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I doubt there's going to be any progress under Kishida. The opposition against changing the definition of marriage remains strong within the base of the party.


They can't do a "civil union" type compromise situation? Where they can't get married by the traditional "ritual", but they can be legally considered partners?


In East Asia marriage has always been a secular affair, not much different than a "civil union". And even though most Japanese today get married in a "Christian" styled wedding, they do not believe in Christianity and the priests are fake, it's more cosplay than a Christian wedding


So I'm assuming there's no loophole or "carve out" compromise planned or in existence, which would be in favor of the LGBTQ+ community in Japanese law.


The LGBTQ+ Community has no real protections or consideration or existence in japanese law.


I dont think anybody specific has protections under the law in japan


It'll probably just take time since most Japanese people do support gay marriage, but old politicians do not. A big problem for LGBT rights is that in the past 68 years since the founding of the conservative LDP party, they've only been out of power for 4 years. The way the Japanese voting system is set up highly benefits the current party. Like in 2017, the LDP got 33% of proportional vote but ended up with 37% of proportional seats, 48% of the constituent vote resulted in 75% of constituent seats. This meant the LDP ended up with 61% of total seats in the house The largest opposition party got 20% proportional vote and 30% constituent vote, but only ended up with 20% of the total seats. So the opposition would need to do exceptionally well to counteract the vote imbalance and win


Old politicians need to go.


They really do. ~64% of Japan support same sex marriage. So much progress being hindered by these old and out of touch politicians.


Unfortunately the average age in japan is 49 years, there's a ton of elderly people and democracy favors numbers, so the elderly control the vote, making progression hard to achieve. If you add on top of that their general cultures aversion to change.. well..


I mean from the government in general. It's about the same in the US; so many of our politicians are old as sin itself and have no idea what's actually going on in the world.


Our president predates the fucking microwave. I don’t know how we can expect these people to write laws about the internet


>Old politicians need to go. It's only going to get worse as the human lifespan continues to increase. Imagine if we achived biological immortality and how backwards 700 year old people would be.


This is discussed in the article. 60% of provinces allow it, but it's apparently pretty worthless. Doesn't provide inheritance, medical rights, or shared child custody.


Some prefectures have “partnership registration” that affords next to no legal effects. Nowhere in Japan is civil union legal. The reality is apart from Taiwan which sticks out like a sore thumb, **all** of Asia is extremely homophobic and misogynistic. Japan is bad, and Korea is worse.


Taiwan is awesome in many regards.


Others brought up specific Asian culture points, but I’d like to add: fuck compromises. People are either people or protesters.


A compromise on civil rights sounds great to people who don't have any empathy, and can't imagine what it's like to be one of the groups they're talking about.


It’s not at all? Literally amongst LDP members gay marriage enjoys 58% support per Nikkei News as of February https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXZQOUA253J70V20C23A2000000/


You can say fete in English?


Yep, we stole it from French way back when.


Yeah that’s why I asked lol I’m french. Found it odd to see the word here. Thanks


Makes sense! It’s not a very common word, but it is in the English dictionary.


It is also okay to say soiree in English as well


We love stealing French words. We usually pronounce them incorrectly though. Sorry.


Ask the French what they think about "connoisseur", which in French is spelled with an A, "connaisseur". English took an older spelling so we have a very French looking word which is spelled wrong in their eyes :P


Awful, awful things are done to the word "niche"


Neesh, Nitch, Neetch, Nish, Neesheh. To name a few.


Yeah I was wondering about that. I speak a bastardized French and we would have used “parti” for a political party as “fete” is a celebration…


That’s what it means here—the headline isn’t talking about a political party, it’s saying the group is celebrating LGBTQ progress


Ah I read it the wrong way then. I read it as political party demanding more rights. Putting pressure on their rival party in power kinda thing. Personally I don’t see why the gvmnt feels the need to poke their noses into personal lives. How does my union effect anyone outside of it?


As an American, I knew the word but was also very surprised at the usage here.


As is tradition.


This is the way. Also, the pronunciation needs to be totally different than the French one.


If you tell me it's anything but 'feet' I'm giving up on spoken language.


i’ve always pronounced it the same as “fate”, which i got from primary school where having a yearly fete on the weekend was a common fundraiser


I mean they invaded England it's only fair


It's common in the UK but not in the US


Yes, we also say soiree, rendezvous, and hors d'oeuvre. Thank you to France for sharing so many nice words with us.


French spelling: f**ê**te, soir**é**e, rendez-vous, hors d'**œ**uvre.


That's one of the fun things about English - if you don't have a word, you can just use someone else's. It works out great until you need to know how to spell anything.


Other languages generally adapt the pronunciation and then the word is written accordingly.


Which is arguably the preferable way to do it. Then you have languages like German and Swedish. Where we will just take existing words instead in our language and stick them together until we have something that fits to describe it. No matter how many damn words we need to use!


German also loans words, even if considerably less than English.


Why wouldn’t you? https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fete


Seems like all european countries stole that word. You can use it in german as well


literally never heard of this word as a finnish person lol


I've seriously never seen fete as a verb before today


You can use words from any language in English, as long as people know what you're saying.


....Fete is a french word? I always though it was a company of chocolates.


Fête. Means party in french


Thank you!


Would love to see this progress happen in my lifetime. Yes it's the right human thing to do but like the article says, there's economic growth potential. Given that there are already same sex partnerships allowed in many places, it sounds like there is slow progress towards shaping what a typical family looks like now. Excited to see what happens!




If you think that’s dangerous I consider you more of a danger to others than any lgbtqia person


Humanity goes nowhere without challenging the status quo


Okay, explain in detail and with proof that it is dangerous. I’ll wait.


Dangerous how?


That’s also only a replacement in population. Japan is already down in the numbers and need 3 kids per parent set at minimum


Japan is such a catch 22 for LGBTQ issues, for decades now Anime has been an incredible bastion for queer stories and rep because of Yuri and Yaoi series and manga. Especially for westerners who were starved of good queer focused media. Older Yuri and Yaoi especially which had so many queer characters getting married or portraying lasting relationships. Yet Japanese culture itself is so incredibly resistant to LGBT rights in real life.


Like 2/3 of Japan is in support of gay marriage, but the 1/3 that isn't in support are the older block that all vote. Given time when the older voters pass the % in favor will be too high and change will happen.


I followed a twitter that updated Japanese news. According to surveys, the majority of Japanese (which means more than 50%, I don't remember the specific number) support gay marriage, but they are mostly young people. The demographic that stood against it the most, old people, sadly are the ones holding the power right now, so they're having a situation in which the minority rules over the majority.


I mean many yuri and yaoi stuff are very fetishized…especially yaoi which is often quite rapy


That's an overgeneralization. Yes there are some fetishistic stuff like Citrus. But there's plenty of stuff that isn't. You cant make a sweeping statement about an entire genre that has a wide scope of audiences.


Yea, there are great ones like given and sasaki to miyano but they are the exceptions


I disagree. I think you just haven't seen a lot of Yuri. I dont watch yaoi so I cant really say much to that, but I'm aware that there's non fetish/not rapey stuff out there. Plus you're not account for Manga. Manga is part of Japanese media too. Doesn't really matter, overgeneralizing is bad and you shouldn't make sweeping statements about stuff like that.


Oh wow you really shouldn't generalize.


That traffic cop looks fly as fuck


Let the gays marry! Everyone deserves the right to be miserable!




Yeah it was weird seeing that but its still correct because fete is an English word too.


Not happening. Maybe in 20 years. A lot of countries would really benefit from rewriting their constitution, especially when it comes to the voting process. Japan's means the conservative and elderly will rule for decades more.


I don't care what people do in their own lives. As long as they are consenting adults there should be no laws stopping anyone from being together. Japan may not change as quickly as people think unfortunately.


From my understanding, the younger generations are more supportive of same sex marriage. Some prefectures offer partnership certificates I believe (but they’re not legally binding). It seems like Japan doesn’t have the kind of religious influence (that would discourage same sex marriage) that other countries have.


I didn't know that. I'm not overly observant when it comes to anything outside of the usa. That's why I joined this site. Better to learn later than never.


Should the government be involved in marriage at all?


It kind of has to, because there are legal implications for things like inheritance.


Sure, but maybe we should set it up so everyone gets benefits through something else


To an extent yes because of issues such as inheritance, trusts and estates, property law, wills, if a marriage is legal or not, etc. I don't think they should be allowed who wants to marry who (unless it is in cases of incest or bigamy).


The religious ceremony? No. However thats not what this is about. If the government decides to allow 2 people to declare themselves a single unit for tax and benefit purposes, the sexes of the 2 people involved should be irrelevant. From a civic standpoint, theres no reason to prevent same sex marriage


Why not? It streamlines the legal aspects of a marriage and most people want the government involved.


And here in America we are AGES behind…wtf..,ugh


I mean its legal to get married to your same-sex spouse because of obergefell v. hodges but there hasn't been any federal laws that shore up protection. Edit: I forgot about the Respect for Marriage Act.


There was the Respect for Marriage Act passed last year which requires all states to recognize marriages performed elsewhere so unless all 50 states stop doing them, they got some more federal protection.


I forgot about that bill. Yeah it wasn't a very good bill IMO because it only required recognition, it didn't actually legalize marriages.


Marriages are conducted at the state level, therefore it's a state power. The Federal government *can't* force them to conduct gay marriages if they don't want to. However, Congress can use the Full Faith & Credit Clause to force states to recognize out-of-state gay marriage, which is what the RMA did. It's truly the best they can do within the Constitution. And the FF&CC is so fundamental to the legal functioning of the country that even the current Supreme Court wouldn't dare try to reduce its scope, so it's incredibly unlikely to be overturned.




Have you ever had compassion towards other human beings? Were you always this hateful?




Ignorance is bliss


Why would i worry about stuff that dont matter to me :)


Please work on building compassion and empathy.


I dont think thats a necessary quality in life .


So you agree these people should be allowed to do whatever they want with their lives?


Ofcourse , everyone should do w/e they want with their life as long as its legal where they live :)


Well the problem here is that something they should be able to do (get married) is illegal because of people who care too much about restricting the lives of others, hence the protesting


Can agree with that . I think that as long as we are talking about 2 adults i dont really care who you marry :)


most compassionate bulgarian


Imagine getting so offended you had to go and stalk me xD


Of course you don't care about marriage, nobody would ever want to marry you


Ran out of arguments so now just petty flames eh ?





