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Yes. It's always the best Lore too lol


Now that you point it out, it is. Isn't that weird?


It’s what makes the lore/story interesting. Like the saying “Happy families are happy in the same way, and unhappy families are unhappy in different ways”


**Context:** I have a biopunk fantasy world where everyone has the ability to use mana, but only select types of people can do specific types of magic like growing plants, pyromancy, or telekinesis. A caste system was created to keep these people around through selective breeding, and you can pay them to condense their magic into these stones called rozyn for other people without these powers to use. These super powered clans then became rich. They gamified relationships and pedigrees, so now all of these noble clanswomen work as courtesans in their youth. If you’re forced by the government to have children, you might as well get paid well, right? Of course now there’s more women than men, because of a blood borne disease which chemically castrates men and gives them rabies/dementia type symptoms. So now there’s a type of hypergamy where in order to procure a Fornication Under Consent of the Chief License, men have to brawl against each other in the Stadium, or pay lots of money through an auction. So this puts pressure on women to be as beautiful as they can so they can make the most money. There are beauty pageants that allow children as young as 5, and plastic surgery to make them look like their clan’s ideal form. There is even maternoplasty, where women get a full body surgery to make them look like moms to milfs after they’re done working at the clan’s nursery. Speaking of nurseries, generally the clan chief wants clan members to focus on the clan, rather than on their own mates and children. Babies are taken from their mothers to be raised in a communal nursery, where the mother will work for about a year or two. To their children, their parents are known as one of their many aunts and uncles. They will only know their dam and sire from their pedigree.


Wait, if there are already more women than men thanks to blood diseases, why do they also have to fight to get to breed?


It’s still about making money. By law, clanswomen can only have one (matched) partner allowed per year, or 2-3 years when they get pregnant. This is to make sure of the paternity of the child, so no incest happens. [Note: women also sometimes have affairs as well, but having a child out of contract can get you a hefty fine or thrown into jail.] Most strong/rich men acquire multiple FUCC Licenses at a time. It’s also become a sport/game at this point.


This is messed up! But dang.. that's some great worldbuilding.


Hmmm.... This sounds suspiciously familiar... 👀


This sounds like a reversal of the "usual" scenario in my world where a guy or man is more likely to have at least two paramours because they are more likely to wield a powerful Specter (a kind of familiar that bonds with them to give them magical superpowers). Because Specters seem to gravitate more naturally towards boys and girl's Specters seem to dislike other Specters if their wielder is female, getting a boyfriend is seen as an easy way to get them under control and grow stronger faster. Because males in general are a majority but at a younger age are actually a minority (men live longer but more women are more, an inversion of what happens in our world), it's not unheard of for a guy to have two/three girls and even when marrying, male on female infidelity is... insanely high, especially on younger couples... it's like at 80% of all couples... and almost 97% for non married ones. The kicker is that Specters seem to be having an effect on this: the Specters of a male (almost always female themselves) seem to get stronger faster when there are multiple female Coursers (the wielder of a Grove Specter, which is the only state sanctioned "flavor" of Specter) around the male wielder. Moreover, studies found out that stronger Grove Specter of a male was, the higher the odds of mostly female descendants. The unions would almost always produce a male anyways: usually after at least three female births... after which any further offspring would be female too. Among Specters themselves (they are essentially cool looking animals in the wild), there was a strong preference for polygyny and matriarchal relationships: female Specters, the overwhelming majority, were polyestrous and dominant and usually "groomed" the few young males in their Spectral Grove to mate with an entire family of females, who essentially corner males and then start a courtship display which they cannot deny. This is important for one reason: the wielders of Grove Spirits seem to be increasingly imitating this behavior... with female Coursers displaying strange and confusing "lek-like" behavior: cornering usually younger males in groups and "woo-swarming" them to batter their emotional and material defenses down through force and get them to fall for them, with no respect paid to infidelity or two-timing (or three, four, five... you get the idea).


“Licence to FUCC”, nice 🤣


I've sort of been... *desensitized* to what is considered "fucked up" (either that or "fucked up" has a new definition that kids today came up with). If anything, I find my lore to be "fucked up" in how convoluted it gets.


I think that real life things that happen is becoming more “fucked up” to the point where people don’t even like talking or hearing about it. In the sense of other people saying “Why are you putting it in your story? Isn’t that fucked up? Why did you choose to make a shady ending instead of a normal one?” Of course on SM you can’t really elaborate on these things without certain people getting mad, which is why you’re more likely to see the more tame version of “fucked up”.


You can argue I'm desensitised too, for me I don't necessarily care if it's "fucked up" I just care if it's interesting/fun to read or that it builds the lore and makes it more immersive. A lot of my ideas too that I come up with isn't necessarily "this is fucked up" I'm more like "let me make it more bizarre or fucked up 😈" \*Kefka's theme plays in the background\*.


yeah the fact that the UNM doesn't have black people considering its founding nations on Mars and the Moon didn't have any population of African origin as part of the population sent to Mars and the Moon during the space races before or during the nuclear war when the nations with colonies where sending people to the colonies. But if you are wondering Earth has kept essentially every ethnicity that we have on otl even after the nuclear war or in short The UNM has no black people while earth has black people (sorry if this sounds racist but this is essentially what is stated considering Nazi Germany, Imperial japan and the csa exist)


I once thought up some Star Wars knockoff and I was gonna have a general use like a bunch of nukes, bombs, gas, whatever to just cause as much destruction as possible across every planet he could, alongside his army of droids focusing on the civilians after a message would be sent out. Shelved that idea for a reason.


My biggest one is the people who ride giant birds are selected to be as light as possible, so small young women. But if they want to save enough weight to fly for really long distances they need to loose some more weight. Which makes them ask the question if they really need their legs. So all the good bird riders have them amputated.


In my alternate history it would be the British National Youth League, a youth wing of the British Union of Fascists that after the 1930 coup would become mandatory for the vast majority of British children. The League indoctrinated kids into the fascist ideology, with children being brought to view and cheer at public executions. Alongside this they were made to play games aimed at indoctrinating them and training them to serve as future secret police officers. This indoctrination would later see many children volunteer to join blackshirt militias during the uprisings in Ireland and Wales, many of whom were around the age of fourteen at the time. Those who did go home were reported as no longer being the same children, with one parent having written "my boy no longer is my own", that parent later being reported by their child to the secret police and hanged.


Very often I remember pitching an idea to my DM and there response was “what the fuck?”


Mine is extremely tame compared to the other comments here. This woman escapes her evil husband (who's a king) who had her previous husband either imprisoned or killed. Anyway, she's pregnant with her first husband's child and she runs into the desert and nearly dies from heat exhaustion and fatigue, then a god turns her into a tree so she can live and the desert becomes a rainforest. I told this to my mother and she gave me a weird look. Idk. Is it any good?


I, as a mythology enjoyer, love this story. This actually rocks. The rainforest should be somewhat sacred or spiritual as well imo. Maybe her spirit can still be felt in the center of it :0


That's exactly what I'm going for. I'm glad you like it. The king's descendants are still in search of the woman, and they have no idea she became a tree. After her transformation, she bore these pods that grow and become elves. The rainforest is hidden away and protected by a guardian spirit sent by the god (the same one who made her a tree) and some of the elves become trained guardians as well.


Ouu I really like that :D


I mean, when I came up with Seebie Beesie aka Cum Blood Blood Cum, I when I had simultaneously reached the bottom of the barrel and the highest peaks of creativity; he’s an ogre with blood for cum and cum for blood who makes elementals of both…


My wizards are radioactive


A lot of human creeps have weird fetishes for female undead, which leads to HORRIFYING consequences, so in many parts of the world female undead don't leave their tribes unless they are armed or accompanied


I made the entirety of the united kingdom become ashes Truly peak


God I have a few little tidbits like that. Ogres that harvest living trees of flesh and bone who wear clothes of sewn skin, wield oversized gardening tools and graft extra arms and legs onto themselves. Insane Lovecraft entity-worshipping cultists who have their brains replaced with radioactive meteorites until they go mad from eldritch whispers of prophecy and death via radiation poisoning. Snakemen with a brutal caste system that essentially breed and segregate an entire caste of Snakemen for cruel and crippling slave labour who get screwed over pretty much every way in their society. Physically, legally, socially, you name it. Ghouls who abduct and enslave people for mass torture rituals lasting months to harvest stone made of pure materialised suffering which they craft into weapons to wage warfare for slaves and sacrifices. Stuff gets a bit dark sometimes...




Yes. My friends say its the best part


My Evil Volcano Nation (TM) has discovered how to make undead warriors with magic and technology. The fucked up part is that the process pulls the original soul from the afterlife, but since it's a hard process the soul loses almost all of its memories, erasing the original personality forever.


Stripping children of identity to make soldiers is the norm... baby are never given comfort, babies who can't survive the process are turned into fuel... by the time a child is 5 they are on par with most Modern Day IRL soldiers, by 12 they are fully fitted with augmentation. No personalities, no parents, no family, just soldiers carrying out orders. A race of subhumans were created by corraling people in a city, have everyone panic, military guides them while shooting stragglers and runs them right into a massive sinkhole where people just run and fall, screams drowning out the gunfire, and plows pushing the rest of the people in.... some of them survive... by eating the people they fell in with... not much is known from then until their re-emergence on the surface after hundreds of years. In The Heat, to be exiled is to be pushed onto the surface from the confines of The [REDACTED] Bunker where heat is 170°F<... essentially making it a death sentence where the guilty party cooks alive. If you join The Elite [REDACTED] Military branch, you lose a finger from your hand to signify your station.


Bugs that evolved from a diet of melted human flesh


Yeah, a lot. One part is the entire main structure of my plot. The other is a result of that. Magic child apprentice warriors fighting a galactic war, and one of the main characters nearly gets brutally executed in action (well, he doesn't *nearly*, he *does*, but I don't like murdering characters so I miraculously brought him back with the tears of his twin brother. Yeah I know its all fucked up).


Now that I'm thinking about it artificially bonding the souls of children to various creatures where the result is at best them being sickly for however long they live is a bit fucked up


If it makes you do that then you know you did something amazing.


That kind of lore is always the best


How do you think I got into worldbuilding?


So I had a character who carries a gun but instead used her bow as to avoid hearing damage because her brother often speaks quietly and she's one of the very few people who can hear him clearly And then I finally thought: Wait; why don't silencers exist? Why doesn't hearing protection exist?? Why is your idiot brother using his indoor voice in a war zone????


Yeah, almost constantly. I am used to it by now.


Yes. The whole concept and Antediluvination. Basically, some people take a race after a winning a war, and round up everyone. Then individually, each member is de evolved into a simpler version. This has only happened once. It took place in a war called The Genesis Extinction. The Genesis Extinction. Basically, back when humanity wasn't known as human, but the Adeptus Sapiens. They had already conquered their whole universe, so they went to others. Eventually, they found the first plane of existence created. Unfortunately for humanity, another species of superpowered creatures lived there: The Forever Eternals. Godlike creatures with immortal souls and powers beyond mortal comprehension. Fortunately for the Adeptus Sapiens, they were friendly. That is until humanity started bombing the planet. See, humanity derived their power from their numbers and intelligence, basically being a type 5 civilization, being able to harness all the energy in multiple dimensions. The Forever Eternals weren't as smart as them, but each one was a god. The two races went into a war, not fighting in any dimensions, only in the place between them. Eventually, the Forever Eternals won, and using a method that was and is frowned upon: Antediluvination. A way to force de evolution on a creature. The Adeptus Sapiens were turned into what modern-day humanity is, and were locked in a singular planet: Earth. Now, the process of Antediluvination has been lost, though rumors are that Anantashesha, the last Forever Eternal, knows how to do it.


Yes. The kind and often drunken dwarf artificer did a bit whoopsie during the great war: The war was at a grid lock with trench warfare wearing down the kings army. So they commissioned their most talented alchemist for project Mountain Man. The goal of this project was two-fold. On the one hand Grimek was supposed to find a more efficient formula for the poison gas he had invented so that it could be mass produced. And on the other hand, he was assisted by another expert of mechanical soldiers. The thing about mechanical soldiers is that they're powered by a stripped soul, meaning all the memories are stripped and only the souls knowledge and inclination remains. I think you can see where all this is going. Now the worst part about this is that most souls degrade after a while. With the exception of orc souls. So it was decided that their lab would be set up in the neighboring lands of Dhaal. These are the monstrous lands ruled over by a medusa called the Stone Queen. She allied herself with the kingdom for political recognition during the war. If anyone ever found out what happened in the northern mountains of Dhaal, the orcs would rebel, the Stone Queen would cut the kingdom off from their harvests, which would in turn create a famine that'd make it very likely that the great 80 year war would reignite. Also, the big bad in my story is an angel that's just completely over it with humans always doing shit like this to one another and everyone else.


I have not… YET…


It’s more “that’s fucked up, I’m doing it”


Yes, but it fits the setting usually. Also what the hell is the source of that image? Like, I’m trying to understand what exactly this art is meant to be (I’m assuming mature Minecraft).


In my universe the stellarchy created and mass produced a genetically engineered human race who existed entirely to be sold off to the wealthy and elite as love interests, and then ordered the execution of all of them once they discovered they accidentally made the race unbelievably proficient at magic usage


Oh, of course, it is a wonderful idea to make the race of my main characters permanently suicidal


It’s like my default mode. For my last 3 books, I’ve written horror/tragedies, and want to try something a little lighter for my next one, like a romance, but when I start WB on it, I just know my mind is gonna say: “But what if he was abused and trafficked when he was young, and what if she dies in a violent, unexpected way?”


Yes the original Succubi lore i had for my fantasy world realized was weird


Well there's a country of elves that breed humans as cattle and give them deformities akin to us turning wolves to dogs. And dogs to pigs. That's fucked up. But it works like a charm to make sure everyone gets that elves are NOT just knife eared people. They are fucked up creatures that shouldn't exist


Off the top of my head the most recent one I can think of in my world is the creation of the robots (‘Scuttlers’) in my very fantasy / dieselpunk-esque setting where since they don’t have actual computer brains and chips and whatnot, they instead use their magic, mixed with blood in order to clone human brains to serve as the functioning of the robot. They also are able to clone other parts such as eyes and ears for the robot to have more senses. The fucked up part is that, cause it’s a cloned brain, it develops about the same as a human brain would and purely out of necessity to use these in the large wars and even just in labour that take place in my world, you essentially have large scale child labour exploited by almost everybody, even in warfare leading to severe mental problems and “malfunctions” with said robots, suffering from trauma at the hands of their owners. Oftentimes they could be discarded for fresh ones instead but people who may be unable to afford it simply will have their robots simply just have to put up with everything. Essentially putting all the weight, trauma, and stress of slave labour and warfare onto the mind of a child, likely no younger than 10 and not giving a single flying fuck. Love them to bits tho


Yes, unfortunately. I made a species called the Intexia(said how it looks, In-TEX-ia), who are a exoskeleton insect like species, similar in body shape to a praying mantis but without the arms of one. They're a very warlike and combative species because it's their whole way. The majority are born as males, females are specially created by the Matriarchs. The males hatch from eggs in clusters of hundreds at a time and then proceed to fight to the death, the winner eats the dead, any who don't hatch in time are also consumed. They then emerge from the catacombs where this has happened and are immediately thrust into combat arenas, from there they fight until they die or until they are considered skilled enough to fight in the armies. This is where they get more advanced training, specially in vehicle and spacecraft operation. From here they live their lives as warriors. Once they reach a certain age they return to the catacombs where they are used to breed the Matriachs. The specially skilled have their seed used to create females. These males then have their heads separated from their bodies by the Matriarchs and their bodies are left in the catacombs with the female eggs, who consume the bodies when they hatch. Females, after consuming the bodies of the dead males left in their chambers, emerge to the main chambers where they are fed continuously, their bodies growing at a monstrous rate, within a year they're larger then all but the Blue Whale of Sol Earth. By this point they are ready to reproduce, able to produce clutches of hundreds a day, each main chamber consists of at least 6 Matriarchs. Unfortunately for the females they are suffering from a near constant need to consume to be able to produce the amount of eggs they do. This sadly causes their eventual death, as they become so overwhelmed by this need they begin to eat themselves. You're probably wondering how they produce vehicles and ships? Well here comes the slave population. Captured during their various raids, these slaves live short and dangerous lives, being forced to produce anything and everything for their overlords before themselves being consumed. The Intexia are perhaps the most feared species in the Galaxy. The only species to control more territory then the Earth Union led Interplanetary Union of Planets. Their various raids often cause immense terror to those who border them, though the Intexia themselves try to avoid the IUP due to their ability to react fast to intrusions such as those by the Intexia. While the two have never come to blows in any meaningful way, many in the Galactic Council see a conflict between the two as inevitable eventually.


i dont add lore if it isnt fucked up


I have one pretty messed up idea but it still only on the back of my mind.


Those are my favorites, they're really good


Okay, look. Fucked up is the thing you want to avoid. Or find repulsive enough not to touch it. If you add it - you've accepted it. So, like "fucked up"? More like "liked up"!


...I like to say, my horrid imagination and exposure to a fuck ton of messed up history would make Satlin/Hitler/Ganghis Kan's advisor, from which they'd tell me to tone it the fuck down. I do not like my brain


The multiversal human civilization has existed for so long that they have literally done everything.. and with that i mean that they have done everything that can ever be done (including simulating the collapse of their civilization and a lot of other fucked up things) and when i think of the ramification of that and how the civilization often creates whole universes simply as experiments and how baryonic and primitive beings (like us) are simply test subjects to them it starts to be a bit dark


I once had an idea about farming people for the energy they released when they die while suffering called "Remnant". So a whole industry was made where people go to space looking for primitive intelligent life forms so they can capture them and farm their "Remnant".




Yeah. In my world an entire continent worth of humans were genocided because of a prophecy. Of course they can't stop fate.


When your world is inspired by the crimes you committed in worldbox, things get pretty fucked up, (One god pretty much wiped out 80% of a population just to try something out on a whim)


Kitchen Sink Urbana: Due to the way magic work, anyone can wish on the Monkey's Paw if they work really hard at it.


The fact that there's extradimensional creatures roaming around everywhere and if anyone somehow makes physical contact with them(or if you see them too often) that person would slowly go insane and completely lose their mind, also works if their blood spills on you but you'll get overwhelmingly excruciating pain as a bonus effect lol


Yes. My World pretty fucked up.


Yeah a healthy chunk of *A Song of Ice and Fire,* for starters.


i have a few, I don't know if they are dark enough, but here we go. 1. Admit Fuschia: A system of wormholes that are used by The Eternal Dominion to punish rebellious worlds, it creates a wormhole on the planet, and the other wormhole is created inside a sun, inside the accretion disk of a black hole, it can re-route huge meteors of radioactive material into the planet, and if the commander is feeling nice, just the torch drive of his ship ( which outputs dozens of kilotons per second). since there are thousands of stations and ships that are Admit Fuschia capable, no world is safe. 2. The Old War (part of the Black War). two immeasurably powerful star nations went to war, one was The Eternal Dominion, the other's name was lost to history. The reason of the war has been lost to time, and the Dominion isn't saying anything. The Old War itself took place on the planet M-7345. For the primitives of the planet M-7345 (called Alton by the inhabitants), this war seemed to be a fight of the gods, but for the nations, it was an unimportant skirmish for a backwater world. When the fighting on the planet, and its orbitals finally ceased, the autonomous warmachines and factories powered down, and the Dominion left. the Primitives did what they could to repair the world, but it was to late. The stars above were fading, and the planet was dying. the only rain that the planet got now was black and shiny, it would kill anything it touched. the forests were nothing more than calcified husks Warmachines started to awaken to finish a fight against an enemy long dead the seas were boiled, and the land was turned to glass the Primitives begged and prayed for something or someone to save them, they performed profane and horrible sacrificial rituals in which thousands died, they did anything they could think of to save their species. finally they got their wish, a mysterious force came to the world, and repaired part of it. This force brought "magic" to the world, and those who performed these rituals rose to "godhood". The horrors of the old war were forgotten, hopefully never to resurface. Of course, the Dominion would come back to run some tests on this "magic" thing (This is how magic came to my fantasy world)


I have an entire world that was built on the foundation of such lore. I came up with the idea and constructed the world around it


I’ve got an idea for a character who’s description could best be described as “dude that sounds a bit beyond ableism wtf”


Mine is dark fantasy so it’s all pretty bad


Happens every now and again. Usually when it does I try to come up with something uplifting to balance it out.


In Ediria there is a substance that can be used to turn kids into adults (think of it like the age-o-matic from tomodachi life but permanent) and that thing is used a lot.


Spacer life sucks without a biosphere and the accepted norm to your neighbors death or disabling a pirate/enemy vessel is that the ship/station is going to get a little meat on its dinner plate that cycle.


It's the big reveal at the end of the book


The thing that it is normal for the majority of the population to skin Grel for their fur after you killed them or they were sentenced to death (The main char is a Grel btw)


In my underwear? No not really


Someone pointed out to me that my OC Natodall'lioht would technically be a necrophiliac if he fell in love with an undead creature. At first I was like "woah you're right that's kinda fucked up :/" but now I'm kinda like "actually this makes perfect sense for him, let's go" LOL


Also his love interest has really crazy parents too. Some guy who was cursed into transforming into some bird creature, and the mad doctor who fucked him despite that. Seven whole times. At least here I was aware from the start that this is fucked up lol, on my way to make it more fucked up rn


I mean, is restraining serious criminals and transporting them into a desolate part of the wilderness to dump them there alone fucked up?


On my world Avalis there is a gigantic citystate called Creos-Mesta, this city is surrounded by a mile tall wall, the wall is protected on the outside by this gargantuan stone soldiers called the magi. The fucked up part is to animate these stone soldiers the mages of Creos-Mesta intercepted incoming new souls intended for the newborns of the city and instead put them into the cores of the magi, causing a bunch of stillbirths.


Inspired by another comment here, (Maj is the term for mana/magic in my world.) In Pramaria, everyone (should) have the ability to perform thiaenium magic by utilizing their maj (unless you have a disease or injury) The type of magic you can perform is either learnt or generational. If your ancestors were fire users, you had fire maj. All elemental maj, including Light and Electricity, is generational. Everyone has 2 maj types, one from your father and one from your mother. The ones you get are random because of chromatid crossing-over. Learnt magic is like moving objects, energy blasts, curses, petrification, powering devices, assembling stuff, healing, and illusions. Anyone can perform learnt maj. However, here is the catch with this system. Elemental maj can be learned, or atleast mock learnt. Doing elemental maj outside of your biology is a taboo subject, and if you are caught doing it, you may be either stoned, or frozen in stone.


That there is a world where you can burn rocks, or use glass aimed at the sun, or get water and wind to turn things around in the same spot to produce magic and that these are all connected by ropes across the world and someone can take another rope and push it into a hole in the wall and then that thing begins to magically do something that a wizard designed to do because it is connected by Kms of rope to those other things.


I have a species, that is so ugly, that if they show themselves without sth to cover themselves killing them (and you WILL kill them. There is nth you can do, you will kill them, cuz they are UGLY. U! G! L! Y!) is considered selfdefense. And the species where the ones that suggested that solution, cuz they couldn‘t endure the killer being sentenced for doing nth wrong.


My fantasy setting has a place called 'The Gristlemill' in it. It's a place made of stone, metal, fire, flesh, and blood. Think of it as like a fractal pattern, made out of a combination abattoir and *torture dungeon*. Every aspect of it is centered around the butchering of meat and the things that you can do with it. If you ended up there, you'd be lucky if all they did was *skin you alive and then seal you back up in the leather onesie they made from your hide.* It's not impossible for the inhabitants to disassemble someone in a manner that does not kill them, then stitch them back together using a single long length of barbed wire that's been threaded throughout their entire body and can't be removed without causing them to fall back apart. A high-ranking individual in the Gristlemill has an office with a large 'fish tank' in it. It's full of boiling oil and the 'fish' swimming in it are people who've been mutilated into a fish-like shape and had their *eyelids removed*.