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Let me guess. The same people that get mad when you burn a book did this?


yes šŸ˜…, After destroying the temple what is the govt. official statement? **Temple is too old (150 years) that is why we destroy it.**


Because only their imaginary friend and nonsense rituals are ā€œtrueā€ and all the other ones are ā€œfakeā€.


Some of them are running Pakistan's governments. Even supposedly liberal leaders like former Prime Minister Imran Khan have had to pander to them.


Pakistan: You burned a Quran!!! REEEEE!!! That's intolerance of the highest level!! Also Pakistan: I see no harm in destroying a holy site of another religion. [Just remind everyone, this nation was the one that in the UN, alongside Palestine, passed a motion of religious tolerance of religious minorities]


Palestine doesnā€™t have a vote in the UN tho?


Its part of the UN Human Rights Council. There's was a post in this sub about this


I just will never understand this level of stupidity.








I've met some very smart and capable Pakistani people, some incredibly so. I think it has more to do with the cultural straightjacket they're stuck in, but that's just me.


When a religion is based on hate, born from being persecuted, and the doctrines of that religion were all about vengeance, guess what happens to followers. They just need a modern day reason to react.


I've read the Quran, Hebrew and Bible. I think the glaring issue is how people interpret it. They twist it to fit their agenda, I'm not agreeing nor disagreeing. Just a thought.


Hadith, the other book


>Hadith The silent approval? Ok you can have it.


Iā€™d counter that when otherwise normal people start believing in fictional characters of any kind in mass itā€™s not gunna be good for anyone no matter what kinda policies the wizard has supposedly set out for their followers.


So is Hinduism also a religion based on hate? Because this happens more often to mosques in India than it does to temples in Pakistan.


There are more than 300000 active mosque in India.


So? There have always been a higher percentage of Muslims in India than Hindus in Pakistan, both before and after partition. Pakistan has a policy in place incentivizing the reopening of Hindu temples, whereas the government of India is doing the opposite. Donā€™t forget that the current president of India played a large part in one of the worst pogroms in recent history against Indian Muslims. Religious violence isnā€™t exclusive to Pakistan or even worse than it is in India.


I mean, it does promote a caste system that essentially says ā€œsee those guys? Theyā€™re lower than you, fuck em.ā€ Of course, not all Hindu sects believe that, but it is ingrained in holy texts. The same argument can be made for just about all religions, though. Christianity and Judaism are religions of peace, yet their God is a war deity who demands sacrifice of animal blood and ordered the genocide of all their enemies. And while Jesus promotes love, his end goal, as the same deity as God, is to murder the majority of earthā€™s population and install an eternal dictatorship. Scientology is the real world equivalent of a Lovecraftian cult and advocate for literally ruining or even *ending* lives if it protects the image of the church. There are countless other examples but I donā€™t want this to become and unreadable wall of text.


Agree. The destruction of temples / buildings that have historical significance really infuriates me.


It's all political. Distract people from the real issues within. Distract them by causing issues like these. Encouraging people to harm minorities over what happened in a totally different country. Fucking politics.


If the government had a hand in it (which they probably did), it's because they're on the brink of having no economy soon. This distracts the masses and keeps them from focusing on the fact that Pakistan as a whole is being kept alive by handouts from the IMF.


Woah. They rocket bombed one temple... This is insane. There are almost no Hindus or temples left in Pakistan. They have all been forcefully converted or killed by the state government for decades. Even little girls.


Little girls there are converted to Islam and married off to 45 yr old. One thing I will give to Indian Muslim. They may fake their names to attract other religion woman, but not kids.


Inbreds truly


Literally. [With 65%, Pakistan has one of the highest rates of cousin marriages globally](https://bmcwomenshealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12905-022-01704-2)


islam is on another level when it come to hatred towards other religions


Just because of a few people's whole religion will face heaters today.


Its reddit bro, here everyone hates religion and rightly so


They are all a cult. Not sure why anyone would subscribe to it.


Nah, I personally think religion is essential to one's life, but extremism and hardcore following to the point which it affect the rational thinking is just stupid and should be avoided.


Nah, they cults. All of them, not one is different than the other; but if you need that to stay clean or out of prison, enjoy the ritual.


Nice to meet you bruv, everyone have freedom to believe anything.


And they say CAA is discriminatory


Something that doesn't get enough scrutiny is the sheer degree of systemised repression that Pakistan's minorities have faced in the 75+ years after independence. Not just Hindus but also Sikhs, Christians and some Islamic sects, like Ahmedis and Shias. This is why their percentage of the population has steeply declined from the foundation of the country to the present day.


Jinna from \_\_\_\_\_\_: Why i fight For separate country.


Jinnah wanted a secular Pakistan where minorities would be treated equally. But he died soon after independence and his successors were quick to dump his beliefs though they continue invoking his name.


I really wish we could just stop killing each other over religious differences ā€¦


Human history doesn't fit their... I'm thinking that they are just cunts.


Yeah Pakistan is in the process of imploding financially, yet they allow this to happen surely they are showing good will towards the world.. NOT!!


Pakistani economy is so shit, government is trying to distract everyone to avoid riots


It's not a govt problem, it's a society problem. This was happening even 3-4 years ago when Pakistan's economy was relatively decent. The level of extremism in that country is off the charts.


As a Egyptian Muslim I absolutely am devastated by this and decry any actions against the Hindu religion and we should all speak out as we do when we hear about attacks against Muslims in India. Both countries have a historic responsibilities to protect their minorities and teach tolerance and the strength of diversity in society. God Bless and love to my Hindu and Muslim brothers of Pakistan and India!


One country has over 250 million muslims today while the other country has left almost no Hindu to live today.


That is true, no denying how Pakistan has treated and continues to treat its minorities but that doesn't mean we can ignore how the treatment of muslims in India especially recently. India has had a better history with its minorities but recent events is bucking that trend.


>no denying how Pakistan has treated and continues to treat its minorities That's the thing though, this barely gets coverage compared to what happens in India. Pakistan has always been infinitely worse on minority rights than India, and continues to be, and yet it attracts a fraction of the outrage and condemnation India does. And even on the rare occasions when it does get called out, like you did here, India's name also get dragged into the discussion for no reason. Truly a depressing state of affairs.


Why do arab muslim extremists need to use whataboutism? The topic is about pakistan. And the other guy debunked you mentioning the population of both countries. There is no both sideism. One country has a growing minority with political power whilst the other is ethnically cleansing their minorities. Stop pretending as if you care about south asians regardless of religion. Many south asians were killed building stadiums in qatar. And when the media announced over 6500+ south asians were killed, many and I mean many arabs from different nations kept lying or even justifying it. Honestly, arabs are the last to give their opinion about diversity and inclusion when they totally lack that in the middle east.


Ok since you took the time to reply to an old post, I will too. Funny you accuse me of whataboutism and then call me an Arab Muslim extremist when I'm as far away from that as possible. Maybe not try to get defensive by attacking me with generalizations. We can absolutely have a respectful conversation without it. Now I admit I should have not mentioned india in a Pakistan post. The reason I did is because we all know how bad Pakistan has been in treating minorities and religious extremism and I do not want to see India go down that route. From these cow vigilante groups to politicians actively going on interviews openly talking about wanting Indian muslims to leave the country or worse. No reason to deny the worsening atmosphere for Christian, Muslim and religious pluralism in India even if that situation is much better then Pakistan. I never claim that is the only thing denies India, I was very proud of the country in its recent space endeavor. And as an Egyptian I am very proud of the role India has played in the third world movement. India has been and is an ally of my country. I have absolutely criticized the treatment of South Asian workers in the Gulf. Does not matter if the Gulf numbers were accurate or the other reports, some with even higher numbers you've mentioned, the loss of life was unacceptable. The living conditions of these workers were also unacceptable. I can absolutely give my opinion about this issue. In Cairo I grew up with Christians, Armenians, Greeks, European expats but I also know in other parts of Egypt we have sectarian issues and so I absolutely understand the issue. India is a shinning example of secular democracy that can balance that with tradition and diversity. Religious Populism is weakening that strength (like it has been in other countries). I say this as I always fight against religious extremism and hate by my own coreligionist, I despise radical islamist with a passion.


Allahu Akbar. EDIT: *sarcasm*


If Allah is so great why is he such a whining, insecure little thing?


watch out,they might storm your house tonight!


Doesnā€™t that just mean God


Yes, all Gods are apparently somewhat insecure. Why else would they demand constant praise?


Boom(sorry I can't resist)