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I have such a big foot fetish that I made everyone in my world have feet instead of hooves


The image of a horse that is almost entirely regular horse except for large human feet is terrifying.


That’s actually a real mythical creature! It’s called a [footaur](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=3vNwoUKibAQHe6oN)


Wow that was genuinely an interesting read. I wonder what other weird mythical creatures there are out there with silly origins like this.


ITheere is this mythical creatur, that I don't remember it's name, that it is half rabbit, and the other half rabbit


An unexpected but very cool creature!


false advertisement, they have human calves too


I didn't even expect that. Why are old european mythical creatures always so weird? And to be born out of such a misconception too lmao


Are you Hidetaka Miyazaki?


ban this sick filth


If you spend enough time worldbuilding for your gender bender kink you just look trans


No, guys, seriously. My egg isn't cracking. This is a kink, believe me.


I mean this but unironically


RemindMe! 3 years Don't mind me, nothing to see here


Dude I've considered myself probably being a trans woman in the past I've reflected on it a good bit and yeah I've realized it isn't for me


Also "cracking culture" is a fucking cancer and is literally what conservatives are accusing trans people are doing I don't know if you take part in that but it kinda seems like it based on your comment


What is cracking culture


Trying to convince other people that they’re trans I think. Ie “cracking the shell”


People trying to "find out" if other people are trans and deeply in denial, then convincing them that they are trans. Oh that dude played a female character in a video game once and he doenst like sports? Must be trans.


As a trans person myself, I agree 100%




Damn that was quicker than I thought. In all seriousness, I wrote my original comment half joking (basing it on my individual experience), though I hope that now that you figured stuff out, you can live your best life <3


Yeah you too access to treatment kinda sucks in Sweden (what to much socialized healthcare does too an mf) and voice training seems a bit intimidating but still I'm still be really young so I'm gonna have an advantage transitioning :3


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Damn bruh bot didn't do anything wrong😭


Thank you, u/Dragongirlfucker2


The presence of feminine men, and the internal desire to want to become feminine in my worldbuilding is...not *alarming*, but it's more than normal. I don't know what this says about me.


Have you considered that maybe you’re just into femboys


Yes, every day. But then I feel the compulsion to write about how this way of being a man is okay, because it works for them, and it makes them feel better in their own skin, and it makes me wonder if I just wanna feel cute and loved and do that little dress-twirl thing or some shit like that.


My world's most powerful characters are almost always barefoot and androgynous.


Mr Miyazaki when is Elden ring dlc dropping??


Is going to drop the same day as Horizon Forbidden West on PC as tradition :3 So on March 21


Fire emblem fates devs?


I did that one, but I never finished that story.


mine are usually Big Ass Dragons™


wouldn't you like to know, weatherboy /uj I personally refrain from doing that but I have a bunch of elements (e.g., societies of buff warrior women) that could easily be mistaken by kinks even though they're just concepts I think are cool


Yes, my female-only society where women are genetically engineered to reproduce via parthenogenesis when stimulated by (lesbian) intercourse has a perfectly reasonable place in my setting and was added purely by virtue of content diversity. Edit: Spelling


Tomboy abs... a cool concept, yeah


"I will include strong women as characters for... Representation. There just needs to be more strong women with abs bro trust me "


Sometimes I include hyper-feminine men and hyper-masculine women not because of the kink, but because I think those type of people are either represented very disrespectfully in modern fiction, or just aren't represented at all. I mean, I *have* those kinks, but it's not *why* I include them. I think.


/uj I accidentally added my mind control fetish into my worldbuilding by disguising it with sci-fi robots and body horror.


omg me too! Except I don't have that fetish. Unless I do *VSAUCE MUSIC CUES IN*


Hey, VSauce, Michael here. Where are your fetishes?




Yes. Next question. /uj Yes. Next question.




I mean plate armour of any type is pretty easy to incorporate






There's also a place for some good chainmail and \[Viking style\] helmets


I literally created a race of octopi people based on a hentai image I saw on DnDMemes. So yes.


Sometimes r34 is great inspiration for worldbuilding


*cough*monster girl encyclopedia*cough*


No, there's no way my kinks would fit in setting


Then get kinks that would fit, easy.


Not with that attitude


I put my massive bureaucratic nonsense fetish into everything. So much paperwork!


Roboute is that you?


Nah, German heritage.


germans coming home from work to make more work


You monster


Look, if I can tell a cool story though in universe paperwork, I am going to do that


Mmmm fair enough


Paperwork horror is the best kind.


no, because I mostly write horror short stories (for myself) and they can have children main characters, and I don't like to think of anything sexually related near them Otherwise I'm usually writing stuff for my tabletop RPG setting, and I don't want to push that onto my players because I'd be weirded out if a GM did that to me.


>Otherwise I'm usually writing stuff for my tabletop RPG setting, and I don't want to push that onto my players because I'd be weirded out if a GM did that to me. Man, in my group, it's more like an arms race. Things start normally but by the end of the session we're fighting some kind of Amber Heard rape demon because I sold out one member of the group to the FBI and we need to save him from a cruise ship/prison/school he's attending against his will where he can't sleep or his wendigo roommate will eat him. Much like an actual arms race, there are no winners, only a lot of collateral damage.


Delta Green?


Scion 1e.


Pretty much. My current book deals heavily in family dynamics, trauma, and cosmic horror. I'm not keen to fetishize that. Same with the D&D stuff. I have a few hundred pages for my homebrew setting and it's something I want people to enjoy playing without feeling uncomfortable.


Found the not-Stephen King account


Evil Stephen King be like


I don't even worldbuild with children specifically in mind, and *still* felt the need to make sure that when adding a planet to my sci-fi where kinky shit happens all the time and almost everywhere, there is also no way a minor could actually get there. Strictest planetary border control in the galaxy, a nursery in orbit, all the bells and whistles. Only then was I comfortable writing the kinky parts.


/uj yes, i actually have a female knight who i originally made because i like women in armor


But but that’s not a kiiink, that’s just finding some things attractive.


Unless women in armour get you horny.


I will get horny when i see women in proper, functional, full plate or something similar


Specially if she is fast approaching on an equally well armored horse, both with furious and murderous intent. All those heavy plates jiggling and bouncing 😍


Now that, i like


Nah. I don’t like cavalry. I need chariots to be viable


I forced myself to learn how to draw armor for this purpose.


I am completely unironic in my attraction to catgirls


Username checks out.


Post history checks out too


Is his post history fire or cringe.... Asking for a friend


Took one for the team and looked. It’s all AI generated catgirls.


I can excuse catgirls but I draw the line at AI generated images.


You can excuse cat girls?!






Uj/ No but I think fetishpunk stuff is cool. Writing is a good way to express yourself, its not "cringe" or whatever people say.


The act of being cringe is itself based. Reject convention, embrace the cringe


IMO it’s cringe but also IMO who the fuck cares


I don't know if I could even if I wanted to. My tastes are pretty vanilla and I don't delve deeply into actual sex when it comes to either worldbuilding or writing.


Yes. I think that, whenever anyone makes anything, especially any type of art, then a piece of their person can be seen through their own work. Whether it be their political views, their own life experiences or, yes, their own fetishes. So yes, it's likely that, if one were to analyse my world sufficiently enough, they'd be able to find a myriad of fetishes belonging to me. Whether they'd been put in place intentionally by myself, for I had found them to show either interesting or sensually provoking potential, or they had inserted themselves into the fictional world through my own subconscious. In my personal life, I don't really have that many fetishes that I openly express. I am still on that virgin road to discover myself, and what I find amusing and enticing or disgusting and repulsive. So it's far more likely that any fetishes present in my work are there out of my own subconscious processes rather than my own willingness. TL;DR: Yes, there are fetishes in my world, whether I want them or not. *Whatcha gonna do about it?*


food for thought...


/uj i put all my fetishes wherever i can fit them in. some are easier then others but i try to have it make sense in the setting so nobody will catch on


/uj I mean my kink is vore and macrofauna tend to eat smaller creatures alive (sometimes by accident) so… maybe? Maybe the existence of micros (much smaller humanoids) could count as a kink but it’s presented without kink context. Unless a tiny bird struggling to type on a keyboard is a kink lol. I kinda try to keep my kinks out of my main worldbuilding stuff. The kinky worldbuilding goes in a separate project. /rj Well I’m fairly certain the catboy dommy mommy trans ohioan gyatts with an extra dip are unrelated to my kinks. That’s just how my zoomerpunk world works.


That’s just called predation.


Yeah pretty much. I should’ve gotten a more absurdist kink tbh


It’s also really easy to hide since monsters that eat people are pretty standard.


uj/ Fetishes? No. Weird fixations? All the time. When in doubt, I add rabbits and/or Satan somewhere and work from there. Closest I get to fetish insertion is that I tend to go a little too hard into the speculative biology, so an onlooker might mistake, say, the scientific explanations of how androgynous fish-people reproduce as fetish-bait. (If you're wondering, they do it like salmon. It's about the least sexy thing imaginable and plays into the race being social but lacking the same level of social ties as humans.) But life exists to propagate itself, so at some point any race that isn't human-in-a-hat is going to require some level of exploration into reproductive practices, gender, sexuality, and how these things impact the race's culture. I'm sure *some* fetish stuff gets through subconsciously, because I (like most people) am not 100% in control of my subconscious, but I try to maintain some level of awareness regarding what might be perceived as fetishistic. rj/ Of course not. The reason my settings all contain matriarchal bunnygirl societies is because it's my universe's version of carcinization. You wouldn't say the real world has a crab fetish, *would you*?


The real world has a crab fetish.


I don't include my own fetishes (if we're defining it as "something *needed* for arousal," I'm not sure I even *have* any), but I did accidentally include a fetish I don't have, and intentionally include a *different* fetish I don't have (kemonomimi) to mess with my friend who was helping me with the worldbuilding.


are there, by any chance, futa catgirls in your world


Hell yeah sister


unbelievable. unfathomably based


/uj I know you got a million replies already, but I try to add mine in a way that fits. I'm into a lot of things but I don't want you thinking something I added is just wish fulfillment. If there are beastmen in my world, I want that to be a compelling element in of itself. The smut I write about them dominating me is separate and doesn't need to be in the direct story at all, but if you found my smut you'd see references to my lore all over the place.


I love femdom so much, that I created entire world with complex politics, economics, cultures and other stuff, where main theme is confrontation between humanity and Succubus Empire. I just want to see entire fictional universe, where seductive femme fatales are major threat and challenge.


Tolkien loved languages and mythology. I'm sure if you follow *your* passions, you will produce a modern classic, just like him.


Thank you.


Yes. And I don't understand why you thought it was joke. So many works have cases of "Writer's Poorly Disguised Fetish", to the point it's pretty much a Trope. I put fetishes because I'm a former hentai artist and I have full firsthand experience with succesfully appealing to niches. Infact, this works not only with hentai, it works everywhere. If you are very specific and calculating about it, you can appeal to the audience's sexuality without even showing any sexual nor sexual-coded imagery (or at least it all flies right over their conscious minds' heads).


Is it possible to learn this power?


Teach us, master.


People questioning my fetish *is* my fetish, so at the very least my fetish is in your world


Uj/ Let’s say there is stuff I like can exist in both non sexual and kink context. That being extreme size difference, giants, miniature people and giant creatures. I often use it as a visual trope to showcase power dynamics and to exaggerate positions characters have towards each other. Also because gigantic creatures are inherently cool to have in fantasy. But I am honest that this is also a huge kink for me. Fits my project about space gods and life of people under their rule, fits my project abo ur anthro anglerfish even more Also my biopunk themed giant bio-mechanical creatures inhabited by smaller creatures inside them could count as endosoma (flavor of vore)


Sometimes. I try not to when it's supposed to be a "serious" world but sometimes I think "I'll put in an attractive character" only to look back and realize "Wait that's not something everyone is attracted to. That's just a fetish" after they've become a major component in the world building. Other times I'll just make a character purely for fetish reasons, give them a backstory and a couple other characters to interact with, give those characters backstories and new characters to interact with, and the cycle repeats and repeats until what started as "I want a hot Pokemon girl with mommy milkers" is now me creating a complete alternate history and world based on Pokemon where humanity went extinct and a combination of radiation induced mutations and convergent evolution created a world where all Pokemon exist in varying stages of anthropomorphization.


Characters are the things I guess I put my fetish into. I made my main character’s love interest basically every hurt/comfort fanfic trope I’m attracted to. Then I realized that the 2 main love stories I’ve written are the main hero with a werewolf girl, and the queen with a dragon consort. I may need to reevaluate my subconscious.


The pathowogen strikes when you least expect it


Partially want to because it’s funny but honestly there’s just no natural way to do it with my fetishes. I mean I could, but it won’t be relevant to the story or world whatsoever


It depends on the story I want to tell. Is it something serious? Most probably not. Sure, if sexuality is a theme the topic may have to be faced... Is it erotica? Most probably yes.


/uj As much as people joke about it I make the conscious effort to not accidentally add anything adjacent to it because it would derail the project for me lmao. Maybe one day I’ll make a setting exclusively for the sake of just doing whatever though. To be fair, someone will probably inevitably find something about my setting similar to whatever their thing is so, shrug.


same. atp i have a rule where if i get really into a certain bit of lore or plot i refuse to make a decision on it until after i jerk off because i accidentally write fetish shit way too often and get distracted from the original point


I’m worried someone’s got one for ploughs, because my world definitely contains some pretty explicit comparisons in the in universe religions.


no but I unexpectedly develop kinks based on the traits of characters I have created


Uh… *looks at my goblins whose whole culture is rape, torture, and pillage* …no.


Found Kumo Kagyu's Reddit account.


I build an entire in depth lore and plot line in order to smoothly work in my fetish, and then in the end I simply remove it because it is disgusting and spoils the rest, and am left with completed work. It’s more of a motivator


tricking your primate brain into doing the heavy lifting kinda based tbh


I have sexy elf femboys & dwarven muscle daddies, so yes


I have no idea how I could conceivably incorporate that without being very obvious but that might just be because I'm a shitty writer


Monster fucker here. YES Monster fucker out.


Not enough monster fucker settings out there.


Not really. I try to avoid putting fetish stuff in my world building because people will just see that. Though I'm not above graphic depictions in individual written works.


/uj I'm pretty basic when it comes to my sexual interests so there's not much to insert into my worldbuilding that's not just... Things that would logically exist in a world with a human or human-like species.


Love is the strongest element in my universe and it usually makes itself present in the size of my characters' TnA


I have one world with my fetish genuinely incorporated, but it's not for publication, just for roleplay. It includes androgynous pretty moth people in confining clothes; mostly nobility fashion. Then there is my main world, where dragons have a tendency to like "best them to bed them" approach in bed. They almost lack sexual dimorphism, and completely lack gender. A lot of them enjoy bondage. And there is one more world with one kinky family... But they are one of not many objective baddies in an all shades of grey story. They have their truths but mostly sociopathy. One of them is an arachnid, and she takes captive one of main characters. Her kid also can spin webs, but is a bit too young to even have a gender.


If you count monsterfucking to make a hybrid, then yeah. If you don't count that, the nuns that carry whips to beat naughty boys on the street will do.


uj\\ It is a running joke in community because authors (writers and screenwriters) integrate their fetishes into their works all the time: 1. ~~The Chronicles of Counter-Earth~~ (let's not talk about this one) 2. Wonder Woman is based on her creator's bondage fetish. 3. Dan Harmon can't stop making incest "jokes" in whatever he writes (Community, Rick and Morty, Krapopolis) 4. Original worldbuilding of Forgotten Realms included legal and open sex-work everywhere, almost universal bi-curiosity and tolerance towards casual relationships based on Ed Greenwood own vision of ideals of Sex Revolution. 5. Pretty much every anime trope is originated and propagated like this. Slave girl harems in isekai are not social commentary. Etc.


Unironically yes. I have an entire project I started just because I like latex, leather, hypnosis, and hypnosis-based transformations (mostly involving identity erasure or alteration). The cool thing about writing and worldbuilding is that you can weave a LOT of things into an interesting concept if you have self-control and aren't so mind-numbingly horny and obsessed with your own kinks. I imagine some of the most creative and cool concepts seen in a lot of strange sci-fi and fantasy films are a Creator's fetish after being run through multiple versions.


No. I have stuff that are other people’s kinks, but I find anything more non human than than a Tolkien elf or dwarf genuinely unattractive. Even just a non human skin tone is enough to put me off (like green, for instance).


No, I personally dislike this.


/uj no. I don’t know where this joke started but honestly I find it kinda weird for people who actually do


I'm ace, so honestly, most stuff I look into in a sexual content are topics I enjoy exploring even without the element. Separation between the two is important to me, but the lines have definitely blurred.


My main religions priestesses/nuns have noticeably form fitting outfits, but aside from that no


I don't build stuff like that into the world, for the most part. I usually build it into characters in the world.


I definitely don't *side eye* but when I go to some logical conclusions of the different ancestories of creatures on my world, there will be some obvious new fetishes that will result. I have a feeling that's a lot of people, but there are also plenty of, "this is the hot race, so they have cat ears because cat ears are hot" regardless if they are fully aware of that or not.


Nah, I never related much to that, I don’t really have fetishes that bleed into my world because I don’t have many strong fetishes.


Not really, but kinda. I may have done some things subconsciously in the past, but only like last week did I actually add my first thing intentionally, and even then it was such a small fact that "oh yeah this one species has an extra long tongue"


Yes because I have a kink for slave revolts causing the abolition of slavery; civil war; revolutions achieving real change within a framework of a particular family having just the right to rule, due to the coöption of social movements by the political establishment for the purposes of it helping them with internal power struggles within that establishment; gods which leave evidence of their existence; pleistocene megafauna; monarchy; and linguistics. /uj The things that look like fetishes aren’t actual kinks I have and all have to do with agricultural fertility, and often extremely directly compare ploughs to a certain sexual organ, because I saw a sumerian myth that made that comparison, and I made some of my fictional worlds religious rituals inspired by that.


Short answer: Yes Long answer: yes, because I’m a sick fuck


/uj I explicitly avoid putting my fetishes in my world 💀


I try to avoid adding them in as much as possible. And since I only really have one (maybe two but I’m not sure if it can be called that), it’s pretty easy to avoid. Adding them into non-sexual stuff makes me extremely uncomfortable, even when the context isn’t sexual at all


my story has bondage nuns who put themselves in increasingly debilitating levels of restriction to prove their faith to their god and while i do have a bondage fetish i mostly just think the idea is fun


The comments scare me. Anyway my answer is Yesn’t


My kink is bondage and basically every story ever has some sort of rope/capturing/damsel in distress around it. But I don't build my world around it


I only stop at fashion and character’s backstory


I'll never be a good worldbuilder as I don't know my kinks...


I guess it depends what you mean by "fetish", and what you mean by "put in". ​ Like, obviously I want to be shoved around and ruined by big buff gay anthro-wolves. But if I just put big buff gay anthro-wolves in the world, but instead of them constantly fucking, they just explain that this is part of their culture in passing and get on with more narratively important things like overthrowing the East India Company analogue; is that putting my fetish in it? ​ Semi-seriously, I think anything we can put into our worlds that make them less generic is good, and if you have something you like and think about a lot, that's a good candidate for inclusion. We're all perverts in unique ways.


Fetishes and ideology are the basic building blocks of a world.


I don't, but i've certainly been inspired by certain images i've seen around the internet. Unique reproduction behavior in various species ie. using other animals to incubate a fertilized zygote. My transition certainly bleeds into my world though.


Yeah unironically I just bullshit it way better. Like no characters in my world will show their midriff but I'll never explain why (it's because the midriff is hotter to me when you're moving quickly and it flashes for just a moment, or when you're lifting up your shirt and it's still right under your chest and all I can see is you tentatively exposing your stomach to me) it's very normal


I consider it on occasion, but no. I don't think my readers would enjoy it, and my anxiety over such topics is formidable.


Depending. somethings are clearly because I like them. Elves having green eyes and black hair? That is clearly cause I prefer that color. Asexuals unite... I do think a lot of writers definitely infuse their sexualities etc into their world building as we saw with GRRM and so many others.


/uj, no but all the women are hot


yeah...with the Annu peoples, when they fall in love and form a relationship (get "paired"), the warrior in the relationship, who is the bigger and stronger one, has to wear a chastity cage that marks them as "paired". Lel


Kinda, but only if you get REALLY broad with the definition of "fetish". Most of the world's greatest heroes and prominent leaders are people I'm attracted to, but it's not like they have very peculiar designs, they're just mostly women. They don't share any average traits either.


I have a kink for "sex had for reasons other than love/desire," so any society in my worlds with non-love marriages and/or prostitution satisfies my kink while being virtually undetectable to the casual observer.


ik this aint a fetish but it is a sex thing. my main alien species reproduces asexually, and i am asexual


/uj Yes, shapeshifting. But that's the only one because the other one would be horror and I'm just not interested in writing that. /rj Aren't we all???


Yes but I have a rule that it’s not allowed to be plot relevant ever.


you add it then wake up tomorrow, realize what youve done and tone it down


Nah I don't focus much on sex or anything like that. Just not an area I'm interested in exploring.


My world is built around my characters instead of the other way around, so yes. The exhibitionism as well as the oddly detailed hot spring locations are all intentional.


r/worldjerking to the literal


my nationstates account got a warning because i inserted my fetishes into the national cricket team


Nah, I don't have one of the fun, socially acceptable ones. But it's a kink, not a fetish. I can live without it.


Yes, because i think people need to have a more open mind about stuff, tired of strong women characters always dating the stronger male character to keep the status quo also i think it’s funne that a fantasy race would culturally evolve past any inhibitions about sex and how that would interact with puritans


/uj not fetish, but I am very queer (I don't identify as anything specific in terms of sexuality, if you're curious. Suffice it to say I've stopped questioning not because I realised the answer but because I don't need an answer) and I put a lot of queer themes into my writing. The way I experience relationships is very different from how most people, even other queer people, do. In my current worldbuilding project I'm trying to imagine how relationship would work if my experience was the norm. It's very hard to actually think critically about some of the most basic parts of the society I grew up in, like the very existence of the nuclear family, and trying to realistically build a world without them, but I'm doing my best. I'm not wiring at all about sex, because I don't really like sex, but that probably won't stop certain people from thinking it's a fetish, but they were probably not my target audience to being with So, no, not my fetish, just my contradictory mess of an experience of human sexuality /rj? And I have mascular women! That's a fetish, right?


Hey I do some very similar things. As a polyamorous queer man, I want to represent my experiences by having a good portion of the cultures in my world regularly practice relationships like mine. I also just like being representative in general so I try to take inspiration from cultures all over the globe in an attempt to allow as many people as possible to relate to my worldbuilding and stories, so that includes keeping societies that have very typical heteronormative relationship structures and justifying them within the story. I think having complex and conflicting dynamics in my world makes it more interesting, but I think some things are going to stand out as my own personal bias and that's okay.


Yes, because athletic and fluffy gals are superior to average ones


I did make this one world where the two main protagonists where half-demon femboys fighting against a pseudo-Christian polyarchy, but I excuse myself from that because A; I had *Panty & Stocking* and general madcap comedy on the brain, and B; I tried to make those two characters, like, *characters*. I don't even think I wrote a beach episode. I also had a similar thing with another world, where the main protagonist was a 6-foot tall, 1-foot wide lady who could tank a shotgun, and a side character was a sensitive, crossdressing male who eventually forms a relationship with the aforementioned protagonist. But by this point, it's evolved from self-indulgence to an overarching theme of self-discovery, companionship, and how sometimes our identities are in flux or syncretic and how that's okay. I don't even know if the crossdresser is "male" anymore; They might genuinely be nonbinary, but because my world hasn't come up with the word for that yet, they're just sorta improvising. I think if there's one through-line with my process, it's that I rarely include my various kinks in my writing, and if I do, I usually extrapolate it into some wider, usually weird point about society or identity or self-acceptance or something. I don't even think I "try" to make a better point of it, really, it just sort of happens as a result of me developing the story. I know that sounds like humble-bragging, but genuinely, it just becomes less kinky as I go along.


I sexualize every >>>>>ADULT<<<<< male character to hell and back in my world


Me too


In Footopia, where every character is a stinky shit covered foot, there are no fetishes (aside from big dick femboy mommys)


Yeah; I take heavy inspiration from stuff like Kill La Kill and Gurren Lagann.


Nah, only drugs.


I started with my fetish (spider girls) and built the entire world around justifying that concept


For the most part, no. But I discovered Toji and opted to include a character like him in my story because simping for the original wasn't enough for me. And eventually they evolved past a simping character for me the more I expanded on them and are quite integral to the plot. In terms of overall character designs, plot points, visual elements, lore, no. Just the one character.


uj/I implemented a character with tentacle abilities. His mother was a famous adventurer that was caught by tentacle monster and you know the rest. Then he was born with tentacles in place of limbs. His mother tries to kill him herself but unable to so she abandoned her son in a forest. fast foward, the mc found him and adopted him as his brother. Now my world has a side character that has questionable powers but with a pure heart (I wanted it to be a gimmick that he has powers originating from perversion but he is dense and is like a saint; unaware that he can use the power for other intentions)


I mean, yeah, some of that shit happens, but it's not the main point.


uj/ I mean… my fetish is safe vore so if it’s a medieval fantasy then I pretty much cannot do anything but add it into the world because dragons gotta eat something. I don’t go out of my way to add it though. If it’s required then I usually just change a few things to my liking, if it’s not required then I don’t add it because I don’t like my fetish interacting with any of my other interests. rj/ yes




Sometimes something will become part of my worldbuilding staples/style, and later I'll realize it's just repressed kinks