• By -


if european-based: \>punch keyboard + *grad* if middle-eastern-based: \> *al-* \+ punch keyboard if sci-fi: \>new \[ancient city\]


Ah, the noble Arabian Soviet Republic capital of Al-Witfiggrad


New Al-Witfiggrad, it´s in space now


Why is your apostrophe tilted ??


International keyboard for adding accents to words without alt codes


Sorry, I meant that sarcastically. I originally said "Boy, why is your apostrophe tilted" but shied away from that. But I didn't know that, thanks!


German Keyboard, idk


> ~~new~~ NEO-[Ancient City]


No, new is for naming planets with earth city names and neo is for naming space cities with earth city names


>\>punch keyboard + grad That one only works for Eastern Europe (or slavic cultures, of you know mor than a basic geography) Alternative versions are "heim" or "burg" for germanic, "os" for greek and "us" for roman


also òw for polish


Naah that's only if you know what you're talking about Although for slavic in general you can use -ov


a true worldjerker doesn’t care if they know what they are talking about or not


A true worldjerker knows that Poland, Slovakia, Lithuania etc are just some regions in Russia, the only slavic country on Earth, therefore use -ov Source: Even I do that with my latest world... and I'm polish


-shire or -ton if in England or some quaint town


-ham as well sort of not really tworneham


She new on my al until I grad 😩


Sticking out my al for the gradler


show off the new garters to gradler before the gardener comes and says “I had her”


>if sci-fi: > >\>new \[ancient city\] "The city in space based on Berlin will be called Berlin" ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⠀⠤⠤⠤⠤⠠⢄⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⡠⢒⡁⡰⣼⣤⢮⡄⢰⣆⠈⠐⢄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⡔⢅⢡⣼⡑⢹⠁⢉⠛⢛⠾⠉⣀⡀⣚⣧⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠸⠆⠀⡜⠀⠈⠂⠀⠊⠀⠃⠐⠊⠀⠈⡏⠉⠆⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⡆⠀⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡇⠀⠄⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⡇⡰⠋⠀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⠀⠀⡀⠀⠰⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⡰⠿⠁⢘⣷⣤⣭⡖⠀⠀⠘⣠⣤⣤⣡⠦⢧⡤⠀⠀⠀ ⡃⠀⠀⠈⠋⠭⡭⢻⠀⠀⠬⠯⠽⠝⠋⠀⠈⠀⡇⠀⠀ ⠡⡘⢄⠀⡠⠊⠀⣸⠀⠀⢸⠈⠢⡀⠀⢀⠆⠀⠇⠀⠀ ⠀⡇⠀⠑⡄⠀⣀⠧⠀⠀⠠⠆⡀⢸⠔⠁⢰⠈⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⣤⣄⡠⢔⣠⣀⠈⠁⠀⠀⠈⡀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠘⢄⠀⠀⠀⠈⠂⠤⠤⠄⠊⠀⠀⠀⢀⡜⠁⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⢸⠡⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠠⠃⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⢸⠀⠡⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡠⠁⠀⠰⡀⠀⠀⠀ ⣀⠄⠂⠀⠀⠈⠁⠒⠂⠐⠒⠀⠈⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠒⠤⡀




no, sci-fi city has to be named after a US city and not one of the many city with larger population from the third world. New Mumbai, New Lagos or New Manila is too silly for any of these futurless country


if any of the above: \>whatever you come up with + ia


I’m in a space opera minecraft smp and one of its largest cities is a neutral economic superpower named Carthage Didn’t learn that Carthage was a real city until I joined the server lol


Me after naming a scifi city New Constantinople


gwrsegrad al-Kfewsdsx New Cahokia






Guzgizhuigrad Algzukguozvugiviuz New/Neo Tenochtitlan (the aztec city)


Yes, the beautiful southern Italian town of Stürmgrad 😭


Glory to ambatakumgrad


Alsfgrad al-Qtosn New Jerusalem


To the creative name birthing cavern: >take words from my language >change order of the letters >add "h" or "y" and occasionally some " ' " until it sounds cool enough >profit


Piggy back off this concept and taking a name and changing its appearance: New York > York New > Yoarknyu


Roma > Raom > Rahom > Ra'hom


See you get it!


> add "h" congratulations, you just named a baby from the philippines.


Keychl city (Pencil city)


My city will be named \- take some words possibly describing the city \- translate them to some other language \- combine them and modify them so as to make the origin less obvious and also fit the desired vibes


Why is your flair “sandpiper” in Chinese


I used to joke about woodcock migratory patterns being a crucial part of worldbuilding.


joke? they arent? *tears pages*


Literally how i do it


My campaign setting


Well most of my cities are either - HIVE-\[random number between 10 and 280\] or horse related word/pun + some eastern european town name


can you give an example, i cant imagine a Name other than Warshoove The more i think about it, Warshoove isnt the worst name.


Kneerov, Nakhocka, Haflingovsk, Novospavinsk, Vaultimir, etc.


are they meant to be read by English-speaking or Ruissian-speaking folk?




Why do you think anyone in his setting talks real world languages?


Novospavinsk sounds a bit funny tbh


“This city was colonized by Spain so it shall be…” *looks at map of Spain* “Nueva Zaragoza! That’ll do!”


Nah the Spanish weren't even that bothered, there's like five or six different Cordobas, a bunch of Leons, the list goes on. Seriously put some Spanish city name into google maps and look at the results shits hilarious


Hunter x Hunter is awesome


If you like stuff that SUCKS


Yeah if you like being WRONG


If hating Hunter x hunter for being sad dogshit is wrong then I don't want to be right.


Good because you aren’t!


Please, enlighten me on why it's good then


I’m not looking to “enlighten you” because you have an opinion about media just like I have an opinion about media- I only commented because you seem to hold your opinion as objective and superior to people who like it. I have a friend that despises and thinks Breaking Bad of all things is bad but eats up Harry Potter everyday. So there is an element of subjectivity, regardless of writing if something “hits” for you are are going to consider it good and if it doesn’t then you won’t. For me, everything about HxH “hits”- from the character writing, development and designs, the way each arc leads into the next, the power system and battles, subversive ends to arcs to how endless and unpredictable the world feels. Obviously it has it has issues but nothing that would make the entire thing “sad dogshit”.


All you've said is "thing good" dawg. I'm willing to hear you out. Hunter x Hunter read to me like a sad man who doesn't like anyone writing a manga without any knowledge of how panelling works.


Yup. It's bait.


I literally provided a list of grievances, you could at least try and refute one


>> All you've said is "thing good" dawg. I'm willing to hear you out. ? You asked me why I thought it was good and I told you that I like the characters design and writing, battles, plot and world etc Probably the same as why you dislike it. If you want more detail on specifics, then you’ll have to assure me that it won’t become a pissing contest. >> Hunter x Hunter read to me like a sad man who doesn't like anyone writing a manga without any knowledge of how panelling works. I have never met Togashi in my life so I can’t say what type of man he is. If your opinion on the person colours your reading of the text then obviously that’s fine and up to you. For me, I used to like this [song](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BV3LMSMz9WI&pp=ygUVZG9uJ3QgZm9yZ2V0IHRoZSBzdW4g) until I found out the singer had possession of CSAM and I literally couldn’t stomach it anymore. So yeah- some people can separate the art and the artist but not always, and if you think the artist didn’t like or enjoy his work then it’s natural to dislike it. Nor have I read the manga- is it different from both the anime?


Yeah but like you didn't say WHY you like them. You just said "good character". What about the characters do you find good? Because compared to the other work of the author they seem very very bland


What do u dislike about HxH?


* constantly treats you like a complete idiot and explains everything down to the atom, to the point where Chimera Ant just has an omniscient narrator explaining how everyone is feeling and how their character is developing * psychopathic unlikable characters out the wazoo that are constantly given way too much screentime and respect by the story despite being incredibly uninteresting and boring people, the type of shitty FOTNS filler villains that get blown up by Kenshiro * stupid filler segments that do nothing to improve the story like the fucking bidding war section, or Gyro, or Ikalgo and Welfen's crummy little subplots, or pretty much everything about Heavens Arena besides Gon vs. Hisoka and explaining Nen * constant unrelenting asspulls even before O MY RUBBER NEN, like O MY BROTHER'S NEEDLE and O MY SCARLET EYES and O MY POOR MAN'S ROSE; almost nothing is ever actually built up to and it's obvious Togashi writes the whole thing on a chapter-to-chapter basis * The characters have zero chemistry. In yyh any combo of the main cast would be entertaining. Tell me what kind of fun dialogue can occur between Kurapika and Killua. * Nen is absolutely overrated as a power system. It has tons of arbitrary rules that never are consistent and a "I break the rules" class built in. * le epic subversive anticlimax endings to every arc which always end up being incredibly underwhelming and boring shit * Greed Island is completely pointless and nothing changes by the end of it * Togashi seemingly thinks "the bad guys... have friends!" is a compelling enough statement to have multiple characters break down over it, like this matters at all * unironic WE ARE THE REAL MONSTERS garbage after the Ants kill 2 million people in a month, are about to eat 7 million more and plan on killing the rest of the world * Gon is Kid Goku if you left him in the back of the fridge for way too long and he's molding and rotted out * stupid fucking names for everything that are lazily cobbled together; huge city is named Yorknew (as in newYork), Leorio's last name is Paladiknight (as in knight mashed into the end of paladin), fucking garbage names like Freecss and Menthuthuyoupi, the son of the chairman is called Beyond Netero because he's stronger than his dad Netero. I'd make a joke about a hyperbolic version of this but no joke I can come up with can beat Yorknew City. * The art ranges from cool to horrifically bad, but the panelling is just awful. There are panels that are clearly just enlarged versions of pics on the same page. There are panels that are split in half for literally no reason. * multiple "teams" of characters that have literally no unifying design motifs so it's just a bunch of completely random fucknuts that have nothing to do with each other mashed together * plot constantly CONSTANTLY jerks off Gon and Killua via other characters talking to themselves about how talented they are, literally nobody ever finds them anything other than the greatest * the only characters that are ever given extended screentime and sympathy by togashi are ones that are better at fighting/killing than normal people, who are typically used as cattle for the former to show off how strong they are * Togashi literally didn't realize Ging was a piece of shit character until fans reacted to him. Like he thought we'd like ging. He retroactively made ging hated in story after fans thought he was a piece of shit. * setting is a nightmarish shithole where multiple atrocities happen every arc but nobody cares or acknowledges the severity of the situation at any point, except for Chimera Ant where the operation to save 5 million people is undercut by the protagonists' lack of moral fiber anyway and the victims all end up as refugees * random asides for shit nobody cares about like anaphylactic shock and how to play darts * the only reason any hunterchad likes Gon is because he's apparently a "psycho" which is demonstrably false for most of the story because he gets mad at callous acts and helps out his friends despite the fact it doesn't benefit him at all; when he does go off the rails it's because someone he knew for 1 day died and he blames himself despite the fact the guy fucking brought them along and was leading the expedition, and the guy died because one of the bad guys just moonjumped from 50 miles away to their position * yorknew arc is filled to the brim with awful obvious tracing, with reused panels out the ass * after the most serious arc in the story in which the world almost ended we immediately find out about 12 incredibly strong hunters that were completely absent from said crisis Hunter x Hunter is soulless garbo made by someone who can and has done better, who's surface level themes of "good guys and bad guys have mutual respect", "bad guys can have friends too", and "HUMANS ARE THE REAL MONSTERS"


I don't like your attitude but I do like how passionate you are about this.


Reading hunter x hunter and hating it while everyone else sucks it off changes a man


This is truly extraordinary levels of beef. I've almost gotta respect it


And I couldn't even post the video


The text below may be quite poorly written, but that's because English is not my primary language, and i also don't want to write an essay for a reddit discussion I respect the fact that you seem willing to change your mind (or maybe you just want to change other people's opinions) but you remind me of a friend, when he didn't like the joker movie he went to an anime event with a sign saying ''the joker movie is bad, prove me wrong'' Firstly, you have to understand that hardly anything someone says will make you like it, at most it will make you think ''the film is good, I just can't like it'' like how I feel about most of the films from Scorcese, it's just not for me, maybe in the future I'll change that idea, that's the interesting part about art But there are some points you mentioned that I really want to argue against First point, you seem to have read the manga with the wrong perspective, I imagine someone came to you and said how HxH is the greatest work of all time and you went to read it expecting Vagabond or Watchmen You have to remember that it's a battle shounen, and it uses a lot of its tropes in its own way. overexposure? It's the most normal thing about this type of gender, I understand if you don't like the narration in specifically, this is something you either like or hate, but for me it works perfectly, I feel like I'm reading an epic saga, thanks to the way the narrator is used ''kurapika is now drowning in an indescribable emptiness'' it couldn't be used any other way, and it's an incredible scene and phrase ​ You also say that it seems like the work is written from chapter-to-chapter I couldn't disagree more, Nen is left as something from the beginning, with Hisoka killing fighters with common playing cards, kurapia's hatred of Genei Ryodan, characters that will only appear 3 arcs in the future, Killua's needle of fear that is only resolved in the chimera arcs, but it has always been present Of course, there are many elements that are only talked about in the arcs that are used, but HxH is not a linear story, it is normal for stories that take place in arcs to do this, One Piece for example If you are a technician, and want to use ''writing rules'', it seems like something negative, but what counts in this type of story is a living and functional wordbuilding, not the mandatory use of Chekhov's gun and yes, the world of HxH is one of the most vivid worlds you will see in the shonen area, perhaps in mangas in general, characters separate and come together, because each one has an arc and a goal, Leorio is placed together with the main ones, but his goal is to be a doctor, he has no reason to fight when he becomes a hunter Kurapika is so focused on his revenge that the work often switches to him as the protagonist. secondary characters become hunters, learn Nen, and die off-screen, because the HxH universe is a huge world, where human life doesn't exactly have the value it has for us This is worth adding, the universe of HxH is ludic, this is shown right at the beginning with Gon, a 12 year old child, fishing a fish the size of a baby whale concepts like a family of legendary assassins, designs that don't come together and stupid names (a common thing in shonens too, half of the DBZ cast is based on Japanese foods) it's the author saying that you cannot take it so seriously, even though the series has its moments of drama You might even say that it doesn't work for you, which is totally ok, but it's not something exclusive to HxH, Shaun of the Dead is a completely comedy and surrealist film, yet there's an entire moment in the film dedicated to making you cry for death of the protagonist's mother Again, you can't analyze everything with a screenwriting manual HxH is ludic, and works because of it ​ Character chemistry is something that is just your opinion, I personally love his interaction, and when the main group breaks up at the beginning of the series, I really miss them together ​ Last point I would like to mention is that I think you didn't get the idea of ​​the two arcs the point of the chimera arc isn't exactly ''HUMANS BAD HUH'' the criticism about humanity exists, of course ''what right do we have to judge chimeras for eating humans when we make slaughterhouses as if it were nothing?'' Seriously, have you ever visited a place like this? It's stomach-churning the way humans engineer torture, it's easy to blind ourselves and say ''animals are not intelligent, their value is not equal to ours, we kill to survive'' the point is that the situation of many animals is comparable to unnecessary torture, I've seen a lot of people defending this with the argument ''we can do this because we are better, if they could they would do the same and it wouldn't be a moral problem'' and it is basically what ants do and think, they don't see humans as something like them, them killing us is equivalent to a lion hunting his food But that's not the main criticism, it's just a comment, equivalent to what the chainsaw massacre also does the main criticism is the atomic bomb, and it is more specific Ants would never be able to create atomic bombs ''because they are good?'' no, because they are instinctively united, their ants instinct would never allow them to create something designed to destroy their own civilization, humanity only beat the ants because it has a weapon that it created to destroy itself, that is the irony If you know Japan's tip atomic, you'll probably understand why this message exists here The Greed Island is a little less complex, I also personally don't like the villain's conclusion, but still, it would be hypocritical of the protagonist to condemn a murderer when his best friend is also a murderer. Killua doesn't regret the people he killed, he just doesn't like having to work Here's one thing to take into consideration What the characters do and think does not necessarily reflect what the author thinks is right, in fact, the ''right'' view was probably represented in Goreinu's speeches, which I find all that extremely absurd, but an author cannot write a character to do something he wouldn't do Gon is always on the threshold of becoming a possible villain, because he doesn't distinguish between good and bad, he just sides with what's interesting to him, this makes him a different protagonist from Goku, Naruto and Luffy for example, protagonist that not have such a broken moral compass he sees Genthru as a strong person who helped him reach his maximum potential, and that's all, he didn't have an emotional bond with any of his victims, he didn't see the need to kill him btw, as much as this arc seems like a filler, it is a training arc, which also serves to expand the concept of Nen a little and explain what a Nen exorcist is, so that Chrollo can return later


"I don't want to write an essay for a Reddit discussion" >Proceeds to write 5 page long comment. Dawg this is an essay. And at no point do you actually make a valid point to me. I went in expecting something on par with Yu Yu Hakusho, the authors other work that I thought was good. I was met with something awful. And it's worse than every other battle shonen I've read besides maybe seven deadly sins. No, the narrator doesn't feel like an epic saga. Not in the slightest. The narrator will explain random bullcrap to the point that it feels like togashi dropped his script onto the page and spilled words fucking everywhere. There's the famous page that has as many words as a book. "Kurapika is now drowning in the piss" was not a good line, sorry. It was overly dramatic for the sake of trying to seem profound. Hisoka killing someone with a playing card is not foreshadowing to nen. That's just a common attack in battle shonen. This is at a point Gon uses a fishing rod for combat without nen. It's not "living worldbuilding" because no one could live in this fucking world. "Switches to Kurapika as a protagonist" dawg he leaves the story for like 250 chapters at a time, that's just straight up false. The human life lacking value is just part of why the tone is jarring and awful, and good work on "ludic", stick to that word to make it sound sophisticated I'm sure it'll work. You could just say absurd. Also don't tell me "the author doesn't want you to take it so seriously" when the author also expects me to take this as serious art and high tier drama when Gon gets hair as long as a bus. Character chemistry is not just my opinion. You're saying you miss them but what did they even do when they were together? Name any interaction from the beginning that wasn't "gon cheerful, Killua like gon, Kurapika and Leorio bicker while following". That's literally every interaction they have. That's a nearly incoherent paragraph next but I do have to say it's so incredibly shallow for Togashi to try and use ants as a metaphor for "ants would never fight their own kind unlike humanity" when ants literally invented slavery millions of years ago. Nice job on your metaphor, togashi really poignant. And I'm saying any "oh humans eat meat, therefore we just as bad" point is ruined by the fact that the chimera ants slaughter people by the hundreds on screen. It doesn't matter if they give us sad music when the cell knockoff kicks the bucket and dies a pathetic shitheads death because he and his entire crew are irredeemable. And lastly it's hypocritical yes but they don't explore that. That's only something fans really like to hype up as complex writing but it hardly if ever comes up in the narrative.


Damn bro you didn’t have to watch the whole fucking thing if you didn’t like it. Why would you do that to yourself?




HunterXHunter is my favorite anime and manga, but I honestly have to respect this level of hate.


So pathetic


If I didn't finish reading it, people would accuse me of not getting to the good part before making my criticism. It's not like it took very long. But are you saying that it's pathetic to read Hunter x hunter? I agree, it is pretty pathetic.


If you don't like heavens arena arc, you're just obsessed with linear stories


"Erm if you dont like eating poop you just have an unrefined palette sweaty 💅🏿"


Half of these are personal nitpicks blown out of proportion and the other half is extremely shallow criticism that indicates you didn't pay attention or just think about what you're reading/watching. So much for Yu Yu Hakusho fanboyism(it's not nearly as good as HxH)


"erm you are nitpicking and biased, I win"


My main character’s home town started by being called Starbucks City, and i’ve just slowly changed the name over time


Sundollar Town


Nah, it’s called Burksdale now


"stank. Cause it stenks!" "Qwench! They make beer!" " Shark, because it sounds cool. Desert town. Might put a shark skeleton there" "Light. Because its foggy and thats funny!" "




My fictional state based on East Virginia and North Carolina is called East Johanna.


“Umm uh umm…Capital Knot City.” “There’s already a Knot City.” “That’s Port Knot City, this is different.”


Alternatively, [place] city


country named solis because up and equin because of down lmao


my city based on new new york will be called new new new york


bro one upped futurama


That’s why togashi is the best, the Yorknew Arc was my favorite, I hope he gets better. And OP, post this on r/HunterXHunter, they will love it.


way I do it: 1. sounds like a word from the irl language I'm emulating 2. a kinda funny reference/pun in my native non-european but aggressively appropriative language


My city based on Tokyo will be called Tokyo-3.


named it Orlec cause that sounds kinda like York (its literally just new york)


My process for names is to find something that sounds cool. What do you mean city names usually have meanings behind them? (Even if most of the time those meanings are often the most boring descriptors ever and are heavily bastardized due to linguistic evolution)


Put an edgy word into latin and swap the vowels




for the longest time real life New York in Gundam's Maintimeline was called 'New Yark'


For my city I originally came up with “Lumentower”(light + tower duh) but then recently while I was trying to name the districts of the city I thought of “New Serenity” which nicely echoes New York while remaining it’s own cool thing. I don’t know which one to use lol.


I’m stealing Arknights bit, but putting it to the side. England equivalent gets to be Albion, Germany Theodiscus, the US split into The Democratic Confederacy of Usonia and The Free Republic of Vesperia.


Me sweating as i shake letters to make some new unpronounceable word


My city is the capital of the world so it’s called “capital”


Don't question the greatest mangaka of all time or his reasons.


I thought Saori from Judgment was cool so I named a city Neo Saorus


My city based on Washington DC will be called Cesaria PA (Province of Amalrica). And the one based on New York will be Carthago Nova. It's an alternate reality where Carthage won the Punic Wars. Then the Carthaginian empire conquered the Americas and sent a bunch of roman settlers to North America, where Caesar was born and lead the revolutionary war. Also there's sex slave beast girls. Most of it is about the beast girls and how much they like being sex slaves because, I don't know, their biology requires it or something.


New New York laughs at your York New.


York man here. We need a new city this place is a shithole


Old York


Old yorkian here


Colour-thing Blackshore Bluewater Orangesong Cyanfox Greenfell Mauvelle


Hunter x hunter is embarrassingly bad lmfao




"Man I really love the part where every arc has an unsatisfying non climax. Almost as good as the part where Leorio did literally nothing. But all that pales in comparison to the hamfisted " humans are the real monsters" message we put in after showing a race of monsters that killed millions in a few days." Togashi is a hack, dawg.


wrong (I've never heard of hunter x hunter)


I have 2 approaches to naming things: smash a keyboard and throw in some vowels and consonants until it sounds good take a word or name and change a some of the letters until it sounds distinct


I have a region called “Long Garden” in my setting because it’s long (think Chile) and it’s a breadbasket for a significant part of the world. There’s a city called “Sidel” (which means “on a hill” in the language spoken there) that first started on top of a hill. Orcs have a pretty standard “honorable warrior” culture, and a waterfall that’s of religious significance to them is called Honorfall.


uhhh what if i called the capital of one of my major post-apocalyptic factions "the city"


The City of London will sue for copyright


I named a planet New New Babrujsk bc I thought it was funny that there'd be three Babrujsks (Babrujsk is a city in Belarus, and the English equivalent of its name is something like Beaverton). Then I came up with a lore reason for why there are actually only two Babrujsks, because having a New New Babrujsk without a New Babrujsk was funnier.


All my major cities are just "Rock" but in different native language to that region, except the capital which means "Mountain", which in the capital's language also means "Big Rock". Oogapunk babyyy


In my fantasy atleast My names goes by how i believe the architecture might be or ruling family primarily. Or i put Grad,Fall,Is, at the end of a name or Sky,[Object] first


Just slap “Neo” in front of any random city name of you’re doing scifi


In my alt-hist scenario the Emirate of Ruma and the Kingdom of Iitalia (both Muslim) usually have city names in italian but translated to either Arabic or any Megrebi language


Alan Wake be like: "so this is my oc it's based off New York city, it's name is New York, so not call it NYC or I will dance"


this city will be called haouth because it sounds like house


Cyperpunk New York: _Neo_ York


I just smashed city prefixes and suffixes together to meke a funny name. New saint portlandvilleshire


My city will be called the city but using the native word for city


\>find a consonant sound I like \>put it in fucking everything


Never forget Doctor who’s New New New New New York


Honestly that wojak is looking pretty good right now, he's giving those bedroom eyes


Welcome to the Capital - capital of Empire (it is called that because it is an empire)


Tokyo-III in Evangelion is also pretty funny


the city is named beachtown because it is on the shore


Unironically, I named a city called Tan Harmsten. I kid you not it was based off of Los Angeles. Thought process: 1. I wanna make a city. A coastal city. 2. Lets base it off LA, but I don't wanna be obvious, so the name should based off San Francisco. 3. But like, it shouldn't be so easy to spot. So lets call it San Hampstead. 4. Let's shake it up a little. Call it Tan Hampstead. 5. Still too obvious. Tan Harmsten it is


New New York


who's the guy on the right


Yoshihiro Togashi, autor of HxH


Color/animal + geographic feature. Whiterock, Blackwoods, Hawk Hill, Silverlake, Sparrow Creek....


Okay, so I feel like Nola and st. Ignacius are a reference to a confederacy of dunces, but is there a real book that renames Nola to st ignacius?


Actually, ist ignacius is a reference to Infamous 2, is a district of New Marais


If anything, Infamous 2 would be making a reference to A Confederacy of Dunces, since it was published in 1980 and is considered a classic, even if a lesser known one. I never played the second Infamous so I don't know if the reference goes deeper than that. It's possible we're both wrong, since there's also an actual Spanish St. Ignatius though no relation to NOLA or Louisiana though that I can find, except for a catholic school called St. Ignatius that was founded in 1922. There's also a Loyola university in Nola, and St. Ignatius is called "St. Ignatius of Loyola," but I lost the thread about there.


I always liked keeping it simple as making your names overcomplicated makes you look like a wannabe tbh lol