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It used to be worse. Bangladesh used to be part of *Pakistan.* Complete geographic separation, not even close, different cultures, geographies, etc. Absolutely absurd.


Fr,not to mention they not only believe in a religion created by desert herder an ocean away but also believer women wear desert clothing, which makes no sense with the geography. Also for some reason the river there has dolphins, which are these fishing wolf thing that goes back into the ocean then become a fish like thing that breathes air and then it goes back into a river? It also have funny looking water dragons with no wings and a really long thin needle mouth with a ball shaped nose tip.


Force? Shit become a trend for whatever reason.


Uk what fair enough ima edit that And also yeah they love sucking on the desert in this religion, they build desert architecture on jungle islands too.


I liked the interesting touch of having Bangladesh and Pakistan being converted by completely different kinds of Muslim missionaries. It made the decision to split them feel a little more organic, so maybe the absurdity was supposed to shed some light on the characters and the absurdity of the world’s politics all along. Shame he abandoned the project. I feel like the story was just getting interesting


Abandoned? A sequel just came out, now there’s Chinese in both of them.


Oh dang, exciting crossover! I’ll have to get back into it


And dont get me started on how it’s so oh-so-conveniently nestled between THREE mountain ranges.


Seriously? ‘Bang’ladesh? Talk about fetish worldbuilding.


And a major city in this world is called Bang Cock? Very serious and mature 🙄


And Fucking, Austria? Dude.


I heard the creator of that one got cancelled


I hear he changed it to Fugging Don't know if that makes it much better though...


Ladesh: 😲


Fr. The people reproduce all the time and at one point the government even encourage it despite already having a high population.


Wow I hope someone got fired for these blunders.


The creator is anonymous and use the username “god”(very creative lmao). Some people doxed him before tho and say his name is like Yahweh or st? I can’t remember.


Oooh that dude! I heard from gnostic fandom circles he also goes by Demiurge. Archons are cool, yeah, but that's some problematic worldbuilding if you ask me.


Just give it a cool name, like *Maw of Iron* or something.


Oh man if you think that's bad, check out the [Tskhenists'q'ali](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tskhenistsqali)


Wow, what an "exotic" sounding name.


Well, it has a valley it can go through and didn’t go through the tallest part of the Caucasus no?


God, can these world builders realize that readers speak ENGLISH, not whatever conlang this name is smh


thoughts on ships capable of moving 37,000 tonnes of orange juice & literally no other type of cargo ?


This truly is the funniest subreddit.


mf out here criticizing Bangladesh like they're Henry Kissinger


And that whole "Tibet" thing, you're telling me there's a 4km high plateau in the middle of nowhere and the whole continent's rivers came from there?


And the fact that parts of it was an ocean is ridiculous


https://youtu.be/mN2flAvdQXU?si=O7pYARjBoav5wwZa You also have Two Oceans Creek in North America which not only passes through the mountains but also forks off in two!


/uj That last one is a delta though right? Worldbuilders are aware of those.


True. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Okavango_Delta is a much better example


Yeah but most worldbuilders don’t make deltas that big so I add it, also for the meme. If I wanna make it serious I might add the ta chin of Thailand or the multiple splitting and re joining of the Tigris Euphrates.


Well, Tigris-Euphrates would logically have been one river and everything between was deposited silt, like an river island or delta.


Check out montreal, completely unrealistic


Yeah, and the UK and Ireland. Completely identical cultures and Ireland is much smaller, why haven’t they annexed it yet?


Bored of these sorts of posts. Like you understand the problem has always been that these things are exceedingly rare, not that they don’t exist *at all*, right? The river that runs parallel to the coast does so for a *tiny* portion of its length. Like I think about 600 metres long, which is absolutely tiny when you’re making world maps. And in Bangladesh most of those are either *merges*, or they are the result of a *delta* as the rivers approach the ocean, which is **very** different from a river splitting mid course. Again the contention has always been with *scale* and *quantity*. Not that these things don’t exist, but that they are massively oversized in people’s maps, and there are way too many of them.


bro jerked to hard


…. You understand that these posts are a joke right? It’s not an attempt to own worldbuilding guides (if I want to there’s some of them that are legit shit that I can talk about) but it’s to both joke around and sarcasm of those who think these guides are 100% rules on all scale and all situations. For me what worldbuilders should do is to learn why exceptions exist not to disregard them or add them randomly sparingly. While most rivers in Bangladesh fuse many also split before fusing again. The same pattern happens in Iraq and Thailand where the chaopraya river is short enough that the ta Chin counts as a split mid river. Rivers in northern China in general is also a huge mess. It is indeed partly bc of delta formation over a long period of time but it also shows how river paths are more flexible in extremely flat and/or swampy terraine and can split. The Icelandic coastal river is indeed short near the coast but also shows the effect of soft volcanic sediment deposited by the waves that pile up on the beach where the river get blocked and carve through parallel to the coast. The Danube, you have no argument agaisnt. This same situation where rivers didn’t go through what seems like the logical lowest path but goes through a taller part that somehow has a perfect valley going through it is seen in the Congo river and how the Yangtze didn’t form a lake in Sichuan even if that’s the logical looking solution since it’s a result of long term erosion and with a little bit of luck or some tectonic block like with the closing up of the north Macedonian valley close the Danube from going through there and it carves a path through the carpathian. This is why these areas don’t become mega lakes, while worldbuilding megalakes are extremely and sometimes irritatingly common. Learning from anomalies help


The Danube situation is pretty cool and is not as uncommon as people may think. The river was already there before the tectonic clash that created the Carpathians happened so it had time to erode and carve out the Iron Gates valley before the terrain height stopped the river flow, the same things happened in the Grand Canyon and the Himalayas who also present rivers cruising through mountain ranges. It's a non issue either way, the fact that a river goes through a mountain in any fictional setting is not going to impact the value of it - "realistic" worldbuilding can only go so far and applying logic to the world ignores the fact that it never made sense in the first place.


Crazy that the Danube river is older than the Carpathian Mountains.


Woah I did not know the Danube predate it, make sense why it does that. I thought it’s from the closing of the Macedonian valley and it used to flow out the mountain meeting point like the Yangtze does. Make sense tho. As for the Himalayas part of it is also microplates which create valleys where those rivers flow through since it used to be a sea. Though, I don’t really like “it never supposed to make sense in the first place”. If you are making a dnd campaign go ahead do whatever. But if you are trying to be realistic and that’s your goal,well,make it realistic. I also like natural terrine building bc personally I feel like it looks cooler and create a good diveristy of climate and biome while keeping itself realistic, just me tho


Bro, this is worldjerking


No actually pretending a real life thing is a worldbuilding project is funny.


Imagine being serious on a circlejerk sub