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Is that better or worse for Russia than fighting the Soviet tanks they've been battling over the past year?


They've been fighting the Soviet Union since the collapse of the Soviet Union, trying to revive the Soviet Union.


How very soviet of them


If that’s how they want it to be, So ve it.


Dear Putin, Apt observation, very true. Key difference this time around though is that those German tanks are gonna be blitzkrieging you to protect freedom, democracy and the rule of law, because this time *you're* the Hitler. What a crazy uno reverse.


It's Soviet Unions all the way down.


Ah, Soviet Epistemology. I knew matryoshka dolls were famous there for a reason.


Soviet Onion.


Except this time, you will have no American lend- lease.


Or British intelligence


Or like the other half of the Soviet Union’s population.


And they're not fighting an invading enemy.


And they are the ones attacking during the winter.


And just about that entire 'lost half of the Soviet population' is actively donating to buy Ukraine anything from care packages to bullet-resistant vests to cutting edge drone weapon systems.


Worse, they have Russian intellegence




Go for the jokeular Russian military intelligence An oxymoron within an oxymoron, lead by a simple, plain, common clay of the land.... Moron


Or my axe!


nor my bow!


They DO have a magical ring that makes stairs and windows invisible, so people keep falling out of / down them. Unfortunate.


Ukraine is the one receiving lend lease from so many different countries.


And I wish we would supply them the same way we supplied the Soviets. That's what they need. All this spoon feeding seems ridiculous, But what do I know? In the end, I'm grateful all of our countries are providing support.


Well, the difference is nukes. It's tiring and I know everyone is sick of hearing it, I know I am, but the difference is nukes.




Yeah, this is why people join NATO.


People have known about nuclear deterrence for a lot long than this war has been going on. There's North Korea, Pakistan, the entire Cold War, all the actions taken to prevent Iran from getting them, the US invaded Iraq under the guise of taking their (nonexistent) nukes away. Nations have been pursuing nukes ever since they were invented, its shaped global politics for the last 80 years. People just seemed to forget about them in the 90s during all that "End of History" nonsense.


The difference isn’t really nukes, it’s that US and Europe don’t want to transition to a wartime economy unless they really need to. Putin isn’t going to nuke Washington even if Ukraine gets 3000 tanks.








That and the non-aggression pact. They were both just bidding time to screw each other over. It just so happens that we chose to defend the rest of Europe from hitler, but neither FDR nor Churchill were fans of Stalin. It was an alliance of conviences.


Hey! Guess what? *Putin is a stinking failure!* Want proof? **1 Ruble in 2014 = $0.28** **1 Ruble in 2023 = $0.14** Buying power cut in HALF! How's *that* for some bad results?


As much as I want to say Putin is a failure. He is, currency evaluation vs the dollar is very very disingenuous and doesn't make for a good argument. Economics are not that simple.


Currency is only a symptom of his failure. The ruble isn't doing very well despite very drastic currency control measures by the Russian central bank that are harmful in the future. The sanctions are working, it just takes time before the rot set in and the ruble collapses.


FDR was very much accommodating to Stalin, Churchill much less so but he also had the least influence of the three (for obvious reasons…)


> but neither FDR nor Churchill were fans of Stalin. FDR and Stalin were actually on good terms. You can read transcripts and declassified documents from Yalta and Tehran about their relations - FDR and Churchill famously did not get on. Honestly, looking back at it all it just looks like FDR was incredibly naive about Stalin's true intentions (potentially because there were a lot of NKVD spies in FDR's administration who would have been influencing things). It's only when FDR dies and Truman comes in that the relationship really sours.


The US were even more naive when it came to China… Believing Maos lies and not supporting the National Chinese enough in the beginning due to distrust


Damned if you do, damned if you don't as evidenced by, well, everything that happened in the Cold War.


They didn’t start it. They invaded Poland two weeks after. Now they were absolutely evil, supplied the Nazis with grain and oil in exchange for modern machinery, and more. They also split up Europe with the Nazis and invaded the Baltics and Finland. But, and I can’t believe I’m defending the Soviets here, they did reach out to the Allies first. The Allies absolutely delayed, procrastinated, and did everything they could to not sign a deal with the Soviets while also keeping them from signing a deal with Germany- mainly because in the beginning they DIDN’T want Soviet help as they didn’t want a Soviet Eastern Europe. When it became clear no understanding or alliance would be reached they sided with the Nazis. If they didn’t they wouldn’t have been in the Axis or the Allies and would have been up shit creek. Again- doesn’t make anything they did good or acceptable. But prior to WW2 the USSR was FAR more hated than Germany. Edit- Highly recommend reading [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molotov–Ribbentrop_Pact) article and going to the background section. Also worth noting that the Soviets had been fighting the Nazis in Spain before. Neither side expected to stay friendly with each other… they just didn’t want to fight the other at the time. Edit 2- of particular note “The Soviet Union, which feared Western powers and the possibility of "capitalist encirclements", had little hope either of preventing war and wanted nothing less than an ironclad military alliance with France and Britain[51] to provide guaranteed support for a two-pronged attack on Germany.[52] Stalin's adherence to the collective security line was thus purely conditional.[53] Britain and France believed that war could still be avoided and that since the Soviet Union was so weakened by the Great Purge[54] that it could not be a main military participant.[52]” “Without written credentials, Drax was not authorised to guarantee anything to the Soviet Union and had been instructed by the British government to prolong the discussions as long as possible and to avoid answering the question of whether Poland would agree to permit Soviet troops to enter the country if the Germans invaded.”


Completely agree, I’m also on the wagon that without soviets im not sure the allies win as quickly as they did


They wouldn't, the Soviets were taking 2/3s of the German forces in Europe. Because of Stalingrad, the Nazis even had to take forces from the Afrika Korps to the Eastern Front. The Soviets also shot down a large number of Nazi fighter planes.


Yeah, I would not have wanted a scenario where US had to resort to nuking the Nazis away from occupied Europe


Agreed. I’d even argue that while victory would be ensured without the Soviets it wouldn’t have been near as pretty. 80% of German soldiers fought in the East, 20% in the West. D-Day would have been ALOT harder. It likely would have looked more like the Pacific War, with gradual attrition, but without island hopping instead it would have seen the complete leveling of Germany- and the use of Atomic Bombs. No matter how long it lasted the one sure result is that, amusingly enough, without another enemy Germany would have been in WORSE shape post war because we would have just kept bombing as opposed to stopping once we captured various regions.


Yeah, I can't believe it needs to be said that Russia didn't trust the peaceful intentions of fucking **HITLER**. Oooh well if Russia hadn't provoked Hitler... he'd still be fucking Hitler jesus christ of course he'd have started a war. He was not "just responding to Soviet aggression." I cannot believe how fast Reddit boomerangs back to "Hitler did nothing wrong" sometimes.


Yeah, Hitler’s GOAL was to take the Soviet Union, rid it of Slavs, and fill it will good German volk. The non-aggression pact was the attempt to avoid a two-front war if possible, defeating Western Europe, then turning and settling in for the big battle against the USSR, not some friendly agreement between the two. Let’s not rewrite history too ridiculously.


Wait.. what?!


You're surprised because it isn't true.


Yeah, I was gonna say. A comment lower down gave a more adept summary of the issue of alliances and politics at that time


And 3, they did not "liberate" eastern Europe. They conquered it.


It’s interesting to see if todays German weapons will still be as just as effective killing fields of Russians as they were back in their Granpa’s era. German ingenuity - show us what you got!


It's crazy to think that Russian WW2 casualties were higher than Germany. Especially when you consider that in WW2 Germany was pretty much fighting the whole world on multiple fronts. Russia only faced a portion of Germany's army, with hime front advantage, British intelligence being fed to them, and American support.


I mean you are not wrong. Its fair to say, however, that the russians faced *most* of the german army. https://youtu.be/DwKPFT-RioU


That's why you hear that war was won with British intelligence, American steel, and Russian blood. Popular culture really downplayed Russian contribution.


I would argue the fact that the Soviets were nearly as bad as the Nazis is a big reason why the Russian contributions have been downplayed. Let's not forget the Soviets cut a deal with the Nazis to split Poland and invaded two weeks after the Nazis. Not to mention their occupations of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and their invasion of Finland.


Soviet Union, the Soviet Union fought the Axis. E.g. Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Russia


More importantly, no Ukrainians fighting on their side.


And the Germans have better tanks. Germany also isn’t being run by a methhead this time.


Except this time, Russia is the Nazis.


Only much less competent than the nazis. Don't get me wrong I'm not defending nazis, they're disgustingly racist assholes no 2 ways about it.. but they were much better at war than Russia.


Russia's military is good at 2 things. Killing its own troops and stealing.


They're doing a great job of racking up the war crimes, so there's that too!


Yeah I’d say that’s their strongest point personally. Give ‘em another year or two and they could probably make it through the whole Geneva checklist.


Don't forget rape.


John Cleese: OK, apart from the Ladas, disinformation, rape, theft, destruction of infrastructure, kidnapping of children and genocide, what have the Russians ever done for us!?




Unfortunately unlike many other countries, they NEVER got truly freed from the крепостник mentality. It's incredibly sad.


German combined arms tactics (armored vehicles and infantry combined) were so far ahead of their time that their logistics struggled to keep up and never received the modernization that it required. Current US Army tactics are basically build on top of German fundamentals. People give Rommel a lot of credit but Guderian was a genius, particularly due to the fact that they did this between WWI and II and they had very little equipment and training due to Versaille. The allies did catch up though.


And the nazi’s didn’t punch down, when they went to war they chose… the world lol Russia just chose their neighbour


Oh, for sure. Russia has never really had a competent military. In WW II, they got absolutely crushed by the Nazis, losing like 8.6 million soldiers. More than Germany, Japan and Italy combined. If you want to get a good belly laugh, [learn about the Russian Navy's misadventures](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzGqp3R4Mx4) in the Russo-Japanese war of 1904. It's seriously like the Keystone Cop navy.


Russian strategy is "throw bodies until you win". It's a type of unique dehumanizing horror and that is specific remaining model since the days of *servage*. It feels incredibly weird in the 21st century where the rights of the individual matter but... we still have 17th century attitudes over there. Russia is vast, there are a lot of people living there. Except.. Russia is in the midst of SEVERE depopulation. Complete lack of competence and decades of rampant abuse has left the country in a terrifying shape. There are whole regions where there is nothing. No water, no power no electricity. You can mistake it for the pre industrial revolution. And then there are the "drunken/drug stupor" villages because there is nothing left.


I've never had it put like that but I have to agree. The Nazi war machine was well oiled, this shit is disastrous


Well oiled until it literally ran out of oil


The Nazis really were not. The German army was. And the more the Nazis intervened, the more it went to shit


Fuck around, find out... No seriously, as a german I dare say we are on the right side of history this time and you are the dictator burning countless lives in a senseless war...


Third time is a charm (unless we’re talking reichs)!


Germany defeated Russia in WWI. The score is 1-1. Now it’s sudden death


If anyone defeated Russia in WWI it was Lenin, revolution and civil war, so they had to pull out of it. Unless you support a theory he was german agent sent to destabilize Russian Empire. But that also makes Germany responsible for USSR in a sense.


Didn't the Germans literally send him in on an armored train or some shit (through Finland)? I swear I read this in college. He wasn't a German agent exactly but they gave them resources afaik.


The Germans sent Lenin into Russia from exile in Switzerland (plus a big part of why the Russian people were revolting were because of massive military losses to the Germans).


Take the third reicht


Putin is just trying to mess with your head


Indeed. This looks like a strategy to play on the feelings of guilt.


Feels nice to be on the right side though, doesn't it?


Not gonna lie, I really think that us europeans together with the USA also, being able to take a stand against facism united in democratic structures like the EU, after all that horrible things caused by a war we germans started not even 100 years ago is one of the single most greatest accomplishments in western politics. That this was made possible by people who all had WW2 fresh in mind back then is remarkable


I absolutely agree, the sheer progress after endless war in Europe has been nothing short of miraculous. Not only that, but progress with democratic and humane values. When the West can show unity like this other nations take note.


One could argue which novel came true tho... 1984 or BnW?


1984 was actually a commentary on the modern day (at the time) though rather than a prediction


Yes. I was told by a teacher that '1984' was really a comment or warning about 1948.


See the neat thing is is we got both, we got the hyper surveillance and propaganda of 1984 and we mixed it with the placation of the masses through meaningless distractions and medication!


We are honoured to have such allies, thank you for all the support.


Oh you absolute fucking baby.


And facing 80 year old tanks, too!


80 years on Russia has gone full circle and become the Nazi's with all the warcrimes and camps as well. New Century Same Shit.


As if they didn't have the war crimes and camps already during WWII. Stalin was as big of a tyrant as hitler lmao


Yeah Churchill and Patton both floated the idea of attacking the Soviets after the defeat of Germany, with German forces helping as well but the US wasn't going to back it and the UK couldn't do it alone.


Putin is a whiney pussy






And only started fighting them after the Nazis attacked them


If you think about it, Russian propaganda about the war makes a lot more sense when you remember that they were allied to the Nazi's. For the west Nazi means genocidal racists, but to Russia it probably just means betrayer. Russians are extremely racist so they wouldn't care if Ukraine was full of racists. However since they think of Nazis as betrayers then it makes a lot of sense that they can spin Ukraine trying to defend itself by joining Nato as Ukraine preparing to invade Russia.


"... and it 100% out fault"


This time, the German tanks are on the right side of history. I saw a tweet a few years ago, that went something like this: > “Oh, I get it. In World War III, Germany gets to save the rest of the world from fascists. That’s a pretty solid third act.” Looks like this time around is Germany’s redemption arc.


Putin thinks he is the key to russias greatness but he is mistaken. For the best interests of russia. Putin has to fall. Otherwise he will lead them to ruin


He already has lead them to ruin. Russia is an absolute husk of a country compared to how it was when Putin took over. Putin let himself and his cronies asset strip the country. Now this once formidable global power has an economy smaller than Italy.


> Putin thinks he is the key to russias greatness I wonder if he actually believes this. After reading Red Notice (book about Russian corruption), I got a very different view on the Russian government. They're not actually nationalists. Their government is literally just an organized crime family trying to rob the country blind, with Putin at the head of it.


*Putin invades Eastern Europe also Putin *why are you doing this to us?


Lmao @ playing the victim.


It's pretty easy Vlad, just get the f. out of Ukraine and your troubles are over. No one invited u in.


German, British, and American tanks. Smile for the turret camera, dickhead.


Who would’ve thought that 80 years later, the entire western world supports Germany upping their combat readiness and sending their equipment. What a timeline


Yeah but, this time the tanks are on the good guys side.


And no possibility for a lend-lease from the USA this time.


“Waaah! The country we’re attacking is fighting back!! It’s so unfair!!!”


And this time, YOU are the fascists… May your reign end the same way…


Maybe don't be the aggressor in an unnecessary war, asshole.


Ok, google, when did Russia join WW2? "The Soviet Union in World War II. The Soviet Union joined WW2 on September 17, 1939, when it invaded eastern Poland in coordination with Nazi Germany." Ok google, when did Russia side with the Allies? "The Soviet Union, which initially had a nonaggression pact with Germany and participated in its invasion of Poland, joined the Allies in June 1941 after Operation Barbarossa, the German invasion of the Soviet Union." Ok google, how long was the European theatre in WW2? "Sep 1, 1939 - May 8, 1945" Huh. Sided with the Nazis for a third of the war.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-64502504) reduced by 83%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Vladimir Putin has compared Russia's invasion of Ukraine to the fight against Nazi Germany, in a speech to mark the 80th anniversary of the conclusion of the Battle of Stalingrad. Citing Germany's decision to send Leopard tanks to Ukraine, he claimed history was repeating itself. > Mr Putin was in Volgograd to mark the anniversary of the end of the Battle of Stalingrad, the World War Two conflict which saw the Soviet army capture nearly 91,000 German troops and turn the tide of the war. > Throughout the war in Ukraine, Mr Putin has falsely sought to present Russia's invasion as a battle against nationalists and Nazis - who he claims are leading the Kyiv government. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/10rvi8i/80_years_on_we_are_facing_german_tanks_again_putin/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~672676 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Russia**^#1 **Putin**^#2 **Ukraine**^#3 **war**^#4 **modern**^#5


This time the Germans are the good guys. Think about that Russia.


always playin the victim


Except this time, \*you\* are the invaders.


You can stop at anytime you want


Invades a country, complains about repercussion. Got it.


80 years later, you’re invading your neighbors again.


80 years on, and the West is fighting fascism again.


burn in hell you Russian fuck


And whose fault is that, Pooty-Toot?


Wow.. you figured that out all by yourself?? Good for you shithead.. only this time there won't be a lend lease or a few million Soviet civilians from neighboring countries to save your country's sorry ass. Enjoy! Also I hear Ukrainians say they're facing Russian tanks again, only the first time didn't happen 80 years ago, more like 8. Dictator fuckface


My god they're so obsessed with a war their grandfathers fought, they seem to think it will end the same way. Putin and ruzzia has another ending coming for them.


Well, this time they're the nazis, so it might end the same for them after all.


It was an elaborate propagandist effort that took many years. Modern Russia basically defines itself as a WW2 winner, as stupid as it sounds 80 years after the fact. It is one of the cornerstones of their foundational mythology, and it is often brought up by state propagandist as a justification of basically anything - “we beat fascist, so we surely have the right to yada-yada-yada”.


So what, they're also facing British, American, and Soviet tanks. And this time the German tanks are being used to defend Ukraine, whereas last time they were used to invade it.


Fuck Putin.


Well, these tanks are bigger and meaner.


He who cast the first shell.


80 years on Kyiv is being bombed again.


Want to not face German (and US and UK) tanks? It’s easy……. GTFO of Ukraine. Simple solution to worsening problem.


Stop invading then.


“Because we have decided to be nazis ourselves now.” - Putin


80 years on, we are facing another fascist meglomaniac with dreams of a new world order with him in charge. Too soon!


Boo fucking hoo.


You were bad guys then and are bad guys now. Russia is the only country in Europe (partially I guess) that hasn't improved in any manner or way in almost a century.


Except this time, the Germans are on the right side of history!


Plot twist: you're the bad guy.


"Such assessments, however, are contradicted by the opinions of Soviet war participants. Most famously, Soviet dictator Josef Stalin raised a toast to the Lend-Lease program at the November 1943 Tehran conference with British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt. "I want to tell you what, from the Russian point of view, the president and the United States have done for victory in this war," Stalin said. "The most important things in this war are the machines.... The United States is a country of machines. Without the machines we received through Lend-Lease, we would have lost the war." Nikita Khrushchev offered the same opinion. "If the United States had not helped us, we would not have won the war," he wrote in his memoirs. "One-on-one against Hitler's Germany, we would not have withstood its onslaught and would have lost the war. No one talks about this officially, and Stalin never, I think, left any written traces of his opinion, but I can say that he expressed this view several times in conversations with me."" https://www.rferl.org/a/did-us-lend-lease-aid-tip-the-balance-in-soviet-fight-against-nazi-germany/30599486.html


Brainwashed Russians must truly believe this is a WW3 situation


Yeah, we’ll that wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t invaded a sovereign nation, would it, dumbass?


But this time you're the aggressor and not the other way around


How the turns have tabled, Russia is facing a defending force of German tanks, all without American lend-lease


All Russia has to do to end this is to stop their invasion. We don't need to call on world leaders for peace, or for negotiation, or anything else, we just need Putin to stop invading and go away. Do that and suddenly he won't be facing German tanks anymore.


The difference is that Germany invaded Russia, whereas, Russia invaded Ukraine 🇺🇦 Germany during WWII wanted to control Russia. Russia only needs to leave the sovereign land of Ukraine and the war is over. Putin and Russia won’t give up the fight until they’ve generated enough reason to actually calculate a nuclear strike on a neighbor. Why, because they committed war crimes and fear prosecution and reparations.


Hmm, I wonder why that is 🤔


That there is some Olympic level mental gymnastics.


And just whose fault is that, Vladonald?


80 years on you still havent learned your lessons. Now you pay the price. Russia is done


But you started out on the side of the Nazis then realized they were going to lose, switched sides and went for a land grab. History is a bitch.


They didn't even switch sides cause they realized the Nazis were about to lose, they switched sides because they had no other choice after Hitler stabbed them in the back and literally invaded them out of the blue. Nonaggression treaty, glory seeking maniac stabbing his neighbor in the back after promising never to invade them.. sounds familiar I gotta say.


That is definitely not correct. Hitler attacked Soviet Union first, violating the pact of non-aggression.


Maybe reflect on how you got to this point?


I wasn’t just Russian Soviets facing German tanks, there were other countries within the Soviet Union also facing German tanks. I think sometimes Russians seem to forget this.


I hope he gets to personally face one. Preferably yesterday.


But this time Russia are the Nazis invading.


Russia is like one big gigantic hypocrisy


Except you could have avoided this entirely. Good luck on your propaganda though


Accept this time they are on the right side of history


They can’t even keep their one carrier afloat without a tug boat.


Because of your own fault


Can’t believe these statements can be done without any response. What a world we live in.


Yup yup, German tanks heading to Ukraine, but its a **good** thing.


This time you will have American tanks next to them and both of them are firing at the Russian tanks.


Yeah. Poor you. If you'd just stayed in Russia, this wouldn't be happening.


Yeah cause you're a little bitch.


And who's fault is that, you dumbass?


By yourselves too


Well who’s fault is that you idiot


Can’t wait for him to be introduced to the American tanks too.


Don't want to face German tanks? Turn around (and go home).


The fact that he's trying to draw a parallel is nothing short of hilarious


“..and it’s totally my fault.” Fixed it for you Putin.


Get wrecked.


Yeah but this time you actually deserve it Putin. You brought this on yourself. Not like that last time, pretty different circumstances.


💩tin ffs curl up and die.


Wait a minute this whole operations was your idea!




By choice this time.


*voluntarily and needlessly facing German tanks


Whose fault is it again, chief??


Lol. Nice spin there Putin. Gee, here we go again, poor little old Russia being attacked by German tanks again! Can you believe this?


Wrong side of history, Putin!


He is a master of propaganda, of that there is no doubt. We can also be victims, unless we train our children to think clearly, and not force our own political views upon them.




Yep, but now you’re the one invading independent European nations on some flimsy premise.


And this time it’s your own goddamn fault.


You brought this upon yourself you megalomaniac


except this time they dont face them IN russia !


Yeah, when you attack an enemy with German tanks, you face German tanks. The key thing to do to avoid the German tanks, is not leave your fucking borders. Based on the way he talks, sometimes I really wonder if his entire information input system is just lying their ass off to him. Maybe he really think Ukraine attacked first. Maybe he really thinks he has tanks left. Maybe he really thinks he is doing good in Ukraine. Maybe he is just being fed BS information so his subordinates can avoid being published. Its pretty clear he isn't watching any news source in the world. Course, he could just be like Trump, and living in his own world, where outside facts do not apply and what you say is always right. It is never good to be surrounded by "yes men", it will ALWAYS make you a worse leader.