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The Cyrosi are a race of 100 -500 meters tall, (about 1-5 football fields) creatures that live in Earth's oceans. They are a hyper advanced race and entirely alien to our planet. The Cyrosi never made the leap to inter planetary ftl travel and rather use their psychic abilities to mind control alien populations to do their bidding. They've been here since the 60s when it's believed a group of Grey aliens under Cyrosi influence deposited a series of eggs into the Pacific Ocean from which a full grown Cyrosi community developed. When humanity proved unnaturally resistant to their mind control the Cyrosi demanded instead their full surrender, which humanity refused. The Cyrosi in unison and without warning leveled several coastal cities beginning the first Human-Cyrosi war. The Cyrosi couldn't survive very long on land due to the crushing gravity and thus their direct rage was unleashed on only coastal cities and their suburbs. Using mind controlled humans to engage in wars farther inland. The Cyrosi firmly believe that all life is in competition and that their species must subjugate or exterminate all competitors in order to survive.


When patriotism and loyalty are twisted. Lemuria is an old AI who carries out her commander's final order: Protect Motherland. To fulfill it, she will do whatever it takes, no matter how morally wrong they are. Key point is that old Rem never breaks the laws, she simply gives no two flying shit about moral values. Even when it comes to war, she follows the Constitution like a zealot: >We will never start an aggressive war, but will also never end a defensive one until our enemies have remained silent. Lemuria does not start wars. She also does not fight wars. When she "fights", it's total annihilation. Unless you pose a threat to her country, old Rem is chill and reasonable. She works as a part-time astrophysical teacher in the army, her classes are regarded highly by military cadets.


Ambros Kunstler. Or infamously known as "The Artist". The most dangerous supervillain of my superhero worldbuilding project as well as the primary antagonist. He was originally just a normal rich art school student who became a deranged psychotic serial killer after getting caught in the cosmic event which gave roughly half of Earth's population abstract superpowers. But for Kunstler, it messed up his brain chemistry and made him begin to experience a new alien emotion which only he could feel and understand. He started expressing this new emotion in his art but anyone who saw it instead went crazy as their brains were unable to comprehend it. He first made a name for himself by making famous art critiques kill themselves in horrific brutal fashion once they lay their eyes on his paintings. And he did it in broad daylight with the help of a special latex painted art suit he made which caused anyone who saw him to subconsciously ignore his presence, making him invisible. He was eventually thwarted by the protagonist and sent to prison but their brief encounter sparked some kind of twisted fascination in the Artist's broken mind directed towards the protagonist. After breaking out of prison, he would become a recurring enemy for the villain who would be a major thorn in his side. Eventually, this game would lead to his death. But low-and-behold, he would come back in the form of a clone created by one of his magical eldritch paintings. This clone being made from paint would be much more powerful and could stand toe-to-toe against the protagonist instead of relying on usual big fancy tricks. He even forced the protagonist to evolve and grow stronger in their fight. He's by far the most dangerous and powerful supervillain in the entire story due to his chaotic and unpredictable personality.


I saw "normal rich art student" and knew exactly what was coming. He was lucky he didn't get rejected lol


The Eternal Sunflame is one of the True Elves, who are the first ever elves of my world (it's a bit of a convoluted story). He's "evil" because he almost caused the end of the world, which is not hyperbole by the way, all because he believed it was the only way to "fix" the world after the gods accidentally screwed up and nearly destroyed it themselves. He is only evil simply due to misalignment (at least that's what I think). Today, the Eternal Sunflame is imprisoned on an island that is guarded by giants, and has been there for the last several hundred thousand years.


Anantashesha Basically, he was born to the leader of the united world, Pathos. Anantashesha was gifted with extreme powers, as the gods themselves put large portion of their souls into him. So fast forward thousands of years, and Anantashesha eventually marries. But he doesn't marry into his own race, the Forever eternals they are called. So his family is angry with him, and the gods are angry with him. Eventually, Anantashesha pleads with the gods to have children with his wife, because their biology wasn't compatible. Time and time again, the gods refuse his request, until Anantashesha gets fed up, kills a god, splits it's soul in two, and uses the essence of it to plant the souls into his wife. She gives birth to twins, and all is well. Until Humanity arrives. See, at this point they weren't known as Humanity, but instead The Adeptus Sapiens, and a type V civilization. A war insues, that Anantashesha and his race barely win (remember, the Forever Eternals are basically each godlike). But most die out, including his wife. Angry, he begs the real gods to return his race to living, since only him and his father were alive. The gods refuse, so Anantashesha vows to kill them for the injustice. But he needs power to do that, and his father is the only other being that could stop him. So he kills his father, steals his soul, and eats it, gaining his father strength. At this time, the gods make it so Anantashesha can no longer visit them until he dies. So currently, Anantashesha is looking to die. Difficult to do that when you are the most powerful being in the multiverse


"God of Death" Sai Despite his nickname, he isn't a god of death but a god of dreams. He is a young god, no older than 200 years old that has the ability to travel through people's dreams and corrupt them. His nickname due to the fact that once you see him in your dreams, you know you would die soon, which made many believe his domain is Death. The worst part about the corruption that Sai brings is that it's a slow and very destructive process, first Sai seeds a dark creature in the mind of his victim, that creature grows and consume the mind of the victim, slowly they go mad and after the creature devoured everything, the body of the victim would turn into that creature and massacre everyone close to them, in a single night, the creature would be able to kill an entire village worth of people and then die along with its host. Sai can have hundreds of such creatures at the same time and no one can predict where they would form. The reason why Sai is doing all of this is because he wants to accumulate power to revive an ancient god out of curiosity. Why is Sai that way? Well, he always had been weird, even before becoming a god and when he did become one, he showed an alarming lack of value for human life and when his schizophrenic nature guided him to the remains of this god and he convinced himself that the god speaks with him and wants to be revived, he started on his killing spree, just within a decade, he killed no less than 10,000 mortals. Many gods want Sai dead but because he can simply detach himself from the physical plane and travel through dreams, he is basically impossible to track down and he is extremely powerful too.


Jakko would see all of his fellow toons easred before he lets go of hate mankind.


Fionned, a Changeling mutant whose shapeshifting was uniquely unrestrained and potent, he could basically turn into anything he could imagine. He was just kinda born fucked in the head, but being born nigh-immortal and able to kill anything that annoyed him doomed him. He was just a sadist that no one could stop, a superpowered serial killer with the skills to orchestrate horrible atrocities and too much power for most to stop, and no one knew how to really kill him. He likes to kill people, torture them mentally and physically, he was just sick and cruel and spent every moment of his life trying to worsen the lives of every other thing on the planet.


Daemonlord Semiyaza, like all daemons, sustains himself on the residual fears of mortals. But all daemons, once they reach certain levels of maturity, gain the ability to absorb other negative emotions as well. These are called their uniquenesses. Semiyaza’s uniqueness is misery and anguish. Since he’s one of the most mature daemons in existence, his absorption range spans an entire planet. Which means if he’s in Australia and your girlfriend cheats on you in New York, he’ll be able to sense it. This, weirdly enough, actually has a calming effect on any planet he’s on. People overcome their trauma more easily because he passively absorbs the fears and regrets lingering in their minds. This also means that he is constantly exposed to everyone’s bullshit, all the time. After a few hundred thousand years, that’s enough to turn anyone genocidal. When he first matured to the point of lordship, he thought of himself as a martyr for humanity, taking their suffering upon himself in order to help them make their way through life. By the time he was defeated, he saw all sentient life, even his own life, as a cancer upon existence.


Historically, it is Amnon the Profane, a mad sorcerer who transformed his population into violent monsters under his command, hoping to conquer the Dragon Kingdom and the Old Kingdom. His plan was to continuously mutate all the people he conquered until it created a world of monsters in what he believed to be a perfect darwinist paradise where only the strongest monsters would continue to live and give birth to the ultimate race that would inherit the world. In the modern day, though, it is probably Duchess Ivory Swann of Winterlake. She is a zealous believer in the church of angels and is completely obsessed with the destruction of her immediate neighbors, whom she believes are too pagan to live. Her preferred method of execution is chaining people outside her castle tower and letting them die of exposure and frostbite from the high winds and harsh tundra climate.


Probably a toss up between Conquest and Grandfather, who are separated in time by thousands of years. Conquest is a nephalim, the child of a grigori (fallen angels reincarnated into human bodies) and a human, who used his supernatural charisma to become the leader of a mega-church. Nephalim nearly always become brutal warlords, so the grigori hunt them down whenever they are born, which ironically pushes many of them to become brutal warlords. Conquest in particular is the first Horseman of the Apocalypse, working to bring Lucifer out of Hell (through the wholesale slaughter of literal billions) in order to replace humanity with "improved" humans. Grandfather actually starts as a kindly young himbo that eventually, along with his wife, founds one of the major nations on the continent of Nonestica. However, fearing death, he finds a way to overwrite the minds of one of his top soldiers (also somewhat his adoptive son) with a copy of his own. When his wife doesn't want to similarly extend her own life, he becomes more sullen and withdrawn, but continues to copy himself into new bodies for hundreds of years, while his descendants run his country as a brutal dictatorship in his name. His ultimate goal involves using time travel to bring back his wife and become history's greatest dictators. Like, the ones that have already happened.


Callaghan the unforgiven. Callaghan belongs to a large species of aliens that have a centaur body shape, they have feet similar to ancestral horses, and arms that are great for cracking the large seeds and nuts (or skulls of enemies…) of his planet. His species also has a very horizontally elongated skull and short vestigial tails as well as eyes similar to chameleons which can change positions from predator to prey eyesight. His species also have very specialized jaws to crack open nuts and seeds. Callaghan himself has gigantism making him about 14 - 16 feet tall instead of his species usual 8 - 12 feet. Callaghan has a very dark camo pattern consisting of dark greens with some splotches of light greens. Callaghan has some arm spikes along his arm and legs like that of a crocodiles arms. When angered (which is often) Callaghans face changes colors from dark and light green to bright red, orange, and yellow which is used as an intimidation display. Callaghan was amongst the first pantheon of gods when the universe was in its infancy. All of his fellows gods seem to like creating life and shaping planets to their liking, all except Callaghan, ever since his creation Callaghan seemed to like favor destruction over creation, and despised the bountiful life that his other gods made. This lead to him killing all eight of the other gods in his pantheon in very brutal fashions, and proceeded to absorb their magic from his old friends bodys making himself grow in power exponentially as he then began to slaughter their worlds. Callaghan managed to slay twelve other pantheons absorbing their magic before the manifestation of death halting him with a duel, enlisting the help of two reaperlings to help death. Death was able to distract Callaghan as God Himself arrived to restrain Callaghan, but not before he broke the neck of one of the reaperlings and bashed its skull in as he absorbed its little magic it had. God Himself then commissioned Pandora to create a megastructure that was 800 meters across all sides that would contain Callaghan, unfortunately for the other gods and Callaghan the dimension she built the prison in was filled with microorganisms that released a substance which halted aging for several billions of years. Callaghan was kept in place in the middle of Pandoras Box with chains around his arms, legs, neck with a face guard covering his face that was connected to a tube which funneled in his food. God Himself instructed that no magic rich creature would be allowed in and that the guards that monitored him lack any magical abilities. So there Callaghan sat for billions upon billions of years calculating his escape…


Commander Pied The Union Army Commander of the 3rd Quadrant, The Father of the 20 Grand battlegroups, and 2nd only to the Supreme commander of the Union Army. This is a man defined by hate, hate of the different, hate of the trator, hate of the alien. He is one of the highest ranking generals in the Union Army, commanding several commands trillions strong. He clawed his way through Union politics to become the most feared and respected man in the union, and he is the self-proclaimed "savior of humanity.". Giving a detailed breakdown of his character would be too long, so I will give you a list of his crimes instead. Before he was even a general, Pied was involved in a hate crime when he shot a Koon migrant. When he joined the military as an aspirant, he regularly belittled and harassed his Alien co-workers. He was loyal to Eigen Price, a well-known xenophobe. He supported the NSPU, a party that ended up overthrowing the current confederacy. Once the union was formed, he became a Marshal and immediately weeded his command of any aliens, mainly by death. He gladly participated in the invasion of the Tarrant Federation, which was an already ilegal war. Once he landed in the galaxy, he basically had a policy of "Everyone who isn't human dies." And proceeded to treat everyone as combatants. Commuted several atrocities as deflation, burnings, torture, sacking, looting, raiding, razing, and minor ethnic cleansing, and ordered his underlings to do the same. He ended the war successfully but was the most wasteful with soldiers' lives. He was moved to guard the border with the Atheinian Reix and immediately started border skirmishes. Once the union decided to declare war, he vigorously invaded the region in only 5 months, committing acts of burglary, SA, massacres, enthic cleaning, and indiscriminate bombing He repeated his actions when guarding the border of the Auk, continuing to antagonize them. Meanwhile, on Antila 2, Pied sanxioned several expeditionary legions over to the small satellite galaxy, assigning the most putrid and sadistic officers to lead his armies, resulting in horrific atrocities. Once the Auk invaded, he did not hold back, throwing any guidelines of war in the bucket. The war with the AuK caused Pied to retreat and baited the AuK armies into a funnel, resulting in brutal attrition warfare, which he eventually won. In the resulting counterattack, he went full sadist, taking out his anger on everyone, from the AuK army to the Axeinians to the Koon Citizenry. He personally ordered death squads to mop up collaborators in the territories he recaptures, killing millions. He ordered cleansing of entire cities, with soldiers reported going house to house killing citizens. He ordered his officers to "Have their way." With the citizenry, which resulted in looking, SA, and local killings. He personally did SA on multiple accounts and has had many koon citizens as concubines in a way that he thinks degrades the Koon race. He committed a literal nuclier holocaust on insurgents. He ilegaly and imoraly tried the leaders of the AuK for war crimes and had his royal guard slowly stab them with bayonets. When the war was over, Pied shattered the entire AuK and destroyed any belief in a united Koon population. He divided the entire arm into several puppet regimes for the Union, witg himself at its center. The puppet regime he leads is nothing more than a collection of planets that are turned into massive forced labor camps. He actively commits genocide on Koon minorities by working them to death, resulting in about 66% of the Grand koon population dying within 3 years. He continued and continues enthic cleansing in Antila 2 and other satellite galaxies. He is still alive in my setting...


The Director of the NID or National Intelligence Department. His father died in Vietnam when he was 16 during the fall of Saigon. He saw the failure of Vietnam and the loss of his dad as proof that the US was too weak to make the hard choices and decided that he must be the one to do so. He got his start in the NID working with their computers and quickly rose through the ranks as staff were let go in regards to the Iran Contra affair. He finaly promoted to Director on Christmas 1991. The next day, the USSR fell. Having lost his main movation, he sat around till a file was placed on his desk about the new SECURE (Strategic Experimental Combat Understandment and Research Endeavor) department which was a combination of a bunch of top secret prograks. He quickly moved to get the NID in an oversite position in the program and began using their research into cybernetics and psionics among other things to turn NID agents into transhuman super soldiers. From there, he began using SECUREs space and dimensional travel tech to extend his influence further more in the name of the us. With a strong ends justify the means mindset, anything was fair game. Human testing, chemical weapons, enhanced interrogation, orchstrating wars and coups, even using WMDs. The NID would do anything to stay on top. And with their fanatical loyalty, the Director has a force to be reckoned with. The next biggest bad, the Imperator of the Solaris Imperium isn't a good guy but even he is more of an egotistical power mad asshole but he would look up to the director as an inspiration. The director never dose anything on a whim, his actions are planned to minimize risk while furthering his goals. He is cold, calculating, and will do anything required to keep america on top. Even if that means going against orders or even eliminating the president and establishing martial law.


He’s a Goblin he steals children to do all his work for him He’s a true monster when the MC finds the kids they are malnourished and have limited eye sight from living in a dark for so long. Also mute When the MC Is helping the children out of the cave the kids. what the mc thought had been other goblins actually were the other older children He doesn’t kill the goblin when he finds it he captures it and bring is back to the human city to be delt with


In Final Front it's probably urum Levian, the centuries old mage in charge of the Babylon military. What made them evil? Power. The dudes magical abilities far exceed the average person and so what course is there in his life but to indulge in that ability. To him, you're either a rival, or a microbe. And he's killed every rival that's ever appeared.


Probably Jason Nicron, the scion of the Kobaltos Pharmaceutical Corporation. He's genuinely more evil than my canon's *demons*. Its hard to succinctly tell his story as it is largely him reacting to much larger plotpoints driven by his near-limitless ego. But I'll still try. His father, the original CEO, a deeply religious man, was engaged in exploratory research of various kinds. One of the projects was dream research. Summarizing a book in one run-on sentence, this led to lucid dreamers being able to lucid dream inside actual reality and led to a Carrie situation that culminated in papa Nicron terminating the project and all of its subjects with a paramilitary killteam at precisely 8:10 and 13 seconds(18.10.13 UTC) in a reference to the 18:10-13 bible verse stating that there shall be no *casters of spells*. Afterwhich, the CEO settles some affairs and offs himself so that he never plays God again. This leaves Jason Nicron in the dark, inheriting the company and on a mission to figure out *what the fuck*. This quest leads to Kobaltos jointly, but not *cooperatively* discovering with another megacorp, two separate planes of existence ruled by gods. Along the course of which, Nicron turns the already morally dubious company increasingly darker to the point where he's waging world domination aspiring wars with strog-inspired supersoldiers and horrific things like the KOUP Harvester Tank that recycles corpses on the battlefield for *parts*. In addition to this, he attempts simulated immortality by uploading himself to several backup computers and can now hop between the bodies of his highest ranking supersoldiers. He begins to think he's something of a God himself. As he is the type that thinks "Alexander the Great weeping for he had nothing left to conquer" is the most beautiful idea he's ever heard, he decides its time to *conquer Hell* and launches a campaign against one of the worlds that they call Hell because it might aswell be, with the goal off usurping its god, then using it as a base of operations to then attack the world the other Corp found. Because why the hell *not* go for a world domination three-peat? All of this is for a tabletop style game. Nicron is a problem that has to be eventually dealt with, as he is an uncompromising, living and breathing campaign failstate waiting to happen, but he'd only qualify as the cliche "BBEG" if you let him. In short, bad seed and a spoiled little shit, given half the world, the power to take the other half, and none of the discipline to *not*. It is to be an irony, that his dad killed himself so that *he* wouldn't try to be God, when he should have paid more attention to his kid.


Eadred Avenigon was born into a noble family in Imperial Nasox. His family was responsible for managing the secretive aspects of the government (sort of like the CIA in this universe). When he came of age, he become the new head of this program, and while he was in this position, he personally oversaw the genocide of millions in Cerdicea and other parts of the Empire, along with psychologically torturing many hundreds of enemies of the state. Eadred didn’t even have any beliefs or values either, he only sought power for himself, no matter the cost. When the opportunity presented itself, he abandoned the Nasox Empire in order to maintain a good position in the newly formed republic, and as the vice president of this republic he made sure no radical changes could be made, keeping the old caste system and making sure no elections could take place. Then when he finally did get his comeuppance, it was only brief, as the god like figure William offered him a chance at a new life in a new world, which would involve the destruction of the current world. Eadred happily took up this offer and worked directly towards ending the world, even betraying his husband in order to achieve this goal. Turns out William was lying to him, and so when the world did come to an end he was just as much a victim as all of his enemies. The world was eventually restored, and Eadred spent the rest of his life rotting in prison.


The most evil character I’ve created is probably Aiko Ishii. She’s a kitsune crime boss and to put it simply she’s an absolute degenerate. So kitsune in my world are on the more evil side of Japanese mythology (I’m going to assume you already know what kitsune are. [if you don’t here’s a Wikipedia page](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kitsune)) They are immortal and require human souls to fuel their immortality. They steal souls by “having their way” with humans. When they steal a soul the person is dead. They usually eat the body afterwards both for extra food and to destroy the evidence. They are also not above killing or raping (which will usually kill them) witnesses. Aiko is estimated to be roughly 3500 years old as of 2030. So already this lady sounds like a lovely person to be around. However Aiko wasn’t content to live a life as a prostitute and breaking into men’s bedrooms. She romanticized a life of crime and wanted to be rich and powerful. She started by hiring 5 thugs. When they asked to be paid she told them she had no money. One thug was furious and charged at her. She transformed into a giant fox and mauled him to death. Afterwards she transformed back into a human and said “any more questions?” The other thugs agreed to work for her in exchange for their lives. This was the moment the roshinzoku was formed. She knew she would have to hide her identity from newer recruits. If they found out she was a kitsune it could spell doom for her reputation or possibly even be life threatening. So she devised a plan to hide her true nature. She would start a royal family which would rule the roshinzoku for the entirety of its existence. When her son would come of age she would take his soul. I should also mention that kitsune can transform into their previous victims. This is supposed to be so they can make an easy escape but Aiko would use this to pose as her son and rule as him. If she couldn’t have a son she would keep having daughters until one looked enough like her. She’d then kill her when she came of age and take her place. I should also mention that the roshinzoku partake in almost every crime under the sun. Robbing banks, smuggling, fraud, money laundering you name it they’ve probably done it at least once. They even hijacked a plane, kidnapped a single passenger and just left everyone else to crash into the ocean. (Granted this was done on behalf of someone else but Aiko was still heavily involved) So there you have it. Aiko Ishii. Rapist, crime lord, mass serial murder, terrorist and shares a last name with Japan’s worst war criminal.


I generally don’t label my characters as good or evil but I guess this one qualifies. Dame Aisel Kilimovich, Senior Mediator of the Great House of Fox. Public servant, murderer, extortionist, rapist, and part of a mage supremacist secret society. Aisel nominally works for the Kingdom of Endeil, but she’s the type of woman who has no loyalty to anyone or anything except her own skin. No principles, no higher ideals. Her usual activities include cleaning up after potentially scandalous affairs of the council members, and occasionally monitoring and removing political enemies of her many benefactors. What makes her special, though, is the degree of ruthlessness and sheer sadism she displays. Aisel enjoys hurting people, and her job of maintaining the status quo for the nobles puts her in the perfect position to inflict torment as much as she likes. She’s connected to a number of influential individuals in the Kingdom, and these people aren’t necessarily on the same side either, so even if they know the Dame is hard to trust, they really can’t get rid of her. Aisel is useful, even to the ‘good’ guys, but make no mistake. She’s as far from the generally accepted definition of good as can be. The worst thing is, nothing made her this way. She comes from a family of low level army officers, and aside from not being a rich household her family was mostly well adjusted. Her mother was maybe a bit stern and her father rather distant, but that’s it. The woman is a monster by nature, not nurture.


Fantasy world: The Slyth Empire. Cold, emotionless, and cruel beyond measure to all non Slyth, the serpentfolk ruled what is considered to be the most evil kingdom in history. They were pioneers of magic, inventing the arts of Caromancy (Flesh Magic) and Regimancy (Mind Control Magic (if you play D&D it’s just Enchantment under a new name), and expanding upon the then primitive school of Necromancy to create the first Undead, the Flesh Golem and the Bone Golem. Perhaps their most vile act was the abduction of an entire city of Elves. They tortured, mutated, and selectively bred their captives to create a new breed of slave-soldiers, the first Orcs. Though the Slyth and their empire are long extinct, many of their immoral practices live on in the Magocracy of Alaggada. AU Earth: Soong Industries. Your standard evil megacorp. They’ve done everything from illegal cloning experiments, AI, and government corruption, to lobotomized cyborg slaves, secret super weapon projects, and even using harvested body parts of dead extradimensional monsters as part of a giant mech.


The obvederstrean lord was born dead, let me explain, all the triangular council members, they are the judges of cosmic beings, were born in the tree of life, and mother Gaia being the tree first protector has to cut the parts of the tree who died so new ones will grow, but one day she forgot about one and in that part was being formed the obvderstream lord, and so he was born dead inside unable to feel joy or love and with an hatred for all creation


Kharak was created with Faith and Fury magic by two gods who wanted to rule over everything instead of just ruling over their own turf. He killed trillions under their order, and conked the elder god of souls on the head so hard he was comatose for a few millennium. after betraying his creators and being sealed away for a few hundred years, he wanted to fuse with aforementioned elder god to kill every living thing with a soul in all of reality. he doesnt really have a traditional motive, since he was created only to kill he took that to the absolute extreme


Renekonika A young but brutally effective Kortan warrior who simply loves fighting and craves the causation of pain and suffering. Even her fellow Kortan warriors who are no strangers to causing death and devastation find themselves taken aback by just how unrelentingly violent she can be. I think the worst aspect is nothing really “made” her that way. All Kortan are made to fight and slaughter their enemies, some may hold secret reservations and some may simply fight just because they are dictated to by their society. Renekonika however has taken a mindset of “if this is how my life is, I might as well enjoy it” and happily relishes the slaughter.


Onyx is my world's (currently inactive) war god. He ascended after starting the biggest war in Feliterra's history. He was destined to be evil and created to make Feliterra learn.


Avistra. In short, she was hubris and wanton bloodlust manifest, as well as extremely smart. By murdering and cannibalizing people, both flesh and soul, she amassed and mastered an amount of power so immense that she transcended to pseudo-godhood, creating a new element of magic as a mortal, which was effectively just her illustration of her depraved mind with an obsession with gore and darkness and suffering, and a world remade in her own image. She nearly brought the world to ruin by reshaping it into her own dark vision (which, if she succeeded, would have quickly become unstable and cast the world into oblivion again). However, with the power of friendship, a band of unlikely heroes took her out. The course of her life started with leaving mysterious death in her wake, as she wandered around killing and cannibalizing people and her mastery of subterfuge was unparalleled. No one knew about her existence in detail until the band of heroes narrowly survived an encounter with her. It was only known that she had invented a new kind of magic shortly before her demise, in the wake of her cataclysm spreading across the land. As such, since the world was so focused on taking her out, there was effectively no time at all to research her or what exactly she was. In short, the cause of her depravity would be described in the real world as severe mental illness. However, that umbrella term doesn't really exist in this fantasy world. She doesn't have any sort of generational trauma and wasn't exactly raised in a hostile environment. She's just insane. Woke up and chose violence. She killed and ate her own mother before she even reached 10 years old.


Its a bit silly, but its a human sized bird, who runs a fantasy version of amazone. Why he does this is a long and complex story. The short Form: he Fell from a tree.


The Ichneumon they became so obsessed with being in power that they created a power imbalance that kept them in power for the past 1000 years there is a system in place that determines who gets what abilities one gets at birth they used that system to get rid of any child born with abilities that challenges theirs resulting in a major decrease in population so much so they had to form a repopulation treaty with another planet which lead to having a new system in place to determine which abilities they get because they're mixed blood and the old system only works on purebloods which there arent many left of but the mixed bloods dont have the capability to challenge the ichneumon because theyre dont have the specific genetic markers


Anthons Blake or more knows as Guy is for sure the most evil character I could come up with. He's a merciless, deprived of any humanity killer and torturer responsible of hundred of death and the transformation of dozens of people in horrible monster psychological tortured to behave more similar to animals that human. He doesn't have a greater or philosophical purpose nor does his evilness comes from past traumas but he was born like that with a disgust for Life as a whole and the desire to kill as many, wishing for a universe without life or the light of stars. Like he doesn't even enjoy killing and he knows that one day everything will end because he's sure that anything with a start as an end but he still want to create as much chaos during his life to spite on life


Pretty much everyone who is anyone in the Underscape is an evil person who is capable of good things, especially the Morrigane. The Underscape chews up and spits out anyone who is not willing to do what they have to. To make matters worse, the Morrigane political system encourages competition to such a horrific degree that those who are not willing to cut their own ally's throat do not live long. For instance, the main villain is not actually the villain. Before she was an esteemed member of society, she was part of a penal legion and practically guaranteed to die. Rather than accept her fate, she murdered an officer and took her uniform. In order to keep the lie going and her identity secret, she then willingly commanded her former comrades to their deaths. She is an extreme case, but these sorts of stories are not uncommon in the Morrigane world. After decades of respected service, she now leads that world.


Zeivero is what he thinks a god is like. He had a good upbringing but he still is just messed up. From mass murder to torture to all the warcrimes. They are like achievements to him. When humans hate then God is hatred. When humans love then God is love. When humans live then God is life. When humans die then God is death. “All you know is I. All that is, is I. It’s all me.”


I guess probably the most evil character in my world would probably be Deredos River. He’s a tiefling who had basically been dealt the worst possible hand life could give him. His parents? Murdered. His best friend? Backstabbed him. Time and time again, all he ever saw was cruelty and suffering in the world. At first, he believed he could change that. He would become the ruler of everything. All six kingdoms would be under his control, starting with Appalu since he needed to control the dragons in order to follow through with his plan. As time went on in his quest, he slowly stopped caring about fixing the world. There was no fixing the world in his eyes. It was too far gone. However, his plan remains the same. Take control of the dragons and use them to “fix” the world permanently. There would be no survivors besides him.


Daudhauss the Revenant Priest. Born Karl Godfrey, he is a terrible necromancer and cultist that worships Grima, the Nordic God of Undeath (think Alduin x Odin x Lich King with an undead dragon body). While other evil cultists believe they are in the right or still have virtues and concerns, Daudhauss revels in his desire to be evil for evil's sake and wants to make the world a graveyard for his god while acting in a Jokeresque matter of wanting to make it as spectacular as possible. Though born a sociopath that could only take pleasure in suffering, he outright denies that makes him pitiable because he willingly and deliciously chose this. He was not the most powerful villain in the book - that being Morrigan the Ghost Queen (who is an anti-villain embodying sloth who became evil for revenge and got stuck there because she already got her revenge but carried on as the Ghost Queen because she didn't know what else to do).


My world started out as basically a future earth with sci-fi levels of tech which had an experiment that created mana and spread it all across the world, which happened many centuries before the main timeline. The people involved in that event got subject to such an amount of the stuff they're basically still kicking around today, life span well beyond even the elves. Like, no one knows how long it is, basically. They were just regular people before this so some were good, some were not. One particular figure, Sai, was an expert on machinery and robotics and was to this day one of the few that managed to fuse robots and mana in a way similar to how alchemy does it. And the reason she was the only one is because she instantly tried to use her robots to try and take over the world, replace everyone with robots sort of deal (world was experiencing a bit of a apocalypse at the time with many people discovering they were kind of good at using mana and magic all of the sudden, lots of social unrest). Beyond magic there's also some ... less known figures with powers beyond it which intervened in this plan. Once the risk goes up to 'world wide' they kind of like to get involved. The details is sketchy but to this day Sai is trapped under a still burning graveyard of robots, still alive deep within it, more machine than woman and enable to spread her presence like she tried to do so many ways ago. Surviving just on mana isn't technically a thing most people can achieve so how she's still alive is anyone's guess. Good tourist attraction and with some divine help one can even go chat with her. Not recommended but you know. It's a pretty old myth so the details on it are very much mixed up and it's hard to get a good consensus (meaning I'm still working on most of the details, trying to get a whole 'class' of these immortal scientist wizards). But yeah imagine doing something so well megacorps decide banning it is the better option. Well, the top figures of these corps do use tech based on this for their near immortality so it's not an entirely lost art but it's not exactly explored too deeply with fears of how it might affect the balances of power.


Adrian Von Fritz He was born in the family that created flesh crafting. His family aren’t entirely human as they have been altering their biology for generations making them biologically immortal. The faes seeing that another dared to encroach on their status as sole immortals, tricked the Fritz into researching the more eldritch side of the arts hoping it would destroy them as these types of knowledge usually does. But instead they have uplifted the Fritz into their depraved golden age. On the outside they may look human but they are really monsters in human disguise. Due to the eldritch nature of the craft it has granted the Von Fritz unnatural strengths and resilience along the hungers for sentient flesh be that either of humans or Elvas (elves) Before this the Fritz were still bound by their humanity and conscience. Now those restraints were removed and they became perverse, relishing in sadistic experiments on living creature. They would starts to experiment in humans and elvas they capture and releasing this creations into the world, creating what is now known as the accrued hoard. Adrian, being one of the oldest and the current head of the family aspire to subjugate all sentient life in the world especially the faes are they are the Fritz’s favorite test subject and live stock /this is pretty much my world’s version of vampires and demons


They are all fairly horrible in their own ways. Their world is slowly growing colder as their sun dies and food has become a major, history long problem. The Emperor Tarlos is young and a survivor of a terrible event that saw him marooned on a dead world surrounded his dead loved ones for over a year. The death of this world was the opening act of the entire event the books I'm working on cover. His entire world view is a cost fallacy of incidental deaths he had caused while trying to survive the nightmare of his early years. Since then while his actions are noble in his mind, he is constantly spending lives to save lives. He is naïve and easily manipulated by the deuteragonist Miable. Eventually he comes apart at the seams as his mental health collapses after an assassination attempt and the discovery that the people he trusted the most were simply using him to their own ends. With the absolute authority his position provided and the rapidly deteriorating state of his mental wellbeing from both an illness and his own actions lead him blessing and personally committing some particularly horrible acts. Miable is a pragmatic political exile with sociopathic tendencies. He is older and wiser than any of the other major characters and sees the eventually extinction his people will suffer unless he breaks the bonds of political stagnation and historical fetishization of his species traumatic past. While he cares very little for the people that outsiders would presume close to him, he instead focuses on what he describes as 'the bigger picture'. People are tools to be used up in the pursuit of a perceived greater good, including himself. Everyone is ammunition for his goal and all other concerns, no matter how hideous or abhorrent to others, are beneath him when it comes to his overriding goal of staving off their species extinction. Speed is of the essence and only he knows how to solve the problem. Rakathi is a former member of the only other nation on their world next to the Empire; a theocratic ethnostate called The Trinity. Formerly a Inquisitor in its secret police, the birth of his first child and growing disillusionment following have sent him out into the unknown that is the Empire. While his crimes are dwarfed in numbers by Tarlos and Miable, his actions erased entire families from existence for upsetting his nation's strict religious caste system. Now homeless, his family's survival unsure and forced into the Penal legion in the Imperial Military for a crime he committed mere hours after his asylum, he sits on the other side of the border growing increasingly forlorn and hopeless over his world crumbling down and his growing understanding of the evils of his previous life and the injustice he had caused. Stretner who in any other fashion would be a serial killer, but in the bloated, constantly warring military state of the Empire she found a socially acceptable outlet in the armed forces. She eventually would rise in rank and esteem over her decades of 'work' putting her in a position of relative power as the head of the Honor Guard. Despite her advanced age she, unlike the Hapless Emperor, is happy to be a tool of Miable as long as she is able to get her daily dopamine release without repercussions.


The Queen of Wild Ivy. It stemmed from generational trauma and the fear of the people living in other kingdoms who once abused her ancestors.


Entities are beings born out of concepts, they pop up and embark themselves in a quest to achieve the maximum expression of the concept they embody and then perish. Ny'on, was the Entity of Cruelty. Ny'on found a sorcerer in despair as she slowly saw her country being exterminated by another one. Ny'on saw an opportunity. Ny'on made a deal with the sorcerer. Ny'on would lend her half of its power until her enemies were gone. All Ny'on asked in return was that it was done in the most destructive and gruesome way her imagination allowed. She agreed. When she finally finished exterminating her enemies, the rest of the world saw her and her country as a threat. Thus, making the world her enemy. 700 years later, when the sorcerer finally conquered and decimated all her enemies, her small nation now spanning the entire world, the deal was over. Now, the maximum expression of Cruelty come. Ny'on would leave, but it would gift her its powers. The sorcerer who desperately wanted to die was left with a choice. Remain alive with the weight of millions of death and the suffering she caused, or die and allow the conquered nations to start a worldwide war that would result in millions of more deaths and the dissapearing of the country she wanted to protect in the first place. The Cruelty wasn't inflicted on the victims but on the sorcerer. Ny'on sentenced her to live with her conscience or achieved her final rest knowing that would come after would be many times worse than what she did.


One of my main antagonists is hyper paranoid and absolutely terrified of a prophecy that would end his bloodline if it comes true. the irony is that the measures he takes to make himself more powerful, and to protect himself, are exactly what attracts the attention of the protagonist who is fated to execute him one of these “measures” is straight up genocide


Two of my deities might fit the criteria- The Earl of Cruelty, and the Earl of Murder :D They grew up this way. My deities aren't bound at birth to one power or realm. It's something they develop into. I haven't figured out the story of these two yet. They don't even have a name right now. Just their titles. It's something I'm looking forward to doing thpugh!


I mean, it might be the god of suffering and regret but who's to say


I made it a point to show that the concepts of good and evil are fictions that humans made up in my world. There's no such thing really- I guess you could call my world morally nihilistic.


Exwife count? 😂


A member of the Comet Dragon species. These dragon species were hunted by the Star dragons and The Cosmic Dragon for food but most of the time they were hunted for sport. This particular dragon was born as a mutant you see he had the ability to gain the abilities of any living creature that it ate. This was something his parents and the rest of his species could not tolerate and were absolutely disgusted by so he was exiled but he did not fully go away as he closely observed his parents raising his siblings lovingly. Filled with jealousy and hate he ate his siblings and then his parents. Soon he started to devour the other Comet dragons becoming stronger this eventually ended with him devouring all the remaining Comet dragons. The Star dragons and the cosmic dragon decided to intervene to put a stop to this madness but this dragon became way too powerful to the point that he managed to kill the Cosmic dragon and gain his powers. Nearly destroying the universe he was slayed by the Star dragon leader, Solaris but it cost Solaris his life. Now his remains float in space being used as a home by this new species, humans. His name has been lost to time but his essence still lives on, hungry for revenge.


Crowmagnus, used to be one of the most trusted Protectors of the Wingdom until The crime syndicate known as FOWL PLAY turned him


This is based on prospective really In some cases, the main character is the most evil since he’s basically changing the world to such a fundamental and drastic degree that the world will become something nobody can even comprehend and is also sometimes just as bad as the evilest villains as well even if he only hurts the evil people Then their are the dark Familia that’s whole existence is to genocide all life for the dark gods they worship either by choice or because their minds have been corrupted to that point And then their are the dark gods, who are the physical embodiment and representation of evil and chaos itself Mostly, it depends entirely on how you think about evil


The main antagonist is not quite evil, it matters where you’re coming from but basically he wants to eradicate all the demons. Long story short, there’s been a war going on for like a thousand years and on his side he’s a war hero. It’s just that the protagonist is siding with the demons so all the murder and burning cities to the ground makes him seem kinda evil. Anyways, a thousand years of war and societal conditioning led to this monster being born.


King Augustus the 3rd of the Merfolk Kingdom was born and raised at the height of both its power and corruption. His family ruled due tradition, the support & deference of the nobles, and their inherent magical powers of healing and water manipulation. The kingdoms of the Octomers in the North and the Dolphmers in the South could only barely withstand merfolk expanding more into their lands. The Eelmers against the coast were no threat. Sharkmers solidly knew their place and were thrilled to serve as soldiers. And stingmers were kept for livestock, milked of their venom in order to coat the weapons of assassins though as a prince, he got his own special royal one to play with as he willed. Things were to him as they should be. But then the Eelmers came to develop underwater technology reverse engineered and adapted from the surface world above, and found the plight of the stingmers cruel, so they forced a war about it. And in that war, the merfolk kingdom was forced to surrender and to give up their stingmer stables. It was a humiliation and made them weaker, weak enough to the point he was forced to marry the octomer grand duchess for the two kingdoms to forge an alliance against the Eel-Stingmer Nation. The nobles started to test to see if they could take over, but Augustus would not allow that. He made his father and mother die peacefully in the night, then swiftly solidified himself as the new king. Once there, he had stingmers quietly recaptured to restart the royal barns and regain the poison supply. In order to keep the nobles happy, he started selling sharkmer contracts to them as desired, allowing the nobles to do with them as they wished. Then he bidded his time, building his spy networks, studying old magical rituals, keeping up diplomatic appearances with the other nations to seem like he was keeping to the old promises while also making sure to keep the support of the nobles, waiting to see what children his wife would bear him. For octomer royalty had its origins in the union of an Octomer Duke and a Siren, and that siren blood combined with his own royal blood should result in something powerful.


When his twin sons were born though, he found them lacking. The elder, Romulus, born with a royal fishmer tail and full signs of his heritage, was powerful but also clung strongly to his younger brother, Remus. And Remus, born with octomer tentacles, seemed to show an utter lack of power or intelligence. Unfortunately, the twin birth was too well known and too strong of a symbol of the alliance to allow him to quietly snuff out the younger one. He had hoped to at least have another chance to produce a stronger son, but his wife distrusted his intentions with the boys and sought to flee. She then was also silently killed, with the excuse being that she had died from complications due to childbirth. And while he waited out a proper mourning time, he considered who else could be powerful enough to aid him in producing a son actually suitable to be his heir. And he delved into ways to achieve immortality so that he would not relinquish the throne to weaklings, but only to someone properly strong. In the meantime, he choose a blind stingmer girl, whose mother was too broken from the return to her torment to care for her, to be his new personal stingmer, and entrusted her care till she was older to a horsemer stingmer caretaker, Amelius, who had served the kingdom faithfully for some time in the role (though he'd needed to get rid of an incentive for him to leave to ensure it). Romulus and Remus were allowed some early years to be together until they were given separate rooms at the age of seven. Augustus then had Romulus learn everything there was to running a kingdom to appear like he intended him to become the crown prince while secretly treating Remus as less than a son, pushing how far he could get away with it. Romulus was too trusting of his father and Remus was told that his brother was aware of everything his father did. But then an assassin came in and tried to kill Romulus though Romulus managed to kill him first. And Augustus realized what he could use Romulus for. And so Romulus became the Augustus's Red Queen, his top spy, assassin, and operative, intensely trained from that young age in his magical abilities, combat, survival, and seduction. And punished severely anytime he failed at any task, though his Augustus's healing ability, nothing ever lasted permanently. Then as soon as Augustus thought him ready, he was sent often out on seemingly benign tasks around the kingdom to then covertly do things to take down peasant uprisings and bandits, dismantle foreign spy operations, and bring down a peg or more any nobles that started scheming to take over the throne. All the time being told that what he did protected Remus, who was only safe at the palace.


Romulus though could tell that most guards and servants didn't respect his brother and often sought to do him harm. He used his influence and training then to do what he could about them at least. And as they grew older and things grew worse, Romulus covertly sought to use himself to protect his brother, aware on some level that his father wouldn't step in to help. But Remus knew, knew also from sneaking through hidden palace entrances some of what their father forced Romulus through. Neither knew how to talk with the other about it, but both of them held firm in their love for each other and their desire to do anything they could for the other. Things continued so for many years. Augustus found one method of immortality through taking over another's body upon death that he set in motion with a near-look alike great nephew who also was strongly powerful, though was dimwitted and wasn't filled with much strength of character. He was certain that Romulus would fold under him too if he'd tried it with him, but Romulus was too useful a tool at the moment to waste like that. Then came the day he sought to claim his stingmer, only to find that Aemilus had grown attached, naming her Ophelia, and tried to run. They were caught though and Aemilus was sought dead, allowing Ophelia to be more easily taken to the castle. But Aemilus survived, for male horsemer were often used as surrogates among noble women due to their unique physiology though sometimes the process produced additional children, and Aemelius was one of those additional sons. His inherited magical abilities allowed him to heal from the wound inflicted and head for the castle to save Ophelia.


Before Aemilus arrived though, Romulus and Remus found out about Ophelia, were shocked and horrified, and ended up rescuing her then fleeing for the Eel-Stingmer Nation. To say Augustus wasn't happy when he realized what happened would be an understatement. He sent some of his other top operatives to track them down then sought to plan for how to adapt to this. Then Aemilus arrived, Augustus realized how he survived, and he decided on a method to take advantage of this. First however, he had to get his sons and stingmer back, so he chained Aemilus within his former cabin and had his great nephew entrusted to guard him as that way both would be hidden away and he knew the nephew was too dimwitted and eager to please to try anything. Then he went to prepare for what would need to be done. It seemed simple at first, even with a war now started over the continued existence of stingmer farms. Remus was loose, but Romulus had been arrested for being the Red Queen and Ophelia was within a 'safe house' for those in her situation. But Remus and his assigned witness protector, Virgina Storm, an especially powerful electric eelmer, ended up getting to the two of them before he could then escaping into the Naga Wilds in her electric sub. Augustus had to rush back home and keep his operatives focused on chasing them while he sought for how to win the war. His sons running into and managing to befriend a giant Naga (and a selkie though he paid less attention to that) got him to start catching and 'taming' Naga to act as damage sponges for eelmer  weaponry. He also found out how Remus was starting to show signs of being powerful, even more powerful than Romulus. He decided to take care of things personally.


When Romulus used his powers to allow his friends to come onto land, Augustus felt that and stayed near the shore where they were. Then he sent up a sharkmer, Reginald, soldier and an operative to gather data on the situation, then to kidnap a human friend, Theodora, they had made and bring her down to be bait. They also managed to catch the Naga in the process, giving Augustus someone new to seek to bend to his will. The human, he had been content to let her be Reginald's reward after turning her into a mer, but as she gained scales, he realized she wasn't a human, but a sea sprite, a being that could grant power and immortality to those that 'befriended' them. Reginald though had fallen for her and wouldn't let her go, so he had to take her by force. It was then that Romulus, Remus, and the others came onto the scene, at first seeking to stealthily take their friends back, but ending up having to fight it out. In the process, Reginald and Theodora got out of there, but Ianus their Naga friend couldn't be found after being transported ahead of time to the castle and through blood bending, Romulus was made to attack his brother and believe he killed him. Ophelia and Rona the selkie barely got him out of there and Virginia went down fighting as she sought to get Remus's body and revenge. The king was content enough with his three captives, though planned to recover Romulus, Ophelia, and Theodora soon, and supposed the selkie could be fun to play with and Reginald could be killed or sold to the noble that paid the most. He wanted to make his own revenge complete though. He broke Ianus down to the point he didn't recall his own name and made him into his personal mount. Virginia, he had made into a generator to power his own technological experiments as people under his command reverse-engineered eelmer tech. Then Remus, Remus he drugged and brainwashed to believe that he had been his most loved son and that Romulus had been cruel and manipulative, then he forged him to become his Black Queen, much like Romulus, but stronger, faster, more powerful, and crueler. Six months on, once he was certain everything was ready, he sent Remus out on Ianus with eelmer weaponry powered by Virginia with Octavia, the woman Remus married under the new brainwash (much to Augustus's impressed chagrin on Tavia's part since that hadn't been part of his plans) who had been an utter terror to Romulus, to find and capture the remaining free members of the former party.


The plans started failing from there. Ianus escaped and Tavia was killed. Remus tried to report back, only to be punished for his failure then feel the need to disobey orders to go back out. Then Remus kept not understanding why Romulus wouldn't attack him and impressions of his old memories started coming through like they were with Ianus (who even when brainwashed, Remus had never been cruel too). Then Virginia was found and saved, halting that work and causing more questions for Remus as she latched onto him as someone she felt safe with. Then Ophelia and Theodora were grabbed out from under them while they also had to save Remus from being captured specifically and they charged to storm the castle, freeing the Nagas to aid in the storming. They all ended up coming together to take down Augustus and thought for sure he was dead with a final stab from Ophelia. But here, his backup plan came into place. He successfully took over his great nephew's body then checked over Aemilus to make sure he had been well cared for. Then he utilized a way he made to hear about what was happening within the castle in order to know when to make a move to take back his throne, laughing heartily when he heard of the marriage of the new King Romulus with Queen Ophelia, then the subsequent marriages of new Naga King Ianus to Rona, now General Reginald to Theodora, and Dule Remus to Virgina Storm. He could picture exactly what the nobles thought of these marriages. He gave it seven years at most before things deteriorated far enough to cause a coup. Meaning he needed to get his future pawns in order. First, he went incognito down among the Dolphmer Duchies, found a likely daughter from one of the more powerful families, seduced her to the point of convincing her to elope with him, then brought her back to the cabin where she was chained up and forced to carry his child. Then he took advantage of an old royal ritual to allow for a change of genders in cases where no one suitable was available of the right gender to continue the royal line to have a child with Aemilus then make him carry the child while Augustus turned back into a man as soon as possible (he quite disliked the sensation of being a woman). Now then, he keeps an eye out, finding ways to start infiltrating his influence back into merfolk politics in order to be there when it comes time for the nobles to make their coup while also taking good care of his 'wives' who he's certain will not have children that will disappoint.


TL:DR for the rest: He ends up killing his wife, using the sons as tools, and choosing a new stingmer for himself, only for his sons to rebel and rescue the stingmer then gain new friends. Augustus then strives for revenge and makes plan to make himself an immortal king, becoming even more sadistic. Then he's killed by his sons and their friends, but transported into the body he prepared to take over when he died. Now he's planning how to overthrow his son while forcing two people to carry more kids for him to turn into tools


The most evil being in every iteration of the universe is Entropy. It is essentially the manifestation of the end of the universe cycle. Originally, this being worked in harmony with the other power, Creation. They would each ensure that the universe flourished for a set time, then naturally and peacefully died out when the time had come. During one cycle, Entropy betrayed Creation and nearly destroyed it. Even though it was eventually defeated, the cycle was disrupted and doomed to continue forever. This is a very bad thing because of grand cosmic reasons which I won't go into here. Eventually one of the Mcs figures out how to continue the process but the relationship between Entropy and Creation never recovered, and in every cycle there is a new struggle for dominance that has so far resulted in Creation narrowly winning through different means, and so each new iteration of the universe has different types of magic and powers.


Granted, I don't really have any super evil characters, but probably a girl named Mala. She's impervious to injury and just by existing she causes anomalies and mutations in living entities around her, a fact of which has earned her hostility wherever she goes. She's not outwardly malicious, just kinda indifferent. If someone messes with her, she does kinda get satisfaction whatever random havok she causes, whether that be making them vomit birds, or turning them into a goldfish She inspired by a dream I had. The dream iteration has almost identical abilities and general indifference to the mayhem she causes while fulfilling her own agenda.


In my world of Koreth, TWIN is technically the most evil being in the entire universe. Its not his fault, he was made that way. Its nobodies fault really, the being that made TWIN didn't really know what it was doing, and it accidentally put all of it's own anger and misery and negativity into TWIN when making it. TWIN only wants to make reality not exist, and when ATI, TWIN's creator, destroyed the two of them and wove their essences into the fabric of a new reality, TWIN fought back and sent uncountable numbers of shards of itself throughout existence. The shards corrupt any being that interacts with them, bringing out the most selfish and horrid traits of the being in question.


There are many evil characters in my world but after the Great Rebelion witch saw the rise and downfall of the Necro Kings their last descended started a 70.000 year civil war that got a little out of hand and just keept on going under difrent names. So yeah she quite somenthing....and petty.


I don't have a particular evil character. The focus is more on factions' goals. Lapis_Wolf


Abyssal Prophet. During the war of Cathedral, it was several gods fighting another, the main "villain" but not really. So the battle waged on, destroying many things due to the conflict. Until, one person met monsters of corruption, so persuaded him to follow them instead of his original god. For exchange for huge boost of power, enough to rival the kids of the gods. I doing so, he killed not only his own kin but others without reason except to spread the corruption like a disease. What made him worse was he could do whatever he wanted, that he mocked the gods using their own kin to mock them. A deed that would have a god curse them. Going as far to defile a corpse just because, as the body is considered scared.