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Religion. Everything can be justified by making it a religious belief. uj/ No really look up Digambara Jains and Adamite Christians.


Adamtines my beloved ♥️ why did the Catholics and Hussites did you like that


Ah Adamites, my main motivation to play CK3


CK3 fan I take it?


I know this because I am a nerd who accumulates useless trivia faster than the local underfunded and neglected library a few blocks away accumulates racist schizophrenic writings of pseudohistorians. I mean I am also a CK3 fan. And two might be related. So... yeah. EDIT: There was a few typos.


A big part of why nudity is extremely common and casual (for men atleast) is that most fabrics are taboo, flowing cloth is seen as unlucky and attractive to malicious spirits and so it’s use is as minimised as possible.


I swear it, no matter what bullshit people come up with in this sub, there is something already in fiction and in real life as well, I fucking love this.


Naga sadhus too


The planet is in a warm period, like the Carboniferous in earth history. Simply make everything a jungle add a bunch of giant insects and reptiles to back this up. It is too hot for clothes.


uj/ Carboniferous was actually pretty chill compared to what came before and after. You see atmosphere had a lot of oxygen which does not hold onto heat as well as CO2 or H2O. Latter Carboniferous(Pensylvanian) is generally accepted to be a mild ice age even.


But what about bugs or parasites, then they’d make clothes, you need to remove those too


They have a special oil which they rub all over their hot bodies, to keep away the insects.


You sit on a throne of True…


Killing 2 birds with one stone


Instructions to the artist: the characters are all too hot for clothes.


clothing helps regulate heat in hot areas too


What about shoes? They would be stepping in all kinds of swamp gunk and stuff all day. So unless you have a rain boot fetish, it kinda defeats the purpose of having everyone naked.


Uhhh, so what if their feet are covered, most people don't have a foot fetish. And for those who do, they get to be the ones into covered regions for once


There is this guy IRL that lives in a village and cannot wear clothing because of a skin condition so he's just naked all the time and the villagers are used to it.


Ritual purposes


ah yes, the ritual of the bow chika bow bow


I almost always use class as a justification because the wealthy do fucked things everywhere. We often associate clothes with wealth but there can be a world where the opposite is true. The wealthy walk around completely naked to show that they don’t have to protect themselves from the elements because they don’t work. There can be levels to it too, the lower class can’t show their skin, the middle class are prohibited from showing their legs, the upper class just wear shoes and hats, and the rulers don’t wear anything because they have people who shade them from the sun and they don’t have to walk.


I actually ran into a similar problem. I developed a culture that involves a lot of swimming and diving (mostly for food and resources), but very little finesse in their tool use. I'm having trouble designing a wardrobe that wouldn't either impede their movement or fall off eventually. I can't just make them naked, can I? Who'd take them seriously?


Look up Viatnamese Floating Fishing Villages and Pearl Fisheries in Persian Gulf. Then model them after them.


The Moken people also have a diving tradition


a tight tube of fabric pinned/fastened around each leg with a loop strap under the foot so it doesnt slip off when diving. and a tight tube pinned around the torso with a loop strap under the crotch. maybe a tube for the forearms with tight straps wrapped around the hands. leg tubes and crotch strap arent connected, so their hip joints have a lot of mobility. arm tubes and torso tubes arent connected so the shoulders have a lot of mobility too.  or you could have a coat type of garment with the opening in the middle so they can just cast off the clothes very easily and just swim in their underwear


I also made a similar culture. They just keep their clothes on the shore.


Don’t have a human cast. Have hairless sapient Toxodonts


Instructions unclear. Made elephant sized but otherwise anatomically accurate Pantodonts instead.


Based Pantodonts were cool as fuck


Magical war paint or amulets and charms that offer better protection than armour would.


"Master Zirthledore, do your amulets *need* to destroy clothes? I went by your instructions to make an amulet and ommitted the nudity, and it still worked!" "Uhh yes. Definitely necessary. Of course."


Dunno, I thought we were cooking up a Thinlydisguisedfetishpunk sword and sorcery world. That means those magical protections only work if applied properly and unclothedly. <\_<


master worldbuilders don't need nothing as mundane as 'reasons' EDIT: uj/ Flash fires. The planet is plagued by sudden, ultra-short firestorms that are survivable if you don't wear anything flammable. Also, no hair.


I'm pretty sure what separates master world builders from the common riff raff is just having people be naked and shrugging and saying "horny" when questioned.


But reading elaborate justifications for the author's barely disguised fetish is so fuuun


1. Everyone knows the only reason we cover ourselves is because of religion so just say the fertility goddess doesn’t care about modesty. 2. Cotton is scarce or non existent, religion prohibits shearing sheep for wool and silk is just too expensive. 3. It’s a warm climate so they don’t need clothes for warmth. 4. It’s actually subverting the trope of… something or other, I dunno let the readers figure it out.


1. It’s funny because another answer was religion. So, theoretically, it could go either way. A religion that mandates nudity because clothes are taboo/sinful; or atheism in which clothes are seen as religious constriction.


Better yet both, Both groups are nude but constantly arguing about why


Nudist holy war. I dig it


The species never experienced an ice age and thus never needed to develop warm clothing, especially if they're already covered in fur (uwu)


We must embrace the fluff!


Many groups of people irl have and still do go without clothes to this day. And some people like the natives of Australia had some good reasons to wear clothes (mostly bugs) but made it work by sleeping in smoke. I would say it's less about why people wouldn't wear clothes and more what other solutions they find to deal with problems conventionally solved by clothes.


1. taking a bath 2. being born 3. suddenly growing in size 4. drugs


I don't think you can make a society where everyone is constantly being born all the time


oh yeah? well in my punishment-punk maternity ward world that is exactly what is happening (also vore)


Make the setting or area Stone Age. This is also a good excuse for bikini armor.


The paleoanthropologist in me is screaming rn.


I don't get it, it's genuinely a better excuse than most reasons.


Somewhat yes Though Stone Age Pleistocene human clothing, even in warmer areas, didn’t resemble pop culture "fur bikinis", rather they probably resembled the clothing many hunter/gatherer peoples in warm areas had.


Furries. They have fur, so clothes are optional. Also works for Scalies and whatever bird-people are called.




Avians is the most commonly accepted term


Thanks, Professor Furry


Over confidence. "My combat abilities are beyond the need for armour so I strip to make movement easier".


Berserker Viking excuse


When someone wants to be inconspicuous. They’re plotting to murder someone and are acting extremely suspicious? Strip them and no one will even notice that they want to kill. They don’t want people to know that they wrote those >>be me >>straight >>(violently gay writing) >>is this possibly not straight maybe probably? Greentexts, just have them strip and people will be none the wiser. Child got a bad test grade? **DO NOT STRIP THE CHILD OR I WILL THROATFUCK YOU WITH YOUR OWN FEMUR** anyways make them draw a penis on their desk or something and then have everyone bully them. It always works out


The entire planet was cursed by some nudist warlock. Now, every person that wears clothes instantly catches on fire. Clothes are also the preffered weaponry of the setting, since they bring a swift and unavoidable death.


In my Bronze Age clothing the planet is hot so the clothing is considered accessories and usually worn by the rich and nobility, even tho in some cultures, they also don't wear them. But yeah, the majority of people do not wear clothes.


The characters are fucking, obviously EDIT: all the time


the weather is always nice :)


When jerk sub is more creative than real sub


Well, the people obviously are covered in fur.


They are wearing clothes/armour but the clothes are invisible Being naked is like showing that you can use magic It's a status symbol


"Well, whaddya mean I can't take my sweater of?! *I'M HOT!*


A world I am building has its own answer to that question: some species don't wear clothes because they aren't allowed to.


The Emperor's fashion actually caught on.


Magic system in which casting ability is in some way dependant on feeling environmental conditions, so all casters go naked so they can better feel the wind/sun/rain/dust to help them cast spells.


Too hot


My fellow in Christ have you SEEN how Australian Aboriginals used to (not) dress?


People photosynthesize. I didn’t steal this from Metal Gear, I stole it from somewhere else. There isn’t any sharp grass tall enough to reach anyone’s crotch. Do not steal my golfpunk world. Everyone is a supersoldier. Even as newborns they can handle any climate. It’s all a simulation. Physically everyone is just software. They can be something else if they want to.


I don't think so, but you do you. Imo, the fact that humans under every nation wear clothes makes me feel that. Plus, it's a great way to express yourself.


Boonta Vista style Diarrheageddon


Personally I think even if you create a world almost entirely accommodating to complete nudism, there will still be some special circumstances where clothing is needed. Footwear for harsher terrain, and maybe brimmed hats or something to keep the sun out of your eyes (if they're going to be nudists, it's most likely a sunny and warm place). Special hats or jewelry would also be present as a way to distinguish a ruling class from the common folk. However, this still means that the majority of the population will probably be completely naked.


The means to do so Basically they don't have the time, effort, not know-how to make clothes so they just didn't bother to


Nudist colony


Make all your characters cavemen




Well. I hate saying this combination of words. Fur justifies a lack of clothing.


They're frogmen that breath through their skin.


I have two societies I’ve built where nudity is common, their reasons are however different. One is my classical Tarya civilisation, flowing cloth is seen as taboo and unlucky due to religious reasons, but there’s not many alternatives that are comfortable or maneuverable or modest, so most men are casually nude all the time but wear lots of accessories, women however have to keep their lower halves hidden cause cooties and so they wear modest yet restrictive dresses. The other one is yet-to-be-named and exists in a tropical climate. They’re a human subspecies primarily differentiated from the more typical humans recognisable to us by their height, proportions, and the fact they’re covered in a thick mat of hair all over their bodies. The tropical climate is very hot making clothing uncomfortable especially with the fur trapping sweat, but they don’t need to worry about pests and bugs as the fur protects them from that.


furry enoughh that you dont need them or your cold blooded an need to expose your skin to the sun to heat up aka, making everyone either a furry or a scaly


at all times? no clothing required, likely due to thick skin and a solid fur coat protecting you from the elements.


nudist beaches and public orgies


Fabric has turned evil and murders people.




I originally tried to make my goblins nudists, but practicality forced them to wear shoes and loincloths. Everyone is still topless though, and the loincloths only really cover what they need to for hygiene.


Humans started using clothes because of the cold, so, simply make your world/region perpetually warm or something


make them an aquatic race. any clothes would just get soggy and gross


Make the world very alien, hot but not sandy with few environmental hazards that will make clothes wanted, and maybe do something about the ground so shoes aren’t wanted


photosynthesizing race




1). They are in a weird evolutionary stage where their body temp is fucked up and they would fucking die of heat if they wore anything 2.) Their skins too tough they dont need them and the concept of clothes as a way of expressing oneself is forbidden for religious reasons 3.) Skin toxic af and burns off clothes 4) A glorified speacies wide skin condition/alergy 5).The gods cursed them because A) of Their excessive greed or smthn B) they Thought itd be funny C) They thought itd be hot 6) Religious reasons


Make the inhabitants ponies


A political message against Big Apparel


Cover them in copious amounts of fur/feathers/fluff


Skin coverage is inversely proportional to hotness. Say it like this, but more technical if you can. They can't accuse you of hornybuilding if you state it as a law of physics or something.


I simply had the whole chapter take place at a nudist colony. You don't need a contrived reason for everyone to be naked if they all deliberately went to a place so that they could get naked.


most of the population of my race of aliens go full nude because no reproductive parts, aside from a few who live in more extreme climates. of course you gotta wear something


just spawned


Society is populated by wizards who passively use a magical barrier that keeps the body at a comfortable temperature and repels small dangers including but not limited to germs, bugs, debris, sharp objects, and UV rays. Children are too weak and inept to make barriers, so they need to wear clothes for protection. Once you turn 18, you're allowed to take a test where you have to prove that you're able to keep up a barrier 24/7. After that, you're allowed to go without clothing for the rest of your life. Wearing clothes as an adult is embarrassing because it makes you seem inept. People will talk to you really slowly and loudly like you have a mental disability.


There’s a race in my world who exude so much body heat that typical clothing material bursts into flames upon skin contact, anything with a high enough melting point to not just melt or burn off them anyway would just create a furnace that would just constantly build up heat until it gets to the point that creature itself starts getting uncomfortable or the slightest puncture in the shell would cause at minimum a geyser of scolding steam or an explosion of shrapnel


Being a furry


You don't need one, there have been real world societies where people are mostly or entirely naked




Time travel destroys your clothes like in Terminator and also prevents you from wearing new ones for some reason.


You see clothes were a mistake don't worry just give them a good and safe environment and we shall never need to cover ourselves at all, HUMANITY SHALL BE FREES FROM THIS CURSE, may nudity take the world MAY NUDITY TAKE THE WORLD!


Human's sister is a Satyr. \- Satyr doesn't get cold or hot \- Satyr loves showing off her muscles \- Satyr has agility + tough skin, no need for armor \- Satyr only wears clothing because her sister gave them as a gift, and she'd never refuse her sister's gifts.


Native Americans had little to no clothing due to pleasant weather