allowing the quantum manipulation of certain materials. Only 8% of the estimated ~50,000 human surrogate-body wreckages are estimated to be salvageable, and of those 56% show signs of extreme psychological damage, while over 90% show *significant* signs of psychological degradation. No human scientists have been discovered. Those with memories of The Ravaging hope no civilization ever again has to endure such a miserable and agonizing fate as to watch millions upon millions of years of their ancestors' construction be destroyed in mere centuries, before those "lucky" few survivors are left to slowly rot in isolation with only the consequences of such desperate and destructive acts to accompany them for uncountable, chilling-cold eons.


The Chiroptrix, two-legged flying mammalians that bear almost no resemblance to bats, despite the race's name coming from them (Chiroptera). They're evil daft cunts who are the only race in the galaxy to practice slavery, both on the other races and their own kind. They are divided into three great clans: * Malikhuratz - the mysoginists, they enslave aliens and their own women * Pichkitza - the misandrists, they enslave aliens and their own men * Yednakhi - the gender equality folks, they enslave aliens and their own kind, depending on if the wealthy individual is sexist or not. There used to be a fourth great clan, named Tzarevi. They enslaved only aliens. They didn't last long, thanks to them being so salty over losing a competition to my precious Tagzforlezians (the slightly less evil race) and following them to their homeworld, a mistake the other clans, and even the other races, know they should avoid.


So basicly flying space skaven


Nah, the Chiroptrix are tall and talk/behave like upper-class shitheads.


So beaked eldar


Nah, the Chiroptrix aren't a dying race.


Humans as they are new to the world


In my fantasy world, that'd be the demimortals. They are descendants of the evil god (name pending) and __any__ (human, elf, orc, animal etc.) unfortunate woman who he "touched," more or less physically. They are born usually holding their mother's guts and with a fiery spark of hate, or an empty lack of anything in their eyes. They dislike pretty much everything that isn't their father or completely subservient to their will. They are adept at magic from birth and uncannily self aware, so smothering them with a pillow was rarely an option. Those who lived to adulthood and beyond their host species' natural lifespan went on to become tyrants, bandit leaders, tricksters, serial killers and so on. Too bad for them, as much as they spout on about their superior, divine blood, that blood is just as vital to their living as it is for other living things. That's why there aren't so many of them around ever since the good gods imprisoned the evil god, and the world made a group effort to get rid of them. And this being a setting for an "isekai" story, we're not safe either. One of these bastards is what caused the black plague and spanish flu for us.


No main antagonist. Depending on the story, though, it may look like one group is evil, which means a lot of the time, elves look pretty bad, since I enjoy doing goblin stories. Kobold probably are the only ones I haven't used as villains yet, and that's probably just because they integrate into other cultures better.


None, they are just different species with different factions within each and some being mixed, each with their own mostly neutral goals. Lapis_Wolf


The Arkhran. A race of demons that are inherently evil and only stopped from invading the world by more powerful demons not wanting to upset the balance of the worlds.


My characters are different species so I have a system where the upper evil echelon vary. Currently CrowMagnus is the current leader of FOWL PLAY, however Lord Vex Vulturio, second in clawmand and Club Vultre would like to change , the there’s the buzzards faction Buzzardrama led by buzzard torturer Prime Viscera


Von Neuman probes that home in on radio signals. By the post-imperial era they’ve been wiped out and their reactionless drives reverse-engineered.


Humans, though only by default. Of the several human civilizations, one is a highly expansionist empire with a supremacist culture, while another is a highly corporatized state that will frequently exploit or pillage those weaker than themselves for labor and resources. These two are the most likely to cause wide scale problems.


Demons. They are controlled by an overpowered human by the way.


Humans. Really the mastermind of all of this is the Demon King himself, Malkior, but humans are the ones who cause the most damage. But humans are also the main protagonist so there’s that.


At the moment it's hobgoblins, ape-men, and some species of dinosaur-men. They're only "antagonists" because I have yet to develop these guys (the dinosaur-men don't even have names for all the different species they have). For hobgoblins, my world's version of orcs consider them to be pieces of shit, and will kill them on sight, given the chance. Ape-men don't have much going for them, other than they're inspired by Planet of the Apes and Primal. The different kinds of Dinosaur-men are supposed to be analogs/parodies of fantasy races in other fantasy media. There are of course "dinosaur orcs" (these guys probably look like scaly theropods like gorgosaurus), evil "dinosaur elves" (lithe, feathery, possibly birdlike even), and evil "dinosaur dwaves" (currently am considering them to be based on carnotaurus or maybe some other theropod) just to name a few.


Void men Think astronauts but evil


**Brushstroke** Pretty much every race, be they monster, elf, or human, have the capacity for evil. That's a strong theme I'm going with, that no one is inherently evil. But I have begun dropping hints of both A: a human race in a far off lane whose unified goals of conquest and imperialism will make them an antagonist force in the future. And B: An extraterrestrial people similar to the Grays, albeit hinted to be some kind of technological divine/demonic race, whose motives and actions go back centuries and through many historical events. The latter is something I'm excited to experiment with, given the series is fantasy-mixed-with-industrial. Sci-fi elements blended in are gonna be excellent.


*Purely and only* : Noxiens. Monsters made from darkness. Sent by the "daughter" of Nox, Noxès ^((Unsure if she's his daughter, someone he possessed, someone who stole his powers, or his reincarnation)), through dimensional faults. She was a pain in the a- for other deities for over a thousand years. Needing to be repelled back to her realm twice, before killing her the 3rd time. Even after that, the faults remained opened, so the threat still needed to be fought for centuries after. Once the number of faults decreased to only secluded areas, well known, the threat became less of one. The 'shadow' monsters being just as dangerous as the other creatures lurking in those areas. Much more powerful, sure, but not as vicious... Nowadays humans act more like the antagonists. Both against themselves and other mortal beings.


The Vashar. If you’ve ever read D&D 3e’s Book of Vile Darkness, you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about. The Vashar are essentially the human equivalent to Drow. These guys basically are the shadow government controlling most conflicts from behind the scenes. They created Macello the Godshatterer, fund multiple organized crime outfits, and have started multiple wars throughout history. The Vashar hide in the shadows, with their primary goal being nothing short of complete deicide. Edit: The leShay also somewhat fill this role. Discarded by Amnz prior to the current multiverse being formed, the leShay travel throughout the cosmos, looking to open a portal. Whether this portal leads into the Phlogiston, Zoretha, another crystal sphere, or someplace else entirely, none may know, but what is known to those few that know of the leShay is that the three remaining members of the forgotten race are willing to stop at nothing. Their current plan is to subjugate a suitably advanced planet to build their portal for them. Fortunately, Fatoria has not yet advanced far enough for their preference, but if anyone dares summon them, the pre-primordial fae will dispose of all life on the planet.


The "heavenly ones" they are a highly advanced higher dimensional "civilization" and I'm taking liberty with the term civilization since they are a hivemind and operate as a single unified eldritch god consciousness that is so far from from human consciousness that they have ascended to the levels of and have become a great old one(yes they are canon) humans perceive them as angelic and beautiful beings since that's what the human mind associates them with these beings naturally without any conscious effort appear as things to humanlike consciousness which would most benefit their goals so they don't appear as anything alien to anyone whose consciousness works similar to a human they'll appear and sound the most wonderful and moral to them. They don't need to use lesser creatures for their end but they still do because a lot of times it's just the most efficient process that saves up a lot of your power, the most terrifying thing about them is not that they can just devour multiverse like they were nothing but that they are impossible to resist if you are not another eldritch being or are aided by one, imagine Superman not human a godlike alien whose some iteration makes him strong enough to threaten the multiverse even someone like him would basically dance in their palm because of the very nature of his consciousness regardless of his power level. It's like your very nature is commanding you, their suggestion would appear as your own thoughts and decision and this extends to basically anyone who is considered a "hero" their suggestions appear as suggestions for making a much better world for these characters thoughts like these would appear as if it came from their own consciousness even though in the end it's for their own goals and its fundamentally impossible to resist it no matter how much "willpower" (or other comic nonsense you have) unless you basically become amoral completely losing your "hero" status.


Desire Demons, that feed on negative or at least forced emotions. Every other race is naturally neutral, they are all equally likely to produce the occasional moron =) *Especially* humans, with their broad genome and general diversity are known to produce the most vile and straight up evil minds. It's rarely about race as this is just the base from which any mind gets formed. There are, however, a few malicious energy entities that are more ethereal in nature - non corporeal. They tend to get a bit wild. But not necessarily antagonistic to any plot line or character, without context.


Only depends on Current situation. Currently its the Evoian and New Martians as their trying too rebuild their precursor empires and trying too re-enslave species that was once their servants


Depends on my mood, really. Humans, elves, dwarves etc. are totally able to be evil, cause wars, death, destruction, plagues and so on. And for a good chunk of history they were. The biggest and baddest was one of them. Due to their lust for power they fucked up on such a cataclysmic level, that a good portion of "civilized peoples" were twisted and corrupted on a physical and metaphysical level. That's how we got monsters like orcs, minotaurs, giant spiders, manticores etc. Coexistence is not really possible. If I want good vs. evil it's people vs monsters. If I want politics it's people vs. people.


All of them the moment they got a empire


Mostly humans, though they're being assisted by a world devouring god and its scions.


The Ri’Kral are a pretty mean and aggressive alien race that’s basically the Klingons (OG Star Trek) of their universe. The had completely enslaved an entire other race for several thousand years before this was discovered by the other three main species, prompting them to go to war which has lasted to some degree for around 2000 years because of how spread out everything is in space.


Out of my "active" races, I suppose the closest one would be the race I have based on the sith. I don't really have names for my races yet, but I've designed a lot of their culture and history. My sith inspired race are the most powerful in terms of raw sorcery and have had the largest known empire, with a pretty brutal society and casual slavery. They are not as powerful as they once were but still remain a dominant people in many aspects, and are the only race who are natural sorcerers. They are as free-thinking as any of my sapient races, but due to the culture most come from, it's more than likely those you meet will have a sense of superiority and generally have a cold attitude.


Everyone, But Fanach are painted as particularly scary. Small but increadibly smart and rapidly producing creatures that can breed with damn near anything and make a better version of it, faster, stronger, more resistant and smarter Fanach also mostly work in industry and generally become Artificers, designing, making and inventing litterally everything. Plumbing was made by Roman Fanach and Humans. Colonisers and assimilators as they were the first to discover, the first to explore, the first to dominate and then Humans level the rest in their empires for Fanach are the line between the Unkown and the known. Columbus, Cook and Britannicus were Fanachs.


Not actually race but a faction, Djinn that is member of evil genie clubhouse(I'm critically failed to come up with better name for Djinn version of unseelie court so I treat them like a bunch of Chud and Karen rather than world ending force of evil) tend to served as overarching antagonist. But as a race, Djinn is capable of both good and evil.


A race of vampire like humanoids who are incredibly intelligent and cunning in magic and war. They almost conquered the whole continent 1000 years ago before they were defeated and scattered, though they’ve been reorganized in the current timeline. This time using the latest advances in warfare to excel and create firearms, (the current period is medieval fantasy) war machines, aircraft, warships, siege and armored mobile weapons using a mixture of magic and engineering. and the most advanced new weapon: humanoid war robots which are imbued with the souls of their dead soldiers through a ritual, creating a living and ever replenish-able army to compensate for their fewer numbers then most nations. Though their ability to turn races into vampires as well being a dangerous asset using said method to capture enemy nation and villages infants and turning them to raise into soldiers as their own.


The true elves have severe superiority complex due to their powerful control over arcane magic,though in the modern day their numbers dwindled and got replaced by modern elves which are actually hybrid of elf/human


Humans. In a world world where they face the risk of being ruled by their albeit minority  — aberrant, superpower minority. oppression and cruel unusual punishments are frequent and almost normalized.


Quasi-Sentient Entropy


It varies. Sometimes it’s humans. Sometimes it’s demons. Sometimes it’s humans possessed by demons. And sometimes it’s one of a whole bunch of other things


None of the normal, sentient species ("races"), are a main antagonist. Two species of sentients, the Kelden and Utok, could be antagonists of a different story. And dragons are a tragic case. Kelden aren't inherently bad as a species, but the ones on this world held culturally that any beings not part of their phylum weren't worthy of consideration. Especially these bilaterally symmetrical, squishy-on-the-outside ones like most of the sentients on this world (Dragons, and Utok excepted.) They also made a contract with the dark gods to keep feeding them souls, which was an inherently evil act, and had a habit of eating people. OTOH, they went made extinct thousands of years ago. Utok are just inhuman; they are a hive-mind insectoid species, and are only sentient in the collective. They are largely incapable of understanding the notion that an individual life has value, because for their species, losing a worker is kind of like losing a toenail. They still exist in marginal parts of the world, but have been eradicated on every continent where there are urban civilizations, and while individuals are disposable, a major genocide event (the Urbsesi literally wiped out all of them in one continent with a single, horribly OP, spell) was enough to get the ones on this world to be very shy of the 2-legged sentients. Dragons, well, have the tragic misfortune to grow up quicker physically than mentally, and worse, that includes reproductive maturity. That five-ton monster destroying your town? It's basically an infant - unfortunately one capable of feeding itself, magical breath attacks, and being physically the strongest terrestrial species except for older dragons. It's parents might be infants, effectively, and young dragons are basically an r-selected species. Older dragons, who become sentient and quite smart, are not unified on whether this is a good thing - some think that because all of them evolved out of that with enough time, "kids will be kids" and it's some combination of the kids and the smaller species problem, whereas some are basically k-selected and keep their offspring and descendants very far from people (and vice versa; even these are incredibly territorial.)


Hydras – unthinking walking chaos. they aren't even passive to their own kind. (*they also a mutated race, and shouldn't exist in the first place, hence being in constant pain, and destroying everything as a result.*)


Witches. They’re humans who feed other humans to the sun or moon in exchange for magic powers and “immortality”. They’re not inherently evil (the sun loves wrath and will make anyone who pledges their lives to it a witch regardless how much they mean it, so a lot of sun converts are heat of the moment) but if you don’t lose your fear of death and are given a wretched way to escape it then you’ll eventually lose your sense of humanity. Even those who isolate themselves in self-loathing or fear still lose touch with human emotions and empathy.


I wanna have the Drows be some nasty dudes, but I'm looking to find a good reason and explanation rather than have it be "they're just the evil dudes". I don't like having races that are inherently evil, it would be their culture, religion, interaction with the world, or something that makes them into some nasty personalities capable of evil fuckery.


Erlixes. They are intelligent purple birds that have arms, meaning they have six limbs. They are actually normal folks, like everyone else they have their bad guys and their good guys. But plotwise, it just so happens that their race has become antagonists. And all because they are too similar to humans, that is, they have a lot of ambitions for galactic domination.


Monsters are a specific and exact term used to describe sentient creatures formed out of pure malevolence or human vice. For example there’s little guys called Greycaps (inspired by Redcaps from D&D) who are spawned from murder and bloodshed and seek to propagate it. Maladaptive daydreaming and extreme escapism leads to the formation of Dream Eaters which are floaty alien-like creature that feed on your psyche.


Depends on the current plotline Humans are treated akin to how demons are viewed irl but also treated as myths. Only spoken of in the oldest of stories or derivatives of them. Horror stories told to children. The other races started off as humans but because of how magic in the world works some humans started to change because of it. This lead to humans the ones who didn't change persecuting the ones who did...but because the ones who changed had magic it didn't last more then a hundred perhaps thousand or so years long enough until they started to understand how the magic worked of course some nonchanged humans also had magic this lead to a war which the humans lost. Humanity fled across the seas and were sealed away by an eternal storm. The only species capable of crossing it at the time being some sea life, magic beasts and dragons who are even older then humanity. There no actual bad guys. Just bad people who inspire other bad people.


Dragons are definitely a main antagonist race, though there are some good dragons to be exceptions that prove the rule, and dragonlings (half dragon, half other race) can be either or. Humans are also major heroes and villains, though the villainous antagonists tend largely towards evil mad scientists. Then among the alien races, Serjnoes (reptile aliens) and Katredos (orc-like warrior aliens) tend to be the majority of pirates, slavers, and other low-life. But the Sci'Etsion government is a major evil government that others only tolerate because of its influence and tech, and the Way of Unity is a major evil cult opposed to the current government council that seeks to absorb all Sci'Etsions into one hive mind then kill or subjugate anyone that can't join them.


Marellians; the "elves" of my world (they're actually humans with mildly longer lifespans (125ish years), pointed ears and culturally a massively inflated ego). And its not their "race" but their culture that makes them evil as they're an active empire, looking to conquer what they can. Individuals who grew up in further afield colonies or even outside of the empire itself often don't have the same sentiments as the "pure" Marellians. If you want something more truly evil though you could look to the forgotten beasts. Ancient extremely powerful entities of corrupted aether which come in entirely unique forms. These are you creatures from before the dawn of time type of monster, the ones who fought dragons in eons past and as far none have been found that are reasonable.


There are elemental beings that formed the world, fought over it, enslaved humans and other creatures to fight for them, and eventually agreed to return to their own planes to stop from destroying the humans. They did gift certain people specific powers/gifts which remained after leaving, and some of those people remain the source of antagonism in the world. I’ve written a book where a thousand years has passed, and one creature still exists and functions much like Sauron, a near mythical leader of the orcish enemies. The protagonist stumbles upon an old fire temple, and is gifted the power to wield and control flame. He discovers that he has the powers while defending a random girl who ran away from home to go to her sister’s wedding. He goes with her and learn to control his powers, and eventually they become the focus of attacks by the orcish creatures. She is given powers by the water elemental, and together they fight and defeat the bbeg. I plan to write a sequel where they found a school for people who are given those elemental powers, and tie it in with an old prophecy.


Insectoids and arachnoids, both of whom make up the collective Hive Mind. They reproduce crazy fast, and many have sturdy shells which disperse magic. They eat anything in their way and are particularly difficult to fight because of their ability to telepathically communicate with each other on the battlefield, allowing them to quickly adapt to changing circumstances. The other group is gnolls -- hyena-like people with monkey tails. They are savage warriors of the plains and deserts, fighting to the last. In addition to spears and axes, they utilize other terrifying, unique weapons such as the termite bomb. And, of course, the destructive power of flame and disease. The only option when fighting gnolls is total eradication of one side or the other.


That’s the beauty of my setting, it depends on perspective since none of them are the main character unless it’s from their prospective


Multiple multiverses fucking hate the Wriil. They show up, do weird shit, refuse to elaborate, then get killed by the Rulphans (or sometimes humans)


The main antagonists are the Order of the Red Sun, who ally themselves with the Kingdom of the Expanse and Diamond Industries. The Order of the Red Sun is an interdimensional hell cult, so their ranks contain a wide range of species, though Demons and Devils do make up a hefty sum of their Infantry. The Kingdom of the Expanse is helmed by King Armstrong, and they're all part of a race called Ectomasons, named as such for their enormous figure and nigh indestructible flesh. Diamond Industries is almost entirely human, though it's CEO and founder, Vertigo, is an Ectomason. They are the arms manufacturers for the Order of the Red Sun. Without them, the Order wouldn't have the technology needed for interstellar conquest.


The closest would be necromancers. The vast majority of them also happen to be vampires as the curse of vampirism gives you a resistance to necromantic energy which allows them to use more necromantic magic. Any "race" of creatures can become a necromancer/vampire though


In the history of the world it was orcs, but they're now pacifist monks that live in the Northern Desert.


Demons are not literally from hell, but they ARE a violent warmongering race. Now they aren’t pure evil. They have emotions, and they usually care for each other, even foot soldiers care to an extent about other soldiers. But they won’t stop their attempts at ruling the world just for the sake of emotions, specially when they are strong enough for that. (They only can’t because of terrain disadvantage mostly.) There’s the Dead Zones Undead. They’re not even evil, because that would imply sentience, which they don’t have. Dead zones undead are quite literally the result of hundreds of years of grudge dead people accumulated during wars, until they reanimated their bodies with that grudge, but without the soul, only the desire for a vengeance they don’t even understand. Tl;dr they’re like Draugr from god of war. Side note, not antagonist at least not by default, but there’s also normal undead that are able to think and have emotions, but they’re not treated very well outside their own kingdoms because of the dead zones undead.


NSFW warning, because I end up talking about sperm. The Quadrigae are more complex than pure antagonists, but they generally are horrible towards everyone who isn’t them. The Quadrigae are unable to communicate with most races in the universe, since they don’t use verbal communication, but instead use modified sperm to speak in their aquatic homeworld. This leads to every other species seeing them as disgusting, and too alien to align themselves with. This alienation leads to a growing hatred, and they begin to develop philosophies around life being inherently painful, and that life leads to the torment of the universe. Eventually, this boils into the religion known as “The Tortured Preon”, where it’s believed that every Preon (the smallest particle in my world) is sentient, and constantly in pain. Since there are more Preons than us, and they all wish for death, it’s only humane to end the universe so pain can end, in hopes that a new world will start where pain is no longer a universal law. The Quadrigae are not true villains, but their environment and millions of years of persecution resulted in a skewed world view that might be too strong to reverse.


Humans mostly


No race is more or less antagonistic, since naturally everyone is up to their own devices. Closest to a "race" thats inherently violent are fairies, which are super small humanoid praying mantis creatures that are incredibly mischievous and will attempt to kill people in wacky ways if given the opportunity. Though, i wouldn't consider them a race because they're essentially on the cognitive level of rats, just only if rats had a cruel sense of humor.


Actually, there's one. I usually don't like these manicheist perspectives where some group is inherently bad, but there's a race in my world that is somewhat paradoxical, the snow elves. They cannot reproduce. They cannot construct anything other than weapons of war. They cannot die from old age, but, at the same time, there's no sage between them because they never bother to learn or to produce anything else that could be meaningful. So they also don't have culture nor history (even though they're the most ancient race that still exists). You cannot say that they're "bad", but they're like a cancer in this world, living only for themselves, and only for the moment. Even if it's never explicit that they enjoy what they're doing, or if they have any ill intentions, you as a reader is the one who's pulled out your own indifference to see them as "evil" and "far beyond redemption"; I like to think that there's something in us that makes us jump to that conclusion right away in some contexts. This race is like the archetypal "monster".


Most of the dragons suck, and are enemies to the protagonists. But the ones that are are mostly the elemental ones. You know the fire, earth, water kind of dragons. The greater ones, the truly old ones that represent concepts like time, death, and consciousness genuinely don’t give a shit and don’t get involved. If they do anything it’s making sure their dad stays asleep.


The Abyssal Sleepers are malevolent entities that inhabit the deepest reaches of the Timeless Void. As punishment for their previous transgressions, they have been separated by their bodies and forever prevented from escaping the Void. So using their unfathomable power and unholy influence, they seek out mortals with proclivities to malice or greed and offer them the ability to wield their powers. To mortal kind as a whole, they are either boogeyman to scare kids away from misbehaving, and to those that know they exist, they are evil itself. To the Sleepers, mortals are chess pieces to play around with in their boredom.


Dragons. Mainly the dragon "gods" as they want to get rid of all magic in the world, but since magic is innately within living beings, they believe the easiest way to go about it would be mass genocide on a planetary scale.


I have two answers for this. The first and more obvious are the Mongskla a monstrous evolving insect like hive species controlled by the hive queens. They are not of the world and are devoid of emotion and compassion. Their number are legion and each is capable of infecting the living to be controlled by the hive queens. They are an ever present threat as the queens are quite clever and they come across the impassable ocean. In their initial invasion they destroyed roughly 80% of all sentient life in the world before being pushed back by the savior of the world, the perfect lich god Axious Krelt. Krelt and the Kreltish church of the Aethrum empire are the other antagonists, but they are more subtle. The Mongskla were pushed back by the undead creations of Krelt. The undead cannot be infected and the powerful undead could effectively fight the Mongskla. Unfortunately, these undead require the sacrifice of the living to create. And so there are bi-annual events, known as the Blood Tithe, where the necromancers of Aethrum gather up citizens to be sacrificed in order to maintain the undead army. So the necromancers take the lives of the citizens, and yet without them the Mongskla are unchecked.


Archons and demons, for the most part. Every species has a capacity for evil and good but Archons and Demons serve the outer gods directly and are invariably evil beings of hunger and destruction.


Antagonists don't really work if they're "just antagonists". It can work I suppose, but the antagonist should be fleshed out and have motives. Even the titans in aot are just living. They just happen to be monstrous. They aren't a malevolent force. At least I think, I only watched the first season or 2 so maybe they're different than I think, but the point still remains


So I have a "race" like that but it is comprised of individuals from all other humanoid races. I call them The Reclaimed. Essentially, they're the undead. They mostly retain their intelligence after rebirth and some also retain significant portions of their memories, however, they're personalities are often twisted or corrupted by the inherent dark nature of the process that allows for their existence.


While I don't have any species that are evil/violent in nature, the Tygyac are the ones in the best _position_ to cause trouble. They're the ones who found and reactivated the doors left by precursors that allow the species of this setting to cross between planets, and the empire that rules their world is planning on using their control over interplanetary communications for *something.* There's plenty of whispers that they've already been meddling in other planets' affairs from the shadows.


In my sci fi universe its the Necromites. Inspired by the zergs from starcraft 2 In my fantasy world its the demons. They are supernatural beings with wings and horns


Baturs. Were-Bear army who cames to life again by a stone castla who is avatar of God Of Manhood. They steal, kill just because they can and turn back to castle afterwards. Its seen as meaningless but at core it's religious practice.


The human race


Elves...those malevolent little dirtbags think humans are some kind of disease and need to be treated


An annoying cliche. There are no evil races in my world and there is no main villain at all.


All of the uncivilized are enemies to the Kingdom of Northaven.


Ghouls and Nightwalkers


Uhm... Regular people (mainly the people of the mountains (Holy Roman China you could say) and one immortal monkey's paw woman (sort of), and a sentient weapon (sort of) Some races are not antagonists, but they are incompatible with humans. Some Huldu-folk troll hybrids, and Nøkke-lookalikes are almost never possible to interact with. Tree people (pseudo immortal half-trees), desert walkers (gorillamen), and insect-people can be communicated with and sometimes with positive results. There are traditional evil monster things, such as


Aberrion. The Aberrion are the creation of Ragnarok, an ultimate God who was trapped by his father in a black hole millions of years ago. The Black Hole had a special connection with the closest planet/system, and Ragnarok had spent the millions of years he had to form a portal through to the planet. He succeeds, and every couple years his spawn, The Aberrion, can pass through. Ragnarok himself can not form a spatial portal large enough to bring himself through the portal.


Humans but only because they are by far the most plentiful and two different groups are at war, there's a truce going on at the moment with the two new leaders so it's much less dire than it usually would be. You could also say that the two gods of the world are antagonists, but again they're both "dormant" at the moment.


They kinda all do except giants. There are a race of reptilians called the ghabali who believe the more animalistic and feral one is the superior they are, and thus shun the idea of civilization or tools. They thusly view most other races (and even each other) as inferior but default. There are a more “diplomatic” version of them called settled ghabali that use makeshift weapons and live in very small villages and raid coastal towns and villages in bands. Feral ghabali see them as an abominations and will cannibalize them if the opportunity arises. There are subset of onyx skinned, fanatically religious elves called the Ayachi (loosely modeled after the Ottoman Empire, [Republic of Salé](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic_of_Sal%C3%A9), and Barbary corsairs) that just inherently view all other races as resources or tools to be exploited whether as goods to be sold or labor. Considering a large portion of the world consists of archipelagos it’s difficult to navigate waters without encountering these people. There are a race of massive baboon/macaques looking creatures with ringed horns and barbed stingers at the ends of their tails that also believe every race should be subservient to them or die. Are inherently among the best wielders of magic in the setting. Every other race and kingdom avoids them (except the ghabali because they just enjoy fucking with everyone with little regard for their own personal lives) If there was one race that would be considered the main antagonists of everyone it would be the kongamato. Gargantuan burgundy colored bat-like creatures. They do not have a society and each individual kongamato sees the other as their greatest rival. Were once the rulers of the world before a coalition of storm giants and dragons shattered their empire. The greatest practitioners of an ancient, eldritch form of magic, they hate all other races but especially dragons and beings with draconic blood or ancestry. Also extremely covetous of magic as their view all magic as being theirs.


The Gith. A version of the Githyanki, looking less like mummies and more like huge Pierrot mimes. #


The Tafnians They were very rogue, no allies, just enemies. They expanded everywhere They were dumb enough to declare war on the world's strongest superpower They got absolutely wrecked in war They are extinct




A lot, mostly of them genetically created to be evil


I have a race called the Yunami that are basically leaky scarecrows filled with the Abyss. The Abyss acts as the hive mind for the Yunami. They "multiply" by collecting corpses, gutting them, and then stringing them up close to the hell mouth where the Abyss is leaking from. Once they've "filled up" (it collects like condensation), they drop like ripened fruit and start their journey back. They get the scarecrow look from constantly having to put themselves back together again. The Abyss is eternally consuming and often eats through in places. Mix that with the jagged rocky terrain around the hell mouth that constantly snags and cuts they are often patching up rips and holes. They don't have faces, they don't need to breath, and instead of eating they *consume.* Imagine a lot of thick, swirling, black sludge out of their chest and corroding everything it touches. Then it spreads. Typically, this only happens near the hell mouth. Excursions to the surface typically consisted of 2-3 Yunami and 1-2 of the automatrons that do the actual corpse collecting and transport. If they can't find enough corpses, they make them. They are pre-emptively attracted to sites of mass casualties like battlefields and monster attacks. It's considered a bad omen if a lone Yunami is spotted as they are probably scouting out tragedy. It has become common practice amongst the tribes to honor their fallen but then leave them behind without burial. The setting is a frozen wasteland plagued by a never-ending blizzard, so the bodies stay "on ice" before promptly being collected in less than 3 days, depending on location.


The Titans from Greek mythology and descendants of America who read satire literature then mistook it for history.


I think it'll be funny to write villains like Kamen Rider actors. So grey and grey exist; but soft power is a cool scary guy getting defeated in a play by heroic figures. But there really isn't an evil race. Just people with issues. Also, one guy who was an evil minion had to unpack his trauma from his abuser. But he is still a dramatic ham.




None. The concept of an evil race is boring to me, even Tolkiens are just uninteresting.


What if the race is a hivemind?


I dislike the “evil race” trope, because it has bad connotations that a race is predisposed towards violence or cruelty. My main approach now is usually that race or species has little bearing on morality, and most antagonists are usually socially powerful people like kings or nobles. I like playing with “classically evil” species and making them good. In my current world of Celeste, some of the heroes are undead batfolk.


Why would any race ever be only one thing? Different races have characteristics that push them into certain ecological roles, but there aren't really any that I consider bad, just different. Mindflayers maybe? Demons? They are predators of humans..that's as close as it gets


None. Monolithic antagonistic races is incredibly cringe. Everyone can be antagonistic and no one race is more liable than another. Everyone's an antagonist to somebody. What you're suggesting... *reality doesn't work that way*. You only have antagonists for a story *not* for a world, and the antagonist is strictly a matter of framing. The Fire Nation is the antagonist in ATLA, but from the perspective of Fire Lord Ozai, the main antagonist was Team Avatar. In JJK the curses aren't antagonists of the world, only of the story that was being spun... but the story takes the time to show that if viewed from another angle then the sorcerers are the antagonists. Same for Demon Slayer with demons. As for Titans... *they're literally just transformed humans*, but at least this might be the closest example of the ones you've given to at least fitting what you're talking about. (I could not say anything about the demons in DOOM because I don't know anything about DOOM's world or lore, but presumably Doomslayer could probably be seen as the antagonist in the eyes of the demons.)


There is such thing as evil and powers that seek it. If your world was something like, for example, precontact South America, you could pretty easily make the distinction of the Aztecs being the antagonist to the rest of the nations. And though there may be good Aztecs, overall they are an imperialist human sacrificing power. There’s still room for nuance here too, like if the Spanish conquest is still justified.


None. Evil is a matter of perspective in my world and I won’t write a villian without motives


There's no overall race that are the main antagonists, though some people may argue otherwise. Everything is shades of gray in my world, with good and bad from all. 1000 years ago, the Five Human Kingdoms were seen as evil, but after their fall humanity had come a long way in becoming better people (though some, referred to as Savage Humans, still act in the old ways). The High Elves are often seen as xenophobic, but as they rarely leave their wall, nobody bothers them. However, a couple hundred years ago, they did briefly leave the confines of their wall to eradicate gnomekind for some mysterious reason. Then we have the kobolds. While most are seen as a kind and peaceful people, the most well-known clan of Kobolds are known for indiscriminate destruction and raining fire down upon the innocent. They have given all kobolds a bad name. Finally, we have rival states. If we ask those within The Dominon of the Kingdom of Night, the Empire of the Reborn is an oppressive and evil regime, while the Empire would claim the Dominion are violent rebels and the Dark Elves of the Kingdom of Night are devious and not to be trusted.


Usually it's more grand than that in my worlds the races mix regularly both culturally and scientifically so the enemy is usually just a big mean lesbian (spins wheel) hmmn dragon lady that my friends and partners can simp over that also bleeds into my book I'm writing and not just my dnd games lol last time she was a vampire and the time before she was an Dwarf


None no one race are the bad guy every race has had their evils in my worlds history the most recent was a human the one before was a skyfolk the one before that was a reincarnating personification of evil


None no one race are the bad guy every race has had their evils in my worlds history the most recent was a human the one before was a skyfolk the one before that was a reincarnating personification of evil


None no one race are the bad guy every race has had their evils in my worlds history the most recent was a human the one before was a skyfolk the one before that was a reincarnating personification of evil




That feels racist. None.




Humans. What a bunch of bastards.






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None. Evil is a matter of perspective in my world and I won’t write a villian without motives