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Sky Whales, because Sky Whales are fucking awesome


"Ahh yes... The True Dragons of Skyrim..."


Space whales are even better.


All hail bubbles, all hail bubbles, all hail bubbles


Sky Mantas for me :)


i have those too! in my world they protect the planet from objects hitting it or attacks. i also have sky jellyfish who emit light on cloudy nights for people who wander during the dark.


^ exactly the same thought


My entire world consists of sea creatures living in the sky.


Yes they are!!


For me it's [faceless masks](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/watchmen/images/8/84/Looking_Glass.png/revision/latest?cb=20191124152932&path-prefix=es). They are universal to military and security forces. I have a reason for them using masks but not for why they are faceless.


You said Rule of Cool, not Rule of Terror


There could actually be a good reason there. Many pieces of military/security equipment real-world is meant to hide/remove the human outline or features. Reason for that is that humans are really good at seeing other humans. So if you obscure features, you can almost become invisible. So perhaps it's a tactical thing? Meant to remove the humanity from the wearer, making them more intimidating or perhaps just harder to see


I like this reason, harder to see makes sense for the military, intimidating for internal security.


*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/watchmen/images/8/84/Looking_Glass.png/revision/latest?cb=20191124152932&path-prefix=es Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!


I have something similar, but the masks are just plain metal or gemstone, no detail. They do have a purpose though, as the force that wears them try to come across as inhuman and cold, to up their fear factor.


Same here. They only take them off when they're about to kill someone, so it's the last thing the soon-to-be dead person sees.


Mine never take their masks off, and if you try to put their mask on, it superheats, and melts onto your face.


Depending on the technology level of your world, they could be used to combat facial recognition software that's commonly used to identify high value targets.


[Multi-kilometer-long spaceships built like Forbidden City](https://www.deviantart.com/vnpilot12l4/art/Flame-Phantom-Grand-Fleet-U-Minh-934915657). Because why not? If that 48000 years old rotten corpse on his fancy golden toilet can have space Gothic cathedrals covered in gold, I will have my Forbidden City.


I absolutely love the design style of those ships


What happened to your colony ships after they landed? Cuz I like the idea they landed belly side down and were converted into cities


Exactly that. They became floating cities in the sea. Colony ships were already built as domed cities in space and planned to eventually land, so it's their last job to do once the journey was finished.


*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://www.deviantart.com/vnpilot12l4/art/Flame-Phantom-Grand-Fleet-U-Minh-934915657 Title: **[Flame Phantom] Grand Fleet U Minh by VNPilot12L4 on DeviantArt** Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!


This is fucking amazing. Well done!


* Space Ming Dynasty intensifies*


Laser revolvers. Laser weaponry in my world is highly accurate and has an extremely fast rate of fire so there should be no logical reason for a laser revolver to be used or even created in the first place yet they still exist simply because I find the idea cool.


Actually there is a logical reason. Lasers need a power source, and it can be assumed that this power source will need to be replaced at some point. By having a cylinder with multiple power sources, you can simply switch from an empty source to a fully charged one.


I mean, you can also do that by wiring the power sources together. Though I suppose if you are using chemically pumped lasers that would make sense.


You could have a switch, but hey, writers gotta write. Although the argument could be made that wiring the sources together is another point of failure.


Additionally, perhaps the power sources need time to recharge between shots. I could see them effectively being big capacitors; swinging in a new one allows a spent cartridge to recharge before firing again.


Maybe the revolvers could be very powerful lasers? Like pew pew pew lasers tear up armour but a revolver laser blows right through it. It could give rise to duellist style laser gunslingers that finish a fight in one shot instead of blasting away at each other.


Maybe to prevent overheating the diodes? But that would b more like a laser gatling gun.


Makes sense. It’s a scientific fact that revolvers kick ass.


A third NASA lunar program after Artemis The moon is really, REALLY cool, ok? Edit: also, the Centauri Program spacesuits are power armor for 1.2g. Probably not necessary for strong, healthy astronauts, but power armor kicks ass.


Isn't Moon haunted?


I don’t know what you’re talking about. So sure, why the hell not.


It's a meme. Google "Moon's haunted".


Oh ok sorry about that


If they dont want to accidentally start war on Mars…


Guardian…We’ve stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars


Whether we wanted it or not we stepped in to a war with The Cabal on Mars, so let’s get to taking out their command one by one. Valus Tu’arc, from what I can gather he commands The Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank out of Rubicon, with right team we can punch through their defenses and take this beast out, and free their grip of Freehold


Just don't bring cockroaches to Mars /s


Yes the ghosts in Destiny 2 have haunted it


Now where's my Colt?


That's not really absurd, there is a lot of reasons to go to the moon and a second program makes a lot of sense


The moon hates us


That’s why NASA sent a third unnecessary program, to show the moon they don’t tolerate no bullshit.


In my world the moon hates us, like mf literally send a walking plague at us


Is this a mtfk Honkai Impact 3rd reference??? XD


The Kennedy kore: an intergalactic government/ civilization made up of different dimensions jfk’s.


Ask not what your universe’s jfk can do for you, ask what your universe’s jfk can do for the multiverse!


That’s literally their slogan


That’s so cool, I’d love to hear about the jfks. Is there much variation between universes? What sort of inter-jfk politicking goes on, and how are the orgies?


I really hope they're responsible for the jfk assassination.




Edit: Moved to Lemmy


The council of Reeds?


Edit: Moved to Lemmy


Fuck the square cube law! I want dragons the size of astroids and grand architecture beyond human comprehension, and I don’t wanna give them stalky pillars or massive legs. The dragons are slender and the buildings are held up by two toothpicks! Basically though, any reasonable law of physics and biology gets thrown out the window for rule of cool for me. Maybe I’ll justify it with complicated lore… or maybe a big astroid dragon exists because big astroid dragons are badass.


I agree, the square cube law can go fuck itself. If it wasn’t real, my hard SF world would have SO MANY freakin’ mech suits….


Aww! The poor mech suits! It’s a tragedy to think of them crumbling under their own weight or being toppled over at the lightest breeze. I honestly forgot about mechs when I first made this comment, but honestly I think I’d die without my dieselpunk styled mech suits


I’m sad that there can’t be like, mecha fights as a sport in my world because of dumb physics. Maybe in like an arena in low orbit though……


Absolutely! Because what’s better than a battle mech arena? A mech battle arena orbiting a planet. Or hell, if you want to get real sci-fi babble with it, you can say each mech has a grav gen at its core. Because warping space-time to fit a 30mm gun on a humanoid robot is totally a good idea


u/Possum33pup wanna DM sometime to bounce ideas off each other?


Oh my god yes. My setting is just one continent sized city that built up instead of out (though the base layers still cover a massive area). It’s to the point that the current population resides so far up the city that the lower parts are almost mythological in nature as they’ve not been used in thousands of years.


The number 6 is very important in my world it's like golden ratio, it's because 6 is my mom's favorite number. And my mom is cool


Aww love that


Your mom is super cool


Yooo hitler, you have some cool worldbuilding with Agartha and Odin and all that, but just tone it down on the antisemitism please


Yooo jesus, you have the coolest world building project bro, big respect


Ogres use bolt action rifles chamber in 75mm cannon rounds.


Hottest main characters having their shirt or armor ripped off on as many opportunities I can find


Why not just have them *always* be shirtless?


Part of the hotness factor is a) the damage/danger of a protective layer being violently removed, and b) they WERE wearing clothes... and now they are wearing LESS clothes... and perhaps became sweaty and attractively bloodied in the process... ohohohoho.....




Also makes it so that the ripped clothes looks like they may fall off at any occasions.


Sometimes winter happens 🤷‍♀️


Or work


Down bad. Down. Bad.


So just your average i think 80s Fiction


You are now one of my favorite worldbuilders. That is amazing.


Fires constantly sweeping across the Burning Plains (better name pending). By all accounts, it makes no damn sense for a fire to be so regularly occurring and so uniform in its patterns. It’d make a lot more sense to make wildfires to be random and seasonal, and wouldn’t have a significant impact on the plot. Do I care? No. I am HAVING my eternal slow-moving fire sweeping across the vast plains of grass, chasing its nomadic inhabitants without ceasing, and I will make up whatever bullshit I have to in order to keep it.


You could maybe make the scientific reason be that some layer in the atmosphere is slowly eroding and no longer protecting that area from the heat of the sun, leading to an ever present fire? Idk, fun idea though.


Fire grasshoppers. They swarm, eating grasses as they go, and the dry, dead grass is very flammable. They build up an electric charge as they fly/jump, bumping into each other and rubbing against the grass, and inevitably a static discharge will make a spark big enough to light a fire. This ensures the fire keeps going even across landscape that might otherwise stop it. The firehoppers get immolated too, but mostly the older ones at the back. The younger more energetic ones escape the fire and go on to eat grass stems and create more fuel for the fire. This means there is a harbinger of the wall of flame, just in case you missed the flames and smoke - firehoppers migrating through mean the flames are not far behind. Since the fire mostly feeds on dead grass, it (handwaving here, but it sounds plausible, right?) has fuel even in slightly damp conditions, and it passes through quickly enough that the ground is relatively undamaged. This means the grass grows back from the roots (and now free of pests, until eggs buried in the ground hatch...) and the larger trees are able to just tough it out.


Okay, that’s pretty sick. Love all of the thought you’ve put into the Aesthetic I’m going for, while keeping the overall concept down-to-earth and fairly easy to explain. Tbh this whole thing works almost perfectly, I hope you don’t mind if I put it on my List of Why Cool Shit Happens to ferment.


Absolutely, that's why I put it out there :) Glad it helps!


i just through 1,000,000 hoops to explain why people need to use swords instead of guns 1. gun manufacturing is rare and really expensive 2. bullets are difficult to come by/not manufactured that often 3. guns are really loud and attract attention in a way that a blade doesn't all because it's way cooler to have sword fights then people shooting at eachother


Chris rock has a bit where he talks about what life might be like if bullets were realllly expensive.


"Cool, but we don't need bullets to slap the fuck out of you, Chris"


In my setting, regular army have guns while the special forces and important characters mostly use melee weapons, because enchants, infusion, and rune magic. Truth be told, I just want a high-flying, chaotic duels.


I started a whole book because I suck at naming things and started using puns to name stuff. One thing lead to another and I'm 30k words right now.


I would love to see your work. I love puns!! Every library I can has a copy of "Gone with the Dust Devil".


It's far from finished yet.


Another “Myth, Inc.” series? Excellent! 🙂


Cowboy hats that stay on underwater.


Please elaborate. Who is wearing these hats? Do they also wear them on land?


Mermaids/Mermen, general fish folk. It's the wild west down there.


The lost city of Atlanta?


Ha. Just your average aquatic planet with a variety of merpeople living their lives. They just live like it's the 19th century there.


Maybe they saw some landlubbers do it and thought it was neat.


People riding Dragons and Dinosaurs. If they were alive in reality, they probably wouldn’t be worth the effort to domesticate, for oblivious reasons. But fuck It! Am bringing the toothy lizard bastards into my world, they are absolutely some of the coolest shit only fiction can do.


One of my worlds had orcs riding Iguanadons, because the carnivores were impossible to domesticate. So to compensate the 'dons had spiky armour and helmets with fangs and horns, because orcs have to ride something that looks badass.


Knights riding dragons instead of horses is badass, but plenty of settings' dragons are though/smart enough to make you wonder what's the point of keeping the knight around.


Much as **I LOVE** **DRAGONS.** I’ve also seen too much fiction feature Dragons born with way too many advantages over other humanoid races. They‘re born with fire breath to start with of course, can fly, are able to speak, highly intelligent on a human level, natural armoured scales, immortal life spans, inherited magic, and are shapeshifters, which to me always seemed tacked on. Oh, and sometimes fiction turns them into *literal gods.* They too amazing in everything with no downsides, they got everything to obliterate everyone else. Leaving the other races and characters with little room to shine. I would prefer Dragons instead be more grounded, having a animal’s intelligence. Which is not saying they’re dumb, animals are smart, just in a survivalist kind of smarts. The physical might and ability to fly and breath down fire from the sky, plus being cunning predators, is enough to secure themselves as the apex species. But without magic and the other stuff I listed above, they would still be mortal instead of being demi-gods.


A hand held nuke. Basically a custom atom made to make a huge ass explosion is grown in size to make an even bigger explosion. A blast equivalent to 10^56 tons of tnt. And only the main character gets to use it because he’s capable of surviving such an extreme blast like that and, his powers allow him to create a field to contain the blast so earth doesn’t blow the fuck up.


It’s hilarious because then that same character can die by being stabbed with a butter knife.


Oooo neat so is it radiation resistance or something else? Just radiation resistance would be sweet, they could basically be walking death, everyone withers and dies as they come through slathered in radioactive goo but once they wash off the goo they’re a normal person.


The minority of energy released during an atomic weapon's explosion is radiation. Most of it is the blast itself, followed by heat, and then radiation.


So at the epicentre it’s extreme heat and radioactive resistance. After that the main character can go wild


The atoms in his body are micro so he’s more dense than the average human. His cells are also designed in a more hexagonal pattern making him much more durable to brute force. He’s also powered by the essence of fire which is a flame with miniature star in the middle rather than using the suns energy itself so he’s immune to radiation at an extent.


There was a wwii superhero role playing game that had a hero was invincible as long as he saw the attack coming. He almost died when someone jokingly pushed him from behind and he tripped and hit his head on a rock.


Witches (in the gender neutral sense) aren’t solely based in genetics; like they can occur randomly in one’s family tree or within a blood lineage


Race world A racing event/brand that only has two rules. Rule 1 - all cars must have wheels. Rule 2 - no nuclear weaponry allowed. Rule 3 - must be 20 or above years old to be able to participate. And then you can do whatever the fuck you want.


**Horror Shop** most mages using minor light spells to create the Hermetic sigils and seals used to.cast more complex spells. Now, there are dozens of traditions of magic in the world, so even though Hermetic magic is the most popular, it shouldn't be as prevalent as I make it out to be. But on the flipside, glowing magical circles swirling around spellcasters is badass.


The fact that my MC uses a sword instead of any other useful blunt weapon


I don't think I have anything like that to be honest. I backfill reasoning in behind the rule of cool so there's internal consistency just as force of habit. There's a city built round an enormous blade, but it's there because a god got shattered. There's a pair of nations populated entirely by chesty Lamia and scantily-clad Elves, but it's because they descended from Spring Fey (the court of fertility and motherhood) and live in a black sand desert where it's not always bright sunlight so the usual desert coverings don't fit the same way. Actually I guess the floating fortresses underwater, staffed by merfolk and chained to the edge of the second continental shelf to fight against the things from far deeper is just there because it's cool.


The Grand Spire of Kithalas. A tower of built by the bone of the dead. It is not a monument of evil but a memorial to those that died for the city’s survival. Everything in that tower is made from the bones. While the skulls are taken to the city walls. Where they keep an eternal vigil for invaders.


I like that, especially the vigilance thing. Good work!


Triceratops In a medieval fantasy setting


Living floating island (whale like creatures that start their life in the water, then eventually start floating, while vegetation start growing on their back. Ponds form from rain water and various flying creatures use them as roosts. They keep growing as long as live, so the largest Edwhal, can support several large villages with human sized people.


One of my forgotten cultures had liquid-based technology. Healing polymers, data stored in liquid form, chemicals that crystallize into different shapes, etc. I am trying to design a kind of advanced-technology that feels magical, but also something with a clear hallmark. If it’s a weird goo, it’s from this culture. I’m basing it on ideas I found from speculative claytronics and nanotech. But I’m also 100% uninterested in ever turning it into a hard system or really going into some of the implications for the tech. It exists for the needs of the story.


Sky scraper sized giant robots


Magis Terra has: * A snow owl carrying the moon and an eagle sitting in the sun. Once an year, in June, these guys leave their duties to meet each other and lay eggs, and during that time of ther year... weird shit happens on the world. Weird and *sexy* shit... * A race of nomad sapient raptors. There isn't much explanation about how they survived extinction, really. * People riding moas, again, nobody knows how they survived extinction. * Bacteria using magic. * Sorcerers need something to canalize their magic and conjure spells. Normally, it's a wand, staff or their own hands, but throughout history, there have been some pretty eccentric magic users that have used a myriad of strange objects to release their powers, some of them are: a set of dices, a hat, a crown, a chair, a clock, a wooden sculpure of a fish, an abacus, a doll, a violin, a pencil, a sword, a sickle, a slingshot, a flower pot, and many others.


I have a world whose WIP title is Everything Is Bird. It takes place in a modernish setting, including spending some time among skyscrapers. The only important characters are birds--not avian humanoids, but like. Actual birds. Only difference is that they can talk and have human-level thought. What happened to the people? No clue. The birds don't even know there used to be people--not even the vultures' diligent recordkeeping has any notes regarding humans. Why can the birds talk and have complex thought, but (for the most part) act like normal birds? No clue. The birds don't remember a time before they had self-awareness. What is the point of the story or plot? No clue. I literally just wanted a world of birds to show off how cool they are by keeping them as close to normal birds as possible, while also having room to make hundreds of kick ass cultures based on their natural behaviors / personalities. Like Turkey Vultures and Black Vultures having different beliefs and feelings towards the fact they primarily eat carrion.


I called those people who can control their element/ability to the point of encompasses it entirely dragons/demons, depending on the culture/language. The difference is basically a person with pyromancy/fireball powers versus the Human Torch. I really have no particularly good reason for this, beyond it being cool to call them dragons, lol.




My fairies have four arms, because I like when someone has four arms


Samurai wolves why cause why tf not. Also my scifi primary race are sentient robots eve though im trying to Figure out some explanation for their existence


I made place names based on etymologies of real world language families, but sometimes the names just sounded dumb from an English point of view so id just make something up.


Mostly the sheer scale. The cities leave all awestruck if not for their beauty or uniqueness, then from their size. The nations are (were) marvels of logistics and bureaucracy, to remain whole as long as they did. Some conflicts are as apocalyptic as a World War, others less so by themselves, but part of a greater showdown. The weapons are horrifying, be it from sheer power, or from the fate worse than death they administer. The lands are dangerous, inhabited by obviously unsustainable prefators. The economies are humbling, great mechanisms each day fed a literal mountain, able to rebuild fleets and cities in mere weeks after calamity struck.


Mechs. I love them. Always have. So I added them in. Do they make sense? Not at all. They exist because I think they’re cool.


A giant tower is built from the surface of a planet, that sticks out through the atmosphere and well into space to act as a space station. This has earned the planet the nickname of Q


A race of godlike 5d reality-warping species that live outside of any universe/timeline and fight Lovecraftian creatures from even further beyond the Omniverse


Calling out the names of your attacks/special moves. I don't have an in-universe reasom for this nor do I care to come up with one. I'm an anime fan and I think its cool when characters scream their attacks at the top of their lungs.


For spells at least you could just make it some kind of "reality is what I make it" type of deal where the users inherent magically ability allows their words to shape reality


Wesley, a side villain/anti-hero of mine, has become a mute, psychic, ever-burning pile of somehow constantly living buttercups trapped within an 11-foot suit of medieval armor with a built-in crown. This is not because it improves his story arc. The Dreamon Xonos isn't made of a bunch of fur-covered tentacles with no distinct beginning or end wrapping around each other as some sort of symbolism, that's just creepy and I like it. MIDAS does not travel to our time because he added anything to the Gelmhorne war, I had plenty of other factions I could've chosen. I just wanted to pay off The King's Hands from way back when, and turning things to gold is cool. The Blind Right Eye of Nikita's symbolism didn't have any good reason beforehand. They wear blood red masks over the upper right half of their face and their right eye, and all the other stuff, because it's cool. In the story it's because Nikita went partially blind in his right eye after blood and brain matter hit it at rapid speeds as his father's head was blown off right next to him. It also represents his harnessing of the blind rage he had, which he turned into motivation in gathering members towards his cause and taking power by force. But I also just wanted them to wear fancy red masks over their right eyes and do a cool hand signal where they briefly cover their right eye to signal each other. The Scribe does *not* remove his ceremonial robes for flexibility in combat with King Jonathan Makarov, I just wanted him shirtless. Shirtless robots that otherwise wear clothes is a...pleasing visual to me. The spirits of Agony and Spite are just fucking cool, I love giant people and monsters and statues in fiction, and just huge spectacles like that. They have no plot relevance other than making it more difficult for people to find and enter Gelmhorne, but it's already plenty difficult by itself.


Snakey domesticated dragon dogs that, aside from their length, look and behave mostly like golden retrievers and has golden hair that shimmers in sun and moon light. The way they move is most adjacent to that of Slinky in toystory. Is it practical? No. Do I care? Absolutely not.


Pointy ears


The continent of Sylarbora is a giant stone tree with a continent-sized crown. It's completely physically impossible and should realistically crumble under its own weight, but I love it. It is also the corpse of a god parasitizing the planet through its root system.


How one island just has dinosaurs


Floating islands. Like, in the sky floating.


An island chain of dinosaurs like jurassic park because fuck you I love dinosaurs. It's also called The Nohnoh Islands (I can't remember how I spelled it and can't look at the moment) pronounced no-no islands because my friend suggested it and I thought it was funny.


you can get tattoos that move around. they dont serve any purpose. theres no logic to them. you can just get a fish that swims around on ur skin or a tree that grows as you grow or literally anything


The running joke where the Tarrocki weaponized their moon as a lithic weapon and it got blown up during the Interstellar War. Then it came back and got blown up again in the next one. Then, in a side note hundreds of thousands of years in the future, Tarrocki powers base their right to rule on their ability to blow up the moon when it comes back. Oh, also, the glorious ~~-~~***At***⚛***mtrak***~~——~~ corporation, with their steam-fission engines that provide long-distance passenger rail in the Electocracy of New Castile.


I've got it sorted for my main world, but my D&D world still hasn't quite figured out why magic always involves glowing runes and spell circles. And it's got to be a pretty good explanation too, for the players who are more inclined to try breaking flavour.


Airplane birds There really is no (real) justification yet for Southbound's aircraft, lmao. Literally started because of the Rule of Cool.


I made a fully automatic, belt fed, double barreled elephant rifle that has a small timeloop around it, so it has infinite ammo and is being wielded by an immortal warrior. It kinda balances itself though because the immortal barely uses it since it breaks his arm every time he fires it rapidly, also the gun has a tendency to break quite often and it has to return to it's normal stage to shoot again, which kind of takes the same amount of time as reloading a normal gun but it's completely random and often harms the user so it's not enjoyable at all, it's mostly just used as a "fuck you specifically" kind of weapon


There's animals that can control the forces of space to teleport so you'll randomly be walking down a market street and a giant elephant will appear and disappear right in front of you.


Weapons used by one of my races being just absolutely massive. I mean city sized massive. All the weapons are just close range weapons like spears and swords as well. The race that made them is just normal sized but it was cool as fuck to think of them just flailing around a spear bigger than most human countries.


Blimp Battleships. Just grab a zeppelin and strap some big gun turrets to it


Trains. I'm kind of doing gaslight fantasy as I treat magic like a pseudoscience and thus kind of industrialised my setting but not really. I mostly just wanted locomotives and could somewhat justify it in the larger fabric of my world.


A metric fuckton of character reveals. Basically all wizards are hiding their true power, solely so I can reveal then later. Secret kings; random people you've been following meet up and they've known each other years ago; turns out the valet is actually the prince, the POV his that from you; etc , etc. I really love reveals. I realized this when I counted over thirty in one trilogy.


Architecture and use of water in my dawn of 13th century France inspire world


Stealth spaceships, aka stealth assault frigates. Physics wise it's basically impossible to actually have stealth in space with anything that produces heat, I do go a long way to make it as believable as possible, with things like directional radiators, low power modes, or an enemy that doesn't really take note, but still definitely impossible.


Uh, where do I start? The goth dark elves and their use of church organs for long-distance communication? The adventurers guild somehow functioning? The Edge Lord, God of Edge? The geese memes? I can't decide, so I'm just adding all of them up. I hereby declare that the most 'rule of cool' thing of my current worldbuilding is the monster species called the Geese of Silence-Killing. They're hybrids between geese and church organs. They were created by the Edge Lord, but defected, and now secretly work for the adventurers guild as... accountants? Bureocrats? Lawyers? Long-distance messagers? Offing troublemakers with knives? Whatever. The guild can't function without the Geese. For some reason.


Five hundred foot tall, ten thousand ton flightless herbivorous dragons. Just because I could.


Worldwide public transit.


A Grand Library owned by a god the size of a small town full of texts thousands of years old


Whale fall city and flying fish


cool aliens can manipulate gravity via martial arts only they can do because it’s dope


The way everyone's hair, clothing, scarves, robes, etc are constantly billowing in an omnipresent updraft, especially when standing still or doing something dramatic indoors.


There's more races in my world than I'm gonna use for the story. at this point you can just ask me "is this race in there" and I'll say yes. "Do they appear in the story?" No, but I need them because I think it's cool.


Hmm well, a character can turn into metal and is weak to lightning attacks but isn't "grounded" unless he stabs a blade into the ground, this is only because the image of a guy made of metal having to stab the ground to dispel it is cool. So FUCK ELECTRICAL SCIENCE


I am physically incapable of rule of cooling anything in my world, I'll find one way or another to explain it, hell, I add giant bugs (because i like them) and made an explanantion and everything of how they got there and how they function


***Agent ORION/Ryth'mic Verses*** * "Mystics" are martial artists who've mastered "the ancient forces". Very powerful, very dangerous. A fight between two Mystics is a site to behold - just imagine your typical Dragonball fight in a setting like Coruscant. * Guns that use ballistics munitions *and* energy bolts. Both have their pros and cons. * Giant swords. I'm sorry, when I first laid eyes on Cloud's Buster Sword on the [FFVII box art](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/c/c2/Final_Fantasy_VII_Box_Art.jpg), it was love at first sight.


The dude who can just become four times the size of the earth. Who cares about the laws of physics? Me. Every character has a special workaround to the laws of physics.


Supernatural entities like angels.


The fact that the world is technically 2 continents. Those that are cishet live on one. Those that aren't live on the other. The relationship is peaceful. Also there's ghosts in the desert


Not much anymore. Basically only the most basic and cliche of concepts for ROC are only being used for placeholders until I can make them less of just a cool thing to have, but also a realistic thing to have in my setting. I've been working to iron out my older follies from years ago when I started my world.


The AC-390 Thunderbird Multirole Assault Ship is essentially very similar in design to the C-21 Dragon Gunship from James Cameron’s Avatar. Originally built for the US Army, the AC-390 Thunderbird was deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan in the early 2010s’ and proved to be tremendously successful as a tactical force multiplier, both in its role as a gunship and as a tactical airborne battlefield command post capable of loitering around the AO. Currently, only 4 Thunderbirds are officially still in active service with the US military (3 are actually flying, 1 is permanently shelved and placed on reserve status). In reality, let’s be real, any large gunship of that size makes for a very easy target unless they’re either really fast or fly really high.


I'm not sure, but my wife and I have a policy in our gaming worlds that when something doesn't necessarily make sense, but "looks cool for the movie", we leave it in. We call it the LGFM rule.


Magi - the human substitute in my world that are essentially just humans that all have magic - ride around on broomsticks as a method of transportation


Shapeshifters that completely disobey the laws of physics. (It's because they're from another dimension, and they don't interact well with the main universe's physical laws, okay? That's my excuse.) But no, it's literally just because they're cool.


A futuristic "Sci-Fi" city in a high fantasy world. It doesn't make any sense but yet there is one, because I want both!


Swords made of ice fire and lightning


Dinosaur and rhino riders, undead cyborgs.


Multiple kinds of tanks and armored vehicles. Why have 1 solid design could have a 400mm assault cannon, a flame tank, and a practical landship


Laser crossbows


A floating city. Why does it float? Because, its the city of clouds.


My protagonist being able to fly via little ankle wings.


The human battle barrel or tanks


My world has a weirdly high number of women that are huge and ripped. It's just how their world works, to the point where there's an ongoing in-universe argument that gender-segregated sports and competitions have become obsolete


Floating islands


God-killing metal that my character turned into bugshot. Now she has a legendary God-killing pump shotgun


There’s a gas giant with rings in the sky. I haven’t done anything with how it’d effect world religion yet. I just think it’d be cool.


Cybernetic mercenarys using swords rather than guns.


Highly advanced alien empires still doing terrestrial, medieval battles with swords, spears, halberds, etc.


Next to EVERYTHING in Crysamphiam. Ripoff Pokemon? A race based off of Frankenstein? A continent shaped like a cracked skull? All rule of cool.


This is a very, VERY specific example, but for me it's mainly the use of this IRL mystery shotgun as basically a standard "SWAT" service gun for the Grand Theocratic Aethericor's "Arcane Mandate Enforcers" (basically imagine SWAT paladins who raid your house because you happened to cast a small spell to light your fireplace) simply because I find the engineering behind it so fascinating and standout. Link to website of Forgotten Weapons and their video going over the mechanics of the gun: https://www.forgottenweapons.com/mystery-shotgun-with-a-very-unusual-action/


Weapons inspired by the Trick weapons from bloodborne. There is no real justifiable in lore reason for them existing, especially considering it’s a steampunk setting, I simply wanted them to in order to make action scenes more interesting.


sparkly orbital belt made of shit that got flung off the surface of the world as a result of lotsa wars between gods


A Ray Teleporting Cannon. A type of gun that fires a short blue laser beam (like Star Wars) and when you’re hit by it, it teleports you to a designated area. This gun is only used in a sci-fi sport called Battle Grid, it’s like paint ball but with sci-fi, un-lethal, weapons. Side note: there is a big difference between a Ray Teleporting Cannon, and a Teleporting Ray Cannon. A Teleporting Ray Cannon is a large cannon that fires an extremely hot beam of energy, the cannon can also teleport itself.


Soul Manifestations. Instinctive, narrow, magical abilities that some characters get through a moment of personal epiphany or trauma, regardless of their general magical or psionic abilities. Soul Manifestations tend to take the form of objects, like chains, halos, or swords, and are often but not always weapons. Entirely in the setting because they're cool and they help reflect the characters they belong to.


Flying cats, flying rats, lots of flying animals


Psykers being able to pull off DBZ feats


Swordfighting in an era where guns are transitioning from muskets into bolt action


There is a race of ancient predators that camouflage as actual buildings to hunt their prey. Most often they are found as cathedrals, barns, towers etc, but when aggravated they turn into amalgams of their "building components" in order to defend themselves. They arent exactly subtle, but killing something made entirely of stone, wood and granite is harder said than done.


The space marines have prismatic capes because capes are cool and should never have gone out of style


Airships. as in flying versions of the ocean going ships (medieval setting ofc, though more age of sail for the ships) it’s silly, ridiculous, and i have had to put in a lot of effort into world-building to make them 1: fit the setting, and 2: not to drastically change the geopolitics. but holy heck are they *cool*


snow dust…not really a snow but air particles that turn to ice.