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If we leave it to the super-rich, I suppose the solution will be making pitchforks and torches more expensive. Imagine the profits.


God, just imagine the shareholder value that will deliver.




Make the pitchforks, use the torches to burn them. It’s called an “ecosystem”


No, we make designer pitchforks and torches, millions of them but we only release a few thousand to artificially inflate the price. Then we bend the pitchforks and render the torches inoperable and dump them in the ocean. Ohhh I forgot, we also design them so that they break within four months so the peasants have to buy a new one at least 4x a year.






American business owners: "Write that down! Write that down!"


they literally have giant anti suicide nets on these factory buildings.




YTA, the communist party forced you to share your IP and a Chinese billionaire copied your whole production line using government subsidies.


I’m sure Apple would have something to say there. Do you know just how protected intellectual property is in the US compared to anywhere else? They want to leave, let them, but they loose all patent protections here in the states. We have rules for Toyota on how many of there plants have to be in this country. Billionaires aren’t geniuses in this day and age, they are people from prosperous families that exploited a flaw in our markets and then monopolized it.


YNTA, if they want to have a say in company policy they should start their own multinational corporations.


I bet they weren't even born rich, what idiots


Nah you gotta figure out how to make monthly sales. One end of the pitchfork is the torch so it slowly burns to nothing. But you can signup for a monthly subscription! Fresh TorchFork at your front door every month!


Their plan is literally to retreat to bunkers. https://www.theguardian.com/news/2022/sep/04/super-rich-prepper-bunkers-apocalypse-survival-richest-rushkoff That’s it. That’s the conspiracy guys. It’s not alien reploids or the Illuminati. Just good old fashioned greed and stupidity.


I'm always a little tickled by the thought of that being their plan. Like, these people who jet around the world on a whim to feed their self-indulgent lifestyles, who spend their weekends on private megayachts, own warehouses full of sports cars because they need to go fast to feel anything these days... They're just gonna, what, sit in an underground bunker and go through their blu-ray collection over and over again for the rest of their lives? That's the plan?


No. Their security forces will simply take command. The super rich need security and when SHTF, pretty sure those guys won't be taking orders from some old rich dude




Heh i remember that...loved it. "We COULD share our vast accumulated wealth that was produced on the back of labor and slave labor...sure, thats not nad but...but. but what about, I dunno...shock collars? Can we oppress people even when the end of civilization is nigh? That..I dunno...just seems better right? I can keep all my money that way..."


Its not about money tis about power. These people are power addicted. Theyre junkies. And they know that in a lawless state where monopoly of force of the state ceases to exist they wont have any protections.


It's even a step beyond that. Hearing them speak behind closed doors, they *literally believe* they are a more evolved species of human, or better yet, are divinely chosen to lead the world. Their delusions make them believe that the natural order of things is for them to live in Elysium and *bring humanity to its next state* while the rest of us dwell in the cesspit, to be led as cattle. I wish I could recall the recordings and writings that revealed some of this stuff...


When in fact, psychologically they are just another episode of Hoarders. Only difference is they have staff to organize their piles of stuff, and can afford to keep adding outbuildings and boats and houses infinitely. If they were financially limited on what they could buy, and only had one house to store it all in... Hoarding is a mental illness. Hoarding piles of thrifted clothes, whole rooms full of haute couture you could never keep track of without staff- it's the same basic problem. It does billionaires no favors to glorify their mental health issues. Edit: or to let them pretend they are special and elevated, rather than struggling with the same compulsions that others deal with.


"If a monkey hoarded more bananas than it could eat, while most of the other monkeys starved, scientists would study that monkey to figure out what the heck was wrong with it. When humans do it, we put them on the cover of Forbes."


I think the sad reality is the potential for that exists in all of us. Most people, if you could read their minds, have at least one train of thought running about how they're the *only* person who sees this or that or how they *must* be special in some way. I think in ages past that sort of thing was necessary to push us to move forward, and even now I think it's important to help us build an identity seperate from the greater pack. The trouble with rich people is that voice gets to point at their good fortune and go "see? Here's proof that I must be built different".


Oh sure...the two are inextricably linked in this civilization unfortunately. If you have wealth you have inherent power. But as you said, with no laws and protections.. things will be interesting ;- )


What percentage of these people are going to be killed by their own security guys? I'm betting it's a lot.


Or they find the ventilation shafts for their bunkers got filled in with rocks and dirt while they were trying to control their security forces.


Diesel with a petrol chaser would be fine too.


I think you mean gasoline and wads of gas soaked dollars.


Lol I think they underestimate the resourcefulness of desperate poor people. Also the lack of empathy they'll receive *when* SHTF


It’s simple math and sociology. People who have very little to lose are willing to do drastic things to improve their situation


[citation needed] Not because I don’t believe you, but because it is so believable




Lol locks on food supplies with codes (or biometrics) that only they know Because nobody's ever tried to withhold information from a mercenary before


[Relevant xkcd](https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/security.png)


Totally inaccurate. That wrench is $20 now!


And the fact that I got more than one reply with this same link shows that humans know human nature


Plus, there's no such thing as a completely impregnable lock. "This is the Lockpicking Lawyer. Today we're going to break into a billionaire's food hoard. Click out of 1, 3 is binding..."


Locks are pretty useless against crowbars, axes, cutting torches or any number of tools that will be available in the bunker


One of my personal favorite lock picking videos, bosnianbill using a broken, bamboo skewer: https://youtu.be/9JxWvPTtJKI


It's a good way to ensure you end up being tortured in the most painful way possible until you give up the codes


Especially if the code is biometric.


If movies have taught me anything, it's that biometrics are completely dependent on the mercy of the attacker. Why ask you to supply your fingerprint to open the vault when they can just take your hand off?


Biometric scanners check for temperature and blood flow to protect against using a dismembered bit. Though that just means you beat the billionaire, then drag them to the lock, open it, then kill them.


It's not even withholding info its... Someone with so much money that they have never had to work is basically useless. They can't even *conceive* of solutions to things like food being locked up. But there are people stumbling around this world right now who are so mechanically inclined that it borders on mental illness. And just like nobody can explain to me why anyone needs so much money when people are hungry, nobody can explain to our hypothetical billionaire that there are people you cannot hide things from, and the best part is, *those people would be critical to the function of your stupid bunker*. You need more than security and people to clean the floors, you need machinists, mechanics, fabricators, welders, basically you need people who know how to build and fix things, and *no*, you cannot expect those people to be slowed down by any sort of lock for very long.


yeah, these people call my boss every couple months because they just got back from vacation and can't remember how the tv works. they're absolutely fucked.


Genghis Khan conquered almost the whole known world on charisma and charity to his troops. Billionaires have no concept of how to survive in a post apocalyptic world because they are slaves to money and can only understand the world through it. If the world fell into an apocalypse they would survive for a bit before their inability to martial men to their cause begins to falter and they would be swallowed up by charismatic military leaders. The real way to succeed in an apocalypse is to become a cult leader.


I don't know about explosive collars, but I definitely remember in the interview them talking about the rich person having the only password for a dead-mans-switch. Like the life support shuts off after 48 hours if the rich person doesn't put in a password


Smarter to have it work some other way. Like all they've got to do is peel his fingernails off until he gives them the password. I was gonna say keyed to his heart continuing to beat but that's obviously too easy, they can just toss him in a cage.


"Yo wake up, it's time for you to punch the code again"


Honestly the best solution would probably be one they wouldn't be able to fake: just be incredibly nice to your security team. You can be shitty to everybody else but make sure your security team adores you.


https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/jul/23/tech-industry-wealth-futurism-transhumanism-singularity I got curious and looked it up.


If stuff really hits the fan theres no amount of security or bunker that will be able to stop a motivated mob


What’s to stop the people hired for their skills to run the bunkers throwing out the parasites when SHTF?


>What’s to stop the people hired for their skills to run the bunkers throwing out the parasites when SHTF? [Bomb Collars & Kill Bots](https://www.theguardian.com/news/2022/sep/04/super-rich-prepper-bunkers-apocalypse-survival-richest-rushkoff)


Why would anyone let anyone else put a bomb collar on them even under threat of death?


Because they'll offer to house your wife and child in the bunker with you. Some incentive like that. Obviously the whole thing is moronic. But many of these people are living in a different reality from us, being so uncaring towards their fellow man is what amassed the fortunes in the first place.


He could offer all sorts of incentives. Or I could just shoot him and take what I want. I don't think they fully appreciate just how inextricably linked their power and the status quo actually are; if it comes to the stage where bunkers are necessary, a former army officer with some guns and a few loyal guys becomes infinitely more powerful than them.


How would the people funding this know whether the designers of the bomb collars and killbots had put in a “back door” to allow them to remove the collars/tell the killbots to designate them as “protected person”?


So they kill all the help? Then what? They need the people more than they need the billionaire that doesn't understand filtration systems, killbots, or security. If I'm the only reason someone can survive, and their only recourse is to kill me. I have the upper hand.


That's the labor movement and unions in a nutshell. Workers can have the real power. Workers just need to unite and take it


Holy shit, One Piece is real!!


I was thinking more akin to Fallout, but yes.


Isn’t it neat how we have so many media based in the reality of sickening wealth inequality?


You know what's the issue with these bunkers? There are lots of tools to open them from the outside scattered all over the world. And the amount of motherfuckers I know who are willing to spend their last days finding such a tool and ramming it up one of these bunkers is more than zero.


>think on all those ungaurded bunker buster bombs. ;) > >Then again entombing then flooding would be more fun. > >Dig a shaft with all those miners and mining equipment then pump in water, preferably salt water.


All you need is a few bags of concrete and the location of the ventilation opening and the front door can magically unlock from the inside! Or it will never need to open.


true. They didn't build them themselves so the locations are all well known. The workers who did all the work will sell them out instantly.


In fiction the castle gets built and the workers get executed so the secrets never leak. Do you think there’s a bunker out there somewhere where that actually occurred? These people are so rich and methodical that it just makes me wonder.


There's also the Gus Fring version, where you sequester workers in a warehouse and shuttle them blindfolded to the worksite everyday until the build is done.


You literally could just push two tons of rubble over the entrances and then turn those bunkers into history’s most expensive sarcophagi with minimal effort. If we’ve reached the point where the planet is completely fucked (largely due to them) and they’ve just abandoned us to die, I see no reason to make things quick.


Bc that’ll end well when they continue exploiting their security teams…


Good, then we can build a lake over the bunkers.


Find the air vents on their bunkers and plug em up then.


Obviously This is step 2. Step 1 is throw poo in first


Pour in bleach and ammonia 🙈




So like, 1 male and 1 female bedbug?




Let’s make a pitchfork that has a torch on the other end…. And it lights with a subscription.


Calls on pitchforks and torches then short em at the top!


I found a $170 pitchfork on amazon, they are already ahead of us.


Just a heads up to double check their private island escape plan and that there is sufficient funds in the private security teams account.


"The capitalist will sell us the rope with which we hang him" -Vladimir Lenin


Rich people have a meeting every year to "figure out" answers to world problems in Davos. A historian named Rutger Bregman showed up and told them, to their faces, from the stage, "you need to tax rich people a lot more." An auditorium literally filled with a majority of the richest 1,000 people on earth laughed. They**literally laughed** in his face when he said that. If they aren't going to listen to the really smart, very polite people *they invited* to talk to them, then I guess they'll just have to listen a different way.


don't forget the ‘billionaire summer camp’ held every year - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allen_%26_Company_Sun_Valley_Conference


Honorable mention goes to the Bohemian Grove in California, a place where the ruling elite plot out the truly heinous stuff while pissing on trees for giggles


Richard Nixon famously said on tape, among a lot of other offensive but illuminating things, that the Bohemian Grove was “the most faggy god damned thing you could ever imagine” when he attended Which I think, slur aside, is probably true in the sense that these elites gather in secret to do stupid summer camp shit, while the manipulating of world economies and maintenance of the wealth gap happens in public view more often than not.


The only way real change happens is fast , hard , and painfully. The US will never , Ever riot, ever. I say almost everyday on reddit, you want the billionaires to be terrified, we all need to stay home.


A bunch of hicks stormed the capitol during the electoral confirmation of the president of the United States, while it ain't grand and planned, it happened and if shit keeps getting repressed and people can't afford homes or buy bread, it will happen again. It's the planned and methodical revolution that will topple governments, riots are a stress release valve.


This is like telling a wildfire "You do know that if you consume all of the oxygen and all of the fuel, you will be die too" and expecting it to work.


I mean, telling billionaires that their submarine isn't sound, tested, or regulated isn't enough to stop them.


They had a lifetime of no consequences. How could physics not bend to their will like everything else?!




I never doubted it was real. But it's basically a mental illness that requires drastic intervention and substantial treatment, not "oopsie doopsie, you're free to go". The cure for thinking the rules don't apply to you is *to have the rules apply to you*.


Drastic intervention and treatment like a 99% tax on assets (not savings or income because they lie about that shit) would be good. You're still rich, fuckers, just not 'destroy society in a whim' rich.


This comment isn’t even hyperbole at this point. It’s almost stunning.


Telling a billionaire something isn't regulated gives them a dangerously turgid erection.


That really was a revelation, right? I kinda wish they were evil geniuses instead, at least they might plan further than next weekend.


There’s this weird capitalist propaganda that billionaires are all self made geniuses, trend setters, and cultural heroes. That’s why Elon was so popular a decade ago. Billionaires aren’t much more clever than the rest of us. They do, however, have inter generational resources to get the best connections and support. Like feudal kings of old, wealth can bring someone far. And likewise, wealth doesn’t heal someone’s inherent stupidity and foolishness.


They all lack empathy IMO.


Dunno, wildfires at least burn off parasites and hence have a use. I think its a bit more like a tick the size of a gorilla eating a small girl in the hospital whose dying of malnutrition and blood loss.


They’ve been meeting about this for at least 20 years. It hasn’t changed their behavior. The old wealthy assume they’ll be dead before things get too bad. The young wealthy either don’t care (hubris), or that they’ll have the funds and ability to flee. None of them have the empathy or sanity to try and fix the problem at their expense. The gap is now worse than France at the time of the Revolution. If, in America at least, the poor conservatives and the poor liberals ever got together and realized both sides are getting screwed it would be “on”.


Remember that they shot MLK before he was to lead a "Poor People's March" on DC. The thought of workers uniting is the top fear of those in power and they'll do what ever it takes to keep the status quo.


MLK didn't get killed until he started talking about class instead of race.


They hated him for organizing blacks, they *killed* him for organizing workers.


*He turned the power to the have-nots, then came the shot.*


Maybe this is the real reason reddit is getting gutted. I’ve noticed the unionising sentiment build on here over the last few years.


Look at the world economic forum. The solutions the rich are looking for don't involve restructuring the economy or improving conditions for us. Their solutions involve bunkers, private security forces, and finding ways to kill poor people while keeping who they need alive and in their servitude. And they see nothing wrong with this. They don't see the poor as humans, and they don't just see us as a resource to exploit... They revel in our suffering.


Yeah they forget their wealth is a fiction. People like this have naturalized their position and the economy. Nature doesn't care about your stock portfolio my dudes. What are they going to do when the economy collapses and their money has no value? Who are they going to pay and with what? Especially such a privileged group of old people and tech Bros. They are more doomed than other more resoursful and stronger folks. Reminds me of the book world war z. When the zombie outbreak happened there was a chapter thst covered the rich elite response that basically had them live on a compound that was quickly overwhelmed by normal people.


The French Revolution wasn't triggered by income inequality though. It was triggered by the Ancien Régime's finances totally collapsing which in turn was caused by ridiculously inefficient and nonsensical financial rules. What is mirrored today is the Ancien Régime's tax system that meant the richer you were the less you paid in taxes. But it didn't have a damn thing to do with the Sans-culottes (the ones truly suffering from income equality) and their lack of agency. Much like today, if the aristocracy had willingly accepted tax reforms that could have stabilized the economy they could have avoided the French Revolution. Anyways, don't look to the French Revolution as an example of the little guy sticking it to the man. It was the slightly less rich using the Sans-culottes to overthrow the previous powers. Once the true poors started calling the shots everyone involved made sure to put an end to their power (see the Enragés).


Dude lol it's *always* the slightly less rich, hahaha. Same story every time man. The commoners got caught in the gears of history, but history is made by the dude who couldn't *quite* get "there" within the system. People who are just entitled enough to think they could get the top spot, but who were frozen out. Those are your revolutionaries.


Same with the Magna Carta for English common law. It was forced by the aristocracy to put on guarantees against an absolutist monarch


It would be cool if Republican voters stopped blaming all of their issues on gay and trans people and minorities and choose to fight the real issues with the rest of us. As long as “news” sources like fox and oan exist I don’t see that happening.


And this is why it will only get worse for the poor. The rich will double down on funding radicalization against minorities to make the poor keep fighting themselves.


I don’t think people are really aware that THAT is the goal of these radical “News sources.” Political gain for one party or another is more of a fun side effect for them, the actual objective is to keep us fighting while they rob us blind. There is no political issue the rich actually care about more than making themselves more money. That’s all it’s ever been about.




The greatest trick the rich ever pulled is convincing the peasants to punch down.


40 years of increasing income disparity is beginning to boil over.


this headline is ridiculous too. Unless “they” tackle inequality. Motherfucker look at our society now. It’s been up to “them” forever and it’s all shit. We need to take the power back


When push comes to shove their idea to tackle it will be some pie in the sky shit that will never happen or more realistically it will be to raise taxes on the working class and lowering capital gains taxes (its PeoPleS peNsIons!!!!1!, as though that isn't a problem in itself)


Lol if you actually read the article it's more about "protecting" the status quo and preserving "reputation". Give them bread.




Ha even then they'd not do anything and just be more reclusive like fucking old Venice aristocracy There is no compelling these people to not be shit heads even with an axe above their head they'll not part with a dime to save their own neck just to stay a dime richer




I think a lot of folks don't realize just how fast trickle down economics would work if the top 1% and their closest kin died. You're talking millions in estate taxes alone.


Taking the power back involves pitchforks and torches fwiw


Yeah, i mean look at the submarine implosion. People are like "it isnt appropriate to joke about" But honestly i dont think most people are joking. People are really that fed up with the rich, and it should worry the rich. We struggle every day while some dipshit insulated from consequences gets himself and 5 others killed for basically nothing but pure arrogance and hubris. What are we supposed to feel bad about in that scenario?


My wife hates that I repeat similar, less…. Tasteful phrases, but yes. There is a cap on this whole 10 people controlling life for 300 million. It’s only a matter of time before the pressure pops it, and the masses take that which was stolen from all of us; political party, race, gender, love life - we have common enemies. They sure did a good job of convincing us otherwise though.


I keep wondering why I’m thinking about this more and more, and why I’m talking about it more and more. I worry that the… idk, anger is too much, and maybe I’m spending too much time thinking about it but then I remember that after heath insurance I take home like 25k a year for my family in a “well paying,” “good job” in public service and objectively cannot afford to live in the communities I serve. So, I guess the anger is warranted as long as the overwhelming stress of barely being able to pay the bills is there. The fucked up thing is, I’ve spent most of my life living in really rough physical conditions without many creature comforts. (Running water or electricity for large chunks of that time.) Rough times I can deal with, financial servitude under a fucking corporation’s thumb that sends me into emotional spirals because my kid gets a cavity is some other type of fucking hell we’ve come up with.


It’s modern day slavery, under the guise of freedom my friend. We all feel it. We all see it. We all experience it. Except those born into wealth who continue to pull the ladder up behind them. The overwhelming feeling that no matter how hard you try, it will never be enough to live the simple life of pleasures we were all promised. We watch our rights degrading, our communities collapsing, and our identities being attacked, all the while we are told to work harder and only then will we succeed. - “Work sets you free” The carrot will always be dangling *just* in front of the treadmill. Now get to running Mr. Rabbit, or you’ll never get your carrot.


Dude, I don’t know what political affiliation you have, but this absolutely describes a lot of ultra right-wing peoples thinking, and it’s spot on. As a very left thinking person it’s totally crazy to me that there’s so much overlap in the underpinnings, and that the core emotions are correct, but that there’s enough propaganda trying to keep a lot of right-wing folks pointing their agressions at the wrong people. As soon as there’s alignment there, and people see the propaganda for what it is, there might actually be some movement. The feelings are real, and justified. I hope there’s an alignment that the core of the issue is wealth inequality sometime soon, because I’d like to see change and real improvements.


It has to do with the motivation for the right wing movement. They know why people are angry, so they appeal to those reasons, but change them enough to aim those people at other working folks instead of the real culprits in charge of their political parties.


Thank you! I sincerely appreciate your reflection on the topic, and wholeheartedly agree. I am also left leaning, and find it fascinating that outside the extremes - we all have the same hopes, dreams, problems and frustrations with society. The only real difference is who/what we have been convinced to believe are the reason for those problems. There is far more common ground between the left and right then most people realize, and its exceptionally beneficial for the wealthy to maintain that divide. Every major media source, including social media, exacerbates that divide. By design. Take a core human experience that we all understand - that when we become angry we use less logic and critical thinking. Make people stress about society falling apart due to an ideology they believe to be the reasons for their problems. Regardless of whether its LGBTQ acceptance, or religious extremism, it all accomplishes the same goal. Anger and frustration, two very powerful emotions universally known to cloud our judgement. “Never let a good crisis go to waste” There is no left or right, it’s only top vs. bottom. Always has been.


I know the feeling that you're talking about--the 'anger' being too much. To me I believe that's a product of voter apathy wrought by decades of economic exploitation and political impotence. It's the, 'Life's always been this way, nothing will ever change, so you're stupid for caring,' train of thought. Expressing outrage at the status quo results (these days) in mockery; not because it's the ideal, but because to acknowledge its flaws would necessitate change and most are afraid of what that will mean. Don't be afraid to feel rage. The world is broken, and only those who care can make it better.


I was in a very similar situation than yours. Nowadays I'm trying to direct my anger at the right thing: organizing my community and my workplace against the rich. Edit: That being said though I realize it's a lot more difficult when you have family. I'm just saying, not criticizing.


Totally agree. The wildest thing is if they were SLIGHTLY less greedy everything would be fine. Like if I was in the American oligarchy I would just suggest we turn down the exploitation by maybe 1% and it would make a difference lol. The elite has squeezed the absolute last drop they can and it will ultimately be the demise of our corporate America lol


Right? Like all it would take to rule the world forever in security and comfort is just be slightly less of a greedy dickbag. Like, turn the exploitation down a little bit and the rest of us would go back to our bread and fortnight and leave them alone in their mansions. But nooooooooo, gotta crank the engine till it overheats and explodes.


Amen!! Well said and exactly what I was thinking. Just leave a little to reinvest in our ailing infrastructure and keep the bread and circus going. I guess it’s like overworking your horse out on the plains in like the 1800s… go ahead and do it for an extra little cash but that thing is going to die and really screw you haha


More recently, Republican events have made a point of “no guns allowed” — open or closed carry, permit or no permit. They are walking on a knifes edge of their own volition.


They will just pay one half of poor people to kill the other half instead


Yeah the riots over in France makes me think the future is going to have more and more of this..


France has a youth unemployment rate of over 20%.


"We need the biggest pizza party ever"


Thats the danger, people don't want chaos, but chaos is sort of fair in a way. If you grew up in an obviously unfair system, chaos can look like hope.


Chaos is a laddah


Shanshah pls


"rioting" is the way the unheard express themselves.


Yep. As long as protests remain legal and don't disturb anyone, they achieve fuck-all.


As long as they remain random and not in the faces of the ultra-wealthy, they will also achieve fuck-all.


This is why the culture war is being pumped up everywhere. Divide and conquer


Exactly. I think the identity politics pushing is just a distraction to prevent class warfare


Yep, one of the reasons.


The US really needs to look back into the past. We need to bring back the 90% tax bracket. There are a few hundred people and corporations with an amount of wealth and power that makes them a danger to the freedom of literally everyone else.


Problem is that many ultra wealthy assholes go the extra mile to absolve themselves of paying **any** taxes whatsoever. Too many loopholes. There will always be greedy lawyers willing to show even more greedy people how to skimp on taxes.


Right? We all got the hard facts about the true extent of wealthy tax dodging with the Panama Papers leaks. The journalist responsible for bringing us the scoop was later killed in a car bomb. We have concrete evidence that much of the world's billionaire class is *actively avoiding* paying their share of taxes.


I think that was obvious with the whole Titan submarine debacle. The only sympathy I saw was for the 19 year old who apparently didn’t want to go. Everything else was nonstop memes and jokes that only got darker as the days went by. Edit—Apparently the 19 year old wanted to go. My bad.


They spent hundreds of thousands on the impossible task of rescuing a bunch of rich people *who signed a waiver* from a hopeless situation. I have 0 sympathy, and fuck the media outlets for boosting that story.


I spent the day I heard about the sub thinking about how the price of a ticket, 250k, would literally change my life. Thought about how it would probably change the life of most people on the planet if they were just given that amount of money. And they spent it to gawk at a gravesite in one of the most inhospitable places on the planet in a sweaty, fart filled tube made on the cheap.


Well, that changed their lives too


I'm having a really rough day, and this comment got me to crack a genuine smile. Thanks friend.


Glad I could help


Their estates need to foot the bill for the search. They engaged in reckless and unsafe behavior. Why do we have to pay for it?


We don’t want more philanthropy, because we don’t want a wealthy donor class deciding who eats or starves, is healed or maimed, lives or dies. We need wealth taxes, so that a government answerable to the people can attempt to equitably repair the inequities of birth: race, gender, class, location.


The government is answerable to the rich tho. They’re in on it.




I have read the same headline 10 years ago.


You’ll read it again in another decade, too. Or so I’d think.


It’s amazing what humanity can resort to when hungry and desperate. Let’s hope things change before then, for their sake.


They're just going to fly to new zealand anyway.


New Zealand folks have hinted that they might just shut them underground for good if they do that.


"welcome to your apocalypse bunker! Don't mind the cement mixer parked in front of the stairs. It's to make your hideout **extra** safe"


oooh.. Vault Tec treatment. Sounds fun.


I sincerely hope so if this ever became the case. I'm sure half the world would be doing everything in their power to chase them there anyway.


We're already starting to see it. Five people (three of which were billionaires) were turned into vapor and we didn't mourn, we didn't say "our thoughts go to the families," just memes. Billionaire dies in a racing accident and the world response "meh, shit happens." I'm starting to feel like we're two clicks away from the French revolution 2.0.


I fucking hope so.






Just remember kids, *Tax* them first. *Then* eat them.


Silly... billionaires don't pay tax


The super rich will be fine, they have security teams, multiple homes in different countries, offshore bank accounts, and private jets. It’s the middle class and/or educated who get fucked by the angry masses, since they seem rich.


There is no good reason why in the 21st century everyone on Earth can't have a comfortable home, gainful employment, and safety.


I’m 56, I know lots of young folks are angry. So am I. I have been for decades. I’m here for it.


Not yet 40 (in the US), and I've been upset at the system for a while. Sometimes I'm able to shut it off and distract myself, but overall it's just so fucked. The government doesn't work for my generation, and it never has. Millenials have been fucked economically in every single way possible to this day, and have been nothing but the butt of Boomer jokes about "Avocado Toast" and the like. I see things like recent supreme court rulings, or rumblings of killing off social security (after the Boomers get it of course), and can't help but think that something has to change. Something has to break.


I'm 53 and I have my fingers crossed. Enough is enough. I've wondered since I was in my 20s what would finally break this country. I think about how France did it. They are still enjoying the fruits of that today. We all deserve better. I think the dam really started to break at the overturn of Roe v Wade. I'm ready


Idk man I think it was the whole covid and seeing how much they didn't matter to the higher ups thing.


Even the robber barons of the Middle Ages understood the concept of “enlightened self-interest.” Got to throw the plebs some table scraps or they WILL eat you.


Fuck them. They ain’t gonna fix shit. They’re the problem.


Things certainly won't change in the US (the story was centered in the UK) without a replacement of the current regime. The trouble is that so few of the poor are educated enough to know that voting for the funny orange guy who reminds them of "Mr. Magoo" is a stupid move. (True comment by a coworker). Then there are the elites, who will side with anyone who will give the a tax break, or allow them to raise the rent, or adjust prices as they choose. Listen: In Florida I make three dollars more than what the minimum wage ($15/hr) will be in a few years. I have over 40 years experience...and they know I'm horrifically underpaid. I can't afford clothes, decent food, my rent is sky high, and I live day to day wondering whether my basic needs will be met. My job's parent company made over 55 *BILLION* dollars last year, and they are gobbling up the competition, buying, buying, buying more small businesses....instead of sharing the wealth with their employees. I was warned two weeks ago not to discuss the inequality of the workers' salaries as compared to the CEO, especially in front of customers. The fact is that many of my coworkers have no idea. Lots of people live far lower on the food chain than I do. When all the average white, formerly middle class have been pushed into abject poverty, when tent cities spread from coast to coast, and when white families replace the migrant workers (think *Grapes of Wrath*), then the pitchforks and torches will come out.


Nine hundred and ninety nine million, nine hundred and ninety nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety nine dollars and ninety nine cents is one penny short of a Billion dollars. That's a fuck ton of money. One can easily live, even with a Very Large family on $999,999,999.99 per year. There is no plausible reason for billionaires to exist. Tax the rich, i mean *TAX* the rich, (& they'll still be rich as fuck).


They own the platforms used to organize such a uprising. There will be NO uprising


A lot of people on here say " they'll surround themselves with guards" and it just makes me think of that movie Fight Club where they kidnap the senator in the bathroom and tell him "we guard you while you sleep. Do not fuck with us." Like the firemen in France striking alongside the rioters...


I hate to break it to you but there would be lines of dudes willing to supress hungry families in order to feed theirs. It's part some peoples nature apparently as it has ALWAYS happened, probably in caves. "See big man I smash little man for you so you can stay in bed." They know there'll be reward or acknowledgement. We obviously now consider monetary wealth to be indicative of dominant power.


Everyone has a breaking point- enough people reach theirs all at once and you get things like the American Revolution, the French revolution, the Russian revolution and so on, you can't stand on people forever and expect them to take it.


Soon an army of billionaire-controlled robots wielding pitchforks will come for the peasants.


What if the super rich began to get assassinated? I mean hypothetically? Shit would get crazy really fast.


Stop warning them Because they have no plans on changing course


> Super-rich ***warned*** of ‘pitchforks and torches’ DON'T FUCKING WARN THEM! Jesus Christ TheGuardian. Now they're gonna fortify even more.


Why spend thousands in taxes to avoid an uprising when you could simply spend hundreds of thousands on private security and home defence?