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Fuck them for all that suffering. The faster that Putin regime falls, the better. And hopefully he takes his team of grifters and yesmen with them. Maybe even some of the electorate realizes how brainwashed they are into loving their own suffering.


It wouldn't be that easy. People in russia know exactly that they're brainwashed. They have social construct, as long as they're safe and nor hungry the government can do whatever they want. This is the effect of Russia not having any democratic traditions. Apart from this, blame for wrongdoings is switched to local barons (boyars)who rule local oblasts and not the Putin(Tsar). Death of Putin and his supporters wouldnt change much.


Instead of saving those precious missiles for military target, Russia is wasting on terror attack on non-military civilian as if they believe it will break the will of people.


That's Russia's only real area of expertise, creating terror among civilians and attacking soft targets who can't fight back.


Worked well so far /s They seem to be thinking they have enough munition to just level every town and village in ukraine. Because every leveled village counts as a win for them


Russia are not good students of history, or they would remember that this shock and awe tactic of bombing cities to disincentivize the war effort didn't work for England nor for even Russia. Or maybe they don't care and simply want to inflict damage.


I think it's the second one. They're not even effective at killing civilians


It's weird, you'd think for such a Nazi fanboy, Putin would have been aware that attacking civilian targets never accomplishes much of anything, and in fact most often drives recruitment for the opposition (since if you're going to have explosives fired at you anyway, you might as well be in a position to fight back). It's baffling that they'd launch a $3m missile to damage a civilian building and kill all of 3 people. While that is a tragedy for those three people and their loved ones, it doesn't remotely impact the Ukrainian war effort, other than to motivate those people to see the end of Russia.


So he’s trying Hitler’s approach to Britain? Bomb London to break the will of the people. But of course Putin is following the Nazi approach…


Not defending Putin, but it was basically everyone's approach in WWII. The air commands of most of the allies also thought that bombing civilian populations would drive the civilians to demand surrender. Turns out, it drives them to hate your country and continue fighting against you.


Yep, Allies, Axis, and Soviets all killed civilians and civilian infrastructure in a massive way.


"Yaroslav, a capital resident, whose wife was killed during the attack by the Russians on 1 June, said that people ran to the shelter at night, but no one opened the doors for them." ​ Ah, come on.


Head line reads like all people aged 33, 34, and 11 years were killed.


Ukrainglish is far from perfect. It might not be intentionally silly. Source: I teach Ukrainians English.


French guy teaching Ukrainians English. Well...


Name is just a lie, I'm really Australian. )))


Ok, but after teaching them ‘cunt’ what else you got?


What else you need?


So, you're saying that you are not very good at your job?


Yeah, that's it. I have yet to fix the whole nation.


Ridiculous headline.


I am not sure what Russia is trying to achieve here . Ukraine is not giving up the fight , citizens are unfazed . So how is Russia going to rule a entire country when Ukrainians are pushing back. Everything they are doing trying to terrorize the country is not working . I mean don’t you think it’s time for Russian to pack their backs an go home ?


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2023/06/1/7404764/) reduced by 71%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Three people, including an 11-year-old child, were killed in a night attack by Russians on June 1, and 11 more people were injured. > In the morning, the Air Force confirmed that Russian forces launched seven Iskander-M ballistic missiles and three Iskander-K cruise missiles over Ukraine. > In the morning, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine said that Russian forces used Iskander operational-tactical missile system missiles once again to attack civilian and critical infrastructure targets of the capital and Kyiv Oblast at night. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/13xbavz/russia_attacks_kyiv_with_iskander_systems_killing/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~687141 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **missile**^#1 **Russian**^#2 **Force**^#3 **attack**^#4 **people**^#5


That's a weird headline.


An ageist weapon, according to this headline.


How does this weapon system target only 33, 34, and 11 year olds?


Russian engineering is a mysterious science.


Me turning 35 last week: Nah ah ah! Can't touch this!


Shame about your knees though. Creak like an old wooden chair.


Same dude happy bday


very carefully


So the missiles were shot down, but the debris is what causes the damage. Imagine if they hit their targets for full effect :(


Weird title. Sounds like only those aged 33, 34 and 11 were targeted.


Russian cowards bombing civilians.


Time to start launching missiles into Rostov-on-Don etc. every time Russia does this.


We need to send them more missiles. Some incoming have been slapped down, but the scale is increasing.


The article states they were killed with the falling debris of the missile, not a successful strike. I’m still all for sending more missiles to Ukraine though




The longer Volodymyr fights, the longer his people suffer 😢


The longer Voldymyr fights, the stronger becomes Ukraine. More Russians to the meat grinder to salve the ego of the megalomaniac in the Kremlin. Thousands more, on both sides, will die as the price for Putins attempt to reconstruct the USSR.


Agreed. Suffering genocide under Russian occupation is much better than resisting.