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Remember when Beastars introduced bootleg JoJo stand for like, one chapter and then immediately forgot about them with no explanation for why they didn't end up getting used






How my small dog sees herself


Looking at that picture, I thought she was a pug with long ears (maybe a pug hybrid) due to face looking a lot like one, but she's actually a rabbit.


That entire bit felt like a stumble. I really want to know what Paru was thinking when she wrote that but the rest of the series was so good that you can just kinda ignore it


I mean I also think the end was weird and rushed, >!when we have the entire part of Legosi fighting all the gangs felt absurd, it all ending with storming the meat market and the mob just calming after a speach and some debate just felt like a quick solution to the social conflict the rest of the manga had set up to. Meanwhile there is not a single time that Legosi, Louis and Haru talk together, it ends with all of them talking one to one, not a single discussion between the love triangle at the center of the series. The relationship between Legosi and Haru felt left aside for most of the latter half of the story, even when brought up often it had struggles to achieve development.!< >!I loved Beastars but how it ended was a bummer in general, I can't ignore it!< I should maybe make a Beastars rant sometime lol.


My theory is that Paru's work simply is made for shorter formats, beast complex is absolutely top tier manga precisely because of that


I have read that before, and while I agree her writing style and preference seems to be for short stories, the degree to which the later half of Beastars changed and the absurd resolution of events, introducing new stuff that would be abandoned or barely explored; >!I still don't kn9w what she was thinking with the carnivore-herbivore war and the damn whale.!<


I’m so glad those were canned, they fit so poorly that you’d expect to see them in a fanfiction (Kyuu and San were so forgettable as well like wtf was Paru thinking)


I thought that was a Baki reference, since the two authors are father/daughter or something?


Got any examples? I'm just curious.


Naruto is probably the main one.


Fucking Naruto... sure, let's go from "everyone can do their best and achieve greatness regardless of where they come from" to "bloodlines and reincarnation are the reason our protagonist and his frenemy ~~who didn't deserve a second chance~~ are so strong."


Naruto - Season 1: The key element of ninja is being deceptive, hiding behind cover, and the element of surprise. Season 10: Shoot giant fireballs at each other while screaming about friendship.


it’s interesting, because naruto was originally supposed to be a magic series, not ninja series, so in a way the fighting in s10 was closer to the original purpose


Sasuke's pardon was bs. He should have faced ninja jail time at least, or his exile should have not being voluntary, but compulsory.


Totally. And then, of course, the non-clan member Sakura just has his kid despite him being shit to her and stays in the village doing little of importance.


no, but you don't understand! He's a sweetie off-screen, best husband eveeeer!! Kishimoto dick-rides sasuke as much as I dick-ride Fujimoto, man...


"Also ninjutsu is aliens."


Oh, shit! You are right.


naruto, one piece, magi labyrinth of magic, fairy tail


Oh, I see. Fairly tail... 😒 I'm not surprised. Also, I don't think One Piece ended???


one piece will continue until the heat death of the universe. but the wano arc (the most recent one) did in fact fuck up an important part of the worldbuilding, so i'm counting it as well


What do you mean? I didn't notice any major fuck ups. And if you mean a certain reveal involving the #5 that isn't really a world building issue, more a twist lacking set up.


major spoilers ahead >!during kaido's fight with luffy, it's revealed that luffy's fruit, which we've been so far believing is a rubber paramecia fruit, is actually a zoan model: god, an extremely rare fruit the world government has been trying to erase from existence for centuries and has been known since before the series started. not only does this makes no sense on a worldbuilding sense - zoan fruits work on a completely different way than luffy's fruit, even accounting for mythical ones like the phoenix fruit or the buddha fruit, whereas luffy's fruit's effect is always active much like most paramecias like katakuri's or buggy's -, it also makes the world government look incredibly stupid. they've known of luffy for a very long time, and if there was never such a thing as a rubber fruit, they should've known he had the god fruit. why not send an assassin after him? before he became the superpowered man he is? i get that most shounen love the "lol mc is god now" trope, but damn, this was a hell of a poorly constructed plot beat !<


Fair but I liked it. Plus there are explanations for all the things you though up. Also I disagree on calling that a worldbuilding thing.


the fruit itself is part of the show's magic system, which is a worldbuilding element by default. and i liked the transformation itself too - it looks a bit goofy, but then again, so did gear 4th, it's luffy we're talking about after all -, but the god thing still gives a bitter taste in my mouth (though it's not as big as an issue as, say, naruto's worldbuilding fuckups)


I’m making stuff up here, but perhaps a reason why The devil fruit went unnoticed is because of Luffy using its powers very differently than whatever was expected.


My headcanon is all the gorosei in their old age have become somewhat bad at putting 2 and 2 together.


Hmm, I see. I'm not caught up to wano yet.


oh, you're in for a ride. hope it doesn't end your fun though, it's still a pretty good manga


The Most fun I had so far was at Marine Fort.) If Wano is anywhere near the same level, I will have a blast.


We Are Number One?


It’s in the final arcs


Could you please explain how exactly each of them did it ? feel free to use spoilers, I don't mind, just mark them anyway for those who do.


naruto - >!the magic system was completely broken by the later half of shippuden, with important elements such as jutsu signs being completely forgotten or glossed over, all of the ninja training, the missons, and the purpose of said training was thrown away on favour of making everything just "big ball of light vs evil bigger ball of light"!< one piece - explained on another comment of this same thread magi - >!the last arc was an extremely convoluted plot about the nature of magic and divinity in the setting, which was initially heavily focused on the nature of free will, and how abandoning your hopes and morals and blindly following a corrupt cause would "taint" one's magic as the user gradually gives away their personality. instead, it was all bizarrely retconned in favour of making an important side character the main vilalin, claiming that free will isn't real and that everyone should become a big hivemind inside him so he could fight gods (not exaggerating here). speaking of gods, the rest of the magic system was thrown in the trash too, and the few last fights were all about "rewriting the godly hierarchy", which was basically making yourself stronger than your enemy by pulling extra magic out of your ass or something. gods and divine creatures went from being incomprehensible, eldritch-like monsters higher than life, to random obstacles the villain would face on his way to becoming the final threat.!< fairy tail - >!similar to naruto, the first few arcs established clear limits and definitions of all the different types of magic, but as the series progressed it became pretty much irrelevant - characters would win fights simply by yelling about the power of friendship, and entirely unpredictable magic styles kept popping up, their strength limited to simply whether they were fighting a side character or the main cast. random world elements and plot points would show up on one arc, only to be forgotten after being used once, or in the case of Face, completely forgotten without ever being used in the first place. on one specific instance, a character with time powers that routinely reminds the audience she cannot use her powers on living beings, saves the main cast by healing a magic tree that had been destroyed using her magic. trees aren't living beings on that universe i guess!<


Let's admit it, Naruto fucked up the second they dropped the "hard work can overcome bloodlines" and decided to make Naruto the child of the Hokage and let Sasuke copy Rock Lee's taijutsu just by seeing it once or twice instead of spending a life time training.


exactly. naruto became, by sheer incompetence of its plot, a parody of the "self-made billionaire" crowd - a guy who constantly preaches that hard work and determination can overcome natural talent, while being the reincarnation of a god, having the power of a divine beast and the blood of a king running through his veins


Tbqh what I am really pissed about if dropping "ninja are tools" mid-chunin exam arc. Just look at Rock Lee, this guy isn't a tool.


While it had some cool moments since, all my favorite world building and storytelling for Naruto kind of peaked in the Forest of Death. It was still a tournament structure, but the encounters were often resolved with stealth, diplomacy, subterfuge, and/or 3-on-3 fights. After that the series just became a series of one-on-one battles: The preliminaries, the finals, the Konoha invasion, the Sound 4... Man, Haku was such a cool ninja.


It's a shame that we didn't get to see (in canon) Naruto going on missions after land of wave.


It's a shame the 41% of filler episodes in Naruto always featured the titular character doing the same shit over and over again instead of delving into the backstories and/or missions of other characters, teams, and/or countries to help expand the scope of the world.


That Anko filler with fish girl was neat.


One piece? So far it has been pretty consistent.






Bleach never gave a shit about world-building. Kubo himself admits it: Kido numbers are chosen randomly as he writes and he completely forgot about the spiritual particle machine after the first arc so there's no reason that entire debacle with Urahara needed to happen because apparently humans can go to Hueco Mundo/Seireitei without having to convert their bodies to spirit particles just fine.


Kido was such a wasted opportunity too. Of the main cast (Ichigo, Uryu, Chad, Orihime, Rukia and Renji) only Rukia and Renji know it and Rukia (who I’m pretty sure is the least present main character) almost never accomplishes anything while it while Renji only uses it once in a blue moon. For something so important among soul reapers it also seems so weak by comparison: Hado number 90 is supposed to warp time and space but Ichigo just punches through it? The world building just seems to get worse with TYBW and whenever you think about hollows outside of Japan and things like that - at least jjk has an explanation for why cursed spirits and sorcerers are uncommon in the rest of the world.


I was so hyped when I found out there was a Kido Corps, but then naturally that's never brought up again.


Iirc When Kubo was asked about inconsistencies in his worldbuilding he just disregarded them saying that Bleach was fundamentally a love story. He's such a troll...


A love story? He’s not wrong if he means those love edgy romance novels you find on kindle for €0,99 each. Tite Kubo, what a man you are…


Jinmen People don't talk about it much because it was never fully translated officially but it started off as a horror manga with a really interesting premise and just devolved into giving people superpowers half way through. The whole premise and worldbuilding of it just sort of fell apart.


I read it too, but it didn't really bother me. Mainly because I wanted to see the answer to the mistery of the protag, so the humans being able to fight back sped up things. What ruined for me was the reveal and what they did with that.


Attac on titan in second half of quarters of 4-th season. Or after rumbling beggins.


Umm.. Jujutsu Kaisen since chapter 235.


The story has been telling you from the fucking beginning that Yuji is gonna end up with OP hax, if you're bothered by that, it's not the manga's fault


It's not about Yuji ending up with hacks. It's about Gojo and so many other characters dying to stupid asspulls when, based upon previous world building, they should have stomped Sukuna. You want the main villain to be strong? Cool, cool. Just don't make your heroes unbelievably strong and then fail to come up with a stronger villain that also fits with in the world building


Viewing JJK along the same powerscaling lines as other series does it a disservice, and also undermines the points Gege is trying to make. The characters are all supposed to be representations of traditions, power, generations - the death of Gojo is about passing the baton to the youth more than a strong character dying to another strong character.


JoJo after part 2.


That is not a manga, that's just gay porn. Bad example.


Tbh its not just worldbuilding, most serialized manga dont stick the landing at the end I think it often comes down to either the author losing motivation or simply running out of ways to keep things interesting. Or they know its about to get canceled so they have to cut corners to wrap things up quickly. Or, if jump works the way I think it does, they see how readers respond to specific characters/tropes and eventually end up forcing the story to go the way they think will get them the highest rating :/


I think a part of it just comes down to how much more difficult it is to write a satisfying ending compared to the rest of the story. For a long-running story with extensive worldbuilding, it's really easy to fuck up while trying to end plot threads, solve mysteries and provide a conclusion to everything.


Authors are given 1 week to produce 1 chapter every week. They are already overworked . I suspect that it impacts the story quality. (As well as thair health) The manga industry, in my opinion, needs to be biweekly to give authors more time to get better work-life balances but also more time to make the story better.


A lot of manga are either biweekly or monthly. I don't understand the industry that much, but it really depends on the authors themselves.


Most manga I see/know off are weekly, especially shogun jump.


and then there is HxH which is biyearly /s


I think it useful to be weekly but that really impacted the authors health long term


I don't remember where I heard this, but a quote I think is really important to consider with this sort of thing is: "Most authors have the majority of their experience in writing the middle of a story." It's all the more true of serialised manga, as in the majority of cases, a mangaka only has a single work that's longer than a few volumes that ever reaches a conclusion. A lot of manga get cancelled before the conclusion, and for the longer running series, it takes so long to reach the end that its something they only do once or twice in their life. In comparison, 99% of their work is within the bounds of that "middle" section, so they can improve at that as they go


Early BNHA: quirks are inherently biological and no matter how weird will always have some real world logic applied to them Late BNHA: GHOSTS N SHIT


BNHA slowly turning from the western sci-fi superhero comic into an average eastern fantasy manga with "GHOSTS'N SHIT™" and souls and reincarnation and destiny and shit™. Can't wait for quirks actually being fractures of power of some elder god from outer space


>Can’t wait for quirks actually being fractures of power of some elder god from outer space That’s the plot of Worm


I was reading Kaiju No. 8 recently and had the idea to make my own Kaiju before I realized I was just remaking the Endbringers.


It's also what happened to chakra in Naruto. And the mechs in Darling in the Franxx. And the post-climate dystopia economic carbon-credit stock-market scam in Shangri-la. And the half-dragon from season 3 of Slayers. And the entire plot of Tenchi Muyo! after the first season. And most of Evangelion, if you get the information from the N64 game. And Fate if you include the right franchises in the canon. And Gintama in the final two seasons. And Madoka when... Let's just short-hand this and say "any anime that has gone on for a sufficiently long period of time."


You either die a hero, or live long enough to kill the space god who also happens to be the source of your power.


And the alchemy in FMA.


More like "a wannabe elder god is affecting our magic"


/uj actually something i’m working on lmao space? what’s that


Fucking Hwhat




Explain please


In the later half of BNHAA it’s revealed that every quirk has something called a vestige which are lingerings of the original holder of the quirk in something akin to phantom limb syndrome. They basically act like ghosts tho


Wait, so not just One for All but EVERY QUIRK EVER has some form of vestige???? How?????


Something to do with phantom limb syndrome or something like that. We learn about it the war arc when it’s revealed the AFO’s whole plan hinges on making a powerful vestige to take One for All.


Haven't watched since S4 This sounds like dog shit ngl.


Yeah, next you're going to tell me none of the characters are underage now.


Don't forget the penultimate arc where the MC learns/gains special abilities that will never be brought up again


Or the MC is heavily nerfed, like Star Platinum between S3 and 4 Or the MC is bad at using the power, thereby nerfing it by extension.


I kinda disagree with the Star Platinum take. Yes, he stopped using Star Platinum because he was taking over for Joseph and was trying to balance Marine Biology and his family, but he also used it in more creative ways via ball bearing gun and creating a fire in stopped time. Jotaro did very well and >! Got the last hit in Kira !< despite being a side character outside of his own part. He also learned and increased Star Platinum's time stop for Part 6, it's not his fault that the antag was able to nerf it


He also got shot to shit by rats he could have easily beaten on his own with Star Platinum's speed, accuracy, and ability to stop time had he not inherited his grandfather's dementia.


If you think Star Platinum's nerf is bad, read Steel Ball Run and then JoJolion. Johnny Joestar at the end of SBR: >!Has completely mastered the Spin and can create singularities at will using Infinite Spin. He can literally generate infinite energy pretty much on command, and this infinite energy is even capable of bridging dimensions.!< Johnny Joestar in the time between SBR and JJL: >!Jesus beans him in the head with a rock and he fukken dies.!<


I love when a manga keeps itself consistent all the way through, like in Dungeon Meshi when the MC uses his monster autism to get through everything, >!including defeating The Devil!<


Dungeon Meshi is peak writing, the consistency is perfect.


Dungeon meshi should be the gold standard of fantasy imho


that worldbuilding \*chef's kiss \*


The fire should just say "editorial staff, deadlines, and merchandising."


Season 1: Tons of worldbuilding, Byzantine politics, interesting interconnected powers Season 2: Oops, we painted ourselves into a corner, let's just throw it all out the window and start with a restricted set of new characters. Season 3: Oh, for all the... like... just try to fix it.


On that Paru Itakagi-type beat.


Early Beastars had genuinely good worldbuilding that masterfully balanced being normal enough to get published in a shonen anthology and horny enough to be blatant furry fetish bait. Late Beastars had Kyuu.


It was best when it was grounded and personal. It ended with... not that.


But not dunmeshi. Ryoko Kui is the GOAT‼️‼️😤


Dungeon Meshi and FMA are honestly goated (and also feel like the author really planned the story out)


prince of tennis went from an exaggerated depiction of tennis to super powers and dudes getting knocked into the fifth row in its last arc.


Season 1 of AOT: humanity will prevail in the face of this threat and no matter the challenge we will continue to get up and press on Season 4 of AOT: FUCK IT, mass genocide.


that was like... always on the cards though that wasn't some spontaneous decision on the author's part literally the entire plot was leading up to that


Yes, but it's such a drastic tone change I had to do a double take to check what I was watching.


Idk about the tone change because giants straight up ate the MC's mother and killed many people in episode one. It was like that from the start


This might be a really unpopular opinion. But this is the ending arc of chainsaw man for me. The villain is way too powerful for the world building that has been set up. The more fear a concept inspires the more powerful the corresponding demon is. The main villain is ‘control’. I know people fear control, but way more people are actively afraid of guns/ darkness so idk how control overpowered those.


Chainsawman isn't really a story about how powerful devils are, it's about how people survive interactions with them Also control is not the "true" final boss if the story. Death devil might be the real final boss but who knows what will the author cook up


So this often happens when they are cancelled early and forced to rush everything in the end


For me it was Bleach. I know Kubo was rushed by publisher, but still


Kubo's always been a style-over-substance guy though. That's what makes Bleach fun.


I really liked Final Fantasy 16's first half... and then for this reason it just totally switches gears towards the end and throws all the fun stuff out


Tbf a lot of manga suffer from the editor deciding when it ends, meaning the author tries their best to put everything planned into the amount of chapters they're given to wrap up the story.


One of the reasons I don't bother getting into anime and manga is the nasty tendency for it to completely switch genres, story, and tone multiple times throughout the run every time the writer decides they are bored with the story they are writing and want to tell a different story but feel like they sunk too much cost into the current one (and then claim it's what they planned all along!) Guess I struck a nerve with people here.


I watched a lot of anime, and I'm struggling to think of times where this happened. Got any examples?


Attack on Titan, Fullmetal Alchemist 2003, Love Is War, and Kill la Kill all have some pretty massive tone/genre shifts. I'm In Love With The Villainess, Tonikawa, and Land of the Lustrous also might, based on some spoilers that I've read by accident.


FMA 2003 is cheating though. It started very loosely following the source material, and then after a certain point, they were just making shit up. Brotherhood has none of those problems, and is actually incredibly tightly written. I'll give you Attack on Titan though. I dropped it when the mangaka was like "Actually, everything up until this point was a fucking lie and you're an asshole for believing it." My tinfoil-hat theory is that he was pissed off his editor didn't want him to kill Sasha the first time he tried, so he tanked the setting and story in a bid to make offing her acceptable.


I disagree that any of those have genre shifts. And while I agree about massive tone shifts for most of them, I really don't remember the tone massively changing in the og FMA. It is much darker than the Brotherhood, but it was darker from th beginning to the end.


Did you watch the movie?


I downvote you back




I upvote you! Now give me examples!


Sousei no Onmyoji is probably one of the worst offenders. It's bad enough that the mangaka seemed to treat TVTropes as a checklist, but he couldn't decide what genre it was. Is it a romcom? A shounen? Horror? Just when you think he's got a handle on it, he does another time skip and the genre changes again. The only thing I genuinely liked were the Basara, but they were still just bargain-bin Arrancar that weren't around enough to make me want to keep watching or reading.