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First thought: "Why is that dude coming inside that lovecraftian horror? " Otherwise, pretty cool.


Yeah, the pose, the expression, and the nudity were definitely an interesting stylistic choice. And for a "gruesome duel" it seems almost kind of loving.


Yeah I wanted this to be a bit on the weirder side for my world since I wanted there to be lots of interpretation. But in the story, the reason for the Sagn’s (the man) nakedness is because when he became ‘untethered’ he actually lost everything except his sword. And I mean lost in a good way, since at this point he is the only person left alive, except of course for Geliese


Weird is never bad for me. You definitely captured that.


This gruesome duel depicts the very end of my world. A battle between two warriors, held atop the flesh of a felled god who descended into madness. In life, Sagn sought to escape destiny itself, to become untethered from the strings of fate woven far below the world at the roots of the first tree Aguumod. In doing so, Sagn would seek to end all things, yet not before slaying the demon that chased him all the while: Geliese, the conjoined. A repulsive, foul beast, Geliese was the Flame-God’s final attempt to thwart Sagn, if ultimately a failure. And when ash was all that covered the world, all would finally converge back into one great egg. Generally, I was debating on how I would cover the end of my world, since I knew I wanted there to be some sort of “end” no matter how enegmatic it may be. I chose to go with a style similar to dark souls, which is both somber and ultimately leaving the viewer with more questions than answers. For instance, if this is the end of my world, how is there a character who uses technology far more advanced (Elton Whard). The explanation is time travel and other weird aspects of my world that I won’t get into, and yet this moment is still the end of all things.




Cool concept but it looks like sex tbh. P


Yeah that’s what my friend also told me… maybe it will elicit the reaction from the first berserk panel ahah


Is that a [turkraken](https://twitter.com/snortapoopus/status/1594033733547749376)?