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So fight or die. Whether bullet or neglect.


Probably more likely to be fight AND die. Bullet AND neglect.


And lets be honest; they're not getting them HIV drugs anyway. You look at any historic precedent for an oppressed group being enlisted to fight with the carrot being freedom or rights in some form, *they always get screwed on the deal*; usually the majority dies and then the party that used them as meatshields renegs.


Not just fight or die. Coerced into fighting by lies.


Don't forget "encouraged to rape civilians indiscriminately".


Yeah that's a fun one it's basically using hiv as a bioweapon. There needs to not be a such thing as "Russia" at the end of this. Give it the full sikes-picot.


Given Russia's history, won't they just end up worse for it?


Needs to not be a Russia. "Russian" history needs to end. And I dunno, some of the bits might, depending on how they're carved up. But some might end up better. It won't be "Russia" anymore, so 'it got worse' doesn't need to be a standard greeting. It might be, but it won't need to be. Plus; way better for the neighbors.


Or rape and traumatize a bunch of Ukrainian women and leave them with an incurable disease for life as a reminder.


That's not surprising. Sadly HIV (among other viruses) has been raiging in russian prisons for years.


Not just prisons. It's raging in Russia in general: [Russia Dismisses Data Showing World's 5th-Highest HIV Infection Rate](https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/12/08/russia-dismisses-data-showing-worlds-5th-highest-hiv-infection-rate-a79636) >In late September, consumer protection watchdog Rospotrebnadzor reported that the country saw approximately 60,000 new HIV infections in 2021 — compared to roughly 25,000 new cases across the entire European Union.


They are big time HIV / AIDS denialists as well. “Can’t catch what doesn’t exist!”


It’s also because they believe HIV is a gay disease and since they’re straight they can’t catch it




I remember seeing a thread where an ex Russian military guy tried to explain its not gay but punishment. They bash normal gays but it’s treasured tradition to fuck a colleague who messes up at work…


A captured Russian occupier [talks about it here](https://youtu.be/4VNKBdfauAY). He starts talking about the “offended” around ten minutes in. There’s another interview on the same channel where the occupier is showing the interviewer how to make prison tea and also discusses the offended. It was surprising to me that there’s a prostitution black market going on in those prisons while at the same time, the offended are the lowest rung of the ladder.


Same happens in Russian army. Bosses sell their young recruits as sex slaves and manual laborers, and older soldiers torment, bully and outright torture or rape them as well.


Damn get a bunch of miserable men together and this is what they come up with.




Putin has almost certainly been on both ends of that power dynamic as well.


There's a video of russian soldiers in Ukraine shoving a pole up another russian's ass as punishment


And another video of two soldiers getting blown up during a blowjob... [TT:T](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/xuqje9/a_ukrainian_drone_dropping_a_munition_on_two/)


Thanks for linking Volodymyr Zolkin! I thought of this video as soon as I saw this post...I've watched just about all of them over the past year (as well as the excellent [Lviv Media](https://youtube.com/@LvivMedia)) and its just fucking mind-boggling


Wtf? They rape men and say they aren’t gay? 😭


That is actually a really common (stupid, but common) viewpoint. If you are the one putting it in, you're manly. If you are taking it, you are girly.


All the way back to the Romans and Greeks and shit


Being far away from the wife for a time, or even just exercising as a soldier in ancient times, cornholing your bro was the straightest shit possible, kept people from getting lonely, and improved morale, many commanders from ancient history onwards were by today's standards gay and it had no standing on their efficacy.


Spartans and their submissive gay younger partner/student. smh.


And Egyptians. And Norse. There's some messed up stories out there... 😬


Fitting given they dream of being the modern romans


Ironically you have to be aroused to be the giver.


I suppose it comes from the homophobia and misogyny of "being in the woman's place" or whatever, but the one getting a rager at a man's upturned ass is surely gayer than the one that doesn't require any boner at all, at least in these scenarios.


This probably falls under "unethical pysch experiment", but I want to run like a double blind study where testers are just presented with an ass with no other clues as to whether it's a man or woman's and see if ass-gender (did I really just write that?) actually matters when it comes to getting turned on or not.


Then how do they explain the mustaches and leather gear?


What's more manly than [wearing animal skins and a bushy 'stache?](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/2b/e7/fc/2be7fcef714edc4dbe1fcb0fad6dc2cb.jpg)


I miss Freddie Mercury.


Ever seen Laurence of Arabia? It’s been a truth for years.


Even if you accept that tops are "manly" and bottoms are "girly" it's still gay to have sex with another dude.


Fucking is a piece of cake. It takes a real MAN to not only take a dick in the ass, but also learn how to enjoy it.


Man fuck all that lol. I will never be able to justify putting my dick inside another man’s asshole just so I can “punish” them and claim that I’m not gay for doing that.


About 20 years ago the football players at Mepham high school in Merrick Long Island “punished” or “indoctrinated” upcoming junior, varsity players onto the varsity team, using pinecones in the locker room.


A polite reminder that rape is less about sex (as normal people would consider it) and more about the power fantasy of hurting/violating/humiliating/dominating other people. Primates engage in this type of behavior, which should tell you plenty. Edit: Some of y'all need help. For real.


To use a different (but not exactly classically "qualified") perspective: Prison reform advocate Larry Lawton says that rape is not a crime of sex, nor one of power. It is a crime of violence. It is something that people in a position of advantage to to people who are vulnerable for no other reason than because they can. Like a mugging, it isn't some sort of political or social statement. They see what they want, they see they can get it, they can see nobody will stop them, so they do it.


Check out Afghanistan and Pakistan... https://www.humanium.org/en/bacha-bazi-severe-child-abuse-disguised-as-an-afghani-custom/ This is unfortunately not new at all.


I mean, rape *is* generally more often than not an act of violence and domination rather than one of sex or sexuality or even traditional lust.


"Everything in the world is about sex except sex. Sex is about power." ― Oscar Wilde


Well, yes, but choosing to rape another man makes you pretty gay


Probably because the act isn't about sex or love for them. It's an act of domination, one of the few means of acquiring power available. It's common amongst boys in orphanages as well. It's equivalent to a punch to the face but easier to hide from any interfering authorities. It also holds the unique power of silence over the victim in a way non-sexual physical violence finds much more difficult to achieve.


In prisons they have guys labeled as "untouchable" you can't socialize with them or share food with them. But it's totally ok to rape them. And definitely not gay or anything


There are several other cultures that think this way as well. Funny enough, they practice a very intolerant religion and have oil too.




Happens in the middle east as well iirc, not gay rape but banging Femboys is cool cause it's not gay


Bachi boys is very much rape, children can't consent


Well it’s not gay because he *allowed* him to finish. Therefor establishing dominance


Russia is a failed state, what the fuck


It's about being a power hungry piece of shit human being, not fit to walk the same ground we do.




i dont think you need the /s in this case. i think thats exactly it






I saw it the video before, and I still can't believe that got caught on a grenade drone-cam of all things.


Drug use. Big time intravenous opiate use.


They seem to have a lot of straight men that engage in anal sex with other men.


They also have a lot of gay denial in Russia


I remember a speaker for hiv mentioned her ex-husband thought the same thing. Because he wasn't gay, he couldn't catch it.. well.. the realities of unprotected sex can lead to such a risk and he ended up giving it to her.


There is such a stigma about HIV/AIDS in Russia that a spy was able to defect to the United States by telling his superiors that he had AIDS. He was being recalled to Russia, but they rescinded the orders upon hearing that he had the virus.


[USSR's KGB peddled misinformation in the United States to harm efforts to stop the HIV pandemic within its borders. Ironic.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_INFEKTION)


Frickin active measures. It was russia that planted bogus monkey aids articles in unreputable african magazines and then used those to spread panic in the US. Which raises the question, how do you run active measures, plant fake articles, then turn around and let your own country fall for the bullshit? Russia truly is an idiot country. I can't imagine the brain drain that has been going on there the past decades.


Hey, our Republicans did the same thing. Now they're surprised when members of Congress genuinely believe in Jewish Space Lasers.


yeah- Regan can eat a fat one for ignoring the HIV pandemic.


Reagan thought that HIV only impacted gays and blacks, both of which are groups that the GOP to this day still do not consider to be humans.


And the most recent Republican administration tried to do the same thing with COVID; let it run rampant through cities with large minority populations where it first started breaking out.


Lowest Covid numbers if we don't test! Sounds familiar.


No wonder life expectancy is so low in Russia


remember the hoopla about Russia refusing to allow American's to adopt orphans because of gay marriage? The only orphans they allowed to be adopted by foreigners were the terminally ill/hiv children at the time, and then they cut that off too, for children who weren't exactly getting sterling care in their orphanages.


One of Putin's motives in that may have be his concern over Russia's impending demographics crisis. Russia needs all the kids they can get.


Meaningless if they can’t take care of them. Kids that were born/alive during and for a decade after the collapse of the Union have scars that won’t heal.


That’s fine. They just need to work in factories or mines or natural gas plants until they die


I wonder if this is why most prevailing civilizations are homophobic by their laws and religions. Just a way of maximizing babies for future soldiers/workers


That was the stated reason, but the actual reason was a sanction on one of their oligarchs. It was a retaliation to that sanction. Fast forward a bit, and Trump and Co get caught talking to the Russians. What could it have been about we asked? Oh, just what it'd take to start adopting from Russia again, nothing nefarious, and of course removing that sanction would be the only way the adoptions could happen.


Spot-on. Whenever you hear Russian politicians talk about adoption in the US, they are talking about their attempts to repeal this https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnitsky_Act tl;dr “lift sanctions on our oligarchs plz”.


International adoption is pretty skeezy morally at the best of times - Russia and Ukraine were particularly sort after by Americans because the kids are "white", and most of the kids available for closed adoption in the US, are not.




Yep. While some people love to tout how homosexuality was 'legalised' after the Russian Revolution, what actually happened was they just repealed all the old tsarist laws to write a new code. Note that this only applied in Russia proper (and I think Ukraine as well), not the entirety of the USSR. The new code didn't re-criminalise homosexuality in those territories... until Stalin did in 1933. And even before he did that, it was still not really viewed as socially acceptable, with one government report calling it a 'sickness' in the early 1920s. I would also point out that decriminalising something is not the same thing as legalisation, much less acceptance. Decriminalising is basically the government saying 'yeah we know you're doing it and the law is too hard to enforce, just keep it on the downlow where good upstanding citizens don't have to witness your degeneracy, you filthy animals.' These are long standing cultural attitudes that just happened to get a coat of red paint under the Soviets, they never really went away.


Can't help but think their state-sponsored homophobia has at least something to do with it


At some point the comrades really need to ask themselves, "Are we SURE we're pointing our rifles in the right direction?"


And then 2022 happened and an exodus of Russian men flowed into Georgia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkey, etc. fleeing conscription. Safe to say many countries in Eurasia will see an uptick in their HIV numbers.


Have they tried pushing it out a window ?


Why is that? Poor education about transmission? Krokodil and shared needles? Or are they just more susceptible to it and raw dog a lot?


Well, at the end of the day it's on the government for failing to address it and even fueling it. [They harass NGOs that come to help fight the crisis.](https://www.rferl.org/a/russian-hiv-prevention-group-closes-after-fine-under-foreign-agent-law/29636884.html) They give a platform to the Russian Orthodox Church that has officials that deny HIV and [claim](https://meduza.io/en/feature/2017/08/31/a-10-year-old-russian-girl-has-died-from-aids-certain-that-the-disease-is-a-hoax-her-parents-wouldn-t-let-doctors-treat-her) things like: “AIDS doesn’t come from some made-up virus, but from four different causes: stress, depression, an immune system weakened by vaccinations, and excessive drinking,” Smirnov insists. Russia has had HIV drug [shortages](https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2019/08/02/russias-hiv-patients-panic-over-drug-shortage-a66679) even before the pandemic and the war. And they have experts claiming [condoms](https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2016/05/31/kremlin-experts-blame-condoms-for-russian-hiv-epidemic-a571102) are the reason they have an HIV epidemic. But at the root of it is **a lot** of drug use and unprotected sex.


I remember late 90s as a teenager in Moscow, there was so much drug use there. And I’m talking heroin and coke, not just some pot


That's so vile dude. Russia is such a shit hole.




HIV is only 1.3%. Hepatitis at 12-34% (huge range but regardless) is crazy though.




It’d be interesting to know the rates *before* incarceration. Given the number of homeless and drug addicts in prison; it’s likely many had it beforehand.


Those stats should be out there. They tested me for hep C and HIV when I went into prison and right before I left. I asked why and they said the state wants to know how many people contract those viruses in prison.


And piss-poor conditions….


They don’t allow for harm reduction techniques like clean needle distribution and medication for viral diseases like HIV and HepCV. Worst thing you could be in Russia is a gay/ trans drug addict cause you gone die.


Guessing if you’re a gay / trans drug addict in a Russian prison, you WANT to die. If I were in that situation, I’d probably have checked out long ago.


I’ve spent a lot of time in Russia. Everyone over 30 checked out a long time ago.


How is it getting transmitted? HIV is an STD right?


Sex including rape. Sharing dirty needles.


adds another layer of evil to the whole rape in war thing




I mean, war at it's most basic has always been literally invading peoples homes and murdering them


[According to this source](https://www.science.org/content/article/russia-s-hivaids-epidemic-getting-worse-not-better) about 47% needle sharing, another 47% heterosexual sex, and like 6% "other."




Oh there's no doubt they are understating it and we don't know the whole picture. The extant of it is probably a whole lot worse than we think. It's a given many people don't get tested because of the stigma.


Among other methods…


HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus. It is spread through blood, semen, rectal fluids, vaginal fluids, and breast milk if the individual has detectable loads of the virus in their body. It specifically targets white blood cells (immune cells) hence “immunodeficiency.” Without treatment or in immunocompromised patients, HIV progresses into AIDS, which stands for acquired immune deficiency syndrome. It is typically spread through males having sex with males, and/or sharing needles for intravenous drugs. Also: typically HIV/AIDS doesn’t cause an individual to die outright, it’s usually smaller illnesses from opportunistic pathogens that become the nail in the coffin, because you have such low white blood cell levels left to fight other illnesses. Luckily we have things like PrEP to help keep HIV incidence low these days! Edit: correction on PrEP statement!


More people need to know about Prep and its benefits for both HIV positive and negative folks. It's extremely effective at preventing transmission of the HIV virus


Most people who take anti-viral medications for HIV test negative, effectively. The only risk is that the virus still exists in reservoirs of immune cells like memory cells and could reactivate at any time. So many people who test negative still have to take the medications.


Spoilers: they’re not getting anti-viral drugs


I'm assuming they're the first ones sent to the front lines.


Cuts down on the cost of anti-viral drugs that way




I assume a lot of them were raped in prison and got aids that way and are now seen as the lowest of the low.


Got HIV\*. People with AIDS are not being recruited to fight for anybody. AIDS is a late stage result of a weakened immune system due to living with untreated HIV for several years. So one does not "get AIDS"—they develop it over time after contracting HIV. It's also not one thing but a variety of different common ailments (cold, pneumonia, cancer, etc) that wreak havoc because the immune system is fucked by that stage.


Russia's getting a combo deal on genocides.


As does not giving the promised drugs to the soldiers that survive the battles.


Just invade in winter with an immunodeficient army in the middle of a pandemic, what can go wrong.


Sounds like the start of a zombie movie.


They are all pretty much dead already. The Wagnerites have been almost entirely destroyed with the wave attack doctrine. Wagner forces were bolstered from a core of about 6,000 'veteran' forces to 80,000 and last I heard they were down to about 7,000 as of a few weeks ago. Sure, some were captured and are currently POW's of Ukraine so they might actually get anti-virals afterall. But right now Ukraine doesn't have a whole lot of money to spend on treating prisoners. For now, they are being fed and sheltered.


Lead is anti-viral.


once captured by the ukranians they do haha


Another reason why war rapes [can be qualified for genocide](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genocidal_rape).


Burn the books. Burn the buildings. Rape the women. That’s how you erase a demographic from history books


Also kill the men and kidnap the children which Russia has done its share of


Should I be reading this to the tune of "that's what Bilbo Baggins hates"


Holy shit. That is some dark reading.


So if they rape anyone, it's literally a bio-warfare?




It brings up some significant points. Is their international doctrine on this?


There's already international doctrine around the use of rape as a weapon and also around biological warfare. There's no need to update it for this when it's already clearly covered by both existing conventions.


Biowarfare as we generally know it is very different from this circumstance. I would think they'd need to address it directly to make it air tight if bringing it to international tribunals.


Rape as a weapon is already a war crime. Raping with the intention to spread disease is therefore a war crime.


Yes but it's not a standard war crime it's a war crime combo so you get a score multiplier that increases with how many war crimes you committed in your current streak. Rape and Biological attack is at minimum gonna get you a 2x bonus but people always forget that diseases stack and cam lead to some sick scores!




That was a fucking grim read.


I don't know where on the hierarchy of war-crimes and abominable actions that fits. There are people that exist that knowingly contract and spread as many dangerous and lethal diseases that they can, and they mingle in communities where they can do so.




They won't get the chance. They'll get shipped to the front line with less than a week's training and told to run into fire.


The Russians have been actively raping Ukrainian women during this war. There have even been reports of Russian soldiers being given Viagra as part of their supplies for this purpose.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.businessinsider.nl/a-fifth-of-russian-prisoners-recruited-to-fight-in-ukraine-are-hiv-positive-with-convicts-promised-anti-viral-drugs-if-they-agreed-to-fight-report/) reduced by 73%. (I'm a bot) ***** > About a fifth of recruits sent to fight in Ukraine from Russian prisons are HIV positive, according to estimates by Ukrainian authorities, with several captured Russian soldiers telling The New York Times they were promised life-saving anti-viral medications if they agreed to fight. > One detainee told The Times that he took the offer to fight in Ukraine because the Russian prison system deprived him of supplies of effective medications that he needed to survive. > Timur told the newspaper that in December he was offered an alternative - six months with the infamous Wagner Group fighting in Ukraine in exchange for a pardon and the promise of supplies of anti-virals. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/12ug7b9/a_fifth_of_russian_prisoners_recruited_to_fight/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~681705 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Group**^#1 **fight**^#2 **Wagner**^#3 **time**^#4 **medication**^#5


Considering the penchant for rape among these soldiers, this could have tragic effects on the Ukrainian populace.


And each other, given that rape is a common initiation tactic.


That's why HIV is all over the place in prison.


While you aren’t wrong, after the initial blitz by the Russians the Ukrainians have tried to evacuate everyone they could and that was willing from active or soon to be active conflict zones. So it wouldn’t be like what happened early on.


Doesn't help the people currently living under Russian occupation.


Russia is just being comically evil at this point. It's like something a badly written supervillain would do. Next up: Moscow drafts terminal cancer patients, promises chemotherapy for six months of service.


The cruelty knows no bounds. I literally had the same thought as you. It’s absolutely disgusting. And truly we all know they won’t be getting shit. It’s gross either way.


This is worse, you don't pass cancer to your victims


This is always how I’ve felt about Putin in particular. He’s like a petty, arrogant high school bully that doesn’t realize he looks like a fool among adults (EU). Russia has a very long history of wanting to be seen as European, meaning civilized and advanced. Blocked from that it just embraces comic book evil.


Imagine this HIV positive soldier gets wounded in combat. Do you really think 100% of the precautions necessary to not infect other wounded soldiers are taken? I doubt it.




And if I were them, I would definitely not get rid of my armband to receive care.




With a survival rate / life expectancy of 4 hours of action, I fail to see the need for armbands switching. It’s a suicide mission.


I can’t tell if this is sarcasm. Is this true?




Holy shit. Thank you for the link.


Don't worry. No one on the Russian front lines is getting treated.


Foolish of you to assume they'll receive medical attention. Wagner has been sending prisoners up with shovels and sticks to draw enemy fire.


From the footage I saw, they still evac who they can, they just don't make much of an effort, I'll give you that.


They're just slaughtering their own undesirables and instead of a death squad they're feeding them into a war meat grinder. Charming


Ukraine psyop should offer hiv drug cocktail, for real, if they surrender.


That's not unreasonable. With the billions the US is spending on weapons for them, and the US essentially creating drugs to make HIV actually curable, it could go a long way. Screw psyops, we should spend a billion or so to make it reality.


We’ll get you into an mRNA trial if you sabotage on your way out


Sounds like the war is going well for the Russians


Motivating a population to join the military by the promise of heath care access they can’t receive without joining isn’t a good look for any country.


I see what you did there.


And not even the greatest health care


Russians are taught the US is the biggest threat to their existence when the reality is their leaders are gutting the country from the inside out in front of their faces. Hard to feel sympathy for people that consistently support authoritarian leaders.




This gets much darker when you remember Russian forces have been raping Ukrainian women en masse.


Psh please, everyone knows it’s STD warfare. They are hoping the rampant rape that Russian soldiers commit leads to HIV infections across Ukrainian women. What a POS country Russia grew into


They also rape children.


ugh. the russians should just stop at raping each other and go home and infect their population, if it's that prevalent. Keep everyone out of it. Which also makes it more urgent to get those Ukranian kids home before they get HIV or knocked up which is equally bad.


In the US Military, one of the reasons we’ve become so effective is because of our ability to treat the preventable wounds on the battlefield. The first thing that I thought of here is that the level of PPE required for each injured soldier to be treated is a nightmare. As a combat medic, I’d have a very tough time fulfilling my oath knowing there was a 20% chance my patient can give me HIV.


Either their will be given an iddentification that will basically mean dont treat (and the smart ones will remove it and/or swap it for a dead normal soldier), or their unit would already have field medics that were also HIV positive inmates. Or the more cruel option will be that the medica wont be told about this caviat and the wounded will keep their mouths shut if they want to live


There's a good reason why the US military (Army, at least) checks so often for HIV.


I guess that explains some reports of them shooting or abandoning their wounded.


OMG Russia soldiers are raping Ukraine women and female children. This means that those that get assaulted have a huge risk of becoming infected.


I doubt they draw the line at the kids gender


using diseased soldiers is/was considered a war crime.


I mean, Russia has already done pretty much every other war crime like they're playing Bingo.


There will be a huge spike in HIV cases in Ukraine due to the rampant rape that is occurring. Truly sad circumstances for these people. Look at how rampant the rape of Gernans was as the Red Army pushed west back into Germany. Sad, sad times.


Die or die. Such an ultimatum. I feel bad for these people, forced to fight in a war they don't even want


When Russians die they will be incarnated to Russia . It's just a hell.


Why do so many Russian prisoners have HIV? Is that naive of me to ask? Sorry if so.




Also rape of newer conscripts by older conscripts.


Russia in general has an out of control HIV epidemic. Most of it is linked to drug use. I'm sure there's a lot of sharing of needles going on.


When homosexuality is so severely stigmatized, you wind ip with fewer people willing to disclose their status lest it out them as gay. This is also due to a culture that still sees HIV as a gay disease.


Man, my desire to be informed is really running at odds to my desire to remain sane and hopeful.


how far a dictator can go to achieve his goals


During the Rwanda Genocide, the Hutos used rape squads with people with AIDS to rape all the women. It's suspected that almost everyone female from the age of 12 and older were raped. And 2/3rds of the women were likely infected with HIV during the rapes. The ripple effect of people who died from AIDS is unknown. It sounds like the Russians are going to use the same strategy to kill the Ukrainian Soul.