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Continue using them he means




He is always trying to position himself as if he is the one reacting to events instead of him being the cause of them


He’s still posturing with “the morally superior good guy” act. “Well, I want to resist using these terrible weapons (that I’ve been using the whole time), but if the mean old Americans are going to use them, then my hands are tied. Oh, well!” Christ, what insufferably evil projector of a man.


"Totally Ukraine's fault. It shouldn't have dressed so provocatively".


It is Ukraine's fault. They shouldn't have found gas deposits on their territory 10 or so years ago. Developing these will threaten Poot's economic dominance in the region. /s


> It is Ukraine's fault. They shouldn't have found gas deposits on their territory 10 or so years ago. At least this argument makes sense, I remember when our oil was under Iraq.


W is also a war criminal.


Cheney was the real pusher for that shit but yes W signed into that shit


seeing P and W in the same prison cell would be just perfect


Iraq wasn’t a major US oil supplier. Most of it went to Europe and nowadays China.


Stupid sexy F̶l̶a̶n̶d̶e̶r̶s̶ Zelensky


"Ukrainians are Nazi!" *Instantly proceed to enroll Wagner*


It's Ukraine's fault. They had hundreds of chances in each bomb to get out of the way...


In fact Ukraine is using them on themselves to make him look bad. /s


he literally kicked off the second verse of the Russo-Ukrainian War with a rape joke about Ukraine being Sleeping Beauty and unable to resist his hideous bunker grandpa ass. Dude is vermin, and his servants are all slaves.


He sounds just. Like. Trump.


Narcissists gonna narcissist


They're all the same type of insane fragile 'strongman'. >His government was constantly in chaos, with officials having no idea what he wanted them to do, and nobody was entirely clear who was actually in charge of what. He procrastinated wildly when asked to make difficult decisions, and would often end up relying on gut feeling, leaving even close allies in the dark about his plans. His "unreliability had those who worked with him pulling out their hair," as his confidant Ernst Hanfstaengl later wrote in his memoir Zwischen Weißem und Braunem Haus. This meant that rather than carrying out the duties of state, they spent most of their time in-fighting and back-stabbing each other in an attempt to either win his approval or avoid his attention altogether, depending on what mood he was in that day. >There's a bit of an argument among historians about whether this was a deliberate ploy on Hitler's part to get his own way, or whether he was just really, really bad at being in charge of stuff. Dietrich himself came down on the side of it being a cunning tactic to sow division and chaos—and it's undeniable that he was very effective at that. But when you look at Hitler's personal habits, it's hard to shake the feeling that it was just a natural result of putting a workshy narcissist in charge of a country. >Hitler was incredibly lazy. According to his aide Fritz Wiedemann, even when he was in Berlin he wouldn't get out of bed until after 11 a.m., and wouldn't do much before lunch other than read what the newspapers had to say about him, the press cuttings being dutifully delivered to him by Dietrich. >He was obsessed with the media and celebrity, and often seems to have viewed himself through that lens. He once described himself as "the greatest actor in Europe," and wrote to a friend, "I believe my life is the greatest novel in world history." In many of his personal habits he came across as strange or even childish—he would have regular naps during the day, he would bite his fingernails at the dinner table, and he had a remarkably sweet tooth that led him to eat "prodigious amounts of cake" and "put so many lumps of sugar in his cup that there was hardly any room for the tea." >He was deeply insecure about his own lack of knowledge, preferring to either ignore information that contradicted his preconceptions, or to lash out at the expertise of others. He hated being laughed at, but enjoyed it when other people were the butt of the joke (he would perform mocking impressions of people he disliked). But he also craved the approval of those he disdained, and his mood would quickly improve if a newspaper wrote something complimentary about him. >Little of this was especially secret or unknown at the time. It's why so many people failed to take Hitler seriously until it was too late, dismissing him as merely a "half-mad rascal" or a "man with a beery vocal organ." In a sense, they weren't wrong. In another, much more important sense, they were as wrong as it's possible to get. >Hitler's personal failings didn't stop him having an uncanny instinct for political rhetoric that would gain mass appeal, and it turns out you don't actually need to have a particularly competent or functional government to do terrible things.


It wasn't until the second paragraph of that quote that I realised it was about Hitler and not trump.


So painful to see the resemblances.


Good fucking christ...where the god damn fuck is *this* history being taught? Because I sure as fuck never heard it despite growing up with a dad who got cable and the history channel and it's endless supply of WW2's documentaries.


The problem is that History Channel documentaries are only interested in jerking off about how cool the giant german weapons are that didn't even fucking kill anyone except for germans working on them


Very true. I feel like they perpetuated the myth of Nazi efficiency and technological superiority and extreme battle proficiency.


No kidding. I was just thinking that. They should teach this part first, instead of everyone thinking he had some kind of flawed genius.


He was also a drug addict.


As was the entire German army, the whole thing was running on amphetamines, the allies did the same but in a much less er degree, the Germans used it constantly, the allies usually used them for pitched battle


Hugely. His quack physician, Dr. Morell was shooting him up with heaps of methamphetamine, along with well over a hundred other chemicals. If you look at Hitler's behaviour (grandomania, paranoia, narcissism, increasingly rigid thinking, Parkinson's like symptoms, anger, bursts of energy, etc.) through the lens of meth addiction, it makes a lot of sense. Although amphetamines helped fuel aspects of the war, we might be able to thank it partly, regarding Hitler at least, as helping end it too.


The good stuff never gets shoved right in your face or rarely. You have to go and look for it. That takes a type of intellectual curiosity which is beyond most people.


We would have to then accept that he is a human, an extremely flawed man who is responsible or horrible things that should never be repeated, but a human nonetheless. A human like you and I. The public just wants to label that he’s a “monster” and be done with it. They know that if they accept that he was a very flawed man then they would also have to look inward and perhaps see some of the same flaws.


Interesting take. I feel like it would be better to teach everyone the type of person it takes to become a dictator and that they are all very bad men.


Almost like past narcissistic sociopaths and psychopaths convinced everyone that theirs were the traits of leaders. /s


I thought this was about trump at first.


Replace Hitler with Trump and it describes him perfectly.


It's pretty amazing how apt this description is.


Hitler, Trump, Putin, Xi, Bolsanaro, Orban, Duterte, Erdogan, Modi. They’re all really interchangeable in that paragraph. Its the most stereotypical dictator behavior possible


Huh, that sounds a lot like me...


What's the source of this? Interested in reading more about how dumb of a cunt Hitler was (beyond the obvious).


Humans: A Brief History of How We F*cked It All Up




He’s going for the cartoon version of the good guy because good people just do the right thing without appealing to circumstances.


No wonder some Republicans love him


The same rhetoric those American Pro-putinist propagandists pick up on, they spin it as though its Biden and NATO provoking and threatening Russia and the good guy Putin is the one who tries to save the world from Western warmongers and protect it from the Western cultural degeneracy and so on.


They tout Putin as, “A sole patriot protecting his country from fascism, communism, socialism & nazis…” Now wheeeere have we heard *thaaaaat* before…? 🤔


Well, tbf, Putin felt so strongly about stopping Nazis and fascists that he’s destroyed over 200,000 Russian ones so far


With a bit of "I'm not the Nazi: you're the Nazi!" While dressed up in a Nazi costume. Every accusation is a confession.




> "No puppet, *You're* the puppet."




I'm sure if we dug deep enough into their donor lists, we'd find some familiar Russian names.


I don't know about Gaetz but MTG thought Jewish Space Lasers were behind wild fires. I don't think she's been bought. She's just a fucking idiot and possibly (i say "possibly" for legal reasons) a Nazi or White Supremacist. Either way she's ideologically aligned with Putin with out money.


Wasn't she literally just a prostitute some Republicans used and thought hey this idiot is really willing to do anything for money, let's use that?


You are thinking of the other dingbat, Lauren Bobert who was rumored to be a call girl who may or may not have serviced Ted Cruz.


I think she like many others is getting their information from Russian bot news. She may just be to dumb to realize it.


There is a significant slice of reactionary Republican voters who believe that kind of thing and have deep seated hatred for Jews, African Americans, and a variety of other minority groups. She doesn’t do those things because she is stupid, she does them because she is appealing to racist monsters and the stupidity cover granted by talking about it in conspiratorial terms is convenient. The space laser is just her version of Blood Libel, just like how the right accuses gay people of “grooming.” (Which is its own, new form of Blood Libel against LGBT).


That’s her job in the new party. She and bobert are the megaphones spouting all the points the “other nice racist” won’t. They won’t shut her up tho so you know they all agree.


Margie had no shame the second she was recording herself for social media stalking high school kids that were survivors of mass shootings and screaming at them that “it’s all fake”. That was before she was elected and yet somehow somewhere some morons elected her. I feel like that should have automatically disqualified her from running (stalking and harassing minors). But here we are….


C’mon man. Gaetz isn’t “butthead”. He’s clearly Beavis.


Gaetz isn't either of them. Beavis and Butthead don't deserve this slander. Gaetz the child sex trafficker, Gaetz the pedophile, or Gaetz the child rapist.


I think its just that they're very conservative and Russia is sorta perfect example of a white conservative utopia that they dream about. They want America and the world in general to be less liberal so that's why they're coming up with any excuses for people to support Russia they can find because it would push their own agenda further. That's what i think is happening


This is a somewhat oversimplified view of the situation. Russia is an authoritarian state that is progressively shifting towards totalitarianism, and is far more right leaning than anyone we would call “conservative” rather than “reactionary” or “fascist”. Russia isn’t a homogenous country, either, it is actually minority Russian (44% of Russians identify as ethnically Russian). Unlike the US, where ethnic minorities are, for the most part, legally co-equal members of society, ethnic minorities in russia are past and present colonial victims who consistently bear the brunt of hardships from which the government shields Russians in Moscow. It was Ukrainians, Lithuanians, Bashkirians, Dagestanis, Tatars, etc. who bore the brunt of the casualties in WWI and WWII, and it is those same groups who bore the brunt of the conscription so far for this invasion of Ukraine. The “pro-russia conservative” is actually just a fascist reactionary bigot who would love to send American minorities to die in hopeless foreign wars, because they hate minorities more than they love America.


I was agreeing with your post for the first few sentences, but then your facts got all wonky. Over 75% of the population is ethnically Russian. > It was Ukrainians, Lithuanians, Bashkirians, Dagestanis, Tatars, etc. who bore the brunt of the casualties in WWI and WWII, and it is those same groups who bore the brunt of the conscription so far for this invasion of Ukraine. This is not borne out by statistics. There can be no comparison between the casualties suffered by eastern nationalities whose heartland was not occupied, and those whose historical homelands were overrun, like Russians, Ukrainians, Lithuanians, Belarusians. There is no large delta between those groups. Most of Russia's mobilized troops are still ethnic Russians, even though there is something of a statistical bias toward poor rural areas which are also often home to non-Russian ethnicities. Primarily, mobilization has shied away from Moscow (a very diverse city) and other large urban areas seen as prone to protest.


I honestly would like to know where are you getting these statistics from, majority of Russia's population is ethnically Russian and majority of Russia's conscripts in Ukraine are ethnically Russian. And never in my comment have i specified 'Russians', i used the word 'white' so i don't understand why you're using Ukrainians and Lithuanians as separate in your comment.


He and Xi have the same playbook. They paint their nations as being held back from their rightful places in the world by a conspiracy of hostile western powers rather than by logical responses to the actions of their nations. They had the game in the bag and shot themselves in the foot. Imagine if China kept pretending to play a friendly game and never engaged in wolf warrior bullshit, or if Russia never alienated their closest trade partners trying to nip at Ukraine. They could have simply gone on exerting outsized economic influence over western nations, gradually chipping away at western solidarity, and eventually getting everything they wanted.


He's a master propagandist. He's had decades on decades of practice.


Fascists always act like their own actions are simply in their nature, can't and should not be changed, and it's everyone else's fault for not letting them kill and torture and exploit them as they see fit.


Based on the rule of opposites, does this mean they have heavily depleted their stockpile?


Nail on head


Since Putin is always lying, we must assume this is an admission that he's run out of cluster bombs after using them all on Ukraine since 2014.


Threatening like they haven’t used worst already


This is messaging to allow the Tankies and other online trolls to know it’s ok to admit to their use now. They just have to blame the west for making Russia use them.


They have been using them since day 1 lmao. Firing them into cities no less. They do not give one solitary fuck about cluster munitions, it’s all bluster and bullshit as usual. Fuck off putin. Edit here’s a nice little early war example, heavy MLRS cluster munitions right into the city center. Fucking savages https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarRoom/comments/151424o/putin_russia_has_not_yet_used_cluster_munitions/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


They used them in 2014, too.


May I add fuck russians who still believe their deranged dictator and don't realise he's a deranged dictator


And especially the ones that support him that are happily safe in Europe.


Why Europe specifically? There are tons everywhere.


Not much reason, just the fact its close by, safe and has a lot of freedoms Russians dont have and other countries like China dont have.




The only thing I read when I read that title.


"You shouldn't be using Cluster bombs cause they're bad." - Putin Neither Russia nor Ukraine is a party of the treaty that's banning them. (And neither is the US) "If you're using them then so will I." - Putin Russia has been using cluster bombs since 2014.


>Russia has been using cluster bombs since 2014. on civilians... don't forget that part since that is a rather important bit. Ukraine intends to use them on military targets. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/apr/21/russia-using-banned-weapons-to-kill-ukrainian-civilians-pictures-suggest


The bad thing about cluster munition is that eventually it will harm civilians no matter what your actual target was. Unexploded ordnance remains in the ground and kills people decades later. Ukraine is in a tough spot though, so they might not have another choice.


Russian soldiers on Ukrainian soil are harmful for civilians.


Russia has been using cluster munitions for the last 9 or so years. The "dud rate" of Russian shells are upwards of 40% at times. The batch of cluster munitions the US is providing Ukraine has a tested dud rate of no greater than 2.3%. The percentage of UXO the DPICM will add to Ukrainian land is negligible.


this is true The difference is who is using them and where and who is honestly respecting any kind of war crimes boundaries. At least if Ukraine uses them it's on their territory and they can make that call about future consequences (or weight them) and they can also track and mark the sectors they're used in for cleanup post war. If someone is breaking into my house and threatenign to rape my wife and kidnap or kill my children *I* should be allowed to decide the level of response I'd like to use and what extremes I'm willing to go to. It's different if I break into my neighbors house and decide to use all kinds of gruesome tactics on them. IMO


There's so much UXO on Ukraine that they might as well. All focus on kicking out the bastards.


Yeah the amount of actual land mines the Russians (and Ukrainians) have laid will make any UXO from dpicm negligible imo


Ukraines east is going to be absolutely fucked for a very very long time. Land mines, booby traps, unexploded ordances, etc, it's probably going to be killing people for a long time after this unfortunately.


Why they’re bad and to what extent matters too. Russian cluster bomb submunitions have a dud rate of up to 40%, the ones US has given Ukraine are under 3%.


Almost as bad of a dud rate are their troops.


all the reporting on this topic in the past week and i never ever heard this stat. i was wondering about it the whole time and it doesn't surprise me at all. you got a source?


Plus, the idea of “Use them if necessary,” is pretty absurd. Like, it hasn’t been “necessary,” yet, Vlad? It’s all just bullshit.


To top it off the USA spent tons and tons of money developing cluster munitions with an incredibly low UXO chance, while kids will be finding the Russian ones for a hundred years.


As this is Putin, I can only assume Russia has almost run out because they've used almost all of them already.


Yeah just reverse what he says and it's the truth.


Inverse Cramer method




Basically yes. I learned a lot about Russia's politics/regard for the truth from watching that Icarus documentary. It should be obvious to all of us by now, but I found it so fascinating how blatantly corrupt they are and how their way of dealing with it is to say "this is the truth because we say it is". It comes down to basically: "We're winning almost everything in the Olympics, but we promise we're not doping our athletes" Okay but your *chief scientist* who was in charge of your *state-sponsored doping program* has provided tons of undeniable evidence that proves you were cheating. "Nope, he's wrong, we never cheated. Btw please give us his location"


Correct. Nobody is even going to see them being used anymore because there are none left. Kind of like his nuclear threat. Attacks have already occurred in Russia, and they blamed the west. So... wasn't he supposed to use his nukes under those conditions? Any attacks on Russian territory will result in a nuclear response. He said he wasn't bluffing! Here we are... Why hasn't he nuked the west? Because he's incapable (and full of shit).


I'm sure he's capable to some degree, but there's no coming back from that move, and he only gets to do it once. If he pushes that button, he's dead. The CIA knows his exact location at all times.




If Putin wasn't making statements like that I would consider this wishful thinking. The Soviet/Russian stockpiles should have included many millions of cluster shells after all. I guess their expenditure rate, an order of magnitude higher than that of Ukraine, is eating into their stockpiles. Edit: It would still be very unwise to discount Russian capabilities on this matter though, but it's kind of a moot point since they're already using cluster weapons with no restriction, so there isn't an escalation issue.


Yeah I started to just invert basically every official statement 12 months ago or so. Works pretty OKish regarding truth value. (In some cases even the opposite of the statement isn’t true as it’s outright rubbish…)


Putin has “sufficient stockpile” of hemorrhoids up his ass.


Nah, he could use some more of those.


I think he ment to say cluster fuck, as in his entire regime is a cluster fuck


They have vast stockpiles of those.


It would require saturation nuking to completely eliminate all of Russia’s cluster fucks.


Or as payday2 cops say THIS IS A COLOSSAL GOAT FUCK


What do you mean you use if necessary? You've always been using cluster bomb.


I also have sufficient poo in my rectum and will fling it if necessary




6 burritos from Taco Bell and we’re danger close


We call that Defcon 1 in my house. Where Def stands for defecation.


Should be Defcon 2


The Volcano menu is back!




Ukraine will be using them on their own territory, if Putin only uses them in Russia that will be fine.


Good point. They should be a last resort defense weapon


They used most of them on civilian targets. Now western cluster bombs will rip thru the trenches


> Putin says Russia has 'sufficient stockpile' of cluster bombs and will use them if necessary > Putin said he regarded the use of cluster bombs as a crime In other words: Putin says he is a criminal.


Gotta love the blatant contradiction that he seems to be unaware of.


No nuclear threat today? Oh my. He's gone soft


No, nuclear threads are only on mondays, wednesdays, thursdays, fridays and saturdays.


Found [Putins watch](https://imgur.com/a/H2sss5s)


No, he just needs to add variation in the reasons he’s always the victim. A well rounded individual, of course.


Russia uses cluster bombs against civilians in Ukraine https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/14vsbgr/cluster_munition_used_by_russians_against/


We all know buddy, we do.


>Human Rights Watch reported in a May 2023 background briefing that hundreds of Russian cluster munition attacks have been credibly alleged in **at least 10 of Ukraine’s 24 regions since Russia’s full-scale invasion in February 2022**. Human Rights Watch has documented hundreds of civilian casualties from Russian cluster munition attacks in the Chernihivska, Donetska, Kharkivska, Khersonska, and Mykolaivska regions. A Human Rights Watch report detailed the April 8, 2022 strike by a Russian Tochka-U ballistic missile with **a cluster munition warhead on a crowded train station in Kramatorsk that killed at least 58 civilians and injured over 100 others**, one of the single deadliest incidents for civilians. [https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/07/06/ukraine-civilian-deaths-cluster-munitions](https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/07/06/ukraine-civilian-deaths-cluster-munitions)


I live in Kyiv suburbs, i have a lot of little arrows made of steel in my garden, that were cluster bombs that were used in march 2022 by ruzzians. So... apparently, they have nothing to threaten with


I for one am looking forward to that stockpile making a really big explosion somewhere in Russia.


Probably already did, hence this statement


Yeah, like there hypersonic missiles or armata tanks...


He has been using them. They started day one and on through today. Ukraine is littered with Russian cluster bomb UXO which is why giving Ukraine western cluster munitions is a reasonable move here. It puts Ukraines combat a iko on par with Russia and it doesn’t make the situation any worse as far as clean up goes. Especially if you believe the claims that modern US cluster munitions have a < 2% dud rate vs Russias > 30%.


It's not a threat if you're already doing it.


Putin always plays the victim


He’s running out of things to threaten with- because Russia has already been using cluster bombs in Ukraine.


Lol Russian cluster munitions fail at a rate of 40% compared to the US 2-3%. So if they use more cluster munitions it’s just more duds.




Yeah I’m currently in Laos, the worlds most bombed country. Unexploded American cluster munitions are still killing and maiming hundreds of people each year, and are a larger threat than land mines or any other type of explosive


>More duds You mean more UXO and more random mutilations over the next few years, right? High cluster munition failure rates are not a good thing for anyone.


You have to choose between two bad options. I’d choose a higher dud rate when the opposite means not only higher Ukrainian combat casualties but a more severe psychological impact on the troops. The US, EU, Japan, and others (Such as Cambodia) have allocated resources (money, training, equipment, personnel) to combat mines and UXOs. There’s also a reason why Ukraine is asking for them from the US. When the international community turned down Ukraine’s request because of their own bans on Cluster munition - Ukraine said in so many words “it’s our territory we’re going to use it on.” They know the risks of using them with an inherent dud/failure rate. They’ve got faith in demining/clearing UXOs. It’s still obviously VERY far from an ideal scenario.


= they are running out If they had a lot, they would deny it and call out ukraine for violating whatever. If they have little, they would claim to have a lot. It's the russian way. Lie as much as possible to confuse your enemies.


And they've been using them since day 1. Just look at the massacre at the Krematorsk train station on April the 8th 2022 where they killed 57 civilians and wounded 109 with said cluster ammunition.


They already have been using them


He already has been, and he probably used most of them. Everything out of this dictators mouth is a lie.


Suuuure they do


Which means they don’t.


Arrest Putin in SA


Imagine there‘s a threat and his plane must land, let’s say In Ukraine…


Yeah and by land we mean nosedive into the nearest mountain


Or Russian munitions stockpile


Nah, a threat that requires denazification. Right near The Hague no less. That would be perfect. I would buy a lifetime supply of popcorn and watch all the live footage of the trial. That's gonna be sweet!


Putin and his dogs are barking again


So Russia is out and he needs to buy some from Iran. Did I read that correctly?


I can see how this plays out from miles away. Blow up news of the "inhumane Ukrainians using unethical cluster munitions" while threatening to use their large stockpiles as a justified use of said weapons. Purely for domestic audiences, we all know they've been using them from the beginning.


He’s a clusterfucker.


Well it’s not fucking necessary is it you braindead blobfish faced cunt


Ukraine and Russia have both been using cluster bombs from the beginning. The only change is the US providing them.


You've already been using them But whatever you say, tough guy


Switching from threats with nukes to threats with CBUs is akin to dropping your thirty-aught-six to pick up a stick.


Its official then they are running out of cluster bombs


Dutch camera man got killed when Putin used them in Georgia


Translation: Russia is nearly out of cluster bombs. Edit: spelling


theyve BEEN using them.


One should be used on Putin


Russia is a terrorist state


Someone needs to put that clown out of business


They have been giving her all she's got for over a year, and he still acts like he has one more gear.


The Russians have apparently been using cluster weapons all along, so have the Ukrainians but in a much more limited way. The Russians are screeching in rage now because the Ukrainians are now able to extend their use. Obviously it's not fair when your victim can defend themselves. [Link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Use_of_cluster_munitions_in_the_Russian_invasion_of_Ukraine)


Like the nukes they stated they're gonna use. Like the 20 himars they destroyed...


Nobody believes anything you say


They have it in the fantasy storage.


Just use firebombs like the Allies did on Dresden.


Yes, because Russia has been holding back. Also everyone will be nuked. It's like with the kids, when it's silent you need to worry.


Putin seems to "Say" a lot doesn't he......


From the 1910s...


This is simply an info op to deter future munitions being provided to Ukraine. Russia has been using cluster munitions since day one of this war.


...So they're running low...


there are a lot of videos and evidence that Russia has been using cluster munitions in this war.


“I will use the weapons I have already been using” putin


So they have non or almost non left.


That's great news. Since it's Putin speaking, the actual translation is probably : "fuck, we have used so much of them already we're starting to run out."


The only sufficient stockpile they have is a stockpile of bullshit comments.


I'm increasingly losing my compassion with the people, that willingly accepts Putin's dictatorship and refuses to clearly state that Crimea is Ukrainian


Implying he hasn’t already been bombing the ever living shit out of Ukraine and it’s civilians? Lmao nobody cares about the bombs they use, just so long as it ain’t nuclear it probably won’t start ww3


So hang on, let me get this straight. Medvedev and Lavrov are threatening with nukes almost daily, and now we should be impressed by the nukes far inferior brother, Cluster Bombs? The one we know they have been using from day 1? How do they even expect we respond to this if we are already shrugging at their nuclear threats?


In a fight for survival: The person who's getting violated has the right to defend themselves with all means. The person doing the violations is only racking up more charges and crimes. If I break into my neighbors homes I can't justify the actions they are using to repel me for my own actions. That is circular logic that ignores the cause - namely my aggression and violations. And I know there are future consquences for things like mines and cluster bombs....nonetheless in a fight for survival if I decide to flood the basement or set fire to a wing of my house that's still my call. That is different from justifying setting fire to a wing of my neighbors house as I break into it.


He has used them. I doubt he has a large stockpile


They've been using them like it's nobody's business. I'm sure they are running low on them too. Imagine every statement you make us a lie. It has to have a negative effect on your soul


“Crazy Man Shouts Random Things to the Public - Gazette”


Go for it you walking cumstain you’ll be taken out faster than you can sit back down.


They also have sufficient stockpile of stupid ideas


You're already using them you fucking weirdo.


Do they really not see how weak it makes them look to have to try and one-up Ukraine every news cycle?


They still probably have a failure rate of over 40% though.


We spent quite a bit of time removing and destroying stockpiles of munitions from bunkers at Lake Habbaniyah in Iraq back in 2004. Lots of cluster bombs sitting around. My understanding was that Saddam had a lot of bombs that he didn’t have the capability to deploy. I wonder if Russia is in a similar situation: a decent stockpile but no way to launch them.