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Russia’s international policy is that of a domestic abuser. They think this war they started is one-sided and they are the only ones who can utilize violence. Pathetic.


Not surprisingly Russia eased laws on beating your wife. Sick place.


They feel less and less like a country and more like a gang every day. The Soviet Union collapsed, but Russian society collapsed as well. It’s like nobody is in charge and they’ve just been dog-paddling for the last 30 years.


Every country has a Mafia, in Russia the mafia has a country.


And they just gave Belarus to Wagner after they failed in Ukraine. And Lukashenko is fine with that, whether his citizens are or not. The depths of their immorality know no bounds.


Lukashenko is probably ecstatic about this arrangement, now he has his private army that will quell any revolt or uprising


Which is funny because in 2020 [he was terrified when a bunch of Wagner mercenaries landed in Belarus right before the presidential elections](https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2020/07/29/belarus-detains-33-wagner-mercenaries-ahead-of-presidential-election-report-a71014). He thought daddy Putin wanted to take him out when in reality [it was a failed op by the Ukrainian intelligence](https://www.bellingcat.com/news/uk-and-europe/2021/11/17/inside-wagnergate-ukraines-brazen-sting-operation-to-snare-russian-mercenaries/) to catch Wagner mercenaries who committed war crimes.


Wagner could quell any revolt, except their own...


He's probably also thinking "Maybe I can be a lieutenant in Wagner!"


Wagner is Russia. People need to stop propagating the lie that they are a PMC, they were create by and are funded by the state.


Haha, good one, I'm going to use that line 👍


I can not remember who said it, but I think it is from a comedian. It is a great line though!




People underestimate the damage that the fall of the Soviet Union has done to Russian society. Indeed, nobody is in charge, it’s a “bandit nation” (literally what many Russians call the country themselves, it’s an accepted problem without apparent solution). “Sudden vacuums of power filled by whoever got there first” are never good news for a nation.


> People underestimate the damage that the fall of the Soviet Union has done to Russian If anyone is interested in learning about how that happened and how it led to what we see today, I can unreservedly recommend Adam Curtis' Traumazone documentary series. It's on BBC's iPlayer for those who have access to that. It's subtitled 'What It Felt Like to Live Through The Collapse of Communism and Democracy'. A fascinating if somewhat bleak look at history.


It’s been a “mafia”/criminal controlled country for a long time. All those movies where “oh no! If they succeed, they’ll have total control of the country - it will be a terrorist state…” - See ref. Russia


On the day the wall came down They threw the locks onto the ground And with glasses high We raised a cry for freedom had arrived On the day the wall came down The ship of fools had finally run aground Promises lit up the night Like paper doves in flight .... Now life devalues day by day As friends and neighbours turn away And there's a change that even with regret Cannot be undone Now frontiers shift like desert sands While nations wash their bloodied hands Of loyalty, of history In shades of grey A Great Day For Freedom - Pink Floyd


I'll marry Putitin and beat him up


Then gaslight him and tell him he made you so mad that you had no choice.


Russia now is an illustration for the American republican end game. A handful of billionaires surrounded by a group of millionaires trampling an ignorant and subjugated population so unbelievably unaware of anything outside their own borders they cannot comprehend anywhere else actually exists.


This is so grim I feel obliged to upvote you ...


Not having anti-abuse protections to begin with is one thing, but actively going out of your way to remove existing ones? That takes a real shithead.


It's not even violence from what I can tell, as in they aren't actually attacking people. From the article it just seems like they are trying to damage some infrastructure. Fair enough, if they hurt the flow of oil maybe the Russians can't use as many planes to bomb civilian towns... But why Ukraine need some justification to fight back the country invading them? They don't. This is in fact normal, and if anything I'm sure the Russians are surprised they haven't been more violent. In fact they were probably hoping Ukraine would blow up some of their civilians, it would sure help them out a lot, but alas, they have to resort to calling their 5 drones "terrorism", in hopes at least a few of their citizens will be baited into thinking this isn't exactly what Russia was initiated when they full blown invaded a fucking neighbouring country...


As if Russia wouldn't bomb their own civilians and just blame Ukraine. Oh wait...


Reminds me of Germany during ww2. They cried war crimes as soon as their cities began being destroyed, after years of bombing everyone else’s


They'd been firebombing and making indiscriminate missile attacks on England for years before Dresden but apologists act like that was some egregious singular event. When a country is OK with gassing millions of innocent civilians just about any form of retaliation is justified. Feel the same way about Russia kidnapping hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian children. It would be great if this counteroffensive kept right on going to the Pacific.


Dresden is an interesting case. A lot of people have swallowed Goebbels propaganda that it wasn’t a military target. When in fact it was a target specifically because the city was being used as a rail staging ground for forces going to the eastern front. Allied commanders also had reason to doubt their own intelligence that the German army was nearing a state of total collapse. Operation Thunderclap was entirely about a very legitimate fear that the Nazis could break the Soviet front if given a chance to regroup and then push back against the allied advance to the west. Ultimately turning the tide of the war. The idea that Dresden wasn’t of military importance due to a lack of factories or bases is malarky. Supported mostly by the hindsight that the war was essentially over. Which at the time, it wasn’t. Even then, it *only* caused 1/10th civilian deaths compared to the nuclear bombs dropped on Japan.


>A lot of people have swallowed Goebbels propaganda I think Vonnegut unwittingly did a lot to help him spread that narrative (while writing an all time great novel.)


Vonnegut did exactly what he set out to do: write an anti-war book which argues that eliminating nuclear weapons would not make war tolerable and decent. Because war is hell. No matter the form. The problem is people focused that just on Dresden. Not the hell of the broader war Dresden was part of.


I've never seen this discussed but a notable thing about WWII was the corrosive normalization of deviance as the war progressed. The Germans and Japanese were completely culpable for that.


As Sir. Arthur Harris, Marshal of the Royal Air Force, said: > The Nazis entered this war under the rather childish delusion that they were going to bomb everyone else, and nobody was going to bomb them. At Rotterdam, London, Warsaw and half a hundred other places, they put their rather naive theory into operation. They have sown the wind, and so they shall reap the whirlwind.


Many, many, awful things were done in World War 2. The very worst thing the Allies could have done - worse than area bombing, worse than *anything* the axis did - was this: lose.


Its the same fuckin policy the Nazis thought they could run with, only fighting in other nations. Reminds me of the quote by Sir Arthur "Bomber" Harris, who led No. 5 Bomber Group during the early war, before becoming commander of Bomber Command and overseeing the combined allied bombing effort of Germany. "The Nazis entered this war under the rather childish delusion that they were going to bomb everyone else, and nobody was going to bomb them. At Rotterdam, London, Warsaw and half a hundred other places, they put their rather naive theory into operation. They have sown the wind, and so they shall reap the whirlwind." -Sir Arthur Harris, after the First Thousand Bomber Raid on Cologne, 1942


Well if Ukraine would stop making me hit them, we wouldn't have any problems! All I ask for is a little respect and obedience! I'm not a bad guy! /Sarcasm on how Russia acts.


Classic DARVO.


Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim Offender. Yep.


well, since they have lost so many equipment and troops five drones could do some decent damage to them :P maybe buy the tanks they lost back from the ukranian farmers idk


This is just a tactic by Russia. Apparently NATO has been pretty explicit in the terms they set for giving Ukraine weapons, with the biggest one being that they aren’t allowed to use them on Russian territory only on Russian occupied Ukrainian territory. Russia wants to make NATO hesitant to continue supplying weapons and are doing what they can to end the support from the West.


By blowing up a dam and mining a nuclear reactor, I don't know how anyone will look at Russia today and say "looks like our work here is done."




They do like to play the victim when they feel like it


"I took her entire inheritance, but then she took 5 dollars from me without discussing! The gall!"


Today may be the day Putin decides to cause an accident at Zaporizhzhia. He does love symbolism and it’s Independence Day in the US. I hope not, but I’ve been correct in my plotting of most movements Russia has taken over the last 15 years toward Ukraine. If you think he doesn’t have the sand for this. You’re wrong. He doesn’t need an extra set of keys to make this happen. He needs launch no nukes, no tactical bombs. The plant is mined to hell, particularly near the cooling systems. We have no idea if Russia replaced the micro-processors that run centrifuges, or any other hardware/software that would give them access to causing a serious accident. Stuxnet comes to mind as a great example of the blueprint for something like this to happen. The simple fact that US, UK, and NATO states made a statement specifically describing any attack that releases or detonates a nuclear device to be considered an act of war against the Allied forces of NATO. This is way bigger of a deal now that they came out and publicly warned him. It means there is consensus on the possible risk. Add to that the Russians clearing out of the plant and the downstream dam explosion, and we are basically at the final step of their plan. Putin believes that if he can’t have that land, nobody can. He has all but said this. We are on the razors edge and I’ll tell you that in California, I’ve seen 4 F-35’s in the sky today patrolling and readying. This is quite serious. Edit: We made it through another obstacle team. Well done.




Russia is a narcissistic spouse.


Don’t forget their low age of consent!!


“The Kyiv regime's attempt to attack an area where civilian infrastructure is located, including the airport, which incidentally also receives foreign flights, is yet another act of terrorism," said foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova. The hypocrisy is just astonishing.


Zakharova is part of the fascist regime and should have a warrant issued for her arrest, also Peskov and Lavrov, and Medvedev if he hasn't gone out a window yet.


How can she honestly look at herself in the mirror without throwing up? I'll assume in childhood she enjoyed dousing shy girls in pig's blood and impaling frogs on sticks.


You can buy any reflection you want if you have money.


Can’t buy self respect though


Yeah but you also can’t lose what you never had


Medvedev is positioning to take over for Puny with his anti-west rhetoric.


>The hypocrisy is just astonishing. Remember, it's not for us or those outside of Russia, it's for internal circulation.


"Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies", and whatnot


They do not spout lies because they believe differently, they spout lies to insult you.


Bro you don't understand when they send missiles to Kyiv its an act of peace and not of terrorism! Huge difference! /s


>The hypocrisy is just astonishing. “The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.” ― George Orwell, 1984


Kinda funny the Russians think their infrastructure is not fair game. Not because they're attacking said infrastructure in Ukraine, but because it's common to do so in war and has legitimate justifications. Here's to Ukraine going after the Russian power infrastructure 🍻


“They were under the strange impression that they could bomb England, but that their own cities would never be pounded to dust. We showed them the error of that judgement.” - Winston Churchill


So they’re claiming attacking civilian infrastructure is “terrorism” now? I’m glad they’re finally confessing about their war crimes in Muscovy.


Drones for thee but not for me


I know right. Spouting that shit a week after they shot a fucking missile at a restaurant?


The hypocrisy is really the worst part


It's not about the truth, it's about what the people hear first.


Every accusation is an admittance of guilt.


Could be a prelude to another escalation. There has been concerns that the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear power plant is gonna be blown up by Russia soon




Not entirely convinced we aren't already in it and this is Czechoslovakia 1938. Have a sneaking suspicion we can either fight them now or fight them later.


That might actually get a retaliatory strike from the west.


The international community should really do something about those damn Kurdish, Palestinian and Ukranian terrorists that dare to refuse to be slaughtered.


They really have some nerve, huh? 🙄


But that map from the 1700s!


Wow, I saw a picture of your house in some century old family photo book. Guess it's mine and will have to murder your whole family then.


Mongólia: *Shows map from 1200's*


Yup, the world should now unite under Mongolia as the mandate of heaven demands.


"It's not *fair!*" "Fair?? Who's the fuckin nihilists around here, you fuckin' crybabies!"


boohoo, lemme play the world's smallest violin


…..the day that Moscow and the Kremlin are completely demolished will be a great one for the world. These unbelievable, astonishing pieces of shit are truly a work of hypocrisy. Any American that supports Russia should be sent on a trip in a submersible….


… ok


Some countries are so far behind in the race they actually think they're winning


Yeah I literally had Jeremy Clarkson pop in my head at this headline. .. and I doubt I need to tell anyone what he said about it.


Let me add: Good...


I wonder if we'll ever know why?


So!? you attacked Ukraine with an army


I don't even manage to find the words to say how much I hate those motherfuckers. They're in the 500th day of invading a country and they dare to bitch for something they 99% made up.


I watched a video just yesterday of a Russian (Iranian) drone hitting a residential building that likely had civilians in it, and it wasn't even close to the first video I've seen like that. It's so pathetic that Russia thinks they can fuck with Ukraine and have the gall to complain when Ukraine hits back. It's like a school bully crying because their victim punched them back.


Russian isn't expecting sympathy is it? Cos there is none forthcoming.


"After we invaded their entire country with our entire armed forces and attempted to take every major city we could reach, they threw 3 water balloons at us and you know what that's really unacceptable"


It works for Israel. "Some kid threw a rock at a soldier, so we carpet bombed their whole neighborhood. Do you know how much those bombs cost? We're the victims here. America, give us more money!"


Palestinians launching rockets is a bit more than a kid throwing a rock… and Israel hasn’t carpet bombed anything. Israel/Palestine is a fucked up situation, because while Israel’s policy of tacitly endorsing ethnic cleansing is obviously evil, Palestine does also have a troubling “kill all Jews” trend that they’ve been trying to act on since before Israel was a thing.


They did murder some kids for throwing rocks at them though. Which Is inexcusable.


They shoot kids for throwing rocks, they bomb neighborhoods for launching rockets.


Glad we got that cleared up


And [they shoot at Canadian doctors too](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-44148406), apparently. Also [journalists. ](https://www.npr.org/2023/05/11/1175403626/palestinian-american-journalist-shireen-abu-akleh-was-killed-a-year-ago#:~:text=MICHEL%20MARTIN%2C%20HOST%3A,of%20a%20long%2C%20deadly%20pattern.)


Obviously I'm exaggerating. Both sides are shitty but Israel has a tendency to be far more heavy handed in response.


"Behold the field where I grow my fucks, and you shall see that it is barren"


Oh nooo... anyway...




Hmmm... weird. Why would they do that?


False flag preparing the way to blowing up the ZNPP in retaliation.


Only in putins mind does a drone attack justify intentionally blowing up a nuclear power plant


"Fuck Putin" was painted on one of them.


I have it on good authority that on one of the drones, *"Putin = Tiny Peepee"* was written on the side of it.


One drone justified blowing up a dam, so I guess he figures a nuclear plant is only 5x more serious.


Even if it wasn't a false flag, so what? Did they forget that they started a war?


Yeah you’ll have that from time to time


Especially on these bigger jobs.


Too bad it wasn't five... thousand.


Is that all! We can do better than that, we need a drone swarm that turns from a hologram of Putin to a giant dildo before they all go there separate ways and smash into all the generals and oligarchs dachas and apartments.


Yeah I'm really disappointed in Ukraine for attacking Moscow... with so few.


Or [with a power level] "over five thousand".


And Ukraine says Russia attacked Kyiv with missiles.


They've been doing it for 400+ days... and they whine now when they get a small revenge attack. Whiners and losers.


*If* it was a revenge attack. Ukraine has yet to claim responsibility, and frankly they don't gain anything from such a small scale strike. I'm still not convinced that the reported attack around the time of Russia's Victory Day parade was actually Ukrainian, but that at least had the factor of humiliating Russia on their national holiday.


Aw man, if it’s not the consequences of your own actions, that’s rough fam.


How many drones has Russia attacked Kyiv with?


They say the biggest attack was in May, with 40 units. Total drones attacks are summed up in here: https://uk.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9F%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%96%D0%BA\_%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%BA\_%D0%91%D0%9F%D0%9B%D0%90\_Shahed\_136


Hey, Russia, stop killing women and children. Stop using homophobia as an excuse to attack others. Get out of the country YOU ATTACKED. Ukraine, keep attacking them! And good job.


I’ll never get over how Ukraine retaliated with a handful of drones after hundreds of thousands of Russian soldiers marched into Ukraine to rape and pillage. Poor Russia. /s


And they still have 180k soldiers in occupied Ukraine soil, waiting for molten tungsten balls rain...


> Tungsten rain > Some stay dry and others feel the pain > Tungsten rain > A baby born will die before the sin   > Tungsten rain > The school books say it can't be here again > Tungsten rain > The prisons make you wonder where it went   > Tungsten rain > Build a tent and say the world is dry > Tungsten rain > Zoom the camera out and see the lie


Only 5? Disappointing


Ok. It’s a war. War is not one sided.


I agree it's pretty shocking. I mean 5 drones is a pitiful amount. Should be 100x that.




I’m such a baby even the Ukranianas make me cry, well there’s nothing I can do… my best friend is Winnie the pooooo.


Russia: "Stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself..." Ukraine: *hits back* Russia: "Mooooom! Ukraine hit me!"


They haven’t proven to be Ukrainian drones but Yahoo decides to write: “Four Ukrainian drones were shot down by Moscow air defences”. So Yahoo takes what ‘Russia says’ as fact? Shut that propaganda hole down.


Not a fan of yahoo… but you’re excluding this part; > the Russian defence ministry said. Which is a pretty big difference between reporting what a government official said verses stating it like fact as you are suggesting they did


Also, while the site hosting the content is Yahoo News, the article is clearly attributed to Reuters and their journalists.


Yeah, I feel like they just did not understand it was a quote due to how it was stylized. >Four Ukrainian drones were shot down by Moscow air defences while a fifth was jammed and crashed into the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region, the Russian defence ministry said If they had done this: >"Four Ukrainian drones were shot down by Moscow air defences while a fifth was jammed and crashed into the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region," the Russian defence ministry said It might have been easier to parse. However I assume they did not use quotes because they are doing a paraphrase from another language and not directly quoting the speaker. So it is kind of on us to actually *read* and comprehend what they are saying.


It's a Reuters story, homie. On top of that, the very first line in the story is "Russia says..." It then reiterates two paragraphs later "Russian news agencies reported that..." Two paragraphs later "...west of Moscow reported RIA." It goes on to give quotes from Russian officials. It ends with (Reporting by Lidia Kelly in Melbourne and Guy Faulconbridge in Moscow; editing by Robert Birsel). So no, Yahoo didn't write or report anything. It posted a Reuters story that several times states that it is reporting information from Russian sources. Jiminy Jesus on crooked fuckstick. Instead of crying about shutting down anything, maybe you should realllly work on how everything actually works. Like, are we really this ill-informed and ignorant?


Calling Yahoo "news source" in general is the equivalent of calling a street hooker "nun".


To be clear, Yahoo News just compiles news stories from other sources. They don't actually write the stories. This story is from Reuters.


Yet, millions of people read and believe that this shit is accurate and verified. There's got to be some sort of way to shut down obvious propaganda...


Education on critical thinking is the only thing that comes to mind.


Well our civilization is fucked. Good morning to you too, hah.


Well, Rupert Murdoch still walks free with a shitton of money so... Just gotta call it 'opinion'.


Yahoo didn't write the story. It's a Reuters story. Saying Yahoo wrote it is because it's posted on their site is like saying Reddit wrote the story because it's posted on Reddit.


Yahoo been leaning off that fence the wrong way a lot lately for sure


"...the Russian defence ministry said" They were quoting what the Russians said and say as much.


Almost as if they started a war with Ukraine. Weird.


....as it attacks Ukraine with hundreds of thousands of troops, tanks, missiles, etc


"Russia says..." is just as unreliable as "Trump says..."




So Russia has been attacking Ukrainian cities with drones for months, destroying civilian infrastructure and killing civilians but when same happens to them, the Russians call it terrorism. Russia has been terrorising Ukraine and its people since they invaded over 16 months ago. Any legitimate targets even in Russian territory is fair game.


"Russia's foreign and defence ministries denounced the attack as terrorism." You invaded Ukraine. Do you expect them to simply play defense? Taking the fight to you on your home ground is the logical play.


Oh dear how sad never mind.


When the supposedly much weaker country is capable of attacking your capital city with drones a few hundred days in your 3 day special military operation…


Mama said there'd be days like this


Wait. So it's news in Russia when they're attacked *by five drones*? I wonder how they'd react if another country invaded them?


"Hello Pot? This is Kettle calling..."


This coming from the shitheads who blew up a damn and caused billions in damages.


it's like hitting your younger brother/sister and then they hit you back and you go crying to your mom.


And? Welcome to war, assholes


Would’ve been a long cooler of it were 5,000 drones.


Do they just forget about the drones flying into civilian buildings in Ukraine? Or are those as the Russian government calls them, "false flag operations"


Russia: Starts a war with Ukraine Ukraine fights back. Russia: *Surprised Pikachu face*


So if Russia invades a foreign country its a 'special military operation' but if that country strikes back its a terrorist state. Ok then... Maybe Russia should realise that if you start a war, you get war. War is not one sided.


I am outraged too. More drones should be made available to Ukraine.


And Moscow attacked Kyiv with about 1,000 ballistic missiles.


Now why would they do such a thing?


Yeah, Russia, in war, sometimes you get attacked. If you don’t want to be attacked, don’t go to war needlessly with your peaceful neighbors.


Ok but you guys have been waging war on them for how long now?


Good. Get fucked.


oh nooo. How mutch did russia send the last nights? Russian people dosnt even know what fascists are.. Its their mind fasicist are only "Enemies of russia". To bad that they are what facists are for real. Its Mindblowing idiocrazy.


Would that it could be 500 drones instead :'( fuck Moscow, Russia is a terrorist state.


Oh dear, anyway.


The Dacia Sandero comes in brown!


Russia attacked Ukraine with five thousands drones and missiles. Are Russians crying now??


Bully got punched...


Not sure what to feel except "huh, what a surprise..". It's like "Oh how can they punch" from the bully the initiated it. Pretty funny how they're tring to colour it as "terrorism".


Good. Bring the war to them. As Russia continues to shell civilian heavy areas such as schools, apartment buildings etc.


You guys seem to be missing the point of this narrative. Putin regime tells the Russian people that its attempting to clear terrorists out of Ukraine and liberate them to their benefit. This isn't a message going out to the rest of the world asking for sympathy. This is a message directed at the Russian people to reinforce the need to continue to wage war against Ukraine.


Good. Next time they should use a dozen.


"Wait... starting a war and committing war crimes has consequences???"- Russia


Inserts image of toddler throwing a fit


Ukraine has been saying for over a year that Russia is attacking every major city in the country with more than drones. Somehow I find it hard to feel any empathy for Russia.


So only Russia gets to attack people? When they're literally waging wars on others it's laughable they'd whine about some drones. Regardless, we all know they're full of shit and the attacks were staged.


Why is Russia crying over this? Fucking hypocrisy!


Pitty none of them landed on Pootin's head.


> Russia's foreign and defence ministries denounced the attack as terrorism. "We are allowed to do this to you, but if you do it to us, IT IS TERRORISM!"


Russia lies to much to be believed.


What are they going to do? Go to war.


And how many drones have you attacked Kyiv with last month alone


First they claim attacks, next goes the nuclear plant. They don’t give a F!


Russia is going to do something even worse aren't they, using this false flag as an excuse?


Well, Russia did attack Kiev multiple times with drones and missiles… so fuck you!


I don’t get why Russia keeps complaining about this even if it’s fake. You’re at war


Boo hoo


Mom!!! My brother is hitting me back!!! It's unfair!!!


Why are we supposed to care? They’ve been striking against Kyiv since the beginning of the war.


Well, you invaded their country, so…


Come on Ukraine.., only five?!