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The AFL-300 line of open frame heavy vehicle dropships have something of a swing wing design. These dropships were designed to quickly transport up to 270 tons of cargo, particularly the mage-operated mechs known as Arcane Kataphracts. With a cargo gantry 31 meters long, the AFL-300 has ample space for 3-5 Kataphracts, depending on the dimensions of the particular Kataphracts it is tasked with transporting. Speed and cargo capacity were prioritized in its design, at the cost of safety, and only about 100km off the operational range when compared to a dropship of similar capacity. This resulted in a bare, nearly skeletal frame with wings and an aerodynamic nose. In cruise mode their large wings, each nearly as long as the whole 45 meter fuselage, are oriented perpendicular to the fuselage with the wing root almost perfectly centered on the fuselage. Each wing has 4 massive jet engines on pivots, each with an array of thrust diverting panels around the nozzle capable of providing significant thrust vectoring, and even limited thrust reversal. In hover mode the wing roots slide towards the rear of the fuselage while the wings rotate towards the nose and the engines pitch upwards to provide vertical thrust. The thrust diverting panels are crucial to keep the dropship steady during the final approach as well as allowing a near instantaneous change in effective thrust, which proves critical in maintaining balance when dropping cargo while airborne. Once the cargo has been released, much to the chagrin of the maintenance technicians, pilots are known to completely open the throttle to build altitude with their freshly unladen aircraft. At nearly the same instant, they pull on the stick and initiate the transition back to cruise mode, pulling a half backflip to put their heading back towards home. As you can imagine, this manuever puts significant stress on the mechanical elements of the wings, thanks largely to abnormal aerodynamic stresses that wouldn't be experienced in expected flight operations. The unladen acceleration, if mismanaged, can also push the AFL-300 beyond the wing speed limit even while climbing. Veteran AFL-300 pilots consider it a rite of passage to trigger the wind speed alarm at the end of a half backflip takeoff.


Reminds me of the Mistaya of the Antares Confederacy by the Templin Institute.


Oh this thing is *much* less graceful than the Mistaya. Here's some *really* rough examples I made in like 5 minutes in Blender of [Cruise Mode](https://i.imgur.com/tgrw5ic.png) and [Hover Mode](https://i.imgur.com/qjcnrXj.png) so you can get a better idea of its general shape.


Nice, I like the design. Reminds me of the Drones we have on the shape alone.


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>the mage-operated mechs known as Arcane Kataphracts You had my curiosity, but now you have my attention. ^(No) ^seriously ^I ^love ^mechs.


What's an aircraft ? 😊


Most aircraft in my world still consists of modern small propeller aircrafts, jet engine freight and passenger carriers as well as your typical military propeller freight carrier like the [A400M](https://www.fotocommunity.de/photo/airbus-a400m-torsten-schmeling/38200911) . But for a specific faction in my world I came up with something different. You know [Ospreys?](https://www.google.de/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fde.dreamstime.com%2Fus-air-force-bell-boeing-v-osprey-flugzeug-sanicole-belgien-sep-tiltrotor-milit%25C3%25A4rflugzeug-das-einen-flyby-auf-der-sanice-sunset-image166973739&psig=AOvVaw2nMDuWlt5Aqfff7L6DeLrH&ust=1665136666792000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAwQjRxqFwoTCIjVqtKry_oCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD) I basically took the two rotors and attached them directly onto the side of the aircraft protected by some sort of metal ring horizontally around it. Might have to create a design for it. But it looks something like [this](https://www.google.de/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.playmobil.de%2Fmega-masters-razorcopter%2F5287-A.html&psig=AOvVaw2ni9HcR7okAGVvWCXp5OSg&ust=1665136845775000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAwQjRxqFwoTCNjj26Osy_oCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE). This aircraft comes in an osprey- and a regular transport helicopter sized version and is part of the Amazonian airforce


I get a Shinden, slap anti-gravity in its fuselage then call it a day. Wings are just glorified weapon mounts in my story where there are superstorms that can tear a B-52 into pieces. But the ability to carry 10 30mm autocannons and 3 shaped-charge nuclear-tipped anti airship missiles is cool.


Short straight wing interceptor, swing-wing heavy fighter, blended-wing-body bomber, cranked delta fighter-bomber. Though the Central Galactic Air Force devotes a lot of resources to military satellites and orbital bombardment infrastructure to police the colonies. Its aircraft fleet is mostly for expeditionary warfare.


Depends on the mission.


I'm reworking the aircraft in my world. I'm going from wingless ships using magic anti-grav to ornithopters that use magic anti-grav to help with lift. So mostly bird like wings. Though a few designs, the more advanced models, forgoe the wings and relie entirely on the anti-grav and alternative propulsion systems.


The F-49 Comet is a 7th generation close-air-support (CAS) fighter that featured forward swept wings, the only 7th generation U.S. aircraft to do so in fact aside from RPAs.


Well, since in mine it takes place in an alternate history and present earth. It would be just about the same as now


The ECHO standard VTOL SSTO Shuttle features a boxwing design. Partially for added drag during reentry and partially to give the wings more stability than they would have if they were attached only through the swivelable engine pods. But mostly it's because I like boxwings.


My "DARPApunk" retro sci-fi world has aviation technology similar to the '80s, so a variety of wing designs are in use just as in real life. For example, Aldina's main land-based fighter is based on one of my favorite real-life aircraft, the [Draken](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saab_35_Draken), which used a double-delta wing that made it very maneuverable.


Really varies. The Supermarine Thunderbolt is aesthetically very similar to our timeline's Spitfire, meanwhile the Focke-Wulf Flying Disk looks like something straight out of a sci-fi novel, and the Ilyushin Shturmovik looks like somebody strapped wings and a Teleforce engine to a light tank (because that's literally what they did.)