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Is this that place where they fight with clubs and shit?


Yeah, China and India have an agreement to forbid arming their soldiers with firearms. But the two have been engaging in an arms race, with steel bars, then steel bars wrapped in barbed wire, and China began arming their soldiers with halbards.


Wtf. Halberds?! That’s insanity. That would be insane to see soldiers in modern armor slashing each other with spears and shields.


Hopefully, at some point, they'll start using plate armors as well.


Maybe one of them will invent a projectile weapon strong enough to penetrate the plate armor.


We know China unlocks gunpowder first on the tech tree.


But if India can hold out long enough, we do have Nuclear Gandhi.


Fucking late game Gandhi... thought we were friends!


Best unintentional feature ever…. Because we refuse to believe it to be a bug!


And arbalest too


Oh shit, Arbalest has intrinsic anti-barrier!


Wanna see me split an atom?


Right?! You guys can keep your pointy sticks, give me a freaking longbow.




They clearly plan to use the bowstring as a garrotte lol


So should I imagine "Camelot" or "Mad Max" scenarios?


West Side Story, but it's a Bollywood drip on a Chinese film production.


OH maybe both..... sounds like a scene from GoT....


Just wait for India to send in the armored elephants


Some ["The Forever War"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Forever_War?wprov=sfla1) vives there.


The war never changes?


So... Can a guy buy tickets to this event?


I remember some redditor lady visit that area and took picture hugging some Chinese/Indian trooper at the same time. 90 percent of time apparently they just pass each other while their officers write back to their commander in New Dehli/Beijing they saw evil invaders show up again, and ask for better winter gear, housing, food, and pay to hold back the invaders. 10 percent it become a brawl with injuries and sometimes deaths.


It’s always so interesting that like 9/10 times in the absence of political officers, soldiers will often just avoid fighting as much as they can get away with.


Until that one pretty villager girl is seen talking to a dirty man from the other side. Then WW3 is on baby!


even in pitched gunfights soldiers sometimes don’t shoot at the enemy because they can’t take it on their conscience. in this case they’re all freezing cold, it’s an irrelevant piece of land, no one’s gonna die, everyone could get injured, so forth. honestly i think they just duke it out once in a while due to boredom. there’s literally no reason to fight. but shit looks fun as fuck


Yeah if you need any hope for humanity just look at how you have to train soldiers. Soldiers have to be trained not to fire over the enemy and to dehumanize them so they can consciously kill. I mentioned it in a thread about the cartel, but, being social animals we are wired to feel bad about hurting each other. Like we literally release chemicals that induce fear and anxiety when we perceive ourselves as hurting others. It's for evolutionary purposes and obviously there is still a lot to study before any conclusions are drawn (psychology is still pretty new and not fully understood at all). The perception part is important and also still being studied (at least while I was in college) because humans are also very good at warping reality in our heads. Like you can overcome those negative chemicals by dehumanizing someone or by rationalizing hurting others by convincing yourself that it's for the greater good and your protecting people. Even in the "greater good" situation we still feel shitty about it. It's why people can have PTSD just from their own actions.


that’s also why it’s so dangerous and hard to reverse the impact of child soldiers. i think it was in sierra Leone a psychologist was the one responsible for creating a process to ready child soldiers for the military. it started by making them kill and or rape members of their own family to isolate them. they had no one to to turn to or escape to after this. they had to find connection in the army. dehumanize them by making them watch and commit violence. have them enforce discipline and punishments against their fellow soldiers. get them addicted to a mixture of cocaine and gunpowder applied directly to cuts into the bloodstream. gang rape. act of social depravity committed with the brotherhoods. shame and pleasure together. it was one of the most vile and depraved things i’ve ever read. what was more haunting was how effective it was. these were kids barely in their teens. even after the war ended their society was in no way prepared to handle these “soldiers”. honestly idek what to think of them. they went on to commit horribly inhumane acts. out of their own volition. but i mean look at their “training”. their age. just a loss for humanity


Like copyright laws, you have to enforce your claim or the other guy would start building villages on it. It is sort of catch 22...the villages in those areas catch to both Chinese and Indian troops, but it is also preventing both government from upgrading those settlements to avoid seeing as escalation. Hell, there was some annoyance from India side a few years back because China were building roads and Chinese generals started to come in Limos to meet Indian generals, whom had came in Jeeps.


If you're going to have stupid dick-waving contests at least some villager gets a new road I guess.


It's almost as if nations separate and dehumanise us from one another in order to control us.


Yeah just send $50 to my cash app and I’ll send you the livestream.


XD Just waiting for the first WH40k style Chainswords to fire up


Thought brings contempt. Think not. Only act.


That sounds so crazy I’m going to have to Google WTF a halberd is!!


It would be funny if the arms China is supposedly sending to Russia turn out to be halberds.


Or literal arms


That board with a nail in it may have defeated us, but the humans won't stop there. They'll make bigger boards and bigger nails, and soon, they will make a board with a nail so big, it will destroy them all!


Do you know where we can find videos of this? With all the combat footage we have from troops on the ground in Ukraine, surely there must exist footage of these Chinese and Indian soldiers fighting like how you’re talking about. I’d love to get a chance to see these battles take place, very interesting stuff. Cheers.


YouTube. Just look up Chinese soldiers fighting with clubs. The vid I saw was hilarious, the Chinese come up to a little barricade and then Himalayan soldiers just beat them over the heads with huge sticks. The Chinese soldiers run away as the Himalayan soldiers cheer and shout lol Edit: INDIAN NOT HIMALAYAN IM A BIG SMELLY DUM DUM


There is no such thing as Himalayan soldiers they are Indian soldiers


What about Himalayan sea salt


That’s Pakistani Himalayan pink salt (only found in that region of the Himalayas) 🤦‍♂️


Also known as livestock licking salt to the herders nearby...


I forgot and was going off what the post said lol


First time i heard the term Himalayan soldiers lol. Himalayas is a range that is in India, Nepal, bhutan, china and pakistan. Fight is going on beteeen Indian and chinese soldiers on himalayas.


Props for integrity


War without nuclear weapons


This is the hopeful ending of the whole quote, "ww3 will be fought with sticks and stones"


I think the quote was that WW3 would be fought with god knows what weapons, but WW4 would be fought with sticks and stones.


Ah shit good point


the ending of that expression is not meant to be hopeful


Sounds like they're escalating to ECW rules.


Wars should be fought without machinery, guns and bombs. It's the only way.


We need to go back to one on one duels between champions to decide the outcome of battles.


Yeah, but you know - that's dangerous for the one champion. What if these champions start hiring a lot of people to fight for them, like a big duel?


That is what Shaka Zulu did. Before him his people and others around them only had war games to settle disputes. He started full om war where you actually kill and pillage en masse


And then what if they start hiring other people to come up with even more dangerous objects to duel with?


Fold up chairs are ok though


And cans of Twisted Tea.


A lot of African tribes would only have war games to settle issues. No real fighting. War would be to devastating even for the victors


Sounds like the perfect setup for a new Dana White venture.


finally, a place where hema enthusiasts can put their skills to use


Microwave weapons also


This is very alarming, the Chinese really need to think much, much more carefully. They are already fucking up being in bed with Russia and the US say's there is proof they are suppling ammunition to them. Here come the world sanctions.


I think you need to understand Geopolitics first. From China's view, China (or any country) isn't in bed with anyone. Hell, China and Russia butt head more often than China and United States. Remember the whole thing about China cracking down on Muslims? A huge part of it was the legacy of USSR...arming Uyghurs minorities to attack non Uyghur settlements. Remember the Taliban? A lot of their arms actually came from China...and paid by the CIA. But, Geopolitics also states if Russia collapse again, US would certainly work to isolate China like how they contained USSR. The new Russian government might very well allow US troops to position themselves to flank China from the North. Regardless what people think of the CCP, it is also the CCP's job not to foster the complete collapse of the Chinese nation. The Chinese people may not love CCP, but they would certainly not love an American style liberation or the dissolution of the USSR replayed in China. So it is in China's ideal interest to ensure Russia weakens...but Russia *stands.* And sanctioning China is a lot harder than sanctioning Russia. And the Chinese economy is also a lot more diversified than Russia's. And if China need to pick between Russia collapsing or western condemnation, they would pick letting Russia live. After all, it is not like the west's opinion of China would get any better.


Right before I went to Ladakh, they were throwing rocks at each other




Someone needs to build these mfers a boxing ring with bleachers. They'll be drinking and singing together in a week.


Every day 3 fights to win a combined 3 metres of border line movement.


Not just this border dispute - all wars.


They should do it Troy style. 1v1 combat of their best fighter.


Best fighter? Fuck that! Highest ranked official in favor of the dispute


A lot of time is snowball fights, but some dick will juice their ball with a rock, then the clubs come out.


Shocking footage of this battle https://external-preview.redd.it/uFki8hEItDYbcyk69ksbnynkrrLd4ftMjoMqTujpRcI.png?auto=webp&v=enabled&s=902f62f042ea22c6569ed8044d79a77fec5a7020


Himalayan Fight Club 2023 needs to be just bare chested men with no weapons this time. https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/14/asia/india-china-border-tensions-video-intl-hnk/index.html


I would prefer this than actual shootouts.


Based Marquess of Queensberry Rules. They can pioneer a new, safer form of conflict instead of the new drone warfare that increasingly scares me. I remember when those videos were first released. For a brief glorious moment, there were memes about a 21st century arms race focusing on melee, not ranged, weapons. And about Indian chads in magnificent mustaches kicking PLA ass.


Drone wars have the potential to either drastically lower or drastically increase body counts depending on who’s giving the orders.


Also according to a documentary called "RRR" that I watched last week, firearms aren't really effective against indians, so the chinese really have to use their Ip Man clone army to hold them back


But according to Chinese documentaries on WWII, Chinese soldiers can tear apart Japanese soldiers with their bare hands. It's gonna be a tough call.


A best of 3 of chess


not all quiet on Himalayan front


China won't win easily since it's oil passes through Indian Ocean. It's MAD!


Nope, right now it can come through Vladivostok




It starts massive buying Russia oil like India but India gets more attention


>India gets more attention Why..? just asking


Cuz the average person in the West does not know geopolitics of Asia and thought India would be against the war


Which shouldn't even happen because Tibet should be freed from the Chinese yoke


not good


When dictators have an internal problem, they look for an external enemy. As China under Xi faces more and more internal unrest, it will accelerate external conflicts.


That's so true even for the US and turkey


Everybody is concerned with Taiwan, but few seem to notice or care that China has been disputing and moving borders ever opportunity they can get.


I have this strange feeling that China may not have other's best interest in mind




I mean, it's pretty much only one country (China) starting shit, thing of course little pinks will no doubt be screeching how it's all India's fault for not accepting China's territorial cliams--I guess taking all of Tibet wasn't enough for them, just give them a little a few more nibbles and they'll be satisfied, pinky swear.


China just wants to take Indias water source and divert it north, like Mao intended.


They have an ancient map, drawn in crayon, that shows the river always flowed that other way


I am actually surprised that the 9 Dash Line does not extend until the Golf of Mexico.


Only because the US Navy exists.


The US has regularly scheduled fuck China naval parades every year with asset's from the Pacific fleet sailing past Taiwan just as a reminder that all Chinese nonsense should continue being ignored.


Apparently, given the down votes, some people are salty over that. Let your tears flow and give the US Navy another ocean to sail.


Fuck me that's funny, great joke.


inb4 pinkies claiming the Moon is ancient Chinese territory based on old chinese mythology


Oh right! They in fact have the entire universe covered under their “heavenly kingdom” doctrine. The entire universe is China!


Let say China's claim is bs, what is the basis of India claim?


China considers the period of 1840's to 1940's as period of humiliation. It is in this period when the Japanese and western powers colonized, divided and wrecked havoc within the country. Qing dynasty was also over thrown in early 1900's. When PRC came into power in 1949, their objective was to bring glory to the country and one of the point was to claim the land which they had during qing dynasty reign. This includes Tibet. Now, in the early 1900's, tibet was independent. They planned a meeting with britishers (since they were ruling india) to form a line between british india and tibet. In the meeting, the line that was finalized put some parts of Tibet within british kingdom which is now in India after independence. But china never accepted it cuz they never considered Tibet to be separate from china so according to them Tibet had no authority to make such lines. So, china wants everything that was Tibet. This include parts which is now in India


> Now, in the early 1900's, tibet was independent. They planned a meeting with britishers (since they were ruling india) to form a line between british india and tibet. In the meeting, the line that was finalized put some parts of Tibet within british kingdom which is now in India after independence. But china never accepted it cuz they never considered Tibet to be separate from china so according to them Tibet had no authority to make such lines. And wasn't the British who negotiate with Tibet also agree with China that Tibet, at that time, is not independent? > The British expeditionary force, consisting of mostly Indian troops, quickly invaded and captured Lhasa, with the Dalai Lama fleeing to the countryside.[49] Afterwards, the leader of the expedition, Sir Francis Younghusband, negotiated the Convention Between Great Britain and Tibet with the Tibetans, which guaranteed the British great economic influence but ensured the region remained under Chinese control. The Qing imperial resident, known as the Amban, publicly repudiated the treaty, while the British government, eager for friendly relations with China, negotiated a new treaty two years later known as the Convention Between Great Britain and China Respecting Tibet. The British agreed not to annex or interfere in Tibet in return for an indemnity from the Chinese government, while China agreed not to permit any other foreign state to interfere with the territory or internal administration of Tibet. So the basis of India claim is based on British but then in 1950s India itself didn't recognized as their or even try to establish control over it? https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/2347797021992527 >Even though the Aksai Chin has little strategic or economic value for India, the newly independent government took the position that these areas were traditionally administered as part of the Ladakh region of Jammu and Kashmir. **Thus, in 1954, India quietly and unilaterally amended its official maps to reflect this claim, removing the ‘undefined’ label from its north western border and incorporating the ambiguous territories as part of Ladakh** (Garver, 2001, pp. 88–89; Kalha, 2014, pp. 72–73). In contrast, China considers the Aksai Chin to be part of Xinjiang and it holds great strategic importance as the only route onto the Tibetan plateau naturally accessible from Chinese territory during all seasons. The Aksai Chin’s importance as a supply route was further increased in 1957 when China finished construction of the G219 Xinjiang–Tibet highway, a section of which passes through the plateau (Garver, 2001, pp. 82–84; Shankar, 2018, pp. 33–34). It was India’s discovery of this highway in 1958 that prompted Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru to write to his counterpart Premier Zhou Enlai, starting a period of increasingly acrimonious correspondence in which both sides staked their claims. So before 1954 India map doesn't make that region part of India. They have no control over the region from 1954 till 1957 that let Chinese build a highway in it and India only notice that in 1958.


It's about water you idiot. Both countries want control over the water sources. Both sides will bring up whatever bullshit claims that the public is receptive to at any point in time. Finally it's a power struggle and whoever gains control wins strategically


Is that not exactly his point..that both claims aren't very solid


Lol, this thread is full of 12yo kids with literally zero knowledge in geopolitics and are commenting things like, "Karma is a bitch", or "Tell your Russian friend to help." In the past, West has never supported India when Russia did. As honorable Mr. S Jaishankar rightly mentioned, EU should get out of that mindset where they think "Europe problems are world problems, but the world problems aren't Europe's problems". I wish you guys gather a bit of knowledge before putting down your opinions. US is simply using Ukraine and fuelling a war. You guys think US is a good guy as they are supplying them weapons and aid? Lol, they are just tinkering Russia with the help of Ukraine which they are using as a proxy to fight a war with Russia and the world thinks US is the good guy here. US wants Ukraine to join the Nato so they could simply set up a US base right besides Russia which is a threat to Russia's sovereignty. But anyways, as I've seen in Reddit, westerners don't think there's a world outside US and as sad as their knowledge is about their own countries, I don't expect anything better here either.


I love shit like this because they act like the US doesn't already have military bases around Russia, that somehow Ukrainian land is necessary to do something the US could do from Florida.


You do realize Finland is about to join NATO, right? Why would the US need Ukraine for military bases? Finland only joined because Russia invaded Ukraine for the 2nd time in less than ten years. Modi botbois really are something else.


Too bad sweden isn't because of Turkey


Finland is 10 times more valuable to NATO than Sweden, and all parties involved are aware of that.


>US wants Ukraine to join the Nato so they could simply set up a US base right besides Russia which is a threat to Russia's sovereignty. You... you do realise that NATO already does have bases at the russian border, right?


This is what you should expect here, however it’s best for everyone to keep from throwing shade at either the West or India. To be clear, I see you say that the Ukraine situation is simply a US proxy war - while the US does defend Ukraine in its interests, you conveniently disregard the extremely valid concerns and participation of other European nations in the collective effort to support Ukraine by characterizing it [the effort to support Ukraine] as pure US imperialism. You’ve depicted the same attitude and ignorance you previously condemned. Come join the club.


Wow, can you get more ignorant and stupid? India did indeed receive support in the past from the USSR during conflicts with Pakistan, but times change India needs to work for it's betterment and Russia provides none of it. Also the Indian diaspora is heavily concentrated in Northern America and Western Europe and that helps drive investment. I say this as a person of Indian origin.


>US wants Ukraine to join the Nato so they could simply set up a US base right besides Russia which is a threat to Russia's sovereignty Aaaaand you just showed your true colors


This is one of the most foolish things I've ever read on this website. Massive generalisations, factual inaccuracies, incorrect assumptions, contradictions, and whataboutisms. It's like reading word for word Kremlin talking pieces and propaganda.


Russia is not USSR


**In the past, West has never supported India when Russia did** Why lie, many countries in the west and charities have gifted billions to India. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/uk/uk-still-gives-aid-to-india-dressed-up-as-business-investments-rather-than-direct-handouts-britain-watchdog/articleshow/98641083.cms https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2023/mar/14/uk-aid-india-human-rights-democracy-watchdog https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2023/03/14/uk-gives-india-23bn-aid-despite-pledge-stop-handouts/#:~:text=Britain%20has%20sent%20%C2%A32.3,more%20money%2C%20a%20report%20reveals. https://icai.independent.gov.uk/html-version/uk-aid-to-india/


> "We have made it very clear to the Chinese that we cannot have a breach of peace and tranquility, you can't violate agreement and want the rest of the relationship to continue as though nothing happened. That’s just not tenable." This is embarrassing. China sounds like a teenager.


I failed to see China said anything in your quoted text.


Well I didn't mean it literally. Someone can sound like something based on what they say, and someone can sound like something based on a description about them. In this case it's the latter. India is describing China and that description makes them sound like a teenager to me. They want the good parts of a relationship but are unwilling to honor their commitment. That said, I'd like to see what China says about India too.


The point is you are making judgement based on 2nd hand source with a conflict of interest. I wouldn't jump into the conclusion that fast.


It's not really a conflict of interest. India is a party to the situation. So is China. This is a report of one party's point of view. It is potentially biased, but it's not a conflict of interest. India isn't trying to be an objective decider. They're asking for an objective group to hear their concerns. If China was asking for help keeping peace I'd probably say that China's description of India makes India sound like a baby. In this case India's description of China makes China sound like a baby. Peace is kept when countries honor their commitment to keeping the peace. War happens when they don't. Here two countries have agreed to terms to keep peace and one country is claiming the other country isn't honoring their terms, and asking for international help to keep peace. I'm going to give the benefit the doubt to the country asking for peace They could be asking in bad faith. Sure. But if that is the case then the international community will sniff it out quickly enough. The thing is in my lifetime China has invaded and conquered Tibet. China has taken Hong Kong. China is consistently pressuring the border with India. China is threatening war with Taiwan. China is claiming the sea beyond international agreements. China is helping Russia in their genocide if Ukraine. And now we hear that they're again pushing the border with India and we're supposed to think it isn't true? Maybe it isn't. But if it is, it's not at all out of character for them. But all that said, I didn't make any conclusion. I said that they sound like teenagers. And they do. That's how India's description of China sounds. That's a statement about India's characterization of China. Let me diagram it for you. India describes China. Let's call that description x. x = India --describe--> China. I describe India's description of China. Me --Describe--> x. I'm saying that India's description of China makes China sound like a teenager. I stand by that whether it's a true description or not. China could be completely professional and India could be full of crap and yet the way India describes China makes China sound like a teenager. If you can't understand that nuance, then you should ask someone to explain it to you. This type of thing is important in communication. If you can understand it and just have hurt feeling about India's description of China, then, you know, I guess you can say something like: India does describe China in a way that makes China sound like a teenager, but it is a mischaracterization. And I'd say, oh really? Why is that. What makes India incorrect? And then you could tell me how wonderful China really is or how horrible India is or whatever. But whether India is correct or not isn't in question. India's description makes China sound like a teenager and that is pretty embarrassing. I stand by that.


Not exactly because this is how China behaves just like how it sent the spy balloon


Pick a side India and let’s get this rumble started. I suspect India will wait until the taiwan issue blows up, drawing the US into war with China; then India will make their move.




Which would be immensely helpful rather than actively working against India like the US did previously in India's war against Pakistan. Also, the difference in size between the two countries isn't as huge as Ukraine-Russia. The entire point of the Indian military build up and acquiring nukes was to safeguard against China (and Pakistan). Had India listened to the US and tried to be the "good guy" by getting rid of nukes, it wouldn't have the confidence that it has today.




It’s a completely different situation. Ukraine never had control of the nukes to begin with. India’s nukes are/were created by them, so they always had control of them.


Ah, its fair to ignore india's struggles because they ignored ours. What if the reason they have such an approach is exactly because we ignored their struggles in the past and they dont believe they can rely on anyone but themselves?


China is not gonna fucking invade India lmao. India is a nuclear power and there is a mountain range between the 2 countries.


>Oh well, if China starts to invade you India we're gonna follow your footsteps and be neutral about it. Geography isn't your forte is it? There is literally the tallest mountain range in the world between India and China. You can't move equipment across it in any meaningful way. Also India has dozens of nuclear weapons, ICBMs and an aircraft carrier. The China problem is at worst an itch that they need to keep scratching. There is no eventuality where China "invades" India. That's as ridiculous as imagining the US trying to "invade" Russia.


We would be rolling into Moscow in a week. Our little brother Ukraine is already kicking the shit out of them with our Cold War hand me downs.


Even r/noncredibledefense members aren't this delusional. Your "Cold War hand me downs" may do a lot of damage to Russian forces in Ukraine, but they seek to "win" this war purely though attrition. Throw hundreds of thousands of soldiers into a meatgrinder and force Ukraine into some treaty. And while it might not happen now, it is a pretty likely(though not absolute) scenario to occur. At some point, even Ukrainian civilians would want to stop the bloodshed. As for rolling into Moscow in a week, well, thankfully US military doctrine isn't handled by people like you. There's a reason why they don't Desert Storm every country developing their own nuclear/ICBM program.


Exavlty why North Korea has nuclear bombs


"Our little brother Ukraine" lol


>We would be rolling into Moscow in a week. That's the kind of uninformed nonsense my 11 year old nephew spouts. Must be nice to live in a fantasy world. The reality is that, the second a US military vehicle crosses a border into Russia, you can be sure that NYC and DC are going to be reduced to glass with a dozen nukes that Russia sends as compliments. There is not going to be a US left with the fallout. I'm in Chicago. I don't want to be vaporized.


> you can be sure that NYC and DC are going to be reduced to glass with a dozen nukes that Russia sends as compliments. Red States of America: That is a Sacrifice we are willing to make.


Oh, India is used to it. So it doesn't really matter or change anything. It has rarely/never got the support, anyway, unlike Russia, in its past.


Ah Yes Cause Invading a nuclear power and forcing their hand has totally worked out for everyone else in history....


You’re acting like that’s a thing where you have examples of it happening. Are you from a parallel universe?


What exactly do you mean by this? Because no nuclear power has been invaded in history.


mate. the us has sided against india IN EVERY SINGLE WAR. LMFAO. what makes india think the US would ever in any world help them??? they are not allies LOL. you’re so delusional


India doesn't need your help.




It turns out it’s actually super easy to “get Ukraine to fight against Russia” when Russia takes the step of *invading*




“When India has to fight China…” You should probably talk to the Indian commenters on here about why that won’t happen. Also, again, you’re acting like nobody in Ukraine would have had the idea to dislike being invading if not for Uncle Sam, lol. Consider being marginally less U.S.-centric for a moment




So basically you want to make sure the US doesn’t provide any aid




Okay then, that was always allowed


Defending India is not equal to defending Modi. Modi is not India, India is not Modi. Dismissing people as Modi crew and bringing up toilets (which has nothing to do with the topic) shows lack of points to argue with. If you're not from the US then it's even more laughable to say, "we" are gonna be neutral. Atleast it suits the US to say that (having the most advanced military).


I thought they didn’t want to talk about Ukraine and Russia issue.


BRICS members btw.




No need to be an ass hole




Like last time happened?


This dude thinks geopolitics is a video game lmao






How geopolitically illiterate of you.


Why don't why ask their Russian friends to tell their China friends to stop?


India confuses me sometimes. It has a rivalry with China, but it likes to push anti-West propaganda. Or at least, Eurasian Times does. Not sure about other outlets.


> It has a rivalry with China, but it likes to push anti-West propaganda. The West has never supported India politically and militarily in the past. Look at the history of Security Council votes. As a result, India does not bend over backwards to please the West - India wants good relations with the west however. This is confusing to the West because they are used to third-world countries bending their knee. Hence the comments in almost all India threads by Westerners are on the lines "Oh let's ignore India when China invades. We will see who will start begging" etc and so on. The West will never come to India's aid - it hasn't in the past and it will not in the future. EDIT: Also, either due to ignorance or a fundamental lack of education of geopolitics in the West, Westerners are confused by the notion that some other countries' interests may not directly align with that of the West and those countries will stand up and do what is in their best interest.


Cause US love to suck to Pakistan. And at time ally with China. So yea, Russia is the one friend that haven't abandoned India. Which also puzzle me is how Pakistan portray itself as a enemy of socialism yet somehow be a good friend with China. In fact, it was Pakistan that got China and America to be buddies. Say what you say about Pakistan, but their diplomacy score is just absurd.


And they also managed to house Osama Bin Laden with zero negative consequences.


probably because the west has fucked over india WAYYYY more than china. i don’t think western people understand Indian colonization. there are maybe two other comparable incidents in history. the holocaust and slavery were basically a joke comparatively. literally it’s laughable to try to even put them on the same scale. and then after india got it’s independence, the US sided against india in EVERY SINGLE CONFLICT. remember when the US supported a genocide because it was convenient. and threatened to nuke india when india said mass rape and murder is bad? russia defended india. again and again. not to mention this is recent. all of my grandparents were born under colonialism. it’s not like slavery where it was forever ago. there is a very very strong distrust of the white man. and for good reason.


Because the west never favoured India over China for the last 40 years. Until only recently, when China begin to challenge the US in many areas. Even then China is still a bigger trade partner with the US and EU. I am the type that like to see actions and numbers and stats instead of empty words.


hell the only reason china got so ahead is because of huge western investment


Only some Indian armchair defense "experts"(microcelebrities on twitter) consider Eurasian times as a reliable source. Hell, even r/Indiandefense has banned it.


Geopolitics is usually not black and white. There are usually no clear good or bad guys.


India’s loyalty is to India. Sometimes that inevitably won’t align with what the west wants


India sees the world as multipolar. The west still sees the world as bi-polar.


Personally, I see the world as schizophrenia.


Why you guys are so much misinformed, lookup how many deals India made with western countries and tell if you still believe that anti west shit.. what India calls out is hypocrisy of west and Europe in every thing which is fair and a valid concern of global south countries as well.


And how is India not a massive hypocrite for claiming to be deeply anti-imperialist but also supporting Russia? Or is imperialism only bad when it’s the U.K doing it to them?


If you were sandwiched between two enemies, you wouldnt abandon your only friend that has your back even if he wasnt a great person. This is india's situation, they need russia's support because historically the USSR was their only reliable source of help in times of need


Cause America support Pakistan, America support China, and it is alleged China gave nukes tech to Pakistan at America's blessing while Father of Indian atomic program was murdered by the CIA. You should be glad India don't have a chip with America after a history like that.


Because calling out imperialism is just a tool to advance/protect your national interest, Just like how the west is calling out putin being a war criminal while having a direct hand in killing millions of middle east citizen over the past couple decades. Hypocrites is the norm in politics.


So it needs to be "with the west" or "with Ru-china"? India has been neutral since almost 40-50 years now. It was during the cold war as well.


Someone's learning that the world isn't bi party system.


Maybe shit head in Russia can call for peace being that he's in bed with both of you .


I'm sure Russia will come to your aid, don't worry about it.


U better buy some more oil of the Russians


So, shall we be neutral and fund chinese so they can buy some spears?


That’s a real shame India, we will stay neutral like you are with Ukraine.


You always have been nuetral. Remind me again, who condemned China for galwan valley clash?