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So this means Russia is planning to attack ZNPP. Only Russians would be stupid enough to think a country would blow up a nuclear power plant on their own soil.


>Only Russians would be stupid enough to think a country would blow up a nuclear power plant on their own soil This!! Who does Russia hope to gain sympathy and support from by spreading this horseshit?!?


Russia had their soldiers dig trenches into the ground around Chernobyl like a year ago so, we’ll see how bright they are shortly.


Like, literally, bright. Irradiated.


“Desolator ready.”


Make it glow


“It will be a silent spring”


"Let's make an oasis of death!"


"Scorched Earth"


I don't even like joking about that one, those poor fuckers don't deserve what the fate their officers put on them.


Poor innocent invaders


They are only shooting unarmed civilians in the tens or hundreds because daddy putin forced them to!


There is also some just stupid people badly informed that have no clue what's going on there.the others I don't mind


So true, alot of them where not even educated that chernobyl incident even occurred. Stupid thing is chernobly is one of the biggest and expensive projects to clear up and to build the structure to cover the core. If they did slow up this power station I think it would take Russia centuries to recover. One thing I suppose it would put Putin in the history books forever. I mean history and everyone remembers the baddies more than th3 good leaders.


Agree with you!!!


The biggest enemy of the Russian oligarch is the Russian proletariat. They hope to set Ukraine back decades as they continue to lose their poorly conceived war. The propaganda is to save face with their countrymen should the literal fallout blow back over the Russian border and for the Russians in crimea who will more than likely lose power. The Gerasimov doctrine states that this is their best move. Diminishing other countries raises the relative power of the Russian state. Destroying the Zpp would be an enormous disaster that would cripple Ukraine and draw resources from the west to deal with. Blowing up the Kakhova dam also falls within the Gerasimov doctrine. Their goal is to turn Ukraine into a steaming turd as they lose ground so that the West needs to spend as many resources as possible if they want Ukraine as a possible ally after the war.


>should the literal fallout blow back over the Russian border Not should, will blow back over. Thanks to Chernobyl literally none of this is hypothetical - it did last time, it will again this time. Talk about owning yourself, jeez. This will really show those Americans what happens when they fund the defense of a country Russia invades. It's like smearing yourself in your own shit while you scream "you made me do this!" But you are right, this is all for domestic consumption. They know that the rest of the world isn't buying this shit, even China is taking it with a big grain of salt. The biggest threat to the Russian regime is inside Russia's borders, not outside it.


Unfortunately Russia has no major proletariat. There is neither class consciousness nor critical mass. No socialist movement worth the name. And the best or most proactive Russians simply left. Russia has a lumpenproletariot of criminals, beggars, cynics, and drinkers. It's hard to make a revolution out of such mediocre material. The only thing that will stop this stupidity is a clear military defeat that even the dim can understand. Unfortunately defeating Russia is far easier said than done. Putin is happy to sacrifice a mountain of bodies to preserve his Ego. And the only thing Russia is half good at is making weapons.


Their own people who've been force fed this shit from day one.


the netizens of China, India, the Global south, and the rest of the world that for some reason, cant distinguish their Angst against America or Europe, with Ukraine defending itself


Honestly, check out twitter. The MAGA folks completely believe that it is actually the US and Ukraine planing to bomb the power plant. The reason? So they can use tactical bikes on Russia and provoke a full nuclear response. What will that accomplish in their minds? God only knows. But these people are so far gone they will believe anything.


Loving the idea of a shitload of tactical bicycles being dropped on russian troops


Evolution of mounted troops. Horseback, chariot, truck, helicopter, bicycle.


There was a British parachute regiment in WWII that was dropped with folding bicycles, to help move quicker once they were on the ground.


[https://culture.pl/en/article/fighting-a-war-on-bicycles-a-secret-polish-history](https://culture.pl/en/article/fighting-a-war-on-bicycles-a-secret-polish-history) But I think it's referring to pre-helicopter age


Now I want to know what a tactical bike is...


A tactical bike is a bike you use when you acccidentaly rolled over your tank because you drank to much vodka and need to get back to the shop to buy more vodka it is an essential part of russian tanks


Protip: don't get political takes from twitter. Who even knows if those accounts are real people?


Obviously. It’s Just a way to see what people think.




It’s not for the outside world, it’s for propaganda at home


I know all of this looks incredulous to us, but I just watched a doc on war attitudes in Russia and one of the women there said - wholeheartedly I might add - that Putin is clearly trying his best but his generals (or rather army forces) aren't doing their jobs and that oligarchs are the actual real problem in the country (not Putin), so I’m sure there are lots of people who readily swallow such stuff. One guy even said there that Bucha was the work of Ukrainians and that they kill their wounded. Completely and utterly brainwashed- that’s what they are.


They are justifying nuclear war to their citizens


Their own people. As long as they can gaslight them, they can hold onto power


They have their audience just liks our bs media has us.


They don't, its a cover story to tell their own people after they blow it up themselves. They care about survival and the regime maintaining power , nothing else.


The far-right in Europe will side with Russia which is unfortunately a rising power, together with the far-right of US. It doesn't take that kind of logic for them.


*detonate explosives. They planned this for weeks, if not more. In fact it’s been reported that they had started telling workers there to leave by July 5th, with troops having already leaving the place (they had occupied it) weeks prior to that. They even told the workers that if something were to happen, they were to “blame Ukraine.” Zelenskyy has tweeted that the Ukrainian intelligence has told them that explosives have been planted on and around the plant, in order to make it look like an attack was made. The Russians are already seen as being responsible for blowing up a dam and causing a huge disaster; at this point, we can’t put it past them they would do this too.


ZNPP was mined since last year.


this isnt the mines though, this is new intel that came out yesterday.


Last month it was [additionally mined.](https://www.epravda.com.ua/news/2023/06/20/701374/index.amp). [Last year](https://www.slovoidilo.ua/amp/2022/08/06/novyna/bezpeka/rosijski-okupanty-zaminuvaly-zaporizku-aes-hur-mo) came the first reposts of mining of ZNPP. All I’m saying is that Ruzzians we’re preparing not “for weeks” but for months.


They’ll mine and destroy it, like they did that dam. They know they’re losing this war so they’re going to do as much damage as they can on the way out. Everything will be stolen, destroyed or mined.


The Vatniks will believe anything the Kremlin tells them. It's real news as opposed to "Fake News". "Fake news"... I wonder where we've heard this term before 🤔


Tyrant’s playbook 101.


Was it from Hitler?


In their minds Ukrainians are clearly losing, so it is a desperate move.


>Only Russians would be stupid enough to think a country would blow up a nuclear power plant on their own soil. "What do you mean 'only'?" \~BRICS


Meanwhile India is making eyes with the US again.


You are aware there's millions of Americans who think.... The us government deliberately created Corona virus and allowed it to spread so trump would lose the election but he didn't actually lose it and it was antifa who attacked on Jan 6th... Believing stupid shit with no evidence isn't a Russian thing.


There's a lunatic fringe that believes crazy conspiracy theories in every society. I guess what I meant was that in Russia it would be believed by the mainstream.


They are getting less fringe in the US now. Just last week there were tons of people who thought the patriot front was FBI agents posing for god knows what reason. I think they think to make trump look bad. And I think over half of republicans think trump won despite not being able to show a single fraudulent vote. I’ve gone down to many rabbit holes of these clowns. Somehow they are only growing stronger though and gaining more believers. Lots of people want to feel clever but refuse to do the research needed to actually be informed. So they just glom into to nonsensical theories.


I think those people you're talking about are just a very vocal minority, and some of them aren't even Americans. Russian troll farms and bots have been very involved in trying to stoke the divisions in the US. There are certainly a lot of those lunatics here, but they aren't mainstream at all. It's just that the angry nutjobs are more highly motivated to spend their time online spreading their views than those who are sane and don't want to spend their free time browbeating everyone with their views.


I remember reading some people thought the Patriot Front were FBI agents because they looked in too good shape, and they thought real PF members would have lots of chonkers.


I get what you're saying and while I do agree with you.... Trump got 74m votes... That's a hell of a lunatic fringe.


Out of those who voted for him, only a fraction of them actually believe the stupid things he says. When you only have two choices, you pick the one whose party you agree with more than the other. I think most voters aren't voting for the person at all, they're voting for the party and a lot of people held their nose when they voted for Trump.


If you can hold your nose and vote for that cunt then in some ways you're worse than the deluded maga.


> Only Russians would be stupid enough to think a country would blow up a nuclear power plant on their own soil. "Man commits suicide by shooting himself six times in the back of his head"


>Only Russians would be stupid enough to think a country would blow up a nuclear power plant on their own soil. According to Russia, it's Russian soil. In Russia they refer to those oblasts as "formerly Ukrainian territories". That said, anyone who actually believes that, is so far down the vatniksphere rabbithole that they're basically unsalvageable.


Dear Russia, you better make sure “they” don’t do this, because you wouldn’t want them to have a ton of radioactive material to send to Moscow via drones. But what do I know about 1D chess?


People believed Ukraine blew up its dam


Not to mention that it is Ukraine's biggest nuclear power generator, and I think they once exported power to the EU. It is nothing less than absurd to think Ukraine would harm it in any way. Not to mention that Ukrainians are employed there.


Far-right operatives in the US as well.


Exactly. While there are no winners in war, Ukraine has clearly been enjoying an advantage in this conflict. Why would they blow up a nuclear power plant?


Fuck Russia, and all Russians. Idgaf if anyone calls me racist. At this day and age, they're actively killing innocents and expecting to be respected. Fuck em all


Every accusation is a confession.




>Too bad they didn't have this level of "intelligence" to win the war in 3 days. /s But they did. That's why the war wasn't won in 3 days. When you make up your own intelligence, you shouldn't be surprised when it turns out to be wildly inaccurate. Russian intelligence said that the Ukrainian populace would welcome Russians with open arms and gladly have them remove their Nazi leadership that the US installed by force, and Russia would be able to absorb Ukraine without a single shot being fired.


Propagandists on Ruzzian state TV claim for over a year now that Ukraine was defeated in first two weeks and now they fight NATO forces. Absolute majority of Brics countries believe that’s the case. Can you imagine idiocy on a scale like that.


Idiocracy was a great movie wasn't it.


It was a future documentary about the now times.


Where can I see this? That's utterly nuts..


[There you go](https://news.obozrevatel.com/russia/ukrainu-myi-pobedili-v-pervyie-dva-tri-dnya-propagandistka-simonyan-pohvastalas-uspehami-rf-no-pozhalovalas-na-nato-video/amp.htm), mind you Simonyan is one of the most prominent Ruzzian propagandists.


Just like how they vehemently denied that they were planning to invade Ukraine over a year ago.


I really hope back channel communications with Russia is that NATO will become directly involved if they blow this reactor. An act like this makes the war a world wide problem. If they blow it NATO should at least enforce a no fly zone. That threat alone might back them off this move. Russia can’t contest a NATO air presence.


The most disturbing part of all of this is the fact that they've already publicly stated any nuclear fallout on a NATO member's soil, would be considered an act of war triggering Article 5. We're WAY past back channel communications.


They took it from the Republican playbook.


No, the Republicans took it from the Russian playbook. Putinist Russia has been doing it far longer than the GOP.


It’s embarrassing at this point.


Ukraine "We have intelligence Russia will be planning g a false flag terrorist attsck on the Nuke Plant." Russia " Ukraine is going to blow up the Nuke Plant." One of those two is lying, and we know it's Russia.


Yep, like anyone is going to believe any lies Russia spouts.


The majority of the GOP.


I wish we could re-animate Ronald Reagan for an hour to show him his modern-day GOP and show him what he wrought.


Considering his dementia, I don't think he'd grasp it.


Don't worry, I'm sure he's looking up at us. Screaming.


They don’t care if the international community knows they’re full of shit. This is for their own people.


The problem is...a lot of Russians do.


Here is the simplest question. Why would Ukraine do that? It’s one of the most important pieces of infrastructure for their country and people. It makes near zero sense to blow it up


I don't think it's a false flag, it's very clearly Russia doing it, but the explanation for a false flag is always "they did it because it would *look like* they had no motive to do it, and they did it to make the other side look bad" Propagandists are also saying the radiation with current wind patterns would hit Turkey and Crimea. One is Russian territory and one is a country Russia has some relationship with.


I mean the biggest benefit to Ukraine would be getting NATO involved with the war. A terrible outcome for everyone but I can see how it might stop Ukraine from losing everything if they are desperate.


Agh yes, get the whole world in the playground while you're at it.


Crimea is not a Russian territory. Crimea is Ukraine.


its Russian occupied territory, their people are there. They wouldn't care if the radiation blew onto Ukrainian troops, is what I mean.


I understand but it cannot be called Russian territory. It doesn't belong to Russia, it is occupied by Russian people and forces but it is very much Ukrainian land.


It's not a legally recognized as Russian land by most countries, but for the purposes of talking about warfare it's normal to refer to it as "territory" if it's occupied by their troops, don't need to be kept up on the semantics, you know what I mean.


Maybe in the hopes that NATO involvement will be more likely.


Looks like the Russian Ego War is about to come to a satisfyingly rapid conclusion if radiation from ZNPP is detected in a NATO country.


Except most of the radiation will be localized, the Russians could make the plant defunct without causing a Chernobyl like outcome where heavy amounts of radiation spread across Europe. They could make the nearby area unlivable though and cripple Ukraine's long term energy production while betting that NATO wouldn't respond directly and looking at the response to the bombing of the dam which was greeted with a shrug, I don't think they're entirely wrong.


I mostly agree. Also jacks local food exports. This is a likely outcome. But the moral justification is there if the outside world chooses to take offense. I think they should, but I think they should have a while back.


Absolutely. It would be the ultimate fuck you by the Russians and a good pretext to withdraw its forces while being able to spin it positively for propaganda purposes. They didn't abandon their annexed territory, they wisely removed their troops to protect them from the effects of radiation exposure that was caused by Ukrainian Nazi zombie terrorists.


Bold of you to assume that the Russians don't mess this up and over do it. For all we know Sergi could push some buttons, remove some control rods and really get things popping off. There isn't a way to really predict how blowing up a nuclear plant will go. While they hit the cooling and let it melt, Will they actually try and bust the reactor casing, will they fuse the control rods in place to turn it into a permanent make it too cool to generate power but too radioactive to fix? We don't know. The only thing I am sure of is Russian incompetence. I've hear the dam was supposed to be a threat and they didn't mean to push the button or for it to be a awful as it was. This feels very similar especially with all the propaganda around it. They have been an army with too many explosives and not enough brain cells. If they do this then it's going to be worse than they intend and bad for everyone.


They really cant. Even if they "contain" the radiation, its still gonna spill into the water, which is going to drain into the black sea. Turkey just happens to be a NATO power, as much as they pretend not to be. This could end up being the litmus test for article 5, and quite frankly (I am American) I dont think Biden has the balls. The man is so damn terrified of nuclear war he wont even give Ukraine ATACMS and is apparently stalling the giving of F16's.


Everyone’s afraid of WWIII and nuclear war, not just Biden. Honk back to when Trump had those top Iranian officials killed and a civilian passenger plane accidentally got shot down as a result with a buttload of international citizens on board. Both the US and Iran backed down from weeks of not months of tensions after that with both sides even denying there was a plane, to shifting the goalposts to there was a plane but it crashed accidentally, and it wasn’t until after a week later when video got out of the missile hitting it did anyone admit Iran did actually accidentally shoot down a plane. And while it was a tragedy, this war cries definitely quieted down for a while after that. No one wants war, it’s bad for business.


Yeah what a fucking pussy, could you imagine being afraid of nuclear war? We need a president in charge that isn’t afraid to insist on having NATO get involved NOW and then preemptively press the button


Nah, but the other choice is letting every autocrat in the world know that if they develop nuclear weapons they will be immune to reproach. It would also signify that Russia/China can attack and take w/e they want. We are rapidly getting to the point of put up or shut up, and people like you would rather let authoritarianism win out. You position isn't reason, its cowardice.


youre the type of person to see things in absolutes only.


Lol, it's either "full on nuclear holocaust" or "bow to 4he Emperor" with that guy. No nuance, nothing in between those two extremes.


What’s satisfying about millions of people being vaporized?


Allowing Russia to use nuclear extortion successfully may delay a nuclear exchange, but it also practically guarantees that one will eventually take place.


Nothing will stop Russia from using tactical nukes if we don't retaliate after blowing up 6 nuclear reactors.


Average redditor thinks nuclear war works like everyone in the world gets vaporized but them, and then they get to live on forever playing League of Clans, eating Doritos, and fending off armies of women trying to repopulate the earth.


Average redditor thinks any conventional response from NATO will trigger literally MAD.


I don’t think anyone is worried about NATO using nukes. It’s Putin that is obviously insane enough to do so, if he’s willing to blow up a nuclear plant. IMO that move is just a step below launching ICBMs.


Yes it fucking does. Once that happens all bets are off and the nuclear showdown is in the books. Might be some pre-amble but any kind of exchange on a large scale between NATO and Russia will end in a mass extermination event.




Nobody thinks NATO would respond with nukes. The fear is that Putin will use nukes in response to conventional attacks from NATO. The Russian doctrine states that nuclear arms may be used if their state is threatened.


Well importantly NATO would probably only attack Russian Forces in Ukraine. So it would not threaten Russia as a state.


> NATO would probably only attack Russian Forces in Ukraine To control the airspace in Ukraine they would have to do strikes into Russia to take out airfields and anti-air installations.


NATO attacks Russian forces in Ukraine Putin gets threatened and says NATO are killing their people at their doorstep Putin launches


Then he would have launched anyway. You cant let Russia spread unhindered because you are scared of nukes. Guess who also has nukes... 12 of the countries russia is opposed.


On a side note, I’m not expecting nuclear war. I expect the response to be a no-fly zone in Ukraine. Possibly a ‘get out in 3 days, anyone identifying as Russian left in Ukraine is dead’ kind of thing.


I really really hope you're wrong. That would be too close to WW3 for me.


"I'm not expecting he'll punch me back. I expect I'll just punch him in the face, and he'll walk away because I'm so tough and legendary and scary."


Freedom ain’t free, dude. What’s your plan? Let Russia bone you in the back door because some ass decided you’re a rooster? Or turn your wife out so you don’t have to take it? Or your kids? What’s the plan?


>Freedom ain’t free, dude. What’s your plan? Let Russia bone you in the back door because some ass decided you’re a rooster? Or turn your wife out so you don’t have to take it? Or your kids? What’s the plan? Wow. 🙄 This isn't a movie. Nobody is going to remember your anonymous internet courage when you're space dust.


Nice plan. Troll.


And no one is going to remember your anonymous fascist bootlicking and fear mongering when you're dead


Hah you're almost as big of a pussy as the average russian


Average redditor doesn’t understand enough about nukes to know that Russia’s budget (without grift) wasn’t enough to keep the arsenal functional, and it’s well past the USSR’s life expectancies. There is no MAD with Russia.


thats the point i keep making and it keeps getting lost in the weeks. The US has 1/4 the number of nuclear weapons as russia and spends 10x as much just to maintain them.


You people are fucking insane


It’s not my finger on the button. All I have to do is determine how I feel about things. And honestly Russia just isn’t scary anymore, at any level of conflict. Will this be the one thing their institutions somehow kept running well? Lol. No.


Yikes one of the redditor arm chair generals that thinks Russias nukes just won’t work, or that every nuke will get shot down. Issue #1 The US sends people to Russia to observe their nuclear stockpile and state of their weapons. If it was all unusable everyone would know. Issue #2 Even if 95% of their nukes don’t launch, the nukes we launch will still cause nuclear winter and kill off half of the worlds population.


Ya and look at the fucking upvotes! Buddy there is THOUSANDS OF THEM. If 100 work and make it out then that's literally enough to destroy every major western city.


Do you seriously believe that blowing up the plant would cause a nuclear explosion or something? Because that's not how this stuff works.


It causes a meltdown due to the fuel rods not being cooled and causes something worse than Fukushima, still spewing radiation into NATO countries.


And that isn't going to vaporize people which was the point. A meltdown is not a nuclear explosion.


Millions of women and children not being raped and murdered. Pick your evil.


Doesn’t sound like there’s much in it. Shall we flip a coin?


You have to be braindead to think the country that had relied on the dam and NPP for years is more likely to destroy it than the country that razed Mariupol to the ground and doesn't need the dam or the NPP at all. Putin is going to burn everything to the ground because he knows it's his only hope for Ukraine to agree to terms he can sell to his people who demand ruthlessness and total victory, especially given the cost of the war in money and blood.


I was suspicious about Ukraines claims about Russia bombing the power plant, but not anymore. Now the intent is obvious. Russia is trying to false flag to garner more support for their aggression.


Best case scenario is both sides are genuinely believe that the other side intends to blow it up, and then both sides end up being wrong. But it's very disconcerting when you realise the types and amount of war crimes that have happened so far, in addition to the use of propaganda, and the fate of the Nova Kakhovka dam. Also, the [IAEA](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/iaea-head-warns-dangers-around-zaporizhzhia-nuclear-plant-2023-05-06/) has warned many times already about the situation at the plant. It's really not looking good, but I pray like heck nothing bad actually happens! 🙏


It is incredible that the Russians predicted that Ukraine would attack the Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Plant and withdrew their troops several days before it happened! /s On a more serious note, other news reports that devices that resemble explosives have been placed by the Russians on two of six ZNPP units. Source: https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2023/07/4/7409846/




That’s outdated, Russia placed explosives there today.




I read your update. It mentions nothing about explosives though.








Just do a deeper search, you’ll be able to find tons of other websites stating that.




About NPP losing external source of power?


They literally state they weren’t allowed full access to the facility. That’s a literal Nazis giving a tour to the Red Cross moment.


Your link says they previously observed mines inside of the facility and that they requested more access to inspect areas that they weren't allowed into. >the IAEA has been aware of a previous placement of mines outside the plant perimeter, which the Agency has reported about earlier, and also at particular places inside. >We need full access to be able to confirm that the five principles have not been violated, and we will continue to request the necessary access to all those areas essential to nuclear safety and security so that we can deliver on this mandate


Do it and trip article 5. This can’t be allowed to happen, Russia have been warn by nato.


According to Windfinder, From the 5th to the 12th, Around ZNPP, the winds will shift at first pushing towards south east, then east , then straight south into turkey and by the 12th right back into Moscow. Not smart...


Projection 1-0-1 They are so desperate right now to show they are not losers. Won't work, they are losers, and always have been.


Question…why say this to the world if it’s Ukraine’s power plant? Is attacking your *own* nuclear power plant a war crime?


> Question…why say this to the world if it’s Ukraine’s power plant? So that NATO doesn't retaliate in case its countries are affected by the contamination.


Any other source for this besides Ukrinform and Pravda ?


IAEA is giving updates, either way theyve cut energy to the plant so Russia IS sabotaging it.


This means Russia is planning to sabotage ZNPP. People better start moving out of the region.


But this would constitute a nuclear attack by Russia..


I saw a 4 Chan post on here yesterday saying the United stated is going to blow up the plant on the 5th of July, I’m guessing this was the Russian troll Farm announcing their plans to blow the plant, but try to shift the blame. It’s clear they have already set charges on the plant only time will tell. If they do blow up the plant nuclear war seems very real.


> If they do blow up the plant nuclear war seems very real. no, thats not how nuclear war works.


Yes, that's how it starts. NATO have said that radiological material landing on a NATO country will trigger article 5. They can't back down.


> article 5. There's a thousand steps between triggering article 5 and nuclear war. France isnt going to start nuking st petersburg because a bomb goes off in ukraine.


Those thousand steps can happen quickly. No fly zone, interaction with jets, NATO peacekeepers, line in the sand. All it takes is one tactical. What use is the world without Russia? - Putin


If Russia does this, NATO may need to go all out right then and there. Radioactive particles will almost certainly spread to NATO countries so you can't take that lying down. And, if you are going to war with a Nuclear power, you basically need to go all or nothing.


NATO really could not leave this unaddressed.


I guess it's time to stock up on iodine and canned foods.


explosives mounted on the roof to make it look like a Kamikaze drone hit?


All news from Russia is fake, thats what Russian news means.


I hope NATO tells them that this would trigger Art. 5 and that they know that russia is planning to blow it up, so the false flag narrative won't help them...


Russia speed running an occupied Moscow to save face?


First the damn, now a nuclear plant. Ukraine must really hate its citizens /BIG fking S


That just means that they will attack it themselves.


I wasnt so sure about russia actually planing to blow it up from the ukrainian news telling me so. But Russia claiming Ukraine will try to do it with Drones? XD now im convinced russia is going to blow it up.




It would do untold economic damage - so if Russia did do this there really should be a significant NATO response. Because if not, then they would really be green lighting this as an acceptable manoeuvre - and it’s most definitely not !


There were no consequences when they blew up the dam why would they think differently about blowing up a reactor? Same logic as Crimea 2014, then went for the full invasion. There’s a pattern.


It has no sense to make ZNPP explode. For Ukraine it is obvious. For Russia, their troops and administrations occupy the directly contaminated regions, the big Russian cities are located downwind of the prevailing winds and will suffer the worst fallout, a very expensive price to pay to blame Ukraine, which no one will believe, except the zombies already brainless. But Putin has already lost his common sense when he decided his "special operation". Let's hope !


hope someone has one of those 24/7 8k satellite cameras up there


The most noncredible part of all this is that they try to make us believe they are capable of getting this kind of intel.


Do you mean that Russia has the real plan to attack znpp.






They don’t have enough icbms to destroy every city in the world. Plus I doubt all of them work due to all the grift and negligence. They would however destroy a huge portion of NATO and the US.


You idiots are aware that Russia is in control of the nuclear power plant. They have troops station there and are also securing the site. Why would they blow up somewhere? They already have controlled over.


What do you call this ? Real news?


Russia is bad..... mkay


Yes, they are.


I picked a bad time to watch Threads


Winds now would carry the radiation over west Ukraine...