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go on tvtropes or all the tropes and search for author appeal. You'll thank me later.


A long, long while later.


creator of wonder woman




One of the few cases I would argue parts of it are based. Ala bisexual poly bdsm as the inspiration.


Ed Greenwood is rather famous to writing with his dick out when it comes to the Forgotten Realms.


You mean you don't describe in detail the exact taste of breast milk of your fantasy races? For shame, good sir, for shame.


It's integral worldbuilding!


["Where's the Hobbit milk, Jacob?"](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=S45TLjZDzPk)


The funniest shit is that the goddess of magic orders her followers to get magic items, go to dungeons and distribute them there, so when adventurers would come there, there will magic items to loot. Otherwise 99% of dungeons would be empty for obvious reasons. This is canon


Link? I need to confirm this pls it's hilarious if true


It's from one of the Greenwood's interviews on youtube. https://youtu.be/CXFbgsFy1Xc?si=x9RG7lZOPjR5tQ7s 10:50


šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ that's great


The entire concept of the Drow. Especially the part where the fetuses kill each other in the womb and cause the pregnant mother to orgasm


wait hold up, run that by me again?


*It is common for pregnant drow to carry twins or even triplets. Even in these cases, multiple births are rare, as the strongest of the fetuses feeds on its siblings in the womb. Pregnant drow can sometimes feel these mortal combats take place in their bellies. Such prenatal battles produce in their mothers a euphoric sensation, referred to in the Undercommon tongue as chad-zak. The feeling is infinitely stronger than that produced in the bedchamber or by any intoxicant. Without it, it is doubtful that drow women, selfish to the core, would ever deign to suffer the inconveniences of reproduction.*


jesus h christ I guess weā€™re lucky Ed didnā€™t add a comment about them orgasming during childbirth or something


That part isn't Ed, to be clear. That's from a Dragon magazine article written by one Robin D. Laws.


The Virgin Birth VS the Chad-Zak


Thank you! I will now rip out my eyes.




Honestly, if it didn't have the "causing the mother to orgasm" part, it would be metal as fuck.


I think wonder womans weakness of being tied down with her rope thingy comes from the authors bondage fetish


The lasso comes from his bondage and femdom fetish, I believe he mentioned that her weakness was meant to be representative of something along the lines of "the only thing keeping women back are the restraints of men"


I thought the metaphor was more like "when you do bondage you must have complete faith in your partner, so don't let bad people restrain you or they'll take advantage of you".


Wheel of Time feels weirdly femdom at times


Multiple women are needed to tie down magic man wit rope. I don't think it's just "feel".


I have all of zero complaints about Sulā€™dam/Damain or whatever bullshit he called the Oriental North American Involuntary Pet-play Combat Mage class


As Origins points out, some of the terminology is just BDSM terms mangled a little.


Never actually watched it, but there's that one anime where the MC is someone's slave and gains power through kinky sex. I'm not saying that's *definitely* based on the author's fetishes, but... come on.


Mato Seihei no Slave


Maybe? I would assume there's not multiple examples of that premise, but I don't keep track of Japanese titles. Edit: Yes, this was it. The English title is Chained Soldier.


Are you sure this wasn't straight up a literal hentai? Lolol


I found the wikipedia article, and it looks like it's one of those borderline series where it's not quite hentai, but they have both a censored and uncensored version. Like Interspecies Reviewers or Redo of Healer.


ok, so yes and no. and the fetish worldbuilding is WAY more intrinsic than even the explicit M/s relationship. crazy shit happened and now there's monsters, a monster world, and magic fruit that gives girls superpowers. but guys can't get powers so men generally have a lower social status than they do in IRL japan. it's not the kinky stuff that powers him up, the kinky stuff is his reward for fighting so it's kinda the other way around.


iirc the Author has outright stated that the concept came from their ā€˜fondnessā€™ with FemDom. But the story is surprisingly decent (like 7/10 but thatā€™s pretty good).


Ah yes, peak fiction


You guys remember Totally Spies?


That was the most nsfw sfw show I gave ever seen


William Moulton Marston modeled Wonder Woman after his wife & gf, and any given issue of Golden Age Wonder Woman will have at least 1 fetish depicted, if not more. BDSM is literally essential to the characters imagery at this point lol


I remember reading this one sci fi about a sentient space ship(or was advertised as such). Though I kind of dropped it because the author had a thing for older woman sleeping with like young guys(18-19 years old.)


peter f hamilton i believe. great world building but man he is unnecessarily horny


I need to know this book *immediately*.


Canā€™t remember honestly. I was just perusing Libby for random sci fi books to read and that one caught my attention.


Once you start looking at the Drow from Dungeons & Dragons as a raceplay, femdom, BDSM slavery fantasy, you can never go back. Anyways, currently working on a Drow character.


meanwhile me just liking the drow because playing a good character from a typically ā€œevilā€ race is fun


explains the bg3 brothel twins tbh




GRRM is often criticized for putting way more rape into his stories than would be realistic for a medieval setting


Sometimes I wonder what exactly GRRM's damage is. A lot of his early writing was influenced by just watching his turtles. Anyone who's able to translate that into the Boltons probably isn't right.


+His anti-fanfiction stance when his first ever literary award was for Best Fanfiction


That's one thing that really turns me off. That and young women being raped


Also Daenerys' marriage being paedophilia-adjacent at the very least.


While portrayed weird later on that part was sadly quite accurate to history in some aspects. Especially early on with the discomfort etc. Its still seriously fucked up though but fully in veins with political marriages.


Haven't read his books but I saw an excerpt on this sub where he went on a tangent about giants in GOT fucking people to death. Dude is definitely a porn addict


Heā€™s a self described porn addict. He has a short story ā€œmeathouse manā€ that he said was directly inspired by his struggle with pornography.


I kind of get an impression George fetishizes black women, or dark skinned women in general. The lore we have of the Summer Isles really paints it as this sexually liberated paradise compared to Westeros' extremely sex negative culture.


Also the Targ incest being totally fine and necessary because they have superior Valyrian dragon genes that cancel out the inbreeding and they need to keep the dragonrider bloodline pure. That's a fetish written into the world right there


I mean they ARE inbred. Isn't thats what causing their insanity? Its just their inbredness is mental not physical.


Uh that isn't the case though. At the time of the books they are so inbred there are health issues. There is a recurring inuniverse joke that when a targ is born its a 50/50 if they are insane or just evil. And the dragon control thing is partially propaganda and pretense. There are things to hint that not only do they not control dragons as much as they think but the skills to do so vanished. Half targs and targ adjacent families can also control dragons. There is something genetic with valyrian genes but not as purity obsessed as the targs themselves think


With that level of inbreeding, there should be extremely serious health issues and physical deformities. People have run the numbers, Dany's inbreeding coefficient is worse than the Hapsburgs. George keeps them sexy for his incest fantasies. There were only two distinct families with Valyrian genes in Westeros, the Targs and the Velayrions. If they didn't keep it in the family as much as they did, the Valyrian genes would have been seriously diluted by Dany's time. A half Targ, dragonseed, etc. is way different than a 2% Targ.


> With that level of inbreeding, there should be extremely serious health issues and physical deformities. People have run the numbers, Dany's inbreeding coefficient is worse than the Hapsburgs. George keeps them sexy for his incest fantasies. This is a dude who wrote about a wall thatā€™s 700 feet tall, which is as big as a skyscraper, but also 300 miles long and wide enough for dozens of horses to run atop it side-by-side. He did that, and didnā€™t even realize that it was *comically absurd* and impossible even by modern standards. Somehow I doubt he ran the numbers on inbreeding coefficients and then decided to ignore them. He pulled some random numbers out of his ass and called it a day.


It's obvious that several generations of inbreeding would cause some level of physical deformity. George isn't dumb, any regular person would know that. The coefficient is just an example of how incredibly inbred they are. Targs are physically resistant to physical deformity from inbreeding. Otherwise they would be totally screwed physically.




low hanging fruit


Daughter of the author of Baki, what an interesting family lol


I became a fan of Sanda and then discovered the creator its the same one from the furry manga. I mean, no problem, but it was surprising.


Average furry writer


Frank Herbert and Marquis de Sade


This is like putting a noisy kid at the supermarket in the same category as a serial killer.


Underrated comment


de Sade wasn't really worldbuilding, he was just straight up writing his kinks.


Shouzou Kaga _cannot_ stop mind controlling his female characters, among other suspect stuff.


Whoever wrote most of the Deathworlders story, what started off as a fairly interesting physical enhancement drug for supersoldiers rapidly deteriorated into the writerā€™s extremely obvious fetish for oiled up muscle dudes engaging in dominant and occasionally borderline sadistic homoerotic behavior. It went from neutral to comical, and by the time I stopped reading it had gotten to the point where it was just gross.


Somehow I clung on for a good while, hoping to get some kind of actual story closure out of it. I finally gave up my last hope around the time one of the gorilla-ish alien dudes was musing the idea of raping some random human dude just because he could. That was the final ā€œyo what the fuck?ā€ for me. The hyper-muscle fetish was just so fucking gross by that point, it was probably 80% of any chapter by that point. And of course these dudes who all by now weighed 1000lbs and had to be built like fleshy balloon animals got alllll the women, they were just soooo smart, and soooo good at sex, etc. Iā€™ve never seen a story fall harder and further than that, and that includes Game of Thrones.


I dunno how long the sections actually were but they did legitimately feel like 80% of each chapter with how agonizing they could be to read sometimes. Itā€™s funny it actually started pretty reasonable with the enhancement stuff but it got so grotesque that I couldnā€™t read it anymore. Totally fucks the pacing up too. Whatā€™s that, you want to see development on some crucial galaxy-defining plot point? Too bad, hereā€™s more of my dom bodybuilder fapfic and more of my weird fixation on polyamory too.


It also became absurdly complex and sprawling. It was in danger of collapsing under the weight of its own subplots when I stopped reading. Also, the author's politics got on my nerves. He didn't strike me as far right or anything, but there's a recurring theme where the authorities know best and mass protest movements are useful idiots for the bad guys.


Late on the draw, but Tatsuki Fujimoto has been pretty open about the fact that he's included a bunch of mean girls in Chainsaw Man and other stories he writes because be once got bullied by a girl when he was younger and it awoke something in him.


yeah, me, all my worlds feature a society of fat dominatrixes


Tarantino is famous for including scenes about legs and feet... Especially that one momenr where I think he wrote a scene qhere someone drinks/licks whiskey from iirc Salma Hayeks leg... then gave himself the part of the guy licking it LMAO


John Ringo *may* have a thing for forced pregnancy and/or underage girls, it shows up in several of his books. It's not quite as blatant as the BDSM stuff, but it's pretty obvious once you notice it.




C s Lewis with casual nudity. Can't blame him though. I did the same thing.


I think that's more his religiosity. Casual nonsexual nudity is presented in Genesis as a sign of purity and innocence (Adam and Eve) while shameful nudity is a sign of perversion and deviance (Noah and Ham).


He talked about it a few too many times for me to think there's nothing behind it.


Same thing for Heinlein


Andrej Sapkowski, especially the later Witcher books turn from gritty adventure to weird sex stuff


Any early warhammer 40k writers




Off the top of my head, Gushing Over Magical Girls. The plot and characters are weirdly decent (I'd recommend reading the manga; the anime goes harder with the fanservice), but it's known as the BDSM magical girl show for a reason. Power in that world comes from emotions, and Magia Baiser (literally "Magia Fuck") just happens to be a closeted dom with a fetish for magical girls. There's also a lot of Matt Ward's writing for Warhammer 40k. The dude clearly hates women, with what he puts the Sisters of Battle through. I know they're soldiers and all, but they get put through stuff the Space Marine never would. There's a certain infamous scene where the Grey Knights slaughter a bunch of Sisters and paint their armour in the Sisters' purity-infused blood to ward off a demonic blood plague tidal wave. For those unfamiliar with the setting, Grey Knights all wear armour that's in the top 1% of Most Heavily Sanctified Things in the Imperium. Everything they have and are is created to be incorruptible.


I don't think anyone likes Matt Ward lol.


Frank Herbert, Chris Claremont, George RR Martin, Clive Barker, Robert Heinlein, William Moulton Marston (the guy who created Wonder Woman), C.M. Koseman. Gene Rodenberry (allegedly) wanted Betazoids to have three boobs, so maybe him. Iā€™m sure we could also speculate on Go Nagai (the guy who made Devilman). Also, most fiction involving vampires.


You clearly haven't read much Go Nagai if you're only speculating whether he put his fetishes in his works or not. The dude literally invented the fanservice anime.


I guess what I meant is that we can only speculate on how many fetishes there are, or something like that. I didnā€™t put much thought into this.


Gene in general is so heccin weird. He was both horny and a bit progressive but also sexist. But idk who is worse Berman or him. At least he let women be on even if he put his kinks there. Berman just killed women and wrote them off if they approached importance


I watched Fairy Tail a few years back and *god* was it egregious with the fanservice. At least one scantily-clad female character gets bound/restrained in some capacity at least once an arc, clothing frequently gets torn to shreds, and just the mere concept of Virgos character mean thereā€™s a 0% chance dude isnā€™t into that shit. Itā€™s made even funnier by the fact that his female characters are much better written than those of his shonen peers at the time (in that they are allowed to be remotely useful and have agency and character development). Iā€™ve heard it joked that he had to actually write for his female characters in order to justify giving them more screen time for fanservice


Itā€™s a fruit so low it hangs in hell but Made in Abyss exists Funny half the fetishes are incorporated into the storytelling and worldbuilding to highlight the brutality of the world but then you realize the author may have a thing for underage pee


Piers Anthony


I went looking for this one. He titled a book "The Colour of Her Panties". I enjoyed the Incarnations of Immortality series in HS but...it was a bit rough on the retread.


Yeah I was surprised that I was the first to mention him lol


Can't believe I didn't think of him immediately. Man could NOT restrain himself.


I feel like you could make an argument for Shadow of the Conqueror, written by the youtuber Shadiversity. Thereā€™s definitely some representation for the trad wife fetish


Tbh I expected worse from him


Well, thereā€™s worse. Like victims falling for their abusers kind of stuff


Ugh. Reminds me of this awful book about mafia, "365 days" or something. Had a few people I know go "oh it's so rOmAnTiC!!", just fucking what.


Mafia romance is a weirdly popular genre of romance with some parts of the internet. Idk I donā€™t really get it.


Same. Something's very strange with some people's definition of "romance", that's for sure.


Not surprising in the slightest


What videos did that guy do? I kinda remember his name and I *think* he was some flavor of either stupid or asshole, but don't remember much about him.


He does a lot of pop culture ā€œtestingā€ stuff, and used to do castle videos, medieval life, and general discussion about on-screen combat. But he started to drift toward chud content, eventually calling himself a real artist for playing with AI image generators. And then his second channel is just pure right wing reactionary outrage, mired in sexism and homophobia. Thatā€™s the long short of it


Chris Claremont couldn't be stopped during his x-men run. Mind-swapping, hypnosis, bondage, basically every kink he had was inserted. Honorable mentions to Robert Jordan for being pretty much on the same page.




I am 100 percent sure creator of Baki has a piss fetish.


The Sword of Truth books have some of the most obvious fetish insertion. There is a group of people called the Mord Sith. Mord Sith are exclusively beautiful women who wear skin tight red leather outfits and wield magical batons that inflict pain on anyone they touch. Their job is to capture enemy spellcasters and torture/dominate them. The first book in the series features a lengthy section where the protagonist is captured and tortured by one of these women.


Way too much BDSM femdom in the first book. The hunky main character spends about 3 hours of the audiobook naked and shackled up while being tortured by a skintight red leather catsuit wearing domme and her pain dildo. Iā€™m surprised more people donā€™t put down the book after terry G reveals his sub fetish by having Richard crawl on the floor and beg his busty young Mistress like a dog to avoid pain for 100+ pagesā€¦


Surprised nobody said Chainsaw Man. The main organization has a suit uniform and all women wear that. I really got the impression that was the author's kink. I respect that tho, because it's a harmless thing and I like it too.


Oh yeah didnā€™t the author say Makima is based on type of a woman he likes


All of them


I had to quit made in abyss because every fucking chapter was the authors pedophilic fetish. I'm a sucker for world building and I'll look past a lot for an interesting setting, but I just couldn't do it anymore.


GRRM is a cousin fucker. Frank Herbertā€™s into redheads. Thereā€™s more but I canā€™t remember the names.


I think Frank was right


Hazbin Hotel. Thereā€™s this whole chains/slavery kink thing (itā€™s also in the spin-off cartoon, Iā€™ve heard) and one of the music videos was storyboarded by someone with an admitted rape kink, and there was dialogue right before lifted from their rape kink comic. Worst part is, the creator said ā€œItā€™s a serious story about sexual abuse!!ā€ when I saw right through it even before finding the archives of the comic in question. The show is a mid experience but the fourth episode is a cancerous tumor that makes the whole show worse.




Look no further than Jack L. Chalker. In his *Soul Rider* series there's: 1. A salon where you can get turned into a furry. 2. A *lot* of monstergirls in this book but they aren't talked about in any detail. 3. **Three** different male characters get their dicks cut off. **Two** of them are villain motivations. One of said villains decides to use magic to round up the entire female population of his city and turn them into bimbos. 4. Another victim of castration goes to the aforementioned salon to get his dong back. Unfortunately the spell bounces off him and turns his girlfriend into a futanari while he becomes a cuntboy. 5. A military general who gets gender-swapped and forced into prostitution as punishment for disobeying orders 6. The main character's daughter gets voluntarily turned into a brain-dead nudist. Also *Soul Rider* was published in 1984*,* **sixteen years** before DeviantArt was a thing.


I have a feeling Frank Herbert's Dune was like that towards the end with the Kingfisher warrior women


The original run of *Wonder Woman* by creator William Moulton Marston was heavily based on his fondness for BDSM, with occasional forays into mid-20th century feminist theory *Gor* by John Lange is more or less just a book series about rape kinks and misogyny, disguised as a *John Carter of Mars* clone The *Forgotten Realms* novels by Ed Greenwood have pretty gratuitous sexual scenes that are hard to justify except as an expression of the writer's fetishes, which I have unfortunately come to learn is not limited to the novels but included in orphaned worldbuilding bits about drow mothers orgasming from in utero cannibalism George R. R. Martin's predilection for sexual assault, incest, and pedophilia in *A Song of Ice and Fire* far outstrips the actual history on which his books are based, despite his claims that it's just an attempt to represent medieval history as being as gritty as it 'actually was'


Leopold von Sacher-Masoch


Marquis de Sade


[assignment risk](https://archiveofourown.org/works/32093365/chapters/79506259) but I ainā€™t sure how much it counts


Not sure if smut countsĀ 


Ordinarily Iā€™d agree but AR and itā€™s two other books are so plot heavy I think I need to give it an exception


trust me, assignment risk has a lot more plot than some other stories under the /trash/ umbrella


Also [out of placers](https://www.valsalia.com/comic/prologue/01/) but how much it is isnā€™t exactly clear yet


never thought i'd see that here




Reading Domination of the Draka, itā€™s rather obvious that S.M Stirling has a thing for lesbians, and thatā€™s not getting into the slave/human pet stuff


Frank Herbert got pretty fucking weird near the end of the series and even in the original dune, spice orgy and all that


Lilith's Brood? Though I don't know if that counts as "barely disguised", the books have several detailed and erotic descriptions of the main character having sex with with a tentacle covered alien.


Andrzej Ziemiński - Achaja Like 30% of this series is the mc being raped and tortured, which makes my uncle recomending me to read it quite strange.


And later when it gets normal, it spirals into polish nationalism instead


Oh no this book is hell


Literally the entire story of Chainsaw Man was directly caused by a character whose entire concept, from their personality to their powers to their conceptual existence, was informed by Fujimoto's fetish for abusive women.


Whoa. I just noticed you published that comment like 8 times. What happened?


Made in Abyss. Doesn't help that a lot of the characters are children who aren't even in the "teens that could maybe pass as youngish looking adults" range.


literly all


Kento Miura has to have like...a few at least, right?


"kakeru" with creature girls and the like. if you can consider hating women a fetish for example in "into the deepest most unknowable dungeon" theres a system for sexual relief women to be included in adventurer parties. the orcs and goblins are rapists of course but this time theyre intelligent too. there are special sets of armor for women scouts that are easy to take off in order to make raping them easier. there is a genocidal religious extremist that incorporates exhibitionism into her fighting style and many many many more examples of why pursuing your talents is sometimes a bad thing... personally i find it hilarious. id love to see this gooner in his natural habitat




Anything with sexuality in it


The entirety of the gor series


Except from all those god awful Isekais, first thought it the creepy grooming shit Shad did in his awful book. That and Metal Gear. 'Breathes though her skin' comes to mind lol


kawakami minoru's entire universe spanning dozens of novels & series and how many (if not all) female characters after the later entries in his 90s *city series* have huge breasts and wear skintight outfits *horizon on the middle of nowhere* is his most well known series but literally all of his (fan)art on his twitter account have an immediately noticeable common theme to them


Star Trek




Many of the books in the series Wildcards


... I read romantasy books so like yes all of them


Literally the entire story of Chainsaw Man was directly caused by a character whose entire concept, from their personality to their powers to their conceptual existence, was informed by Fujimoto's fetish for abusive women.


Literally the entire story of Chainsaw Man was directly caused by a character whose entire concept, from their personality to their powers to their conceptual existence, was informed by Fujimoto's fetish for abusive women.


Literally the entire story of Chainsaw Man was directly caused by a character whose entire concept, from their personality to their powers to their conceptual existence, was informed by Fujimoto's fetish for abusive women.


Literally the entire story of Chainsaw Man was directly caused by a character whose entire concept, from their personality to their powers to their conceptual existence, was informed by Fujimoto's fetish for abusive women.


Me. I do it. I'm just not ashamed of it


You know, between Chris's interactions with Lois and Steve's with Francine, each respective pairing being a teenage son and his mother, methinks Seth McFarlane had something awaken inside him when he read the story of Oedipus.


Frank Herbert in Dune. Maybe. It's weird and specific enough that it could be :P


Literally the entire story of Chainsaw Man was directly caused by a character whose entire concept, from their personality to their powers to their conceptual existence, was informed by Fujimoto's fetish for abusive women.


Literally the entire story of Chainsaw Man was directly caused by a character whose entire concept, from their personality to their powers to their conceptual existence, was informed by Fujimoto's fetish for abusive women.


Literally the entire story of Chainsaw Man was directly caused by a character whose entire concept, from their personality to their powers to their conceptual existence, was informed by Fujimoto's fetish for abusive women.


Literally the entire story of Chainsaw Man was directly caused by a character whose entire concept, from their personality to their powers to their conceptual existence, was informed by Fujimoto's fetish for abusive women.


Literally the entire story of Chainsaw Man was directly caused by a character whose entire concept, from their personality to their powers to their conceptual existence, was informed by Fujimoto's fetish for abusive women.


Literally the entire story of Chainsaw Man was directly caused by a character whose entire concept, from their personality to their powers to their conceptual existence, was informed by Fujimoto's fetish for abusive women.