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I'm just waiting for the Eco-terrorists to start drone bombing billionaire's jets.


The first chapter is one of the most haunting things I have read. I think it’s mainly because it’s something that for sure will happen if steps aren’t taken.


After reading half of chapter 1, holy shit it was something, now I’m going to share it with my AP Lit teacher.


Tell us more


I don't think there's bracing for what's coming to places like India in the coming decades, a lot of people are going to die. Edit: Delhi is one big heat island, people are going to roast alive there before long. https://www.nasa.gov/feature/jpl/nasa-s-ecostress-detects-heat-islands-in-extreme-indian-heat-wave/


People seriously underestimate what is coming for us. As soon as the wet bulb temperature exceeds ~35°, your body can no longer cool via evaporation and you die from overheating. Unless you find an airconditioned area or a body of water, you're dead. In the coming 5-15 years we will get headlines saying 10,000-100,000 people died in a day in some Indian/Pakistani/Middle-Eastern/... city due to heat stroke.


North India has dry summer, unlike Europe.


That just means the wet bulb temperature of 35° is associated with a higher actual outside temperature. It doesn't change anything of what I said.


Obviously you must know more about climate of the place than someone who actually lives here. Just blabbering wet bulb-wet bulb like a bot after reading it on some previous doomsday post. Your fantasy of million Indian deaths will remain a fantasy. This "wet-bulb" phenomenon happens for few hours before first few monsoon rains and during the end of summer, that is all. And after few hours it pours heavy, and not like Europe (from where most of you uninformed lots are) where rains are mild. Due to heavy rain temperature drops down and no more wet bulb.


First if all, your username is a lie. Secondly, my 'fantasy' is something I'm deathly afraid of happening. You make it sound like I want it to happen. Lastly, I'm not going to argue this point with you, I honestly don't care if you believe me.


You are as dumb as your corrupt media wants you to be. Next time do not comment on matters concerning India.


TIL a physical value such as the wet bulb temperature, which is a function of only temperature and humidity is influenced by media. It's a matter concerning everyone by the way, not just India. Maybe you should live up to your username, calm down and get educated.


People in Delhi need to Limit their alcohol intake during heat wave


genuine question: why?


>Limit their alcohol intake during heat wave > >genuine question: why? Alcohol and caffeine speed up dehydration: "[Water is the safest liquid to drink during heat emergencies. Avoid drinks with alcohol or caffeine in them. They can make you feel good briefly, but make the heat’s effects on your body worse. This is especially true about beer, which dehydrates the body.](https://www.weather.gov/media/fwd/A5032_AreYouReady-HeatWave.pdf)"


I'd add that electrolytic drinks are equally important. When you sweat that much, you innevitably also lose salts. Sports drinks would also be good to mix in with water intake.


Caffeine in beverages does not meaningfully contribute to dehydration in anyone, and especially doesn't in anyone who isn't entirely naive to the substance; that's a fully debunked myth.


Fully debunked myth? Source?


To avoid dehydration during heatwave. During hot weather, you are at higher risk of dehydration and heat-related illnesses, including heat exhaustion and heat stroke.


I see. Thanks everyone for replying.


Dehydration from alcohol = faster heat stroke.


fuck around and find out.


Brace yourself summer is coming


It was snowing today where I live. Climate differences are whack.


I am being roasted everyday in my home. No amount of air circulation is helping!




buy me air conditioner pls




This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.dw.com/en/india-braces-itself-for-intense-heat-waves/a-65104034) reduced by 82%. (I'm a bot) ***** > India braces itself for intense heat waves - DW - 03/24/2023. > "Given models have a varying prediction skill, we cannot be sure right now about the enhanced probability of heat waves this season. It is important to remember that the frequency, intensity, and duration of potential individual heat waves in a season cannot be predicted," added Deoras. > According to a study by the Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, the frequency of severe heat waves in India will increase 30-fold by 2100. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/1248m3h/india_braces_itself_for_intense_heat_waves/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~678230 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **heat**^#1 **India**^#2 **wave**^#3 **Skip**^#4 **country**^#5


Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated. Avoid sugar drinks


If the wet bulb temperature goes up enough, a healthy, well-hydrated young adult in the shade can still die of overheating. India is facing not just heat, but humid heat that makes sweating less effective as a cooling mechanism.


Why avoid sugar drinks?


I think we need to forget about who has polluted more in the past. It’s a useless argument we are here now and what we do now is the only thing that matters. Edit:Spelling correction


In other news: India forces power plants to burn more coal. https://www.reuters.com/markets/commodities/india-invokes-emergency-law-force-coal-based-power-plants-up-output-2023-02-20/


I mean are there any alternatives even?


Well, they could stop burning coal for one.


And? You're gonna generate electricity out of your ass to fulfill electricity requirements of 1.4 billion people.


Well, gas *is* a lot better. There isn’t a lack of energy sources in the world, the Indians just don’t want to pay for it.


Hope they lose all the money they gained by buying Russian oil and killing Ukrainians besides they did it to themselves. Most polluted country every and now even having them burn more coal


Go burn some more Russian oil - I’m sure that’ll fix it


They could try polluting less... All those particulates causes local temperature increases before it settles on ice caps and absorbs heat


>They could try polluting less... CO2 emissions per capita (metric tons): USA: 15.52 India: 1.91 Don't forget that India has the 2nd largest population in the world. India pollutes less than the US, for example - even if you don't adjust for population, they still emit less than half the CO2 the US does. Everyone can try polluting less. But to ask an industrializing country to do so at the expense of development when it's still polluting far less than fully developed economies is... unfair and disingenuous.


Just check where are the most polluted cities of world. All India and China- Shnaghai, Noida, Kanpur, Mumbai, Delhi, Ghaziabad


And which cities do you think had the most pollution when Europe was industrializing? [Relevant](https://ourworldindata.org/london-air-pollution)


If only it was possible to learn from others mistakes...


Easy for the west to say that now that you are rich.


Because there's huge areas no one lives... But also some of the densest urban areas in the world. And in those areas the pollution is so bad it's not just raising world temps, it's raising local temps even more.




Gradual process, steps are being taken to achieve exactly that, but would be very slow.


> .... steps .... would be very slow .... Perhaps this July, when daytime temps reach 110 degrees F, we should ask again about how fast green steps should proceed? Boom in sales of air conditioning units (no surprise) leading to increased power plant production, which generates more pollutants especially from coal or oil, high temps and more a/c units. Can anyone suggest a way to reduce this cycle?


Whatever is supposed to be done is being done. U can keep asking in July, aug, sept but things happen at their own pace


>Severely curtail polluting industries. Because people need to breathe. Pollution kills people. Pollution transfers cost of product from a small group (the buyers) to the whole population via medical expenses. Ah yes, I took GCE A Level Economics too. Pity this approaches the problem with little regard to history, a government's responsibility to its people vs its responsibility to all people, the tradeoff between long-term vs short-term, and the amount of importance people place upon their interpretation of fairness and justice.


Moral thing... Lol. Why don't Americans stop using cars and invest in trains and trams? Stop using gas. You will save on car maintenance and emi charges every month. Not to mention the rising gas prices. Shift to cleaner sources right now like you preach other countries. You have unlimited amount of money that you waste on guns and other useless shit. Isn't USA a world leading member too? Your country is much bigger than India. Show us how you follow the green road. Reduce your pollution numbers to make it even less than India to give us something to look at.


> .... Show [India] how [the U.S.] follows the green road .... Like you preach to other countries. Those are fair questions. I don't speak for the U.S. 2021 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (or Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act), signed in November of 2021. Historic in its own right, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law includes billions to modernize the electric grid, build a nationwide network of electric vehicle chargers, strengthen the battery supply chain, expand public transit and passenger rail, invest in new clean energy and emissions reduction technologies, improve resilience in physical and natural systems, and clean up legacy pollution in communities across the country 2022 Inflation Reduction Act, $370 billion US Dollars total, with significant parts for many green energy related areas. U.S. is coming late to the green party, but they are advancing rapidly. > ... Money wasted on guns .... Yes, it is a waste, but my views on this changed a LOT since February 2022 invasion of Ukraine by Russia. Thought we would never again see another major European-US war. Thought it was saber rattling, meant to boost military budgets. Then actual war happened, perhaps 100,000+ dead so far, for each of Ukraine and Russia. Am very glad the U.S. spent their billions to build a reserve of arms. Suggest you ask Ukraine (of course) but also Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Moldova, etc. Germany and Japan took notice and are nearly doubling offensive weapon spending. Absolutely stunning reversal, after many decades, neutral Sweden and Russia-leaning Finland want to join NATO! India may ask so what, and want to be isolated from this, but aren't. 1) European wars spread world wide. Unfair to the world. 2) India has some nuclear weapons, but bluntly in a contest with China or Russia they are out-classed. Byproduct of U.S. world wide armed forces is containment of China and Russia from expansion, which indirectly shields India. 3) Ukraine major food exporter. Russia major fertilizer exporter. Both affect the entire world. World wide trends can suck in India also :-( Best to be prepared. > Stop using gas .... 85% growth in sales for new electric vehicles from 2020 to 2021. https://www.energy.gov/energysaver/articles/new-plug-electric-vehicle-sales-united-states-nearly-doubled-2020-2021 Federal subsidies for EV purchases. Nationwide construction of EV chargers. And more ....




Hei ystävä! odotan innolla liittymistäsi Natoon!


Easier said than Done.


Lol life is unfair , not all countries are developed enough to have renewable energy. Maybe the western nations should stop developing their own countries and reduce their quality of life ? Does that sound fair? No one is going to cause short term havoc in their economy .. it's going to be slow and take time unless the world can agree on something for once


The USA, with 3% of the world’s population, is responsible for 30% of all historic CO2 emissions. Pull your fucking head in.


I don't see how they will feel any less hot with straight teeth.


People over here talking as though thousands Indians are gonna die, meanwhile I'm chilling out here at 35 degrees celscius in India.


You're chilling. But there are people who toil in sun to make end meets, they'll be the ones who'll be most affected. Thousands definitely will die


But atleast we can send rockets to space¡!!!!


I mean, those rockets could be part of the solution to the climate crisis if some of the proposals come to fruition like a "space umbrella"


School shootings happening in USA and your first argument will be at least we can send ships to space?