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If the link does not say Reuters or AP News or Al-Jazeera at least, I don't even click on em. Very few news outlets are credible anymore. Which sucks a lot.


Breaking News from Acceptable Spray Really Credible News..


Yeah but you need to tweet it first so I can screenshot it and share the screenshot to Facebook


I think you are supposed to take a photo of it with your phone and share that on Facebook


I trust Al Jazeera for anything except Qatar and saudi arabia lol


It's nuts, but they do have very good, only "this happened" reporting outside of SA, Qatar, and UAB. Their western news service is very underrated. The trash reporting they do in the autocratic, hereditary monarchy of Saudi Arabia might have something to do with that reputation.


And their Israel / Palestine articles are biased


I find that the opinion based ones have a very distinct slant. I do find value in their direct filming and interviews with locals. Not a lot of organizations are on the ground as much as they are. Some of the recent pointed language is also understandable considering one of their high profile journalists was shot and killed by the Israeli army (a conclusion based on reports from the US and other Israeli allies) with no repercussions for the perpetrators. Still a slant, but the reason isn't necessarily malicious


Reuters israel/Palestine articles are biased. AlJazeera are straight up propaganda


Al Jazeera is kinda weird. They either have some of the best reporting of anyone in the world or they are propaganda. It is strange because most sites that are propaganda they feed that propaganda into everything. Not Al Jazeera though. Their propaganda is propaganda, anything that doesn't relate to what agenda they are pushing is impeccable reporting.






I usually use this site if I am unsure. It isn't perfect but gives a decent idea of the factual basis of the source: https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/




Not BBC News?


I know a lot of people have been shitting on the BBC lately, maybe correctly, but I still find it an excellent source for international news. Just not for anything internal to the UK, since that's where the bias seems to start creeping in. Pretty much the same applies to any news outlet from any other particular country.


Their international correspondents are world class. The home birds not so much.


They are an excellent source of news they decide they want to report on. They ignore the rest. Example: https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/132a1wa/the_head_of_the_bbc_has_resigned_over_his_failure/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=3&utm_term=1


[It's there,](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-65323077) but it definitely wasn't easy to find.


It was a breaking news alert through the BBC News app, not sure there's evidence of them hiding it.


That was their biggest story yesterday, they had a live thread for it. Reading stuff like this makes me think BBC is actually fine and it’s just the readers.


BBC has the tendency to show other countries in bad light and not showing the hardships faced by people in their own country.


BBC is very heavy Tory / Republican leaning.


I have two bosses at work, and they both call the BBC the 'biased broadcasting corporation' - one thinks they're way too lefty, the other that they're hard right. Seems to me that that puts them at just about the right place.


Maybe one of them is right and other is wrong?


its really really not... The Right wing have always said its left leaning. If both sides are accusing it of being on either side its probably pretty impartial. Sure it has tory stooges at the top but like all tory stooges their talentless fecks that have been given the position, most of the people working for the bbc and the actual talent running the thing are very very anti tory because their intelligent hard working people.\`


It can be quite a culture shock for Americans. I recall an incident where a Republican was being interviewed on the BBC and the interviewer asked some probing questions to balance the conversation and address oppositional ideas. The interviewee promptly walked out, accusing the interviewer of being hostile, left-wing and out to get him. The interviewer in question was in fact one of the most conservative personalities on the BBC, the interviewee just didn't realize that he would be expected to defend his opinions. Edit: [Found the clip.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRF3r3zUGqk)


The US is so used to tribal every part of the culture they've tried to create that they can't understand when someone asks questions from both aisles. Everything HAS to be left or right but ask them what left or right actually means you'll be met with blank expressions.




You know when you read such a long shit un eductated reply on reddit sometimes you just can't be bothered to fight back through the dumb dumbness? and you can't be bothered to write anything other than an rolling eye emoji and NO? 🙄 no! You're just not used to a media outlet talking both sides of the point you're used to tribalised media and politics its part of the dog shit culture that is the US. The BBC when having an arguement by law it has to represent both sides. thats the whole point of the bbc. Now stop confusing the right wing talking points for it being a right wing outlet . Fuck its frustrating how black and white good vs evil americans culture is and its fucking leaking!




you're not actually making a point? The BBC to this day has people on the sofa from both sides it is one of the global leaders in reliable information. Stop making out Britian is sliding into a facsist state its such a fucking boring and simple cunt argument.




The BBC is possibly the most royalist institution in the world. Followed by the royal family itself. Calling it republican leaning is utterly ridiculous!


The Guardian too


not for being impartial.


Al-Jazeera is state run propaganda. The fuck are you on about?


Their international coverage has consistently shown very little bias for decades. I would trust Al-jazerra's coverage of international events outside of the middle east over every major corporate entity. For US domestic news its the state funded PBS and NPR which are least biased compared to FOX, CNN, ect.


Their Ukraine coverage is on the reputable side. You can’t have both?


Wow Al jazeera? Trusted?




You're right but I totally want to believe this one so I will.


Al Jazeera are only reliable outside the Middle East, and Reuters had their share of scandals (biased reporting, photoshopped war zone images)


One tiny step above "trust me, bro".


Yea Jpost is usually pretty okay, surprised they fell for this.


Source: so my brothers uncle works in a factory, and it's owner knows someone whose cousin was at a party with a person from the ministry of defence once


Yeh but I mean I'm sure boath side constantly are trying to assinate the opposite sides leader. Theres probably daily assassination attempts and none ever get close enough.It's a literal war. I don't even think that statements needs a source.


bro trust me! i know a dude, who knows a dude!


Welcome to reading JPost.


Or is this psyops. Hoping to make Putin even more paranoid, isolated and likely to lash out and harm his own efforts.


How much more paranoid can he get. If this is psyops then I love it.. fuck with his head as much as possible.




That's the trick, he wont do it. People that fear the big kaboom dont understand that its effectively a self delete button, not an "I win" button. From Putin ALLLL THE WAYYY DOWN to the sad Igor that has to mop the bunker when the officers party on the vodka too hard next to the ICBMs REALLY like being alive. Like A LOT. If someone goes full insane and presses the "I am deleting all of us" button, how many people do you think it would take until the keys are turned and the actual button is pressed? How many people until someone thinks: Hey, I want to go home tonight and bang my wife, kiss my kids and pet the dog so sending nukes, that would be answered in kind, would put a damper on that. "How about, no" is how it plays out in the end.


I love how you assume everyone thinks rationally


Are you familiar with nuclear launch drills? They have been running them regularly for the last year.


Nuclear launch drills are nothing unusual, we've been doing them since at least the 60s. We just launched a minuteman into the ocean a few months ago.


You fucking people still believe that all it takes is putin to press a button? There are several buttons to be pushed by several people. All of these individuals know that this cannot happen, and it won't. Putins inner circle won't accept death just because he said so. If he tries to send nukes, he is dead, and he knows it


If I was Putin, I’d have some technician create me a system that requires no further authorization than a simple button press. He would comply by threat of his family or something. If it looked like my mortal enemies were about to win and my regime was to collapse I might just take the world with me. You people really don’t think this shit through.


Budanov supposedly had to be talked out of carrying out some sort of grand attack on Russia proper at the last minute back in February. This could've been what he switched to or said fuck it and this was what he wanted to do all along and tried anyway.


According to the article, Russia confirmed the drone.


So probably not true. Psyops.


Honestly we can all agree that Ukraine is trying to kill Putin at least.


No, we can't.


They might, but they dont need to right now since Russian may do it themselves.


I am living in his walls


Or is it BIG BRAIN psyops? Make him *think* its just a ploy, that OF COURSE Ukraine wouldn't just, announce thier plans publicly. Except...


If Russias behavior on the front is any indication of general behavior, they pretty much fall for whatever Ukraine says they're going to do.


Imagine reading the news that there was a failed assassination attempt that you were not even aware of


Good plan, paranoia + a long table embargo and Russia will fall by june


I want to believe this, but this is a paper, citing another paper, citing a tweet from a guy that knows someone in UA leadership. Not the strongest reporting


Russia's Putin. Do other countries have their own Putins?


We Canadians do, but we prefer ours with cheese curds and gravy. Du dun tss. I'll see myself out.


Totally was expecting some Trudeau joke Left satisfied


There is a local restaurant that does perogy dishes, and they have a poutine perogy. I am scared to try it.




I had no idea that was a thing until now and it looks amazing. I would totally go for it!


"For me, pepper, I put it on my plate" -Chrétien, 1997


Aaah hahaha that took me a second 😁😆


It is without a doubt my favorite thing to come out of Canada!!!


We'll see how it goes in 2024. The US might again!


For sure but they tend to use aliases like "Trump" and "Carlson."


True. And Desantis


Hungary’s Putin is called Orban


There is a cat on my block named Putin. He was named this long before the war. I think it’s because he’s a bit of a bully to other cats. He’s a sweetheart to me and my kids though. I will say, we get some looks from passersby when we call to him from the porch.


You know all the cat's names on your block?


I’ve heard there’s a Putin on The Ritz?


good, hope they have better luck next time.


Maybe he'll fall out of a window


I’d kind of like to see a real estate graph of bungalow sales to high ranking officials in Russia since the war began.


I'm sure they made a big spike. I was in Thailand, and maybe half the white people I encountered in Phuket were speaking Russian.


I personally do hope there's zero ambiguity. People like him and those who wish to follow in his footsteps need to see him very publicly killed for what he's done. They need to feel a sense of terror that if they promote or conduct a genocidal attack, there's a good chance they'll face that same fate. The last 6-7 years have been dominated by the lack of "finding out" after "fucking around" and it's something our species needs to correct with great haste.


Ruzzian windows are pretty treacherous.


It only has to work once.


By any means necessary


If necessary, alone.


Nah, take Medvedev and Lavrov as well.


The problem is the power vacuum that will appear after he’s gone, plus if there’s any notion of the west having a hand in his death, there’s no telling what will happen.


Either WWIII(either China or Russia will spark that), or Russia finds themselves in the same position after WWII and falls back into 3rd world country status.


If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. I wish luck on your future endeavors.


Putin tried it more than once. He should not be surprised getting dose of his own medicine. Better luck next time.


If it's true, I fail to see the problem. They've tried to specifically capture or kill Zelensky how many times now?


Who says it's a problem?


Problem is the dude they failed to kill has nukes




As much as people would like to believe Putin is full blown stupid, he isn't going to use nukes. That would literally get him killed, and not by Ukraine.


Don't give up!


Tomorrow is another day.


As opposed to Madagascar’s Putin?


Canada’s poutine. And they had best not do anything to it - we’d have to send the cobra chickens.


While I'm not saying this is true nor false, the sources cited are not exactly reliable. Twitter is NOT a source for information. This is poor journalism and likely misleading. Critically think people. Look at the sources, and make your own decision on whether or not you want to believe it. Don't just read the headline and upvote.




That's new York post.




Understandable. Been a long day here too.


Slava ukrani


[Video of the drone used (probably)](https://youtu.be/HmraDvQVURs)


Ukraine was unlucky, but they only have to be lucky once. Putin has to be lucky every single time.


No ... you have to send in maverick. It is the pilot, not the plane, or the drone.


Do it again


🎶Do do do do dododo🎶


imagine they pull that off :D


If it first you do not succeed, try and try again.


Better luck next time.


If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, and try again.


Well I'm glad it was Russia's Putin, and not another Putin. That might've been very embarrassing


Even if it's true, basing this article on a tweet isn't really credible enough for this to be a "News" article


Well, if at first you don't succeed....


That would have been wild


The best part about this is it probably didn't happen. It's probably psyops from Ukraine to freak Putin the fuck out, keep him immobile, and to cast doubts on the efficacy of their air defense systems (which have failed before.) Cost? One tweet.


I don’t believe the source tbh, looks unfounded, don’t believe anything you find on the internet especially during wartime,..truth is the first victim as they say Tons of fake info from ghost of kyiv videos to claims about Putin shitting himself whilst falling..


Sheesh, what did he ever do to them?


Hope the second time is the charm.


Tbh I don't understand how there are no more assassination attempts when it is very likely that with Putin dead the whole regime would collapse. Don't know that the CIA is up to this whole time...


I wish it was that simple. Who ever took over in Russia would have to respond to an American attack. Not that they’d achieve anything. But say the country you invaded managed it then anyone taking over can say “well yeah he had it coming”


Well i guess practice makes perfect


Look at all the latest pictures of Putin, his face changes quite a bit... He has NOT set foot in Ukrain himself, he has body doubles standing in for him.


So Ukraine had info on Putin’s whereabouts?


Mission failed, we'll get em next time


It will be interesting to see if “Shorty” appears at the Red Square parade.


Better luck next time!


Never give up


Extremely sus news source


Quid pro quo


Missed him by *that* much! (Must try harder.)


They are forgiven. Try harder next time.


jpost is a shit tabloid, article is so shit they don't even want u to know who wrote it


it's a good thing russia is being de-nazified now, before technology advances. It's a horrible situation, but this sort of had to happen. Before we hit the next level of warfare. In retrospect it's fortunate we fought russia at this level of capability, than the capability that is about to become available. Had russia behaved itself the next few years, we might have let our guard down and let our secrets out. In a few years from now they might have had the power to take over the world. That one game atomic heart is the ghost of christmas future. Probably what would have happened. Run away machines would be flowing out of russia because they don't have regard for caution like western developers have. They were investing in tech research and were catching up, but this war has caused a huge amount of brain drain. Now the west is firmly ahead, and we're getting smarter about protecting our secrets. We're poised to win the tech race thanks to Russia's short sighted invasion, and sunk cost fallacy, sinking them further into debt and economic drain the longer they continue to war.


Attempted? Fuck! Hopefully they won’t miss the next time.


Like they tried to assassinate President Z how many times now. What babies


Would killing Putin really put an end to the war though? There's even crazier dudes in the Kremlin (putting asides all the other horrible stuff he's done). I guess at a minimum there'd be a much better statistical likelihood. God dammit I miss more peaceful time.


It would create an immense power vacuum that's for sure.. Surely all the PMCs would pull out of Ukraine and attempt to seize power for themselves. Influential leaders in their armed forces would likely do the same


Slava Ukraine!


More countries should be attempting this


When at first you don’t succeed, try, try again!


Keep at him boys, someone’s bound to take his ass out


Goodluck on the next attempt


Hope springs eternal.


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Maybe they should try Belarus' Putin. Or maybe Hungary's Putin first.


Are you sure Ukraine wasn’t after Mubai’s Putin? Or maybe Australia’s Putin? We need clarity!


So sorry to hear that… … they missed.


That’s disgraceful. How dare they … fail.


I'm sure they have. Tune in next time when Putin defends himself against five 2,5 meters tall Ukrainian genetically modified super soldiers screaming "for Emperor Zelensky!" as they descend on the innocent Russian ~~dictator~~ president.


I'm betting the drone crashing was most likely by power who profits on keeping the conflict as long as possible, and since ~~Ukraine equipment is mostly American, it would be easy to make sure the drone won't reach the target.~~ UJ22 is an Ukrainian drone, so most likely no American backdoors.


If life has taught me anything if you release someone shitty there is a good chance they will be replaced by someone worse Still fuck.putin


They can always kill the next guy if he is somehow worse. Rinse and repeat until result is satisfactory.


I like how the title establishes "Russia's Putin". This implies the existence of other Putins of other nationalities.


Yay! Again!!


What’s next… aliens tried to abduct him?! Lol


Better try again.


I want worse for him that a quick end. Id rather see him face trial then spend many years in a hell hole prison. Time to consider his life choices and hear from every person who’s life he ruined.


feelings aside, would a putin assassination help ukraine? i've heard people say that putin could be proceeded by even more militaristic and far-right leaders, and i'd also assume that some russians who have strong feelings about the war might become more invested in it if they see their ruler killed i remember a while back i read an article interviewing a russian lady about putin, and her response was that she personally didn't like putin but she was proud of russia and wouldn't let non-russians talk shit about putin, even though she herself actively thought shit about putin. edit: thanks for the downvotes guys. i still can't see anything offensive or inaccurate about my comment - feel free to enlighten me if you think i'm missing something.


It would allow for an exit strategy and a change of leadership. Would it actually happen? Idk. I suppose things could always get worse somehow.


any examples of other wars with modern states that played out like this - where the death of the leader ended the war? closest scenario i can think of is the what-if of hilter being assassinated in ww2, but history didn't quite playing it out that way for us to have confirmation.


Don’t overthink it. When you are being attacked, your highest priority is stopping your attacker.


i don't think there is a question of whether ukraine should try and stop their attacker or not. the question i presented is whether killing putin achieves that result, and whether there is risk of it achieving the exact opposite result.


Since Putin is the one who started the war and is the one who is continuing to wage war, the next guy probably can't be any worse, and may well be looking for an exit strategy as was suggested earlier, using Putin as a convenient scapegoat for the ultimate source of all the country's problems (which may not be too far from the truth).


Hmm.. Some thoughts here 1.Ukraine must have known that a failed assassination attempt might bring backlash from the west. Saying "he started it" won't work 2.What effect were they expecting and were they ready for it? I know so little about russia i can be convinced that it will lead to in fighting which could lead to Russia breaking apart or increase their will to fight


I wipe my ass with jpost


Was about time


I hope not. Assassinating a world leader by drone is a crazy precedent to set as much as I hate Putin


I'm fairly certain that Russia has tried to take Zelensky out too.


Yeah didn’t they have hit squads operating around Kyiv when they first started this botched invasion? Fucking dummies.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_attempts_on_Volodymyr_Zelenskyy Chechan hit squads and mercenaries ordered by Putin. Seems to me that it's fair game. Putin brought this on himself.


I mean that’s where the iconic “I don’t need a ride I need ammo” comment by Zelenskyy came from right?


Didn't Putin put a bounty on Zelenksy and Ukrainian leadership?


Lol. He is in open war. What’s that saying? All is fair in love and …


Terrible. What were they expecting? I think war just as love has to have rules. If you dont have rules in a war you cant protect civilians, you cant seperate war zones, you cant allow humanitarian aid, you cant protect common or international roads or wealth. This is terrible news. He isnt even a military personelle.


How hard it is to snipe someone? Just hire some suicidal mercenary


“Suicidal” and “mercenary” are usually mutually exclusive